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(Reading Enhancement Activities & Drills for Youngsters– Grade 3)

Written By: Marilyn G. Biscocho

Illustrated by: Ronald Castillo

Grade 3 MELC: Review reading and writing short e,a,i,o and u words in
CVC pattern

Big Meg

Meg is a fluffy white, white cat

At the back, it has a big round dot
It can run as swift as a little rat
but her body, her body is fat.

One night, there was big mother rat

She passed where cat Meg sat
Meg did not chase the mother rat
Not even moved while sitting in a hat.

1. Who are the characters in song?
2. Describe the cat.
3. What did the cat see one night?
4. What did the cat do when it saw a mother rat?
5. Why didn’t the cat chase the rat that night?

Activity I. Complete the word by supplying either a,e,i,o,u.

1. My sister ate all the cookies in our j ___ r.
2. Elsa b___d farewell to her cousin.
3. Children saw a big j__t zoomed in the sky.
4. Simba is Mufasa’s little c__b.
5. In the mountains, you’ll see a f__g early in the morning.

Activity II.
Name the set of pictures having the same middle vowel sound pattern.

1. _______ - _______ 2. _______ - _______

3. _______ - _______ 4. _______ - _______

5. _______ - _______

Activity III. Follow the path to get the stars. To do so, read the word in the
sequenced log. Fill in the empty log by writing a word with the same vowel sound
with the previous log. As you move on to the next log, the vowel also changes using
the CVC pattern.

Grade 3 MELC: Recognize adverbs of manner

Timing for Everything

Yana: Mom, the cookies I bought were too soft. They also tasted so sweet.
I want your home - made cookies mom.
Mother: Okay! Come with me. Let us bake your favorite cookies. First, we measure
our ingredients correctly.
Yana: Mom, I can do it fast. There will be no difference if I put more or less,
Mother: No Yana, accurate measurements mean tastier results. Here, hold the
hand mixer to combine the butter and the sugar.
Yana: Okay. Are you going to add in the mixture the eggs as well?

Mother: Yes, I will add them one by one. Eggs should not be added quickly. Then
we will mix well our dry and wet ingredients.
Let us add milk. Add chocolate chips. Distribute them evenly.
Yana: Look mom, did I flatten the cookies correctly?
Mother: Yes Yana. Now let us wait until the cookies are cooked inside the oven.
Yana: Ugh, I can’t wait to taste it.
Mother: Remember, patience is always the key. Good things take time. Surely,
your cookies will be crisp and tasty.


1. What did Yana and mother bake?

2. What did they do in baking a cookie?
3. Where did mother put the cookies to be cooked?
4. Which part of the house did they do the baking?
5. Why did mother tell Yana to always be patient? Is being patient important?
Why or why not?

Activity I. Put a check mark on the balloons containing an adverb

of manner.

Activity II. Encircle all the adverbs inside the puzzle.

g l a d l y g

a y o h a r d

r e l a a e d

d s a d l y r

o l l d l x a

y l t f l w s

y y l m l a c

1. _______________ 4. _______________
2. _______________ 5. _______________
3. _______________

Activity III. Using the words found in activity II, complete

the sentence by supplying the correct adverb.

1. I arrived home with a sad face. I arrived __________.

2. Rita announced her news with a calm voice. She announced _________.
3. The question is very difficult. I need to think _________.
4. The celebrant was glad to open her gifts. She opened her gifts
5. The player was swift in catching the ball. He moved ___________.

Role play
Grade 3 MELC: Distinguish fact from opinion.

A Sundial day

Janus and his family

went to the beach at Purok
Batad. He noticed that her
sister wasn’t enjoying.
Learn how the family
cheered her up and made
her enjoy their family

Father: Oh, children, you have to go far if you want to swim. Water is
starting to recede due to low tide.
Patsy: I won’t swim. Grilling can be more fun than swimming, I think.
Mother: Don’t worry my dear. You won’t get drowned. The water is just
Patsy: It isn’t that. It is too hot. Too much exposure from the sun will result
to sunburns.
Mother: Summer is always hot. I brought sunscreen lotion. Sunscreen lotion
will protect you from having sunburns.
Patsy: Okay I will apply that on my skin.
Janus: Mom, can we buy fresh coconut juice?
Father: Coconut juice is a healthy drink. It helps keep our body hydrated
while being under the sun
Patsy: I want coconut juice too!
Mother: Sure! Look, there are people staying on the shore. They seem
digging for some shells.
Patsy: Wow, that’s cool.
Janus: If people do that every day, will this beach run out of shells?
Father: There are lots of shells here like sundial shells or locally known as
“batad” shell. That is a gift of nature that people should be thankful
Mother: So, we must help in keeping this beach clean. Do you want to learn
how to get some shells?
Patsy: I want to try. It seems exciting.
Mother: I will just get a small container for the shells.
Patsy: Okay, and I will bring my umbrella. (Patsy ran fast towards the
Mother: What? Using an umbrella in the middle of the sea? Can’t you just put
on your cap instead?

