Lesson Plan

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School Grade Level 8


Teaching Dates & Quarter 4
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of factors that influence cigarette and alcohol use and strategies for prevention and control.
B. Performance Standards The learner demonstrates personal responsibility in the prevention of cigarette and alcohol use through the promotion of a healthy
C. Learning Competency  identifies reasons why people smoke cigarettes. (Code: H8S-IVa-28)
 analyzes the negative health impact of cigarette smoking. (Code: H8S-IVb-c-29)
II. Content Gateway Drugs (Cigarettes)
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages Health, pages 239-279
3. Textbook pages Physical Education and Health, pages 355-382
4. Additional Materials Pictures, Video, Cartolina, Laptop, Flat Screen Television , Human Body Tarpapel and Power point presentation.
B. Other Learning Resources https://youtu.be/qG3YMK_h1oM , https://youtu.be/dG_8DYmSAAA and https://youtu.be/RK27RX54EJU

IV. Procedures Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Preliminary Activities Good Afternoon, Class.
1.Prayer Good Afternoon, Ma’am.
2. Classroom management Before we start our lesson, let us have a prayer.
3. Checking of Attendance (The teacher will play the video)
https://youtu.be/dG_8DYmSAAA (The students will follow and sing together with the video)

Before you take your seats, please pick all the pieces of paper
under your chair. (The students will pick the pieces of paper)
Class, do we have any absentee today?
None Ma’am.
Okay. Very good.

Class, I have here again our classroom rules. We have the word
RESPECT that stands for…
Follow our rules so that we can have a fruitful discussion.

Are we clear class? Yes, ma’am.

A. Reviewing previous lesson / I have prepared an activity. You can call it “Guess Me”.
Presenting the lesson
I will show you a group of letters and you have to guess what
word they created. The equivalent of the letter is the next letter
when we are using our English alphabet. For example, the letters
are ADC, what letter comes after A?
Ma’am, letter B.
How about the letter D, what comes after it?
Ma’am, letter E.
Then, what is the letter after C?
Ma’am, letter D.
What word that you can create?
Remember that letter Z is equal to letter A. It’s BED Ma’am.
Are the instructions clear now?
Yes, ma’am.
Okay. Here’s the group of letters.
(Student will give the answer)

You all got it right!

Remember these words because they will be useful for our next
B. Establishing the Purpose Everybody, look at these pictures and observe. What do you
of the lesson notice about the bodies on these pictures? Are there any
similarities and

Yes, ma’am.

In some pictures, the people look thin and the other is obese.
What do you think are the reasons why they look thin and the
other is obese? Maybe because they have poor diet and do not exercise.

Okay, any other observation? They have vices like alcohol and cigarettes.

Why do you think they are looking healthy? On the other pictures, the people look good and healthy.

Very good observations, class. What I need you to do is to put Maybe because they eat healthy food and exercise often.
these pictures together according to their similarities. Pick one by
one and place them on this chart.

Now that you have put them together, if we are to categorize

these pictures, what would be the possible label?

The first group of pictures could be healthy body and the other is
unhealthy body.

Great! You have completed the chart. Look at the chart one more
time and see the differences of a healthy body and unhealthy
body. I hope you choose to have a healthy body like them and not
the other one.
C. Presenting examples/ Now! I have here a video clip. Watch it carefully because
instances of the lesson afterwards I have questions regarding the video.
Are you ready?
Yes, ma’am.
Here is the video.

(The students will watch the video)

( https://youtu.be/qG3YMK_h1oM )
So now, let’s analyze the video you’ve watched by answering the
questions here.

The first question is…

(The teacher flashed the questions through power point

The video is all about a two-year-old boy that smokes 40 cigarettes

a day.

The video is all about the boy who is consider as active smoker.

I was shocked after watching the video because I don’t have any
idea that a two-year old child can smoke like that.

I felt uneasy because the health of that little boy can be in danger.

That little boy can have a lung cancer.

He can have a heart disease.

He can suffer from asthma.

No, ma’am because if they guide their child, he will never be a


No, ma’am because parents are the first teacher that will teach them
the right things to do from wrong doings.

No ma’am because the parents in the video allow their child to

From the activities given earlier, what do you think is our lesson
this afternoon? Ma’am, I guess our lesson is about cigarettes smoking.

Our lesson is about the gateway drugs, which is cigarettes. The

reasons and negative health impacts of cigarette smoking.
When you hear or read the word “smoking”, what comes first into
D. Discussing new concepts your mind?
practicing new skills #1 Smoking is a bad habit that can lead a person to death.

Through smoking, you can get many diseases.

For your information, thousands of Filipino teenagers smoke
every day. They know that smoking is bad for their health, but
they still smoke.

