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1. Define power of convex lens. What is its unit?

A a. Reciprocal of focal length (f) of a lens is called power (P) of lens
b. Units-----Æ dioptre (D) and 1D 1m 1
2. What is dispersion? Which colour gets relatively more dispersed
A. a. A phenomenon of splitting of light into its component colours is called dispersion
b. violet
3. What is myopia? How can it be corrected?
A. a. The image of a distant object (Long distance) is formed infront of the retina of eye. This type of
defect is called Myopa. B. By using concave lens.
4. What is Hypermetropia? How can it be corrected?
A. a. The image of a near object is formed behind the retina of eye. This type of defect is called
Hypermetropia b. By using convex lens
5. Define focal length and radius of curvature of a concave lens.
A. a. Focal length: The minimum distance between principal focus and pole of concave lens.
b. Radius of curvature:- The minimum distance between centre of curvature and pole of concave lens.
6. What is Malu’s law?
A. Malu’s law:- I I o cos 2 T
Here: θ= angle between the pass-axes of two polarisers
IO= Intensity of light after passing through the 1st polarizer
I = Intensity of light after passing through the 2nd polarizer
7. Explain Brewster’s law?
A. Brewster’s law: The refractive index of a transparent media is equal to Tan value of angle of
polarization (Brewster’s angle or polarized angle)
i.e, P TaniB Here iB=Brewster angle.
8. What is the force on a charged particle of charge of moving with velocity ‘V’ in a uniform magnetic
field of induction B? when does it become maximum?
A a. Force,F=BqV Sinθ
Here, θ=Angle between B and V
b. If θ=900, sin 900=1 Then Fmax= BqV
9. What is the force ona conductor of length ‘l’ carrying current ‘i’ placed in a magnetic field of
induction B? When does it becomes maximum?
A a. Force, F=Bil sinθ Here, θ= Angle between B and i
b. If θ=900,sin 900=1 Then Fmax= Bil
10. Distinguish between ammeter and voltameter
Ammeter Voltameter
1. A device, which is used to measure the 1. A device, which is used to measure the”Voltage
“Electric current is called Ammeter. across any two points” is called voltameter.
2. It is connectd in “series” in an electric circuit 2. It is connecterd in “ Parallel” in an electric circuit.
11. How do you convert a moving coil Galvanometer (MCG) into an ammeter?
A. By connecting a “low shunt resistance” in “parallel” to MCG
12. How do you convert a moving coil Galvanometer into a voltmeter?
A. BY Connecting a “high “resistance” in “series” to MCG
13. Define Magnetic declination
A. It is an angle between, “The true geographic north and the north shown by a compass needle”
14. Define magnetic inclination or angle of dip.
A. The angle made by the Earths magnetic field (BE) with its horizontal component (HE) is called angle of

15. Classify the following materials with regard to magnetism

i. manganese ii. Cobalt iii Nickel
iv. Bismuth v. oxygen vi copper.
Dia Para Ferro

1. Bismuth 1. Oxygen 1. Cobalt

2. Copper 2. Manganese 2. Nickel
16. What is the phenomenon involved in the working of a transformer?
A. Mutual induction
17. What type of transformer is used in a 6V bed lamp?
A. Stepdown Transformer
18. What is transformer ratio?
E2 N 2
E1 N1
Here E1,E2 are emf or voltage in primary & secondary coils respectively.
N1,N2 are No of turns in primary & secondary coils respectively
19. What is the phase difference between AC emf and current in the following: Pure resistor pure inductor
and pure capacitor
A. 1. Pure resistor : Phase difference, I 0
2. Pure inductor : I , ‘i’ lags ‘E’
3. pure Capacitor: I , ‘i’ Leads ‘E’
20. A transformer converts 200V ac into 2000V ac calculate the number of turns in the secondary if the
primary has 10 turns
Ans : given E1 200V
E2 2000V
N1 10 turns
N2 ?
N2 E2
N1 E1
N2 N1
10 u 100 turns
21. What is the principle of production of electromagnetic waves ?
A. Accelerated charged particles can produce electromagnetic waves
22. Micro waves are used in Radars why ?
A. Because of shorter wave length
23. Give two uses of infrared rays ?
A. 1. Earth satellites 2. Military purpose 3. Electronic devices
24. What are the application of micro waves ?
A. 1. Microwave ovens 2. Aircraft navigation and automobiles
25. What are “cathode rays”?
A. Fast moving negatively charged particles
26. What is ‘Work function”?
A. The minimum energy required to eject an electron from photo metal
27. What is “Photo electric effect”?
A. Emission of electrons from photo metal, when suitable frequency of light incident on it
28. Write down Einstein’s photo electric equation.
A.. hX w0  mv 2 max
29. Write down deBroglie’s relation and explain the terms there in.
h h
A. According to debrogile , O
p mv
O Debrogile wave length m=mass
h = Planck’s constant v=velocity
30. State Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle ?
A. It is not possible to measure exactly both position and momentum at the same time
'x.'p t
31. An electron, and D particle and a proton have the same kinetic energy. Which of these particles has
the shortest de Broglie wavelength ?
A. According to debrogile , O
D - practice has shortest debroglie wave length

32. How is the de-Broglie wavelength associated with an electron accelerated through a potential
difference of 100 volts?
A. According to debrogile O nm
V=100 v O nm
O 0.1227nm
33. What is an n-type semiconductor ? What are the majority and minority charge carriers in it ?

A. A pure semi conductor doped with pentavalent impurity is called n-type semi-conductor
Majority charge carries are electrons and minority are holes
34. What are intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors?
A. Pure form of semi-conductor is called intrinsic
Impure form of semi-conductor is called extrinsic.
35. What is a p-type semiconductor? What are the majortity and minority charge carriers in it ?
A. A pure semi-conductor doped with trivalent impurity is called p-type semi-conductor
Majority charge carries are holes and minority are electrons
36. Draw the circuit symbols is for p-n-p and n-p-n transistors.
A. p-n-p Transistor n-p-n Transistor

37. Which gates are called universal gates?

A. NOR and NAND gates
38. Define modulation. Why is it necessary?
A. The process of combining low frequency signal with high frequency signal is called modulation
Necessity:-1. To avoid mixing of signals
2. Low frequency cannot transmitted to long distances

39. Mention the basic methods of modulation.

A. 1. Amplitude modulation (AM):- Amplitude of carrier wave varies with modulating signal with
constant frequency and phase of carrier wave
2. Frequency modulation (FM):-Frequency of carrier wave varies with modulating signal with
constant frequency and phase of carrier wave
3. Phase modulation (PM):- Phase of carrier wave varies with modulating signal with constant
amputude and frequency of carrier wave
40. Which type of communication is employed in Mobile Phones ?
A. space wave communication.

Ray optics and optical instruments :
1. Critical angle : It is the angle of incidence in the denser medium for which the angle of
refraction is maximum in the rarer medium.
Angle of refraction = 900
Explanation of total internal reflection :
When a ray of light tries to move from the denser medium into the rarer medium, the following
possibilities takes place.
a) Refracted ray moves away from the normal

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