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+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” for 10% discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

Dedicated to my students

My student, you are the best

Of all the rest
Promise me that you will never admit defeat
Your dedication is visible to everyone you meet
So soothing is your smile
I am amazed for a while

I have students everywhere

But like you are very rare
I can never forget you

Because you are like a drop of shining dew

From a leaf split apart
Your fond memories will always shine in my heart
Yes, I believe in you
Yes, I am proud of you
Don’t ever give up
Yes, you can and you will do it.

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+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
JANUARY MONTH 2023 cannot find any other way of
achieving something.
1. Striving: trying very hard to do
something or to make something 13. Grappled with: tried to deal with or
happen, especially for a long time or understand a difficult problem or
against difficulties. प्रयास करना subject.

2. Hurdles: problems or difficulties that 14. Accounted for: considered or

must be solved or dealt with before regarded in a specified way.
you can achieve something. अवरोध
15. Sparse: small in quantity or amount.
3. Hurried: done very or too quickly. कम
जल्दी में हुआ
16. Holistic: dealing with or treating the
4. Integrity: the quality of being whole whole of something or someone and
and complete. संपर्ण
ू ता not just a part. समग्रतात्मक

5. Scepticism: a general feeling of 17. Afoot: happening, or being planned

doubt about something; a feeling or prepared. जारी
that you are not likely to believe
something. संदेहवाद 18. Convergence: the fact that two or
more things, ideas, etc. become
6. Unprecedented: never having similar or come together. संमिलन
happened or existed in the past.
अभत 19. Dynamic: continuously changing or
ू पर्व

developing. गतिशील
7. Ramifications: the possible results of
a decision or action. असर 20. Animate: to make something more
lively or full of energy. उत्तेजित करना
8. Prevailing: existing in a particular
place or at a particular time. प्रचलित 21. Vanguards: groups of people who
lead the development of new ideas,
9. Perceptible: that can be seen, heard, or leading positions in the
felt, tasted, smelled, or noticed. development of something. अग्र-दल
22. Buoyancy: the quality of being
Phrasal verbs successful or able to make a profit.
10. Turn up: to arrive or appear
somewhere. 23. Fervour: the state of being
emotionally aroused and worked up.
11. Kick in: to start to have an effect or जोश
to happen.
24. Tenable: able to be defended
12. Resort to: to do something that you successfully or held for a particular
do not want to do because you period of time. समर्थनीय

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25. Tanked: quickly went down in price, 36. Concede: to admit that you have lost
value, etc., or suddenly became less in a competition. स्वीकार करना
successful. नीचे जाना
37. Polarised: caused something,
26. Curating: organising and overseeing especially something that contained
items in a collection or exhibit. different people or opinions, to
आयोजित करना divide into two completely opposing
groups. दो गुटों में बाँटना
27. Complacency: a feeling of calm
satisfaction with your own abilities or 38. Arbitrary: based on a desire or idea
situation that prevents you from or chance rather than reason. मनमाना
trying harder. आत्मसंतोष
39. Dissent: a strong difference of
28. Slackening: becoming or making opinion on a particular subject,
something slower or less active. especially about an official
शिथिल करना suggestion or plan or a popular
belief. मतभेद
29. Deferential: polite and showing
respect. सविनय Phrasal verbs

30. Defer: to delay something until a 40. Brushed aside: refused to consider
later time; to postpone. टालना something seriously because you
feel that it is not important.
31. Palpably: in a way that is so obvious
that it can easily be seen or known, 41. Botched up: spoilt something by
or (of a feeling) in a way that is so doing it badly.
strong that it seems as if it can be
physically felt. स्पष्ट रूप से Idiom

32. Entailed: made something necessary, 42. Made light of: acted as if something
or involved something. आवश्यक बना was not serious, esp. when it was
दे ना serious.

33. Nexus: an important connection 43. Spanning: extending across (a

between the parts of a system or a period of time or a range of
group of things. संधि subjects). फैला होना

34. Intrusive: affecting someone in a way 44. Traction: the extent to which an idea,
that annoys them and makes them a product, etc. becomes popular or
feel uncomfortable. अंतर्वेधी gains support. बहुप्रियता

35. Impeached: charged an important 45. Heartening: making you feel happier
public figure with a serious crime. and more positive. उत्साहवर्धक
दोषी ठहराना 46. Undergrid: to support something by
forming a strong base for it. सदृ
ु ढ़

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+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
47. Augury: a sign of what might happen about somebody else doing
in the future. भविष्यवाणी something, rather than by doing it
yourself. परोक्ष तौर पर
48. Ambiguous: having or expressing
more than one possible meaning, 60. Apprehension: worry about the
sometimes intentionally. अनेकार्थी future, or a fear that something
unpleasant is going to happen. आशंका
49. Tenuous: so weak or uncertain that it
hardly exists. कमज़ोर 61. Tort: an action that is wrong but can
be dealt with in a civil court rather
50. Pondering: thinking carefully about than a criminal court. अपकृत्‍य
something, especially for a
noticeable length of time. विचार करना 62. Embrace: to accept something
enthusiastically. स्वीकार करना
51. Hinder: to make it difficult for
somebody to do something or for 63. Entailed: made something necessary,
something to happen. बाधा पहुंचाना or involved something. आवश्यक बना
दे ना
52. Imperatives: some duties that are
essential and urgent. आदे शक 64. Mainstay: the most important part of
something, providing support for
Phrasal verbs everything else. आधार
53. Staved off: prevented something bad 65. Vicarious: experienced as a result of
from affecting you for a period of watching, listening to, or reading
time; delayed something. about the activities of other people,
54. Grappled with: trying to deal with or rather than by doing the activities
understand a difficult problem or yourself. प्रतिनिधिक
subject. Phrasal verbs
Idioms 66. Spelt out: explained something in
55. Can ill-afford: should definitely not detail.
do something. 67. Carve out: to create or obtain
56. Drop their guard: to stop being something that helps you by skillful
careful to avoid danger or difficulty. activities.

57. Restraint: calm and controlled 68. Signed off: concluded an activity.
behaviour. संयम 69. Insulated: protected from unpleasant
58. Intemperate: showing anger or influences or experiences. अलग करना
violence that is too extreme and not 70. Portend: to be a sign or warning of
well controlled. असंयमी something that is going to happen in
59. Vicariously: by watching or reading the future, especially something bad

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or unpleasant. पर्वा
ू भास या पर्व
ू सचू ना दे ना 82. Drifting away: gradually becoming
distant from someone after a period
71. Grim: unpleasant and depressing. of closeness.
83. Intervention: the action of becoming
72. Condemned: criticised something or intentionally involved in a difficult
someone strongly, usually for moral situation, in order to improve it or
reasons. निंदा करना prevent it from getting worse. हस्तक्षेप
73. High-handedness: the use of power 84. Squatting: living in an empty building
or authority in a way that is more or area of land without the
forceful than is needed, without permission of the owner. अवैध रूप से
thinking about the feelings or wishes रहना
of other people. ज्यादती
85. Slew: a large amount or number.
74. Shunned: avoided something. दरू रहना अधिक संख्या
75. Respite: a short break or escape 86. Entailed: made something necessary,
from something difficult or or involved something. आवश्यक बना
unpleasant. विराम दे ना
76. Mounting: gradually increasing. बढ़ता 87. Underscored: emphasised or showed
हुआ that something is important or true.
77. Bankrolled: supported a person or बल दे ना
activity financially. प्रायोजित करना 88. Escheat: the right of a government to
78. Swathes: long strips or large areas take ownership of estate assets or
especially of land. पट्टी unclaimed property in the event there
are no heirs or beneficiaries.
79. Disrupted: prevented something, राजसात्करण
especially a system, process, or
event, from continuing as usual or as 89. Encroach: to take control or
expected. अस्त-व्यस्त करना possession of something in a
gradual way and often without being
80. Ground reality: used to refer to the noticed. अतिक्रमण करना
reality of the situation (It is not a
standard English expression). 90. Purported: that has been stated to be
true or to have happened, although
81. Truce: a short interruption in a war or this may not be the case. कथित
argument, or an agreement to stop
fighting or arguing for a period of 91. Overtones: attitudes or emotions that
time. यद्
ु धविराम are suggested and are not expressed
in a direct way. अधिस्वर
Phrasal verb
92. Clamour: a loud complaint about

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something or a demand for influence of something. परिधि
something. कोलाहल
104. Upholding: supporting something
93. Engulfed: affected that you think is right and making
somebody/something very strongly. sure that it continues to exist. समर्थन
प्रभावित करना करना

Phrasal verb 105. Clutch: a small group of people or

things. समह

94. Lay down: to officially establish a
rule, or to officially say how 106. Contend: to compete in order to
something should be done. win something. प्रतिस्पर्धा में होना

Idioms 107. Sensitise: to make someone

familiar with something such as a
95. Gained ground: made progress; problem or bad situation. संवेदनशील
became stronger or more popular. बनाना
96. In the wake of: If something happens Phrasal verb
in the wake of something else, it
happens after and often because of 108. Impinge upon: to have an effect
it. on something, often causing
problems by limiting it in some way.
97. Underpin: to give support, strength,
or a basic structure to something. 109. Unsavoury: unpleasant, or
सहारा दे ना morally offensive. घणि
ृ त

98. Enumeration: the act of naming 110. Yielded: supplied or produced

things separately, one by one. गणना something positive such as a profit,
an amount of food or information.
99. Imperative: very important and उत्पन्न करना
needing immediate attention or
action. आत्यावश्यक 111. Indiscreet: not careful about what
you say or do, especially when you
100. Disparities: lack of equality or reveal something secret or
similarity, especially in a way that is something that could be
not fair. असमानता embarrassing or offensive.
101. Apportioning: dividing something असावधानीपर्ण

among people; giving a share of 112. Portended: was a sign or warning
something to somebody. आवंटन of something that is going to happen
102. Alacrity: great willingness, in the future, especially something
eagerness or enthusiasm. तत्परता bad or unpleasant. पर्वा
ू भास या पर्व
ू सचू ना
दे ना
103. Ambit: the range or limits of the

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+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
113. Evoked: brought a feeling, a 124. Spree: a short period of doing
memory or an image into your mind. something in an extreme way without
उत्पन्न करना control. दौरा

114. Riposte: a quick and clever 125. Heed: to pay attention to

remark, often made in answer to a something, especially advice or a
criticism. जवाबी प्रहार warning. ध्यान

115. Impromptu: done or said without 126. Subsidence: the process by

earlier planning or preparation. which land or buildings sink to a
ू चिंतित कार्य या रचना lower level. धसकन

116. Affront: a remark or action 127. Emblematic: representing a

intended to insult or offend particular person, group, or idea.
someone. अपमान प्रतीकात्मक

117. Penchant: a liking for or a habit of 128. Plunder: to steal or remove

doing something, esp. something something precious from something,
that other people might not like. in a way that does not consider
झकु ाव moral laws or is more severe than it
needs to be. लटू
118. Heedful: paying careful attention
to something or someone. सावधान 129. Impediment: something that
makes progress or movement
119. Overhaul: to completely change a difficult or impossible. बाधा
system so that it works more
effectively. कायापलट 130. Bagged: won sth, especially a
prize. जीतना
120. Incumbents: persons who holds a
particular elected position at the 131. Blend: a mixture of different
present time. पदाधिकारी things or styles. मिश्रण

121. Overlordship: being in a position 132. Bolster: to support something, or

of supremacy or domination over make something stronger. सहारा दे ना
others. आधिपत्य
Phrasal verb
122. Assent: official agreement to or
approval of an idea, plan, or request. 133. Called on: officially asked
अनम someone to do something.
ु ति

123. Reckless: showing a lack of care Idiom

about risks or danger, and acting 134. Washing its hands: intentionally
without thinking about the results of stop being involved in it or
your actions. लापरवाह connected with it in any way.

