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ISSN: 0852-0682, EISSN: 2460-3945

Forum Geografi, Vol 31 (1) July 2017: 43-55

DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v31i1.3074
© Author(s) 2017. CC BY-NC-ND Attribution 4.0 License.

“Kampung” as a Formal and Informal Integration Model (Case

Study: Kampung Pahandut, Central Kalimantan Province,
Noor Hamidah*1,4, R. Rijanta2, Bakti Setiawan3, Muh. Aris Marfai2
Doctoral Program, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Universitas Palangka Raya, Indonesia.
* Corresponding author (e-mail:

Received: 13 January 2017 / Accepted: 13 June 2017 / Published: 01 July 2017

Abstract. Kampung is a mixed formal and informal settlements which has a long
history. Kampung has always been occupied by millions of in Indonesia. Kampung
shows its capacity to integrate formal and informal activities both within the kampung
itself and activities at city level. This research try to explore Kampung Pahandut,
Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia as a case study of embryo settlement close to
the river. The objective of this research is to describe of formal and informal in formal
and informal activities within Kampung Pahandut. This research attempt to study the
pattern and the forms of socio-economic integration of the community. This research
applies mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) through field observation as a step
to find the integration of formal and informal activity in Kampung. Data collection is
primarily to record both social and economic activities since field observation records
physical appearances of infrastructure. In addition, this Kampung research was
also conducted through in-depth interview to explore information from the selected
resource persons. This research approves that Kampung, in the case of Kampung
Pahandut, is not separated both physical and social from the city of Palangka Raya. It
is reveal that internal social activity of Kampung are able to maintain ‘gotong-royong’
and external social activity showed by ‘green kampung’. Kampung Pahandut is a part
of the Palangka Raya city government by kampung improvement program. It means
integration through physical and social activities shows that kampungs are not isolation
settlements. Kampung has its significant contributions to the social and physical of
the Palangka Raya city. It is as proven by formal and informal activities of Kampung
Pahandut which is found to be fully integrated to the city of Palangka Raya.

Keywords: Kampung, formal settlement, informal settlement, formal-informal

integration, settlement, Kahayan River.

Abstrak. Kampung merupakan perpaduan permukiman formal dan informal melalui sejarah
panjang. Kampung dihuni oleh jutaan penduduk di Indonesia. Kampung menunjukkan
keberagaman aktivitas formal dan informal, baik aktivitas dalam kampung maupun aktivitas
kampung terhadap kota. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi Kampung Pahandut, di Kota Palangka
Raya, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia sebagai kasus permukiman awal di tepian
sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan integrasi formal dan informal dalam
aktivitas formal dan informal kampung. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi integrasi sosial ekonomi
di lingkungan masyarakat kampung. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode gabungan
(kualitatif dan kuantatif) melalui penelitian lapangan sebagai cara untuk menemukan aktivitas
integrasi formal dan informal dalam kampung. Penelitian kampung merupakan data lapangan
terkait aktivitas sosial dan ekonomi, fisik infrastruktur, termasuk wawancara mendalam dengan
informan kunci untuk memperoleh informasi yang komprehensif. Kampung Pahandut terbukti
sebagai bagian yang tidak terpisah dari sosial dan spasial Kota Palangka Raya. Penelitian
ini menunjukkan integrasi sosial internal penduduk kampung yaitu gotong-royong dan
integrasi sosial eksternal antara penduduk kampung dengan penduduk kota melalui aktivitas
“Kampung” as a Formal and Informal...(Hamidah et al.) 44

promosi ‘green kampung’. Kampung Pahandut merupakan bagian administrasi Kota Palangka Raya
melalui program perbaikan kampung. Penelitian integrasi formal dan informal secara fisik dan sosial
menunjukkan bahwa kampung tidak terisolasi dari kota. Kampung Pahandut secara fisik merupakan
wilayah administratif dari Kota Palangka Raya. Penelitian integrasi fisik menunjukkan bahwa
Kampung merupakan bagian permukiman kota. Kampung memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan bagi
kota baik sosial maupun fisik kampung. Penelitian ini membuktikan keberadaan kampung merupakan
bagian aktivitas formal dan informal yang terintegrasi dengan kota.

