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560.1 SCOPE

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510.'l General
510.2 /Vot used
5',12.1 Operational conditions
512.1.1 Voltage
512.1.2 Current
512.',t.3 Frequency
512.1.4 Power
5',t2.1.5 Compatibility
512.1.6 lmpulse withstand voltage
512.2 External influences
514.',| General
514.3 ldentification of conductors
5',14.4 ldentiflcation of conductors by colour
514.4.1 Neutral or midpoint conductor
s',t4.4.2 Protective conductor
514.4.3 PEN conductor
514.4.4 Other conductors
514,4.6 Bare conductors
5'14.5 ldentification of conductors by letters and/or numbers
514.5.2 Protective conductor
514.5.3 Alphanumeric
514.5.4 Numeric
514.6 Omission of identification by colour or marking
514.7 Not used
s14.8 ldentification of a protective device
514,9 Diagrams and documentation
514.10 Warning notice: voltage
514.11 Warning notice: isolation
514.12 Notices: periodic inspection and testing
5',t4.13 Warning notices: earthing and bonding connections
514.14 Warning notice: non-standard colours
514.15 Warning notice: alternative supplies
514.16 Notice: high protective conductor current
515.1 Prevention of mutual detrimental influence


s10.1 General
This chapter deals with the selection of equipment and its erection. lt provides common rules for compliance with
measures of protection for safety, requirements for proper functioning lor il]tel]ded use of the installation, and
requirements appropriate to the extenlal influences.

510.2 /Vot used

s10.3 Every item ofequipment shall be selected and erected so as to allow compliance with the regulations
stated in this chapter and the relevant regulations in other parts ofBS 7671 and shall take account ofmanufacturers'


511.1 Every itetr of equipment shall comply with the relevant requirements of the applicable Blitish or
Harmonized Standard, appropdate to the intended use of the equipment. The edition of the standard shall be the
current edition, with those amendments pertaining at a date to be agreed by the paflies to the contract concerued
(see Appendix 1).

Altematively, ifequipment complying with a foreign national standard based on an IEC Standard is to be used, the
designer or other person responsible lor specifying the installation shall verify that any differences between that
stardard and the coffesponding British or Harmonized Standard will not result in a lesser degree of safety than that
afforded by compliance with the British or Hamonized Standard. Such use shall be recorded on the appropriate I

electrical cerlilication specified in Parl 6. I

511.2 Where equipment to be used is not covered by a British or Harmonized Standard or is to be used I

outside the scope ofits standard, the designer or other person responsible for specifying the installation shall conlinr]
that the equipment provides at leasl thc samc dcgrcc of safcty as that affordcd by compliancc u,ith thc Rcgulations.
Such use shall be noted and appended to the appropriate documertation specifled in Pal1 6.


512.1 Operational conditions

512.1.',| Voltage
Every item ofequipment shall be suitable for the nominal voltage (Uo) ofthe installation or the part ofthe installation
concemed, where necessary taking account ofthe highest and/or lowest voltage likely to occur in nonnal service. In
an IT system, equipment shall be insulated for the nominal voltage between lines.

512.1.2 Current
Every ite[r ofequipment shall be suitable for:
(i) the design cun'ent, taking into account any capacitive and inductive effects, and
(ii) the current tikely to flow in abnormal conditions for such periods of time as are determined by the
characteristics olthe protective devices concemed.

512.1.3 Frequency
If frequencyhas an influence on the characteristics of the equipment, the rated frequency of the equipment shall
conespond to the nominal frequency ofthe supply to the circuit concerned.

512.1.4 Power
Every item of equipment selected on the basis of its power chamctedstics shall be suitable for the duty demanded
oI the equipment.

^-. 127
512.1.5 Compatibility
Every ite[r ofequipment shall be selected and erected so that it will neither cause harmful effects to other equipment
nol il1rpair the supply during normal service including switching operations.

Switchgear, protective devices, accessories and other types of equipment shall not be connected to conducton
intended to operate at a temperature exceeding 70 'C at the ecluipment in normal service unless the equipment
rnanufacturer has confinned that the equipment is suitable for such conditions, or the co[ductor size shall be chosen
based on the cu-rent ratings for 70 'C cables ofa similar construction. See also Regulation 523.1 and Table 4A3.

The designer ofthe fixed installatiol shall veri& that the installed fixed equipment, where releiant, is designed and
manufactur-ed in accordance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU and, upon request, the responsible person for the
fixed installation shall provide the required documentation as specified by EMC Directive 2014/30/EU.
NOTE 1 : lnfomatioll on tl'lc para eters to be considered is given in Scction 4,14. The level of detail of the documeotation
may vary from very sinrple information to much more detailed documentation for complex irstallations involvilg
irDportant poterltial EMC aspects.

NOTE 2: Thc responsible person ret'elred to in tbis regulation is as defined in the relcvant national legislation implementing
EMC Directive 2014/3o/EU. In the UK, this is the Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016. The responsible
person is the installer.

NOTE 3: Where installations are cornposed solely ofCE-mar*ed equiprnent placed on the market in confonnity with the EMC
Directive, the responsible person satisfies the documentation requirements by being able to provide, on request, the
instructions for installation, use and rnaintenance plovided by the supplier ofeach item of equipmeltt.
NOTE 4: Where the current rating is to be based on 70 "C, cu(elt-carrying capacities given in Tables 4D1 to 4D5 or 4H I to
4H4 ofAppendix 4 rnay be used for 90 'C themosettirg insulated cables.

512.1.6 lmpulse withstand voltage

Equipment shall be selected so that its impulse withstand voltage is at least equal to the required minimum impulse
withstand voltage according to the overvoltage category at the point ofinstallation as defined in Section 443.

5'12.2 External influences

512.2.1 Equipment shall be of a design appropriate to the situatior in which it is to be used or its mode of
installation shall take account ofthe conditions likely to be encountered.

512,2.2 If
the equipment does not, by its construction, have the characteristics relevant to the extemal
influerces of its location, it may neveftheless be used on condition that it is provided with appropriate additional
protection in the erection ofthe installation. Such protection shall not adversely affect the operation ofthe equipment
thus protected.

512.2.3 Where different external influences occur simultaneously, they may have independent or mutual
effects and the degree ofprotection shall be provided accordingly.

512.2.4 The selection of equipment according to extemal influences is necessary not only for proper
functioning, but also for the reliability of the measures of protection for safety complying with these Regulations
generally. Measures ofprotection afforded by the construction ofequipment are valid only for the given conditions
of extemal influence if the coruesponding equipment speciflcation tests are made in these conditions of extemal
NOTE: For the purposc of these Reglrlations, the following classes of extemal influence are conventionally regardcd as

AA Ambient ternperature AA4

AB Atmosphcric humidity AB4
Other environrnental conditions xX I of each pammeter
(AC to AS)
Ulili./arion and consrruclion , xx I ofeach pararneler. exccpl
olbuildrrg. (B and C) I \X2 for rhe pararneter BC

513.1 Except for a joint in cables where Section 526 allo$,s such a joint to be inaccessible, evety item of
equiprrent shall be aflanged so as to facilitate its opemtio[, inspection and mai]rtenal.Ice and access to each connection.
Such t'acility shall not be signillcantly impaired by mounting equipment in an elclosure or a comparlment.

514.',1 General
514.',t .1 Except where tltere is no possibility ofconfusion, a label or othcr suitable nrea[s ofidentiflcation s]rall
be provided to indicate the purpose ofeach item ofswitchgear and controlgear'. Where the operator camot obsenr'e
the operation of su,itchgear and contrclgear and where this might lead to danger. a suitable indicator complying,
where applicable, widr BS EN 60073 and BS EN 60447, shall be Iixed in a position visible to the operator.

514,1,2 So far as is reasonabiy practicable, u,iring shall be so aranged or marked that it can be identified for
inspectiol, testing, repair or alteration ofthe installatiol.

514.1.3 Except where there is no possibility of confusion, unambiguous marking shall be provided at the
interface between conductors identified in accordance with these Regulations and conductors idefltified to previous
versions olthe Regulations.
NOTE: Appendix 7 gives guidance on how this can be achieved.

514.2 Not used

514,3 ldentificationofconductors
5'14.3,1 Except where identification is not requircd by Regulation 514.6, cores ofcables shall be identified by:
(i) colour as required by Regulation 514.4 and/or
(ii) letters and/or numbers as required by Regulation 51,1.5.
514.3,2 Every core of a cable shall be identifiable at its terminations and preferably throughout its length.
Binding and sleeves for identification purposes shall comply with BS 3858 whele appropliate.

514.4 ldentification of conductors by colour

514.4.'l Neutral or midpoint conductor
Where a circuit jncludes a neutral or midpoint conductor identified by colour, the colour used shall be blue.

514.4.2 Protectiveconductor
The bi-colour combination green-and-yellow shall be used exclusively for identification ol a protective conductor
and this combination shall not be used for any other pur?ose. In this combination one of the colours shall cover at
least 30 % and at most 70 % ofthe surlace being coloured, while the other colour shall cover the remainder ofthe

Single-core cables identified by green-and-yellow throughouttheir length shall only be used as a protective conductor
and shall not be ovennar*ed at their teflninations, except as permitted by Regulation 514.4.3.

A bare couductor ol busbar used as a protective conductor shall be identified, where necessary, by equal green-and-
yellow stlipes, each not less than l5 mm a[d not more than 100 mlr wide, close together. either throughout the
length ofthe conductor or in each compafiment and unit and at each accessible position.

514.4.3 PEN conductor

A PEN conductor shall, when insulated, be marked by one olthe lollowing methods:
(i) Green-and-yellow throughout its length with, in addition, blue markings at the teminatiolls
(ii) Blue throughout its lergth, with green-and-yellow ma*ings at the teminatjons.

514.4.4 Otherconductors
Other conductors shail be identified by colour in accordance with Table 51.

514.4.5 The single colour green shall not be used for the identification ol I

(i) live conductols in power circuits I

(ii) protectiveconductors I

(iii) functional ealthing and bonding conductors.

9l t"*oo ?
514.4.6 Bareconductors

A bare conductor shall be identified, where necessary, by the application oftape, sleeve or disc of the appropriate
colour prescribed in Table 5l or by painting with such a colour.

514.5 ldentification of conductors by letters and/or numbers

514.5.1 The lettering or numbe ng system applies to identification ofindividual conductors and ofconductors
in a group. The identification shall be clearly legible and durable. A11 characterc shall be in strong contrast to
the colour of the insulation. The identification shall be given in letters and/or Arabic numerals. In order to avoid
confusion. unattached numemls 6 and 9 shall be underlined.

5'14.5.2 Protectiveconductor
Conductors with green-and-yellow colour identification shall not be numbered other than for the purpose of circuit

514.5.3 Alphanumeric
The prefened alphanurne c system is described in Table 51.

514.5.4 Numeric
Conductors may be identified by numbers, the number 0 being reserued lor the neutml or midpoint conductor.

514.6 Omission of identification by colour or marking

514.6.1 Identiflcation by colour or marking is not required for:
(i) concentric conductors of cables
(ii) metal sheath or armour of cables when used as a protective conductor
(iii) bare conductors where pemanent identification is not practicable
(iv) extraneous-conductive-pafis used as a protective conductor
(v) exposed-conductive-pafis used as a protective conductor.

TABLE 51 - ldentification of conductors
Proteclive conductors Green-and-yellow
Functional earthing conductor Cream

AC power circuit(r)
Line of single-phase circuit L Brown
Neutral ofsingle- or three-phase circuit N Blue
Line 1 oftluee-phase AC circuit LI Brcwn
Line 2 oftltee-phase AC circuit L2 Black
Line 3 ofthree-phase AC circuit L3 Clcy

Two-wire unearthed DC porver circuit

Positive of two-wire circuit Brown
Negative of two-wire circuit Grey

Trvo-rvire earthed DC potver circuit

Positive (of negative eanhed) circuit Brown
Negative (of negative eafihed) circuitrr) Blue
Positive (of positive eathed) circuitrr' BLue

Negative (of positive earthed) circuit Grcy

DC power circuit
Outer positive of two-wire ctcuit derived fron
three-wire system
Outer negative of two-wire circuit derived from Grey
three-wire system
Positive of three-wire circuit Brcwn
Mid-wire of three-wire circuitrr)1r) Blue
Negative of three-wire circuit Grey

Control circuits, ELV and other applications

Line conductor Brown, Black, Red, Orange,
Yellow, Violet, Grey, White,
Pink or Turquoise
Neutral or mid-wireo) Blue

NOTE: (r'Power circuits include lighting circuits.

'rr M identifies either the mid-wire ofa three-wire DC circuit. or the eafthed conductor ofa two-wire eafthed DC circuit.
1r)Only the rniddle wire ofthree-wire circuits may be earthed.
1r)An earlhed PELV conductor is blue.

514.7 Not used

514.8 ldentification of a protective device

514.8.1 A protective device shall be aranged and identified so that the circuit protected may be easily

514.9 Diagrams and documentation

514.9.1 A legible diagram, chart or table or equivalent form of information shall be provided indicating in
(i) the type and composition ofeach circuit (points ofutilization served, number and size ofconducto$, type
olwiring), and
(ii) the method used for compliance with Regulation 410.3.2, and
(iii) the infomation necessary for the identification of each device performing the functions of protection,
isolation and switching, and its location, and
(iv) any circuit or equipment vulnerable to the elect cal tests as required by Pafi 6.

For simple installations the foregoing information may be given in a schedule. A durable copy of the schedule
relating to a distribution board shall be provided within or adjacent to each distribution board.

Any slmbol used shall comply with IEC 60617.

514.'10 Warning notice: voltage

514.10.1 Every item ofequipment or enclosure within which a nominal voltage exceeding 230 volts to eafih
exjsts and where the presence of such a voltage would not normally be expected, shall be so arranged that before
access is gained to a live part, a waming ofthe maximum voltage to earth present is clearly visible.

514.11 Warning notice: isolation

514-1'1.1 A notice of such durable material as to be likety to remain easily legible throughout the life ofthe
installation shall be fixed in each position where there are live parts which are not capable of being isolated by
a single device. The location of each disconnector (isolator) shall be indicated unless there is no possibility of

514.12 Notices: periodic inspection and testing

514.12.1 A notjce of such durable materjal as to be likely to remain easily legible throughout the life olthe
installation shall be fixed in a prominent position at or near the origin ofevery installation upon completion ofthe
work canied out in accordance with Chapter 64 or 65. The notice shall be inscribed in indelible characters not
smaller than those illustrated here and shall read as follows:


This installation should be periodically inspected and tested and

a report on its condition obtained, as prescribed in the IET
Wiring Regulations BS 7671 Requirements for Electrical

Date of last inspection

Recommended date of next inspection

514.12.2 Where an installation incorpomtes an RCD a notice shall be fixed in a prominent position at or near
each RCD in the installation. The notice shall be inscribed in indelible characters not smaller thal those illustrated
here and shall read as follows:

This installation, or part of it, is protected by a device which

automatically switches off the supply if an earth fault develops.
Test six-monthly by pressing the button marked 'Test'. The 'T'or
device should switch off the supply and should then be switched
on to restore the supply. If the device does not switch off the
supply when the button is pressed, seek expert advice.

NOTE: Testing frequencies ofRCDs i1l temporary installations may need increasrng.

514.13 Warning notices: earthing and bonding connections

5'14.13.1 A durable label to BS 951 with the words 'Safety Elechical Connection - Do Not Remove' shall be
pemanently fixed in a visible position at or near:
(i) the point ofconnection of every earthing conductor to an eaflh electrode, and
(ii) the point of connection of every bonding conductor to an exhaneous-conductive-part, and
(iii) the main earthing terminal, where separate from main switchgear
514.13.2 Where Regulation 418.2.5 or 418.3 applies, the waming notice specilied shall be durably rrarked in
legible type not smaller than that illustmted here and shall read as follows:

The protective bonding conductors associated with the electrical

installation in this location MUST NOT BE CONNECTED TO

Equipment having exposed-conductive-parts connected to earth

must not be brought into this location.

514,14 Warning notice: non-standard colours

5'14.14.'l Ifwiring additions or alterations are made to an installation such that some ofthe widng complies
with Regulation 514.4 but there is also wiring to a previous version ofthese Regulatioos, a waming notice shall be
af6xed at or near the appropriate distribution board with the following wording;

This installation has wiring colours to two versions of BS 7671.
Great care should be taken before undertaking extension,
alteration or repair that all conductors are correctly identified.

514.15 Warning notice: alternative supplies
5'14.15'1 Where an installation includes altemative or additional sources of supply, waming notices shall be
aJnxed at the lollowing locations in the installation:
(i) At the origin ofthe installation
(ii) At the meterposition, ifremote from the origin
(iii) At the consumer unit or distribution board to which the altemative or additional sources are connected
(iv) At all points ofisolation ofall sources ofsupply.
The waming notice shall be durably marked in legible type not smaller than that illustrated here and shall read as


Isolate all electrical supplies before carrying out work.

Isolate the mains supply at

Isolate the alternative supplies at

514.16 Notice: high protective conductor current

See Regulation 543.7. 1.205.


515.1 Prevention of mutual detrimental influence

Electrical equipment shall be selected and erected so as to avoid any hamful influence between the electrical
installation and any non-electrical installations envisaged.
NOTE: For EMC see Sections 332 and 444.

s',t5.2 Where equipment carying cuffent of different types or at different voltages is grouped in a common
assembly (such as a switchboard, a cubicle or a control desk or box), all the equipment belonging to any one type of
curent or any one voltage shall be effectively segregated wherever necessary to avoid mutual detdmental influence.

The immunity levels of equipment shall be chosen taking into account the electromagnetic disturbances that can
occur when connected and erected as for normal use, and taking into account the intended level of continuity of
service necessary for the application. See the specilic equipment standard or the relevant pafi ofBS EN 61000 series.

520.1 Scope
520.4 General
521.4 Busbar trunking systems and powertrack systems
521.5 AC circuits: electromagnetic effects
521 .5.1 Ferromagnetic enclosures: electromagnetic effects
521.5.201 Electromechanical stresses
521.6 Conduit, ducting, trunking, tray and ladder systems
521.7 Multicore cables: two or more circuits
521 .8 Circuit arrangements
521 .9 Use of flexible cables
521.10 lnstallation of cables
522.1 Ambient temperature (AA)
522.2 External heat sources
Presence of water (AD) or high humidity (AB)
522.4 Presence of solid foreign bodies (AE)
522.5 Presence of corrosive or polluting substances (AF)
522.6 lmpact (AG)
522.7 Vibration (AH)
522.8 Other mechanical stresses (AJ)
522.9 Presence of flora and/or mould growth (AK)
522.10 Presence of fauna (AL)
522.11 Solar radiation (AN) and ultraviolet radiation
522.12 Seismic effects (AP)
522.13 Movement of air (AR)
522.14 Nature of processed or stored materials (BE)
522.15 Building design (CB)
523.5 Groups containing more than one circuit
523.6 Number of loaded conductors
Conductors in parallel
523.8 Variation of installation conditions along a route
Era o Cables in thermal insulation
523.201 Armoured single-core cables
524.2 Neutral conductors
526.9 Connection of multiwire, fine wire and very fine wire conductors
527.1 Precautions within a fi re-segregated compartment
527 .2 Sealing of wiring system penetrations
528.1 Proximity to electrical services
528.2 Proximity of communications cables
Proximity to non-electrical services


520.1 Scope
This chapter deals with the selection ard erection of wiring systems.
NOTE: These regulations also apply in geleral to protective conductors. Chapter 54 contains further rcquirements for those

520.2 Not used

520.3 Not used

520.4 General
Considemtion shall be givel to the application ofthe funda[rental principles ofChapter 13 as it applies to:
(i) cables and conductors
(ii) their connections. teminations and/or jointing
(iii) their associated supports or suspensions, and
(iv) their enclosule or methods of protection against extemal influences.


The requirelnents of Regulations 521.1 to 521.201 do not apply to busbar and powertrack systems covered by
Regulation 521.4.

521.1 Tl're rnstallation rncthocl ofa u,iring system in relation to the type ofconductor or cablc uscd shall be
in accorclancc with'Iable 4A1 ofAppendix,l, provided the extemal influcnccs arc taken into accoult accordit'tg to
Section 522.

521.2 Thc ir'rstallation rnetlrod ofa wiring systcm in relation to the situation concemed shail be in accordance
with Table 4A2 ofAppcndix 4. Othel methods of installation ofcables and conductols no1 included in Table 4A2 are
pen]]itted provided that they fullil the requirements of this chapter.

521.3 Exanrplcs of wiring systems. excluding systcms coveled by Regulation 521.4. are shown in
Table 4A2. Table 4A2 gives examples of installation methods of cables including reference method for obtaining
curent-canJing capacity rvhere it is considered that the same cuffenlcarryi[g capacities can safely be used. It is
not implied that such methods must be ernployed or that other methods are prohibited.

521.201 Prefabricatcd wiling systems intended lor permanent connection in fixed installations incorporating
installation couplers corforming to BS EN 61535, shall comply with BS 8488.

521.4 Busbar trunking systems and powedrack systems

A busbar truntilg systeln shall comply with BS EN 61439-6 and a powefirack system shall comply with the
approp ate part ofthe BS EN 61534 series. A busbar trunking system or a powefir'ack system shall be installed in
accordancc wilh the manufacturcr's instructions, taking accoult ofextemal influences. See also Appendix 8.

52'1.5 AC circuits: electromagnetic effects

521.5.'l Ferromagneticenclosures: electromagneticeffects

The conductols ofan AC circuit installed in a feron.ngnetic enclosure shall be aranged so that all line conductors
and the neutral conductor, ifany. and the appropdate protective conductor are contajled within the same enclosure.

Whcre such couductors eflter a ferrous cnclosure, they shall be affanged such that the conducton are only collectively
sunouuded by f'cno[']agnetic Inaterial.

These requirements do not preclude the use of an additional protective conductor in parallel with the steel wire
amouting of a cable wlrerc such is required to comply with the requirements of the appropriate regulations in
Chapters 4l and 54. It is pemitted for such an additional protective corductor to enter the ferrous enclosure

521.5'2 Singie-core cables armoured with steel wire or steel tape shall nor be gsed lor an AC circuit.
NOTE: The steel wire or sleel tape atmour of a single-core cable is legarded as a iifomasneric enclosure. For single-core
armoured cables. the use ofalulrinium armour may be considered.

52'1.5.201 Electromechanical stresses

Every conductor or cable shall have adequate strength and be so installed as to Nitl'tstand the electromechanical
lorces that may be caused by any current, including fault current, it nlay ha\ e to carry in service.

52',t.6 Conduit, ducting, trunking, tray and ladder systems

Two or more circuits are ailowed in the same conduit, ducting or trunking system provided the requirements of
Section 528 are met.

Cable conduits shall comply with the appropriate pafi of the BS EN 61386 series, cable trunking or ducting shall
comply with the appropriate part of the BS EN 50085 series and cabJe tray and ladder systems shall co1nply with
BS EN 6I537.

521.7 Multicore cables: two or more circuits

Two or more circuits are allowed in the same cable provicled the requirements of Section 528 are met.

521.8 Circuitarrangements
521'8.'l Each part of a circuit shall be arrarged such that the conducton are not distributed over dillerent
multicore cables, conduits, ducting systems, hxnking systems or tray or ladder systems.

This requirement need not be met where a number of multicore cables, loming onc circuit, are installed in parallel.
Where multicore cables are installed in parallel each cable shall contain one conductor ofeach line.

52'l '8.2 The line and neutral conductors of each final circuit shall be elect cally separate fi om those of every
other final circuit, so as to prevent the i[direcl energizing ofa final circuit intelded to be isolated.

521.8.3 whe,e rrv. or more circuits arc ter inated in a singlc.iunctirin box this shall comply with
BS EN 60670-22.

52',t.9 Use of flexible cables

521.9.',1 A flexible cable shall be used lor fixed rviring only whcrc the relevant provisions ofthe Regulations
are met Flexible cables used for lixed wiring shall be of the heavy duty type unless the risk of darnagc during
installation and service, due to impact or other mechanical stresses, is low or has been minimized or pr-otecrion
against mechanical damage is provided.
NOTE: Descriptions oflight, ordinary and heavy dury t)?es are given in BS EN 50565-1.

521 .9.2 Equipment that is irtended to be moved in use shall be comected by flexiblc cables! except equipmenr
supplied by contact rails.

521.9.3 Stationary equipment which is movecl temporarily for the purposes of connecting. cleaning etc.,
e.g. cookers or flush-mounting units for installations in false floors, shall be connected with flexiblc cable. If the
equipment is not subject to vibration then non-flexible cables may be used.

521.10 lnstallation of cables

52'1.10.1 Non-sheathed cables for fixed wiring shall be enclosed in conduit, ducting or trunking. This
requirernent does not apply to a protective conductor complying with Section 543.

\on-sheathed cables are pelmitted if the cable trunking system provides at lcast the dcgree olprotectjon TPXXD or
IP,lX. and ifthe cover can only be removed by means ofa tool or a deliberate action.
NOTE: For a cable trunking system to meet IP.lX requirements. IP,IX ttunking and relatecl system components would need to
be inslalled. lfa systetn includes sile-fabricated j oints the installer must confirln thc conlpietcd itenr rnccts at least thc
degree of protection IPXXD.

521/10.201 A bare live conductor shall be installed or insulators.

521.10.202 Widng systems shall be supported such that they will not be liable to premature collapse in the event
ofa fire.
NOTE 1: Wiring systems lranging across access or egress routes may hinder evacuation and firefighting activitics.
NOTE 2: Cables installed in or on steel cable containment systems are deemed to meet the rcquirements ofthis rcgulation.
NOTE 3: This regulation precludes, lor example, the use of non metallic cable clips or cable ties as the sole means of support
where cables are clipped direct to exposed surfaces or suspended under cable tra1,, and the use ofnon-metallic cable
trunking as the sole means of support ofthe cables therein.
NOTE 4: Suitably spaced steel or copper clips, saddles or ties are examples that will meet the requirements ofthis regulation.



