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THEME: the diversity of communities in Islam

Today many politico-diplomatic problems are caused by the diversity

communities in Islam especially between Sunnis and Shiites in Iran,
Saudi Arabia, Iraq and
Syria. The major communities of Islam are: Salafism, Shiism,
Koranism and Sufism
which are based in different texts, various Islamic interpretations but
they believe the
same prophet and the same god (Allah s.w.t), they argue in the
bases of Islam: but the
Differences began after the death of the prophet of Islam
Mouhamed (pbuh). the Shiites
(followers of Ali), choose the spiritual son of Muhammad, to guide
the Muslims. the Sunnis
(followers of Abû Bakr) choose Abu Bakr, companion, son-in-law and
defender of the prophet to
succeed the prophet but there are great scholars who say that this
story is not authentic.
1-Sunnism: It is an ideology of Islam which is based on the teachings
and tradition of
prophet (sunna) and the holy quran. Sunnism is made up of large
communities (Salafism and
A- Salafism: it is a doctrine based on the Koran and the Sunnah
nothing more, the word Salafism
comes from the Arabic word Salaf Al Salih (pious ancestors) Salafists
are accused of terrorists because
most terrorist movements (such as AL Qaeda, Daesh and Boko
Haram in Africa) are
Salafists. But this is not the case in Senegal. In Senegal, Salafists
criticize the
Sufi belief and say that Sufi practices are of innovation and
association in the
Islamic religion. Salafism is widespread in Saudi Arabia…
B- Sufism: It is a thought based on the Koran, the Sunnah and with a
religious and spiritual guide
Sufism is based on one of the bases of the religion AL IHSAN
(spiritual perfection) and AL
TAWHID (the oneness of god) the Sufis have guides to show them
the right path and the noble
virtues of Islam. Sufism has differences: Brotherhood Sufism (Sufism
with a
brotherhood (AL TARIQA). Senegal lives brotherhood Sufism with
brotherhoods like AL
TIDIANIYA (founder Cheikh Tidiane, an Algerian), AL HADRIYA
(founder Cheikh Abdou khadre
Dieylani) and AL MOURIDIYYAH (founder CHEIKH Ahmadou Bamba)
and the brotherhoods live in the
peace and unification in Senegal.
2-SHIISM: It is a community based on the Koran and the teachings of
(the people of the house of the prophet Muhammad): especially the
12 Imams are the descendants of
FATIMA (younger daughter of the prophet) and ALI (brother and son-
in-law of the prophet). the Shiites do not believe
not the companions and the first 3 caliphs of Islam (ABU BAKR,
OMAR and OUSMANE) except ALI
. The Shiites ignore because the Sunnis have the belief in the noble
companions of the Prophet
(Peace and Salvation be upon Him). The Shiites are different: there
are the Rafidite Shiites (the enemies of
companions), the Shiite Imamites (they base themselves on the
teachings of the 12 imams, the
thought of the Imamites is that ALI and his children HASSAN and
HUSSAYNI (martyrs of KARBALA in
Iraq) are the first 3 caliphs of Islam), the Zaydi and Ishmaelite Shiites
etc. .The division between
Shiites and Sunnis cause politico-diplomatic conflicts in Middle
Eastern countries “Sunnis represent 90% of current Muslims. They
are the majority in many
countries within what is called the Muslim world. Shiites are the
majority in Iraq and Iran »
what makes the economic, religious and diplomatic misalliances
between Iran - Saudi Arabia, in
1980, the Sunni regime of Saddam Hussein of Iraq and the Shiite
regime of Ayatollah Khoumayni of Iran
went to war: it was the Iran-Iraq war from 1980 to 1988. However,
the Shiites do not do the same
prayer than the Sunnis. The latter consider the Shiites to be great
innovators in the religion
C- QURANISM: It is an ideology which seeks only the Koran and not
the sunna (not tradition and
teachings of the Prophet) with false Islamic references. The Koranist
community is
minority in Islam. All Muslims perform four rakats for the DOHR
(midday prayer) and ASR (afternoon) prayers, but Koranists perform
two rakats different from other Muslims.
Muslims around the world live in division that has caused conflict in
many countries around the world in Iran, Yemen and Iraq. If we are
divided, we must live in peace
, in concordance because GOD says in the Quran “all believers are
brothers and sisters. The difference does not
must not make us enemies among Muslims.

carte : distribution of Shiites and



LE 03 /02 /2024.








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