Nhóm 3 - For Merge

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Thông tin nhóm:

+Leader: Trịnh Tiến Khoa

+Hoàng Phước Thành Công
+Huỳnh Trí Vỹ
+Lê Trọng Pháp
+Bùi Ngọc Thiện
+Phạm Đức Tiến
+Nguyễn Ngọc Huy
+Vũ Xuân Trường
+Lê Tấn Lộc

Part 1:
 Lifestyle: - How often do you eat out?
 I don't eat out frequently. I typically cook meals at home as it's more convenient and cost-
effective. Occasionally, I'll treat myself to a meal at a restaurant as a special occasion.
 How do you usually spend your free time?
 During my free time, I enjoy reading books, going for walks in nature, and spending
quality time with friends and family. Sometimes, I also like to pursue hobbies such as
painting or playing musical instruments to relax and unwind.

 Are you reading any good books at the moment?

 Yes, I'm currently engrossed in "NhaGiaKim" by Paulo Coelho. It's a captivating tale of
self-discovery and following one's dreams. The narrative is rich with wisdom and
spiritual insights, making it a truly inspiring read.
 Where do you normally go on holiday?
During holidays, I often embark on road trips along mountainous routes. I find driving through
winding mountain passes and exploring scenic vistas incredibly exhilarating. It's a perfect way to
unwind and connect with nature while experiencing the thrill of adventure.Competitions:
1.What sport do you play ?
I enjoy swimming as my main sport. It offers a full-body workout and a refreshing experience.
Swimming helps me stay fit and relaxed, and I appreciate the freedom it gives me in the water.
2.What sport would you like to try ?
I've been interested in trying rock climbing for its blend of physical and mental challenges. The
idea of conquering new heights and exploring nature's beauty from a different perspective excites
me. Overall, it's a sport I'd love to experience for its adventure and thrill.
3.What sport is the most popular in your country ?
Football is a typical and passionate sport in Vietnam. In addition to entertainment, football is also
a place that brings together many young talents from across the country, while creating
opportunities for players to improve their skills. Skills and conquer international tournaments.
Vietnamese football is also a symbol of the pride and solidarity of the Vietnamese people.
4.Which sport do you not like watching ?
The sport I least like to watch is volleyball. Although volleyball is also quite a famous sport, I
feel that it is quite dangerous and when I was young, I was unfortunately seriously injured while
playing volleyball, so every time I watch it, I think about what happened when I was young, so I
don’t. Likes to watch volleyball.

Transport :
1)How do you go to the university every day ?
I typically rely on the bus for my daily commute to university. It's a convenient and cost-
effective mode of transportation that ensures I arrive on time for classes. Additionally, taking the
bus allows me to relax, catch up on reading, or listen to music during the journey.
2)Which type of the transport is the most popular in your city ?
In my opinion, motorbikes are the most popular mode of transport in my city. They offer
flexibility in navigating through the city's dense traffic and are widely used by locals. However,
the popularity of transportation modes can change, and it's essential to stay informed about the
current trends and developments.jo
3)How do you feel about public transport in Ho Chi Minh city?
I find public transport in Ho Chi Minh City reliable and convenient. Despite occasional
crowding during peak hours, it offers extensive coverage and affordability. Plus,
additional options like taxis provide flexibility for getting around.
4)Are there often traffic problems in your city?
Yes, traffic congestion is a common issue in my city, especially during rush hours. The streets
can become gridlocked, causing delays for commuters. Many people opt for alternative modes of
transportation, such as motorcycles or public transit, to navigate through the traffic more

1) Are you a person who takes risks or are you usually very careful?
I tend to be cautious, weighing risks before making decisions. However, I'm open to
calculated risks that offer potential rewards. Ultimately, I strive for a balance between
prudence and embracing opportunities for growth.
2) What is a big achievement in your life so far?

One major challenge for me in the future as a first-year student in information technology will be
mastering programming languages and technologies. Balancing academics with personal
commitments and gaining practical experience will also be demanding.
3) What will be a big challenge for you in the future?
One significant achievement in my life has been winning first place in a school race, which
demonstrated my dedication and commitment to excellence. This accomplishment instilled in me
the importance of setting and achieving goals, both in sports and academics. It also taught me
valuable lessons about the rewards of perseverance and hard work.
4) Is there any kind of risky activity you would like to try in the future?

Yes, I'm intrigued by the idea of skydiving as it offers an adrenaline rush and a unique
perspective of the world from above. Additionally, I'm interested in rock climbing, as it challenges
both physical and mental strength while providing a thrilling outdoor experience. Moreover, I've
considered trying bungee jumping to push past my comfort zone and embrace the excitement of free-

Part 2
Unit 1:
- Describe your daily routine.
• In my daily routine, I usually start the day early, around 6:30 a.m. After a quick breakfast, I
head to the gym for a workout, which helps me stay energized throughout the day.
• Once back, I engage in my work. I make sure to incorporate short breaks to maintain focus
and productivity.
• In the evening, I allocate time for personal interests, such as reading or practicing a musical
instrument. Dinner is usually a relaxed affair with family or friends.
• Before bedtime, I like to unwind with a book or some light entertainment, promoting a good
night's sleep.
- Talk about how to improve your lifestyle.
1. Regular Exercise: Incorporate physical activity you enjoy, like walking, cycling, or yoga,
for at least 150 minutes per week.
2. Balanced Diet: opt for a diverse diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins,
and healthy fats. Limit processed foods and sugary drinks.
3. Quality Sleep: Ensure 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Establish a consistent sleep
routine and create a conducive sleep environment.
4. Healthy Relationships: Foster positive connections with supportive friends and family.
Prioritize quality time with loved ones.
5. Disconnect: Take breaks from screens and technology to be present in the moment. Engage
in screen-free activities for balance.