The installation method selected shall be such that protection against the expected extemal influences is provided
in all appropriate parts ofthe widng systern. Particular care shall be taken at changes ir direction and where wiring
enters into equipmenl.
NOTE: The extemal influences categorized in Appendix 5 which are of signiflcance to wiring systems are included in this

522.1 Ambient temperature (AA)

522.1.1 A wiring system shali be selected and erected so as to be suitable for the highest ard lowest local
ambient temperatures and so that the limiting temperature in normal opemtion (see Table 52.1) and the limiting
temperature in case of a fault (see Table 43. i ) will not be exceeded.

522.'1.2 Wirilg system components, including cables and wiring accessories, shall only be installed or
handled at tempemtures within the limits stated in the relevant product specification or as given by the manufactlrrer.

522.2 External heat sources

522.2.'l In order to avoid the effects ofheat from external sources, one or more of the following methods or
an equally effective method shall be used to protect a wiring system:
(i) Shielding
(ii) Placing sufliciently far from the source of heat
(iii) Selecting a system with due regard for the additional temperature se which may occur
(iv) Local reinforcement or substitution of insulating material.
NOTE: Heat from extemal sources may be radiated, conducted or convected, e.g.:
- fiom hot water systems
- from piant, appliances and luminaires
- from a manufacturing process
- through heat condrcting mate als
- ftom solar gain ofthe wiring system or its surrounding medium.

522.2.201 Parts of a cable within an accessory appliance or luminaire shall be suitable for the temperatures
Iikely to be encountered, as determined in accordance with Regulation 522.1.1, or sha11 be provided with additional
insulation suitable for those temperatures.

522.3 Presence of water (AD) or high humidity (AB)

522.3.1 A wir ing system shall be selected and erected so that no damage is caused by condensation or ingress
ofwater during installation, use and maintenance. The completed wiring system shall comply with the IP degree of
protection (see BS EN 60529) relevant to the pafticular location.
NOTE: Special considerations apply to wiring systems iiable to frequent splashilg. inlnersion or submersion.

522.3.2 Where water may collect or condensation may form in a wiring system, provision shall be made for
its escape,

522.3.3 Where a wiring system may be subjected to waves (AD6), protection against mechanical damage
shatl be afforded by one or more ofthe methods ofRegulations 522.6 to 8.

522.4 Presence of solid foreign bodies (AE)
522.4.1 Awiring system shall be selected and erected so as to minimize the danger adsing from the ingress of
solid foreign bodies. The completed wiring system shall comply with the IP degree olprorection (see BS EN 60529)
relevant to the particular location.

522,4,2 In a location where dust in significant quantib/ is present (AE4), additional precautions shall be taken
to prevent the accumulation of dust or other substances in quantities which could adr,ersely affect heat dissipation
from the wiring system.
NOTE: Awiring system which facilitates the removal ofdust may be necessary (see Secrion 529).

522.5 Presence of corrosive or polluting substances (AF)

522.5.1 Where the presence of corosive or polluting substances, including watel is likely to give se to
colrosion or detedoration, parts ofthe wiring system likely to be affected shall be suitably protected or manufactued
from a material resistant to such substances.
NOTE: Suitable protection for application during erection may include protective tapes, paints or grease.

522.5.2 Dissimilar metals liable to initiate electrol)'tic action shall not be placed in cortact with each other,
unless special arrangements axe made to avoid the consequences ofsuch contact.

522.5.3 Materials liable to cause mutual or individual detedoration or hazardous degradation shall rot be
placed in contact with each other.

522.6 lmpact (AG)

522.6.1 Wiring systems shall be selected and erected so as to minimize the damage arising fiom mechanical
stress, e.g. by impact, abrasion, penetration, tension or compression during installation, use or maintenance.

522.6.2 In a fixed installation where impacts of medium severity (AG2) or high severity (AG3) can occur
protection shall be afforded by:
(i) the mechanical characteristics ofthe wiring system, or
(ii) the location selected, or
(iii) the provision of additional local or general protection against mechanical damage, or
(iv) any combination ofthe above.
NOTE: Examples are areas where the floor is likely to be penetrated and areas used by forklifi trucks.

522.6,3 Not used

522,6,4 The degree ofprotection of electrical equipment shall be maintained after installation ofthe cables
and conducto$.

522.6.201 A cable installed under a floor or above a ceiling shall be run in such a position thar it is not liable to
be damaged by contact with the floor or ceiling or their fixings.

A cable passing through a joist within a floor or ceiling construction or through a ceiling suppoft (e.g. under
floorboards), shall:
(i) be installed at least 50 mm measured vertically from the top, or bottom as appropriate, ofthejoist or batten,
(ii) comply with Regslatior, 522.6.204.

522,6,202 A cable installed in a wall or partition at a depth of less than 50 mm from a surface of the wall or
paltition shall:
(i) be installed in a zone
within 150 mm from the top of the wall orpartition or within 150 mm ofan angle formed
by two adjoining walls or partitions. Where the cable is comected to a point, accessory or switchgear on any
surface of the wall or pafiition, the cable may be installed in a zone either ho zontally or vefiically, to the
point, accessory or switchgear Where the location ofthe accessory point or switchgear can be detennined
from the reverse side, a zone formed on one side of a wall of 100 mm thickness or less or pa ition of
100 mm thickness ol less extends to the reverse side, or
(ii) comply with Re glJarion 522.6.204.

Where indent (i) but not indent (ii) applies, the cable shall be provided with additional protection by means of an
RCD having the characteristics specified in Regulation 415.1.1.

522.6.203 Inespective of its buried depth, a cable concealed in a wall or partition, the intemal construction of
which includes metallic parts, other than metallic fixings such as nails, screws and the like, shall:
(i) be provided with additional protection by means ofan RCD having the characteristics specified in Regulation
415. l. 1, or
(ii) comply with Regulatior 522.6.204.

For a cable installed at a depth of less than 50 mm from the surface of a wall or partition the requirements of
Regulation 522.6.202(i) shall also apply.

522.6.204 For the purposes ofRegulation 522.6.201(ii), Regulation 522.6.202(ii) and Regulation 522.6.203(ii),
a cable shall:
(i) incorporate an eafihed metallic covering which complies with the requiremerts of these Regulations for
a protective conductor of the circuit concemed, the cable complying with BS 5467, BS 6724, BS 7846,
BS 8436 or BS EN 60702-1, or
(ii) be installed in eathed conduit complying with BS EN 61386-21 and satisfliing the requirements ofthese
Regulations for a protective conductor, or
(iii) be enclosed in eafihed hunking or ducting complyingwith BS EN 50085-2-l and satisfying the requirements
ofthese Regulations for a protective conductor, or
(iv) be provided with n.rechanical protection against damage sufncient to prevent penetration of the cable by
nails, screws and the like, or
(v) form part ol a SELV or PELV circuit meeting the requirements of Regulation 414.4.

522.7 Vibration (AH)

522.7.'l A widng system supported by or fixed to a structure or equipment subject to vibration of medium
severity (AH2) or high seve ty (AH3) shall be suitable for such conditions, pafticularly where cables and cable
connections are concemed.

522.7.2 For the fixed installation ofsuspended cuffent-using equipment, e.g. luminaires, connection shall be
made by cable with flexible cores. Where no vibration or movement can be expected, cable with non-flexible cores
may be used.

522.8 Other mechanical stresses (AJ)

522.8.1 A wiring system shall be selected and erected to avoid during installation, use or maintenance,
damage to the sheath or insulation of cables and their teminations. The use of any lubricants that can have a
det mental effect on the cable or wiring system are not permitted.
522.8-2 Wlere buried in the structure, a conduit system or cable ducting system, other than a pre-wired
conduit assembly speciflcally designed for the installation, shall be completely erected between access points before
any cable is drawn in.

522.8.3 The radius of every bend in a wiring system shall be such that conductors or cables do not suffer
damage and terminations are not stressed.

522.8.4 Where conducto$ or cables are not supported continuously due to the method of installation, they
shall be suppoted by suitable means at approp ate intervals h such a manner that the conductors or cables do not
suffer damage by their own weight.

522.8.5 Every cable or conductor shall be supported in such a way that it is not exposed to undue mechanical
strain and so that there is no appreciable mechanical stain on the teminations of the conductors, account being
taken ofmechanical strain imposed by the supported weight ofthe cable or conductor itself.
NOTE: Consumer unit meter tails are included in the requirements ofthis regulation.

522,8.6 A widng system intended for the drawing in or out ofconductors or cables shall have adequate means
ofaccess to allow this opemtion.

522.8.7 A wiring system buried in a floor shall be sufnciently protected to prevent damage caused by the
intended use ofthe floor.

522.8.8 Not used

522.8.9 Nor used

522.8.'10 Except where installed in a conduit or duct which provides equi\ alenr protection against mechanical
damage, a cable buried in the ground shall incorporate an earthed amour or metal sheath or both, suitable for use
as a protective conductor The location ofburied cables shall be marked by cable cor ers or a suitable marker tape.
Buried conduits and ducts shall be suitably identified. Buried cables, conduits and ducts shall be at a sufficient depth
to avoid being damaged by any reasonably foreseeable disturbance ofthe ground.
NOTE: BS EN 61386-24 is the standard for underground conduits.

522.8.11 Cable supports and enclosures shall not have sharp edges liable to damage the wiring system.

522.8.12 A cable or conductors shall not be damaged by the means offixing.

522.8.13 Cables, busbars and other electrical conductors which pass across expansion joints shall be so
selected or erected that anticipated movement does not cause damage to the electrical equipment.

522.8.14 No wiring system shall penetrate an element ofbuilding construction which is intended to be load
bearing unless the integrity ofthe load-bearing element can be assured after such penetration.

522.9 Presence of ,lora and/or mould growth (AK)

522,9.1 Where the conditions experienced or expected constitute a hazard (AK2), the wi ngsystem shallbe
selected accordingly or special protective measures shall be adopted.
NOTE 1: An installation method which facilitates the removal ofsuch growths may be necessary (see Section 529).
NOTE 2: Possible preventive measures are closed types ofinstallation (conduit or channel), maintaining distances to plants alrd
regular cleaning ofthe relevant wiring system.

522.10 Presence of fauna (AL)

522.10.1 Where conditions experienced or expected constitute a hazard (AL2). the wiring system shall be
selected accordingly or special protective measures shall be adopted, for example, by:
(i) the mechanical characte stics ofthe wiring system, or
(ii) the location selected, or
(iii) the provision of additional local or general protection against mechanical damage, or
(iv) any combination ofthe above.

522.11 Solar radiation (AN) and ultraviolet radiation

522.11.1 Where significant solar radiation (AN2) or ultraviolet radiation is experienced or expected, a wiring
system suitable for the conditions shall be selected and erected or adequate shielding shall be provided. Special
precautions may need to be taken for equipment subject to ionising radiation.
NOTE: See also Regulation 522.2.1 dealing with temperature rise.

522.12 Seismic effects (AP)

522,12.'l The wiring system shall be selected and erected with due regard to the seismic hazards ofthe location
ofthe installation.
522.122 Where the seismic hazards experienced are low seve ty (AP2) or higher, particular attention shall be
paid to the following:
(i) The fixing of wiring systems to the building structure
(ii) The connectiofls between the fixed winng and all items olessential equipment, e.g. safety services, shall be
selected for their flexible quatity.

522.13 Movement of air (AR)

522.',13.1 See Regulation 522.7, Mbration (AH), and Regulation 522.8, Other mechanical stresses (AJ).

522.14 Nature of processed or stored materials (BE)

522.14,1 See Section 527, Selection and erection of wiring systems to minimize the spread of fire and
Section 422, Precautions where particular risks offire exist.

522.15 Building design (CB)

522.15/l Where risks due to structural rlovement exist (CB3), the cabte support and protection systern
employed shall be capable of pennitting relati\,e movement so that conductors and cables are not subjected to
excessive mechanical stress.
522.15.2 For a flexible structure or a structure intended to move (CB4), a flexible wiring system shall be used.


523.1 The cufient, including any hannonic current, to be carried by any conductor for sustained periods
during nomal operation shall be such that the appropriate temperature limit specified in Table 52.1 is not exceeded.
The value of cunent shall be selected in accordance with Regulation 523.2, or determined in accordance with
Regulation 523.3.

TABLE 52.1 - Maximum operating temperatures for types of cable insulation

Type ofinsulation limit'

Theflroplastic 70 oC at the conductor
Thel.1nosetting 90 'C at the conductorb
Mireral (The.moplastic covered or bare to touch) 70 "C at the sheath
Mineral (barc not exposed to touch and not in contact with combustjble 105 "C at the sheathb '
" Themaxirnurn pennissiblc coflductor temperatures given in Table 52.1 on which the tabulated current-carrying capacihes
given in Appendix 4 are based, have been taken from IEC 60502-1 and BS EN 60702-l and are shown on these tables in
Appendix 4.
Where a conductor operates at a temperature exceeding 70 'C it shall be ascetained that the equipment connected to the
conductor is srLitable for the .esultilg temperature at the connection.
' For ll1ireral insulated cables, higher operating temperatules may be permissible dependent upon the temperature rating of
the cable, its terminations, the environmental conditions and other extemal influences.

NOTE: For the telnperatrue linits for othe| types ofinsulation, refer to cable speciflcation or manufacturer

523.2 The requirement ol Regulatio[ 523. 1 is considered to be satisfied if tl']e curent fbr non-sheathcd and
sheathed cables does not exceed the appropriate values seleated from the tables of curent-canJing capacity given
in Appendix 4 with reference to Table 4A2, subject to any necessary mting factors.
NOTE: The curent-carying capacities given in the tables are provided for guidance. It is recognizcd that there will be some
tolerance in the current-calrying capacities depending on the environmental conditions and the precise construction of
the cables.

523.3 The applopliate value of curent-carrying capacity may also be detennined as described in BS 7769
series (some parts of the BS 7769 seies are now numbered BS IEC 60287 series, eventually all pats will be
renurbered). or by test. or by calculation usirg a recognized method, plovided that the method is stated. Where
appropriate. accolLnt shall be taken olthe characteristics ofthe load and, for buried cables, the eflective thermal
rcsistance ofthe soil.

523.4 The ambient temperature shall be considered to be the temperature ofthe surrounding medium when
the non-sheathed or sheathed cable(s) under consideration are not loaded.

523.5 Groups containing more than one circuit

The group rating factors, see Tables 4Cl to 4C6 ofAppendix 4, are applicable to groups ofnon-sheathed or sheathed
cables har ing the same ma"\imum operating temperarure.

For groups containing non-sheathed or sheathed cables having differ ent maximum operating temperatures, the
curent-canling capacity of all the non-sheathed or sheathed cables in the grcup shall be based on the lowest
maximum operating telrperature ofany cable in the group together with the appropdate group rating factol'.

Il,due to krown operating conditions, a non-sheathed or sheathed cable is expected to cary a current not greater
than 30 % of its grouped curent-caffyirg capacity, it may be ignored for the purpose of obtainirg the rating factor
for the rest ofthe group.

523.6 Number of loaded conductors

523.6.1 The number of conductors to be considered in a circuit are those carrying load cur:rent. Where
conducto$ in polyphase circuits carry balanced cuffents, the associated neutral conductor need not be taken into
consideratiou. Under these conditions a four-core cable is given the same cufient-carrying capacity as a three-
core cable having the same conductor cross-sectional area for each line conductor The neutral conductot shall
be considered as a loaded conductor in the case ofthe presence of third harmonic curent or multiples of the third
harmonic presenting a total hamonic distoftion greater than 15 % ofthe fundamental line curfent.


523.6.2 Where the neutral conductor in a multicore cable carries curreni Li a result of an imbalance in the
line cunents, the temperature se due to the neutml current is offset bl ihe reduciion in rhe heat generated by one or
more ofthe line conductors. In this case the conductor size shall be chosen on the basis olthe highest line current.

In all cases the neutral conductor shall have a cross-sectional area adequate to afford compliance with Regulation

523.6.3 Where the neutal conductor carries curent without a corresponding reduction in load of the line
conductors, the neutual conductor shall be taken into account in ascertaining the cunent-canying capacity of the
circuit. Such currents may be caused by a significant harmonic curent iII three-phase circuits. If the total harmonic
distortion due to third harmonic current or multiples olthe third harmonic is greater than 15 % ofthe flindamental
line crurent the neutral conductor shall not be smaller than the line conductors. Thermal effects due to the presence
ofthird harmonic or multiples ofthird harmonic curents and the corresponding rating factors for higher harmonic
cunents are given in Appendix 4, section 5.5.

523.6.4 Conductors which serve the purpose of protective conductors only are not to be taken into
consideration. PEN conductors shall be taken into consideration in the same way as neutral conductors.

523.6.201 The tabulated current-carrying capacities in Appendix 4 are based on the fundamertal frequency
only and do not take account ofthe effect ofharmonics.

523.7 Conductors in parallel

Where two or more live conductors or PEN conductors are connected in parallel in a system, either:
(i) measures shall be taken to achieve equal load current sharing between them

This requirement is considered to be fulIilled if the conductors are of the same material, have the same cross-
sectional area, are approximately the same length and have no branch circuits along their length, and either:
(a) the conductors in parallel are multicore cables or twisted single-core cables or non-sheathed cables, ot
(b) the conducton in parallel are non-twisted single-core cables or non-sheathed cables in trefoil or flat
formation and where the cross-sectional area is greater than 50 mmz in copper or 70 mnf in alun.rinium,
the special configuration necessary for such formations is adopted. These conigumtions consist ol
suitable groupings and spacings ofthe different lines or poles
(ii) special consideration shall be given to the load curent sha ng to meet the requirements of Regulation 523.1.

This regulation does not preclude the use of ring final circuits with or without spur connections.

Where adequate current sharing is not possible or where four or more conductors have to be connected in parallel
consideration shall be given to the use ofbusbar trunking.

523,8 Variation of installation conditions along a route

Where the heat dissipation differs from one part ofa route to another, the current-carrying capacity ofcables at each
pafi ofthe route shall be appropriate for that part ofthe route.

523.9 Cables in thermal insulation

A cable should preferably not be installed in a location where it is liable to be covered by themal insulation. Where
a cable is to be run in a space to which thermal insulation is likely to be applied it shall, wherever practicable, be
fixed in a position such that it will not be covered by the themal insulation. Where fixing in such a position is
impracticable the cross-sectional area ofthe cable shall be selected to meet the requirements ofChapter 43. Where
necessary, the nature ofthe load (e.g. cyclic) and diversity may be taken into account.

For a cable installed in a themally insulated wall or above a themally insulated ceiling. the cable being in contact
with a thermally conductive surface on one side, curent-carrying capacities are tabulated in Appendix 4.

For a single cable likely to be totally surounded by themally insulating mate al o\'er a length of 0.5 11 or more,
the current-carrying capacity shall be taken, in the absence of more precise infonration. as 0.5 times the cun'e[t-
canying capacity for that cable clipped direct to a surface and open (Reference Method C).

Where a cable is to be totally surounded by thermal insulation for less than 0.5 n] the currenGcanl,ing capacity of
the cable shall be reduced appropriately depending on the size of cable, length in insulation and thetmal propenies
of the insulation. The derating factors in Table 52.2 are appropriate to conductor size: up to 10 mmr in thermal
insulation having a theflnal conductivity ().) greater than 0.04 Wm 1K '.

TABLE 52.2 - Cable surrounded by thermal insulation

Length in insulation (mm)

523.201 Armoured single-core cables

The metallic sheaths and/or non-magnetic aunour of single-core cables in the same circuit shall normally be
bonded together at both ends oftheir run (solid bonding). Alteruatively, the sheaths or amrour of such cables haviLrg
colductors of cross-sectional area exceeding 50 mmr and a non-conductilg outer sheath may be bonded together at
one poirt in thcir run (single point bonding) with suitable insulation at the unbonded ends. in which case the length
ofthe cables from the bonding point shall be limited so that voltages from sheaths and/or amour to Eafih:
(i) do not cause corosion when the cables are canying theil full load curent, for example by limiting the
voltage to 25 V, atd
(ii) do not cause danger or damage to property when the cables are carrying shofi-circuit cuffent.


524.1 The cross-sectional area ofeach conductor in a circuit shall be not less than the values given in Table
52.3, except as prcvided for extralow voltage lighting installations according to Regulation 715.524.201

524.2 Neutral conductors

524.2.1 The neutral conductor, ifany, shall have a cross-sectional area not less than that ofthe line conductor:
(i) in single-phase, two-wire circuits, whatever the crcss-sectional area
(ii) in polyphase and single-phase three-wire circuits, where the size ofthe line conductots is less than or equal
to 16 mmr for copper, or 25 mm'? for aluminiun
(iii) in circuits where it is required according to Regulation 523.6.3.
524.2.2 the total hannonic cortent due to tripler hamonics is greater thau 33 % of the fundamental line
cuffent. an increase in the cross-sectional area ofthe neutral conductor may be required (see Regulation 523.6.3 and
Appendix 4, section 5.5).

524,2.3 For a polyphase circuit where each line conductor has a cross-sectional arca greatel than l6 mmr for
copper or 25 mmr for aluminium, the ueutral conductor is permitted to have a smaller cross-sectional area than that
ofthe line corductors provided that the followilg conditions are simultaneously fullllled:
(i) The expected maximum current including harmonics, if any, in the neutml conductor duting normal service
is not greater than the current-canying capacity olthe reduced cross-sectional area ofthe neutral conductor,
NOTE: The load carried by the circLLit under normal service conditions should be practicaily equally
distributed between the lines.

(i1) the 11eutra] colductor is protected against overcurlents according to Regulation '131.2, and
(ii0 the size ofthe neutral conductor is at least equal to 16 mmr fol copper or 25 mmr for aluminium, account
being taken ofRegulation 523.6.3.

TABLE 52.3 - Minimum cross-sectional area of conductors

T]'pe of iviring system Use of the circuit
Nlaterial Cross-sectional area mm'?

Non sheathed and sheathed Lightillg circuits Copper 1.0 (sce Note ,1) I

Aluminiurn l6 (see Note 3) I

Pou,er cir-cuits Coppcr I.5

Aluminium l6 (see Note 3) I

Si nallins and control circuits Copper 0.5 (see Note 1)

Type of \r'iring system Use ofthe circuit
llaterial Cross-sectional area mm'?

Bare conductors Power circuits Coppel l0

Aiuminium l6 (see Note 3)

Signalling and control cilcuits Copper 1

Non-sheathed and sheathed For a specific appliarce Copper As specified in the product standard
flexible cables For any other application 0.75"

Extra-low voltage circuits for 0.75

special applications
(see Note 2)

NOTE l: ln infonnation technology, signalling and control circuits intended for electronic equipment a minimum cross-
sectional area ofo.l mmr is permitted
NOTE 2: For special requiremerts for ELV liShting see Section 715.
NOTE 3: Connectors used to tenninate aluminium conductoN shall be tested a[d approved for this specific use.
NOTE 4l For lighting circuits and associated small items ofcurrent-using equipmert, slrch as a bathroom extmctor fan
seven or inore cores. Note I


525.1 In the absence ofany other consideration, under normal service conditions the voltage at the terminals
of any fined curent-using equipment shall be greater than the lower limit corresponding to the product standard
rclevant to the equipment.

525.20,1 Where fixed curent-using equipment is not the subject ol a product standard the Yoltage at the
terminals shall be such as not to impair the safe functioning ofthat equipment.

525.202 The above requirements are deemed to be satisfied if the voltage drop between the origin of the
installation (usually the supply terminals) and a socketoutlet or the te[minals offixed curent-using equipment does
not exceed that stated in Appendix 4, section 6.4.

525.203 A greater voltage drop than stated in Apperdix 4, section 6.4 may be accepted for a notor dudng
stafiing periods and for other equipment with high inrush currents, provided that it is verified that the voltage
Yariations are within the limits specifled in the relevant product standard for the equipment ot, in the absence of a
product standard, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.


526.'t Every connection betweel condllctors or between a conductor and other equipment shalI provide
durable electrical continuity atld adequate mechanical strength and protection.
NOTE: See Regulation 522-8 - Other mcchanical stuesses-

526.2 The selection ofthe means ofcoDnection shall take account of, as apprcp ate:
(t the material ofthe conductor and its insulation
(ii) the number and shape ofthe wires forming the conductor
- (iii) the cross-sectional area ofthe conductor
(iv) the number ofconductom to be connected together
(v) the temperature attained at the tenninals in normal service such that the effectiveness ofthe insulation ofthe
conducto$ colnected to them is not impaired
(\'i) the provision ofadequate locking arrangements in situations subject to vibration or thermal cycling
here a soldered connection is used the design shall take account of creep, mechanical stress anci temperature rise
-:der fault conditions.
raOTE l: Applicable standards include BS EN 609'17-7, the BS EN 60998 series and BS EN 61535'
ITOTE 2: Terminals without rhe marking 'r'(only dgid conductor). 'f'(only flexible conductor), 's'or 'sol'(only solid conductor)
are suitable tbr the connection ofall tyPes ofconductors

:26.3 Every connection shallbe accessible for ir'rspection. testing andmaintenance, except for the following:
Ajoint designed to be buried in the ground
A cornpound-fi lled or encapsulatcdio,nt

--- 145
(jii) A connection beflveen a cold rail and the heating element as in ceiling heating, floor heating or a trace
heating system
(iv) A joint made by welding, soldering, brazing or appropriate compression tool
(v) Joints ot'connections made in equipment by the manufacturer ofthe product and not intended to be inspected
or maintained
(vi) Equipment complying with BS 5733 for a maintenance-free accessory and marked with the symbol
and installed in accordance with the manufacturer,s instructions. @
526.4 Where necessary precautions shall be taken so that the temperature attained by a connection in
normal service shall not impair the effectiveness ofthe insulation ofthe conductors connected to it or any insulating
material used to support the connection. Where a cable is to be connected to a bare conductor or busbar its type of
insulation and/or sheath shall be suitable for the maximum operating temperature of the bare conductor or busbar

526.5 Evely termination and joint in a live conductor or a pEN conductor shall be made within one ofthe
fo1lowing or a combination thereof:
(i) A suitable accessory complying with the appropriate product standard
(ii) An equipment enclosure complying with the appropriate product standard
(iii) An enclosure partially formed or completed with building material which is non-combustible when tested to
BS 4'76-4.

526.6 There shall be no appreciable mechanical strain on the corulections ofconductors.

526.7 where a comection is made in an enclosure the enclosure shall provide adequate mechanical
protection and protection against relevant extemal influences.