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135. Further: to develop or make 145. Disarray: a lack of order or
progress in something. आगे बढ़ाना organization in a situation or a place.
136. Alleged: said that someone has
done something illegal or wrong 146. Impasse: a difficult situation in
without giving proof. बिना सबत
ू के which no progress can be made
आरोप लगाना because the people involved cannot
agree what to do. गतिरोध
137. Interventions: the actions of
becoming intentionally involved in a Phrasal verb
difficult situation, in order to improve
it or prevent it from getting worse. 147. Preside over: to be in charge of a
हस्तक्षेप meeting, trial, etc. or during an
important event.
138. Stalemate: a disagreement or a
situation in a competition in which Idiom
neither side is able to win or make 148. Have a hand in: to be involved
any progress. गतिरोध with something or have influence on
139. Ambiguity: the fact of something something.
having more than one possible 149. Derogation: the act of talking
meaning and therefore possibly about or treating someone in a way
causing confusion. अस्पष्टता that shows you do not respect him,
140. Dispelled: removed fears, doubts, her, or it. अनादर
or false ideas, usually by proving 150. Usurped: took power or control of
them wrong or unnecessary. दरू करना something by force or without the
141. Threshold: the level or point at right to do so. हड़पना
which you start to experience 151. Dispensation: a political or
something, or at which something religious system that operates in a
starts to happen. दहलीज़ country at a particular time.व्यवस्था
142. Barbarity: behaviour that is very 152. Tirade: an angry speech, often
cruel, or a very cruel act. क्रूरता lasting a long time, that expresses
143. Usurper: a person who usurps strong disapproval. निंदा
(takes control of) something, 153. Undermines: to make someone
especially a position of power, less confident, less powerful, or less
without having the right. हड़पनेवाला likely to succeed, or to make
144. Ousted: forced someone to leave something weaker, often gradually.
a position of power, job, place, or दर्ब
ु ल करना
competition. बेदख़ल 154. Invoked: to use a law in order to

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achieve something, or to mention shock, injury, etc. प्रत्यास्थी
something in order to explain
something or to support your 166. Shunned: avoided or refused to
opinion or action. उपयोग करना accept someone or something.
अस्वीकार करना
155. Transient: lasting for only a short
time; temporary. क्षणिक 167. Forge: to make or produce
something, especially with some
156. Perennially: in a way that lasts a difficulty. बनाना
very long time, or happens
repeatedly or all the time. निरं तर 168. Amplify: to increase the size or
effect of something. विस्तत
ृ करना
157. Unprecedented: never having
happened or existed in the past. 169. Earmark: to keep or intend
अभत something for a particular purpose.
ू पर्व

निर्धारित करना
158. Unsavoury: unpleasant, or
morally offensive. घणि 170. Foster: to encourage something
ृ त
to develop. प्रोत्साहित करना
159. Deportation: the action of forcing
someone to leave a country, 171. Reliance: the state of needing or
especially someone who has no legal depending on something or someone
right to be there or who has broken in order to be able to do something.
the law. निर्वासन आश्रय

160. Marred: spoilt something, making 172. Lynchpin: a person or thing that
it less good or less enjoyable. खराब is the most important part of an
करना organization, a plan, etc., because
everything else depends on them or
161. Unshackled: free from it. सर्वाधिक महत्वपर्ण
ू व्यक्ति
restrictions. बंधनमक्
ु त
173. Welter: a large and especially
Phrasal verb badly organized number of things.
162. Striking down: deciding that a law
is illegal and should not apply. 174. In lieu of: instead of. बदले में

163. Envision: to imagine or expect 175. Ring-fence: to protect something

something to happen, appear, etc. in by putting limits on it so that it can
a particular way. कल्पना करना only be used by particular people or
for a particular purpose.
164. Expediting: making something
happen more quickly. जल्दी करना Idioms

165. Resilient: able to recover quickly 176. In the wake of: happening after an
after something unpleasant such as event or as a result of it.

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177. Level the field: to make a situation 188. Idiosyncratic: having strange or
fair for everyone. unusual habits, ways of behaving, or
features. विशेष प्रकृति का
178. Designation: the action of
choosing a person or thing for a 189. Clamour: a loud complaint about
particular purpose, or of giving them something or a demand for
or it a particular status. नियक्ति
ु something. कोलाहल

179. Relent: to do something you had Phrasal verb

refused to do before, or to allow
someone to do something that you 190. Gearing up: preparing for
had refused to allow before. मान जाना something that you have to do, or to
prepare someone else for something.
180. Outcry: a strong expression of
anger and disapproval about Idiom
something, made by a group of 191. Making a mockery: to make
people or by the public. कड़ा विरोध something seem stupid or without
181. Conducive: providing the right value.
conditions for something to happen 192. Salvo: the first part of a speech or
or exist. अनक
ु ूल the first in a series of actions
182. Embargo: an order to temporarily intended to get a particular result. झड़
stop something, especially trading or 193. Fulminations: strong criticism or
giving information. प्रतिबंध protests. निंदा
183. Sisyphean: used to describe a 194. Veiled: (of statements, opinions,
task that can never be completed. or intentions) not direct or clearly
184. Mired: to be involved in a difficult expressed. अप्रत्यक्ष
situation, especially for a long period 195. Accommodative: willing to give
of time. फँसा रहना someone what they want or need, or
185. Fortuitous: happening by chance, to change in order to suit them. उदार
especially a lucky chance that brings 196. Incentivise: to encourage
a good result. आकस्मिक somebody to behave in a particular
186. Amiable: pleasant and friendly. way by offering them a reward.
सौम्य प्रलोभन

187. Harbinger: a person or thing that 197. Elusive: difficult to describe, find,
shows that something is going to achieve, or remember. हाथ न आनेवाला
happen soon, especially something 198. Plight: an unpleasant condition,
bad. अग्र-दत
ू especially a serious, sad, or difficult
one. दर्दु शा

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199. Proponents: people who speak 211. Free pass: complete freedom to
publicly in support of a particular do something. अपनी इच्छानस
ु ार करने की
idea or plan of action. समर्थक स्वतंत्रता

200. Valour: great courage. वीरता 212. Ambit: the range or limits of the
influence of something. परिधि
201. Stringent: very strict and that
must be obeyed. कठोर 213. Debunked: showed that an idea, a
belief, etc. is false; showed that
202. Impregnable: so strongly built something is not as good as people
that it cannot be entered by force. think it is. परदाफ़ाश करना
214. Throttle: to prevent something
203. Overlook: to fail to notice or from succeeding. दबाना
consider something or someone.
अनदे खी करना 215. Complacent: feeling so satisfied
with your own abilities or situation
Phrasal verbs that you feel you do not need to try
204. Striking down: deciding that a law any harder. आत्मसंतष्ु ट
or rule is illegal and should be 216. Unprecedented: never having
ignored. happened or existed in the past.
205. Impinge on: to have an effect on अभतू पर्व

something, often causing problems 217. Cadres: small groups of trained
by limiting it in some way. people who form the basic unit of a
206. Rein in: to limit or control military, political, or business
someone or something. organisation. कैडर

207. Arbiter: someone who makes a 218. Alluding: mentioning someone or

judgment, solves an argument, or something in a brief or indirect way.
decides what will be done. न्यायकर्त्ता संकेत करना

208. Disseminate: to spread or give 219. Glee: happiness, excitement, or

out something, especially news, pleasure. उल्लास
information, ideas, etc., to a lot of 220. Snooping: looking around a place
people. प्रसार करना secretly, in order to discover things
209. Absurdity: the fact of being or find out information about
extremely silly and not logical and someone or something. ताक-झांक
sensible. मर्ख
ू ता Idiom
210. Delusional: having ideas or 221. Have an axe to grind: To have a
beliefs that are not based in reality. personal motivation or selfish reason

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for saying or doing something. 233. Silver lining: an advantage that
comes from a difficult or unpleasant
222. Faltering: losing strength or situation.
purpose and stopping, or almost
stopping. लड़खड़ाता हुआ 234. Reiterated: repeated something
that you had already said, especially
223. Protectionism: the principle or to emphasize it. दोहराना
practice of protecting a country’s
own industry by taxing foreign 235. Elevate: to give
goods. संरक्षणवाद somebody/something a higher
position or rank, often more
224. Stuttering: working or happening important than they deserve. तरक्की
in a way that is not smooth or दे ना
regular. स्र्क स्र्ककर चलना
236. Contestation: the act of arguing
225. Muddling: a messy and confused or disagreeing about something.
state. अव्यवस्था प्रतिवाद
226. Tumultuous: very loud, or full of 237. Untenable: not able to be
confusion, change, or uncertainty. supported or defended against
अशांत criticism, or no longer able to
227. Gauge: to make a judgment about continue. अस्थिर, असमर्थनीय
something, especially people's 238. Stall: to delay taking action or
feelings or attitudes. आँकना avoid giving an answer in order to
228. Tanked: quickly went down in have more time to make a decision or
price, value, etc., or suddenly get an advantage. टालना
became less successful. कम सफल 239. Replete: filled with something;
होना with a full supply of something. भरा
229. Slacken: to (cause to) become हुआ
slower or less active. धीमा पड़ जाना 240. Appalling: shocking and very bad.
230. Warranted: made something भयावह
necessary or appropriate in a 241. Dynamics: forces or processes
particular situation. प्रमाणिक ठहराना that produce change inside a group
231. Chugging: moving steadily. स्थिर or system. गतिकी
रूप से आगे बढ़ना 242. Indigenous: used to refer to, or
Idioms relating to, the people who originally
lived in a place, rather than people
232. Calm nerves: to make who moved there from somewhere
one/someone calm or calmer. else . स्वदे शी

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243. Apex: the highest point or most 255. Vowed: made a determined
successful part of something. सर्वोच्च decision or promised to do
something. प्रतिज्ञा करना
Phrasal verbs
256. Prospects: possibilities that
244. Smacks of: to show or seem to something good might happen in the
have a characteristic or quality. future. संभावना
245. Impinge on: to have an effect on 257. Prompted: made somebody
something, often causing problems decide to do something; caused
by limiting it in some way. something to happen. प्रोत्साहित करना
246. Think tank: a group of experts 258. Cynicism: the belief that people
who are brought together to develop are only interested in themselves and
ideas and give advice on a particular are not sincere. कुटिलता
subject. विशेषज्ञ दल
259. Turmoil: a state of extreme
247. Mirrored: represented something confusion, uncertainty, or lack of
honestly. दर्शाना order. उथल-पथ
ु ल
248. Indicted: officially charged 260. Imminent: likely to happen very
somebody with a crime. दोष लगाना soon. निकटस्थ
249. Slumped: fell suddenly and by a 261. Austerity: difficult economic
large amount. भारी गिरावट आना conditions created by government
250. Setback: something that happens policies aimed at cutting public
that causes a delay or prevents a spending. कठिनता
process from continuing. बाधा 262. Conducive: providing the right
251. Pragmatism: the quality of dealing conditions for something to happen
with a problem in a sensible way that or exist. अनक
ु ूल
suits the conditions that really exist,
rather than following fixed theories,
ideas, or rules. व्यावहारिकता 263. Snub: to insult someone by not
giving them any attention or treating
252. Rooted: developing from or being them as if they are not important.
strongly influenced by something. अनादर करना
264. Cordial: friendly, but formal and
253. Rattled: worried someone or polite. सौहार्दपर्ण

made someone nervous. घबड़ा दे ना
265. Euphoria: a feeling of extreme
254. Relinquish: to give up something happiness or confidence. उत्साह
such as a responsibility or claim.
त्यागना 266. Prerogative: something that

