Nomenclature and Classification of Drugs PPT 2

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Nomenclature and classification of D draadil Follow

Aug 13, 2013 • 161 likes • 62,077 views

Health & Medicine Business

This presentation is about the classification of drugs

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Nomenclature and classification of drugs

2. NOMENCLATURE OF DRUGS The term drug nomenclature implies that there are several names that can be used to identify a drug Drugs have three di!erent names; 1.
Chemical Name 2. Non Proprietary name 3. Proprietary name.
3. CHEMICAL NAME A chemical name is given when a new chemical entity (NCE) is developed. It is the name given to drug in accordance with rules of chemical nomenclature
established by International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. It is useful for chemists or technical personnel as it provides the precise arrangement of atoms and atomic
groups in the molecule. It is not used to identify the drug in a clinical or marketing situation.
4. NON PROPRIETARY NAME It is a short name given to a drug that is not subject to proprietary rights. The nonproprietary name should always be concise and meaningful. This is
used in discussion and textbooks. There are two classes of non proprietary names; 1. Approved Name 2. O!icial Names APPROVED NAME: This name is given to drug by bodies like
used in discussion and textbooks. There are two classes of non proprietary names; 1. Approved Name 2. O!icial Names APPROVED NAME: This name is given to drug by bodies like
United Stats Adopted Name Council (USAN) and British Approved Name (BAN) soon a"er its introduction. This name sometime referred to as generic name however this term is used
to designate a chemical or pharmacological class of drugs such as Sulphonamide, Penicillin.
5. OFFICIAL NAMES: It is the name approved by the National Pharmacopeia Commission and included in the o!icial book i.e. Pharmacopeia. The o!icial name must be identical
with approved name. PROPRIETARY NAME It is the name given to a drug by the pharmaceutical firm which sell the drug. Thus a single drug is sold under many proprietary names by
di!erent firms. They are written with capital initial letter and are o"en further distinguished by superscript R in circle ® Clinicians usually described drug by their proprietary names.
6. EXAMPLE Paracetamol CHEMICAL NAME: N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetamide. NON-PROPRIETARY NAME: Approved Name: British Approved Name (BAN): paracetamol United
States Adopted Name (USAN): acetaminophen O!icial Name: Acetaminophen PROPRIETARY NAME: Panadol, Calpol, Adol
7. CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS It is essential because it allows several thousand of drugs to be reduced to a manageable number of group. There is no uniform or homogenous
system of classifying drugs that suits all purposes. Drugs are classified according to the convenience of the person discussing them. Chemist, Pharmacologist , Pharmacist and
Clinician We classify the drugs based on
8. CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS 1. Chemical Nature 2. Source 3. Target organ/Site of Action 4. Mode of Action 5. Therapeutic Uses 6. Physiological system 7. Physical E!ects
9. 1. CLASSIFICATION BASED ON CHEMICAL NATURE Chemical Nature of drug is discussed by a Chemist and based on chemical nature we divide drugs into INORGANIC DRUGS
Metals and their Salts (Ferrous Sulphate, Zinc Sulphate, Magnesium Sulphate. Non Metals Includes Sulphur. ORGANIC DRUGS Alkaloids (atropine, Morphine, Strychnine)
Glycosides (Digitoxin, Digoxin). Proteins(Insuline, Oxytocin) Esters, Amide, Alcohol, Glycerides.
10. 2. CLASSIFICATION BASED ON SOURCE Natural Source Plants (Morphine, Atropine, Digitoxin) Animals (Insuline, eCG) Micro organism (Penicillin) Mineral (Sodium
Chloride) Synthetic Source (Sulphonamide, Procaine). Semi-synthetic Source Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Doxycycline Bios-ynthetic Source Recombinant Human erythropiotin,
Recombinant bovine somattotropine Sources of drugs are discussed by a Pharmacologist and Pharmacist
11. 3. CLASSIFICATION BASED ON TARGET ORGAN Drugs acting on CNS (Diazepam, Phenobarbitone). Drugs acting on Respiratory System (Bromhexaine). Drugs acting on CVS
(Digitoxin, Digoxin). Drugs acting on GIT (Omeprazole, Kaoline, Sulphadimidine). Drugs acting on Urinary System (Magnesium Sulphate, Lasix Drugs acting on reproductive
system (Oxytocin, Estrogen) Classification based on target organs are done by the Physicians.
12. 4. CLASSIFICATION BASED ON MODE OF ACTION Inhibitor of bacterial cell wall synthesis (penicillin) Inhibitor of bacterial protein synthesis (Tetracycline) Calcium Channel
blocker (Verapamil, nifedipine) 5. CLASSIFICATION BASED ON THERAPEUTIC USE Classification based on mode of action is done by Physicians & Pharmacologists.
Antimicrobials/Antibacterials (Penicillin, Streptomycin, Quinolones, Macrolides). Antihypertensive (Clonidine, hydralazine, Enalpril). Classification based on mode of action is done
by Physicians & Pharmacologists.
13. Antidiarrheals (Lopramide, Kaoline). Antiemetics (Domperidone, Meclizine and Metoclopramide). 6. CLASSIFICATION BASED ON PHYSIOLOGICAL SYSTEM
Sympathomimetics (Adrenaline, Noradrenaline). Parasympathomimetics (Carbachol, Pilocarpine, Neostigmine). Neuromuscular blockers Suxamethonium, Gallamine). 7.
CLASSIFICATION BASED ON PHYSICAL EFFECTS Emollients (Lanolin, Vaseline) Caustics (Silver nitrate) Demulcents (Zinc Oxide, Tannic Acid).

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