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We would like to express our deep gratitude to all the effort to assist us with assigned
task, and never lost their patience to sustain us to fight the obstacles being obstructed in
our way towards accomplishment.
To our beloved parents, we thank you for your deep consideration for the finances
and undying support throughout the making of the research study. As well as for your
words of encouragement to all those nights we spent making this research study.
To our research moderator/Instructor Sir Robert C. Alcarde pHd, we thank you for
your patience, encouragement and sacrifices, with utmost support and for the time to check
our research work. Your sacrifices may lead us into the path that strengthens our minds
with fully inspiration. Thank you!
Above all, we can’t do anything without the presence of the Almigthy God. We
praise and thank God for His shower of blessings throughout our research and its
successful completion.

We dedicate this Study to our teacher who share us the knowledge on how to make this
research paper
We also dedicate this to our parents for supporting us morally and financially.
We also dedicate this to all those people in one way or another have contributed their help
to make this research possible, to our friends and classmates.
We also dedicate this tour almighty God who grant us the knowledge and blessing that is
needed to make this research possible.
Background of the Study
Welding requires skills from learners. It is Important that the learners know how to
operate equipment related to Shielded Metal Arc Welding(SMAW). Before the start of the
practice, one has to know all the equipment and how to handle the welding machine
efficiently and effectively.
According to Zalkind(2007), the future need for competent welders should promt
educational programs to adequately train individuals for industrial assignment as
punctually as possible for various levels of skill requirements. The challenge arises in high
school, universities, and technical institutions to adequately recruit and prepare younger
talents. As stated by Meyers et al (2012) he found experienced argriculture teachers
perceived pre-service training should focus on “managing the laboratory setting, effective
student learning” tohelp new and beginning teachers successfully teach welding course.
Hoffaman et al (2012) metion that anecdotal evidence that SMAW as the most difficult
weld process to master by secondary students. Controlled variables during stadards. This
coud be accomplished by sequencing laboratory experiences so that student practice
welding. This may improves student performance on SMAW to become proficient in
welding work and aid in replacing skilled workers faster for industrial assigment
The purpose of this study was to describe the welding skills of Grade12 learners with
the hopes to provide inputs on their current skills in welding. This study also hopes to
sample information on how well the students of Lebak National High School- Villamonte
has grasped the necessary skills in their field of specialization to further improve their
skills and also help the school administration to make curricular actions on the rendering of
the course to the learners.
Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to describe the welding skills of Shielded

Metal Arc Welding(SMAW)
students. This study seek answers to the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1. Age
1.2 Gender
2. To what extent is the level of theor skills in welding?
3. Is their performance vary on their age, gender and grade level

Significance of the Study

To the Teachers

The study would be able to give inputs as learners are grasping the needed skills
for them to be competent in welding. Relevant data would also provide a looking glass on
how well the course is being taught to the Senior High School learners

To the Parents
The parents may provide support and be aware of possible benefits and effect of
being a welder student, parents might give their child extra allowance for the expenses.

To the future Researchers

This study aimed to know the welding skills of Grade 12 SMAW learners at Lebak
National High School-Villamonte. The respondents was enrolled, during the school year
2021-2022 specifically, this study looked at their age and gender. A descriptive survey
questionnaire was administered to gathere specific data about their welding skills.
Conceptual Framework

This study aim to know and evaluate the students profile skills and performances of
SMAW students.

Profile Overall
*gender Skills and
* age
*grade level

Fig. 1 Schematic Diagram of the Study, LNHS, 2022

This study is to be guide by the hypothesis that is need to be accepted or to be rejected.

