Unit 7 PP 58-59

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Unit 7 – Procedures and precautions

Vocabulary pp 58-59 – Discussing regulations and standards

Please give feedback to Instructor Ali Esin SÜT – aliesins@gmail.com
The definitions and sample sentences:

1. Regulations (n.) - Yönetmelikler: Rules and guidelines established by an authority to control activities in a specific

• Sample Sentence: The new safety regulations for construction sites mandate the use of hard hats and steel-
toed boots. (İnşaat sahaları için yeni güvenlik yönetmelikleri, sert şapka ve çelik burunlu bot kullanımını
zorunlu kılıyor.)

2. Standards (n.) - Standartlar: Established levels of quality or performance that something should meet.

• Sample Sentence: The building must comply with the latest fire safety standards. (Bina, en son yangın
güvenliği standartlarına uymalıdır.)

3. Safety regulations (n.) - Güvenlik yönetmelikleri: Specific rules designed to prevent accidents and injuries.

• Sample Sentence: Offshore oil platforms are subject to strict safety regulations to protect workers. (Deniz
platformları, çalışanları korumak için sıkı güvenlik yönetmeliklerine tabidir.)

4. Design standards (n.) - Tasarım standartları: Established guidelines for the design of a product, system, or structure.

• Sample Sentence: The engineers followed the international design standards when building the bridge.
(Mühendisler, köprüyü inşa ederken uluslararası tasarım standartlarını takip ettiler.)

5. Offshore (adj.) - Açık denizde: Located at sea, away from the coast.

• Sample Sentence: The company operates several offshore oil platforms in the North Sea. (Şirket, Kuzey
Denizi'nde birkaç açık deniz petrol platformu işletmektedir.)

6. Offshore oil platform (n.) - Açık deniz petrol platformu: A large structure at sea used for drilling and extracting oil
and gas.

• Sample Sentence: Working on an offshore oil platform can be dangerous due to the harsh weather conditions.
(Açık deniz petrol platformunda çalışmak, zorlu hava koşulları nedeniyle tehlikeli olabilir.)

7. Extensive (adj.) - Kapsamlı, geniş: Considerable in amount, scope, or detail.

• Sample Sentence: The company conducted an extensive training course for its newly recruited engineers.
(Şirket, yeni işe alınan mühendisleri için kapsamlı bir eğitim kursu düzenledi.)

8. Recruit (v.) - İşe almak: To hire someone for a job.

• Sample Sentence: The company is looking to recruit experienced software developers. (Şirket, deneyimli
yazılım geliştiricileri arıyor.)

9. Newly recruited (adj.) - Yeni işe alınmış: Recently hired.

• Sample Sentence: The newly recruited engineers are eager to learn and contribute to the project. (Yeni işe
alınan mühendisler öğrenmeye ve projeye katkıda bulunmaya heveslidir.)

10. Training course (n.) - Eğitim kursu: A program of instruction designed to develop specific skills or knowledge.

• Sample Sentence: All employees are required to attend a safety training course before starting work on the
construction site. (Tüm çalışanların, inşaat sahasında çalışmaya başlamadan önce bir güvenlik eğitimi kursuna
katılması zorunludur.)

11. Deal with (v.) - Ele almak, ilgilenmek: To handle or address a situation or problem.

• Sample Sentence: The engineers are still trying to deal with the technical difficulties encountered during the
project. (Mühendisler, proje sırasında karşılaşılan teknik zorluklarla hala ilgilenmeye çalışıyor.)

12. Legislation (n.) - Mevzuat: Laws and regulations made by a governing body.

• Sample Sentence: The new legislation aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from industries. (Yeni
mevzuat, sanayiden kaynaklanan sera gazı emisyonlarını azaltmayı hedefliyor.)

13. Safety legislation (n.) - İş güvenliği mevzuatı: Laws and regulations specifically focused on ensuring workplace

• Sample Sentence: Employers are obligated to comply with all safety legislation to protect their workers.
(İşverenler, çalışanlarını korumak için tüm iş güvenliği mevzuatına uymak zorundadır.)

