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Capstone Update #1

What I have accomplished so far

So far i have not been able to accomplish much as I had been sick for the past couple of days, leaving
me behind a lot of my work and so I have been having to catch up. I have, however, finished my
planning and have all the questions for my survey ready. I have also finished research on my phone as
I will be replacing its screen as the first “customer” of my business.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

I plan to create the full survey and start distributing it online. I also plan to start looking for mentors and
reaching out if I have the time. Once that is done, I want to start posting ads on Facebook and Kijiji to
gauge potential interest right now.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

Currently there are no needs that I have other than a mentor and time. For space, the survey will be
done electronically so there is no real need for extra space. There is some need as I need to wait for my
next paycheck to have enough money to buy the screen so currently progress is limited on that front.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

So far, the only challenge has been my own sickness. I have overcome it with valuable rest and
medicine. Because of my sickness however, time has been a challenge in some respects as I was behind
on schoolwork not just from this class but with the extensions allocated to me, I was able to catch up.
Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

The parts that I am going to buy once I get enough funds.

Current progress on the Survey.

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