Kata Kunci: Kampung, permukiman formal, permukiman informal, integrase formal-informal,

permukiman, Sunagi Kahayan.

1. Introduction the informal sector concept as a foundation

Sustainable settlement development in of the birth of new development paradigm.
Indonesia has dualism in terms of formal and The policy and practical levels views of this
informal aspects. This dualism settlement is a dualism or dichotomous thinking of formal
new phenomenon in some areas of Indonesian and informal sector tend to be misunderstood
cities (Baiquni, 2000). Policies and programs at the policy and practical level, followed by
of housing and settlement development tend two contradictive approaches: (i) first, eviction
to adopt it as a one-step regularisation, which of informal trading and transport activities
means the regularisation of housing delivery operating in inner urban areas, and (ii) second,
system in one step (Lim, 1987). One-step assisting capital and technological skills for
regularisation policy is driven by an obsession to home-based informal activities.
supply housing ‘only’ through the mechanism In his research on the housing scheme of
of the ‘formal’ development through organised informal sector workers, Sastrosasmito (1990)
control by both technical requirements and found that the housing problems of informal
procedures of formal development (Doebelle, sector workers are out of the attention of
1987). There are so many implemented government policy. Although the housing
elaboration of policy obsessions with one-step sector is provided by the government through
regularisation, such as a variety of ‘informal’ housing program for low-income urban
program resettlement. However, one-step families, there is still no program to meet the
regularisation policy in Indonesia disregards need of majority of the informal sector workers
harmonisation in the provision of housing who have no access to the official housing
and settlement system in Indonesia, which is program due to the absence of formal collateral.
very dynamic and complex with the crisscross Sastrosasmito (1990) research finding indicates
between the ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ as dualism an optimistic conclusion that it is rational to
in the mechanism of housing. provide a housing scheme for the informal
Since 1960’s the policy maker and urban sector workers if the government is willing
planner have discussed terms of ‘developing’ to give them guarantee for a housing loan, as
and ‘developed’ to have their roots on the what it does for the formal sector workers. His
thinking of dualism or dichotomous model of findings show that the ability and willingness
development paradigm. Hart (1973) argues that to pay on the part of informal sector workers
there are two terms, followed by the later terms can satisfy the monthly repayment of formal
of ‘informal’ and ‘formal’ sector. The two terms housing which is provided for the formal
intensively discussed by scholars and policy sector workers. Rental accommodation in the
maker focusing on the concept of ‘sustainable kampung is the common feature of the housing
development’, ‘empowerment’, ‘social capital’, status of the workers. Informal sector workers
and ‘economic development’. The optimistic are provided with a rental house on rental land.
point of view is the dichotomous or dualism Formal and informal sector are two
model, particularly of formal and informal contradictive approaches in the context of urban
sector. Dualism model is basically appear in settlements. One, slum upgrading projects
the early 1970’s as a part of the acceptance of is a part of pro-informal settlements. Two,

ISSN: 0852-0682, EISSN: 2460-3945 Forum Geografi, Vol 31 (1) July 2017: 44-56
45 “Kampung” as a Formal and Informal...(Hamidah et al.)