14. Obligation (n.) - Yükümlülük: A duty or responsibility to do something.

• Sample Sentence: It is the engineer's obligation to ensure the structural integrity of the building. (Binanın
yapısal bütünlüğünü sağlamak, mühendisin yükümlülüğüdür.)

15. Personal obligations (n.) - Kişisel yükümlülükler: Responsibilities that belong to an individual.

• Sample Sentence: Balancing work and personal obligations can be challenging for many people. (İş ve kişisel
yükümlülükleri dengelemek birçok kişi için zor olabilir.)

16. Compulsory (adj.) - Zorunlu: Required by law or regulation.

• Sample Sentence: Wearing a helmet is compulsory on construction sites. (İnşaat sahalarında kask takmak

17. Legal requirements (n.) - Yasal zorunluluklar: Laws and regulations that must be followed.

• Sample Sentence: The company must comply with all legal requirements to operate safely. (Şirket, güvenli bir
şekilde çalışmak için tüm yasal zorunluluklara uymalıdır.)

18. Stipulate (v.) - Belirlemek, şart koşmak: To state a requirement or condition clearly.

• Sample Sentence: The contract stipulates that the contractor must complete the project within the agreed
timeframe. (Sözleşme, yüklenicinin projeyi kararlaştırılan zaman dilimi içinde tamamlamasını şart

19. Contravene (v.) - İhlal etmek, aykırı davranmak: To violate a rule or agreement.

• Sample Sentence: Working without proper safety equipment contravenes company policy and safety
regulations. (Uygun güvenlik ekipmanı olmadan çalışmak, şirket politikasını ve güvenlik yönetmeliklerini ihlal

20. Comply with (v.) - Uymak: To obey or follow a rule or regulation.

• Sample Sentence: All employees must comply with the company's dress code policy. (Tüm çalışanlar, şirketin
kıyafet yönetmeliğine uymalıdır.)

21. Merely (adv.) - Sadece, yalnızca: Simply or only.

• Sample Sentence: Following safety regulations is not merely about avoiding penalties; it's about protecting
lives. (Güvenlik yönetmeliklerine uymak, yalnızca cezadan kaçınmakla ilgili değildir; hayatları korumakla

22. Breach (v.) - İhlal etmek, bozmak: To break a rule or agreement.

• Sample Sentence: A breach of contract can lead to legal consequences. (Sözleşme ihlali, yasal sonuçlara yol

23. Contract of employment (n.) - İş sözleşmesi: A legal agreement between an employer and an employee outlining
the terms and conditions of employment.

• Sample Sentence: The contract of employment specifies the employee's salary, benefits, and job duties. (İş
sözleşmesi, çalışanın maaşını, yan haklarını ve iş görevlerini belirler.)

24. Break the law (v.) - Kanunu çiğnemek: To violate a law.

• Sample Sentence: Discharging pollutants without proper authorization is breaking the law. (Uygun yetki
olmadan kirletici madde atmak kanunu çiğnemektir.)

25. Adhere to (v.) - Uymak, bağlı kalmak: To follow a rule or principle strictly.

• Sample Sentence: Engineers must adhere to ethical principles in their professional practice. (Mühendisler,
mesleki uygulamalarında etik ilkelere uymalıdır.)

26. Conform to (v.) - Uymak, uygun olmak: To comply with a standard or expectation.

• Sample Sentence: The product must conform to all safety and quality standards. (Ürün, tüm güvenlik ve kalite
standartlarına uygun olmalıdır.)

27. Obligatory (adj.) - Zorunlu: Required or necessary.

• Sample Sentence: Regular maintenance of equipment is obligatory to ensure its safe operation. (Ekipmanın
güvenli çalışmasını sağlamak için düzenli bakımı zorunludur.)