526.8 Cores of sheathed cables from which the sheath has been removed and non-sheathed cables at the
tennination ofconduit, ducting or tluf<ing shall be enclosed as required by Regulation 526.5.

526.9 Connection of multiwire, fine wire and very fine wire conductors
526.9.1 ln order to avoid inappropriate separation or spreading of individual wires of multiwire, fine wire or
very fine wire conductors. suitable temlillals shall be used or the condlLctor ends shall be suitabiy treated.

526.9.2 Soldering (tinning) ofthe wholc conductor end of multiwire. fine wire and very fine wire conductors
is not permitted ifscrew terminals are used.

526.9.3 Soldered (tinned) conductor ends on line wire and very flne wire conducto$ are not permissible at
connection and junction points which are subject in seryice to a relative movement between the soldered and the
non-soldered part of the conductor.



527 .1 Precautions within a fire-segregated compartment

527.1.',| The risk ofspread offire shall be minimized by the selection of appropriate materials and erection in
accordance with Section 527.
NOTE: A flre-segreSated compatment (fire cornpanment) is considered to be an enclosed space, which may be subdivided,
separated from adjoining spaces within a building by elements ofconstrxction having a specified fire resistance.

527 .'l .2 A wiling system shall be installed so that the general building structural perfomance and fire safety
are not reduced.

527.1.3 Cables complying with, at least, the requirements BS EN 60332-1-2 may be instalted without special

Where the fire-segregated compafiment provides a means of evacuation in an emergency then the cable shall meet
the requirements ofthe appropdate part ofBS EN 60332-3 series.
NOTE: Cables nlanufactured for the above application also need to satisfy the requirements of the CPR in respect of their
reaction ro 1lre. See Appendix 2, item 17.

527.1.4 Cables not complling with the cable requirements of Regulation 527.1.3 shall be limited to short
lengths fol connection of appliances to the pemanent wiring systerl and shall not pass frorri one fire-segregated
compaft mer]t to another.

527.1.5 Products harins rhe necessa4 resistance to flame propagation as spccificd in the BS EN 61386
series, thc approprjate pan ol BS EN 50085 series. BS EN 61439-6, tsS EN 6lill scrics. BS EN 61537 or
BS EN 60570 may be installed rvithout special precautions. Other products corlrplvin-s * ith standards haviug similar
requirements lor resistance to flame propagation may be installed without special precaurions.

527 ,1.6 Pafis of wiring systerns other than cables which do nor compl1.. as a ninimum. with the flame
propagation requirements as specified in the BS EN 61386 selies, the appropriate parr of BS EN 50085 selies,
BS EN 61439-6, BS EN 6153,1 series or BS EN 61537 but which comply in all other respects with the requirements
of their respectivc product standard shall, if used, be completely enclosed in suitable non-combustible building

527.2 Sealing of wiring system penetrations

527.2.1 Whele a wiling system passes through elements ofbuilding construction such as floors. walls, roofs,
ceilings, patitions or cavity balriers, the openings remaining after passage of the wiring system shall be sealed
according 1o the degree of fire-resistance (if any) prescribed for the respective element of building colstruction
before penetration.

This requireme)rt is satisfied if the sealing of the wiring system concemed has passed a relevant type test meeting
the requirements of Regutation 527.2.3.

527.2.1.1 During the erection of a wiring system tenporary sealing arangements shall be provided as
approp at

527.2.1.2 During altemtion work, sealing which has been disturbed shall be reinstated as soon as practicable.

527.2.2 A wiring system such as a conduit systerr, cable ducting systen, cable trunking system, busbar or
busbar trunking system which penetmtes elements of building construction having specified fire-resistance shall
be internally sealed to the degree of fire-resistance of the respective element before penetration as well as being
ertemally sealed as required by Regulation 521 .2.1.

This requirement is satisfied if the sealing ofthe wiring system concemed has passed a relevant type test meeting
the requirements of Regulation 527.2.3.

527 ,2.3 A conduit system, cable tmnking systera or cable ducting systenl classilied as non-flame propagating
lccording to the relevant product standard and having a maximum intemal cross-sectional area of710 mmr need not
b.' intemally sealed provided that:
(i) the system satisfies the test olBS EN 60529 for IP33, and
(ii) any telnrination of the system in one of the compartments, separated by the building construction being
penetrated, satisfies the test olBS EN 60529 for 1P33.

527.2.4 Any sealing an-angement intended to satisfy Regulation 527.2.1 or 527.2.1.1 shall resist external
rfluences to the same degree as the wi ng system with which it is used and, in addition, it shall n.reet all olthe
r.11os,in g requirements :

li) It shall be resistant to the products ofcombustion to the same extent asthe elements ofbuilding construction
rvhich have been penetrated
t ii) It shall provide the same degree of protection from water penetration as that required for the building
constmction element in which it has been installed
ll I It shall be compatible with the matedal ofthe widng system with which it is in contact
It shall permit thermal movement ofthe wiring systern without reduction ofthe sealing quality
It shall be of adequate mechanical stability to withstand the stresses which nlay a se through damage to the
suppofi ofthe wiring system due to fire.

:- .:iil and the \!iring system shall be plotected tiol]r drippirg r,r,ater utich may travel along the wiring system or
: ,:: maY otherwise collcct around the seal unless the n.iaterials used in the seal are all resistant to nloisture $,her]
- . '. rssembled for use.
\ f,TE: This regulation ma), be sarisf,ed ifi
either cable cleats, cable ties or cable supports are installed rvithin 750 mm ofthe seal, and are able to withstand
thc mechanical loads expected following the collapse ofthe supports on the fire side ofthe seal to the extent that
no strain is hansferred to the seal or
the design ofthe sealing syste itselfpr-olides adequate suppol1.


528.1 Proximity to electrical services

Except where one ofthe following methods is adopted, neither a voltage Band I nor a voltage Band II circuit
be contained in the same wiring system as a circuit ofnominal voltage exceeding that of low: voltage, and a Band I
circuit shall not be contained in the same wiring system as a Band II circuit:
(i) Every cable or conductor is insulated for the highest voltage present
(ii) Each conductor of a multicore cable is insulated for the highest voltage present in the cable
(iii) The cables are insulated for their system voltage and installed in a separate compaftment of a cable ducting
or cable trunking system
(iv) The cables are installed on a cable tray system where physical separation is provided by a parrition
(v) A separate conduit, trunking or ducting system is employed
(vi) For a multicore cable, the cores ofthe Band I circuit are separated from the cores ofthe Band II circuit by an
earthed metal screen ofequivalent current-carrying capacity to that ofthe largest core ofa Band II cfu;it.

For SELV and PELV systems the requirements ofRegulation 414.4 shall apply.
NOTE 1: In the case of proximity of wiriflg systems and lightning prorection systems, BS EN 62305 should be considered.
NOTE 2; Recornmendations for separation and segregation in relation to safety ser,iices are given in BS 5266, BS 5g39 and
BS 8519.

528.2 Proximity of communications cables

In the event of crossing or proximity ofunderground telecommunication cables and underground power cables, a
minimum clearance of 100 mm shalt be maintained, or the requirements according to (i) or (ii) shali be fulfilled:
(i) A fire-retardant partition shall be provided between the cables, e.g. bricks, cable protecting caps (clay,
concrete), shaped blocks (concrete), protective cable conduit or troughs made offire-retardant mate als
(ii) For crossings, mechanical protection between the cables shall be provided, e.g. cable conduit, concrete cable
protecting caps or shaped blocks.
NOTE 1: Special considerations ofelectical intederence, both electromagfletic artd electrostatic, may apply to te]ecommunication
circuits, data transfer circuits and the like.
NOTE 2: Segregation requirements for communications services are given in BS 6701 and BS EN 50174 series.

528.3 Proximity to non-electrical services

528.3,1 A wiring system shall not be installed in the vicinity of services which produce heat, smoke or firmes
likely to be detrimental to the widng, unless it is protected from harmful effects by shielding ananged so as not to
affect the dissipation o[hear from the wiring.

In areas not specifically designed lor the installation of cables, e.g. service shafts and cavities, the cables shall be
laid so that they are not exposed to any harmful influence by the normal operation ofadjacent installations (e.g. gas,
water or steam [ines).

528.3.2 Where a wiring system is routed below services liable to cause condensation (such as water, steam
or gas services), precautions shall be taken to protect the wiring system from deleterious effects.

528.3.3 Where an electrical seryice is to be installed in proximity to one or more non-electrical services it
shall be so aranged that any foreseeable operation carried out on the other services will not cause damage to the
electrical service or the converse.
NOTE: This may be achieved by:
(i) suitable spaciflg between the services, or
(ii) the use of mechanical or themal shieldins.
528.3,4 Where an electrical service is located in close proximity to one or more non-electrical seruices, both
the following conditions shall be met:
(i) The wiring system shall be suitably protected against the hazards likely to arise fiom the presence ofthe
other services in nomal use
(ii) Fautt protection shall be afforded in accordance with the requirements of Section 4l 1 .

NOTE; The requirements for segregation between low pressure gas systems and electrical equipment are grven in BS 6891.

528.3.5 No cable shall be run in a lift or hoist well unless it forms part ofthe lift installation as defined in
BS EN 8l series.

_148 _
529,1 With regard to maintainabiliry reference shall be made to Regulation 1i2.12.

529.2 Where it is necessary to remove any protective measure in order to carry out maintenance, provision
shall be made so that the protective measure can be reinstated without rcduction ofthe degree ofprotection originally

529.3 Provision shall be made for safe and adequate access to all parts of a wi ng system which may
requlre marntenance.
NOTE: In some situations, it may be necessary to provide permanent means ofaccess by ladders, walkways, etc.


530.1 Scope
530.2 Not used
530.3 General and common requirements
530.4 Fixing of equipment
cJt.t General
531 .2 Overcurrent protective devices
531.2.1 General
531 .2.2 TN systems
531.2.3 TT systems
531 .2.4 lT systems
531 .3 Residual current devices (RCDs)
531.3.1 General
531.3.2 Unwanted tripping
Types of RCD
531.3.4 Selection according to the accessibility to the installation
531.3.5 RCDs for fault protection
cJ t.J.o RCDs for additional protection
532.1 General
532.2 Residual current devices (RCDs) for protection against the risk of flre
Residual current monitoring devices (RC[,4s) for protection against the risk of fire in lT
532.4 lnsulation monitoring devices (lMDs) for protection against the risk of fire in lT systems
532.5 lnternal arc fault protection in a switchgear and controlgear assembly
532.6 Arc fault detection devices (AFDDs)
533.1 General requirements
533.1.1 Compliance with standards
533.1.2 Fuses
533.1.3 Circuit-breakers
533.2 Selection of devices for overload protection of wiring systems
533.2.2 Additional requirements for protection against overload when harmonic currents are present
533.3 Selection of devices for protection of wiring systems against fault current
534.1 General
534.4 Selection and erection of SPDs
534.4.1 SPD types and location
534.4.2 Connection modes of SPDs
534.4.3 Connection types
534.4.4 Selection of SPDs
534.4.5 Protection of the SPD against overcurrent
534.4.6 Fault protection
534.4.7 SPD installation ln conjunciion with RCDS

150 _ ._
534.4.8 Connection of SPDs I

534.4.10 Connecting conductors of SPDs I


536.1 General
536.2 Electrical devices considered and function provided
536.3 Co-ordination requirements
536.4 Requirements for selectivity
536.4.1 General
536.4.2 Requirements for protection in case of short-circuit
536.4.3 Requirements for protection in case of overload
536.4.4 Requirements for selectivity betlveen OCPDs equipped with under voltage relay
536.4.5 Low voltage assemblies according to BS EN 61439 series
536.4.20',1 Fault current (short-circuit) ratings
536.4.202 Current ratings
536.4.203 lntegration of devices and components
536.5 Documentation
537 .1 General
537.2 Devices for isolation
537.3 Devices for switching
537.3.1 Functional switching and control devices
537 .3.2 Devices for switching off for mechanical maintenance
537.3.3 Devices for emergency switching off
537 .4 Firefighter's switches


538,1 lnsulation monitoring devices(lMDs) for lT systems
538.1 .1 General
538.1.2 lnstallation of insulation monitoring devices
538.1.3 Setting of the insulation monitoring device
538.2 Equipment for insulation fault location in lT systems
538.3 lilonitoring of offline circuits
538.4 Residual current monitors(RCMs)
538.4.1 General
538.4.2 RCMS installed in lT systems


530.1 Scope
This chapter deals with general requirements for protection, isolation, switching, control and monitoring and with
the requirements for selection and erection ofthe devices provided to fulfil such functions.
NOTE: In Chapter 53, reference to short-circoit, where relevant, includes earth fault. Shoft-circuit Protective Device (SCPD),
where relevant, also means earth fauh curent protective device.

530.2 Nof used

s30.3 General and common requirements

530.3.1 Every item ofequipment shall be selected and erected so as to allow compliance with the requirements
stated in the following regulations.

530.3.2 The noving contacts of multipole switching devices marked for the connection of the neutral or
midpoint may close before and open alter the other contacts.

530.3.3 A switching device shall not be inserted in the neutal conductor alone.

530.3.4 Devices embodying more than one function, as defined in the following regulations, shall comply
with the relevant requirements of this chapter approp ate to each separate function.

530.3.5 Equipment irtended for protection only shall not be provided for functional switching olcircuits.

NOTE: See Table 537.4 - Guidance on the selection ofprotective. isolatior amd switching devices.

530.4 Fixing of equipment

530.4,1 Taking into account the rnanufacturer's instructions, if any, equipment shall be erected in such a
way that connections between wiring and equipment shall not be subject to undue stress or stmin resulting from the
nonnal use ofthe equiptnent.

530.4,2 Unelclosed equipnent shall be mounted in a suitable mounting box or enclosure in compliance with
the relevant part ofBS EN 60670, BS EN 62208 or other relevant standards such as BS EN 61439 series. Socket-
outlets, connectiol units, plate switches and similar accessories shall be fitted to a mounting box complying with
BS 4662 or BS 5733 and with the relevant pafi ofBS EN 60670.

530.4.3 Equipment such as circuit-bleakers, switches, socket-outlets, control equipment, etc. may be installed
on or in a cable tnlnking system complying with BS EN 50085 series. Wherever equipment is fixed on or in cable
trunkirg, skirting trunking or in mouldings it shall not be fixed on covers which can be removed inadvefiently.



531.1 General
531.1.1 Devices for protection against clectric shock by automatic disconnection ofsupply shall be suitable
1br isolation in accordance with Chapter 46 ard Section 537.

Automatic reclosing of devices for protection against elect c slrock by automatic disconnection of supply shall
only be installed in the associated part of the installation where access is rest cted to instructed persons or skilled
person\ onlY.

Awarning notice shall be clearly displayed nearthe point ofaccess to the associated part ofthe installation controlled
by the auto-reclosing device, indicating its automatic reclose function must be disengaged prior to entry.
NOTE: Automatic Reclosing Devices are intended to reclose circuit-breakers, RCBOs and RCCBs after tripping, in order to
r(-<.ldl_li-h ionlrnLri(y ol'ser1 ice.
diSconnection of supply
Requirements for the selection of devices fol plotection against electric shock b) automatic
are given in the regulations listed below.

Il TN, TT and IT systems the following protective devices may be used:

(i) overcufient protective devices, in accordance with Regulation 531'2
(ii) residual curent devices (RCDs), in accordance with Regulation 531 '3 '
shall not be used
Devices according to BS EN 60947-2 marked with the voltage value followed
by the symbol @
in IT systems for such voltage.
fault conditions:
In addition. in IT systems the following monitoring devices may be used to detect insulation
(iii) insulation monitoring devices (IMDS), in accordance with Regulation 538 1
(iv) equipment for insulation fault location, in accordance with Regulation 538 2
(v) residual cunent rnonitors (RCMs), in accordance with Regulation 538.4'

531.2 Overcurrentprotectivedevices
531.2.1 General
I automatic disconnection of
where ovefcuTent protective devices are used for protection against electric shock by
supply they shall be selected in accordance with Section 533'
531.2.2 TN systems

I In TN systems, ovefcurent protective devices when used as devices for

fault protection shall be selected and elected
*ith theiequirements specified in Chapter 4l (see in particular Regulation 4l L4.4).
in ord"i to
with Regulation 53

that the neutral conductor'

In TN-S systems, the neutralneed not be disconnected ifthe supply conrlitions are such
cau be considered to be reliably at earth potertial'

In TN-C systems, the PEN conductor shall not be disconnected'

Special installations oI locations (Pafi 7), there is no rcquirement under
531.2.?.201 Except in certain
conditions to disconnect/switch the neutral in TT or TN systems'

531.2.3 TT systems
plovided that a suitably low value of
In TT systems, overcurrent protective devices may be used for fault protection
Z" is permanently and reliably assured (see Regulation 4l L5.4) so that in case ofa fault, tdpping ofthe overcurrent
times js achieved'
protective device in compliance with the required disconnection

53',1 .2.4 lT systems

second fault, shall comply
overcurent protective devices, when used as devices for fault pfotection in the event ofa
(i) Regulation 531.2.2, taking into account the requirements of Regulatiou 411.6 5(i), where exposed-
conductive-parts are interconnected, or
(ii) Regulation 531.2.3, taking into account the requirements of Regulation 411.6.5(ii), where exposed-

conductive-pafis are earthed in groups or individually'

-o'. RCD'
by an overcurrent protective devici, on. o, used to provide the required fault protection within
the installation.
Refer.ence is also made to Regulation 419.3 where supplementary
protective equipotcrtial bo[ding is reqllired in those
cases where automatic disconnection accotdil1g to Regu]ation 41L3 2 I cannot be achieved'

Overcunent protective devices used in IT systems shall have line poles suitable
lor line-to-line voltage applications
and a neutrai pole, ilapplicable, suitable for the linelo-neutral voltage
for operation in case of a second insulation

In IT systems, in the event of a second fault. the operation of the overcunent protective device shall result in the
disconnection of all coresponding live conductors, including the neutral conductor, if any (see also Regulation
43 t.2.2).

531 .3 Residual current devices (RCDs)

531.3.1 General

Except where Regulation 53I.3. L201 applies, an RCD shall disconnect all live conducto$ olthe circuit protected.

The protective conductor shall not pass through the sensor ofthe RCD except where this is unavoidable, e.g. in the
case of armoured cables. In such exceptional cases, the protective conductor alone has to be passed again through
the sensor but ir the reverse direction. The protective conductor shall be insulated and shall not be earthed either at
the first or at the second passing through the sensor

A protective conductor current shall not contribute to the measurement ofthe residual current.

531.3.1.201 For protection against electric shock, there is no requirement to discomect/switch the neuhal in
TT or TN systems.

531.3.1.202 It is not pennissible to irtroduce an extemal connection for the puryose of intentionally creating a
residual curent to trip an RCD.
NOTE 1: This does not preclude the use ofan RCD with a functional earth conneclion.
NOTE 2: This does not preclude the use ofa test instrument in accordance with part 6.

53'|,.3.2 Unwantedtripping
Residual curent protective devices shall be selected and erected such as to limit the risk ofunwanted tripping. The
following shall be considered:
(i) subdivision ofcircuits with individual associated RCDs. RCDs shall be selected and the circuits subdivided
in such a way that any eafih leakage current likely to occur during normal opemtion ofthe connected load
will not cause unwanted tuipping of the device. See also Section 314
(ii) in order to avoid unwanted tripping by protective conductor culrents and/or earth leakage cu[ents, the
accumulation of such curents downstream of the RCD shall be not more than 30 % of the rated residual
operating current
NOTE :1 This will also allow a better selection of the g?e of RCDs according to the nature of the circuit or the load.
NOTE 2: RCDs may operate at any value ofresidual current in excess of50 oZ
ofthe mted residual current.
(iii) use of short time-delayed RCDs, provided the applicable requirements of Chapter 4l are met
NOTE3: ln the case oftransient effects,l pping ofthe RCD may occurby charging ofbypass capacitors orby other
electromagnetic disturbances_
(iv) coordination of general type RCDs, selective type RCDs and time-delayed RCDs (cBRs according to
BS EN 60947-2) as covered in Section 536
NOTE 4: CBR is a circuit-breaker incorporating residual current protection.
(v) coordination olRCDs with surge protective deyices (SpD) according to Regulation 534.4.7.

531.3.3 Types of RGD

Different types ofRCD exist, depending on their behaviour in the presence ofDC components and frequencies. The
appropriate RCD shall be selected from the following:
(i) RCD Type AC: RCD tdpping on altemating sinusoidal residual current, suddenly applied or smoothly
(ii) RCD Type A: RCD tripping on altemating sinusoidal residual curent and on residual pulsating direct curent,
suddenly applied or smoothly increasing.
NOTE l: For RCD Type A, t pping is achieved for residual pulsating direct currents superimposed on a smooth direct
curent up to 6 mA.
(iii) RCD Type F: RCD for which tripping is achieved as for Type A and in addition:
(a) for composite residual curents, whether suddenly apptied or slowly rising, intended for circuit supplied
between line and neutral or line and earthed middle conductor
(b) for residual pulsating direct curents superimposed on smooth direct currenf.

cunent uP to l0 mA.
(iv) RCD Type B: RCD for rvhich tripping is achieved as for Type F and in addition:
(a) for residual sinusoidal altemating currents up to 1 kHz
(b) for residual altemating currents superin.lposed on a smooth direct curent

(c) for residual pulsating direct currents superimposed on a smooth direct curent
(d) for residual pulsating rectified direct curent which rcsults from two or more phases
up to 0.4 dm;s the rated residual cunent (lr',) or l0 nr-A, whjchever is the hiShest value'

For general purposes, Type AC RCDS may be used

see PD IEC/TR 62350'
NOTE 4: For guidance on the correct use ofRCDs for household and similar use'
given in Annex A53' Figure A53 1'
NOTE 5: Some typical fault curents in circuits cornprising semiconducto$ are

531.3.4 Selection according to the accessibility to the installation

persons, the RCDs
531.3.4.1 In AC installations having RCDs that are intended to be operated by ordinary
shall comply with:
BS EN 61008 series for RCCBS, or
BS EN 61009 series for RCBOs, or
BS EN 62423 for Type F and Type B RCCBs and RCBOs
protection. RCBO is a Residual
RCCB is a Residual currcnt operated circuit-Breaker without integral overcunent
:rcuiFBrcaler :lh
Cunenr npcratcd ( u inlegral o\ ercLln cnl prolectlon

531.3.4.201 Where an RCD may be opcmted by an ordinary person. it shall be designed or installed so thar it is
residual oper-ating current (11',) oI tirre dclay
not possible to modify or adjust the setting or the calibration ofits rated
or a tooi and in a inclication of
n.eciranism without a clcliberatc act invol"ving the use ofcither a key
'esulting 'isible
its setting or calibration.
persors or skilled
531.3.4.2 I[ AC installations having RCDs that are intended to be opemted by instructed
persons, the RCDs shall con.rply with:
- BS F.N 61008 scdes fot RCCBs. or
- BS EN 61009 series for RCBOs. or
BS EN 62423 fol Type F and Type B RCCBs and RCBOs, or
BS EN 60947-2 for CBRs and MRCDs

531.3.5 RCDs for fault Protection

531.3.5.1 General
The use ofRCDs shall provide protection against faults in compliance with
Regulation 411 3'

531 3.5.2. 531.3.5 3 and 531 3 5 4),

The selection ofRCDS depends on the type ofeafihing system (see Regulations
the presence of DC componeuts and flequencies (Regulation 531 3 3)'

531.3.5.2 TN system
protected. The Iequilements for unwanted
RCDS shall be installed at the origin of that paft ofthe installation to be
tripping in accordance with Regulation 531.3.2 shall also be taken into account'

The division of the PEN conductor into neutral conductol and protectiYe
conductol shall take place at the supply
! >ide olthe RCDs.
, On the load side ofthe RCD, connection between the plotective and neufial conductors is not

\n RCD shall not be used in a TN-C system.

531.3.5.3 TT system
531. LocationofRCDS
RCDs shall be erected at the origin ofthat pafi of the installation to be protected.
The requirements for unwanted
tripping, in accordance with Regulation 531.3.2, shall also be taken into account.
NOTE: Wrere there is more thafl one origin, this rcquirement applies to each origin.

531 . Selection of the rated residual operating current of the RCD

The rated residual operating curent value (16) of an RCD shall not exceed the Io"
corresponding to the maximum
value of the earth resistance RA to the exposed-conductive-parts, taking into account
the possible seasonal variations,
including soil lreezing and drying, ofthe part ofthe instaliation prote-cted by this device,
as shown in Tabte 53.1.
Rt is the sum of the resistances in ohms of the earth electode and the protectiye conductor
connecting it to the

Table 53.1 - Correlation between the maximum value of earth resistance RAand
the maximum rated residual operating current la.ofthe RCD
Maximum value of RA (O) Maximum Id" of the RCD
2.5 204
5 10A
l0 5A
t7 3A
50 1A
100 500 mA
t6'7 300 mA
500 100 m,A
t667 30 mA

531'3'5'3.2.201 For Class I enclosures in TT systems where RCD protection is used on

outgoing circuits, double
or reinforced insulation ofatl live conductors (incoming cables, extension terminals,
etc.y on ihe slupply sije ofthe
incoming device, e.g. main switch, shall be used. Insulated and non-metallic sheathed
cables are deemed to meet the
requirements of double or reinforced insulation.
NOTE 1; When selecting equipmeot, consideration should be given to the assembly manufacture/s
intemal lile interconnecting
cable links on the supply side ofan RCD being insulated and non-metallic sheathed, or haviflg
reinforced insulation
or equivalelt mechanical protection.
NorE 2: only the assembry manufacturer's approved intemal interconnecting cable rinks
should be used.

531.3.5.4 lT system

531. General

In IT systems, protection of the neutral conductor by RCD is permitted provided that the requirements of
Regulation 431.2.2 are fulfll1ed.

531'3'5'4'2 Case of second fault on another live conductor when exposed-conductive-parts are

where RCD' are used according to Regulation 411.6.3(v), one RCD per circuit shall be
The operating characte stics of this RCD shall be selected according to Table
41 .1 of chapter 41.

531'3'5'4'3 Case of second fault on another live conductor when exposed-conductive-parts are not

Where, in an installation, alt exposed-conductive-parts are not interconnected,

one RCD shall protect each group of
intercotutected exposed-conductive-pafi s.