1. There is no variation between their age, gender and grade level for their overall
Definition of Terms

Ability to follow Direction – Carefully follows written and/ or verbal directions, Ask for
clarification, if necessary.
Age- The length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed.
Application of Safety Practices – Safety practices that improves working conditions,
thereby reducing accidents in workplace.
Evaluation- It is the main purpose of the program evaluation that can be determined the
quality of a program by formulating a judgments.
Gender- The state of being male or female.
Implication- Contextualizing the findings within the research that helps readers to grasp
the significance of the research.
Learners- It is someone who is learning about a particular subject or how to do something.
In this study, learner refers to the senior High learners and they are the ones who have
welding as specialization.
Profile- an outline of something, especially a person’s face, as from one side.
Shielded Metal are Welding (SMAW) – It is shielded metal arc welding equipment
typically consist of aconstant current welding power supply an electrode, with electrode
holder, a “ground’ clamp and welding cables.
Skills – It is a fabrication or sculptural process that joins materials, usually metals or
thermosplastics, by causing fusion, which is distinct from lower temperature metal –
joining tecniques such as brazing and soldering, which not melt the base metal.


This chapter contains the review of related literature and studies in both foreign and
local that serve as a source of imformation and guide for the reliability of this research
Related Literature

In 2012, Jeffuseetal asserted that the welding is specialized task that usually
requires training and certifications of abilities before a welder can work in industry.
Jeffuseetal & Bower (2010) stated that young person planning a career in welding should
possess good hand-eye coordination, as well as an understanding of welding.
In 1973, Fleming (indicated that welding training program have employed aptitude
test manual dexterity, but have not extensively evaluate the predictive ability of individual
factors regarding future performance.
In 1985, Giachino & Weeks also stated that welders needs the ability to concentrate
on detailed work and must be free of disabilities that prevent working in awkward
Ericsson et al. noted that the inadequate performance strategies often account for
the lack of improvement futher, Ericsson and others (1993) recomended that to assure
method and be supervised by an instructor. Congruent with the ecological approach, 10
ericsson and others (1993) suggested that the instructor organize the sequence of
appropriate training tasks and monitor improvement to decide when transitions to more
complex and challenging task are appropriate.
According to Cary et al.(2005) stated welding is a “ joining process that produces
coalescence of materials by heating them to the welding temperature, with or without the
use of filler metal. In other words, welding is fusion of two pieces of material by heating
the materials to the point of melting and flowing.

This chapter presents the methods of research, locale of the study, the subject of
the study, sampling techniques, data gathering instruments and statistical treatment which
magnify the process that the researchers has undergone to answer the questions raised in
the preceding chapter of this study.

Research Design
This study aimed to describe the perception about welding skills of Grade 12-
SMAW learners and how it affects to their performances and success, Hence, this study
used the descriptive research to answer the questions raised in this research investigation.
Locale of the Study
The research was conducted at Lebak National High School- Villamonte. Located
at Villamonte, Lebak, Sultan Kudarat. Wherein the respondent of the study are senior high
school students.
Respondents of the Study
The respondent of the study are the 10 students that are grade 12 learners majoring
in SMAW. Their age from 17-21 years old. They were chosen to be the respondents
because their specialization is Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)
Scope and Delimitation
This study aimed to know and describe the perception about welding skills of
Grade 12- SMAW learners. The Scope of this study is in the School of Lebak National
High School, Villamonte Lebak Sultan Kudarat. Where the respondents are the senior high
school student.
This study limited to collect data about design of protective gear to be used
during welding.
Sampling Techniques
Straified random procedure is used to select the participants for the study
Statistical Tool
To determine the answers of the respondents the researcher used questionnaires to
gathered data that are needed in this research, to save time and to get the information
confidentially to answer the questionnaire.
Statistical Treat
When the information will be gathered, the researcher will tally the results from
the questionnaire that the respondents answer. The profile of the respondent including age,
grade level, course and the question of the researcher were analyzed by percentage and
frequency distribution.
Respondents of the Study
The respondent of the study are the 10 students that are Grade 12 learners majoring
in SMAW. Their age are from 17-21 years old. They were chosen to be the respondent
because their specialization is Shielded Metal Arc Welding ( SMAW).

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