urban renewal projects is a part of pro-formal formal and informal integration. Model slum
settlements which were taken together as major upgrading is a model of integration in the
solution for urban settlement problems. These formal and informal settlements as a kampung.
contradictive approaches (slum upgrading and The term integration means integrating the
urban renewal) tend to be ended by favouring whole of the various elements or certain element
the formal approach (urban renewal) rather units. Integration model as an alternative or
than informal approach. Sastrosasmito (1992) one solution of dichotomist settlement models
has explored urban settlement which is related that separate settlement between formal and
to urban slum upgrading projects and urban informal settlements. Integration model is a
renewal projects. Urban slum upgrading new theory with limited research by urban
project and urban renewal project were taken planners and policy makers. Integration model
together as major solution for urban settlements is expected to be able to bridge the dualism of
problems. Sastrosasmito (1992) proved that the formal and informal settlements in Indonesia,
integration of the settlements to urban structure particularly improved settlement.
in KIP project is still appropriate and realistic This paper deals with how urban policy
to be taken as a major strategy to solve the confronts the challenge of working with new
future housing problem of low-income urban innovative schemes not only to address the
families, particularly of the Indonesian middle- traditional needs of informal settlements
class society. The informal approach by KIP or such as housing, basic service, and land
slum upgrading project is more appropriate tenure security, but also to incorporate the
than urban renewal approach to maintain conservation of the environment where these
kampung in big cities of Indonesia. settlements are located. Indonesian government
The national policy has implemented the is trying to enhance the effectiveness of the
urban renewal approaches to make it popular formal settlement by providing access to the
in the context of urban development under its basic elements of housing development which
new labels such as ‘1000 apartment towers’, tends to be limited. The research is particularly
‘superblock’, ‘apartment’ rented apartment only exploring formal and informal integration
(rumah susun sewa), and ownership apartment by social aspect of kampung in urban riverside
(rumah susun milik). Many urban renewal settlement through a case study in Kampung
projects indicate some speculation practices, Pahandut, Pahandut District, Palangka Raya,
shown by low occupancy of the buildings. The Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia (see
demand or the market of high-rise apartments Figure 1).
is not a real demand or a real market. It is a One case study in riverside area namely
quasi-demand, or a quasi-market. There is Kampung Pahandut. Kampung is an old kampung
a tendency that these approaches in Jakarta located along Kahayan River. Kampung
tend to be followed by other cities of Indonesia Pahandut is an embryo of Palangka Raya
(Kusno, 2012). Urban renewal reveals that there City, Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia.
is no any integration of the projects to the old Kampung has some problem not only in term
settlements and to the city level functions. of the physical spatial pattern but also a
One of the real phenomena in Indonesia socio-economic pattern in various strata as
is a slum upgrading approach. Kampung has well as the various location in the urban area.
long history as informal settlements occupied The research question is how to describe of
by millions of people in the country (Rahardjo, formal and informal integration by formal and
2010). Kampung is implemented as slum informal activities within Kampung Pahandut.
upgrading approach and a part of integration How to assess formal-legal status of Kampung
settlement model. Integration is one alternative regarding improve their settlement? The
solution to solve settlement problem in primary objective of this research is to describe
Indonesia. Integration model refers to PeBBu of formal and informal integration by formal
(2004) as one descriptive model to identify and informal within Kampung. It examines

Forum Geografi, Vol 31 (1) July 2017: 44-56 ISSN: 0852-0682, EISSN: 2460-3945
“Kampung” as a Formal and Informal...(Hamidah et al.) 46

Kampung without obtaining formal-legal socio-cultural background such as working

status of Kampung in regard to improve their together (gotong-royong) should be better
settlement. This paper argues that the illegality understood to develop policy (Giyarsih, 2012).
of the kampung should be understood beyond This social cultural policy is an important part
the present formal regulatory framework. The to improve settlement in the future of kampung.

