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QuickJump Overview

The QuickJump box provides a fast way for you to navigate elsewhere in the application. The box also
provides auto-complete for both commands and parameters. Auto-complete means that you can type
the first few letters of your destination, and the QuickJump box provides a list of any matching
destinations. For example, typing the letter A displays all destinations that begin with A. Next, select
your destination. This configurable feature appears at the upper right corner of each PolicyCenter

You can jump to particular screens (absolute commands) or entities.

Usually you use wizards to take you through a series of consecutive steps. However, in certain instances
you can use QuickJump within a wizard.
• You can QuickJump to screens that are available on the left sidebar of the user interface.
• QuickJump actions in a wizard are only available when you are in that wizard. For example, you cannot
jump from an account screen to a specific screen in a wizard.
Note: If you are in a wizard and decide to jump to another part of PolicyCenter, your work will be lost if
you do not save it first.

QuickJump References
The following tables list the QuickJump items that PolicyCenter provides. Some commands can be
chained, that
is to say, appended with other information, such as another entity name or a policy number.

Screen Name Command

Account → Account File Summary Enter Account followed immediately by the account
number (no space)
Account → New Submissions NewSubmission
Administration tab Admin
Administration → Business Settings → ActivitySearch
Activity Patterns
Administration → Users & Security → OrganizationSearch
Administration → Users & Security → AdminProducerCodeSearch
Producer Code Search
Administration → Users & Security → AdminProducerCodeSearch
Producer Codes
Administration → Users & Security → Users UserSearch
Desktop tab Desktop
Desktop → My Activities MyActivities
Desktop → My Other Policy Transactions MyOtherTransactions
Desktop → My queues MyQueues
Desktop → My Renewals MyRenewals
Desktop → My Submissions MySubmissions
Policy → Summary Enter Policy followed immediately by the policy
number(no space)
Search → Search Accounts AccountSearch
Search → Search Policies PolicySearch
Search → Search Producer Codes ProducerCodeSearch

Basic Search
PolicyCenter provides basic search which is a free-text search for quick access against very large
databases. Free-text search also provides exact and inexact matching. Inexact matching returns results
that partially match, are synonyms, and sound-like the search criteria.

Note: In addition to basic search, PolicyCenter also includes advanced search. Advanced search uses
database search, which directly searches the PolicyCenter database. PolicyCenter provides advanced
search for policies, policy transactions, accounts, producer codes, activities, and contacts.

Basic Search Overview

In PolicyCenter, basic search uses free-text search which provides faster search than database search
against very large databases. The search is faster because it searches through text-based
representations of selected data. You can choose to enable or disable basic search. Basic search is
disabled in the default configuration.
PolicyCenter includes basic search for policies and submissions. You can configure basic search for
policies and submissions.
The Search Policies → Basic screen has fields to enter data by name, address, and other criteria. For
each field, there is a corresponding search index to optimize retrieval of that data. One search field may
map to more than one object or property in the database. For example, entering a value in the Name
field compares the search string against an index field that consists of concatenated First Name and Last
Name or Company Name.

In the default configuration, PolicyCenter contains basic search for policies. Basic search for policies has
the following features:
• The Name search field matches a concatenated first and last name or company name.
• The Name search field matches the primary named insured or additional named insured on the policy.
In personal auto line of business, the search also matches the secondary named insured.
• The Phone search field matches a home, mobile, fax or work phone number on the policy.
• The Address fields match against the current and former addresses on the policy. If there are multiple
addresses, the Address field in the search results only displays the matching address.
• Basic search returns bound policies and unbound policy transactions.
• Basic search does not return archived policies.
Note: PolicyCenter includes advanced search for additional object types.

Basic Name Search

The Name field finds matches in the primary named insured and additional names insureds on a policy.
A match on primary named insured has a better ranking than additional named insureds. This is an
inexact search field.

Starting with the best match, basic search ranks the matching names as follows:
1. Exact, 2. Starts with, 3. Synonym, 4. Sounds-like and 5. Contains
If you enter more than one word in the name field, the search gives a better rank to results containing
both words. A match has a better ranking if the words exist in the same order. If only part of the words
match, the match has an inferior ranking.

Basic Address Search

The address search finds current and historical addresses. Search returns a matching address in the
primary address of a primary named insured or additional named insured.
Search returns a result if an address matches the Street and/or City fields. These fields are query fields.
Basic search filters the query results by State and Postal Code fields. These fields are filter fields.

Basic In Force On Search

The In Force On filter field returns only those policies that are in force on that date.
For example, Robert Brown took out policy on January 1, 2002. He renews the policy every year but
makes no other changes. To view the policy in force on October 1, 2004, set the In Force On field to this
date. The search returns the policy period in force on this date.

Advanced Search Overview

PolicyCenter includes advanced search to find matching policies, policy transactions, accounts, producer
codes, activities, and contacts. The advanced search uses a database search of the PolicyCenter

You can access the advanced search from the Search tab. For policies, you access advanced search on
the advanced screen in the Search → Policies.
Note: The Search Policies → Basic screen uses free-text search not database search.

Some fields on the advanced search screens are text fields. If you enter text into one of these fields,
PolicyCenter searches for a match that starts with that text. For example, if you enter Jones into the last
name field, the search returns all last names that start with Jones. The search results include: Jones,
Jonesburg, or Jones-Smith. It does not find McJones.

You must enter an exact match in the Account Number and Policy Number fields.
During a search, PolicyCenter uses only those fields in the form in which data exists. For example, if you
search for a Policy and enter a Last Name but not a Policy Number, PolicyCenter omits Policy Number
from the search. The search results returns accounts, policies, or policy transactions with links to view
details. Accounts, policies, or policy transactions for which you do not have sufficient producer code
permissions do not appear in the search results.

You can search on the following fields without specifying additional search information:
• Official ID
• Account Number
• Policy Number
• Phone
Personal Names
Both the first and last name fields have a check box to indicate whether the name must be an exact
The name of the person requires the following:
• Both first and last name.
• For the first or last name, the name must be an exact match. If exact match is not selected, you must
provide the first three letters of the name.
• If the last name is not an exact match, you must provide either city and state or postal code.

Company Names
There is now a check box to specify whether the company name is an exact match.
The name of the company requires the following:
• The name must be an exact match, or you must provide the first five letters of the name.

Producer Code
You can enter a producer code without specifying additional search information.

Phone Number
On the search screen, the Phone field matches the contact’s Work Phone. Searches on phone number
require an exact match. The extension for a phone number is stored in the same field as the phone
number itself. If a phone number has an extension, a search omitting the extension is not a match.
The phone number matches the contact’s work phone number.

Advanced Search for Policies

The Search Policies → Advanced screen allows you to search for policies and policy transactions. By
using the Search
For drop-down menu, you can search for the following policy transaction types:
• Cancellation, • Final Audit, • Policy Change, • Premium Report, • Reinstatement
• Renewal, • Rewrite and • Submission

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