28. Ferry (v.) - Taşımak, nakletmek: To transport people or goods from one place to another, typically by boat or

• Sample Sentence: Helicopters are often used to ferry personnel and supplies to offshore oil platforms.
(Helikopterler genellikle personel ve malzemeleri açık deniz petrol platformlarına taşımak için kullanılır.)

29. To be subject to (v.) - Tabi olmak: To be affected by something or be governed by a rule or regulation.

• Sample Sentence: Employees in hazardous environments are subject to strict safety protocols. (Tehlikeli
ortamlarda çalışanlar, sıkı güvenlik protokollerine tabidir.)

30. Principally (adv.) - Esasen, genellikle: Mainly or primarily.

• Sample Sentence: The helideck is principally used for transporting personnel to and from offshore oil
platforms. (Helikopter pisti, esasen personeli deniz platformlarına ve platformlardan taşımak için kullanılır.)

31. Fall within (v.) – Dahil olmak: To be included within a category, range, or scope of something.

• Sample Sentence: The cost of repairs falls within the warranty coverage. (Onarım maliyeti garanti kapsamına

32. Helideck (n.) - Helikopter pisti: A platform on a ship, offshore platform, or building designed for the landing and
takeoff of helicopters.

• Sample sentence: The helideck is principally used for transporting personnel to and from offshore oil
platforms. (Helikopter pisti, esasen personeli deniz platformlarına ve platformlardan taşımak için kullanılır.)
33. Lay down (v.) - Belirlemek, kural koymak: To establish a rule or principle.

• Sample Sentence: The company lays down strict guidelines for workplace safety. (Şirket, iş yerinde güvenlik
için katı kurallar belirler.)

34. To be laid down (v.) - Belirlenmiş olmak: To be established or set out by authority.

• Sample Sentence: The procedures to be laid down for emergency situations are clear. (Acil durumlar için
belirlenmiş prosedürler açıktır.)

35. Liaison (n.) - Bağlantı, irtibat: A person who acts as a link or intermediary between two groups or organizations.

• Sample Sentence: The project engineer acted as a liaison between the construction team and the client. (Proje
mühendisi, inşaat ekibi ile müşteri arasında irtibat görevlisi olarak görev yaptı.)

36. Overhang (v.) - Uzatmak, taşmak: To extend over something else.

• Sample Sentence: The balcony overhangs the garden, providing shade. (Balkon bahçenin üzerine taşarak gölge

37. Overhanging (adj.): Projecting/Extending beyond something else.

• Sample Sentence: The building has a large overhanging roof that provides shade for the entrance. (Binanın
girişine gölge sağlayan büyük bir çıkıntılı çatısı vardır.)

38. Perimeter (n.) - Çevre: The outer boundary of an area.

• Sample Sentence: The security guard patrols the perimeter of the construction site regularly. (Güvenlik
görevlisi, şantiyenin çevresini düzenli olarak devriye eder.)

39. Anchor points (n.) - Sabitleme noktaları: Points where something is secured to prevent it from moving.

• Sample Sentence: The cargo ship is secured to the dock using several anchor points. (Kargo gemisi, rıhtıma
birkaç sabitleme noktası kullanılarak bağlanmıştır.)

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the best options.