Figure 1. Location of Study

2. Conceptual Framework: Integration ever, disappeared gradually, to be replaced by

Model: Kampung Historical Background the new amalgam of Orang Betawi, Batavi-
In Javanese culture the term kampung ans.
is often associated with backwardness and
shame, in contrast to the modern urban culture Van der Molen (1993) states there are two
of the noble class (Guiness 1986; Raharjo, 2010). types of settlements existed in the fabric of
In colonial Batavia, kampung was inhabited by Batavia: European settlement and kampung.
indigenous and non-European resident, as European settlement which was inhabited by
van der Molen (1993) puts it: the Dutch and other residents of European
descent was characterised by orderly built
The separation between the living quarters environment. Kampung was unplanned and
was maintained to a certain extent during the haphazard settlement, inhabited mainly by
nineteenth century: the Europeans settled in indigenous residents and non-Europeans.
the new or upper town and along the main Sullivan (1986) states in the context of colonial
road between the old and the new town, the Yogyakarta which categorises colonial kampung
non-European inhabitants took possession of into three types: residential compounds for the
the old or lower town or lived in districts, in- Javanese and various foreign or non-Javanese
terspersed among the European districts, the (Chinese, European, Arab, and India). These
so-called kampung. The distinction between residential areas were named according the
the Indonesia immigrants themselves, how- dominant profession of the inhabitants.

ISSN: 0852-0682, EISSN: 2460-3945 Forum Geografi, Vol 31 (1) July 2017: 44-56
47 “Kampung” as a Formal and Informal...(Hamidah et al.)

Sullivan (1986) suggests that Kampung The haphazard of today’s kampung stems
typology in that all type of residential areas in from the way in which the city was planned
the colonial Yogyakarta were called kampung, in colonial times. Kampung has its own long
regardless of their quality. By contrast Flieringa history as informal settlements where millions
sees kampung in term of physical and social of people in the country live in. Kampung shows
condition (Sullivan, 1986; Polle and Hofstee, its capacity to integrate formal and informal
1986; cited by Raharjo, 2010). Flieringa (in activities both within the kampung itself and
Polle and Hofstee, 1986) argues that kampung activities at city level. The integration of formal
in urban Indonesia were a result of gradual and informal activities in a kampung shows that
transformation of the desa (village) after the dichotomous model of urban policy have no
passing of the Dutch Decentralization Law in their empirical arguments. Kampung shows the
1903, which led to the formation of European integration of formal and informal activities.
urban communities similar to gemeenten Integration between formal and informal
(municipalities) in the Netherlands. The sectors in the context of urban settlements
jurisdiction of such municipalities, however, development has its long history. Karsten
did not reach the desa, which was inhabited (1917) in planning the new city of Candi
by the indigenous people and administered Semarang had introduced the integration
by inlandsche gemeenten (indigenous concept of different income and different
municipalities). ethnic groups of Semarang City. Karsten (1917)
Flieringa (in Polle and Hofstee, 1986) classified the new city of Candi into three
further argues that the rural-urban migration categories of house types: large houses, small
led to the urbanisation of inlandsche gemeenten. houses, and smallest houses (Pratiwo, 2005).
Karsten (1917) introduce a concept that is in
These inlandsche gemeenten are not anymore the l980’s had been developed by the Ministry
called desa, but kampung; the difference is of People Housing of Indonesia with its very
that a kampung, in contrast to a desa, has no famous concept of 1:3:6. Concept of 1:3:6 means
links or hardly any with agricultural land but that all developers (particularly in the greater
the land is almost entirely used for residential area of Jabotabek) have responsibility to build
purposes. The city kampung are mixed houses under this following regulation: every
neighborhoods for impoverished Europeans 1 unit of a house for high-income group to be
(with category includes descendants of male built, should be followed by 3 units of house
Europeans and indigenous women), foreign for middle income and 6 units of house for low-
Orientals and indigenous people, The desa income groups.
association is almost completely lost; as a The improvement of Kampung had been
corporation the kampung that has retained conducted by Dutch Colonial Government in
hardly any significance; the people of the 1939. It indicates that integration of informal
kampung do not bestow much care on the sector (kampong settlements) and formal
public works so that one finds annoying signs sector (government intervention) has its root
of neglect everywhere (cited by Polle and (Wertheim, 1958). This concept of Kampung
Hofstee, 1986). improvement had been implemented since
after Indonesian freedom in 1968. This concept
This description closely matches the was revitalised by the Indonesian Government
characteristics of the built environment of through Kampung Improvement Program
kampung today; haphazard, unplanned, mostly (KIP). The name of KIP project is derived from
unmapped. Figure 2 shows part of Yogyakarta Husni Tamrin project, which was executed
in the early twentieth century, where the in Jakarta. In 1972 onward (up to 1992), this
Dutch housing estate called Kotabaru (New Kampung Improvement Programs have been
Town) looks well ordered, while the grey enlarged to all cities of the country under the
areas are the unmapped kampung. World Bank Projects.