The conditions for detemining the characteristics ofthe RCD shall be those for TT systems
defined in Regulation
- The rated residual operating curent IAn has to be selected according to Table 53.1.

- The disconnection time has to comply with the values given in Regulation J I 1.i. I

In addition, fault protection for every circuit located downstream ofthis RCD shali be provided in accordance with
the requircments of Regulation 411.6.3(v). [n this case every final circuit shal1 be indi\'idual)y protected by an RCD.

531.3.6 RCDs for additional protection I

The use ofRCDs with a rated residual operating curert not exceeding 30 mA is recognized as additional protection
in compliance with Regulation 415.1. These RCDs shall be provided to comply u ith the requir ements ofRegulation

RCDs for additional protection in AC installations shall comply with:

- BS EN 61008 series, or
- BS EN 61009 series. or
- BS EN 62423.

Where installed at the origin of a final circuit or a group offinal circuits, an RCD with a rated residual current not
exceeding 30 mA may provide fault protection and additional protection simultaneously.
NOTE: Consideration shall be given to the division ofthe installation (see Regulations 531.3.2 and 314.2).


532.1 General
In locations where, in accordance with Chapter 42, a particular risk of fire exists, preventive protection measures
against the risk of fire are required. This may also apply to other locations ofthe electrical installation, depending
on a risk analysis.
NOTE: A suitable evaluation ofthe risk should be carried out by one ormore persons competent infue sk assessments.

The selection ofprotective and monitoring devices shall take into account the nature ofthe load and the likelihood
ofthe device to operate, e.g. fault curents ofhigher frequencies, DC fault currents or increased leakage curents.
(See also Regulation 331.1.)

532.2 Residual current devices (RCDs) for protection against the risk of fire
RCDs shall comply with Regulations 531.3.1 to 53 1.3.4 and with the applicable requirements ofRegulation 531.3.5.

RCDs with a rated residual opelating curent not exceeding 300 mA shall be used. RCDs shall be installed at the
origin ofthe circuit to be protected.

532.3 Residual current monitoring devices (RGMs) for protection against the risk of fire in
lT systems
In lT systems, RCMs may be used as an altemative to RCDs in accordance with Regulation 532.2, provided that the
location is supervised by one or more skilled or inshucted person(s).

RCMs shall be in accordance with BS EN 62020 and operate in conjunction with switchgear suitable for isolation.

RCMs shall be installed at the origin offinal circuits. The mted residual operating current shall not exceed 300 mA.
Audible and visual signals shall be provided by the RCMs.

532.4 Insulation monitoring devices (lMDs) for protection against the risk of fire in lT
Insulation monitoring devices applied in IT systems for protection against the risk of fire shall comply with the
requirements of Section 538.

A fault location system in accordance with the requirement ofRegulation 538.2 able to locate the faulty circuit, may
also he used.

s32.5 lnternal arc fault protection in a switchgear and controlgear assembly I

Where required for special applications, intemal arc fault protection (e.g. optical detection system) detecting a fault
arc together with a protection system can be selected in order to extinguish the arc.

Alternatively, an assembly with arc ignition protected zone(s) can be selected to minimise the risk ofan arcing fault.
(Arcing class I in accordance with PD IEC/TR 61641.)
NOTE: lntemal arc fault protection is typically associated \\ith a switchboard used in special applications. An asselnbly that

has been subject to an intemal arcing faul! can require maintenance or replacemeni.

532.6 Arc fault detection devices (AFDDs)

Where specified, arc fault detection devices shall be installed:
(i) at the origin ofthe final circuits to be protected, and
(ii) in AC single-phase circuits not exceeding 230 V
AFDDs shall comply with BS EN 62606. Coordination ofAFDDs with overcurent protective devices, ifnecessary,
shall take account ofthe manufacnuer''s instluctions.


533.1 General requirements

533.1.1 Compliance with standards

A device for protection against overcu[ent shall cornply with one or more ofthe following:
- BS 88 series
- BS 646
- BS 1362
- BS 3036
- BS EN 60898 series
- BS EN 60947 series
- BS EN 61009 se es

- BS EN 62423.

The use ofanother device is not precluded provided that its time/cu[ent characteristics provide a level ofprotection
not less than that given by the devices listed above.

The following protective devices shall be used only for protection against short-circuit currelrt:
- instantaneous trip circuit-br eakers (lCB) in accordance with Annex O ofBS EN 60947-2
- aM and aR type hnes in accordance with BS HD 60269-2 or BS HD 60269-3.

For evety fuse ard circuit-breaker there shall be provided on or adjacenl to it an indication of its intended mted
cLlrrent as appropriate to the circuit it protects. For a semi-enclosed fuse, the intended ftrted cun'ent to be indicated
is the value to be selected in accordance with Regulation 533.1.2.3.
533.1.2 Fuses

533.1.2.1 A fuse base shall be aranged so as to exclude the possibility of the fuse carier making contact
between conductive pafis belonging to two adjacent fuse bases.

A fuse base using screw-in flises shall be connectedso that the centre contact is connected to tlre conductor ftom the
supply and the shell contact is connected to the conductor to the load.

533.1.2.2 Fuses having fuse links likely to be rernoved or replaced by an ordinary person shall be ol a type
which complies withBs 88-3, BS 3036 or BS 1362. Such a fuse link shall either:
(i) have marked on or adjacent to it an indication of the type of luse link intended to be used, or
(ii) be of a type such that there is no possibility of inadvertent replacement by a fuse link having the intended
rated curent but a higher fusing factor than that intended.
NOTE: In polyphase systems additional measules may be needed, e.g. al all-pole switch on ihe supply side. in ordertoprevent
thc risk of uDintentional contact with live par.ts on the load side.

Fuses or combination units having fuse links likely to be removed and replaced only by skilled or irstructed
person(s) shall be installed in such a manner that the fuse links can be removed or replaced without unintentional
contact with live pafis.

533.1 .2.3 A fuse shall prefembly be of the cartridge type. Where a serri-enclosed fuse is selected, it shall be
fitted with an element in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. if any. In the absence of such instrucnons,


it shall be fitted with a single element of tinned copper wire of the appropriare diamerer specified in Table 533.1.

TABLE 533.1 - Sizes of tinned copper wire for use in semi-enclosed fuses

Rated cunent offuse element (A) Nominal diameter of \1ire (mn)

5 0.2
10 0.35
I5 0.i
2C) 0.6
25 0.75
30 0.85
45 1.25
60 1.53
EO 1.8
100 2.0

533.1.3 Circuit-breakers

Where a circuit-breaker may be operated by an ordinary person, it shall be designed or installed so that it is not
possible to modif, the setting or the calibration ofits overcurrent release without a deliberate act involviue the use
ofeither a key or a tool and resulting in a visible indication ofits setting or calibration.

Where a screw-in type circuit-breaker is used in a fuse base, the requirements ofRegulation 533.1.2.1 also apply.

According to the requirements ofAnnex H of BS EN 60947-2, devices marked with the voltage value followed by
the :1 mbol ffi .hall nor be uced in lT 5) slems lor such r oltage.
533.2 Selection of devices for overload protection of wiring systems
533.2.1 The rated curent (or cufient setting) of the protective device shall be chosen in accordance with
Regulation 433.1.

In certain cases, to avoid unintentional opemtion, the peak current values of the loads may have to be taken ilrto

In the case ofa cyclic load, the values of I. and I2 shall be chosen on the basis ofvalues ofl6 and I. for the thermally
equivalent constant load

16 is the curent for which the circuit is designed
I. current-catrying capacity of a cable for continuous service under the particular installation conditions
I, is the mted curent or cu[ent setting ofthe protective deyice

Ir is the curent causing effective operation ofthe overload protective device within the conventional time as
,tared in the producr standard.

NOTE: The current causing effective operation in the conventional time of protective dcvices may also bc naned It (for
circuit-bteakers) or If (for fuSes) according to the product standards. Both It and Il are lnultiples of ln and attention
should be given to the correct representation ofvalues and indexes.

533,2,2 Additional requirements for protection against overload when harmonic currents are

When selecting an overload protective device to comply with Regulation 433. l, account shall be taken of hamonic
curents in accordance with Regulation 431.2.3.
NOTE: See also Appendix 4 for fudher details on harmonics.

533.3 Selection of devices for protection of wiring systems against fault current
The application of the regulations of Chapter ,13 shall take into account both the minin.nn and maximum lault
current conditions, so ftat the highest energt let-rl'trough is taken itto accounr.

Where the standard covering a protective device specifies both a rated seruice short-circuit breaking capacity and
a rated ultimate short-circuit bleaking capacity, it is acceptable to select the protective device on the basis of the
ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity lor the maximum fault curent conditions. Operational circumstances may,
however, make it desimble to select the protective device on the seryice shoft-circuit breaking capacity, e.g. where
a protective device is placed at the origin ofthe installation.

Where the short-circuit breaking capacity of the protective device is lower than the maximum prospective short-
circuit or eath fault curent that is expected at its point olinstallation, it is necessary to comply with the requirements
ofthe last paragraph ofRegulation 536.1 and Regulation 536.5.
NOTE: To calculate the maximurn and mhimum faull cunents, see Technical Report PD CLC/TR 50480 'Determination of
cross-sectional area of conductors and selection ofprotective devices'. See also Appendix 4, paragraph 2.5.


For furher information see Appendix 16.

534.1 General
This section contains provisions for the application olvoltage limitation in order to obtain insulation coordination
in the cases described in Section 443, BS EN 60664-1, BS EN 62305 series and BS EN 61643 series. This
section focuses mainly on the requirements lor the selection and erection of SPDs for protection against transient
ovenoltages where required by Section 443, the BS EN 62305 series, or as otherwise stated.

BS EN 62305-4 and BS EN 61643-12 series deal with the protection against the effects ofdirect lightning stokes
ol stuokes near to the supply system. Both documents desc be the selection and the application of suge protective
devices (SPDs) according to the Lightning Protection Zones (LPZ) concept. The LPZ concept descrii,es the
installation ofType 1, Type 2 and Type 3 SPDs. See Figr"rre 534.1 .

Fig 534.1 - Lightning Protection Zones (LPZ) concept

Cable for
data transmission

Low voliage
electr cal I\,4ast or
supply-cable railing


Metallic water pipe

[.4etallic gas pipe

! SeO ut feZ Olt for lightning current protection

(D SPD at LPz 1/2 for overvoltage protection

@ toExtraneous-conductive-part
main earthing terminal

. Boundary of LPZ 1 is an external Lightning

Protection System (LPS)
.. Boundary of LPZ 2 is a screened room to reduce ihe
effects of electromagnetic interference (El\,41)

NOTE l: SPDs with more than one lype ofclassification are available, e.g. combined Tlle l l or combined Type 2+3.

Section 534 does not take into account:

- suge protective components incorporated in appliances connected to the installation
- portable surge protective devices (SPD).
NOTE 2: Further infomation can be found in DD CLC/TS 61643-12.

Section 534 applies toAC power circuits. As far as it is applicable, the requirements ofSection 534 may be followed
for DC power circuits.
NOTE 3: Overvoltages ofatmospheric origin and electrical switching events can affect metallic data. signal and telecommunication
ljnes. Protection measures for these systems are detailed within PD CLC/TS 61643-22.

534.2 Nof used

534.3 Not used

534.4 Selection and erection of SPDs

534.4.1 SPD types and location

534.4.1.1 Where SPDs are required:

(i) SPDs installed at the origin ofthe electrical installation shall be Type 1 or Tlpe 2
(ii) SPDS installed close to sensitive equipment to further protect against switching transients originating within
the building shalt be Type 2 or Type 3.
NOTE: Type 1 SPDS are offen referred to equipotential bonding SPDs and are fltted atthe origin ofthe electrical installation

to specifically prevent danger-ous sparking which could lead to fire or electric shock hazards. In accordance with
BS EN 62305-4, a lightning protection system which only employs equipotential bonding SPDS provides no effective
protection against failure of sensitive electrical and electonic systems. Further SPDS (TWe 2 and Type 3) are
required to protect sensitive and critical equipment (for example, hospital equipment and fire/secu ty alarm systems)
downstream ofthe origin ofthe electrical installation.

534.4-1.2 In accordance with the LPZ concept, where a cable crosses the zonal interface, further SPDs shall be
installed to preserue the zone integrity.

534.4.1.3 where the installation of SPDs is required by Section 443 and the sfixcture is equipped with an
extemal lightning protection system or protection against the effects of direct lightning, Type 1 SPDs shall be
installed as close as possible to the odgin ofthe electrical installation.

534.4.1.4 Where the installation ofSPDs is required by Section 443 and the structure is not equipped with an
extemal lightning protectiofl system or does not require protection against the effects of direct lightning, Type 2
SPDs shall be installed as close as possible to the origin ofthe electrical installation.

534.4.1.5 Type 2 or Type 3 SPDs sha1l be located in the fixed electrical installation, for example, in sub-
dist bution boards or close to the equipment to be protected, to achieve the required voltage protection level; see
Figure 534.2. These SPDs shall be coordinated with Type I and/or Type 2 SPDs being installed at the origin ofthe
electrical installation (see Regulation 534.4.4.5).

f^'"iuRY E
Io '***

ryry T
Fig 534.2 - Example of insta ation of Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 SpDs

Type 1 SPD Type 2 SPD Type 2 SPD

and/or or or
Type 2 SPD Type 3 SPD Type 3 SPD

534.4.1.6 Consideration shall be given to the provision of SPDs to protect from other sowces, such as:
(i) switching ovewoltages produced by curent-using equipment rocated withir the installation
(ii) ovel'voltages on other incoming services such as metallic telecommunication and signalling services
(iii) overwoltages on other seryices feeding other structures such as secondary buildings, extemal
installations/lighting, power lines feeding extemal sensors.

These SPDs shall be installed and located as close as possible to the origin of such events.
NOTE: For fufther inl-omation see BS EN 61643-12 series and BS EN 62305_4.
534'4'1 '7 The presence of SPDs installed downstream of a distribution board (e.g. in a socket-outlet)
shall be
permanently indicated (e.g. by a label) at or near the distdbution board.

534.4.2 Connection modes of SPDs

Protection against transient overvoltages shall be provided:

- between live conductors and pE (common mode protection), and,/or
between live conductors (differential mode protection).
NOTE; For further infomation see DD CLC/TS 61643-12.

534.4.3 Connection types

534.4.3.1 Connection Type CT1

Connection Type CTI (e.g. 4+0 configumtion):
- SPD assembly providing a mode ofprotection between each live conductor (line and neutral
conductors, if
availablet and PE.

An example ofconnection Type crl for application in a three-phase system is given in Figure 534.3.

Fig 534.3 - Connection Type CT1 (4+0-configuration) for a three+hase system with neutral
Ll L2 L3 N

534.4.3.2 Connection Type CT2

Connection CT2 (e.9. 3+ 1-configuration):

- SPD assembly providing a mode ofprotection between each line conductor and the neutral conductor, and
between the neutral conductor and PE.

An example ofconnection Type CT2 for application in a three-phase system is given in Figure 534.4.

Fig 534.4 - Connection Type CT2 (e.9. 3+1-configuration) for a three-phase system with neutral
L1 L2 L3 N

534.4.4 Selection of SPDS

534.4.4.1 General
The following parameters shall be considered for SPD protection:
- voltage protection level (Un) ofthe SPD and rated impulse withstand yoltage (U'v) ofthe equipment to be
protected (see Regulation 534.4.4.2)
- continuous operating voltage (U.) ofthe SPD, i.e. supply system (T! TN, IT) (see Regulatior 534.4.4.3)
- nominal discharge current (I".16) and/or impulse discharge curent (Ii,,p) ofthe SPD (see Regulation 534.4.4.4)
- SPD coordination (see Regulation 534.4.4.5)
- expected shofi-circuit current (Isccn). (see Regulation 534.4.4.6)
- follow curent interrupt mting (Ifi) (SPDs shall comply with the requirements ofBS EN 61643-11).
NOTE: Additional information rcgarding selection and application is given inDD CLC/TS 61643-12.AnnexD of DD CLC/
TS 61643-12 provides application examples ofselecting SPDS.
534.4.4.2 Selection with regard to voltage protection level (Up)
The voltage protection level (Up) of SPDs shall be selected in accordance with impulse withstand voltage Category II
ofTable 443.2 and in no case exceed the required rated impulse voltage ofthe equipment.
NOTE 1: In some cases, for example where the continuous opeEtion of the equipment is c tical, the voltage protection level
(Up) of SPDS can be selected to be lower than the impulse immunity of equipment. The impulse immunity voltage
of equipment is lower than the impulse withstand of equipment and requires SPDs with lower voltage protectioo
level Up between live conductors (e.g. line to neutral) to avoid equipment malfunction, particularly against switching
transients. For further information see DD CLC/TS 61643-12.

In installations operatrtg at 230/400V, the voltage protection level ofthe instaltecl SPD assembly shall not exceed
2.5 kV, as the SPD's connecting leads have additional inductive voltage drop across them (see Regulation 534.4.8).
It may, therefore, be necessary to select an SPD with a lower voltage protection level.

Ifthe distance between the SPD and equipment to be protected (protective distance) is greater than l0 m, oscillations
could lead to a voltage at the equipment terminals ofup to twice the SPD'S voltage protection level. Consideration
shall be given to the provision of additional coordinated SPDs, closer to the equipment, or the selection of SpDs
with a lower voltage protection level.
NOTE 2: It is recommended that the voltage protection level provided by SPDS does not exceed a safety margin of 80 % ofthe
required rated impulse voltage for equipment according to Table 443.2 and conesponding to overvoltage category Il.

This safety margin is not necessary where one ofthe foltowing cases applies:
- where the equipment is connected directly to the SpD terminals
- where a protection scheme according to Figure 534.9 is already applied
- where the voltage drop across the overcuaeflt protection in the SPD branch circuit is already taken into account
for the voltage protection level Up
- where protection accordi[g to overvoltage category II is provided but only over.r'oltage category III or IV
equipmenl is installed at this locatio[.
NOTE 3: DD CLC/TS 61643-12 gives additional infomalion about the mted impulse voltage of equipment and the given Up
for rhe SPD.

Tqble 534.1 Not used

534.4.4.3 Selection of SPDS with regard to continuous operating voltage (Uc)

In AC installations, the maximum continuous operating voltage Uc ofSPDs shalt be equal to or higher than required
by Table 534.2.

Table 534.2 - Minimum required uc of the sPD dependent on the supply system configuration
SPD connected bctween System configuration of distribution network
(as applicable)
TN system TT system lT system
Line conductor and neutral 1.1 U l.1u 1.1 U
.i3 i3 !3
or (0.64 x U) or (0.64 x U) or (0.64 x U)

Line conductor and PE conductor 1.1 U 1.1U

r/: ri:
1.1 U
or (0.64 x U) or (0.64 x U)

Neutral and PE conductor U U 1.1U

J": .i,3 .i3

or (0.64 x U)
Line conductors 1.1U 1.1U 1.1U
NOTE: U is the lineto-line voltage ofthe low voltage system.
a These values are related to worst-case fault conditions, therefore, the tolerance of 10 o/o
is not taken into

impurse discharse
of spDs with resard to discharse currenr (r*oa) and
T *rr_ection
4 4 4 2 and Table 534 4
shall be selected according to Regulation 534
Regulatiot 534 4 4 4 l'
in other cases, SPDs shall be selected according to
also comply with the
near the oligin ofthe electrical installation shall
spDs installed downsfeam ofthe sPDs at oI
coordination requirements in Regulation 534 4
4'5 '

discharge cuaent
origin. fnl, fri. io U. for the selection of SPDS with regard to nominal
of atmosphe c "oniidered
infomation DD CLC/TS 61643-12'
and impulse discharge cunent For tufiher

534. TlPe 2 SPDs

( shall be not less than that given in Table 534 3'

and connection TYPe

534. Type I SPDs

(Ii,,p) shall be not less than as given in'fable 534 4'

I Table 534.4 - Selection of impulse discharge-current (li.J where

against direct lightning strike
the building is protected

- Tht. r"f".,. t€htning prot""tion]t"1t (L!LI]lg:g IV
be€n caried out' the impulse discharge current
(ii) Where the risk analysis according to BS Ef,61i91^1lis
{1,,"!l shall be detennined according to the BS
E\ 02105 series'

534.4.4.5 Coordination of two or more SPDs

the manufacturer's
provide coordination in operation by reference to
SpDs shall be selected and erected such as to
current rating (lsccR)
534.4.4.6 Selection of SPDs with regard to the short-circuit
as statedby the manufacturer' shall not be lower than the
ln general, the short-circuit curent rcting I56sa ofan
itr. points oi the SPD assemblv; sei Figure 534 5'
maximum prospective short-circuit Ju-nlni'ui "onn"",ion
NOTE 1: The SPD alone, of as an assembly in conjunction with its discoturector and,/ol overcurenl protective device (OCpD),
is required to withstand the short-circuit curent raling ISCCR as stated by the manufacturer. This value is defined and
tested according to BS EN 61643-l l, in coajunction with the discorutector and_/or OCPD as statedby the marlufacturer.

NOTE 2: This requirement does not apply to SPDS connected between the neutral conductor and PE in TN or TT systems, fbr
which this is already covered by the product standard BS EN 61643-l l.

For SPDs connected between the neutral conductor and PE in IT systems, the shofi-circuit current rating I"ccn ofthe
SPD shall not be lower than the maximum prospective short-circuit current at the connection points oithis SpD in
case ofa second fault.

534.4,4.7 Selection of SPDS with regard to the follow current interrupt rating (h)
In general, the follow current interrupt rating Ifi ofthe SPD, ifdeclared by the manufacturer, shall not be lower than
the maximum prospective short-circuit curent at the connection points ofthe SPD assembly. See Figure 534.5.

For SPDS connected between the neutral conductor aIId PE in IT systems, the follow cuffent interupt rating 16 ofthe
SPD, ifdeclared by the manufacturer, shall not be lower than the maximum prospective short-circuit current at the
connection points ofthis SPD in case ofa second fault.

Fig 534.5 - Connection points of an SPD assembly

OCPD 1 overcu[ent protective device in the installation
OCPD 2 overcurrent protective device specified by the
SPD manufacturer
SPD surge protective device
SPDA SPD assembly
A&B connection points of SPD assembly
EIT equipment or installation to be protected.

534.4.5 Protection of the SPD against overcurrent

534.4.5.1 General
SPD installations shall be protected against overcurent with respect to shorGcircuit curents.

This protection may be intemal and/or extemal to the SPD according to the manufacturer's instructions.

The ratings and chamcteristics ofextemal OCPDs for protecting the SPD assembly sha11 be selccted in accordance
with Section 434 and be the highest permissible rating to provide
a high surge curert capability for the complete
assembly whilst not exceeding the rutings and charactedstics as required in the SPD manufacturer's installation
instructions for the maximum overcurrent protection.

534.4.5.2 Arrangement of SPDs with relation to overcurrent protection
Incase of OCPD opemtion a sing from SPD failure, the continuit) of dre supph ro dre equipment is unaffected.
However, neither the installation nor the equipment is protected against pos:ible tunher over.,,oltages (see Figule
534.6). Il such an a[angement, the effective voltage protection ler el u ithin the insrallation is increased due to the
additional voltage drop at the extemal OCPD connected in series s ith the SPD.

Fig 534.6 - Example of overcurrent protection in the SPD branch by using a

dedicated external overcurrent protective device

OCPD overcurent protective device specified by the
SPD manufacturel
SPD suge protective device
SPDA SPD assembly
A&B connection points of SPD assembly
Efi equipment or installation to be protected.

534.4.5.3 SelectivitybetweenOCPDs
Where selectivity between OCPDs is necessary to prevent danger and where required for proper functioning ofthe
installation, the manufacturer's instructions shall be taken into accounl see Regulation 536.4.

534.4.6 Faultprotection

Fault protection, as defined in Chapter 4l, shall remain effective in the protected installation even in the event of
SPD failure.

In the case of automatic disconnectlon of supply:

in TN systems, this may generally be fulfilled by the OCPD on the supply side of the SPD (See
Figure l6.4l olAppendix 16);
in TT systems, this may be fulfilled by:
(a) the installation ofSPDs downstream (load side) ofan RCD (See Figure 1642 ofAppendix 16), or
(b) the installation ofSPDs upstream (supply side) ofthe main RCD. Owing to the possibility ofa failure of
an SPD connected between neufual conductor and PE, the conditions ofRegulation 411.4.1 shall be met
and the SPDs shall be installed in accordance with connection Type CT2 (See Figure I 6.43 ofAppendlr I 6).
in IT systems, no additional neasure is needed (See Figure 16A4 ofAppendix 16).
Table 534.5 - Connection of the SPD dependent on supply system
Supply system at the connection Connection Type
point ofthe SPD assembly CTI CT2
TN svstem Y Y
TT system SPD only downstream ofRCD Y
IT system with neutral
IT system without neutral Y N/A
NOTE 1:Y: applicable
NOTE 2: N/A: not applicable

NOTE; Additional requirements rnight apply for SPDs installed in the area of influence of applications such as railway
systems, HV power systems, mobile units, etc.

534.4.7 SPD installation in conjunction with RCDS

Where SPDs are installed in accordance with Regulation 534.4.1 and are on the load side of an RCD, an RCD
having an immunity to surge curents ofat least 3 kA 8/20 shall be used.
NOTE 1: Type S RCDs in accordance with BS EN 61008-1 and BS EN 61009-l satisly this requirement.

Installation ofTlpe 1 SPDs downstream ofan RCD is not reconmended.

NOTE 2: Ir the case of a surge curent higher than 3 liA 8/20. the RCD may trip causing interruption ofthe supply.

534.4.8 Connection of SPDs

All conductors and interconnections to the relevant line to be protected, together with the connections between the
SPD and any extemal OCPD, shall be kept as shorl and as straight as possible and any unnecessary cable loops shall
be avoided.

The length ofthe connecting conductors is defined as the sum ofthe path length ofconductors used from the live
conductor 10 the PE in between connection points A and B as shown in Figure 534.8 (for example, a + b + c).