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certain people are able or allowed to 277. Rich: used to say that a criticism
do or have, but is not possible or someone makes is surprising and
allowed for everyone. विशेषाधिकार not reasonable, because they have
the same fault.
267. Porous: capable of being
penetrated. झरझरा 278. Assailing: attacking someone
violently or criticising someone
268. Telling: having a strong or strongly. टूट पड़ना
important effect; effective. अर्थपर्ण

279. Impediment: something that
269. Woes: big problems or troubles. makes progress or movement
संकट difficult or impossible. बाधा
Idioms: 280. Stifling: making you feel trapped
270. Clutching at straws: to be willing and unable to do or say what you
to try anything to improve a difficult want. दमघोंटू
or unsatisfactory situation, even if it 281. Ire: anger. क्रोध
has little chance of success
282. Contemplated: thought about
271. Crossing of swords: arguing with whether you should do something, or
someone. how you should do something. विचार
272. Warrants: to make a particular करना
action necessary or correct, or to be 283. Underbelly: the weakest or most
a reason to do something. अधिकार दे ना unpleasant part of something. नाजक

273. Inherently: in a way that exists as भाग
a natural or basic part of something. 284. Quest: a long search for
अंतर्निहित रूप से something that is difficult to find, or
274. Rebutting: arguing that a an attempt to achieve something
statement or claim is not true. गलत difficult. खोज
साबित करना Idiom
275. Vetted: examined something or 285. Dug their heels in: refused to
someone carefully to make certain change your plans or ideas,
that they were acceptable or suitable. especially when someone was trying
जाँचना to persuade you to do so.
276. Antecedents: someone or 286. Portentous: too serious and
something existing or happening trying to be very important. आडंबरपर्ण

before, especially as the cause or
origin of something existing or 287. Overkill: much more of something
happening later. पर्व
ू वर्ती than is needed or suitable. अत्यधिक

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288. Pogrom: an act of organized cruel 298. Hold water: appear to be valid,
behaviour or killing that is done to a sound, or reasonable.
large group of people because of
their race or religion. सामहि 299. Fall on deaf ears: be ignored or
ू क हत्या
289. Rendition: an interpretation,
performance, or translation. अनव 300. Adherence: the fact of behaving
ु ाद
according to a particular rule, etc., or
290. Pretext: a pretended reason for of following a particular set of
doing something that is used to hide beliefs, or a fixed way of doing
the real reason. बहाना something. अनप ु ालन

291. Arbitrarily: in a way that is based 301. Emblematic: representing a

on chance rather than being planned particular person, group, or idea.
or based on reason. मनमाने ढं ग से प्रतीकात्मक

292. Callousness: behaviour that is 302. Etched: fixed permanently or

unkind, cruel, and without sympathy implanted firmly. उकेरना
or feeling for other people. रूखापन
303. Amalgamation: the act of putting
293. Lament: an expression of two or more things together so that
sadness over something, or a they form one; the new thing that is
complaint. विलाप formed in this way. समामेलन

294. Stalled: delayed taking action or 304. Debilitating: making someone or

avoided giving an answer in order to something physically weak. कमजोरी
have more time to make a decision or लाने वाली
get an advantage. टालना
305. Shackle: to put many limits on
295. Invoked: used a law in order to what someone can do. रोकना
achieve something, or to mentioned
something in order to explain 306. Vigil: a watch or a period of
something or to support your watchful attention maintained at
opinion or action. की सहायता लेना night or at other times. चौकसी

Phrasal verbs 307. Sanctity: the state of being very

important and worth protecting.
296. Weighed in: gave an opinion or पवित्रता
entered a discussion or argument.
308. Prudence: a sensible and careful
297. Strike down: to decide that a law attitude when you make judgements
or rule is illegal and should be and decisions; behaviour that avoids
ignored. unnecessary risks. विवेक

Idioms 309. Unenviable: difficult or

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unpleasant; that you would not want action. एहतियाती
to have. अस्पह
ृ णीय
322. Allaying: make something,
310. Congregating: coming together in especially a feeling, less strong. कम
a group. एकत्रित होना करना

311. Emergent: starting to exist or to 323. Contagion: the fact of economic

become known. अस्तित्व में आने वाला problems in one country, region, etc.
spreading to another. स्पर्श संचार
312. Flounder: to have a lot of
problems and to be in danger of 324. Downplay: to make something
failing completely. लड़खड़ाना seem less important or not as bad as
it really is. कम करके बताना
313. Earmarked: kept or intended
something for a particular purpose. 325. Reposed: placed (trust, hope,
निर्धारित करना confidence, etc.) in someone or
something. भरोसा रखना
314. Vociferous: expressing your
opinions or feelings in a loud and 326. Preemptively: as a measure taken
confident way. मखु र against something anticipated or
feared; preventively.
315. Infuse: filled someone or
something with an emotion or 327. Egregious: extremely bad in a
quality. भर दे ना way that is very noticeable. अत्यंत बरु ा

316. Gyrations: the act of repeatedly Phrasal verb

and quickly changing. घमु ाव
328. Stepped up: increased the size,
317. Induced: caused something to amount, or speed of a process that is
happen. कारण होना intended to achieve something.

318. Rout: a situation in which Idiom

somebody is defeated easily and
completely in a battle or competition. 329. In the wake of: following
पराजय (someone or something), especially
as a consequence.
319. Rubbished: criticised
somebody/something severely or 330. Intransigence: the quality of
treated them as though they were of refusing to change your opinions or
no value. खारिज किया behaviour. हठ

320. Mala fide: illegal or dishonest. 331. Persisted: tried to do or continued

बदनीयत doing something in a determined but
often unreasonable way. क़ायम रहना
321. Chary: uncertain and frightened
to take risks, or unwilling to take 332. Hampering: slowing the

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movement, progress, or action of Idiom
someone or something. बाधा डालना
344. Strike a chord: To elicit or trigger
333. Adjudication: the act of judging a a strong emotional response to
case, competition, or argument, or of something; to be very poignant.
making a formal decision about
something. न्यायिक निर्णय

334. Perilous: extremely dangerous. FEBRUARY MONTH 2023

खतरनाक 345. Harboured: protected someone or
335. Riparian: relating to or living or something bad, especially by hiding
located on the bank of a natural that person or thing when the police
watercourse (such as a river) or were looking for him, her, or it. पनाह
sometimes of a lake or a tidewater. दे ना
तटवर्ती 346. Emboldened: made someone
336. Rhetoric: speech or writing that is brave or willing to take more risks.
intended to influence people, but that साहसी बनाना
is not completely honest or sincere. 347. Stronghold: a building or position
वक्रपटुता that is strongly defended. गढ़
337. Flank: the side of something. पार्श्व 348. Dynamics: forces or processes
भाग that produce change inside a group
338. Exemplified: being or giving a or system. गतिकी
typical example of something. उदाहरण 349. Truce: a short interruption in a
होना war or argument, or an agreement to
339. Arduous: difficult and tiring, or stop fighting or arguing for a period
needing a great deal of effort. कठिन of time. यद्
ु धविराम संधि

340. Beleaguered: having a lot of 350. Relentless: continuing in a

problems or difficulties. घेरा हुआ determined way without any
interruption. अनवरत
341. Rudimentary: only basic, and not
deep or detailed. मौलिक Resilience: the ability of people or
things to recover quickly after
Phrasal verbs something unpleasant, such as
shock, injury, etc. तन्यकता
342. Prevail over: to persuade
someone to do something that they 351. Innate: being an essential part of
do not want to do. the character of a person or thing.
343. Deliberate on: think about or
discuss something carefully. 352. Grit: the courage and strength of

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mind that makes it possible for a particular action or makes it more
somebody to continue doing energetic or effective प्रोत्साहन
something difficult or unpleasant.
दृढ़ता 363. Fathom: to understand someone
or why someone acts as they do पर्ण

353. Pedigree: the history and रूप से समझना
achievements of something or
someone, especially when they are 364. Vigour: strength, energy, or
good and should be admired. व्यत्ु पत्ति enthusiasm ताक़त

354. Cohesive: united and working 365. Ravages: the destruction caused
together effectively. संसक्तिशील by something विनाश

355. Impeccably: in a way that is 366. Fallout: the unpleasant results or

perfect, with no problems or bad effects of an action or event नतीजा
parts. निप्‍
पाप रूप से 367. Leeway: freedom to act within
Phrasal verb particular limits छूट

356. Cracked down on: took strong 368. Laudable: deserving to be

action to stop something. praised or admired, even if not really
successful प्रशंसनीय
369. Bulwark: something that protects
357. Paradigm shift: a complete and you from dangerous or unpleasant
important change in the usual or situations रक्षण-साधन
accepted way of doing or thinking
about somebody or something. Phrasal verbs

358. Raft: a large number or range; a 370. Pore over: to look at and study
lot ज़्यादा something, usually a book or
document, carefully.
359. Affluent: having a lot of money or
possessions; rich धनी 371. Spelt out: explained something in
360. Rationalisation: the process of
making a company, way of working, 372. Appease: to make somebody
etc. more effective, usually by calmer or less angry by giving them
combining or stopping particular what they want. शांत करना
activitie यक्ति
ु करण़ 373. Mired: to be involved in a difficult
361. Formalisation: the act of giving situation, especially for a long period
something a fixed structure or form of time. कठिनाइयों से घिरे रहना
by introducing rules नियमनिष्ठ 374. Whimsy: a way of thinking or
362. Impetus: a force that encourages behaving or a style of doing

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something that is unusual and not embarrassing position; also, unable
serious, in a way that is either funny to solve a problem.
or annoying. सनक
386. Propel: to force somebody to
375. Incrementally: in regular move in a particular direction or to
increases, amounts or stages. वद्
ृ धि के get into a particular situation. आगे को
आधार पर बढ़ाना

376. Jubilation: a feeling of great 387. Exponentially: in a way that

happiness, especially because of a becomes faster and faster. तेजी से
success. उल्लास
388. Transition: the process of
377. Restive: unwilling to be controlled changing, or a change from one form
or be patient. अशांत or condition to another. परिवर्तन

378. Tussle: to have difficult 389. Reliance: the state of needing or

disagreements or strong arguments. depending on something or someone
कशमकश in order to be able to do something.
379. Assuage: to make unpleasant
feelings less strong. शांत करना 390. Imperative: something that needs
to be done or given attention
Phrasal verbs immediately. अनिवार्य
380. Scale up: to increase something 391. Leverage: to use something that
in size, amount, or production. you already have in order to achieve
381. Boiled over: changed into something new or better. फ़ायदा उठाना
something more dangerous or 392. Catalyse: to make something
violent. start happening or start being
Idioms successful. उत्प्रेरण करना

382. A rule of thumb: a method of 393. Poised: ready to move, or

judging a situation or condition that prepared and waiting for something
is not exact but is based on to happen. तैयार
experience. 394. Fillip: something that causes a
383. Make headway: to make sudden improvement. प्रोत्साहन
progress, especially when this is 395. Site: to exist or be built in a
slow or difficult. particular place. बनाना
384. On edge: to be nervous or 396. Remnants: parts of something
worried. that is left after the other parts have
385. In a bind: In a difficult or been used, removed, destroyed, etc.