Forum Geografi, Vol 31 (1) July 2017: 44-56 ISSN: 0852-0682, EISSN: 2460-3945
“Kampung” as a Formal and Informal...(Hamidah et al.) 48

Figure 2. Kotabaru, Yogyakarta in 1925 (Source: extracted from map by the Royal Tropical Institute, 2009-modified by
Raharjo [2010])

In 1992, Kampung Improvement Program kampung facilities meets the spirit people.
has been stopped by World Bank. New This research based on spirit is adopted
approaches of urban development of the under the terms of ‘kampung’ and used as a
country have been introduced, such as: rented working concept of this research. The concept
apartment (Rumah susun sewa), ownership of ‘kampung’ is largely covered by integration
apartment (Rumah Susun Milik), super block, of formal and informal sectors of kampung.
and compact city. All concepts or model The integration has taken from ‘kampung
is that have been introduced, the compact activity’. The integration measured through
city concept seems to have its substance of 2 dimensions: physical integration and social
integration concepts, although the compact integration. Through analysis of integrations,
city concept is exclusively intended for middle the integration of formal and informal sectors
and high-income groups. This research has within the kampung and compactness between
tried to adopt the compact city concept to informal sector of kampung and formal
research on kampung not on its physical aspect sector of the city of Palangka Raya could be
of the concept, but on its spirit of integrating understood.
the plurality of settlements (Kusno, 2012).
As a term or a label, the ‘integration 3. Research Method
formal and informal settlement model’ is a This study is of an exploratory and
relatively new term in the discussion of urban evaluative nature settlement in kampung urban
planning and development. The concept of riverside settlement, with emphasis on a
integration has its long history by people qualitative and quantitative research method.
living in traditional settlements and also in A large amount of quantitative data was
kampung of Indonesian cities. The activity of compiled and used in this research; most of the
integration has been conducted by people analysis developed in this study is based on
living in a kampung and supported by the qualitative data and information. This study

ISSN: 0852-0682, EISSN: 2460-3945 Forum Geografi, Vol 31 (1) July 2017: 44-56
49 “Kampung” as a Formal and Informal...(Hamidah et al.)

employs a social-economy perspective which Raya City). The settlements or kampung

takes the view that land and housing markets along the Kahayan River stretch along ten
are not exclusively determined by economic kilometres, from the north to the south of the
factors. The social and cultural dimensions are city of Palangka Raya, and provide housing
thought to be of at least equal importance. for a large member of the city’s poor. Kampung
The focus of this study is the kampung along people along the Kahayan River experience
the bank of the Kahayan River in Palangka Raya the effects of environmental and economic
City, Indonesia namely Kampung Pahandut pressures to a greater extent than do other
(see Figure 3) as a case study by historical urban dwellers of Palangka Raya, yet have the
view (‘the embryo’ settlement of Palangka least resources to solve these problems.

Figure 3. The Location of Research in Kampung Pahandut, Palangka Raya City, Indonesia. Source: Quickbird
Imagery from Google Earth

The city itself can be considered as a centre in the 1957s made Palangka Raya into a special
of Kalimantan culture, while its role in the place for Indonesians. It is now the capital
development of the new Republic of Indonesia city of the Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan

Forum Geografi, Vol 31 (1) July 2017: 44-56 ISSN: 0852-0682, EISSN: 2460-3945
“Kampung” as a Formal and Informal...(Hamidah et al.) 50