Are you familiar with this plant?

Yes, ma’am. That is Tobacco
The major component of cigarette is tobacco.
What is tobacco? Read it.
It is a tall, leafy plant, originally grown in South and Central
America, but now cultivated throughout the world.
This plant is widely cultivated in warm regions, especially in US
and China.
Dried tobacco leaves are mainly use in cigarettes and the major
substances that you can find in cigarette is nicotine.
Nicotine, the addictive drug found in tobacco products like
cigarettes is a poisonous stimulant. A stimulant drug increases the
central nervous system (CNS) activity.
According to the Republic Act No. 9211 “The tobacco regulation
act of 2003”, it governs tobacco use. The other one is the
Republic Act of 8749 that states smoking in all public places and
public conveyances are prohibited.

Now you know the basic information about cigarette smoking,

Let’s talk about the reasons why people smoke cigarettes.
Can you give me the reasons that is in your mind why people
smoke cigarettes?
Ma’am I think one of the reasons why people smoke cigarettes is
Ma’am it is because of the peer and family influence.
All your reasons are correct. For better understanding of the
reasons why people smoke cigarettes let’s discuss it through an

But first, you will choose any of this icon that show your interest.
The students will choose what group are they.
Group of musicians, dancers, artist, and actors and actresses.
Everyone, proceed to your group.
I know that most of you are fond of playing mobile legends, right.
Our activity has something to do with your favorite game. I have
here pictures of heroes in the mobile legends, all you need to do is
to choose one hero and follow what he says.
Did you understand the instructions?
Yes, Ma’am.

Let’s do the activity!

(The teacher will ask for a volunteer or call a student)

(The students will choose a hero and do what the hero says)
(The teacher will guide, add information and praise the students)

We all know that parents are the role models of their children at
home and teach them the right doings from wrong. If they can see
their parents, doing vices there’s a big possibility that they can
imitate what their parents do.

If you are in a group of friends, you need to choose wisely, what

friends you want to be with because there are times that some of
you friends have vices and influence you by saying you will be
handsome and cooler. That’s what makes you to be a smoker.
In our generation today media is significant in our everyday life
but it can also use in adapting wrong doings like browsing in
different applications where you can see videos show people
smoke and doing vices.

As a Filipino, we can easily believe some happenings without any

experiment. Just like in smoking, smokers said that when they are
smoking it could lessen the negativity they have in mind and
bodies but they didn’t know the effects of smoking. That’s why
there are what we called harmful beliefs.

Nicotine is major component of cigarettes that makes the smoker

addictive. Some people become stressed and turned into a regular
smoker because of the calming effect of nicotine in a cigarette.
Okay, class. Did you understand the 5 reasons why people Yes, Ma’am.
None, Ma’am.
Do you have any questions?

There are many reasons why people smoke. What do you think They will get sick and it may be the reason of their death.
will happen if they continue to smoke for a very long time?
E. Discussing new concepts Yes, we all know that smoking is dangerous to our health. With
practicing new skills #2 that being said, let’s discuss further the negative health impacts of
cigarettes smoking. Let us know what really happens when you
continue to smoke for a very long period.
Okay, Ma’am
I have here an example of human body. Think of this as a healthy
body. I will give you pictures of diseases and all you have to do is
place these to the body parts where you think it occurs. Your
clues are at the back of the pictures.
Is that clear, class? Yes, Ma’am
(The students place the pictures)

(The teacher checks the student’s answers and discuss it one-by

Let’s discuss the diseases… Cataracts – The lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque,
resulting in blurred vison.

When you become a smoker, it can damage the lenses of your

eyes. It is believe that smoking cause or worsen several eye
conditions In the picture, the lens of the eye become cloudy or not clear.
Can you described what have you seen in the picture?

It is where the deterioration of the central portion of the retina,

known as the macula damaged that’s why the vision become Lung Cancer- a disease of a smoker that damages the lungs.
unclear like looking at the windows with fogs.

The lungs are the two spongy organs that take in the oxygen when
you inhale and release carbon dioxide when you exhale.
I have here two pictures of the lungs, what do you notice on the The two pictures differ from each other, the one are the normal
pictures? lungs and the other are the damaged lungs by smoking.

Heart disease- Involves the cardiovascular system that being

affected when smoking.

Smoking is one of the biggest risk factors for developing a

cardiovascular disease. Nicotine tightens the blood vessels and
damages their inner linings. Heart attacks are more common in Oral Cancer- also known as mouth cancer, a cancer of the lining of
smokers. the lips, tongue, or throat.
Oral cancer appears as a growth or sore in the mouth. It also
includes the hard and soft palate and others mentioned earlier. If
you continue to smoke it leads to a larger group of cancers called
head, cheeks and neck cancers Stomach ulcer- a painful sores in the lining of your stomach.