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अवशेष 408. Prudent: showing good judgment
in avoiding risks and uncertainties;
397. Unprecedented: never having careful. विवेकी
happened or existed in the past.
अभतू पर्व
ू 409. Leg-up: an act of helping
somebody to improve their situation.
Phrasal verbs सहायता
398. Cracked down on: took severe 410. Conned: tricked somebody,
measures against someone or especially in order to get money from
something. them or persuaded them to do
399. Sprung up: appeared or something for you. ठगना
developed quickly and/or suddenly. 411. Penury: the state of being
400. Nudging: encouraging or extremely poor. दरिद्रता
persuading someone to do 412. Prodding: the act of encouraging
something in a way that is gentle somebody to do something. उकसाना
rather than forceful or direct. बढ़ावा
दे ना Phrasal verb

401. Mandarins: people who have very 413. Factor in: to include a particular
important jobs in the government, fact or situation when you are
and who are sometimes considered thinking about or planning
to be too powerful. दफ़्तरशाह something.

402. Deem: to consider or judge 414. Stark: unpleasant; real, and

something in a particular way. समझना impossible to avoid. वास्तविक किंतु
403. Medley: a mixture of people or
things of different kinds. मिश्रण 415. Fragility: the quality of being
easily damaged or broken. भंगुरता
404. Propensity: a tendency to behave
in a particular way. प्रवत्ति
ृ 416. Marred: damaged or spoilt to a
certain extent. दषि
ू त करना
405. Conspicuous: very noticeable or
attracting attention, often in a way 417. Discord: a lack of agreement or
that is not wanted. सस्
ु पष्ट feeling of trust between people.
मनमट ु ाव
406. Alluring: attractive or exciting.
मनोहर 418. Slammed: criticised harshly. कटु
आलोचना करना
407. Nuances: very slight differences
in meaning, sound, colour or 419. Grave: urgent and very bad;
somebody’s feelings that is not serious. गंभीर
usually very obvious. बारीकी

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420. Provocation: an action or forgotten for some time. पन
ु रुत्थान
statement that is intended to make
someone angry. उकसावा 432. Diaspora: the movement of
people from any nation or group
421. Warrant: to make a particular away from their own country; people
action necessary or correct. अधिकार who have moved away from their
दे ना own country. प्रवासी

422. Intrusions: the acts of going into 433. Ruptured: ended an agreement or
a place or becoming involved in a good relations between people or
situation where you are not wanted countries. संबंध विच्छे द
or do not belong. घस
ु पैठ
434. Flagged: became weaker, slower,
423. Conceivable: possible to imagine or less effective. शक्तिहीन होना
or to believe. कल्पनीय
435. Pitfalls: dangers or difficulties,
424. Constrained: forced to act or especially ones that is hidden or not
behave in a particular way. विवश करना obvious at first. छिपी हुई दिक्कत

425. Discourse: a long and serious 436. Contesting: attempting to win an

treatment or discussion of a subject election or to get power or control.
in speech or writing. संवाद चनु ाव लड़ना

426. Stringent: very strict and that 437. Lopsided: lacking balance; with a
must be obeyed. कठोर lot more attention, points, votes, etc.
on one side than the other. एकतरफा
427. Insurmountable: (esp. of a
problem or a difficulty) so great that Phrasal verb
it cannot be dealt with successfully.
अजेय 438. Ramp up: to increase the speed,
power, or cost of something
Phrasal verb
428. Dial down: to make something
less forceful or extreme. 439. Washed their hands of:refused to
accept responsibility for something.
429. Discord: a lack of agreement or
feeling of trust between people. 440. Called the shots: made the
मनमट decisions; decided what is to be
ु ाव
430. Flurry: a sudden, short period of
activity, excitement, or interest हलचल 441. Stirring: producing strong
feelings or excitement in someone.
431. Resurgence: a new increase of उत्तेजक
activity or interest in a particular
subject or idea that had been 442. Fashioned: made something

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using your hands. निर्माण करना amounts.

443. Riveting: so interesting or 454. Holed up: stay in a place.

exciting that it holds your attention
completely. दिलचस्प Idiom

444. Lingers: to continue to exist for 455. Cherry on the cake: something
longer than expected. दे र तक ठहरना that makes something that is already
good even better, or perfect.
445. Abrasive: having a rough surface
that will rub off a thin layer of 456. Unwavering: never changing or
another surface. अपघर्षक becoming weaker. अटूट

446. Finessed: improved something so 457. Persistence: the fact of

it is the best it can possibly be. बेहतर continuing to try to do something
बनाना despite difficulties. दृढ़ता

447. Skirmish: a short fight between 458. Dissipate: to gradually become or

groups of people. झड़प make something become weaker
until it disappears. नष्ट करना
448. Epitomises: to be a perfect
example of a quality or type of thing. 459. Forebodes: to warn of or indicate
का प्रतीक होना (an event, result, etc) in advance.
शकुन कहना
449. Portends: to be a sign or warning
of something that is going to happen 460. Temper: to make something less
in the future. पर्वा strong, extreme, etc. कम करना
ू भास या पर्व
ू सचू ना दे ना

450. Unabashed: without any worry 461. Cognisant: having knowledge or

about possible criticism or understanding of something. अवगत
embarrassment. निर्लज्ज 462. Resilient: able to recover quickly
451. Flagged: warned or told people after something unpleasant such as
about something that was important shock, injury, etc. प्रत्यास्थी
or was a problem. सचि
ू त करना 463. Underpinned: gave support to
452. Bigotry: the fact of having and something or provide the starting
expressing strong, unreasonable point from which something could
beliefs and disliking other people develop. सहारा दे ना
who have different beliefs or a 464. Manifest: easily noticed or
different way of life. कट्टरता obvious. प्रत्यक्ष
Phrasal verbs 465. Outlook: the likely future
453. Dished out: gave something, situation. संभावना
often to a lot of people or in large 466. Unequivocal: total, or expressed
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in a clear and certain way. स्पष्ट taken. गतिरोध

467. Tailored: made or changed 479. Outfits: groups of people working

especially to be suitable for a together as an organisation,
particular situation or purpose. अनरू
ु प business, team, etc. संस्थान

468. Susceptible: easily influenced or Phrasal verbs

likely to be hurt by something.
अतिसंवेदनशील 480. Carving out: removing from a
larger whole.
469. Bedrock: the main principles on
which something is based. मल 481. Hinges on: depends on

something, or needs something in
470. Conundrum: ​a confusing problem order to be successful.
or question that is very difficult to
solve. समस्या Idioms

471. Implications: possible effects or 482. Added injury to insult: made bad
results of an action or a decision. situation worse with unfair treatment.
प्रभाव 483. Have its hands full: to be very
472. Statutory: decided, controlled, or busy or involved with something.
required by law. सांविधिक 484. Fillip: something that causes a
473. Low key: simple and not sudden improvement. प्रोत्साहन
attracting attention. शांत 485. Enduring: continuing for a long
474. Languid: lacking energy, or time; lasting. चिरस्थायी
causing a lack of energy or 486. Pent-up: (of feelings, energy, etc.)
enthusiasm. निस्तेज that cannot be expressed or
475. Vexed: difficult to deal with and released. दबाया हुआ
causing a lot of disagreement and 487. Tranche: one of the parts into
argument. विवादास्पद which an amount of money or a
476. Euphemism: a word or phrase number of shares in a company is
used to avoid saying an unpleasant divided. अंश
or offensive word. प्रेयोक्ति 488. Perilous: extremely dangerous.
477. Decimated: severely damaged or खतरनाक
made weaker. विध्वस्त 489. Preponderant: larger in number or
478. Stalemate: a situation in which more important than other people or
neither group involved in an things in a group. प्रबल
argument can win or get an 490. Forebode: to warn of or indicate
advantage and no action can be an event, result, etc in advance. शकुन
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कहना understood; obvious. प्रत्यक्ष

491. Bleak: (of a situation) not giving 503. Further: to help something to
any reason to have hope or expect develop or be successful. आगे बढ़ाना
anything good. निराशाजन
504. Precedent: a similar action or
Phrasal verbs event that happened earlier. पर्व

492. Weighed down: caused problems
or difficulties for someone or 505. Ornamental: beautiful rather than
something. useful. सजावटी

493. Hinge on: to depend on 506. Discretion: the freedom or power

something, or to need something in to decide what should be done in a
order to be successful. particular situation. कार्य स्वाधीनता

494. Stave off: to stop something bad 507. Embellished: made something
from happening, or to keep an more beautiful or interesting by
unwanted situation or person away, additions or details. अलंकृत करना
usually temporarily.
Phrasal verb
495. Weigh on: to make someone feel
worried and upset. 508. Revert to: to return to a former
state; to start doing something again
Idioms that you used to do in the past.

496. In the wake of: happening after or Idiom

as result of event.
509. Raising eyebrows: causing
497. Take a back seat: to be given a surprise or shock.
lower priority.
510. Vesting: giving someone or
498. Pipe dream: an idea or plan that is something the power to do
impossible or very unlikely to something. अधिकार प्रदान करना
happen. आत्मप्रतारणा
511. Impede: to delay or stop the
499. Potable: clean and safe to drink. progress of something. बाधा डालना
पीने योग्य
512. Sporadically: sometimes, but not
500. Bottom-up: starting at the lowest regularly or continuously. कभी कभी
levels or from the smallest details of
an organization, system, plan, etc. 513. Erasure: the act of causing a
feeling, memory, or period of time to
501. Shun: to avoid or refuse to accept be completely forgotten. विलोपन
someone or something. अस्वीकार करना
514. Appropriation: the act of taking
502. Evident: easily seen or something for your own use, usually
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without permission. स्वायत्तीकरण usually in order to persuade them to
do something that you want them to
515. Footing: the basis on which do. डराना-धमकाना
something is established or
organised. आधार 527. Overzealous: showing too much
energy or enthusiasm. बहुत उत्सक

516. Vandalism: the crime of
intentionally damaging property 528. Ham-fisted: doing things in an
belonging to other people. जानबझ
ू कर awkward or unskilled way when
माल की हानि करना using the hands or dealing with
people. बेढब
517. Endeavour: to try very hard to do
something. प्रयत्न करना 529. Imprimatur: official permission to
do something that is given by a
518. Disconcerting: making someone person or group in a position of
feel uncertain and uncomfortable or power. इजाज़त
worried. चिंताजनक
530. Rooted: having developed from
519. Disquiet: feelings of worry and something.आधारित
unhappiness about something. बेचन ै ी
531. Embodies: to represent a quality
520. Sans: without. के बिना. or an idea exactly. मर्त
ू रूप दे ना
521. Outstripped: became greater than 532. Strife: violent or angry
something or someone in amount, disagreement. कलह
degree, or success. आगे निकल जाना
533. Repatriation: the act of sending or
522. Dilation: act or action of bringing somebody back to their own
enlarging, expanding, or widening. country. दे श-प्रत्यावर्तन
534. Protracted: lasting for a long time,
523. Anchored: fixed firmly and stably. or made to continue longer than
रोकना necessary. दीर्घ
Phrasal verb Word of foreign origin
524. Tamping down: reducing the 535. Vide: (meaning “see” or “refer
amount, level, size, or importance of to.”) used as an instruction in books
something. to tell the reader to look at a
525. Brazen: open and without shame, particular book, passage, etc. for
usually about something that shocks more information.
people. खल्
ु लमखल्
ु ला Phrasal verb
526. Intimidation: the action of 536. Brushed aside: refused to
frightening or threatening someone, consider something seriously

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because you felt that it was not Phrasal verb
547. Kicking off: starting or beginning.