Fig 531.7 Not used

Fig 534.8 - Connection of the SPD

A Live conductor

OCPD overculTent protective device
SPD surge protective device
PE conduqtor protective earthing conductor
A and B conlection points of SPD assembly.
NOTE: When the OCPD is not present, lergth b is cqual to 0.

Consideration shall be given to limit the total wiring length of conductors between connection points of the SPD
assembly, which should preferably not exceed 0.5 m and in no case exceed 1.0 m.

To meet these requirements, the main protective conductor shall be connected to the eafihing terminal located as
near as possible to the SPD by adding, if necessary, an intermediate earthing teminal (see Figure 534.9).

To determine the total lergth of the connecting conductors according to Figure 534.9, the lollowing conductor
rensths shall not be taken into account:
between the main eathing terminal and the intermediate earthing terminal
between the intermediate earthing terminal and the PE conductor.

The length (and therefore inductance) ofthe conductors betweer the SPDs and the main earthing teminal shall be to a minimum. SPDS may be connected to the main eadhing tenninal or to the protective conductor via metallic
rafts. e.g. the metallic enclosures ofthe assembly (see Regulation 534.4.2), provided it is connected to PE and meets
--:r- requirements for a protective conductor in accordance with Chapter 54. Connection ofthe rclevant SPD(s) to the

:.ain earthing teminal, and in addition to the main protective conductor, may inprove the voltage protection level.

: ihe total wiring length (a +b +c) as defined in Figure 534.8 exceeds 0.5 m, at least one of the following options
be chosen:
select an SPD with a lower voltage protection level U, (a I m length of rectilinear conductor carrying a
discharge curent of 10 kA (8/20) adds a voltage drop ofabout I 000 V)
install a second coordinated SPD ctose to the equipment to be protected so as to adapt the voltage protection
level U! to the rated impulse voltage ofthe equipment to be protected
rse the installation method as shown in Fisure 53,1.9.

Fig 534.9 - Example of installation of an SPD in order to decrease lead length
of SPD supply conductors

OCPD overcurrent protective device
SPD surge protective device
PE conductor protective earthing
Elt equipment/installation to be protected
1 main earthing terminal
2 intemediate eaft hing terminal
3 length c (to be considered)
4 cable lengh need not be considered
5 cable length need not be considered
AandB connection points of SPD assembly.

NOTE: For further irfomation see DD CLC/TS 6l643-12.

534.4.9 Not ttsed

534.4.10 Connecting conductors of SPDs

Conductors between SPDS and the main earthing terminal or the protective conductor shall have a cross-sectional
area not less than:
- 6 mrf copper or equivalent for Tlpe 2 SPDs installed at or near the origin of the installation
- 16mm2 copper or equivalent for Type I SPDs installed at or near the odgin ofthe installation.
Referring to Regulation 433.3.1(ii), conductoN connecting SPDS and the OCPDs to live conductors shall be rated
to withstand the prospective shod-circuit current to be expected and shall have a cross-sectional area not less than:
- 2.5 mm2 copper or equivalent for Type 2 SPDs installed at or near the origin ofthe installation
- 6 mm': copper or equivalent for Type 1 SPDS installed at or near the origin ofthe installation.

comply with the relevant requirements ol Section'l-15'
Devices for protection against undervoltage shall
for protection against undervoltage mal- be required'
For protection ofpeEons and propedy, devices
are selected as follows:
Protective devices against undenoltage
(i) direct operating undervoltage release:
Iower value ofthe relay operating voltage
higher value ofthe relay operating voltage
- time delaY (ifrequired)
(i,) indirect opemting undervoltage release:
- lower value ofthe operating voltage
- higher value ofthe opemting voltage
- time delaY (ifrequired)
(ii0 automatic reclosing when the voltage is restored:
with reclosing Prevention
without reclosing Prevention'

offof the electrical equipment'
(in:rurrl op*u,lon aid switching
relevant standards for switching on "r'."*l

536.1 General

as follows; deviccs l"i..ti". L3 relevant to the co-ordination of electrical
- overculTcl.It protcctive device (OCPD)
control and protective switching device
- residual curent device (RCD)
- contactor and starter
- switch and disconnector'
\OTE 1: Co-ordination ofmonitoring devices is undel considemtion

located at the end ofthis chapter'
but provides requirements
the selection ofan electrical device alone'
-::.n 536 does not provide requireurents lor
' :'j,,:"
co-ordilation between
selection ofelectrical devices to achieve electrical

. squilell]entsalsocoveraspectsofcontinuityofsupplyoftheinstallation'
:.:6.2 Electrical devices considered and function
by different electrical devices'
\: -E: Table A53.I in Arnex A53 sho$'s the functions provided

:::3 Co-ordination requirements

between those
j , ..:.i.iing electrical devices as covered by the following regulations, the mutual interaction
ofthe installation'
,- -:. .hail be considered so that they do not adversely affect the safety
-: - -.rrdilation ofelectrical devices considers requiretnents in case
- short-circuit
- olerload
- residual curents

:..r' co-oldinatiol oielectrical devices are:

- selectivity
- short-circuit Protection
- o\ erload Protectioll.

Electrical devices shall be selected taking into account the co-ordination characteristics as givenby the m anu facturers.

536.4 Requirementsforselectivity
536.4.1 General
Selectivity between OCPDs is defined in Regulation 536.4.1.2 for overload conditions and in Regulation 536.4.1.3
for short-circuit conditions. Selectivity between RCDS is defined in Regulation 536.4.1.4 and selectivity between
OCPD and RCD is defined in Regulation 536.4.1.5.

In this regulation, the OCPD could be replaced by an SCPD.

536.4.1.2 Selectivity under overload conditions between OCPDs

536. General requirements

Where selectivity is required, as shown in Figure 536.1, the design shall be verified either by:
- desk study, taking into account the relevant product standards and the manufacturer's literature, or
- appropriate software tools where inlormation is provided by the manufacturer for this specific use, or
- tests in accordance with the applicable product standard (in order to achieve the corect test performances
and reproducibility), or
- manufacturer's declaration.

In the case of a desk study, when time/current characteristics are used to veriry selectivity, account shall be taken
of the reference ambient temperature for which the tdpping curves are given and to load conditions before the

Fig 536.1 - Selectivity between OCPDs


o o
C c
21 22

536.4.1.3 Selectivity under short-circuit conditions between OCPDs

536,4,1.3.1 General requirements

Where selectivity is required (see Figure 536.1), verification shall be made either by:
- desk study, taking into account the releyant product standard and the manufactuer's literature, or
- appropriate software tools where information is provided by the manufacturer for this specific use, or
- tests in accordance with the applicable product standard (in order to achieve the co[ect test perlormances
and reproducibility), or
- manufacturer's declaration.
In the case ofa desk study, when energy limitation curves are used to verif selectiviry. account shall be taken ofthe
voltage for which the curves are given.

In cases given in .{53.7 and 453.10 in Annex A53, selectivity will be obtained for shot-circuit currents up to a
specific value, the selectivity limit current. The value ofthis limit wili be given by the manufacturer In a pafiicular
installation selectivity may be total or partial.
NOTE: Generally, manufacturers provide tables giving information on selectivity in case of short-c ircuit.

536.4.1.4 SelectivitybetweenRCDS
(i) General requirements

Where selectivity is required (see Figure 536.2), verification shall be made either by:
desk study, taking into account the relevant product standard and the manufacturer's literatue, or
appropriate software tools where information is provided by the manufacturer for this specific use, or
tests in accordance with the applicable product standard (in order to achieve the correct test performances
and reproducibility), or
manufactwer's declaration.
NOTE 1: Generally, manufactuers provide information specifying selectivity between RCDS.

(ii) Selectivity in case of residual currents

Selectivity in case ofresidual currents, as shown in Figure 536.2, is given under the following conditions:
the upsheam RCD is ofselective type (type S or time-delayed type with appropriate time delay setting), and
the mtio of the rated residual operating current of the upstream RCD to that of the downstream RCD is at
least 3:1,

In the case of RCDs with adjustable rated residual operating current and time delay, reference shall be made to
rnanufaclurer's in:.tructions lor selectivity.
NOTE2: RCD type S is in accordance with BS EN 61008 se esorBSEN61009series.
NOTE 3: A time-delay iype RCD ir accordance with BS EN 60947-2. Annex B or Annex M will be marked rvith thc symbol At
followed by the limiting non-actuating time in 1rrs or markcd with an [S]

Fig 536.2 - Selectivity between RCDS in case of residual current


NOTE 4: RCD1 is type S or time-delayed type.

536.4.1.5 Selectivity between OCPDs and RCDs

536.4.1 .5.1 Selectivity between RCD(s) and upstream OCPD
r the event of an earth fault, cuaent may reach a high value that could exceed the rnstantaneous tdpping current
:irhe upstream OCPD. Therefore, when selectivity between RCD(s) and upstrea[r OCPD is required, an RCBO or
- BR shall be used and the requirements of selectivity according to Regulation 536..1.1 .2 shall be applied.

L 173
Fig 536.3 - Selectivity between OCPD and RCD using RCBOS


c c
B a
o o
21 22

In Figure 536.3, ifRCCBs are used instead ofRCBOs, selectivity cannot be guaranteed. In this case, ifthere
are OCPDs downstrcam olthe RCCB, as shown in Figure 536.4, selectivity may be achieved provided that the
requirements ofRegulation 536,4.1.2 and Regulation 536.4.1.3 are fulfilled. In addition, the connection between
the RCCB and the downstream OCPD shall be selected and erected so as to minimize the risk of earth faults.
NOTE: ln orderto minimize the risk offaults between RCCB and downstream OCPD, specific wir-ing accessories may be used
(e.g. .pecifi c bu.bars).

Fig 536.4 - Selectivity between OCPD and RCD using RCCBs



c c
c C
21 22

o o o

31 32

536.4.1.6 Selectivity between RCDs and downstream OCPDs

In the event of an earth fault, the earth fault curent may be lower than the instantaneous tuipping cunent of the
downstream OCPD. In this case, the upstream RCD will tlip and selectivity may not be achieved. Thereforc, when
selectivity between RCDs and downstream OCPD is required, RCBOs shall be used and selectivity requirements
according to Regulation 536.4.1.4 shall be applied.
Fig 536.5 - Selectivity between upstream RCCB and RCBOs


o o
21 22

NOTE: RCCB 1 is type S or time-delay type.

536,4.2 Requirements for protection in case of short-circuit

536,4,2,1 Combined short-circuit protection of OCPDS

In this regulation, the OCPD could be replaced by an SCPD.

This breaking technique allows the use of short-circuit protective devices with a lower breaking capacity than
required in Chapter 43. It is only applicable to short-circuit protective devices.

Fig 536.6 - Typical configuration for combined short-circuit protection of OCPDs



'' Regulation 434.5.1 permits a device with a lower rated breaking capacity than the prospectiYe short-circuit curent
at its point of installation to be used in specific conditions.

When selecting two OCPDs for combined shod-circuit protection, reference shall be made ro rhe instmctions ofthe
manufacturer of the downsheam OCPD. These instructions are derived from tests peribrmed according to relelant
product standards, as applicable (e.g. BS EN 60947-2 andBS EN 60898-1). Where no iribrmatior is available from
the manufactruer, combined shofi-circuit protection of OCPDs shall not be used. and each OCPD shall har'e the
required short-circuit capabilily at the point ofinstallation.
Ifdeclared by the manufacturer ofboth devices, the combined short-circuit capability ofOCPDl and OCPD2 may
be higher than the breaking capacity of either OCPD. In this case, the connection between the two devices has to
minimize the risk of short-circuits and there shall not be any shofi-circuit contdbutions by other active equipment
in parallel to oCPD1.
NOTE 1 : Co-ordination of an OCPD with a separate curent limiter to increase the shon-circuit breaking capacil), of arl OCPD
may be used according to the manufactuer's instructions.

NOTE 2: Combined short-circuit protection may be used for manual motor stafier having a short-circuit capabilit\, ifl combination
with OCPD. when declared in the manufacturer documentation.

536.4.2.2 Back-up protection of contactors or overload relays

In this regulation, the OCPD could be replaced by an SCPD.

Contactors complying with BS EN 60947-4-1 or BS EN 61095 do not provide protection against short-circuit, thus
they shall be protected by an upstream overcurent protective device (OCPD).
NOTE 1: Contlol and Protective Switching Devices (CPS) provide protection against short-circuir. and therefore provide
intinsic co-ordination.

Figure 536.7 gives a typical schematic for co-ordination ofa contactor with a short-circuit protective device (OCPD).

Fig 536.7 - Co-ordination between OCPD and contactor in case of short-circuit

Regutation 512.1.2 requires equipment to be selected for the design current which it has to carry in normal service
and the current likely to flow in abnormal conditions. In the event of shofi-circuit, the let-through energy and the
peak culTent may cause the contactor to open its contacts at a level of current beyond its making and breaking
capacity. Co-ordination ofthe contactor and the OCPD is needed to achieve safe operation in case ofshot-circuit.

Co-ordination between a contactor and an OCPD is verified by mandatory shod-circuit tests according to BS EN
60947-4-1or to BS EN 61095, as applicable.

Contactors shall be selected and erected in conjunction with the shorl-circuit protective device declared by the
manufactwer, such that the rated conditional shofi-circuit current is higher than the plospective short-circuit current
at the point ofinstallation.

The rated conditional shot-circuit curent can only be obtained by type-testing and thus the data for the selectiol'r
of the OCPD shall be obtained from the manufactuer of the contactot taking into account the rated operational
curent, rated operational voltage and the corresponding utilization category.
NOTE 2: This information is genemlly provided in co-ordination tables which summarize the combination ofdevices (OCPD.
contactor or motor starter) able to maintain a safe behaviour for a given rated conditional shofi-circuit.

In a motor circuit the overload curent protection may be provided by separate overload rclay electrically connected
with the contactor. In such a case protection ofthe overload relay shall also be achieved, since the overload relay
may be damaged by the letthrough energy (l':t) of the OCPD. This infomation is generally provided in the
manufactui'er's co-ordination tables.

536.4.2.3 Back-up protection of switches, Transfer Switching Equipment (TSE) or impulse
Switches cornplying rvith BS EN 60947-l or BS EN 60669-2-4, Transi'er Sl irching Equipruent (TSE) corrplying
u'ith BS EN 60947-6-l and impulse telays complying with BS EN 60669-2-l are used to switch loads or circuirs
(e.g. distributior switchboard, lighting circuit, specific load). These devices do nor provide protection againsr shoft-
circuit. thus they shall be protected by an oyercun'ent protective device (OCPD).
NOTE: Fuse combinatior units to BS EN 60947-3 consist ofa sivitch and inte$ai liLse(s) and have a short-circuit capability
declared by thc nranut'actuler which does not lequile the use an upstrcaln OCPD.

Should a shot-circuit occur on the load side ol a switch, the curent will flou, through both devices (OCPD and
switch); therefore the let-through energy ancl the peak cuffent limited by the OCPD need to be compatible with the
shofi-circuit withstand ofthe switch, the TSE or the irrpulse relay.

Figure 536.9 gives a typical scllenatic for co-ordination of a switch with a short-circuit protective device (OCPD).

Figurc 536.8 Not used

Fig 536.9 - Co-ordination between OCPD and switch

The OCPD may also be situated downstleam of the switch, TSE or impulse relay provided that the connection
letweerl tbe switch and the downstream OCPD is selectcd alrd erected so as to minimize the risk ofeafth faults and

Silitches, Transt'er Switching Equiprrent and imptLlse relays shall be selected and erected in conjunction with the
.hort-circuit prctective device declared by the manufacturer in order that their mted conditional shorl-circuit cuffent
.: equal to or higher tl]an thc plospective sltoft-circuit cuffent at the point ofinstallatiou.

The rated conditional shoft-circuit cuuent of the switch can only be obtained by typc-testing and thus the data fbr'
::'ie selection of the OCPD shall be obtained from the nlanufacturer of the switch, taking into account the l?ted
:perational current and the rated operatiotal voltage.

.rr switches according to BS EN 60947-3, where the OCPD is not specified by the switch nrarufacturer, an
..ienrative nlethod lor co-ordination between the OCPD and the switch is as follows:
the rated short-circuit making capacity of the switch is higher than the peak value ofthe prospective shofi-
circuil culrent at the point of i[stallation, and
the OCPD time-cunent charactedstic is within the limits oflcw ofthe switch. as stated by the manufhcturer,
the mted slloft-ci[cuit making capacity is higher than the peak value ofthe prospective sllorlcircuit cu[ent
at the point of installation, and
tl're mted shot time withstand cuffent is higher than the prospective shoft-circuit cu[ent at the point
of installation and the coffespondirg withstand time is longer than the operatiru time of the SCPD. if
applicable, or
ifat the prospective shofi-circuit cLnreDt" the protective device has an energy lerthrough (lrt) and cut-ot'f
currelt not exceeding the values for d]e s$,itch provided by the manufactLLrer.


536.4.2.4 Back-up protection of RCCBS
In this regrilation. the OCPD cottld be replaced by an SCPD.

RCCBs complying u'irh BS EN 61008 serics are intended to protect persons against elect c shocks. They may
also be used to pl'o\, ide prolectiolr against fire hazards due to a persistent earth fault. These devices have a limited
siroft-circuit current rvithstand capability. thus they shall be protected by an upstream overcun ent protecti\ e device.

ShouLd a shorr-cilcuit occur. on the load side of a RCCB, the current will flow through both devices (OCPD and
RC CB): rheretbre tlrc lct,through energy and the peak curent limited by the OCPD need to be cornpatible with the
short-cil'cuit $ithstand capability of the RCCB.

Figure 536.10 gives a typical schenratic for co-ordination ofa RCCB with a short-circuit protective device.

Fig 536.10 - Co-ordination between OCPD and RCCB

RCCBs shall bc sclected and erected in conjunction with the OCPD declared by the manufacturer in order that their
rated conditional sltofi-circuit cu[ent is highcr than the prospective short-circuit cu-rent at the point ofinstallation.

Thc lated conditionai shoft-circuit curent of the RCCB with the OCPD, related to the relevant mted operational
cLrrrent and rated operational voltage. is given by the manufacturer based on tests results according to BS EN 61008

The OCPD rrlay also be situated downstream of the RCCB provided that the connection between RCCB and
dorvnstrearn OCPD is sclected and erected so as to minimize the risk ofcarlh faults and shofi-circuits.

536.4.3 Requirements for protection in case of overload

536.4.3.1 Overload protection of contactor or SCPDs

Corractors con.iplyiug with BS EN 6t)947-4-l or BS EN 61095 and SCPDS without integral overload protection.
such as ICBs couplying rvillt BS EN 60947-2. shall be protected by an overload protective device.

Devices for overload protection are selected for the protectiol of cables. For overload protection of contactors or
SCPDs. the lated curlcnt of thc OCPD shall be selectcd according to manufacturers' information.
In cases rvhere Regulation 433.3 permits omission ofoverload protection, co-ordination in case ofoverload does not

536.4.3.2 Overload protection of RCCB, switch, Transfer Switching Equipment (TSE) or

impulse relay
Rcsidual current cir-cuit-brcakerc (RCCB) complying with BS EN 61008 selies are intended to protect pe$ons
against eiectric shock. S\\,itches cornplying with BS EN 609'+7-3 ol BS EN 60669-2-4, impulse relays conplying
rirh BS EN 60669-2-2 and TSEs conrplying with BS EN 60947-6-l are used to switch loads or circuits. None of
thcs!'devices provide plotection against overload. theretbre they shall be protected by an overcu[ent protective
clevice (OCPD).

Regulation 43 3. I rcquires that devices for overload protection be selected lbr the proiection of cables. For overload
protection of RCCBs and switches, the rated cu-rent of the OCPD shall rake account of the manufaclurer's
information: in general, the OCPD is installed upstream olthe RCCB or the su itch.

The rated current ola switch or RCCB may also be based on the application ofdi\ ersity factors to the downstream
circuits according to Regulation 311.1, and the rated curent of the OCPD shall be selected according to the
manufacturer's instructions. See also Regulation 536.4.202.
NOTE: wllen usirg an RCBO instead of an RCCB, no f'ufiher consideration regarding orerload protection ofthe RCBO is

Regulation 433.3 specifies conditions lor omission of overload protection. In such cases overload co-ordination
does not require verification.

536.4.4 Requirements for selectivity between OCPDs equipped with under voltage relay

lncase offault (short-circuit or eafth fault) a high fault cufient may generate a voltage drop through the installation.
Voltage drop may also occur i[ the installation for other reasons (for example, switchilg and reclosing of HV
switching device).

Wherc one undervoltage relay is installed in the OCPD on the supply side or elsewhere in the installation, possible
undewoltage rclay operation shall not impair selectivity achieved between OCPDs ard/or RCDs in series.

Fig 536.11 - Selectivity with OCPD and undervoltage relays


::_-ail: o o
:: r)ll.
:..l1al D D
r08 22

I .urcl

For selectivity, undervoltage rclay operation sha11 be time-delayed according to the maximum shoft-circuit or eartll
fault clearance time. ln all cases, instuctions plovided by the manufacturer shall be fulfilled in order not to irnpair'
the safety ofthc electrical iustallation.

536.4.5 Low voltage assemblies according to BS EN 61439 series

of the circuits to rvhich it is col1l]ected ard with the installation conditions. The characteristics of the assembly
.:. Titof
shall be declar-ed by the manufacturer, taking into account the interface characteristics ofthe relevant BS EN 61439
ploduct standard.
s not
536.4.201 Fault current (short-circuit) ratings
The relevant f'ault cunent (shoft-circuit) rating ofthe assembly should be equal to or exceedthe maximun prospective
fault current at the point ofconnection to tlte system.

:Srso11s The teflninology used to define the shofl-circuit rating ofan assenbly is given in the BS EN 61439 series as follows;
plyitg ratcd short-tilne withstand current. I.,,
..rne of
rated peak wilhstand curent. lur
ratcd conditional sbort-circuit curent. I...

The assembly manut'actur-cr-'s ratings and instntctions shall be taken into accolul.

For ao installation with a 230 V silgle-phase supply rated up to 100 A that is under the contlol of ordinary persons,
switchgear and controlgear assemblies shall either comply with BS EN 61439-3 having a suitable fault cunent
(shofi-circuit) rating for the maximum prospective fault current at the point of connection to the systen or be a
consllfiter unit incorporating components and protective devices specified by the manufacturer complying with
BS EN 61439-3, including the 16kA conditional short-circuit test described in Annex ZB of the standard.
NOTE: When the single-phase PSCC value of 19.6 kA is cited from Engineering Recommendatior P25, the l6 lcA conditional
rating described in Annex ZB of BS EN 61439-3, for incoming service equipment, will satisfy design requirements
where the servicc cable is at least 2 mctres in length.

536.4.202 Currentratings

The relevant design current shall not exceed the rated cu[ent of an assembly (1,,A) or rated cu[ent of a circuit (I,,.)
ofthe associated assembly, having taken any applicable diversity/loading factors into account.
The teminology used to define the rating of an assembly in relation to load/design cunent used in BS EN 6l4jS
can be summarized as follows:
- Tlte rated current of an assembly (I",q) (A)o is the maximum load current that it is designed to manage and
- The rated curent ofa circuit (I..) (A) is stated by the assembly manufacturer, taking into consideration the
mtings ofthe devices within the circuits, their disposition and application.

The cunent rating(s) of an assembly circuit may be lower than the rated current(s) of the device(s) according to
their respective device standald, when installed in the assembly; therefore, the assembly manufacturer's ratings and
instructions shall be taken into account.

Rated divenity (loading factor) can be stated by the assembly manufacturer, e.g. for goups ofcircuits.

The rated curent of a switch or RCCB (I,,.r and I,,,) shall be based upon:
the sum of6nal circuit current demard after any applicable load divl]Isity factors, or
thc sum offinal circuit culTellt dernand alicr any applicable load diversity thctors togclhcr with allou'ances
fol diversity betu,ccn final cilcr.rits. or
the sum ofthe downstream OCPDsT'circuit ratcd curaent multiplied by a diversity factor.

Howevel overload protection shall not solely be based on the use ofdiyersity factom ofthe downstream circuits.
To achieve overload protection of RCCBs or switches, the rated current ofthe OCPD shall be selected according to
the manufactuer's instructions.

536.4.203 lntegration of devices and components

The relevart part ofthe BS EN 61439 series shall be applied to the integration ofmechanical and electrical devices
and components, e.g. circuit-brcakers, control devices, busbars into an empty ellclosure or existing low voltage

In low voltage assemblies to ttre BS EN 61439 series, e.g. consumer units, distribution boards, incorporated devices
and conponents shall only be those declared suitable according to the assembly manufacturer's instructions or
NOTE 1: The use of ildividual componeDts complying with their respective product standard(s) does not indicate their
conpatibility when installed with other components in a low voltage switchgear and conffolgear asscnbly.
NOTE 2: Incorpomted components inside the assclrbly can be from different manufacturers. lt is essential that all incorporated
components shouidhavelrad their compatibility forthelinal enclosedarrangernents verifledbythe original manufachrrer
of the asscmbly and be assembled in accordance with their instructions e.g. the consumer uDit. distribution board
manufacturer. The original rnanufacturer is the organization that carried out the oiginal design and the associated
verification ofthe low voltage switchgear and controlgear assenlbly to the relevant part ofthe BS EN 61439 series.
lf an assembly deviates froln its original manufacturer's inshuctions, or includes components not included in the
original ver.ification, thc person introducing the deviation becomes the original manufacturer with lhe corresponding

536.5 Documentation
The infonnatiol mentioned in the previous regulations for co-ordination of electrical devices may be found in
manufacturers'documentation (e.g. catalogue, instuuction sheets, calculation software).

Whe[ the initial verification is made, the documentation conceming the selection ofdevices for co-ordination shall
be addcd to the design documentation in accordance with the requirements ofRegulation 132.13


537.1 General
::l This section provides requirements fbr:
(i) non-automatic local and temote isolation and switching neasurcs tbr the preventiolt or removal ofdangers
associated with electrical installations or electrically-powered equipment and machines, and
(ii) tunctional switching and control.

