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Cultural diversity
Culture is a dynamic set of values and believe system
that shape of behavior of individuals from various groups
and communities. In the United States,the concept of
cultural pluralism mean that instead of being a melting
pot where individuals forsake their primary culture to
blend into the main stream,the United States is more of
a"salad bowl". where we all live together,but the
distinguished characteristics of each group are
preserved and valued
A number of variable influence the behaviour of individuals
within the cultural group.
When SLPs provide services to CLD students,they must
consider the following for each individual student and family
such as
1.Languages spoken in the home
2.parents'educational level of birth of the students and parents
4.Length of residence in the United States
5.Socioeconomic status
6.Student age and gender
7.Neighborhood and peer group

cultural competence:
A culturally competent helping professional is actively in the
process of becoming aware of his or her own assumption
second a culturally competent helping professional is one
who actively attempt to understand the world view of his
or her culturally different clients
Third,a culturally competent helping professional is one who
is in the process of actively developing and practicing
appropriate, relevant and sensitive intervention strategies and
skills in working with his or her culturally different client.

The way increase the cultural


The way increase the culturally competence,,and then

practical suggestions are follows

Consider how these affect the way you interact with

students and their families. For exaDmaniepl
Glaelleg,moany American
consider early independence in children to be highly
desirable. As an Illustration,I read in one child raising
book that parents should encourage their two years old
children to learn how to scLorrana mAlvabradloe eggs
Read as Much as you can about the family 's
Linguistic cultural background

There are many books ,articles,and web sitesthat can help SLPs
increase their understanding of various cultural group
and language

Team up with persons from the local cultural

community who can act as interpreters and
I have found that this is an invaluable way to gain
insight into a family or student simation

Consider the value system of the family and larger

community when settings intervention goals
For example ,a Filipino SLP shared with me that for many
Filipino families,early intervention with toddler and
preschoolers is not a priority because in the
Philippines,many children do not begin attending school
until age seven. Thus,if you are working with a three_year_old
Filipino child who does not speak in complete sentence in
any language ,language intervention
Might be much more important to you than to the
family,who believes in "letting children be children
Ask students,family members,and interpreters to share
important aspects of their culture with you
I have found that they often love to share;rarely does
anyone in the United states ask themselves and their
cultural. They are especially appreciative when I attempt to
learn a few words in their language.It is experience that
mandarin and Russian are very challenging indeed! I always
feel a newfound respect for immigrant who have to learn

Development of child language

~Roseberry mckibbin
Thank you

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