1. The new safety ___________ mandate the use of hard hats and steel-toed boots.

a) contracts b) operations c) obligations d) regulations

2. The building must ___________ with the latest fire safety standards.

a) comply b) stipulate c) ferry d) contravene

3. The engineers followed the international ___________ standards when building the bridge.

a) training b) obligation c) design d) anchor

4. The company operates several ___________ oil platforms in the North Sea.

a) offshore b) newly recruited c) compulsory d) perimeter

5. The company is looking to ___________ experienced software developers.

a) ferry b) recruit c) adhere d) conform

6. All employees are required to attend a ___________ course before starting work on the construction site.

a) safety training b) design c) legal d) contractual

7. The engineers are still trying to ___________ with the technical difficulties encountered during the project.

a) adhere b) conform c) recruit d) deal

8. It is the engineer's ___________ to ensure the structural integrity of the building.

a) regulation b) standard c) obligation d) anchor point

9. Wearing a helmet is ___________ on construction sites.

a) extensive b) compulsory c) preferable d) personal

10. The company must comply with all ___________ requirements to operate safely.

a) legal b) personal c) contractual d) training

11. The contract ___________ that the contractor must complete the project within the agreed timeframe.

a) conforms b) adheres c) stipulates d) recruits

12. Working without proper safety equipment ___________ company policy and safety regulations.

a) contravenes b) adheres c) conforms d) stipulates

13. A breach of contract can lead to ___________ consequences.

a) personal b) extensive c) obligatory d) legal

14. Engineers must ___________ to ethical principles in their professional practice.

a) apply b) adhere c) recruit d) ferry

15. The product must ___________ to all safety and quality standards.

a) comply b) conform c) contravene d) obligate

16. Helicopters are often used to ___________ personnel and supplies to offshore oil platforms.

a) overhang b) ferry c) anchor d) perimeter

17. The project engineer acted as a ___________ between the construction team and the client.

a) regulation b) perimeter c) liaison d) standard

18. The building has a large ___________ roof that provides shade for the entrance.

a) overhanging b) stipulated c) contractual d) obligatory

19. The security guard patrols the ___________ of the construction site regularly.

a) design b) obligation c) anchor point d) perimeter

Answer key: 1. d 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. d 8. c 9. b 10. a 11. c 12. a 13. d

14. b 15. b 16. b 17. c 18. a 19. d

Exercise 2: Read the text below and answer the questions (B1 level)

"The Critical Role of Safety and Standards in Engineering Projects"

In the complex and dynamic field of engineering, the principles of safety and adherence to established standards are
not just important—they are indispensable. Engineering projects, ranging from the construction of towering
skyscrapers and expansive bridges to the development of cutting-edge technology in offshore oil platforms, all require
meticulous attention to detail and a profound commitment to safety regulations and design standards.

Safety Regulations: A Shield Against Hazards

Safety regulations serve as a protective shield, safeguarding workers, the environment, and the general public from
potential hazards associated with engineering projects. These regulations are developed by governmental bodies and
industry organizations to ensure that every aspect of an engineering project, from initial planning to final execution,
prioritizes safety above all else. For instance, in the construction of a high-rise building, safety regulations mandate
the use of protective gear for workers and the implementation of strict protocols to prevent accidents and injuries.

Design Standards: The Blueprint of Excellence

Design standards, meanwhile, are the blueprints of excellence in engineering. They provide a framework for engineers
to create structures and products that are not only functional and efficient but also durable and reliable under various
conditions. These standards cover a wide range of criteria, including material quality, structural integrity, and
environmental impact. Adhering to design standards ensures that an offshore oil platform, for example, can withstand
the relentless forces of nature, such as storms and high waves, thus protecting both the workers and the marine

Compliance and Legal Obligations

Compliance with safety regulations and design standards is a legal requirement, not an option. Engineering firms and
professionals must navigate a complex landscape of legislation that governs their work. Failure to comply can result in
severe consequences, including legal penalties, financial losses, and damage to reputation. Beyond the legal aspect,
there is a moral obligation to ensure the well-being of individuals and the preservation of the environment. Engineers
take an oath to uphold these principles, recognizing that their work has a direct impact on society and the world at

The Role of Continuous Education and Training

The field of engineering is ever-evolving, with new materials, technologies, and methodologies emerging regularly.
This dynamic nature requires engineers to engage in continuous education and training. Keeping abreast of the latest
safety regulations and design standards is crucial for engineers to remain competent and competitive. Training courses
and certification programs play a significant role in equipping engineers with the knowledge and skills necessary to
tackle the challenges of modern engineering projects.