537 .1 .1 Any device foI isolation and switching accolding ro Sections 162 to 465 shall comply rvith the
lelevant requiremerrts included in this section.
i.) ln ceftain instances, additional requirefl]ents may be necessary lbr contbined functions.
NOTE 1: Tablc 517.,1 sLLmnlarizes the luDctions provided by the dcvices for isolation and s$itching, togcther with indicarion ol
'j9 rl,( r(lr\ anl product.ra ddrd*.
NOTE 2: Foi sorre applicatioDs such as nrotor contlol, the switcJ'ing device needs ro withstand the inrush curent.
lnd NOTE 3: Table 537.4 provides infonnation or sclection.

TABLE 537.4 - Guidance on the selection of protective, isolation

and switching devices

gto Device Standard Isolation(r) Emergency Furlctional

altd switchinglr srvitching(i)
Switching device BS EN 50428 No No Yes
BS EN 60669-l No Yes Yes
BS EN 60669-2-1 No No Yes
BS EN 60669-2-2 No Ycs Yes
BS EN 60669-2-3 No Yes
BS EN 60669-2-4 Yeslrr

BS EN 60947-3
BS EN 609,17-s-1 No Yes \ts
ruits. (i)rltactor BS EN 60947-4-l
ing to BS EN 61095 No No Yes
C ircuit-breaker' BS EN 60898 Yes
BS EN 609,17-2 Yes .3)

BS EN 61009- I Yes6l Ycs

ItCD BS EN 60947-2 Yes
BS EN 61008 series Yes \ts
BS EN 61009 series Yes';r
l:r ices Isolating switch BS EN 60669-2-4 Yes Its
ia1ls Or
BS EN 60947-3 Yes Yes
Plug ard socket-outlet
:.:: their BS EN 60309 Yesrrr No \es
(< 32 A)
Plug ard socket-outlet
::.rIated (> 32 A) BS EN 60309 No \o
Device for thc
board conrlection of luminaire
BS EN 61995-1 Yes'J, No \o
Control and protective switching BS EN 60947-6-1 Yesr l.r)
device lor equipment (L-PS) BS EN 60947-6-2 r)
Ye.tI Yes
in the
Fuse BS 88 selies No No
Device with BS EN 50428 No No Yes
semiconductols BS EN 60669-2- I No No
Luminaile Supporting Coupler BS 6972 No No
: |ind in PIug arld unsu itchcd socket-outlet BS 1363-l No Yes
BS 1363-2 No
.: -ro shall

BS l36l-l
BS 1363-2

of fuse li k)

Cooker Control Unll switch

Yes -' Functior proYided" No -- Functioi not provided
(see BS EN 60617 identity number
rLr FLrnction plovided ifrhe dcvice is suitable and narked with tlre symbol for isolation
'r' See Regulalion 517.i.3.6.
,r Device is suitable tbr on-load isolation. i e. disconnection whilst calrying load curent'
G, In an installatjon lil.lning paft ofa TT or IT system. isolation requires disconnection ofall the live conductors

Regulation 462.2.
(5)Circuit-breakcrs nnd RCDS are p marily cilcuit plotective devices and. as sr:ch. they arc not intended for frequent load
purposes ofisolation oI emergency switching
s\\,itching. Infrcquent switching of circuit-breakels on-load is admissible for the
ofoperations and load characte stics according to the manufactLuel's instructions shoLlld
FoI a mol.e liequent duty. the numbel
ftlnctional switching il] Table 537 4 should be
be taken into accol lt oL an altenlative device from tllose ]isted as suitable for
ma*ed with the symbol fol on-load
NOTE : An entry of ( I,3 ) rreans that the devicc is suitabie for onJoad isolation only if it is

isolation ---lq-
and swjtching ale summarized, together with an
NOTE 2: Ir the abovs rable. the functions providcd by the devices fol isolation
indication o1' the rclc\ ant product standards.
10 more than
537 .,1 ,2 where at,] installation oI an iten of equjpment or enclosule contains live parts connected
that any person, before gaining access to live
one supply. a durable wanring notice shall be placei in such a position
the various supplies unless an interlocking arangement
ionr. i.iLiu. *u"r.d ofthe rieed ro isolate those parls from
is provided to isolate all the circuits concemed

Plugs ancl socket-outlets, connecto$ al1d devices for connection of luminaires

may be used for
providing the isolaiion and switching functions in accordance with Table 537 4'

plug from the outlet or conneclor

The isoiation and srvitching functions are provided by the disconnection of the
liom thc inlet. as aPPlicable.
537-1-4 Not u.;ed

Wherc an installation is supplied from more than one source of energy, one
of which requires a
537,1.5 provide that not more
means ofeatthing independent ofthe means ofearthing ofother sources and it is necessary to
than one means Jfeanili.g is applied at a,y time, a switching device may be inserted in the connection bet\'vee11the
neutml point and the ucatrs of earthing, provided that the device is:
nppropriut" ,ource at substantially the same time as the related live conductors' or
lelated live
(ii) a switchirg device iuterlocked with a multipole, linked switching device inserted in the
the live conductols ale leconnected'
related live conductors al]cl shall-be re-established Ilot latel than when
of chapter 46 for a device
switching devices provided in accordance with (i) and (ii) shall meet the Iequilements
for isolation.

537 .2 Devices for isolation

537 .2.1 Devicesforisolationshallbeofatypeforwhichtheisolationfunctionisexplicitlyrecognizedbythe

relcvant product standard or as identified in Table 537 4

537.2.2 Serlricorlductor devices shall not be used as isolating devices'

537.2.3 Der.ices suitable tbr isolation shall be selected according to the requi:ei--:::. - :rri:r tr:3 r::.i t-]n the
overvoltage categories applicable at theil point ofinstallation.

Devices for isolation shall be designed for over voltage category III or lV except the plug ..; r p,ug and socket-outlet
cornbi[ation identilied in Table 537.4 as suitable for isolation
NOTE: Wher.e clectrically powcred equipment is witli[ the scope ol BS EN 6020.1. the requirem.nli l-or isolatiol of that
standard apply.

537.2,4 Devices lor isolation shall be selected and/or installed so as to pre\enl un\\anled or unintentional
closure (see Regulation 462.3).

This n.ray be achieved by locating the device in a lockable space or lockable enclosure or b}' padlocking or by other
suitable n'reans.

537.2.5 Provision strall be made for securing offJoad isolating devices agailrst un$'anted or uniutentional

This n]ay be achieved, for exanple, by locating the device ir a Iockable space or lockable enclosure ol by padlocking
Altematively. the off-load device may be interlocked with a load-breaking one.

537.2-6 Means ofisolation shall preferably be provided by a nrultipole switching device which disconnects
all applicable poles ofthe relevarrt supply but single-pole devices situated adjacert to each other are not excluded,
subject to the provisions ofRegulation 461.2.
ing. 537.2.7 Each clevice userl fol isolation shall be cleally identified by position or durable marking to indicate
i\uld the installation or circuit it isolates.
537 .2.8 Where a link is inserted in the neutml conductor for isolating purposes, the link shall comply with the
following requilemerts:
- it cannot be removed without the use ofa tool, and
- it is accessible to one or more skilled persons only.

537.3 Devices for switching

:r1an 537.3.'1 Functional switching and control devices
.ir e
:.lllt .3.1.1 The devices for functional switching ard control shall be selected in accordance with Table 537.4.

537.3.1.2 Furlctional switching devices shall be suitable tbr the most onerous duty thcy ae irtended to Perform.
: lor The chamcteristic ofthe load to be switched shall be considered (e.g. utilization category).

537,3.1.3 Functional switching devices may control the current without necessarily opening the correspondilg
NOTE: Semicoiductor switching devices and some control auxiliaries are exantples of devices capable of intempting the
cLur-ent in the circuit but not opening the conesponding poles.

,.rcs a 537.3.2 Devices for switching off for mechanical maintenance

: i1lore
:31'l tlle 537 .3.2.1 Selection aDd erection ofdevices for switching off1br mechanical mailtenance shall be in accordance
rvith the following regulations and shall colrply with Regulation group 537 2.

:rr the NOTE: Wher.e elecflically powered cquipment is within the scope of BS EN 60204, the requircments for switching off for
mechanicai maintcnance ofthat standard apply

:: -i livc 537 .3.2.2 Devices for switchirg off for mechanical maintenance shall be inserled in the main supply circuit.
' ri the
','ited. Where a switclr is providcd 1br this purpose, it shall be capable of cutting off the full load current of the relevant
paft of the installation.
- -'rr ice
lnte[uption of a circnit tbr tl]e control of mechanical moverrent is permitted only where a condition equivalent to
the direct interruption olthe main supply is provided by one ofthe fo)lowing:
(i) Supplementary safeguards, such as mechanical retainers
' '\\ tbe (ii) Compliance with the requirements ofa British or Hamonized Standard specification for the cotttt'ol devices
NOTE: Switching offfor rnechanical maintenance may be achieved, for example, by orre ofthe following:
- multipole su'itch
- cilcuit-breaker
- control and protective switching device (CPS)
- control switch operating a contactol
- plug and socket-outlet.

537 -3.2-3 Devices for switching off lor mechanical maintenance or control switches for such devices shall
require manual operation.

The open position ofthe contacts ofthe device shall be visible or be clearly and reliably indicated.

The indication required by this regulation may be achieved by the use ofthe symbols 'O' and'I'to indicate the open
and closed positions respectively.

537.3.2.4 Devices for switching off for mechanical maintenance shall be clearly identi{ied by position or
durable marking so as to be identifiable for their intended use.

537.3.3 Devices for emergency switching off

NOTE: Etrergency switching off is an emergency operatio[ intended to switch offthe supply ofelectrical energy to all or part
ofan installation where a sk ofelectric shock or another isk ofelectrical origin is involved.

537,3.3.1 Selection and erection of devices for emergency switching off shall be in accordance with the
following regulations and shall comply with Regulation 537.2.
NOTE: Where electrically powered equipme]tt is within the scope ofBS EN 60204, the tequirements for enrergcncy s\vitching
offof that standard apply.

537.3.3.2 The devices for emergency switching off shall be capable of breaking the full load current of the
relevant parts ofthe installation taking into account stalled motor curents where appropriate.

537.3.3.3 Means lor emergency switching offmay consist of:

- one switching device capable ofdirectly cutting off the appropriate supply, or
- a combination ol devices activated by a single action for the purpose of cutting off the appropriate supply.

Plugs al1d socket-outlets shall not be provided for use as means for emergency switching off.

537.3.3.4 Devices for emergency switching off shall provide the switching of the main circuit.

Hand-operated switching devices for direct intenuption ofthe main circuit shall be selected where practicable.

Remote control switching of circuit-breakers, control and protective switching devices or residual cu[ent devices
(RCD) shall be opened by de-energization of coils, or other equivalent failure-to-safety techniques/actuato$.

537.3.3.5 The means of opcrating (handles, push-buttons, etc.) devices for emergency switching off shall be
clearly identified, preferably by colour. [f a colour is used for identification, this shall be RED with a contrasting
background (e.g. yellow).
NOTE: The contrasting background rnay or may not include text.

537.3,3,6 The means of oper ating shall be readily accessible at places where a danger might occur and, where
appropriate, at any additional remote position from which that danger can be removed.

Devices for emergency switching offshall be so placed as to be readily identifiable and convenient for their intended use.

537.3.3.7 The means of operation ofa device for emergency switching off shall be capable of latching in the
'OFF'position, unless both the tneans ofopemtion for emergency switching off and for re-energizing are under the
contlol ofthe same person.

The rclease of an emergency switching device opemted remotely shall not re-energize the relevant pan of the

The oper.ation ofthe emergency switching device shatl have priority over any other function relative to safety and
shall not be inhibited by any other operation ofthe installation.

537.4 Firefighter'sswitches
537.4.1 Firefighter's su itches shall comply rvith BS EN 60669-2-6 or BS EN 60947-3.

537.4.2 A lirefighter's ss.itch sJrall be provided in rhe low volrage circuir .r;qi1 rng:
(i) outdool liglrting installatiorls operating at a voltage exceeding loir rcriiag;. rnd
(ii) indoor dischatge ligtrting installatiors operating ar a voltage exceedins lo\,. \ (rlrase.
'fhis requirtment does not apply to a portable discharge lighting hurinaire or to a sisn t irating not exceeding 100 W and
f'ed from an accessible socker-outlet
NOTE: Installations in certain prel)1ises subject to licensing conditioDs. such as perrrrl .raiion tbrecoufis, nray requir-e the
illstallation of a firelighter's switch.

537.4.2.1 Every outdool installation on each silgle premises should rvhererer practicable be controlled by a
sirgle lirefighter's switch. Sirnilarly, every intemal installation in each single prernises shoLrld be controlled by a
single firefighter's switch i[depcndent olthe switch for any outdoor installation.

537.4.2.2 Every firefightcr's switch should comply with the following requirements. r.r,here applicable:
(i) for an outdoor installation, the switch should be outside the building and adjacent ro the equipment, or
altematively a notice indicating the position ofthe switch should be placed adjacent to the equiprnent and a
notice should be fixed neat the switch so as to lendel it clearlv distinquishable
(ir) for an indoot installation. the switch should be in the main entrance to the building or in another position to
be agleed with the locai fire authority
(iii) the switch should be placed in a conspicuous position. reasonably accessible to firefighte$, at not more than
2.75 l.r fiorr the ground or the standirrg beneath the switch.

537.4.3 A lirefighte/s switch shall be easily visible, accessible and marked to indicate the installation or pafi
of the ilstallation u'hich it controls

537.4.4 The lbllowing infomation shall be distinctly and durably marked on the fireflghter's switch in a
position where it can be seen clearly by a person standing on the ground at tlte intended site. witl'rout openi[g the
enclosure and when the switch is installed;
'ON' and'OL-F' positiors" in lettels lrot less than 10 nrrr high:
letters reading 'I IREI- IGHTER'S SWITCH'or'L-IRE SWITCII' in letters nor less rhan 10 nm high.
Once installed, the handle offposition shall be up.
NOTE: The'ON'position nteans powered and dre 'OFF' position means unpower-ed.


538.1 lnsulation monitoring devices (lMDs) for lT systems

538.'t.1 General
lMDs shall be in accordance with BS EN 61557-8.

An IMD is intended to permanently nronitor tlle iusulation resistance ofan lT system and provides an alam where
:- :.4 the insulation resistance R,.is below the response value R,.

Ra is the response value ofthe IMD as described in BS EN 61557-8.

R[is tl']e insulatiotr resistance between the system to which it is connected and either the eafih, the PE conr]ectiolr 01'
anothel reference point fot protective equipotential bonding.

Examples ofthese systeDs would bc an electrical installation, a mobile generator or a saf'ety service.

An IMD shall be installed in an lT systenl where selected to meet with the requirement of Regulation zll1.6.4.

IMDs shall be installed as close as practicable to the origin ofthe pafl ofthe installatio,r to be monirored.

lnstructions shall be provided indicating that when the iMD detects an insulatior fault to eanh. the ilsulation t'ault
shall be located and eliminated in order to restore normal operating conditions with dre shortest practicable delay.

Where the 1T systen is used for continuity of supply, the occuffence ofa first insulation thult shall be indicated at a
suitable locatior'r so it is audible and/or visible by instructed or skilled pe$on(s).
NOTE: This alaln may be relayed though a buLilding management system (BMS).

It is recommended to use an IMD that signals an intefuption of the ureasuremelr connections to the system
colducton and earth.
538.1.2 lnstallation of insulation monitoring devices

Where a cotductor is clistlibuted, an insulation monitoring device (lMD) may be connected to the neutral
conduclor. In tltis case. no overcunent protective device shall be inserted in the conductor connecting the IMD to
the neutlai.

An IMD shall be corutected symmetrically or unipolar-iy between the live conductors and earth or the PE connection
ot alother ret'ereuce point ibt protective equipotential bondilg.

Where the neutral conductor is not diStributed. the 'line' tenninal of the IMD may be connected:
(i) either to an adificial neutral point with thc three impedances connected to line conductors' or
(ii) to a line conductol.

whcre. in a polyplrase system. the IMD is connected between one line conductor and eal1h, it shall be suitahle to
withstancl at least the linc-to-lil,]e voltage between its 'line'teminal and its 'eafih'teminal'
NOTE: This Iolrage appears across these two tenninals ir the case ofa single insulation fault oD another line conductot

For DC installations. rhe 'line' terminal(s) of the IMD shall be connected either directly to the midpoint, if any' or
to one or all of the supply conducto$.

The supply circuit of IMD shall be connected either to the installation on the same circuit ofthe connecting
point of
the 'line'terminal antl as close as possible to the origin ofthe systern, or to an auxiliary source'

Thc corDecting point to tl're installatior shall be selected in such a way that the IMD is able to monitor the
ofthe installatior in all operating conditions.
Where the inslallation is supplied from r11ore thar one power supply, connected in parallel, one IMD pel supply shatl
be used, provicled t)iey are iiterlocked in such a way that only one IMD remains connected to the system.
All other
IMDs nonitor thc diicolnected power supply, enabling the reconnection of this supply without any pre-existing
insulation fault.

lMDs shall be able to lncasure the insulation resistance of the system if DC components caused by electronic
eqrlipment. e.g. rectiflers ol collvertols, are contajned in the fault curent.

538.1.3 Setting of the insulation monitoring device

The IMD shall have a selection ofsetting values and be adjusted to suit the respective installation.

When operating nonnally with the maximum ofloads connected, the IMD shall be set to a lower value con espolding
to the ool.11-Ial insulaliol-I of tlle system.
NOTE: A r,alue ol 100 A/V (300 OIV for pre wamirg) ofthe mted system voltage is an example oftypical setting vallles.

Whcre IMDs arc installed in locations where ordinary persons have access to their use they shall be selected
and/or installecl in such a way that it shall be impossible to modify the settings except by the use of a key, a
tool or
a passuord.
538.2 Equipment for insulation fault location in lT systems

Equipment for insulation t'ault location shall be in accordance with BS EN 61557-9. Where an [T system has

sclec-ted for contiluity of service. it is recommended to combine the IMD with devices enabling the fault location
on load. Their lunction is to indicate the faulty circuit when the IMD has detected an insulation fau1t.

538.3 Monitoring of off-line circuits

The iusulation monitoring of circuits switched off may be carried out in TN, TT and IT systems with insulatiotr
oronitoring devices (IMDi) provided that the IMD is automatically deactivated whenever the safety equiptnent

activated. A prer.ccluisite tbr it is that tlte monitored electrical circuits are isolated fro[r all poles ofthe system.

NOTE: As an cxanrple. this can be applicabJe to a circuit comprising safety equipment which is nolnally de-energiTed such I

thrt the salily equipmcnt is allowed to lr'ork without intervention ofsupply du ng the emergency'

The reduction ofrhe insulation level shall be inrlicated locally by either a visual or an audible signal
with the optron I

of rcl'note indication.

Ilthe equipment from the installation during the off-load insulation measuring process, the insnlation
is disconnected
levcls ro be mcasurcd arc generally very high. The alam threshold should be above 300 kQ.

538.4 Residual current monitors (RCMs)
538.4.1 General
RCMs shall comply with BS EN 62020.

An RCM peuna[ently monitors leakage and fault cunents to earth of the do\ nsream insi"]laiion or pan ihere of
and is iltended to infom the usel about the level ofthese currents ofthat part ofthe insiailation being merniterred.

RCMs are not intelded to provide protection agaimt electric shock.

Where an RCD is installed upstream of the RCM, it is recommended that the RCI\l be set to a residual actuatin-s
curent no higher than halfofthe rated residual operating current (I1") of the RCD.

It is recomnended that RCMs ale installed at the origin ofthe outgoing circuits.

RCMs shall initiate an audible and/or visual signal, which shall continue as long as the fault persists.

538.4.2 RCMS installed in lT systems I

In IT systerrs where interruption of the supply irr case ol a first insulation fault to earth is not required or not I

pemitted, RCMs rnay be installed to indicate the occurrence ofa first insulation fault from a live part to exposed- I

conductive-parts or to earth in accordance with Regulation 411.6.4.

Where used in IT systems, it is recommended to use directionally discriminating RCMs, in order to avoid unwanted
signalling of leakage cuffent w]ren high leakage capacitances are liable to exist downstream lrom the point of
installation ol the RCM.



Annex A53
Device functions and coordination
Table A53.1 - Devices and associated functions

Devices FunctioIrs
Product OCPD(N SCPDA' RCDO) Standard Overload Short-circuit Residurl Switching
protection protection current only
Circtit-breaker x BS EN 60947 2 Yes Yes No No

BS EN 60898 I

BS EN 60898-2

RCCB x BS EN 61008 series No No Yes No

BS EN 62423
RCBO x X BS EN 61009 series Yes Yes Ycs No

BS EN 62423
CBR x x BS EN 60947-2, Yes Yes Ycs No
Annex B

MRCDT x x BS EN 60947-2, Yes Yes Yes No

Annex M

ICB x BS EN 60947-2, No Yes No No

Annex O

Fusc * ith full x BS hN 60269 series Yes Ycs No No

rangc breaking
(e.g. gC. gM)ir)
Fuse with x BS EN 60269 series No Yes No No
partial range
(e.g. aMlr)
CPS x BS EN 60947-6-2 Yes Yes Ntr No

Contactor BS EN 60947-4- l No No No Yes

BS EN 61095

Overload relay BS EN 60947-4-1 Yes No No No

Switch or BS EN 60947-3 No No No Yes
-disconnector BS EN 60669-2-2

BS EN 60669-2-4

TSE BS EN 609,17-6-l No No No Yes

rr) fuse combination units according to BS EN 60947-3 are considered in this row
1r) generic abbreviations used in this docunent for devices
rr) when associated with a circuit-breaker

A53.1 Basis of correct co-ordination
uJr.,:::.,-j .- i ,!.!ie1 e(ri]rbination oftheir'
The basjs ofthe co-oldiuation between e)ectrical ccluipment is to take
,.lectrical ,'ltat'uttet'i<lrr'. irl older llr\l 1,, ilnpllr:
the safety olan installation (i.e. to avoid equipment combustion due to an electrical iaull). Comblned shorr-
circuit pr.otection ofOCPDs and back-up plotection by an OCPD lelate to the sattn ofan instailation
the safety due to continuiry of service, ifneeded (i.e. to restrict discomrection to the taulty circuil in case of
overcurrent or thult to earlil).

Selectivity between electrical devices provides continuity of seNice and thus avoids dargers lilked to the loss of
supply of speciflc cilcuits.

As3.2 Parameters
The panleters lbr the corect co-ot'dination between electrical devices rtay be:
- design cufl'ent
prospective shoft-cit'cuit or l'ault current
operating timc of devices
system voltage
energy (tet-through lrt values)
peak let-through current.

In addition, lbr fuses, the fbllowing parameterc should be corsidered:

pre-arcing Irt and pre-arcing time
operating Irt and opemting ti1ne.
\,r Device co-ordination table

TabteA53.2 shows the types ofcombinatiot ofdevices and cells to show how various tnodes ofco-ordination can
aft'ect safety.




Table 453.2 - Device co-ordination in a LV electrical installation

Rc!Ulition \lodes of co-ordinatioI1 Devices involved Impact on Impact or1 safely

safety of due to corltiruity of
installation service

536.4. t.2 Between OCPDs

536.4. L3

536.,1. r.1 Between RCDs Yes

Between OCPD and Yes


516.4 2.l Combined sholt-citcuit OCPDs Yes

5i(,.,1.2.1 Between OCPD and Yes
contactors. overload
Cullent ol time relays
based conditiolls 5i6.4.2.1 Back-up protection ir case Bet$'een OCPD and
ofshort-circuit switched TSE or
impu)se relays

516,1.2.4 Betweerr OCPD and Yes

5t6.,1.3.1 Bctuccn OCPD and Ycs
contactor or SCPD

516.4.1.2 Between OCPD and Yes

Protcclion in case ol switched TSE or
inpulse relays
5i6.'+.3.2 Between OCPD and Yos

Voltage based 516..14 SelcctiVity Bet\\,een OCPDs

conditions equipped rvith
undel-voltagc lclay

a53.3 Between circuit-breakers or circuit-breaker and cPS or circuit-breaker and overload

relay or circuit-breaker and motor starter

Sclcctivjty il1 casc ofoverload is vclificd by the con.rparison oftime/curert chamcteristics ofthe devices involved'
The naximum operating tirne of the device on the load side must be lower than the non{dpping tine
of the
in both the time and cunent axes provides
circuit-bteakel loi any ove oad currcnt. Separ-ation ofthe characteristics
seleclive opcraliol1 i0 this zonc.

A53.4 Between fuses

Selcctivity in case of ovetload is vclilled by the compalison of time/current chalacteristics of the fuses
Thc total operating time ofthe flrse on the load side must be lower than the pre-arcing time ofthe fuse on the_supply

sicle. Fuses to BS EN 60269-2 of the same utilization category (e.g. type gG) with rated curent
of l6 A and above
u.ill proviclc total selectivity ifthe ratio ofthe lated cunents is 1.6:1 or gleatel sepalation ofthe characteristics in
borh the time and current axes provides selective operation in this zone'

A53.5 Between circuit-breaker (upstream) and fuse (downstream)

Selectivity il case of overload is verificd by cotllparison of the time/cufent chamctefistics, taking into account
the tr-ip s;tting of the cilcuit-bteakel u,here applicable. When using published time-curent chalacte stics,
for device and the minimum operating time cuNe
olaximum opeiating titre cur\e must be taken the downstream
must be taken for the upstream device. Separation of the chamctelistics in both the time and
current axes provides
selqctive opcmtion in this zone.

453.6 Between fuse (upstream) and circuit-breaker (downstream)

into account the
Sclecti!ity in case oloverload is verified by comparison ofthe time/cuffent chamctefistics, taking
as given by
I ip setting of the cilcLiit-breaker \&ltere applicable. The nraximum operating tirne ofthe circuit-breaker
the nanutncturer lnust be lo\\,er tlran the ininimum pre-arcing tirne ofrhe fuse as given by the
in this zone'
Sepamtion of the chafacteristics in both the time and culrent axes prol'ides selective operation

A53.7 Between circuit-breakers
Generally, reference should be n.rade to the manufacturers'docunentalion.

In principle, selectivity is assured up to the fault current level at which the peak current lerthough ofthe downstrean
ciriuit-bieaker is less than the peak value conesponding to the instantaneous tripping ler el ofthe upstream cjrcuit-
breaker. Where the upstream circuit-breaker has dedicated selective behai iour. lhe selectility lilrit might be higher.

