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Down to Earth" Episode 5: "Waste" - Student Worksheet

Name: _______________________________________________________ Date: _________________

Objective: This worksheet will guide you through watching Episode 5, "Waste," of the documentary
series "Down to Earth." Complete each section to help you understand the global waste issue and reflect
on solutions and personal actions you can take.

Part 1: Pre-Watching Questions

Before watching the episode, answer these questions based on what you already know or assume about
global waste management.

1. What are some major issues caused by improper waste management?

2. Can you list any solutions or innovations to manage waste that you know of?

Part 2: While Watching

As you watch the episode, take notes that will help you answer the questions in the next parts of this

• Key Issues Noted:

• Solutions Proposed:

• Most Surprising Fact:

Part 3: Post-Watching Reflection

After watching the episode, reflect on the following questions.

1. Which waste management solution presented in the episode do you find most feasible or
innovative? Why?

2. Was there anything in the episode that changed your view on how waste is managed globally
or locally? Explain.

Part 4: Personal Action Plan

Think about one change you can make in your daily life to contribute to better waste management. Write
down your plan.

1. One change I can make to reduce waste:

2. How I plan to implement this change:

Part 5: Class Discussion Preparation

Prepare one question or topic you would like to discuss with the class based on the episode.

1. Question/Topic for Class Discussion:

Submit this worksheet and be ready to share your thoughts and action plan with the class!

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