The Scarlet Letter

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-she has an adulterous affair and has a baby and the colony makes her wear a scarlet

letter “A” on her chest

Chillingworth build a new indentity for himself as a doctor he is very well educated in
European medicine, in the Native American taught in many cures as well

When Dimmesdale goes to sleep, Chillingworth opens him shirt and sees something
on his chest that tells him everything he needs to know

When Dimmesdale is alone he whips himself and starves himself and he sees visions
of his parents and Pearl and Hester. Late one night he goes out and stands on the
pillory platform he shrieks, and he thinks people will come out and find him there and
know his secret but no one does. Hester comes and walks by with Pearl, he invites
them to come and hold hands with him on the pillory. A meteor passes across the sky
and its light creates the outline of the letter A in the clouds. IN the light Dimmesdale
can see Chillinworth

As the crowd watches, Hester Prynne, a young woman holding an infant, emerges
from the prison door and makes her way to a scaffold (a raised platform), where she is
to be publicly condemned.

The women in the crowd make disparaging comments about Hester; they particularly
criticize her for the ornateness of the embroidered badge on her chest—a letter
“A” stitched in gold and scarlet.

we can deduce that she has committed adultery and has borne an illegitimate child,
and that the “A” on her dress stands for “Adulterer.”

Dimmesdale, a young minister who is renowned for his eloquence, religious fervor,
and theological expertise, is delegated to demand that Hester reveal the name of her
child’s father. He tells her that she should not protect the man’s identity out of pity or
tenderness, but when she staunchly refuses he does not press her further.

Hester bears the sermon patiently, hushing Pearl when she begins to scream. At the
conclusion of the sermon, Hester is led back into the prison.

Hester and her husband come face to face for the first time when he is called to her
prison cell to provide medical assistance. Chillingworth has promised the jailer that he
can make Hester more “amenable to just authority,” and he now offers her a cup of

Hester pays a visit to Governor Bellingham’s mansion. She has two intentions: to
deliver a pair of ornate gloves she has made for the governor, and to find out if there
is any truth to the rumors that Pearl, now three, may be taken from her.

Bellingham, Wilson, Chillingworth, and Dimmesdale enter the room. They notice
Pearl and begin to tease her by calling her a bird and a demon-child. When the
governor points out that Hester is also present, they ask her why she should be
allowed to keep the child. She tells the men that she will be able to teach Pearl an
important lesson—the lesson that she has learned from her shame.

Chillingworth continues to play mind games with Dimmesdale, making his revenge as
terrible as possible.

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