A53.8 Between fuses

Selectivity ilr case of shofi-citcuit is verilied by comparison of thc I:t values. The maximrur operating Irt value of
the fuse on tlte load side should be lower than the minimum pre-arcing []t value ofthe t'use on the supply side. Fuses
to BS EN 60269-1 of the same utilization categoly (e.g. type gG) with rated curett of l6 A and above will provide
total selectivity if the mtio ofthl3 rated currents is 1.6:1 or greater.

A53.9 Between circuit-breaker (upstream) and fuse (downstream)

Ttre peak let-through cu[ent of t[']e fuse should be lower than the minimum instantaneous tripping curent of the

Data for peak values of fuses should be taken from the relevant standard or the manufacturers' documentation. If
data is taken 1ioru the lnanufactulet. this should be stated in the documentation olthe installation.

A53.'l O Between fuse (upstream) and circuit-breaker (downstream)

The minimuru pre-arcing lrt value ofthe fuse should be higher than the maximum let-through Irt Yalue ofthe circuit-
breakcr for any shofi-circuit cun'ent up to the maximum prospective shofi-circuit cuffent to be considered. Data for
I:t values of f'uses should be taken fiom the relevant standard/or the malufacturers' documentation lf data is taken
frorn the matrulacturer. this should be stated in the documentation ofthe installation. The maximum let-through I:t
value ofthe circuit-breaker should be obtained ftom the manufacturers' data.

Possible fault currents in systems with semiconductors

Io the diagrams of the following Figure 453.1, circuits with most likely fault cuffents in connection with
semiconductor devices are shown.

Figure A53.'l - Possible fault currents in systems with semiconductors

Circuii diagram with fauh Shape of oad cuffent /L Shape of earlh fau I c!rent /F

RCD lripp ng

1 AC, A, F. B

2 AC. A. F. B

3 lingle

bridge A,F.B

Circuil diagram wilh iault Shape of oad .!(ent /L Shape of earih fau l curent /F

RCD t pp ng

5 Two pulse bridse, ha f conlrolled A,F,B



6 Slngle-phase wilh smooth .g B



wo-Pu se brldge betvveen phases B


8 B



9 B



542.1 General requiremenls
542.1.2 Supply arrangements
542.1.3 lnstallation earthing arrangements
542.2 Earth electrodes
542.3 Earthing conductors
542.4 Main earthing terminals or bars
543.1 Cross-sectional areas
543.2 Types of protective conductor
543.3 Preservation of electrical continuity of protective conductors
543.4 Combined protective and neutral (PEN) conductors
543.5 Earthing arrangements for combined protective and functional purposes
543.6 Earthing arrangements for protective purposes
543.7 Earthing requirements for the installation of equipment having high protective conductor
543.7.'l General
543.7 .2 Socket-outlet final circuits
544.1 Main protective bonding conductors
544.2 Supplementary bonding conductors



541 .1 Every ]lteans ofeathing and every protective conductor shall be selected and erected so as to satisty
the lequircDents of the Regulations.

541 .2 Thc earthirg systern ofan installation may be subdivided, in which case each parl thus divided shall
conply with the reqLLitements ol tltis chapter
541 .3 Where there is also a lightning protection system, reference shall be made to BS EN 62305'


542.',| General requirements

542.1.1 The eafihing arrangements ntay be usedjointly or separately fol protective and functional put-poses,
according to the rcquirenents of the installation

S4Z-1.201 The maill eafthjng teminal sha]l be connected with Eatlh by one of the methods described in
Regulations 542. .2. I to 542.1 .2.3 , as appropriate to the type of system ol which the installation is to
fom a pafi
and in corrpliarce with Regulations 542. I .3. I and 542. I .3.2.
NOTE: Reter to Pafi 2 and Appcrdix 9 lbr dellnitions ofsysten]s
542.1.2 Supplyarrangements
542.1.2-,1 For a TN-S system, rneans shall be provided for the main eatlhing terninal ofthe installation to be
colnectecl to the eafihed poillt ol the source of energy. Pafi of the connectiol rnay be fotmed by the distributor's
lires alld equipmerl.

542.1.2-2 TN,C-S systerr, wherc prcrective multipie earthilrg is ptovided, means shall be providcd lbr the
For a
main eafthing terminal oltlre installation to be connected by the distributol to the neutral ofthe source ofenergy'

For.a TT or IT systenl, the main eafthing temiual shall be connected via an eafthing conductor to
earth electrode corrplying with Regulation 542.2

542.1.2.4 Whcr.e the supply to an ilstallation is at high voltage, protection against faults between the high
voltage supply and earth shall be provided in accordalce with Section 442
542.1-3 lnstallationearthingarrangements
542/1.3.1 The earthing arangements slla1L be such that:
(i) the value of impeclance from the consrnner''s main earthing terminal to the earthed poil1t ofthe suppty tbr TN
systens" or Earlh tbr TT and tT systens, is in accordance with the protective and functional requirements

ofthe ilstallation. and cottsidered to be continuously effective, and

(ii) earth l'ault cul.lents a[d protective conductor cuffents which may occul are carried without dangel,
particularly fiom thertnal, thelnomechanical and electromechanical stresses, and
(iii) they are adequately robust or have additional mechanical protection appropriate to the assessed conditions
of cxternal inlluel ce.

S4Z-,1.3.2 plecautions shall be taken against the risk ofdamage to other rrctallic pafts through electlolysis.

542.1.3,3 Where a lumber of installations have separate eafthing arrangernents. any protective conducto$
to flow
conunou to aury of these installatiols shall eithel be capable of carrying the rnaxillnm fault cu[ent )ikely
through rhem or be ear.thecl withiD one installatiofl olly and insulated t'rom the eatlhilg an'angements of a1ly other
instaliation. I11 thc latter circumstances, if the plotective conductor fonls part ofa cable, the protective conductot
shall bc earthecl only in the installation containing the associated protectivc device

542.2 Earth electrodes

542.2.1 1'he design userl fbr, and the colstruction of, an eafth electrode shall be such as to rvithstand dautage
and to take account of possible increase in resistalce due to corrosiol't'
542.2.2 Suitablc carth electrodes shall be used. The lbllou rni :..:r - : i:fih electr.odc are recosnized for the
purposcs of the Regulations:

(i) Earth rods or pipes

(ii) Earth tapes ol wires
(iii) Earth plates
(iv) Underground shxctural metalwork elrbedded in fourdations or other metal$ ork installed in the foundations
(v) Welded metal reinlorcernent ofconcrete (except pre-stressed concrete) embedded in the ground
(vi) Lead sheaths ard other netal coverings ofcables. where not precluded bl.Regulation 542.2.5
(vii) othcr suitable underground metalwork.
NOTE: Ftulher inlb ration on earlh electrodes can be found in BS 7.1i0.

542.2.3 Where foundation earth electrodcs are installed. the materials and dinrensions ofthe earlh electrodes
shall be selected to withstand corrosion and to have adequate mechanical strength.
NOTE: lfa lighhiDg protection system (LPS) is present. BS EN 62305-l applies.

542.2.4 The type and embedded depth ofan earrh electrode shall be such that soil drying and freezing will
not increase its resistance above the required value.

rl 542.2.5 The usc. as al eatl}t electrode, ofthe lead sheath or other metal covering ofa cable shall be subject
to all ofthe following conditions:
(i) Adequate precar.rtions shall be taken to prcvent excessive deterioration by corrosion
(ii) The sheath or covering shall be in cft'ective contact with Earth
(iii) The consent ofthe ouner ofthe cable shall be obtained
(iv) Auangements shall exist fot the owner ofthe electrical installation to be wamed ofany proposed change to
the cable which rnight aft'ect its suitability as an eartlr electrode.

542.2.6 A metallic pipe for gases or flan.rmable liquids shall not be used as an earth electrode. The metallic
pipe ofa water utility supply shall not be used as an earth electrode. Other rnetallic water supply pipework shall not
be used as an earth electrode unless precautions are taken against its removal and it has been considered for such a use.

542.2.7 Ar carth electrode shall not consist ofa metal object immersed in water
542.2.8 Wherc an eanh electrode consists ofparts that mustbe connected together, connections shall be made
by rveldiug, pressule connectoN, c]amps or other stlitable mechanical connectors.

542.3 Earthing conductors

542.3.1 Every earthing conductor shall comply with Section 543 and, where PME conditions apply, shall
meet the requirements of Regulation 544.1.1 for the cross-sectional area of a main protective bonding conductor.
:TN In additiou, where buried in the ground, the eafthing conductor shall have a cross-sectional axea not less than that
1:11ts stated in Table 54. l. For a tape or stdp conductor, the thickness shall be such as to withstand mechanical damage
and conosion.
:-:ieI. NOTE: For futther infunnation sce BS 7430.

::tol1s TABLE 54.1 -

Minimum cross-sectional area of a buried earthing conductor

Not protected against mechanical

. .,tors
Protected against colrosion by a 2.5 mmr copper 16 mnrr copper
io* sheadr
- -,rheL l0 mmr steel 16 rnmr coated steel
:.atol' Not protected against coffosion 25 nrml copper'

50 mnl: steel

542.3.2 The connectiol'l of an earthing conductor to an earth electrode or otlret means of earthing shall
--:nlge be soundly rlade and be electrically and mechanically satisfactory. and labelled in accordance with Regulation
s14.13.1(i). It shrll be suitahlr protccted aeainsl corro\ior. li
542.4 Main earthing terminals or bars
542.4.1 h eren installation a main earthi g rel.util1al shall be provided 10 connect the lbllowing to the
eafihing conductor:
(i) The cilcuit protective corlductols
(ii) The protective bonding conductols
(iii) Functionalearthingconductors(ifrequiled)
(iv) Lightnirg protection systern bondir)g cordLrclor. if any (see Rcguiatiorl 4l1.3.1.2).
542,4.2 To thcilitate rneasule[e|t oftlie fcsislancc ot the eafil]ing alrangements, nlealrs shall be provided in
an accessible position tbr alisconnecting the eafi[ring conductor'. Such means may conveniently be cornbined with
the main earthilg ternrinal or bar'. Any joint shall be capable of discorulection orrly by means ola tool.


543.1 Cross-sectional areas

543.1.1 The cross-sectional area of evely protective corrductor, other thall a protective bonding conductor,
shall be:
(i) calculated in accordance with Regulation 543.1.3. or
( ii) selected in accordance witb Regulation 543.1.4.

Calculation in accoldance with Regulation 543. LJ is necessary iltlre choice olcross-sectional area olline conductors
has been dcteuined by consitlerations of shorrcircLrit cuu'ent and if the eath lhult cunent is expected to be less
thar the short-circr.rit curlelrt.

lf the protective conducfor':

(iii) is rot an integral part of a cable, or
(iv) is not formed by conduit, dlLcting or tlunkirlg. or
(v) is not cortaiued in an encloslre tbt.lrrcd by a wiring system,

the cross-sectional area shall be oot less than 2.5 [un] copper equivalent ifprotection agairst rnechanical damage
is provided, ard 4 Drrur copper equivalcnt il'nrcchanical p|oteclioI is not plovided (see also Regulation 54i.3.I ).

For a protective conductor Lruried in the ground Rcguiation 542.1.1 fbr earthing conductors also applies. The cross-
sectional area of a protective bot]dillg co[dLrctol sha]l cornply with Section 544.

543,1.2 Where a protective conductol is comrlon to two ol mole cilcLlits. its closs-sectional arca shall be:
(i) calculated i[ accordalce with RcgulatioD 5u13, 1.3 fbl the r)rost onerous of the values of 1aLilt cunent alld
operating time encountered in each of the valior-ts circuits. ot'
(ii) selected in accodance with Rcgulntion 543.1,4 so as to correspond to the closs-sectiolal area ofthe Iargest
lire cordirclor ol'the cir(uil:.
543,1.3 The cross-sectional alea. whete calculated, sliall be not less than tlre valuc dctcrnined by the
followirg lbnlrula or shall be obtained by rel'er:ence to tsS 7454r

S: il{k
NOTE: Tltis equatio[ is aD adiabatic cquatioo .rntl rs applicable fbr disconneciion times not exceeding 5s.

S ofthe corductol in nrml
is the nominal cross-sectiooal area
I is the value in amperes (rus tbr AC) of fault culrert lbr a thult ol negligible impeda[ce, which can
flow through the associatecl protective device- due account being taken of the cufferrt ]inliting elTect
ofthe circuit ill1pedances and tlre linriting capabi]it] (lrt) olthat protective device
t ofthe protective device in seconds corresponding to the t'ault cu el'rt I anperes
is the operating tilr're
k is a factor taking accoult oftl]e resistivity. teurpelatule coeflicient and heat capacity olthc conductor
lnaterial, and the appropriate initial and linal lenrperatrLres.

\hlues of k ior pr.rre.-rir e conductors in \ aliolls use or j-i.l
service are as given ln Tiibl.. 10 6. The vaiues are based
on d1c initial and final tempcralures indicated in each
\\ here the applicatiotl ofthe formula produces a non-standard
size. a conrluclrrr harinr a larger. starldard closs-
iectionai area shall be used

TABLE 54.2 _
values of k for insulated protective conduclor not incorporated
in a cable and not bunched with cables,
or for seperate bare protective conductor in contact wiih
Jr" but not bunched with cables,
where the assumed initial temperature is 30 "C

Irsulatioll ofprotective conductor or cablc covcrir!:

\laterial ofconduclor
70 "c 90.c 90 "t'
thermoplasric thennoplastic themlosettins
( opper
143/133'k l43i13l* 176
Alurrinium 95/88* 95j883 lt6
Stecl 52 52 64
Assumed irlitial temperature 30 "c 30 "c 30 "c
Final temDemhn-. 160 "c/140 "c'N 160'C/1.10'C* 250 "C
{bove 300 urnrr

TABLE 54.3
Values of k for protective conductor incorporated in a
cable or bunched with cables,
where the assumed initial temperature is 70.C or greater

Insulation material
\latcrial ol conductor
70 "c 90 .c 90.(
thermoplastic tl'rel.lnoplastjc thcfirosetting
L opp.'r' i t5/103'l 100/86* i43
llunrinium 76t68* 66!57* 94
lisuurcd initial tcnlperaturc .c
70 90.(' 90
: rnal lenrrT er'anrre
160.C/t40.c* 160'C/140.C* 250 .C
* \bove 300 mm-l

TABLE 54.4 -
Values of k for for the sheath or armour of a cable as the protective
Insulatiolt l'natc.ial
\hr!'r'ial of conduclor
70 "c 90 .(' 90 "c
thennoplastic the]]noplastic thelntosellinc
-{lumtnlum 9i 85 85
5t 46 16
Lead )6 23 23
\ssumcd iuitial tclrperaturc 60.c 80'c 80 "c
Final tcrnperatur-c 200 .c 200 "c 200.c

TABLE 54.5 -
Values of k for steel conduit, ducting and trunking as the protective
Irsulation nlatcrial
laterial olprotcctivc conductor
70 'c 90 "c 90.c
thermopiastic thermoplastic 1l'r!'rnroseltinq
: :-. ronduit. du!^ling and tr 47 ,+.1
. - .:neLl tnitial lentpc ltuae .c
50 "c 60 60.c
:Clllocrlhr|i: 160 "C t60.c 250.C
TABLE 54.6 -
Values of k for bare conductor where there is
no risk of damage to any neighbouring material by the temperature indicated
NOTE: The telnpemtures indicated are valid only where they do not impair the quality ofthe connectioDs.
Material ofcotduclot Visible and in Normal conditions Fic risk
lcstl-ic1ed areas

Copper 159 I38

Aluminiun 125 105 9l
Stecl 82 58 50

AssLrnred initial tenlperature 30'cl l0'c l0 "c

Final ternperalure
Coppcr corlductor 500'c 200 "c 150'c
Alunri iun] conductor' 300.c 200 .c 150 "C
Steel conductor 500 "c 200 "c 150'c

543.1.4 Whele it is desired not to calculate the minimum cross-sectional area of a protective conductor in
accordance with Regulatir:n 543. L3, the cross-sectional area rnay be detennined in accordance with Table 54.7.

Where the application of Table 54.7 produces a non-standard size, a conductor having a larger standard cross-
sectional area shall be used.

. TABLE 54.7 -
Minimum cross-sectional area of protective conductor
in relation to the cross-sectional area of associated line conductor

lvlininrLnr cross sectional area ofthe corr-cspondinS pR)tective concluctor-

C ross ricclional alca oflirrc
colrductor lfthe plotective conductor is Ifthe protective corductor is
ofthe same material not ofthe sarne nraterial
as thc linc conductor as the line conductor
(1111nr) (rnmr)

s< 16



kl is the value of k lbr the line conductor, selected from Table 43.1 in Chapter 43 according to the
materials ofboth cor'rductor and insulation.
k, is the vaiue ofk lbl the protective conductor', selected fl'onr lables 54.2 to 54.6, as applicablc.

543.2 Types of protective conductor
one or nlore of th' tbiilr$ ing:
543.2,1 A protective conductor ma"v col]sist of
(i) A single-cote cable
(ii) A corductot in a cable
\a-ith insulated live conductors
(iii) An insulated or bare conductor in a common ellclosurc
(iv) Aiixed bare or insulated conducto
or amotu ing of a cable
(v) A nletai coYering, tbr exanrple' tile sheath' screen continuous suppofi
other encloswe or electrically
(vi) A rnetai conduit' metaliic cable managei'nent systelr ol
sYstem for condLlctors
543 2 6
(vii) an extaneous-conductive-pafi complying rvith Regulation
or controlgear assembly or busbar
enclosute ot frame of a lorv voltage switchgear
543,2.2 Whete a metal
truoking systefl is r.,,"d u' u p'ottci'i
t-0"*t' ii shall satisfy the.following three requirements: such a way as
construction or by suitable connection'
(i) Its electrical continuity shall be assured' eitherorbyelectrochcmical deterioration
to bc plotectcd agai"tt t"tf.'u'itui "f''trlical
*i,f., ifr. apiropriate part ofBS EN 61439
verified by test in a..orOun"" tap-offpoint'
irr protective conducto$ at eveq/ predetemined
(iii)It shall pemlit the connection ofother
wires or other flexible metallic
pafis' or
oil pipe' flexible ol ptiable conduit' support
.l 543.2.3 A gas pipe, an
iti ,r",r*r service, shall not be selected
as a protective conductor'
constructional parts ,uu1..t to nr.Jilunl.'ut^.ir*r
543 2 1 and of cross-
described in items (i) to (iv) of Regulation
543.2.4 A protective conductor of the type s
be ofcoppet'
sectional arca [0 mtnr or less' shall
of a cable' in particular the sheath of
sheath ffare
543.2.5 Thc metal covering including the 1111r,*1ated'
purposes and metal conduit, may be used as a protectlve
,nineral insulated caur", t*nting iJ
Jrrcti,ig fol
"le"tri"al (ii) of Regulation 543 2.2'
corductor fbr the asro"iur.a .o.uir.irl;,
,"ii!n", u*r,, *orirernents of items 1i) and
extlaneous-conductive-pafi may
be used as a
prohibited by Regulation 54323':n
543.2.6 Except as
the follorving requitemerts:
ii"l"",ir. .""ar""r'if it s;tisflcs all connection' in such a way as to
assured' cither by construction or by suit:ble
(i) Electrical contrnuity shall be
be protccted agalnst
t}'"tical or electrociremical dcterioration
its removal
shall be taken againsl
(iii) Unless compelsatory measures aIe providecl' precautiolls
suitably adapted'
(iu) t, hu. b..n aotsidered for such a ttse and' iflecessary'
tntnking or ducting or the metal sheath
plotective conductor is lbrmed by metal conduit'
543.2.7 Where the
ol each accessory shall be connected by
a separate protectlve
a'd,,or amor,rr of a cable. tlre ."rtr.,irg
in the lssociated box or other enclosure'
conductot to atl eartf i"g t"'-l'ittoi intoiorated

543.2.8 Not usecl

543.2.9 whele the cllcnrt

Except whele circLrit eorr
oro[eclrve cond*toi
protective -iy
543.2.9 ,,,g n"uf air.r,,t shall also be mn in the
*^o*i"r{ orofthe
urs ling' the circuit prgtecti\.:.con1::to]^::-tn
all 01 the conouctors rrrrE'l
"';."d ffi;;hing teminal at the ^.,"'".rthe cilcuit.
origin of the circuit'
lbmr ol a ring having both etrds conr
shall oot be used as a PEN conductor
543.2.',10 A separate lretal enclosure for cable
of protective conductors
543.3 Preservation of electrical continuity
chemical deteriol.ation and
protected against mechanical and
s43.3.1 Aprotective coudnctor shall be suitably
eiectrodynanric effccts'
except as
for inspection' testing and maintenance
543.3"2 Every connection ard joint shall be accessible
orovided by Regulation 526'3

543.3.201 A protective conductor havrlg a cross-sectiorlal area Llp to and including 6 rnurr shall be protected
throughout by a cove|ing at leasl equivalcut to that plovided by the insulation of a single cole rron-sheathed cable
ofappropriate size having a voltage latirlg ofat least 450/750 \2. except lbr the lbllowing:
(i) A protectiv(] conductor forning parl of a nlultiool e cable
(ii) A netal couduit. metallic cable malagenrert systelD or other elclosure or electrically co[tir]uous supporl
systerr tbr conductols. rvlrere lsecl rs a protective conductol.

Whele the sheath of a cablc' incorporatilg alt rurirtsirlated prolcctive corlductor of cross-sectional alea up to atrd
including 6 urnr is reuroved adjacent to.joiuts and ternilations. the protective colductol shall be pr-otected by
insulating sleeving complying with BS EN 60684 selies.

543.3.3.101 No switchirg device shali be irseted i[ a protective conductor, except:

(i) as pemitted by Regulation 537.1.5
(ii) a multipole, linked switching in whjch the plotective corlductor cilcuit is not interupted before the live
conductors and is re-established lot later than wheu the liYe conductors are recornected
(iii) a switching device interlocked with a multipole. linked switching device i[serted in the live conducto$
such that the protective conductor circuit shall not be interrupted before the live couductors ald shall be
re-established lot later than when the live coodLicto$ are reconnected. or
(iv) amultipole plug-in device in which the plotective conductol circuit shall not be intenupted belble the live
conductors and shall be le-established not later thau whetr the live conductors are reconnected.

Switchilg devices provided in accordance with (i). (ii), (iii) and (iv) shall meet the requirerreuts olChapter 46 and
Section 537 fol a device tbr isolation.

Joints for test purposes that can be discoruected o11ly by the use ofa tool rray be insefied in a proteqtive conductor.

543"3,4 Where electrical eartll rnonitoring is used. rur dedicated devices (e.9. operatitrg sensors. coils) shall
be connected in series \\,ilh tlle protective cotductor (see BS 4444).

543.3.5 An exposed-conductive-part of eqLripment shall 1lot be used to lbrm a protectivc conductor fol other
equipment except as provided by Regulations 543.2.I . 543.2.2 and 543.2.5.

543.3.6 Eve$/joiut in nretallic couduit sha1l be mechanically and electrically continuous.

543.4 Combined protective and neutral (PEN) conductors

543.4.1 PEN corductor shall not be Lrsed witlriu au inslallation except as pemitted by Regulation 541.4.2.
NOTE: Rcgulation 8(4) ol dre Elcctricity Safity. Quality ancl Corrtinuity Regulations (ESQCR) prohibits thc usc of PEN
conductors irl corls lncrs' ilrstallations

543.4.2 The provisions ofRcgulations 543.4.3 to 54J..1.8 rlray bc applied only:

(i) whcre any necessary autllorization i'or us!'of a PEN conductor has been obtaincd and where the installation
complies with the cotditions lbr that authodzation. or
(ii) where the installation is supplied by a privately o\\,red transfolmer or conveftor in such a way that there is
11o metallic connection (except fbr the eanhing conllection) with the distributol's networ-k, cu
( iii) whele the supply is obtained flonl a plivale gerreratiug plant.
543.4.3 If, fi-orn any poillt ofthe instailation. the neut|al aDd protective functions are plovided by separate
conductors, those corlductols shall lrot thel1 be reco[rected together bcyond that point. At the point of sepalation.
separate tenninals ol bars shall be plovided 1br the protective and [eutral conductols. The PEN conductor shall
be connected to the te ninals or bar intended for d]e protective earthil'lg conductor and the neLLtrai conductor. The
corductarce ofthe teurinal link or bar shall be not less than that specilied in Regulation 543.4.5.

543,4,4 The outer conductor of a concentric cable shall rot be coluron to nrore than one cilcuit. This
requirernent does not preclude the use ola trviu or nulticr-rre cable to sel've a nu[]ber ofpoints contained withiu one
final circuit.

543.4.5 The conductance ofthe outer conductor ot a concentric cable (fleasuled at a ten]pelatue of20 "C) shall:
(i) for a single-corc cable. be not less thal that ofthe intenul conductor
(ii) fbr a multicore cable serving a r:urnber of points cortained withirr one linal circuit or having the intemal
conductors connected in parallel. bc no1 lcss than that ol the internal conductors connected in parallel.

543.4.6 At er er.l ioint ir't tl'te outcr conductor ola conccntt:; - -::.: 'il a rcrmination. the continuiq of
by'' a conductot additional
lhat.joint shall be su1'rpletnented to an\ r'11.',:-' .':.: :.rr sealing arrd clalrping tl]e oritel'
corlductor. The corductatrce ofthe additiorlal conductot shall be noi l:., : .; specilied in Regulatiott 543.4.5
tin thc outer colductol.
543.4.7 No means ofisolatiol.t or switching shall be inserted in the outer conductor of a concentric cable.

543.4.8 Excepting a cable to BS EN 60702-1 installed in accordance \\'ith th!' manuthctlrer's instructiol]s.
the pEN conductor olevery cable shall be insulated or have ar insulating cor cring .uitable ibr the highest voltage
to which it uray be subjected.
543.4.201 For a fixed installation. aconductor ofa cabte not subject to flexing and har ing a cross-sectional area
not less than l0 mrrr lor copper or l6 mmr for aluminium may serve as a PEN conductor pro\ ided thal the part of
the installation concemed is not supplied through an RCD.