1. Where did the family go?
2. What are the things to remember to protect oneself while being on the beach?
3. What month do you think the family went there?
4. Why is Patsy worried being out in the sun?
5. Did she change her mind? Why or why not?

Activity I. Read the statements below. Identify if it is a FACT or an
_______ L. Earth has only one moon.
_______ &. I have the naughtiest brother.
_______ C. Children should put sprinkles in their ice creams.
_______ O. Philippines is part of Asia.
_______ A. Playing mobile legends is fun.
_______ R . We should not sleep right after eating.
_______ V. Farmers work in a farm.
_______ E. Sun rises in the east.
_______ E. Smoking should be banned in the country.

Bonus: Copy the letter before each number and be able to solve the
mystery phrase.

Fact Opinion

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Activity II. Venn Diagram
Tell if the following is describing a fact or an opinion or describes both.

Fact Opinion


1. Can be proven or verified by evidence

2. Cannot be changed
3. Personal and subjective
4. May differ according to people
5. It is objective.
6. A statement concerning a topic or idea
7. A Judgement about something

Activity III.
Make a fact or opinion about the topics given.
Topic 1: eating fried chicken every day
Fact : _________________________
Opinion: _________________________

Topic 2: buying toys

Fact : _________________________
Opinion: _________________________

Short story
Grade 3 MELC: Use degrees of adjectives in making comparisons
(positive, comparative, superlative)

A Brother’s Sacrifice

“Brother, look! A big yellow mango! It seems

delicious!” little monkey shouted to his big
brother. Big brother monkey replied, “Wait here.
I will climb up the tree and get the fruit.” “On
your left brother I see a bigger one,” the little
brother shouted. “Bats had eaten already the
other side,” big brother monkey said. He then
threw the mango and searched for another ripe
manga. He finally picked one and tossed it to his
little brother. Big brother suddenly jumped down
the tree. “What a nice mango! Hmmmm, this
smells so sweet. “This is the biggest mango I have ever seen,” little brother said while
jumping for joy. “Why do you also keep on jumping big brother monkey?” Little
brother asked. “I am shaking off the red ants biting my back,” big brother cried. Little
brother laughed and scrubbed off the ants from his brother’s back. Together they
shared and ate the sweet mangoes.

Process Questions:
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. What fruit did they want to taste?
3. How many mangoes did they see?
4. Why did big brother continue searching for another mango despite being bitten
by the red ants?
5. Describe the relationship of the two brothers.

Activity 1.
Tell if the underline adjective is in positive, comparative or superlative
_______ 1.) Mount Apo is the highest mountain in the Philippines.
_______ 2.) I saw a truck bigger than my father’s.
_______ 3.) Grandpa gave me an old coin.
_______ 4.) A dentist cleans our teeth best.
_______ 5.) My cat’s eyes are bluer than the ocean.

Activity II. Draw or complete the illustration to make the statement correct.

1. The snake is longer than the pencil.

2. The third ball is the biggest among the

three balls.


3. The sun is bright. ____________________

4. Paul smiles wider than Anna.

5. The rose has more leaves

than that of the sunflower.

Activity III.
Complete the sentences based on the given pictures and information .

20 years old
T-rex : 30 years old

Triceratops: 10 years old

1.) The brachiosaurus has ______________ neck than _____________.

2.) The triceratops is the _________________ among the three dinosaurs.

3.) The t-rex is the ___________________________ dinosaur.

4. ____________________ has more eggs than __________________.

5. Construct your own sentence based on the dinosaurs’ ages.


Grade 3 MELC: Spell one -to-two syllable words with initial and final consonant
blends ( e.g. pl,tr) and consonant digraphs ( ch and sh)

Mousie and the Paws

One little mouse is peeping from a hole

While eating the cheese it just stole
Outside the hole waits a cat named Paul
In secret, into the mouse hole he crawls.

The mouse again smells something tasty
It shall get out to full his starving tummy
Seeing the mouse Paul caged it instantly
Securing that its prey can never flee.

1. What is the cat waiting to come out from the hole?
2. What kind of an animal is Paul?
3. When did the mouse strike again?
4. What happened to the mouse when it got out from the hole?
5. If you were the mouse, would you also risk going out of your hole? Why or why

Activity 1. Guess the Blend.

Encircle the word described in each sentence.

1. They can use me to carry sand, gravel, and even people from flooded lowlands.
a. truck b. jeepney
2. Without rails I cannot continue to run perfectly.
a. bus b. train
3. I am a red liquid that goes out of your body when you have wound.
a. tears b. blood
4. Children like eating me during snacks time.
a. fries b. cries
5. It is done by people in order to master something.
a. practice b. start

Activity 2. Blend it Back!
Give the correct word by arranging the letters in reverse order.

1.) r e y l f

2.) e r a t s

3.) b a r c

4.) y a r p

5.) t r a t s

Activity III. Blend Boxing.

Box the consonant blends in each sentence.

1.) I think I will barf if we pass by a zigzag road.

2.) The old lady has a very generous heart.
3.) I used a bowl for my soup.
4.) Don't put too much salt on your food.
5.) I helped mom fold our clean clothes.


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