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OCU ed ica Cer Cea * The period from death of Harshavardhan to rise of Yashovarma: Most confusing & darkest chapter of History of Kannauj. Sree oan * Obscurity of Kannuaj’s history lifts with the coming of Yashovarma Coen CT ear eri ral an cele Ue CAVA ean ee vied Gauda-vaho by Vakpati Rajatarangini by Kalhana eleva elem Ait Tails Jain text Prabhavakachrita * Account of Korean traveller Hui- (Onrton SO ool aac o) * Coin? * Obscure ancestry. He was Chandravamsi Kshatriya. Descended from Maukharies. Related to Mauryan dynasty. SPASM EIEN COR Maem) -C00L * Magadh King = Later Gupta king Jeevitgupta Il. * Got control of Kanpur, Fatehpur, Prayag. PRU eee Cac ERATOR TMU IC Ie R MT -Aem cece : King Vijayaditya fought and defeated ‘Sakaluttarapathnath’ = Lord of whole of north India. er TANT em OCMC CE a Che Cs ORO TOmT(ece ln emo otc CMC MORN C Le BATEMAN ERT Re reer RC RICOLN os CMOK CLUES Secs Lee Uke eae itll ao a CellC RoR Oulu eee ea es ee * Initially friendly with Kashmir King Lalitaditya: Similar goals. Re ue kes Rea We ern) King Yashovarma as his friend. Pe UES Ree ess) Plauen cee cle Ts * Conflicting political aspirations of Yashovarman & Lalitaditya: fall out Sea a oreo R nace an cn URANO UTC NA When treaty was drawn, minister of Lalitaditya refused to ratify it on the grounds that in it name of Yashovarman preceded that of Lalitdiya. + Negotiations broke off: hostilities renewed. SSCS la ESWC * In One verse Kalhana says that Yasovarman was totally uprooted * In following verse he says that Yasovarman himself turned a court poet of Lalitaditya. * Not clear if he was slain or was allowed to retain his throne as subservient of Kashmir king. Extension of Empire * Smith: It seems plausible for a ruler like Yashovarma to have extended his empire from Himalayas in north to Narmada in south and Bengal kha Se MOM aloe ICT MOm PLT AIR Vee MnCl Mm aLle} Vereen cCa cinta Cae: Chicane Seu eCko mC COUR under Yashovarma. Achievements Pee Rake cen Nee Cte eC eesti EEN SA RMCCN Cal Leer al reer Mtg od Ne RRC (ornate ce Cea cay Tae eT-c eres Successors * Names of three successors known. * Ama, Dunduka, Bhoja * Ama = S/O Yashovarma. Probably a Jain. * Probably ruled for a period of 15-20 years only. * Succumbed to Ayudha kings.

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