Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Management

● Authoritative: (clear, consistent, high
expectations for students, firm but fair)
● Conscious Discipline: Empowering students,
offering student choice
● BIST: Safe seat/buddy room, interventions with
support, understanding the FUNCTION of a
behavior, triaging to prevent behaviors

Teach Rules & Procedures

Whole Class Intervention OR Student


Eye Contact/ Proximity/

Reflection Sheet

Acknowledge Behavior

Move Seat

Conversation/React to


Referral to Office (Last Resort

unless dangerous behavior)
Classroom Management

1. Respect PEOPLE
2. Respect PROPERTY
3. Respect LEARNING

1. Kind & inclusive words, not talking when

others are talking, keeping body to self

2. Take care of resources, keep classroom

clean, use materials the right way

3. We all learn differently, growth mindset,

quiet during worktimes, active involvement,
respect each other’s right to learn

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