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Question1 1/1 point

A schedule performance index (SPI) of 0.76 means:

The project is over budget

The project is ahead of schedule

® | The project is only progressing at 76 percent of the rate originally planned.

The project is only progressing at 24 percent of the rate originally planned.

Question 2 1/1 point

On a project, if you have SPI of 0.72 and a CPI of 1.1, then at what stage is your project?

Ahead of schedule and under budget

Behind schedule and over budget

® | Behind schedule and under budget

Ahead of schedule and over budget

Question 3 1/1 point

BAC = $93,000, EV = $51,840, PV = $64,800, and AC = $43,200. What is the CPI?



e 12


Question4 1/1 point

Microsoft Project 2016 has backward compatibility with:

Microsoft Project Server 2012

® | Microsoft Project Server 2013

Microsoft Project Server 2014

All Previous Microsoft Project Server Versions making it a versatile software

Question 5 0/1 point

Jeff is a Project Manager on a project to construct a racing car. He is working diligently on the project but is kept on being bothered by the customer for
making changes. He is fed up with the client. However, he has made significant progress on the project and the racing car is shaping up. Now, the
customer comes to him and asks for a major change in the design. Jeff is baffled and worries that he will not be able to complete the project on time if this
change is made. So, he calls the project meeting, but to his great surprise, the customer demands that the project should be completed on time. Jeff says
to the customer that he will not have any project meeting until the customer shows respect to the process and behave in a reasonable manner. What
conflict resolution technique is Jeff using?


® Forcing


Question 6 0/1 point
Suppose you are a senior project manager on an industrial project. So far, you have spent $26,410 to conduct the reconnaissance and survey of the site,
prepare preliminary plans and drawings, and run Monte Carlo simulations. You are preparing to meet with senior management and your sponsor, but you
discover that there are new industrial bylaws that will cause you to spend an additional estimated $15,000 to revise your plans and drawings. You contact the
senior management and the sponsor of the project and trigger a change request. The change is approved by CCB and you adjust the cost performance
baseline. What variable represents the $26,410 in an Earned Value calculation?

® PV



Question7 0/1 point

A cost performance index (CPI) of 0.89 means:

We expect the total project to cost 89 percent more than planned.

When the project is completed we will have spent 89 percent more than planned

® | The project is only progressing at 89 percent of that planned.

The project is only getting 89 cents out of every dollar invested.

Question8 0/1 point

There is a project with CPI of 0.81 and TCPI=1.00001. This project is

Over budget and cannot recover

© Under budget

Over budget and early in its evolution

No inference can be made

Question 9 1/1 point

The file extension of PrimaVira is:




Question 10 1/1 point
Kelsey and James are two persons who deal with the scope changes on a software project at Western University. Whenever, a change
request is triggered by a stakeholder, they immediately and efficiently process that request through Perform Integrated Change Control
Process and get the decisions made from the CCB. Neil and Kevin are also on the team but they are bothered at the least unless their
involvement is badly needed. It looks that this arrangement is working fine. What stage of team development, this scenario


® | Performing



Question 11 1/1 point

PV = $56,733 and SPI = 1.2. What is EV?

© $68,079.60



Question 12 1/1 point

Which of the following is not the capability of Microsoft Project 20162

Assign resources to tasks

Track progress

® | Conduct Delphi Technique

Analyze workloads

Question 13 1/1 point

You are a Project Manager on an IT project. You found out that two members of your team are fighting on an issue. One is a Senior Programmer and very famous in the team
for his programming skills. The other programmer Is a Junior Programmer and fairly new in the team. You call them to your office and ask them why they are fighting. The
Senior Programmer explains his stance and mentions that the other person is a new to the team and he Is just creating fuss for nothing. You make a decision and then ask
the Junior Programmer to follow what Senior Programmer is asking him to do. You also mention that Senior Programmer's idea is a good one. What conflict resolution
technique are you using?


| Forcing


Question 14 0/1 point
Two of your project team members approach you with a conflict that they are having with each other over the technical approach to their work. One of the two people is
very aggressive and tries to get you to decide quickly. The other team member is quiet and seems less willing to talk about the issue. The conflict is starting to cause delays,
and you need to reach a decision quickly. What's the BEST approach to solving this conflict?

Tell the team members that they need to work this out quickly, because otherwise the project could face delays.

Tell the team members that they should take it to the technical functional manager.

Confront the issue, even though one team member is hesitant.

® Escalate the issue to your manager.

Question 15 0/1 point

Peter is a new doctor on the team and he seems introvert. Nobody has any idea what type of person he is. He does not talk to team
members frequently and freely. He remains to the point and very focussed. Some members in the team are trying to be polite, patient,
and calm so that things should work out. But some members are offended by his very dry style of working. They feel intimidated by his
outlook and are suspicious about him. What stage of team development, this scenario demonstrates?

© Storming




Question 16 1/1 point

Eric and Mark are both geotechnical engineers on a highway construction project. They disagree on the pavement design of highway
section and frequently get into shouting matches. Eric thinks that Mark's design is not adequate for the traffic load of the highway and
thus Mark’s estimate is an under-designed estimate. Mark thinks that Eric’s design is an over kill and thus Eric's estimate is an overly-
designed estimate. They are not talking to each other during team meetings and other office gatherings. What stage of team
development, this scenario demonstrates?

® Storming




Question 17 0/1 point

Diana is a Human Resources Manager on Oil Sands Project. She has been asked to hire one hundred people from Columbia. Sandra and
Renata are other two team members who are Human Resources Assistants. Diana knows that Sandra is very good at public relations
and has good inter-personal skills. So, she wants to assign the task of initial screening of the short-listed candidates. Also, Diana knows
that Renata is very good at sifting the documents. So, she wants to assign the task of reading the resumes/CVs and preparing the list of
shortlisted candidates. Diana discusses the plans with Sandra and Diana and both seem upbeat about the assignments. What stage of
team development, this scenario demonstrates?



© Forming

Question 18 1/1 point
As project manager, you scheduled a status update ing. During the ing, a problem developed, and the group di d it. The day after the meeting, Kevin
approached you and expressed his concern that the problem was not truly resolved. After thinking about it, he felt that his concerns were still valid and should be
addressed. What conflict resolution method was likely used at the status meeting?

® Smoothing




Question 19 1/1 point

Salman and Manpreet are arguing on their IT project. Salman says that they should identify all activities, establish their attributes, and estimate their durations before
making a network diagram; whereas Manpreet says that they should start preparing network diagram while they are still working on activities i.e. identification, attribution,
and estimation. You are the Project Manager and you ask them to stop fighting and come to your office for a meeting. You hear both persons’ arguments and decide that
once 50% of the work on activities is finished then they can start working on the network diagram. Both agree with your decision and go out of your office. What conflict
resolution technique are you using?



® Compromising


Question 20 0/1 point

EV = $7362 and PV = $8232. What's your SV?


®) $870



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