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xlsx Sheet1

Home Star Sdn.Bhd

First half year sales Jan - Jun 2017 (1st and 2nd QTR)

Department/ months JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN

Clothing 15302 16235 15465 15865 17825 16589
Cosmetics 18789 19898 18565 19745 18900 19559
Watches 12000 13500 12566 14400 12455 13022
Electronic 32000 35656 30255 37001 34005 45212
Furniture 23585 25665 24554 30054 28356 26898
Housewares 8989 9023 8266 9568 8756 8798
Book and Magazines 4500 5689 4899 5023 5636 4350
Bed and Bath 9586 9656 9200 8798 9878 8215
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Home Star Sdn.Bhd

First half year sales July - Dec 2017 (3rd and 4th QTR)

Department/ months July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Clothing 16899 18799 15689 1658 19899 17899
Cosmetics 16899 20323 18777 18988 17899 2656
Watches 13566 16566 13566 15655 13566 14566
Electronic 35666 34554 25656 36899 35688 4898
Furniture 2456 23566 26555 29356 27889 26899
Housewares 9565 8989 8978 10566 9256 9865
Book and Magazines 5689 4565 5689 6899 6589 5689
Bed and Bath 12455 8988 7898 97899 10256 8798

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