537. Cast a shadow: to spoil a good

situation with something unpleasant. Idioms

538. Under the aegis of: with the 548. Silver lining: an advantage that
protection or support of someone or comes from a difficult or unpleasant
something, especially an situation.
organisation. 549. A far cry from: to be completely
539. Wary: not completely trusting or different from something.
certain about something or someone. 550. In tandem: together and at the
चौकस same time.
540. Pall: a negative feeling or mood. 551. Hit a wall: reach point where you
नकारात्मक भावना cannot make progress.
541. Resilient: able to recover quickly 552. Put in a spot: ask someone
after something unpleasant such as difficult or embarrassing question.
shock, injury, etc. प्रत्यास्थी
553. Theology: the study of religion
542. Flagged: warned or told people and religious belief. धर्मशास्र
about something that is important or
is a problem. इशारा करना 554. Triumphalist: showing pleasure
and satisfaction because you have
543. Formidable: strong and powerful, won or done better than someone.
and therefore difficult to deal with if विजयी स्वर में
opposed to you. साहस तोड़ने वाला
555. Charade: an act or event that is
544. Pressing: urgent or needing to be obviously false, although
dealt with immediately. अत्यावश्यक represented as true. नाटक
Word of foreign origin 556. Brazenness: behaviour in which
545. De facto: existing in fact, although someone does something in a very
perhaps not intended, legal, or obvious way, without trying to hide it.
accepted. बेशर्मी

Jargon 557. Flogged: beat (someone) with a

whip or stick as a punishment. कोड़े
546. Burnout: extreme tiredness or a लगाना
feeling of not being able to work any
more, caused by working too hard. 558. Debauchery: behaviour involving
too much sex, alcohol or drugs.
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ऐयाशी 570. Coerce: to force somebody to do
something by using threats. मजबरू
559. Vicious: intending to hurt badly, करना
or likely to be violent. क्रूरतापर्ण

571. Tussle: a short struggle, fight or
560. Misogyny: feelings of hating argument especially in order to get
women, or the belief that men are something. संघर्ष
much better than women. स्त्री - द्वेष
572. Palatable: pleasant or acceptable
561. Incorrigibly: in a way that is to somebody. स्वीकार्य
impossible to change or improve.
अशोधनीय रूप से 573. Fanaticism: extreme beliefs that
may lead to unreasonable or violent
562. Credo: a set of beliefs. मल
ू मंत्र behaviour. कट्टरता
563. Patriarchy: a society in which the 574. Altercation: a loud argument or
oldest male is the leader of the disagreement. तकरार
family, or a society controlled by men
in which they use their power to their 575. Brazen: open and without shame,
own advantage. पितस ृ त्तात्मकता usually about something that shocks
people. खल्
ु लमखल्
ु ला
564. Underpinned: give support,
strength, or a basic structure to 576. Untenable: not able to be
something. सहारा दे ना supported or defended against
criticism, or no longer able to
565. Conceded: admitted that continue. असमर्थनीय
something is true. स्वीकार किया
577. Acrimony: anger, argument, and
566. Callous: without sympathy or bad feeling. कड़वाहट
feeling for other people. कठोर
578. Perverse: showing a deliberate
567. Ceding: allowing someone else to and determined desire to behave in a
have or own something, especially way that most people think is wrong,
unwillingly or because you are unacceptable or unreasonable. विकृत
forced to do so. त्याग करना
579. Vindicates: to prove that
568. Touchstone: something that something is true or that you were
provides a standard against which right to do something, especially
other things are compared and/or when other people had a different
judged. कसौटी opinion. सच या ठीक ठहराना
569. Indictment: a statement that Idioms
criticizes someone or something
strongly for being bad or wrong. 580. Under a cloud: to be viewed with
कलंक suspicion, distrust, or disapproval.

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581. Hit home: to become completely something. हतोत्साह करनेवाला
582. Inconceivable: impossible to
imagine or think of. समझ से बाहर 593. Blow the lid off something: make
something known that was secret.
583. Flagrant: that shocks you
because it is done in a very obvious 594. Came to light: became known or
way and shows no respect for discovered.
people, laws, etc. घोर 595. Slip through the cracks: to not be
584. Sordid: morally wrong and noticed or dealt with by a system.
shocking. घिनौना Phrasal verb
585. Bizzare: very strange and 596. Toy with: to consider or think
unusual. अजीब about an idea or plan.
586. Fringes: the outer or less 597. Expedite: to cause something to
important parts of an area, group, or be done or progress more quickly.
activity. सीमांत जल्दी करना
587. Loophole: a mistake in the way a 598. Acquitted: caused yourself to
law, contract, etc. has been written perform or behave in the stated way.
that enables people to legally avoid परु ा करना
doing something that the law,
contract, etc. had intended them to 599. Fag end: the last part of
do. बचाव का रास्ता something, especially when it is less
important or interesting. अंतिम भाग
588. Chronic: continuing for a long
time. दीर्घकालिक 600. Statutory: decided, controlled, or
required by law. वैधानिक
589. Tantamount: being almost the
same or having the same effect as 601. Rationale: the reasons or
something, usually something bad. intentions for a particular set of
बराबर thoughts or actions. तर्काधार

590. Foolproof: so simple and easy to 602. Comprehensive: complete and

understand that it is unable to go including everything that is
wrong or be used wrongly. विश्वसनीय necessary. सर्वसमावेशी
और आसान
603. Inevitable: certain to happen and
591. Crushing: severe. तीव्र unable to be avoided or prevented.
जो टल न सके
592. Deterrent: something that makes
somebody less likely to do 604. Allegedly: used when something
is said to be true but has not been
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proved. कथित तौर पर 615. Inflicted: forced someone or
something to experience something
605. Interjected: said something while unpleasant. पीड़ा पहुंचाना
another person was speaking. एकाएक
बीच में बोल उठना 616. Cataclysmic: causing a lot of
destruction, or a sudden, violent
606. Expunged: rubbed off or removed change. प्रलयात्मक
information from a piece of writing.
मिटाना 617. Imperative: of vital importance;
crucial. आत्यावश्यक
607. Travesty: something that fails to
represent the values and qualities 618. Catch-all: general and intended to
that it is intended to represent, in a include everything. बहुअर्थीय
way that is shocking or offensive.
प्रहसन 619. In lieu of: instead of. बदले में

608. Obfuscate: to make something 620. Akin: having some of the same
less clear and harder to understand, qualities; similar. समान
especially intentionally. उलझाना 621. Incentivise: to make someone
Phrasal verb want to do something, such as to
buy something or to do work,
609. Hiving off: separating one part of especially by offering prizes or
a group from the rest. rewards. प्रोत्साहित करना

Idioms 622. Intervene: to become involved

intentionally in a difficult situation in
610. Shed light: to provide information order to change it or improve it, or
about something or to make prevent it from getting worse. हस्तक्षेप
something easier to understand. करना
611. Cried foul: said that something Idiom
that had happened was unfair or
illegal. 623. Reeling under: struggling to deal
with some oppressive or difficult
612. Relenting: acting in a less severe burden or responsibility.
way towards someone and allowing
something that you had refused to 624. Further: to develop or make
allow before. मान जाना progress in something. आगे बढ़ाना

613. Bolster: to support something, or 625. Littoral: near the coast;

make something stronger. सहारा दे ना connected with the coast. तटीय

614. Pledged: made a serious or 626. Diaspora: people who have

formal promise to give or do moved away from their own country.
something. प्रतिज्ञा करना प्रवासी

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627. Seamlessly: smoothly and 637. Cessation: the stopping of
continuously, with no apparent gaps something. समापन
or spaces between one part and the
next. सच 638. Stalemate: any position or
ु ारू रूप से
situation in which no action can be
628. Hitherto: until now or until a taken or progress made. गतिरोध
particular time. अब तक
639. Abstained: chose not to use a
629. Springboard: something that vote, either in favour of or against
provides you either with the something. मतदान में भाग नहीं लेना
opportunity to follow a particular
plan of action, or the encouragement 640. Reiterated: said something again,
that is needed to make it successful. once or several times. दोहराना
आगे बढ़ने की प्रेरणा 641. Heeded: paid attention to
630. Trample: to ignore somebody’s something, especially advice or a
feelings or rights and treat them as if warning. ध्यान दे ना
they are not important. नज़रअंदाज़ 642. Duress: threats or force that are
करना used to make somebody do
631. Essence: the most important something. दबाव
quality or feature of something, that 643. Diffident: shy and not confident of
makes it what it is. मल
ू तत्त्व your abilities. संकोची
632. Frivolously: in a way that has no 644. Paltry: too small to be considered
serious or useful purpose. बिना as important or useful. मामल
ू ी
गंभीरता के
645. Convening: coming or bringing
633. Maxim: a brief statement of a together for a meeting or activity.
general truth, principle, or rule for एकत्र करना
behavior. सिद्धांत
646. Estranged: no longer friendly or
634. Dodgy: not working well; likely to in contact with somebody. विरक्त
fail or cause problems. डाँवाँडोल
647. Oblivion: the state of being
Idiom completely forgotten by the public.
635. Last resort: the only choice that गुमनामी
remains after all others have been Phrasal verbs
648. Blown over: went away without
636. Dithering: to be unable to make a having a serious effect.
decision about doing something.
स्पंदित होना 649. Shoring up: helping to support
something that is weak or going to

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fail. it carefully. पक्षपातपर्ण

Idiom 660. Unsavory: unpleasant, or morally

offensive. घणि
ृ त
650. Eat humble pie: to admit that you
were wrong. 661. Cavalier: not considering other
people's feelings or safety. लापरवाह
651. Constraints: things that limit or
restrict something, or your freedom 662. Denounce: to accuse someone
to do something. बाध्यताएं publicly of being something that is
bad or wrong. आरोप लगाना
652. Disincentive: something that
makes a person or organisation less 663. Egregious: extremely bad in a
willing to do something. निरुत्साह way that is very noticeable. अत्यंत बरु ा

