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Hornsby Girls High School

Assessment Task Notification


Unit Subject: 11 English Extension

Academic Year: 11
Task Number: 3
Task Title: Independent Related Project
Date issued: Week 2 Term 1
Task Weighting: 35%
Due Date: 8:40am, Wednesday the 18th of September, Term 3, Week 9

Outcomes Assessed
Outcome 1: A student demonstrates and applies considered understanding of the dynamic relationship
between text, purpose, audience and context across a range of modes, media and technologies.
Outcome 2: Analyses and experiments with language forms, features and structures of complex texts,
evaluating their effects on meaning in familiar and new contexts.
Outcome 3: A student thinks deeply, broadly and flexibly in imaginative, creative, interpretive and critical
ways to respond to, compose and explore the relationships between sophisticated texts. Outcome 4: A
student develops skills in research methodology to undertake independent investigation Outcome 5: A
student articulates understanding of how and why texts are echoed, appropriated and valued in a range of
Outcome 6: A student reflects on and assesses the development of independent learning gained through
the processes of research, writing and creativity.
Task Description

There are two parts to the task. Parts 1 and 2 are to be submitted online, concurrently.

Part 1 (15 marks)

You are to investigate a concept you encounter in the module, ‘Texts, Culture, Value’ and
apply that concept to texts of your own selection.1 The concept must pertain to
intertextuality. You are to consider the way that texts represent, uphold, and challenge
cultural values. You may express your understanding in one of the following forms:
• Short fiction (1500-2000 words – you may not engage with the set text studied in
the module)
• Creative nonfiction (1500-2000 words – you may engage with the set text studied
in the module, but you may not reproduce material from Tasks 1 or Task 2)
• Poetry (1000-1200 words – you may engage with the set text studied in the module,
but you may not reproduce material from Tasks 1 or Task 2)
• Critical Response (1500-2000 words – you may not engage with the set text studied
in the module)
• Podcasts (drama) (8 minutes runtime – you may engage with the set text studied in
the module, but you may not reproduce material from Tasks 1 or Task 2)
• Multimedia (film) (8 minutes runtime – you may engage with the set text studied in
the module, but you may not reproduce material from Tasks 1 or Task 2)

Part 2 (5 Marks)

You are to compose and record a podcast exploring how your investigation inspired you to
compose an investigative response that explored a concept encountered in the module,
‘Texts, Culture, Value’.
In your response, you should consider:
• The complex nature of your concept
• The reason you chose your form
• The challenges presented by your form and concept
• The research that helped you meet the challenges of form and concept
• The creative choices that allowed you to achieve your purpose
You may compose your podcast individually or in a group.
The time limit for the podcast is 3-4 minutes per group member.

1 Depending on your choice of text, you may engage with a single set text in the module. You may not
reconsider the set text and the appropriations studied at Hornsby Girls. You may not consider
intertextual relationships that are currently set for study in the HSC, or which have previously been set
for study. You may not consider intertextual relationships that are widely studied at other schools. You
may choose to study texts that have an allusive, generic, cross-cultural, thematic, or more broadly
formal relationship; you do not need to focus on a direct appropriation.

You are required to obtain formal approval of your selected texts and focus question before
committing to your project.
Part 1 - Project

Criteria Mark

• Formulates insights and concepts through investigation and communicates developed ideas 13-15
with flair.
• Presents a sophisticated understanding of how and why cultural values are maintained, changed,
and reimagined, demonstrating breadth of research into the relationships between texts and their
• Composes a highly original and sustained piece that demonstrates coherence to achieve a fluent
synthesis of language, technical skills and medium to engage an audience.

• Formulates insights and concepts through investigation and communicates developed ideas with 10-12
clarity. The focus question is clearly articulated. This may be more evident in some aspects of the
project than others.
• Demonstrates a well-developed understanding of how and why cultural values are maintained,
changed, and reimagined, demonstrating detailed research into the relationships between texts
and their cultures.
• Composes an original and sustained multi modal presentation that demonstrates coherence to
achieve a fluent synthesis of language, technical skills and medium to engage an audience. There
may be some lapses.

• Formulates insights and concepts through investigation and communicates ideas. The 7-9
communication may be well organised but not well developed. It may be more coherent in some
aspects of the project than in others, and there may be inconsistencies in the argument.
• Demonstrates a sound understanding of how and why cultural values are maintained, changed, or
reimagined, with evidence of research into the relationships between texts and their cultures.
• Composes a multi modal presentation that has some synthesis of language, technical skills and
medium to engage an audience, but may have lapses in coherence.

• Formulates insights and concepts through investigation and communicates ideas. This 4-6
communication may be predictable, literal and immediate. The focus of the project is unclear or
• Demonstrates some understanding of how and why cultural values are maintained, changed, or
reimagined, with limited evidence of research into the relationships between texts and their
• Composes a multi modal presentation that has limited synthesis of language, technical skills and
medium to engage an audience, but has significant lapses in coherence.

• Formulates simple concepts through limited investigation and attempts to communicate ideas. 0-3
This communication may attempt to make simple or incongruous connections between some
aspects of the work, and there is a lack of focus.
• Demonstrates limited understanding of cultural values, with limited evidence of research into
the texts.
• Attempts to compose a multi modal presentation that has limited synthesis of language, technical
skills and medium to engage an audience, but it may be incomplete or superficial, with significant
lapses in coherence.
Part 1 – Multimodal Reflection

Criteria Mark
• demonstrates highly developed skills in articulating and reflecting on the choices made in 5
the creative process
• evaluates the processes associated with the Independent Related Project insightfully
• demonstrates highly refined skills in expressing complex ideas.
• demonstrates well-developed skills in articulating and reflecting on the choices made in 4
the creative process
• evaluates the processes associated with the Independent Related Project thoughtfully
• demonstrates refined skills in expressing complex ideas.
• demonstrates sound skills in articulating and reflecting on the choices made in the creative 3
• provides some evaluation of the processes associated with the Independent Related
• demonstrates appropriate skills in expressing complex ideas.
• demonstrates basic skills in articulating and reflecting on the choices made in the creative 1–2
• provides an explanation of the processes associated with the Independent Related Project
• demonstrates some skills in expressing complex ideas.

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