It occurs when the thick layer of mucus that protects your

stomach from digestive juices is reduce. This allows the digestive
acids to eat away at the tissues that line the stomach. It is one of
the diseases that smoker can get because there are also times that
they prefer to smoke first that eat on the right time. Hearing loss- the inability to hear.

Smoking creates plaque on blood vessel walls, decreasing blood

flow to the inner ear. It is cause by ear infections.

Look at the body once more. This is what will happen if you
become a smoker. It will destroyed your body and may lead to
your death.
Do you want your body to be like this? No, ma’am.

How can you avoid these diseases? I can avoid those diseases by not smoking.
I can avoid those diseases by not allowing myself to be influence
by others who are smoking.

For you to be able to avoid getting associated with smoking, you

must always remember the reasons why people smoke because it
can help you in your decisions.

Remember each time a person puffs a cigarette or chew tobacco;

his /her body will absorb more than 5,000 chemical substances.
You must always do the right thing and make good choices.
Do you understand? Yes, ma’am.
Do you have questions regarding our discussions?
F. Developing Mastery (If someone raises his hands the teacher will going to answer
the question/s)
None, Ma’am.
If none, let’s test your mastery.

Group yourselves into two. I have here different cigarette packs

contains question that you need to answer. You will write your
answers here.
Are you ready? Yes, Ma’am.
(The students will do the activity)
(The teacher will give the cigarette packs to the groups)

(The students finished the activity)

Okay, if you are done, post it here on the board and let’s check if
your answers are correct.

(The teacher checks the answer of the students)

I see that you’ve really understood our lesson.

Now, on the same group we will have an activity, This activity
G. Finding practical called ‘’Show Off”’. Please read the instruction.
application of concepts Every group must create a presentation that will show and answer
and skills in daily the given situation. You only have three minutes to conceptualize
living. your ideas.
Did you understand the instruction?
Yes, ma’am.
You’re going to grade through these criteria:

Here are the task.

Group of Musicians – Compose atleast 2-3 lines song to promote Yes, ma’am.
stop smoking
Group of Dancers- Choreograph a simple tiktok dance to (Students will perform/present their output.)
promote stop smoking
Group of Actors – Make a short
Group of Artist – Make a poster that promotes stop smoking As a student, we should share the learnings that we have to others
and make our health and mind stronger to make better decisions.

(students will clap their hands together)

Your time starts now!

Are you done conceptualizing your ideas?
Okay you may perform.

(The teacher gives feedbacks and grade the

performance/presentation of the four groups)
By knowing the reasons and the negative health impacts of
smoking, how can we lessen the people especially you, teenagers
not to get involved in smoking?

You all did great. Give yourselves 10 claps. .

H. Making Now, let us sum up what you have learned in our discussion
generalizations about through graphic organizers. Group yourselves into two and we
the lesson will start the activity.
Is that clear, class?
Yes, Ma’am.
If you are done. Paste it here on the board and we will check it.
(The teacher checks the student’s activity)

With that, I can truly say that you have understood our lesson.
Can you promise me that you’ll never get involved and allow
yourselves to be influenced by others who are smoking?
Yes, ma’am, we will.
I. Evaluation Learning Class be ready and we will have a short quiz.
A. Multiple choice
Direction: Identify the reasons why people smoke cigarettes.
Write the letter of your answers on the blanks.

______ 1. Individuals want to smoke to fit in their group of

friends. It makes them more sociable, cooler and attractive.
a. Peer Pressure b. Stress factor
c. Media Influence d. Harmful Beliefs
______ 2. People smoke to relieve stress and can shortly numb
a. Stress factor b. Peer Pressure
c. Media Influence d. Harmful Beliefs

______ 3. A powerful tool and plays a significant role in

portraying the image of smoker.
a. Stress factor b. Peer Pressure
c. Media Influence d. Parental Influence

______ 4. A child grows up in a home where there are regular

smoking parents
a. Stress factor b. Peer Pressure
c. Media Influence d. Parental Influence

______ 5. Some people believe that smoking can conditioned

their bodies and lifestyle.
a. Parental Influence b. Peer Pressure
c. Harmful beliefs d. Stress factor

C. Essay
Direction: Write down two diseases caused by smoking and
explain it in two to three sentences.
J. Additional Activities For your assignment.
(Assignment) Research about alcohol as gateway drugs.
Yes, ma’am.
Okay. Goodbye class. God Bless.
Goodbye ma’am.
V. Remarks
VI. Reflections

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