653. Apprehensions: worries or fears 664. Effect: to achieve something and

that something unpleasant may cause it to happen. अमल में लाना
happen. आशंका
665. Thwarted: stopped something
654. Entrench: to firmly establish from happening or someone from
something, especially an idea or a doing something. रोकना
problem, so that it cannot be
changed. दृढ़ता से स्थापित करना 666. Formidable: strong and powerful,
and therefore difficult to deal with if
655. Stigma: a set of negative and opposed to you. साहस तोड़ने वाला
often unfair beliefs that a society or
group of people have about 667. Impetus: a force that encourages
something. कलंक a particular action or makes it more
energetic or effective. प्रोत्साहन
656. Decried: publicly criticised
something as being undesirable or 668. Apartheid: a system of keeping
harmful. निंदा करना groups of people separate and
treating them differently, especially
657. Imperative: very important and when this results in disadvantage for
needing immediate attention or one group. रं गभेद
action. आत्यावश्यक
669. Pertinent: relating directly to the
658. Strive: to try very hard to do subject being considered. उचित
something or to make something
happen, especially for a long time or 670. Paradigm shift: a great and
against difficulties. प्रयास करना important change in the way
something is done or thought about.
659. Partisan: showing too much आमलू परिवर्तन
support for one person, group or
idea, especially without considering 671. Woo: to try to get the support of
somebody. समर्थन माँगना

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672. Pious: pretending to be religious, certain about something or someone.
moral or good in order to impress एहतियाती
other people. पाक
684. Pervaded: spread through and
673. Mitigate: to make something less was easy to notice in every part of
severe or less unpleasant. कम करना something. व्याप्त होना

674. Spur: to encourage an activity or 685. Ordeal: a very unpleasant and

development or make it happen painful or difficult experience. कटु
faster. प्रोत्साहित करना अनभु व

675. Robust: strong and unlikely to 686. Polarisation: the act of dividing
break or fail. मज़बत
ू something, especially something that
contains different people or
676. Timidity: lack of courage or opinions, into two completely
confidence.घबराहट opposing groups. ध्रव
ु ण
MARCH MONTH 2023 687. Deliberate: done on purpose
677. Modalities: particular ways of rather than by accident. जानबझ
ू कर
doing or experiencing something. किया गया
तौर-तरीका 688. Fomenting: creating trouble or
678. Backlash: a strong, negative violence or making it worse. भड़काना
reaction to something, esp. to Word of foreign origin
change. प्रतिक्षेप
689. modus operandi: a particular way
679. Expediently: in a way that is of doing something.
useful or necessary for a particular
purpose, but not always fair or right. Phrasal verbs
यथोचित रूप से
690. Hammered out: reached decision
680. Pragmatic: solving problems in a or agreement after much discussion.
practical and sensible way rather
than by having fixed ideas or 691. Ironed out: put something into a
theories. व्यावहारिक finished state by solving problems,
removing differences, or taking care
681. Upholding: supporting something of details.
that you think is right and making
sure that it continues to exist. कायम 692. Persistent: continuing for a long
रखना period of time, or repeated
frequently, especially in a way that is
682. Heralded: proclaimed or annoying and cannot be stopped.
announced. घोषित करना निरं तर

683. Wary: not completely trusting or 693. Implications: possible effects or

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results of an action or a decision. that something is true so that it can
प्रभाव be used as the basis for an argument
or discussion. प्रस्तत
ु करना
694. Disparities: differences,
especially one connected with unfair 705. Condemn: to criticize something
treatment. असमानता or someone strongly, usually for
moral reasons. निंदा करना
695. Inherent: existing as a natural and
permanent quality of something or 706. Crusade: a long and determined
someone. अंतर्निहित attempt to achieve something you
strongly believe in. चेष्टा
696. Prevalence: the fact that
something is very common or 707. Affront: a remark or action
happens often. व्यापकता intended to insult or upset someone.
अपमान करना
697. Stereotyping: beliefs or
judgements about people based on 708. Unilateral: done by or affecting
fixed ideas about them which are only one person, group or country
often not true. रूणिबद्ध धारणा involved in a situation without the
agreement of the others. एकतरफा
698. Echoing: repeating details that
are similar to, and make you think of, 709. Dilemma: a situation in which a
something else. अनक ु रण करना difficult choice has to be made
between two different things you
699. Interventions: actions taken to could do. दवि
ु धा
improve or help a situation. मध्यवर्तन
710. Convergence: the fact that two or
700. Explicitly: in a clear and detailed more things, ideas, etc. become
manner, leaving no room for similar or come together. संमिलन
confusion or doubt. स्पष्ट रूप से
711. Deterred: discouraged or
701. Acknowledge: to accept, admit, or restrained from acting or proceeding.
recognise something, or the truth or डराकर रोकना
existence of something. स्वीकार करना
712. Pounded: hit or beaten repeatedly
702. Curb: to control or limit with a lot of force. पीटना
something, especially something
bad. निंयत्रण रखना 713. Ire: anger. क्रोध

703. Tweaks: slight changes to 714. Qualms: uncomfortable feelings

something, especially in order to of doubt about whether you are
make it more correct, effective, or doing the right thing. हिचक
suitable. बदलाव
715. Leverage: power to influence
704. Positing: suggesting or accepting people and get the results you want.

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उत्तोलन की शक्ति behave in a particular way. विवश किया
716. Equilibrium: a state of balance.
ु न 728. Precedent: an official action or
decision that has happened in the
717. Pragmatic: solving problems in a past and that is seen as an example
sensible way that suits the or a rule to be followed in a similar
conditions that really exist now, situation later. उदाहरण
rather than obeying fixed theories,
ideas, or rules. व्यावहारिक 729. Brinkmanship: the activity,
especially in politics, of getting into a
718. Vested: given the power to do situation that could be very
something. अधिकार प्रदान करना dangerous in order to frighten people
719. Beholden: feeling you have a duty and make them do what you want.
to someone who has done सीमांतवर्तिता
something for you. आभारी Phrasal verbs
720. Reciprocity: a situation in which 730. Laid down: officially established a
two people, countries, etc. provide rule, or officially stated the way in
the same help or advantages to each which something should be done.
other. पारस्परिक आदान-प्रदान
731. Iron out: to put something into a
721. Vacuum: a lack of something. finished state by solving problems,
खालीपन removing differences, or taking care
722. Convention: the way in which of details.
something is done that most people 732.
in a society expect and consider to Feasible: that is possible and likely
be polite or the right way to do it. to be achieved. संभव
परं परा
733. Scepticism: an attitude that
723. Infirmity: a moral weakness or shows you doubt whether something
failing. दर्ब
ु लता is true or useful. संदेहवाद
724. Spirit: the typical or most 734. Soundness: the quality of being
important quality or mood of able to be trusted. पर्ण
ू ता
something. भावार्थ
735. Peddled: spread an idea or story
725. Consensus: a general agreement. in order to get people to accept it.
सर्वसम्मति फैलाना
726. Dynamic: continuously changing 736. Dogmas: fixed beliefs or sets of
or developing. गतिशील beliefs that people are expected to
727. Constrained: forced to act or accept without any doubts. सिद्धान्त

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737. Warrants: to make something rule or law, or to intentionally
necessary or appropriate in a avoided behavior that is usual or
particular situation. आवश्यक बनाना expected. अनादर करना

738. Gratification: pleasure or 749. Remit: the area that a person or

satisfaction, or something which group of people in authority has
provides this. संतष्टि
ु responsibility for or control over.
नियन्त्रण या प्रभाव
739. Ordeal: a very unpleasant and
painful or difficult experience. अग्नि 750. Ascertain: to find out the true or
परीक्षा correct information about something.
ु श्चित करना
740. Conscientious: feeling a moral
responsibility to do your work 751. Red herring: an unimportant fact,
carefully and to be fair to others. idea, event, etc. that takes people’s
ईमानदार attention away from the important
ones. भलु ावा
741. Gullible: easily deceived or
tricked, and too willing to believe 752. Inherent: existing as a natural and
everything that other people say. permanent quality of something or
आसानी से धोखा खानेवाला someone. अंतर्निहित

742. Reticent: unwilling to speak about 753. Perpetual: continuing for a long
your thoughts or feelings. अल्पभाषी period of time without stopping or
being interrupted. सतत
743. Cacophony: an unpleasant
mixture of loud sounds. कोलाहल 754. Expedient: an action that is useful
or necessary for a particular
744. Charlatans: persons who claims purpose, but not always fair or right.
to have knowledge or skills that they फ़ायदे मंद
do not really have. ढोंगी
755. Exoneration: the act of officially
745. Statutory: decided, controlled, or stating that somebody is not
required by law. सांविधिक responsible for something that they
Word of foreign origin have been blamed for. पन
ु रास्थापन

746. sine qua non: a necessary 756. Alleged: stated as a fact but
condition without which something without any proof. कथित
is not possible. 757. Inimical: tending to obstruct or
747. Unequivocally: in a way that is harm. हानिकारक
total, or expressed very clearly with 758. Incumbent: having an official
no doubt. स्पष्ट रूप से position. पदस्थ.
748. Flouted: intentionally disobeyed a

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759. Garner: to obtain or collect successfully. बदतर होना
something such as information,
support, etc. संचित करना 770. Dilemma: a situation in which a
difficult choice has to be made
760. Intrigue: (the making of) a secret between two different things you
plan to do something, especially could do. दवि
ु धा
something that will harm another
person. साज़िश 771. Vagaries: unexpected events or
changes that cannot be controlled
Phrasal verb and can influence a situation.
761. Blow over: to go away without
having a serious effect. 772. Conundrum: a confusing problem
or question that is very difficult to
762. Snowball: to grow quickly in size solve. समस्या
or importance. तेज़ी से बढ़ जाना
773. Euthanise: to kill an animal
763. Chauvinistic: displaying because it is very old or sick or
excessive or prejudiced support for because there is no one to take care
one's own cause or group. अंधराष्ट्रीय of it. सख
ु मत्ृ यु दे ना
764. Oversees: to watch 774. Callous: without sympathy or
somebody/something and make sure feeling for other people. संवेदनाहीन
that a job or an activity is done
correctly. निरीक्षण करना Idiom

765. Restraint: determined control 775. A pipe dream: an idea or plan that
over behavior in order to prevent the is impossible or very unlikely to
strong expression of emotion or any happen.
violent action. संयम
776. Predicated: based something on a
766. Denigrated: said particular belief, idea or principle. अर्थ
somebody/something did not have रखना
any value or was not important.
बदनाम करना 777. Purported: that has been stated to
be true or to have happened,
767. Dubious: probably not true or not although this may not be the case.
completely true. संशयात्मक कथित

768. Stupor: a state in which a person 778. Scandalous: shocking and

is almost unconscious and their unacceptable. अपवादजनक
thoughts are not clear. व्यामोह
779. Pertains: to be connected with a
769. Festers: to become much worse particular subject, event, or situation.
because you do not deal with them संबंधित

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780. Scramble: a situation in which to use it.
people push, fight or compete with
each other in order to get or do 790. Purview: an area within which
something. संघर्ष someone or something has authority,
influence, or knowledge. दायरा
781. Stalemate: a disagreement or a
situation in a competition in which 791. Soliciting: asking for something
neither side is able to win or make in a persuasive and determined way.
any progress. गतिरोध माँगना