Province, Indonesia. In 1995, the municipality points of potential physical integration in

of Palangka Raya had a population of 244,500; Kampung Pahandut, District Pahandut. (2) the
it is, by Indonesian standards, considered to be field survey through field observation and
a medium-sized city. The total area of Kampung interviews with neighbor head. (3) the post-
Pahandut is 950 ha or 9.5 km2 with the total fieldwork that is data processing which was
population of 85,591 household (Palangka done after the field activities focused on the
Raya Central Statistical Agency, 2014). The formal and informal integration by physical
administrative boundary of Kampung Pahandut and social activities of Kampung.
consist of: (1) the north is Pahandut Seberang
village; (2) the east is Tanjung Pinang village; 4. Results and Discussions
(3) the south is Panarung village; (4) the west is This research aims to explore empirical
Langkai village. Selected sample refer to case evidence of formal and informal integration
study of Kampung Pahandut with total sample by sector physical and social of kampung. The
of 100 head household. formal and informal integration are measured
However, as urban growth has expanded through evidences of integrations of physical
beyond the boundaries of the municipality and social dimensions of kampung within the
and the area has become the place of kampung itself, and between the kampung and
residence for about one million people, the city of Palangka Raya.
Palangka Raya becomes a medium-size city.
The city is undergoing rapid development a. Physical Integration
and transformation (Giyarsih, 2011). This One important characteristic of Kampung
includes the displacement, consolidation, is as a strong integration form of urban land
and transformation of urban kampung in the and settlement in Indonesia. We find out
city centre; the formation of new kampung on physical formal and informal integration of
the urban fringe; and the incorporation and kampung in urban riverside settlement related
transformation of rural villages into urban to infrastructure. Kampung is characterised
kampung. As many number of kampung by complex and always unclear status. Most
become overcrowded, the incoming migrants of the village was in a state of ‘gray’ legal on
settle on ‘marginal’ land, such as river banks, one or several aspects for example certified
and vacant land throughout the city. The land status and are not legal in infrastructure
process of kampung formation in Palangka aspects. Kampung status has intricate
Raya is still occurring and is creating massive complexity, particularly with regard to the
headaches for the urban government, which future of the Kampung and its improvement
wishes to develop a modern and orderly city. efforts. This study examines the status of
Exploration in this study of Kampung kampung ‘fuzzy’ and recommend what policy
Pahandut selected by the first community should be taken.
association is called Rukun Warga/RW (RW- Kampung Pahandut Improvement
21) that consists of RT (neighbourhood Program is a government program which
association) from RT-1, RT-2, RT-3 and RT-4. reflects the attention and awareness of the
The study was conducted to observe in the field city government toward the improvements of
and interviews with respondents household environmental quality of kampung. Kampung
heads in each RT and in each RW located in in Indonesia has legal administration, that is
a Kahayan urban riverside settlement, to kampung a part of city planning. Kampung can
know it is detailed data of the formal and be found in regional or district map see Figure
informal physical development. Three steps 3, which is recognised by the Neighbourhood
were used to find out the integration through Association (Rukun Tetangga/RT) and
the followings: (1) the preparation of the Community Association (Rukun Warga/RW).
study which is the initial activity carried out Kampung has spatially possible to have this
to map the location of research by mapping program received financial supports from

ISSN: 0852-0682, EISSN: 2460-3945 Forum Geografi, Vol 31 (1) July 2017: 44-56
51 “Kampung” as a Formal and Informal...(Hamidah et al.)

the city government. In general, the budget Infrastructure improvements of kampung

physical proposal submitted by people to the supported by Palangka Raya government
city government for example ‘green kampung’ included funding of healthy facility and social
program was approved. facility (see Figure 4). It indicates that kampung
Physical integration between are inclusively included in the developments
community’s programs and the government map of the city government. The policy and
programs appearing in the forms of road development actions of Palangka Raya city is
construction, drainage construction, considered to improve kampung infrastructure
water distribution, electricity connection. as a part of city planning.