Conclusion: A Commitment to a Safer Future

The integration of safety regulations and design standards into the fabric of engineering practices is a testament to
the profession's commitment to safeguarding lives and protecting the environment. Engineers, through their expertise
and dedication, play a pivotal role in shaping a safer, more sustainable future. By adhering to these guidelines and
embracing continuous learning, the engineering community continues to make significant contributions to society,
driving innovation while ensuring the safety and well-being of all.

1. The passage emphasizes that the following are crucial for engineering projects:

a) Speed and cost-effectiveness b) Completing projects as quickly as possible, regardless of safety

c) Creativity and artistic expression d) Safety regulations and adherence to established standards

2. Safety regulations in engineering are primarily designed to:

a) Make projects more complex and challenging

b) Protect workers, the environment, and the public from potential hazards

c) Limit the creativity and freedom of engineers

d) Ensure that all buildings look similar and follow a specific style

3. The text compares design standards to blueprints because:

a) They provide engineers with detailed step-by-step instructions

b) They offer a framework for creating functional, durable, and reliable structures

c) They only specify the materials that should be used

d) They judge the aesthetic appeal of the final project

4. Following safety regulations and design standards in engineering is:

a) Optional and based on individual preferences b) Recommended but not legally enforced

c) A legal obligation for engineers and their firms d) Only applicable to large-scale engineering projects

5. The continuous education and training emphasized in the passage are necessary for engineers to:

a) Stay updated on the latest safety rules and design standards

b) Find loopholes and bypass safety regulations

c) Ignore environmental regulations and focus on efficiency

d) Learn the basic skills required to become an engineer

6. The responsibility of engineers, according to the text, extends beyond just building things. They are also expected

a) Prioritize profit and financial gain, even if it compromises safety

b) Focus solely on the functionality of their projects without considering aesthetics

c) Ignore regulations and work independently without oversight

d) Uphold ethical principles and prioritize the well-being of people and the environment

7. The future of engineering, as presented in the passage, is likely to involve:

a) An increased focus on safety, sustainability, and innovation

b) Relaxing safety regulations for faster project completion

c) Eliminating the need for design standards to save costs

d) Replacing human engineers with robots entirely

8. The phrase "pivotal role" in the context of the passage suggests that engineers:

a) Shoulder the sole responsibility for everything related to engineering projects

b) Are solely concerned with the technical aspects of their work and disregard other considerations

c) Play a crucial and critical role in shaping a safer and more sustainable future

d) Face numerous challenges and difficulties in their profession

Answers and Explanations:

1. Answer: (d) Safety regulations and adherence to established standards

• Explanation: The passage repeatedly emphasizes the importance of safety and following established
standards throughout the text.

2. Answer: (b) Protect workers, the environment, and the public from potential hazards

• Explanation: The second paragraph specifically states that safety regulations are designed as a "protective
shield" against hazards for workers, the environment, and the public.

3. Answer: (b) They offer a framework for creating functional, durable, and reliable structures

• Explanation: The text compares design standards to blueprints because they both provide a foundational
structure or plan.

4. Answer: (c) A legal obligation for engineers and their firms

• Explanation: The fourth paragraph clearly states that adhering to safety regulations and design standards is a
legal requirement, not optional.

5. Answer: (a) Stay updated on the latest safety rules and design standards

• Explanation: The passage highlights the importance of continuous education for engineers to keep pace with
the ever-evolving field, particularly regarding safety and design standards

6. Answer: (d) Uphold ethical principles and prioritize the well-being of people and the environment

• Explanation: The text mentions engineers taking an oath and having a moral obligation to ensure safety and
environmental preservation. This implies an ethical responsibility beyond just construction

7. Answer: (a) An increased focus on safety, sustainability, and innovation

• Explanation: The concluding paragraph emphasizes a future where safety, sustainability, and innovation are

8. Answer: (c) Play a crucial and critical role in shaping a safer and more sustainable future

• Explanation: The phrase "pivotal role" suggests engineers are central and essential to achieving a safer and
more sustainable future

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