Unit 2:
1. Talk about your interest.
- Reading is a hobby that I spend lots of time to do it every day and enjoy it. I’ve been interested in
reading since I was a kid . Everyone knows that reading book have us in many ways like improve our
vocabulary, prehension and critical thinking skills.
- I have collected many kind of books such as love story books, science fiction books, novels. But
I’m in love with self-help books, the best book I have ever read it called “Dac Nhan Tam” wrote
by Dale Carnegie and I’ve really take to heart.
- Honestly, I would prefer to read a book rather than play video game with friends in my free time.
Because I’m a slow-witted person and i knew that i have to read a book of my subject before I
move to my next classes.
- In conclusion, reading book is a totally excellent way for everyone to expand our awareness.
Reading has become a big part of my life, and I really enjoy developing my knowledge
throughout the papers. It’s a great way to improve my emotions, knowledge about the world by
2. Talk about your favorite sport.
- Everyone has their own passion. And I in love with Basketball, I think my life would be boring
without playing it. I started playing basketball since I was in grade 9. The person who led me
into basketball is my brother, whose name is “Trung”.
- When i was in high school, I used to play it after school with my teammates as it was the only
free time for the whole day. Nowadays I’m kinda busy with my education in university so I had
to give up my hobby .But sometimes if I have a day-off I will arrange a match with my old

Unit 3:
1)Talk about your favourite means of transportation:
My favorite transportation is my motorbike that my dad gifted me after high school. Motorbikes
are convenient and fast for getting around Vietnam's congested, pothole-ridden roads. I can
easily control my schedule unlike public buses with fixed timetables. Riding my motorbike saves
time getting to school or other destinations without restraints. While motorbikes do pollute the
environment, as a student it suitably serves my transportation needs. Beyond convenience, riding
a motorbike also represents a popular activity that many Vietnamese enjoy. Though not the most
eco-friendly option, I prefer having my own motorbike for flexibility and practicality reasons.
2)Give travel advice to a visitor who arrives in Vietnam for the first time:
Viet Nam is a very long, thin country. From the city of Ha Noi in the north to Ho Chi Minh city
in the south, the distance is over 1600 kilometers and it would take about 30 hours by car. Viet
Nam is an incredible region for tourist who want to eat delicious food, experience mild weather
and diversity culture.
- If this is your first time you have arrived to Viet Nam, you have you have to know that
Vietnamese Dong is the currency in Vietnam, but US dollars are also accepted in big cities.
- There are many food that are in the top of best food in the world like “Pho”,”Banh mi”,”Bun
cha” that you must try when you arrive in Viet Nam and they are very cheap and suitable with
your profit.
- If you want to travel another cities in Viet Nam, you should rent a motorbike or catch a bus so
that u can go easily. You should go to some place like “Ha Long bay”,”pho co Hoi An”,”Co do
Hue”. They are such beautiful that you can have some pictures and souvenir for your friends.
- Vietnam is a country that people in this country are very friendly and welcoming everyone to
their country.I hope that one day, Viet Nam wil be one of the most country that visitor must visit.

Unit 4
1)Talk about an unforgettable event that happened to you in the past
The most unforgettable event from my past is starting high school three years ago. I felt eager
and slightly nervous to make new friends and adjust to a new environment. I was shocked
finding only five boys in my class. However, we bonded well, making those years fun and
meaningful through activities like singing, dancing, and sports.

I believe life is too short for regrets. I try to join many activities and make good friends to create
wonderful memories. When I graduate, I want to feel fulfilled without regrets. Starting high
school taught me to treasure each day and meaningful relationships, which shapes my positive
outlook now. Though initially nervous, I fondly recall embarking on those formative high school
years with fantastic friends.
2)Give some English-learning tips to a beginner:
Learning a new language can be challenging but using some helpful strategies can ease the
journey. There are four main skills to master in English proficiency: reading, listening, writing
and speaking. It is important to study these areas daily by putting in the time to read English
stories and writings to expand your vocabulary. Also make sure to listen to English music, watch
movies and videos during breaks to pick up pronunciation and context cues. Lastly, leverage
social media tools like YouTube and Facebook to connect with native English speakers.

While English mastery requires patience and diligence, applying little tips across the four skill
domains each day will slowly build greater competency in comprehending, communicating and
being understood. With regular practice, you can gain confidence in using English for purposes
like traveling abroad, getting a better job, or making friends worldwide.

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