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5/20/2018 Deta ile d Le sson Pla n in Gra de 7 - slide pdf.

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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
o Read a poem correctly and clearly with expressions
Appreciate reading
To learn about new poem
word that they encountered.
o To develop their reading skills.

II. Subject Matter

TOPIC: “Ambahan”
MATERIALS: handouts, pictures

III. Procedure:
(Pre-reading activities)

Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

“Good morning class” Good morning ma’am

Let us pray first (one student will lead the prayer)

(checking of attendance) (students raise their hand and say present

Say present as the teacher calls their names)

Ok! Class look at this woman on the

Now let’s pretend this girl is your crush
and you want to court her. How will you
pursuit an attractive woman like her? I will give her flower
I will write her a love letter
Ok, nice for example you chose to write a
love letter. What will you write in this

Yes Clinton? I will write that she is the most beautiful

woman and I will write that I love her.

Very nice answer and now class, look at
this man on the board. Can you describe Very handsome
him for me?

That’s right! Now let’s pretend that this

man is your crush and wants to court you I will say yes he can court me.

As a Filipina, what will you tell him if he I will tell him that my parents are very

asks to court you? strict.

I will write a letter saying that I want to
study first before boyfriend.

I will tell him that if he loves me he will wait

for me.
Yes, that is a good way to say it.

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So…Class I asked you about courtship

because we will tackle a poem entitled
“AMBAAN”, one of the lyric poems of the
Mangyans to court a woman they like. But
before we start, who among you know A poem is a composition written in verse.
what a poem is? A poem is an arrangement of words
containing meaning and a composition
written with rhyme and meter.
Very good! All of you are correct. So a
poem is highly expressive, written in verse
and arranged with rhyme and meter. There
are many kinds of poetry.

What are these?

Epic, drama, narrative, elegy and lyric

Yes, thoseto
According are the
our kindsthe
book, of “AMBAHAN”
poetry. is
under lyric poetry. Class do you know what
is lyric? Pretty?

Yes, but what do you call the words found

in the song? Lyrics

Ok, so now lyric poetry, it is a poem with

words. And every poem is composed of Lyric poem is a poem that meant to be
words but what does the word lyric tell sung.

about this type of poem?

Excellent! This type of poetry meant to be

So poem AMBAHAN is a mangyan poem

that men sing to court the woman they like.

During-Reading Activity

Now class, let us read the poem. Can you

read the poem out loud.

So class, what do we do if someone is
reading out loud in class? We must listen, quiet and sit properly.

(after reading…)
Okay class, what are the words that you
did not understand in the poem? (write the
words they say). Size and Grasp, ma’am
Class listen carefully and take down notes.

1. Beyondplace.
certain – means further than a
2. Bright – radiating or reflecting light
3. Grasp – a firm grip
4. Hills – a mass of earth smaller than
5. Manage – to have control over

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6. Plains – grassland, field

7. Rays – a lines of light that appear to
radiate from a bright object
8. Seize – to take hold or possess.

(After reading the first stanza)

Do you still look up to the sky to see the
moon? Yes

Differentiate the rays of the sun and moon

The sun is brighter than the moon.
The sun is how while the moon is cool.
Ok, in this stanza what is being described?
The moon is described, Ma’am
Very good, so let’s go to the next stanza.

(after reading)
So in this stanza, who is being compared
to the moon? The moon is compared to a man.

Yes! That’s correct. Do you know what

figure of speech was used in this stanza?
Personification, Ma’am
Exactly! Very good, so in this stanza how
was personification used?
The moon is given human traits.

Yes, very good. Anyone else wants to

answer? The moon was given a hand.
It was given a hair.
The moon was described with clothes
Very good everyone.
(After reading the last stanza)
This last stanza is talking about what?
The moon
Right, what else? Does it talk about the
location of the moon? Yes

Can youof
location read
the the part where it says the
moon? It is the moon in the sky?

Yes very good. Is the moon going

anywhere else? Going down beyond the hills
Out of sight behind the rocks
Now class what do you think the speaker
of the poem want the moon to stay?
Because the moon is cool.
Yes, but remember class that this poem is
used to court a woman. What time the

men court the woman? At night ma’am

So does the courtship have anything to do
with the moon? Yes, because the moon is only seen at
So why do you think the moon to stay?
Because man wants more time to court the
Very good! Who can repeat what student woman.

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have said? The man wants more time to court the

Very good!

Post Activity

IV. Evaluation (review

1. What is a poem?
2. What are the kinds of poems?
3. What is lyric poetry?


1. In the second stanza, what is being described by the author?

2. a.
Who moon b. man
is being compared to the moon? c. sun
a. rocks b. plain c. man
3. It is an arrangement of words containing meaning and composition written with
rhyme and meter.
a. story b. song c. poem
4. A lyric poetry is a poem that meant to be _____?
a. dance b. sung c. tell
5. What time the man court the woman?
a. Day b. night c. noon

V. Assignment

The student should write one lyric, epic, drama, elegy and narrative poem.

Prepared by:

Jhouna Vi G. Bandioan
Lyn Vicente
Marlona Camarao

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