782. Elusive: difficult to describe, find, 792. Discounted: considered that

achieve, or remember. हाथ न आने वाला something is not important, possible,
or likely. नकार दे ना
783. Asylum: protection or safety, or a
protected and safe place, given esp. 793. Onus: the responsibility or duty to
to someone who has left a country or do something. जिम्मेदारी
place for political reasons. शरण 794. Flagging: warning or telling
784. Contravene: to do something that people about something that is
is not allowed by a law or rule. important or is a problem. सचि
ू त करना
अवहे लना करना 795. Advocacy: public support for an
785. Rhetoric: speech or writing that is idea, plan, or way of doing
intended to influence people, but that something. समर्थन
is not completely honest or sincere. 796. Polarise: to cause something,
वक्रपटुता especially something that contains
786. Deterrent: a thing that different people or opinions, to
discourages or is intended to divide into two completely opposing
discourage someone from doing groups. विपरीत करना
something. प्रतिवारक 797. Unprecedented: never having
787. Braving: dealing with an happened or existed in the past.
unpleasant or difficult situation in अभतू पर्व

order to achieve something. सामना 798. Starkly: very obviously and
करना clearly. स्पष्ट रूप से
Phrasal verbs 799. Grave: very serious and
788. Come down on: to criticize important; giving you a reason to feel
somebody severely or punish worried. गंभीर
somebody. 800. Provocation: an action or
789. Latched on: became interested in statement that is intended to make
an idea, story, or activity, and to start someone angry. उकसावा

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801. Hysteria: extreme fear, 813. Dissent: strong difference of
excitement, anger, etc. that cannot be opinion; disagreement esp. about
controlled. उन्माद official decisions. मतभेद

802. Courting: trying to get something, 814. Explicitly: clearly or directly, so

especially attention or support from that the meaning is easy to
other people. समर्थन माँगना understand. स्पष्ट रूप से

803. Adeptly: in a skilful way that 815. Unveiled: showed or introduced

shows natural ability. निपण
ु ता से something new or make it known
publicly for the first time. अनावरण
804. Calculus: a way of calculating, करना
judging, or deciding something in a
complicated situation. गणना 816. Leverage: power to influence
people and get the results you want.
805. Crux: the most important or उत्तोलन की शक्ति
serious part of a matter, problem, or
argument. मलू 817. Detente: an improvement in the
relationship between two countries
806. Obsolete: no longer used or that in the past were not friendly and
needed, usually because something did not trust each other. दो दे शों के संबंध
newer and better has replaced it. सधु ारना

807. Ominously: in a way that

suggests that something unpleasant 818. Implications: the effects that an
is likely to happen. शभ
ु ाशंसी रूप से action or decision will have on
something else in the future. प्रभाव
808. Arbitrate: to make a formal
judgment to decide an argument. Phrasal verb
निर्णय करना
819. Whittling down: reducing the size
809. Adjudicate: to make an official or number of something.
decision about who is right in a
disagreement between two groups or 820. Insipid: lacking interest or
organisations. निर्णायक बनना significance or impact. मंद

810. Onerous: causing great difficulty 821. Pared: to reduce something,

or trouble. कष्टदायक especially by a large amount. कम
811. Punitive: intended to punish
someone or something. दं डात्मक 822. Hawkish: preferring to use
military action rather than peaceful
812. Vitiate: to destroy or reduce the discussion in order to solve a
effect of something. निष्फल करना political problem. यद्
ु धकारी

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823. Augur: to be a sign of especially अतिक्रमण करना
good or bad things in the future.
पर्व 833. Contends: to say that something
ू सचू ना दे ना
is true or is a fact. दृढ़तापर्व
ू क कहना
824. Enthusing: making someone feel
very interested and excited. 834. Heteronormative: suggesting or
उत्साहजनक believing that only heterosexual
relationships are normal or right and
825. Inclusivity: the fact of including that men and women have naturally
all types of people, things or ideas different roles. विषमलैंगिक
and treating them all fairly and
equally. समावेशिता 835. Stigma: negative feelings that
people have about particular
826. Unapologetic: not saying that you circumstances or characteristics that
are sorry about something, even in somebody may have. कलंक
situations in which other people
might expect you to. अनतु ापहीन

827. Silver lining: an advantage that 836. Conferred: gave someone an

comes from a difficult or unpleasant award, a degree, or a particular
situation. उम्मीद की किरण honour or right. प्रदान करना

Idioms 837. Insurmountable: (esp. of a

problem or a difficulty) so great that
828. On the face of it: used when you it cannot be dealt with successfully.
are describing how a situation seems अजेय
on the surface.
838. Invoking: using a law in order to
829. Buck the trend: to be obviously achieve something, or mentioning
different from the way that a situation something in order to explain
is developing generally, especially in something or to support your
connection with financial matters. opinion or action. उपयोग करना

830. Brought to the fore: brought to 839. Undermine: to make something,

public attention or into a noticeable especially somebody’s confidence or
position. authority, gradually weaker or less
effective. नष्ट करना
831. Pave the way: to create a situation
in which it is easier for someone to 840. Cede: to give somebody control
do something or something to of something or give them power, a
happen. right, etc., especially unwillingly.
832. Encroaching: beginning to affect
or use up too much of somebody’s 841. Unassailable: that cannot be
time, rights, personal life, etc. destroyed, defeated or questioned.

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अपराजेय something from harmful experiences
or influences. बचाना
842. Reiterated: said or did again or
repeatedly. दोहराया 854. Deterrent: a thing that
discourages or is intended to
843. Tussle: a short struggle, fight or discourage someone from doing
argument especially in order to get something. हतोत्साह करनेवाला
something. संघर्ष
855. Exacerbate: to make something
844. Placid: calm and peaceful, with that is already bad worse. बिगड़ी हुई को
very little movement. शांत और बिगाड़ना
845. Inevitable: certain to happen and 856. Proliferation: the sudden increase
unable to be avoided or prevented. in the number or amount of
निश्चित something. तीव्र वद्
ृ धि
846. Meandered: walked slowly and Idioms
changed direction often, especially
without a particular aim. दिशाहीन घम
ू ना 857. Make a beeline: to move quickly
and directly toward something.

858. Unable to see the wood for the

847. Faltering: losing strength or trees: to not understand or
purpose and stopping, or almost appreciate a larger situation,
stopping. लड़खड़ाता हुआ problem, etc., because one is
848. Alacrity: a quick and cheerful considering only a few parts of it.
readiness to do something. तत्परता 859. Nuanced: with very slight
849. Bolster: to support something, or differences in meaning or
make something stronger. सहारा दे ना expression. सक्ष्
ू म

850. Resilient: able to recover quickly 860. Exuberant: growing quickly and
after something unpleasant such as well. प्रचरु
shock, injury, etc. प्रत्यास्थी 861. Propelled: moved, drove or
851. Gleaned: obtained information, pushed something forward or in a
knowledge, etc., sometimes with particular direction. आगे को बढ़ाना
difficulty and often from various 862. Gloom: feelings of worry that
different places. बटोरना things are bad and will not improve.
852. Predicated: based something on a उत्साहहीनता
particular belief, idea or principle. अर्थ 863. Prevailed: existed or was very
रखना common at a particular time or in a
853. Insulated: protected someone or particular place. प्रचलित होना

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864. Infused: caused someone or unable to be avoided or prevented.
something to take in and be filled निश्चित
with a quality or a condition of mind.
मन में बैठाना 877. Clamour: a loud complaint about
something or a demand for
865. Dispelled: made something, something. जोरदार माँग
especially a feeling or belief, go away
or disappear. दरू करना 878. Patronage: the support given to
an organisation by someone. सहायता
866. Scramble: a hurried attempt to get
something. संघर्ष 879. Arbitrariness: the quality of being
based on chance rather than being
867. Benign: not causing damage or planned or based on reason.
harm. अच्छा मनमानापन

868. Underscored: emphasised or 880. Collusion: agreement between

showed that something is important people to act together secretly or
or true. ज़ोर दे ना illegally in order to deceive or cheat
someone. आपसी साँठ - गाँठ
869. Grave: urgent and very bad;
serious. गंभीर 881. Impunity: freedom from
punishment for something that has
870. Alleges: to say that someone has been done that is wrong or illegal.
done something illegal or wrong दण्ड मक्ति

without giving proof. अभियोग लगाना
882. Aggrieved: unhappy, hurt, and
871. Arrest: to stop or interrupt the angry because of unfair treatment.
development of something. रोकना व्यथित
872. Reminiscent: making you 883. Constrained: forced to act or
remember a particular person, event, behave in a particular way. विवश
or thing. याद दिलाने वाला
884. Stalls: to stop something from
Phrasal verb happening until a later date; to stop
873. Rein in: to limit or control making progress. टालना
(someone or something). 885. Acute: very serious or severe. तीव्र
874. Deadlock: a complete failure to 886. Discourteous: showing rudeness
reach agreement or settle an and a lack of consideration for other
argument. गतिरोध people. असभ्य
875. Dubious: not completely good, 887. Assent: to agree to or give official
safe, or honest. संशयात्मक approval to something. अनमु ति दे ना
876. Inevitable: certain to happen and

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Phrasal verb 900. Cynicism: the belief that people
are only interested in themselves and
888. Disposed of: got rid of someone are not sincere. निराशावाद
or something or dealt with something
so that the matter is finished. 901. Dwindle: to become gradually
less or smaller. घटना
889. Spectre: something unpleasant
that people are afraid might happen Idiom
in the future. काली छाया
902. Queering the pitch: ruining,
890. Spell: a period of time for which spoiling, or undermining one's
an activity or condition lasts efforts, plans, or ideas.
continuously. अवधि
903. Unprecedented: never having
891. Debilitating: making a country, an happened or existed in the past.
organisation, etc. weaker. कमजोरी लाने अभतू पर्व

904. Extolling: praising highly. प्रशंसा
892. Belies: to show that something करना
cannot be true or correct. मिथ्या साबित
करना 905. Cornerstone: something of great
importance that everything else
893. Disconcerting: making someone depends on. आधारशिला
feel uncertain and uncomfortable or
worried. चिंताजनक 906. Susceptible: easily influenced or
likely to be hurt by something. आसानी
894. Outlook: the likely future से प्रभावित होने वाला
situation. संभावना
907. Blights: things that spoils or
895. Engender: to cause something to destroys or causes damage. अभिशाप
come into existence. पैदा करना
908. Wanton: causing harm or acting
896. Tenuous: so weak or uncertain without showing care for others,
that it hardly exists. कमज़ोर often intentionally. अनियंत्रित

897. Dysfunctional: not behaving or 909. Panacea: something that will

working normally. दक्रि
ु यात्मक solve all problems or cure all
illnesses. रामबाण
898. Overlooked: failed to notice or
consider something or someone. 910. Contentious: causing , involving,
ध्यान में न ला पाना or likely to cause disagreement and
argument. विवादास्पद
899. Beggars: to make
somebody/something very poor. बहुत 911. Discourse: a long and serious
गरीब बना दे ना treatment or discussion of a subject
in speech or writing. संभाषण

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912. Ruckus: a noisy situation or something. आदे श
argument. हं गामा
924. Fanaticism: extreme beliefs that
913. Parodying: copying the style of may lead to unreasonable or violent
somebody/something in an behaviour. कट्टरता
exaggerated way, especially in order
to make people laugh. नकल करना 925. Daunting: making somebody feel
nervous and less confident about
914. Onus: the responsibility or duty to doing something; likely to make
do something. जिम्मेदारी somebody feel this way. हतोत्साही

915. Conciliatory: having the intention 926. Pulverised: defeated or destroyed

or effect of making angry people somebody/something completely.
calm. मैत्रीपर्ण
ू विनष्ट करना

