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Jamil Grammar School New Campus

Ibrahim market kamahan Lahore 03214000926

Class Play Group Test English Work Sheet no: 1 letters: a, b, c

Roll Total Obtained
no:_________ marks: 30 marks:_________
Q no 1: circle the letter ( b ) from the given. 10 Q no 2: Write the beginning letter of the given
picture. 10

a c b

b a c

c b a

Question no 3: Trace the letters. 10

a b c
a b c
a b c
a b c
Jamil Grammar School New Campus
Ibrahim market kamahan Lahore 03214000926

Class Play Group Test English Work Sheet no: 2 d, e, f

Roll Total Obtained
no:_________ marks: 30 marks:_________
Q no 1: circle the letter ( f ) from the given. 10 Q no 2: Write the beginning letter of the given
picture. 10

d e f

f d e

e f d

Question no 2: Trace the letters. 10

d e f
d e f
d e f
d e f
Jamil Grammar School New Campus
Ibrahim market kamahan Lahore 03214000926

Class Play Group Test English Work Sheet no: 3 letters:_________________

g, h, i
Roll Total Obtained
no:_________ marks: 30 marks:_________
Q no 1: circle the letter ( i ) from the given. 10 Q no 2: Write the beginning letter of the given
picture. 10

g i h

h g i

i h g

Question no 2: Trace the letters. 10

g h i
g h i
g h i
g h i
Jamil Grammar School New Campus
Ibrahim market kamahan Lahore 03214000926

Class Play Group Test English Work Sheet no: 4 letters:_________________

j, k, l
Roll Total Obtained
no:_________ marks: 30 marks:_________
Q no 1: circle the letter ( k ) from the given. 10 Q no 2: Write the beginning letter of the given
picture. 10

j l k

k j j

l k l

Question no 2: Trace the letters. 10

j k l
j k l
j k l
j k l
Jamil Grammar School New Campus
Ibrahim market kamahan Lahore 03214000926

Class Play Group Test English Work Sheet no: 5 m, n, o

Roll Total Obtained
no:_________ marks: 30 marks:_________
Q no 1: circle the letter ( n ) from the given. 10 Q no 2: Write the beginning letter of the given

picture. 10
m o n
m d a D
n m o
d B C D

Ao n B m a D
Question no 2: Trace the letters. 10

m n o
m n o
m n o
m n o
Jamil Grammar School New Campus
Ibrahim market kamahan Lahore 03214000926

Class Play Group Test English Work Sheet no: 6 p, q, r

Roll Total Obtained
no:_________ marks: 30 marks:_________
Question no 1: circle the letter ( ) from the given.
Q no 1: circle the letter ( p ) from the given. 10 Q no 2: Write the beginning letter of the given

picture. 10
p r q
m d a D
q p r
d B C D

Ar q B p a D
Question no 2: Trace the letters. 10

p q r
p q r
p q r
p q r
Jamil Grammar School New Campus
Ibrahim market kamahan Lahore 03214000926

Class Play Group Test English Work Sheet no: 7 s, t, u

Roll Total Obtained
no:_________ marks: 30 marks:_________
Question no 1: circle the letter ( ) from the given.
Q no 1: circle the letter ( s ) from the given. 10 Q no 2: Write the beginning letter of the given

picture. 10
s u t
m d a D
t s u
d B C D

Au t B s a D
Question no 2: Trace the letters. 10

s t u
s t u
s t u
s t u
Jamil Grammar School New Campus
Ibrahim market kamahan Lahore 03214000926

Class Play Group Test English Work Sheet no: 8 letters:_________________

v, w, x
Roll Total Obtained
no:_________ marks: 30 marks:_________
Question no 1: circle the letter ( ) from the given.
Q no 1: circle the letter ( x ) from the given. 10 Q no 2: Write the beginning letter of the given

picture. 10
v x w
m d a D
w v x
d B C D

Ax w B v a D
Question no 2: Trace the letters. 10

v w x
v w x
v w x
v w x
Jamil Grammar School New Campus
Ibrahim market kamahan Lahore 03214000926

Class Play Group Test English Work Sheet no: 9 letters:_________________

Yy, Zz
Roll Total Obtained
no:_________ marks: 30 marks:_________
Question no 1: circle the letter ( ) from the given.
Q no 1: circle the letter ( z ) from the given. 10 Q no 2: Write the beginning letter of the given

picture. 10
z z s
m d a D
z h z
d B C D

Am u B z a D
Question no 2: Trace the letters. 10

y z y z
y z y z
y z y z
y z y z

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