Figure 4. Map of Infrastructure i.e. Road Construction of Formal (Road), Semi Formal Road, Informal Road/Wooden
Bridge, Social Facility, and Economic Facility (Source: field observation, 2016 drawing by arc Map 3.10.1)

It is noted that infrastructure did not obtain funded by government (Kampung Improvement
property titles. The KTP (ID cards) granted Program/P2KP). Concrete road has integrated
by the government has enabled residents to jalan titian kayu (wooden bridge) constructed
to access state-supported facilities, such as by dominant local people in Kampung
building public facilities and infrastructure Pahandut. P2KP program is to involve local
upgrading (see Figure 4). The development and people executed through stage of planning,
improvement of roads and drainage is almost financing, constructing, and maintaining. P2KP
for all kampung communities working together is a part of improved physical program of
with the city government of Palangka Raya Palangka Raya government. The maintenance
through block grant program. Figure 5 shows of roads and drainage is usually done by the
the physical program which has constructed community.
road by asphalt, integrated to concrete road The mechanism used in this type of
which has been constructed by kampung peoples infrastructure development is that, people

Forum Geografi, Vol 31 (1) July 2017: 44-56 ISSN: 0852-0682, EISSN: 2460-3945
“Kampung” as a Formal and Informal...(Hamidah et al.) 52

through a community meeting designed a did not obtain property titles. The KTP (ID
proposal and submit it to the city government; cards) granted by the government has enabled
the government, through a consulting meeting residents to access social facilities, such as
decide and approve the proposal and the funding for social activity internal or external
budget (usually 70% was agreed to be financed kampung (see Figure 5).
by the government and 30% of the rest of the External social integration through social
budget was financed by the community). activities shows that kampung are not isolation
The interesting situation which occurs in the settlements. The integration of kampung with
community meeting is that, on the 30 per the outer institutions show in Figure 5 with
cent of the budget which has to be financed the forms of: (i) inter-kampung networking,
by the community, it was collected through a meaning some kampung with the closed
voluntarily participation; meaning that those distance built a forum of communication for
who belong to the middle-income group discussing commons problem of kampung;
contribute more than those of the low-income (ii) art and cultural performances at city level
group and the very poor people group of the which are facilitated by the government; (iii)
kampung. This situation indicates that feeling external social organization (NGO) which has
of togetherness (social capital) has a significant its branch office in kampung; and (iv) links with
role as underpinning development of kampung. the city government offices under the programs
Integration between kampung and city of social safety networks. External integration
could be indicated through: (i) use of the same is a part of social city planning and kampung
access; (ii) using common spaces; and (iii) using program, i.e. ‘say no to drug’ program and ‘no
same infrastructure connection. The existence smoking area’ program is done every month
of public and private buildings (formal sector) in Kampung Pahandut office. External social
in the middle of kampung also indicates that a activities involves of all people from Kampung
kampung is not inferior settlement, Government Pahandut.
office, children school, NGO office, private Kampung has a program external social
university, and private office are found in the is called ‘green kampung’. This social external
middle of kampung. integration is called babarasih kampung (river
cleaning). Babarasih kampung is one of popular
b. Social Integration activities which contribute much to the
Social integration concept in this research environmental sustainability within kampung
including all social activities, all social itself and Palangka Raya city. The spirit of social
organisations, all social contracts, and all social integration according to the city government
consensuses of people living in the kampung. is to improve communication and tolerance
Social integration concept will be able to bring of people living in the kampung of Palangka
all people “get together” and produce social Raya. Babarasih kampung done by people from
progress which further contribute to social life kampung and also people from city working
of the kampung. Social integration in the context together (gotong-royong). This project is a
of Kampung Pahandit, district of Pahandut, part of the government program of building
Palangka Raya City can be identified into Palangka Raya as a “city of tolerance”. Field
two levels: kampung social integration at city observations found that the social building or
level (external social level) and RT/ RW social area in Kampung Pahandut provided by the
integration at kampung level (internal social government: sports, public meeting, arts and
level). External and internal social activity cultural events, etc.

