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Lesson Plan: Conditionals and Assignments for High School Students

Objective: By the end of the week, students will be able to identify and use conditional
sentences correctly, and will be able to complete assignments related to conditionals.

Whiteboard and markers
Handouts with exercises
Computer and internet access
Grading rubric

Day 1: Introduction to Conditionals

Introduce the concept of conditional sentences
Explain the four types of conditionals
Provide examples for each type
Have students practice identifying the type of conditional in given sentences

Day 2: First Conditional

Review the first conditional
Provide examples
Discuss the structure of the first conditional
Have students complete exercises using the first conditional

Day 3: Second Conditional

Review the second conditional
Provide examples
Discuss the structure of the second conditional
Have students complete exercises using the second conditional

Day 4: Third Conditional

Review the third conditional
Provide examples
Discuss the structure of the third conditional
Have students complete exercises using the third conditional

Day 5: Mixed Conditionals and Assignments. 200 words.

Review mixed conditionals
Provide examples
Assign students to write a short story using the conditionals. 200 words.
Provide a grading rubric for the essay.

Criteria for Assessing Using Conditional Sentences

Accuracy of Conditional Sentences: Evaluate the accuracy and appropriate use of conditional
sentences in the essay, including the use of appropriate tenses and structures.

Clarity of Meaning: Assess the clarity of the meaning conveyed through the use of conditional
sentences. Evaluate whether the sentences convey the intended meaning and whether they are
easy to understand.

Depth of Analysis: Evaluate the depth of analysis demonstrated by the use of conditional
sentences. Look for evidence of thoughtful analysis of the topic, including the use of complex
and varied conditional sentence structures.

Organization and Cohesion: Evaluate the organization and cohesion of the essay, including
how well the conditional sentences are integrated into the overall structure of the essay.

Grammar and Mechanics: Assess the essay's overall grammar, mechanics, and usage,
including spelling, punctuation, and word choice.

Originality and Creativity: Evaluate the originality and creativity of the essay in the use of
conditional sentences, including the use of unusual or unexpected structures, and the ability to
use conditional sentences in unique and engaging ways.
Each criterion can be assigned a numerical score or letter grade, with specific feedback
provided to the student on areas of strength and weakness.

Assess students' understanding of conditional sentences throughout the week
Grade students' essays based on the provided rubric
Provide feedback on areas for improvement
Note: The lesson plan can be adjusted based on the level of the students and the
available time.

Here are seven varied assignments and worksheets for a week of classes about
conditional sentences:

Identify the Conditional Type:

Provide students with a list of sentences and ask them to identify the type of conditional used in
each one. This can include examples of all four types of conditionals.

Fill in the Blanks:

Provide students with a paragraph or story with blank spaces. Students must fill in the blank
spaces with the correct conditional sentence based on the context.

Conditional Sentence Matching:

Provide students with two columns - one with conditional sentences and one with the
corresponding situations. Students must match each sentence with the correct situation.

Conditional Sentence Writing:

Provide students with a scenario and ask them to write a conditional sentence that corresponds
to the situation. This can include scenarios such as "If I win the lottery, I will travel the world."

Error Correction:
Provide students with a paragraph that includes conditional sentences with errors. Students
must identify and correct the errors.
Mixed Conditionals:
Provide students with a list of mixed conditional sentences and ask them to rewrite them in
different ways using different conditional types.

Conditional Sentence Transformation:

Provide students with a sentence written in one conditional type and ask them to transform it
into another type. For example, transform "If I had studied harder, I…

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