916. Vituperative: criticising in a cruel 927. Stagnation: a situation in which

and angry way. निंदात्मक something stays the same and does
not grow and develop. विकासहीनता
917. Bellwether: a particular event,
result, etc. that usually shows how a 928. Rampant: happening a lot or
more general situation will develop becoming worse, usually in a way
or change. अगुआ that is out of control. तेजी से फैलने वाला

918. Unveiling: showing or introducing 929. Incite: to encourage someone to

a new plan, product, etc. to the do or feel something unpleasant or
public for the first time. अनावरण violent, or to cause violent or
unpleasant actions. उत्तेजित करना
919. Consensus: a generally accepted
opinion; wide agreement. सर्वसम्मति 930. Fester: to become much worse
because you do not deal with them
920. Indispensable: extremely successfully. बरु ा होना
important and completely necessary,
because without it something cannot 931. Inflamed: caused or increased
exist, be made or be successful. very strong feelings such as anger or
अपरिहार्य excitement. भड़काना

921. Synchronising: causing Idiom

something to happen in a planned
way at exact times. तालमेल बनाना 932. Nipped in the bud: stopped,
ceased, or prevented something at
922. Reticent: unwilling to speak about the beginning or early phase, before
your thoughts or feelings. अल्पभाषी it became too difficult or
923. Behest: because someone has
asked or ordered you to do 933. Barbaric: extremely cruel and

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unpleasant. क्रूर संयक्
ु त

934. Ventured: to risk going 944. Bolstered: supported something,

somewhere or doing something that or made something stronger. सहारा
might be dangerous or unpleasant, दे ना
or to risk saying something that
might be criticized. जाने का साहस करना 945. Portent: a sign that something
bad is likely to happen in the future.
935. Substantiate: to show something पर्व
ू सचू ना
to be true, or to support a claim with
facts. सिद्ध करना 946. Entail: to make something
necessary, or to involve something.
936. Humane: showing kindness, care, आवश्यक बना दे ना
and sympathy towards others,
especially those who are suffering. Idiom
दयालु 947. Sending someone to the gallows:
937. Upheld: defended or maintained sentencing (someone) to death.
a principle or law, or stated that a 948. Prudent: showing good judgment
decision that had already been made, in avoiding risks and uncertainties;
esp. a legal one, was correct. सही careful. विवेकी
949. Deterrent: making someone less
938. Clemency: an act of mercy by a likely to do something by making it
person in authority toward someone difficult for them to do it or by
who has committed a crime, esp. by making them realise that it will have
reducing a punishment. दया bad results. हतोत्साह करनेवाला
939. Commuting: replacing one 950. Contemplating: spending time
punishment with another that is less considering a possible future action,
severe. भारी दण्ड के स्थान पर हल्का दण्ड or considering one particular thing
दे ना for a long time in a serious and quiet
940. Empirical: based on what is way. विचार करना
experienced or seen rather than on 951. Reflects: to show, express, or be
theory. आनभ
ु विक a sign of something. दर्शाना
941. Contends: to say that something 952. Regressive: returning to a
is true or is a fact. दावा करना previous and less advanced or worse
942. Perpetrates: to commit a crime or state or way of behaving. प्रतिगामी
a violent or harmful act. दोष करना 953. Exacerbate: to make something
943. Concerted: involving people that is already bad worse. बिगड़ी हुई को
working together in determined way. और बिगाड़ना

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954. Pragmatic: solving problems in a 964. Prudent: showing good judgment
practical and sensible way rather in avoiding risks and uncertainties;
than by having fixed ideas or careful. विवेकी
theories. व्यावहारिक

955. Prominent: very noticeable,

important, or famous. प्रसिद्ध 965. Proactive: taking action by
causing change and not only
956. Fraught: causing or having reacting to change when it happens.
extreme worry or anxiety. व्याकुल अग्रसक्रिय

957. Fabric: the basic structure of a

society, an organisation, etc. that
enables it to function successfully. 966. Rigours: the fact that people are
संरचना made to follow rules in a very severe
way. सख्ती
958. Modalities: particular ways of
doing or experiencing something.
तौर-तरीका 967. Bedevil: to confuse, annoy, or
Phrasal verb cause problems or difficulties for
someone or something. सताना
959. Reckon with: to deal with a
difficult or powerful person or thing.

960. Uptick: an increase in the number 968. Jibe: an insulting remark that is
or amount of something. इजाफा intended to make someone look
stupid. उपहास

961. Concomitant: happening and

connected with another thing. सहगामी 969. Aggrieved: suffering unfair or
illegal treatment and making a
complaint. पीड़ित

962. Backdrop: the general conditions

in which an event takes place, which
sometimes help to explain that event. 970. Slur: a remark that criticises
पष्ृ ठभमि someone and is likely to have a

harmful effect on their reputation.

963. Poised: completely ready for

something or to do something. तैयार
971. Grave: urgent and very bad;
serious. गंभीर

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982. Cornered: forced a person or an
animal into a place or situation from
972. Frets: to be nervous or worried. which they cannot easily escape.
चिन्ता प्रकट करना कठिनाई में डालना

983. Apparent: easy to see or

973. Dissent: a strong difference of understand. प्रत्यक्ष
opinion on a particular subject, 984. Wary: careful when dealing with
especially about an official somebody/something because you
suggestion or plan or a popular think that there may be a danger or
belief. मतभेद problem. सावधान

985. Condemn: to criticise something

Idiom or someone strongly, usually for
moral reasons. निंदा करना
974. A far cry from: to be completely
different from something. 986. Dubious: probably not honest.
975. Tranche: one of the parts into
which an amount of money or a Phrasal verbs
number of shares in a company is 987. Grappling with: trying to deal with
divided. अंश or understand a difficult problem or
976. Service: to make payments to pay subject.
back a debt. कर्ज चक
ु ाना 988. Shoring up: supporting or
977. Bailout: a loan or other financial improving an organization,
support that is given to a person, agreement, or system that is not
company, or country to help them working effectively or that is likely to
when they are in financial difficulties. fail.
खैरात Idiom
978. Discomfiture: a feeling of being 989. The heavy lifting: most of the
confused or embarrassed. घबराहट work involved in something; the
979. Induced: caused by the stated most difficult part of a task.
person or activity. लाना 990. Dwindling: becoming smaller in
980. Precarious: not safe or certain; size or amount, or fewer in number.
dangerous. अनिश्चित कम होना

981. Leverage: power to influence 991. Status quo: the present situation
people and get the results you want. or condition. यथास्थिति
प्रभावन क्षमता 992. De facto: existing as a fact

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although it may not be legally somebody/something is not suitable.
accepted as existing. असल में
1004. Tinkering: making small changes
993. Red line: a limit beyond which to something in order to repair it or
someone's behaviour is no longer make it work better. ठीक करना
acceptable. हद
1005. Garnering: collecting something,
994. Tussle: a difficult disagreement or usually after much work or with
violent argument. संघर्ष difficulty. एकत्र करना

995. Propelled: caused someone to do 1006. Earmark: to keep or intend

an activity or be in a situation. आगे को something for a particular purpose.
बढ़ाना निर्धारित करना

996. Assert: to behave in a way that 1007. Reminiscent: making you

expresses your confidence, remember a particular person, event,
importance, or power and earns you or thing. याद दिलाने वाला
respect from others. द्दढ़तापर्व
ू क करना
1008. Untenable: not able to be
997. Underscore: to emphasise the supported or defended against
fact that something is important or criticism, or no longer able to
true. ज़ोर दे ना continue. असमर्थनीय

998. Vying: competing with other 1009. Stoking: encouraging bad ideas
people to achieve or get something. or feelings in a lot of people. भड़काना
प्रतिस्पर्धा करना
1010. Alienating: making someone feel
999. Lucrative: producing a large that they are different and not part of
amount of money; making a large a group. पराया करना
profit. लाभप्रद
1011. Unprecedented: never having
1000. Incentive: something that happened or existed in the past.
encourages a person to do अभतू पर्व

something. प्रोत्साहन
1012. Vowed: made a determined
1001. Blip: an unexpected and unusual decision or promise to do something.
condition that is usually temporary. क़सम खाना
छोटी सी समस्या
1013. Citing: mentioning something as
1002. Eyeing: looking at someone or proof for a theory or as a reason why
something with interest. पर दृष्टि डालना something has happened. उल्लेख करना

Phrasal verb 1014. Narrative: a particular way of

explaining or understanding events.
1003. Rule out: to state that something वर्णन
is not possible or that

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1015. Consolidate: combine (a number 1027. Strive: to try very hard to do
of things) into a single more effective something or to make something
or coherent whole. संघटित करना happen, especially for a long time or
against difficulties. प्रयास करना
1016. Polarising: causing something,
especially something that contains 1028. Incumbent: necessary as part of
different people or opinions, to somebody’s duties. अवश्यकरणीय
divide into two completely opposing
groups. दो गुटों में बाँटना 1029. Credible: able to be believed or
trusted. विश्वसनीय
1017. Pressing: urgent or needing to be
dealt with immediately. अत्यावश्यक 1030. Squabbling: an argument over
something that is not important.
Idiom तकरार

1018. Up in arms: to be very angry. 1031. Floated: suggested a plan or an

idea to be considered. प्रस्तावित करना
1019. Confounding: confusing someone
by being difficult to explain or deal 1032. Fructify: to produce a good or
with. भ्रामक useful result. फलवान होना

1020. Stridently: in an aggressive and 1033. Discourse: a long and serious

determined way. कर्क शतापर्व
ू क treatment or discussion of a subject
in speech or writing. संभाषण
1021. Kerfuffle: a lot of argument, noisy
activity, or fuss. शोर शराबा 1034. Tenor: the general meaning,
character, or pattern of something.
1022. Vehemently: in a way that shows स्वरूप
very strong feelings, especially
anger. ज़ोरदार ढं ग से 1035. Vowed: made a determined
decision or promise to do something.
1023. Proviso: a condition that must be क़सम खाना
accepted before an agreement can
be made. शर्त 1036. Reinvigorate: to make something
stronger, or more exciting or
1024. Catastrophic: causing a lot of successful again. पन
ु र्जीवित करना
problems for people. आपातपर्ण

1037. Infighting: arguments or
1025. Redress: compensation or competition between members of a
satisfaction for a wrong or injury. group for power or influence. आपसी
निवारण मतभेद
1026. Apprehensive: worried or 1038. Insurmountable: so great that it
frightened that something cannot be dealt with successfully.
unpleasant may happen. भयभीत दर्ग
ु म

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1039. Tantalising: making you want
something that you cannot have or
do. तरसाने वाला

1040. Disquiet: feelings of worry and

unhappiness about something. बेचन ै ी

1041. Apathy: lack of interest,

enthusiasm, or concern. बेपरवाही

1042. Placate: to make somebody feel

less angry about something. शांत

1043. Overwhelms: to defeat someone

or something by using a lot of force.
पराजित करना

1044. Antagonistic: expressing strong

dislike or opposition. विरोधी

1045. Divisive: tending to cause

disagreements that separate people
into opposing groups. बांटनेवाला


1046. Stepping into the shoes: taking

on a particular role or task that
someone else has been doing.

1047. Choppy waters: troublesome,

difficult or uncertain times.

1048. Has his work cut out: to have

something difficult to do.

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