ISSN: 0852-0682, EISSN: 2460-3945 Forum Geografi, Vol 31 (1) July 2017: 44-56
53 “Kampung” as a Formal and Informal...(Hamidah et al.)

Figure 5. Map of Social Activity ‘Say No to Drug’ Monthly Meeting Conducted in Kampung Pahandut Office (Source:
field observation, 2016)

The internal social integration includes all as: improvement of child nutrition, mother
activities conducted in RW such as: dasa wisma healthy, etc. Local people have a physical
(women meeting), posyandu (baby healthy improvement program i.e. wooden bridge
consultation), sports, pengajian (Holy Qur’an construction, river cleaning, safety kampung
study), arts and cultural event, pop music, night, etc.
youth organisation. In general this research
found that at the internal kampung level, 5. Conclusions
social integration among all people lives in The acceptance of the city government to
the kampung occurs and works every month. the existence of kampung and to include kampung
Social activity did not obtain property titles. in the development map of the city indicates
The KTP (ID cards) granted by the government that kampung as an existence of space is not an
has enabled residents to access state-supported interior space compared to other spaces of the
facilities, such as building public facilities and city. Kampung has its significant contributions
infrastructure upgrading (see Figure 5). to the economic life of Palangka Raya city. The
Among the above themes of internal social integration of kampung to the city level of socio-
integration, it is found that dasa wisma (women cultural and economical life is parallel with
meeting) is a popular activities each RT or RW the integration of infrastructure development
and exists in all kampung of Palangka Raya. This showing that compactness between kampung
finding indicates that the role of woman in the and the city of Palangka Raya is there. Formal
integration of social life in the kampung is very and informal integration reflecting kampung
significant. Dasa wisma (women meeting) is a activity is not just a reflection of strong internal
monthly forum of women, where all women integration within the kampung itself, but it is
in the kampung meet in a semi-formal meeting, also structured by a strong external integration.
to discuss many topics of social activities such A kampung is a part of city planning.

Forum Geografi, Vol 31 (1) July 2017: 44-56 ISSN: 0852-0682, EISSN: 2460-3945
“Kampung” as a Formal and Informal...(Hamidah et al.) 54

The research comes out with three program which reflects the attention and
typologies of integration of “kampung”. The awareness of the city government toward
first type of typology is shown by the present the improvements of environmental quality
of “social” and “social” integration, meaning of kampung. All kampung in Indonesia which
that internal social integration in the forms of are spatially possible to have this program
social institutions and socio-cultural activities received financial supports from the city
of the kampung has its strong connection with government. In general, the budget proposal
the related institutions and activities at city submitted by people to the city government
level. The second type of typology is shown by for kampung greenery program was approved.
“social” and “spatial” integration, indicated
by use of public spaces as meeting point of 6. Acknowledgement
people to integrate each other. Through public The author would like to thanks to
space distribution and uses, the social pattern Directorate of Research and Social Services,
of people interactions in the kampung could RISTEKDIKTI gives funding to this Doctoral
be known. The spirit of social integration Dissertation Skim based on MoU agreed
according to the city government is to improve with LEMLIT Palangka Raya University
communication and tolerance of people living (under the contract of No: 01.038/UN24.8/
in the kampungs of Palangka Raya. Babarasih PL/ 2016). Thanks to Rector of Palangka
kampung done by people from kampung Raya University to give a chance to study in
and also people from city working together Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah
(gotong-royong). This project is a part of the Mada. Thanks to Rector of Universitas
government program of building Palangka Palangka Raya supports my study and also
Raya as a “city of tolerance”. Students from Architecture of Department of
The last typology that is “spatial” to Architecture, Palangka Raya University, who
“spatial” integration could be found in help much in conducting field work of this
the openness of kampung to receive new research in Palangka Raya City. Thanks to
development introduced in some kampung of Lurah Pahandut, Head of Pahandut Village
Palangka Raya, as shown by Kampung Pahandut on in-depth interviews related to Kampung of
Improvement Program which is a government Pahandut settlement history.

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