DP1 Biology Cell Tasksheet

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Name: Nayla Misra Subject: Biology DP: 1

Unit- A.2.2 Cells Filpclass

Time allocated: 40 minutes Date: August 1st 2023


Revise the following content as per the subject guide and answer the following questions
A2.2.1-calculating actual size and magnification.
A2.2.5-Prokaryote cell structure
A2.2.6-Eukaryote cell structure

1 Match the following prokaryotic cell parts to their function or characteristic.

Cell part Function or characteristic
_d___1 Cell wall (a) A structure in some bacteria allowing movement
__g__2 Plasma (b) A short hair-like structure that allows bacteria to stick to each other
membrane or to a surface
__F__3 Plasmid (c) A non-membrane-bound structure that produces proteins
_A___4 Flagellum (d) A protective outer layer composed of peptidoglycan
__C__5 Ribosomes (e) A region within the cytoplasm that contains the bacterial
__E__6 Nucleoid (f) Smaller rings of DNA in the cytoplasm that replicate independently
region of the bacterial chromosome
__B__7 Pili (g) A structure that controls the movement of materials in and out of the

2 Order the following from smallest to largest: molecules, bacteria, membranes, atoms, virus,
eukaryotic cell.

Atoms , Molecules ,membranes, virus , bacteria, eukaryotic cells

3 Match the eukaryotic cell organelle to its function or characteristic.
Organelle Function or characteristic
_A___1 Mitochondrion (a) Contains cristae and matrix
__F__2 Chloroplast (b) Occurs free in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic
_G___3 Golgi apparatus (c) Cell organelle with hydrolytic enzymes
__H__4 Endoplasmic (d) A membrane-enclosed organelle that can function as storage
_B___5 Ribosomes (e) Paired organelles from which microtubules originate in animal
__C__6 Lysosome (f) Surrounded by a double membrane and carries out
__E__7 Centrioles (g) Flattened sacs that function in exocytosis
__D__8 Vacuoles (h) A transporting structure that can exist in a rough or smooth

4. Magnification- Magnification is the number of times larger an image is compared with the real size of
the object. In order to calculate magnification, you need to divide the size of the image by the actual
size of the specimen.

a- Yesterday in biology lab you are looked at onion cells under a microscope and want to know how
big the cells really are. You measure the size of the cells as it appears and find out that is measures
20mm with a magnification of x450. Work out the actual size of the cell.

Magnification = size of image / actual size of specimen

Let a = the actual size of the cell (mm)

450 = 20 / a

450a = 20


a = 0.04

the actual size of the cell = 0.044 mm

b- What is the size of a virus head in the image , if its actual size is 6.8mm and it has been magnified

Let b = the size of the virus head in the image.

2500 = b/ 6.8

17000 = b

The size of a virus head in the image = 17000mm after it has been magnified x2500.

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