543.5 Earthing arrangements for combined protective and functional purposes

543,5,1 Where earthing for combined plotective and filnctional puryoses is tequiled. tlte requirements firt'
protective mcasulcs shall take precedcnce

543.6 Earthing arrangements for protective purposes

543.6.1 where overcuffent protective devices are used for fault protectio1r. the protective conductor shall be
incel'pomtcd ill tl']e same wi ng system as the live conductors or in their immediate proximity'
543.7 Earthing requirements for the installation of equipment having high protective
conductor currents
543.7 .1 General

I 543,7.1.20'l Equipmcnt having a protective conductor curent exceeding 3.5 lllA bul l'Iot exceeding 10 mA- shall
bc L'ither penranently connected to the fixed wifitlg ofthe installation \\,itl']out the use ofa plug and socket-outlet
connccted by Ineans ofa plug and sockeloutlet complying with BS EN

543,7,1.202 Equiprrent having a plotcclivc conductol. current exceeding l0 rrA shall be collectcd to the supply
bl one olthc following tnethods:
(i) permal1ently corrnected to the wiring ofthe installation, with the protectivc colductor selected in accordancc
with Rcgulation 543.7.1 .203. The pemanent connection to the wiling lnay be by nrcans of a flexiblc cable
1ii) A flexible cablc wilh a plug and socket-outlet conplying with BS EN 60309-2. provided that either:
(a) the protective conductor ofthe associated flexible cable is ofa cross-sectional aleit not less than 2.5rrmr
for plugs rated at 16 A and llot less tllan 4 mmr fot plugs t'ated ah()vc l6 A- ot
(b) the protective conductor olthe associated flexible cable is of a cross-scctioltal area not less than that of
The lir're conductor
(iii) A protective conductor complying with Section 543 with an eadh lnonitoring system to BS 4444 installed
which, in the eYent ola continLrity 1ault occurring i1,] the plotective colductor. auto)natically disconnects d]e
supply to the equiPmert.

543.7.1.203 The rviring of every final circuit ard distribution circuit irtended to supply one or |nore items of
:quipment. such that the lotal protective conductor cunent is likely to excced l0 lnA. shall have a high inregrity
t' :iorective corlnection complying with o:re'or more ofthe lollowing:
(i) A sirgle protective condlLctol'having a cross-sectiolal area ofnot less tlran l0 tnn2. complying with the
requirerrents ofRegulations 543 2 and 543.3
i ii) A single copper protective conductol. having a ctoss-sectional area of not less than 4 tnmr. complyitlg
with ii,c r.equi.ements ofRegulations 543.2 and 543.3, the plotective conductor being enclosed to provide
additional protection against uechanical damage, for example. within a flexible conduit
iii) Two ildividual plotective conductols, each complying with the requiletnellts of section 543. The two
pr.otective conductors may bc ofditlerent types, e.g. a lnetal conduit togethel with an additional conductol'
of a cable enclosed in tlle same colduii.

.,.rire the two indivirtual protective conductors are both incoryorated in a uulticole cable. the total cross-sectioDal
l0 1nlr1r. One of the prote.'tivc
---'l of all the conducton including thc'live conductors shall be not less than
wire braid sclecn incorporatid in the const:uction of
- :,luctors may be fbrmed by th.,',',.tullia sheath, annour or
-. iable and couplying r,vith Regulation 5'13.2.5

(iv) An eafih monitoling systelr to BS 4444 may be installed which, in theeventofa continuity fault occurring
ilt the protective couductol, automatically disconnects the supply to the equipment
(v) Connection ofthe equipDrert to the supply by means ofa double-wound transformer ol equivalent unit, such
as a motor-altenator set. the prctective conductor ofthe illcoming supply being connected to the exposed-
condlLctive-parts ofthe equiprnent and fo a point ofthe secondary winding ofthe h?nsfoflner ol equivalent
device. The protecrive conductor(s) between the equipmeflt and the tr-anstbrmer or equivalent device shall
comply with one ofrhe an'argemerts described in (i) to (iv) above.

543,7,1,204 Where two protective conductors are used in accordance with Regulation 543.7.1.203(iii), the ends
ofthe protective conductors shall be terminated independently ofeach other at all connection poillts throughout the
circuit. e.g. the distlibution board, julction boxes and socket-outlets. This requires an accessory to be provided with
two sepamte carth teminals.

543.7.1-205 At the distribution boald inibmation shall be provided indicating those circuits having a high
protcctive conductor curent. This informatjon shall be positioned so as to be visible to a person who is modifying
or extendiug the circuit.
543.7 .2 Socket-outlet final circuits
543.7.2.201 For a tinal circuit with a number of socket-outlets or connection units intended to supply two or
nore items ofequipment, where it is know1l or reasonably to be expected that the total plotective conductor current
in uonnal service will exceed l0 urA. the circuit shall be provided with a high integrity protective conductor
courrection con'rplying with the requirements ofRegulation 543.7.1. The ibllowing arangements ofthe final circuit
are acceptable:
(i) A rfug final circuit with a ring protective conductor Spurs, if provided, require high integrity protective
conductor corulectiots complying with the requirements of Regulation 543.7.1
1ii) A radial final circLdt with a single protective conductol':
(a) the protective corductor being connected as a ring, or
(b) a separate protective conductor being provided at the final socket-outlet by connectiot'r to the netal
conduit ol ducting. or
(c) where two or moLe sinilar radial circuits supply socket-outlets i[ adjacent areas and are fed fiom thc
same distribution board, have identical means of short-circuit and overcurrelt protection and circuit
protective conductoLs of the same cross-sectional area, then a second protective conductor may be
provided at the final socket-outlet on one circuit by comection to the plotective conductor ofthe adjacent
(iii) Other circuits complyirg raitJr dre requirements of Regulation 543.7.1.


544.1 Main protective bonding conductors

544.1.'l Except where PME conditions apply, a main protective bonding conductor shall have a cross-
sectional alea tlot less than half the closs-sectional alea required for the earthing conductor of the installatiol al1d
not less thar 6 mmr. The uoss-sectiolal area need not exceed 25 mm] if the bonding conductor is of copper or a
closs-sectional area allbrding equivalent conductance in other metals.

Except tbl highway power supplies and street funiture, where PME conditions apply the main protective bonding
conductor shall be selected in accordance with the PEN conductor ofthe supply and Table 54.8.

Where an ilstallation has lnore than one source ofsupply to which PME conditions apply, a main protective bonding
conductol shall be selected accor-ding to the largest PEN conductor ofthe supply.

TABLE 54.8 -
Minimum cross-sectional area of the main protectjve bonding conductor
in relation to the PEN conductor of the supply
Local distributor's lll]tlvork conditions may r-equie a largcr conducir,i
Copper equivalent cross-sectional ar.ea ofthe PEN Minimunr copper equir alent* cross-sectional area
conductor olthe main bonding conductor
35 mmr or less 10 mml
over 35 mmr up to 50 nrmr I 6 n.rm:
ovel 50 mnl] up to 95 mlnl 25 mrnl
over 95 mmr up to 150 mml 35 mn-rr
over 150 runl 50 mt'r:
* The l't'liniu'tuu copper equivalelt closs-sectional area is given by a copper bonding conductor ofthe tabulated
cross-scctioral arca or a bonding conductor ofanother metal affor.ding equivalent conductance.

544.'1.2 Tlre main protective bonding couection to any extraneous-conductive-paft such as gas, water or I
.:, othcr metallic pipework or service shall be rnade as near as practicable to the point of eDtry of that part into the
:_.1 premises. Where there is a meter, isoJation point or urion, the connection shall be made to the consumer's hard metal
!'f pipework and befote any branch pipework. Wherc pmcticable the connection shall be made within 600 mm ofthe
-.ll meter outlet union or at the point of enn), to the building ifthe meter is exterual.

544,2 Supplementarybondingconductors
544.2'1 A supplementary bonding conductor connecting two exposed-conductive-parts shalt have
a conductance, if sheathed ot otherwisc provided with mechanical protection, not less than that of the smaller
protective colductor connected to the exposed-conductive-parts. Ifmechanical protection is not provided, its cross-
sectional area shall be not less than ,1 mmr.
544.2.2 A supplementaty bonding conductor connecting an exposed-conductive-pa1t to an exfaneous-
conductive-paft shall have a conductance, if sheathed or otherwise provided with mechanical protection, not less
ihe thal halfthat ofthe protective conductor conlrected to tlre exposcd-conductive-part. Ifmechanical protection is not
:;uit provided. its cross-sectional alea shall be uot less than 4 mmr.
: tre
raL'l]t 544.2.3 A supplelnentary bonding conductor connecting two extraneous-conductive-parts shall have a cross-
sectional area r'tot less tha[ 2.5 rnmr if sheathed or otherwise provided with mechanical protection or 4 nm, if
rrechanical protection is not provided, except that where one ofthe extraneous-conductive-pafts is connected to an
exposed-conductive-par1 ir colnpliance with Regulation 544.2.2. tl1at regulation shall apply also to the condrLctor
connecting the two c\ tra neous-conJ uc rive-pa m..

544.2.4 Except where Regr"rlation 544.2.5 applies, supplementary bonding shall be provided by a
supplementary cotlductor, a conductive part ofa pennalrent and reliable nature, or by a conrbination ofthese.
n and 544'2.5 Where supplenrentary bonding is to be applied to a ilxed appliance which is supplied via a shorl
,.r or a length of flexible cable iiom an adjacent connection unit or other accessory, incorporating a flex outlet, the circuit
protective conductor within the flexible cablc shall be dcemed to provide the suppleme[tary bonding connection to
the exposed-conductive-pafis ofthe appliance. fiom the earthing terminal in the connection unit or other accessory.

L iLiing
550.1 Scope
551 .1 Scope
551 .2 General requirements
551.3 Protective measure: Extra-low voltage provided by SELV or PELV
c5 t .J. I Additional requirements for SELV and PELV
551.4 Fault protection
551.4.3 Protection by automatic disconnection of supply
551.4.4 Additional requirements for protection by automatic disconnection where
551.5 Protection against overcurreni
551.6 Additional requirements for installations where...
551 .7 Additional requirements for installations where...
551.8 Requirements for installations incorporaiing stationary batteries
552.1 Rotating machines
553.1 Plugs and socket-outlets
553.2 Cable couplers
554.1 Electrode water heaters and boilers
554.2 Heaters for liquids or other substances having immersed heating elements
554.3 Water heaters having immersed and uninsulated heating elements
554.4 Heating conductors and cables
555.1 Autotransformers and step-up transformers
557 .1 Scope
557 .3 Requirements for auxiliary circuits
557.3.1 General
557.3.201 Control circuits
557.3.2 Power supply for auxiliary circuits dependent on the main circuit
557.3.3 Auxiliary circuit supplied by an independent source
557.3.4 Auxiliary circuits with or without connection to earth
Power supplies for auxiliary circuits
557.3.6 Protective measures
557 .4 Characteristics of cables and conductors
557 .4.1 lvlinimum cross-sectional areas
Requirements for auxiliary circuits used for measurement
557.5.1 General
557.5.2 Auxiliary circuits for direct measurement of electrical quantiiies
557.5.3 Auxiliary circuits for measurement of electrical quantities via a transformer
557 .6 Functional considerations
557.6.1 Voltage supply
557 .6.2 Quality of signals depending on the cable characteristics
557.6.3 Measures to avoid the loss of functionality
557 .6.4 Current-limiting signal outputs
557.6.5 Connection to the main circuit

557.6.6 Plug-in connections


559.1 Scope
559.3 General requirements for installations
559.4 Protection of the surroundings against thermal
559.4.1 General
559.5 Wiring systems
559.5.1 Connection to ihe fixed wiring
559.5.2 Fixing of luminaires
559.5.3 Through wiring
559.5.4 Devices for connection of luminaires to the supply
559.5.5 Groups of luminaires
within luminaires
559.5.6 Protection against heat and UV radiation effects
559.6 lndependent lamp controlgear, e g ballasts
559.7 Compensation caPacitors
for luminaires
559.8 Protection against electric shock for display stands
559.9 StroboscoPic effect
559.'10 Ground-recessed luminaires
550.1 Scope
Chapter 55 specifies requirements and recommendations for the selection and erection of low voltage electrical
equipment not covered by other parts ofBS 7671 except Pafi 7, intended to be pan ofthe fixed installation.


551.1 Scope
This scction applies to low voltage and extra-low vo)tage installations which incorporate generating sets i[tended to
supply, either continuously or occasionally, all or part ofthe installation. Reqr.rirements are included 1br installations
with the following supply affargernerlts:
(i) Supply to an installatiol which is not conltected to a system for dist bution ofelectlicity to the public
(ii) Supply to an iustallation as an altemative to a system for distribution ofelectricity to the public
(iii) Supply to ao instaliation in palallel with a system for distributiou ofeleotricity to the public
(iv) Appropriate conbirrations ofthe above.

This section does not apply to sell'-contained items of extralow voltage electrical equiprnent which incorporate
both the source of erergy aud the e[ergy-using load and for which a specific product standard exists that includes
thc lequrreurenl. lbl elcctrrtal saletl.
NOTE: Whcre a gcncratiDg set with an output not exceedirg l6 A is to be connected in parallelwith a system fot distribution
ol electiicity to the public. procedures for infoflning the electricity distributor are given in the Electricity Sattty,
Quality and Continuity Rcgulations (ESQCR). tn addition to the ESQCR requirements, where a gelerating set with
an outpui cxceeding 16 A is to be connected in parallel with a system for distribution of electricity to the public,
requir-eDrents of the electricity distributor should be ascertained beforc thc generating set is connected. Requirernents
ofthe dishibutor for thc conncction ofunits ratcd up to 16 A are given in BS EN 50,138.

551.1.1 Generating sets with the fbllowing power sources are considered:
(i) Cornbustiolengines
(ii) Turbines
(iii) Electric Dotors
(iv) Photovoltaiccells
(v) Electrochemicalaccurnulato$
(vi) Other suitable sources.
551.1,2 Generating sets with the following electdcal chamcteristics are considered:
(i) Mains-excited and separatcly excited synclnonous generators
(ii) Mains-excited and self-excited asynchronous generators
(iii) Mains-commutated and sell'-conmutated static convefiors with or without bypass facilities.
551.1.3 The use of generating sets for the following purposes is considered:
(i) Supply to penlanent installations
{iit Supply lo tcnrporaq installations
(iii) Supply to mobile equiplnent which is not cornected to a permanert fixed installation
(iv) Supply to mobile units (Section 717 also applies).
551.2 General requirements
55'1,2,1 The means ofexcitation and commutation shall be appropriate for the intended use ofthe generating
set and thc salety and proper functioning of other sources of supply shall not be impaired by the generating set.
551,2.2 prospective shofi-circuit cuuent and prospective eadh fault curent shall be assessed for each
source ofsupply or coflrbinatiorr ofsources which can operate independently ofother soulces ol combinations. The
shot-circuit mting of protective devices within the installatior.r and, where appropriate, connepted to a systen fot'
distribution ol electdcity to the prrblic, shall not be exceeded for any of the intended nethods of operation of the

551,2,3 Where the genercting set is intended to provide a suppl) Io an installaiion \\hich is not connected to
a systeln fordisi butiol of elcctt'icity to the public or to pl ovide a supp1l as a s"r :t;hed altemati\ e to such a system,
the capacity arld opemting characteristics of the generating set shall be .ucl ihri i:rger or darrage to equipment
cloes l-Iot arise aficr the couection or disconnectiolr of any intended load a. a re.u]i tiihe deriation ofthe voltage
or frequency frorn the intended operating range. Mears shall be prorided io automaiicall\ disconnect such pafts of
the installation as may be necessaly ifthe capacity ofthe generating sel i5 erceeded.
NOTE 1: Consicler.ation shoulcl be given to the intended duty cycle arld size ol indi\ iduai ;o:,r:cr:d loads as a proponion ofihe
capacity olthe generating set and to the startng cllamctelistics ofan\ conneci.d elsa:ic nlotors.
NOTE 2: Considelation slrould bc given to thc power f'actor speciied tbr protecti\ e de\ i..s ::r th. inslallation.
NOTE 3: The installalion ofa genemtil1g set rvithin an existing building or installation me. ;hange the conditioDs olextemal
inllucnce for-the installatior (see Part 3). for e\ample by the irltroduction ol Ino\ ing prni. parts at high te perature
or by the prescrce offlan rable fluids alrd noxious gascs. etc.

551 ,2,4 ision for isolation shall rneet tlre requir ernents of Chapter
Pr.ov .16 and Section 5 i 7 for each source or
combination of sources of supply.

551.3 Protective measure: Extra-low voltage provided by SELV or PELV

551.3.1 Additional requirements for SELV and PELV where the installation
is supplied from more than one source

Whete a SELV or PELV system may be supplied by more than one source, the requirements of Regulation '114.3
shall apply to each source. wlrere one or rnore of the sources is earthed, the requirements for PELV systenls in
Regulation 414.4 shall apply.

t If one or more of the sources does t'tot meet the requirerrents of Regulation 414.3, the system shall be treated as a

FELV system ard thc requiremcnts ofRegulation 411.7 shall apply.
.ll I
551.3.2 Whcre it is necessary to lnaintain thc supply to an extralow voltage system following the loss of
one or mot.e soLrrces of supply. each source of supply or cornbination of sources of supply which can operate

independently of other sources or combinations shall be capable of supplying the intended load of the extra-low
voltage systen'1. Provisions shall bc rradc so that loss ofthe low voltagc supply to an extra-low voltage soutce does
not lead to dangcr or damage to other cxtra-low voltagc cquipment.
NOTE: Such provisions may bc lecessary in supplies for safety seNices (see Chapter 56).

551.4 Fault protection

551.4.1 Fault protection shali be providcd for the irstallation in Iespect of each source of supply or
combination ofsources ofsupply that can operate indepeldently ofother sources or con]binations ofsources.

TIte t'ault protective provisions shall be selected or precautiors shall be taken so that where fault protective provisions
are achieved in different ways within the same installation or pafi ofa[ ilstallation according to the active sources
of supply. no iufluence shall occul ol condjtions a se that could impair the effectiveness of the fault protective
NOTE: This rnight.lbl. example. requile the use ofa lmnsfbnnerproviding electrical separation bet\\'een palls ofthe irrstallalion
usirlg diflerent earthing systerl]s.

551-4.2 The generating set shall be connected so that any provision withir the installalion for protection by
RCDs in accotdance witb Chapter 41 remains effective 1br every intelded combination ofsources ofsupply.
NOTE: Conrlecliorl 01'livc parts ofthe generator u'ith Eallh may affect the protective measule

551.4.3 Protection by automatic disconnection of supply

551 .4.3,1 Protection by automatic disconnection of supply shall be provided in accordance \ ith Section '11
I .

except as modified for particular cases by Regulation 551.4.3.2, 55 or 551 .4 4.

551.4.3.2 Additional requirements for installations where the generating set provides a
switched altemative to system for distribution ofelectricity to the public (standby systems)

551,4,3.2.1 Protectiol by autolnatic discornection of supply shall not rel] upon Ih. .-..nnection to tfie eanlI.d
point oftlte systenl lbr distr ibution ofelectricity to the public rvhen the gerlerator is optr:Irrg as e :$ itched aitenrriir e
:.. Tire to a TN systern. A suitable means ofearthing shall bc provided.
:.:l lot
: -.i tlre

551.4.3.3 Additional requirements for installations incorporating static convertors
551'4.3,3,'l Wherc lault protectiol fot palts of thc installatior supplied by the static converlor relies upon the
aLLtoll]atic closureof the bypass srvitch and the operation of prolective devices on the supply side of thc bypass
switclr is not within the time required by Section 4ll, supplernentary equiporenlial bonding shall be proviclecl
between simultaleor"Lsly accessible exposed-cordrLctive-parts and extmrleous-conduclive-pafis otr the ]oad side of
the static couveflor in accordance rvith Regulatittn 4l 5.2.

The resistance (R) of the supplerlcntary proteclivc bondirg condLrctor- required betwecn simultaneously accessible
cxposed-collductive-parts altd extrancorrs-collducti\.c,l]afis shall f'ulfil the lbllowing condition:

R < 50/t"

I" is the maxilr]uln eafh tlult currelt which can be supplied by the static convertol whelt the
bypass switch is closed.

NOTE: Where such equiprlcnr is intendcd to operute ir parallel wiril a systcrr tbr clistribution ofelectlicity to rhc public. the
requiremenls ofReglLlation 551.7 also a|p1y.

551. PrecalLtions shall be taken ot ecluipureut shall be selectecl so that the conect operatiolt olplotective
devices is not impaired by DC cuu-ents gclterared by a static convcfior or by the ptesence of filtcr.s.

551. A means ofisolation shall be installed ort both sides ofa static cotrveftor. This requirement does not
apply on the power source side ofa slatic converLor wlrich is intcgrated in the saure enclosul'e as the power source.

551.4.4 Additional requirements for protection by automatic disconnection where

the installation and generating set are not permanently fixed

This regulation applies to poflable generatitg sets and to gel'rerating sets which are intended ro be tnoved to
unspecified locations 1br tempomry or sllort tcllll use. Such genelatilg sets rray be pafl of an ilstal]atiou which is
subject to sirrilar use. fhis regulation does not appl), to penltatlctll llxed itstallations.
NOTE: For suitablc conncctjon a -aogenenrs see IIS LN 60309

55' Between separate iterns of equrpnrent. protective conductols slrall be provided which are pan of a
suitable cable and which corrply with Table 54.7.

All protective conductors shali cornply wirh Chaptcr'54.

55'1.4.4'2 In a TN, TT or lT systerr, every lilal circuit shall be provided with additiolal prorcclion by rreans
ofan RCD having the characte stics specified il llegulation 415.1.
NOTE: ll1 an IT system. an RCD nray not operate nlcss one ot the catth ihults is on a part oftlte system on the slrpply side of
the device.

551.5 Protection against overcurrent

551.5.'t Where overcurrcnt plotectior ofthe ger)erating set is rccluiled, it shall be located as near as practicable
to the generator tenninals.
NOTE: The corltribution to the prospective sholt-cilcLritcullert by a gencrating set nray be rinlc-dcpendent and nuy be much
less than thc conlibution madc by a syst.ul lbl distributron ol electrici!y to thc public.

551.5,2 Where a generating set is iDtended to opelatc iu parallel rvith a system tbr distriburion of electricity
to the public, or wltere two or'nore gellcratilg sets ll1ay opctate in palallel, circulating harmonic curents shall be
linited so that the thennal rating ofconductors is rot exceeded.
The effects ofcirculating harmonic cuirents tnay be Iinited by one or morc ofthe fbllowing:
(i) The sclectiol ofgenerating sets with cornpensatcd wirdings
(ii) The provision ofa suirable irrpedance in thc connection to the generator star points
(iii) The plovisior oiswitches which inten'tipt the circulatory circuit but which are interlocked so rhat at all tinles
1'au1t protection is not intpaired
(ir flre p[ovisirrrr ol lill(rirc c,lllipr]re
(vt Othel srritable rncarr:.
NOTE: Consideration should bc given to the ntaximum voltase which may bc plodLrced across an irlpedance connected to
linlit circulaling hannonic curel]ls

551.6 Additional requirements for installations where the generating set provides a supply
as a switched alternative to the system for distribution of electricity to the public
(standby systems)
551.6.1 Precautions cornplying with the relevant requirements of Chapter 46 and Section 537 for isolation
shall be taken so that the generator camot opemte in parallel with the sysiem for distribution of electricity to the
public. Suitable precautions may include one or more olthe following:
(i) An electrical, mechanical or electromechanical interlock between the operating urechanisms or control
circuits ofthe changeover switching devices
(ii) A system of locks with a single transferable key
(iii) A three-positiqn break-before-make changeover switch
(iv) An automatic changeover switching device with a suitable interlock
(v) Other means providing equivalent security of operation.
551.6.2 For a TN-S system where the neutral is not isolated, any RCD shall be positioned to avoid incorrect
operation due to the existence of any parallel neutral-eardr path.
NOTE: It may be desirable in a TN system to disconnect the neutml ofthe installation front the neutml or PEN ofthe system
for distribution of electricity to the public to avoid disturbances such as induced voltage surges caused by lightning.

551.7 Additional requirements for installations where the generating set may operate in
parallel with other sources including systems for distribution of electricity to the
I 551 .7 .1 When a generating set is used as an additional source of supply in pamllel with a[other source, both
olthe following conditions shall be tutfilled:
(i) Protection against thermal effccts in accordance with Chapter 42 and protection against overcurrent in
accordance with Chapter 43 shall remain effective in all situations
I :a
(ii) Where an RCD is providing additional protection in accordance with Regulation 415.1 for a cilcuit
connectilg the generator set to the installation, the RCD shall disconnect all live conductors, including the
neutral conductor.

551.7 .2 A genentirg set used as an additional source of supply in parallel with another source shall be installed;
on the supply side ofall the overcurrent protective devices for the final circuits ofthe installation, or
on the load side olall the overcurent protective devices for a firal circuit ofthe iNtallation, but in this case all the
following additional requirements shall be fullilled:
(i) The conductors ofthe firal circuit shall meet the following requirement:

[, is the cuffent-carrying capacity ofthe final circuit conductors
I,, is the lated cuffent ofthe protective device ofthe final circuit
Ig is the rated output cufl'ent ofthe generating set
(ir) A generating set shall not be connected to a flnal circuit by mcans ofa plug and socket-outlet
(iii) The line and neutral conductors of the fina1 circuit and ofthe generating set shall not be connected to
Unless the device providing automatic disconnection ofthe final circuit in accordance with Regulation
411.3.2 disconnects the line and neutral conducto$. it shall be verified that the combination of the
disconnection time ofthe protective device for the final circuit and the time taken for the output voltage
of the generating set to reduce to 50 V or less is not greater than the disconnection time required by
Regulation 4l 1.1.2 lor the final circuit.
-, .. :ment within the final circuit to which it is connected.

:5'1 .7.3 h selecting and using a gereratirg set to mn in parallel with the systerr lor distibution ofelectricity
: 'e public. care shall be taken to aYoid ad|erse effects 10 that system and to other jnstallations in respect of
.,. ir l'actor, voltage changes, harmonic distotjon. unbalance. stafting, synchronizinu or voltage fluctualion effects.

' iere synchlonization is necessaqr. the use of an alrtolnatic synchronizilg system \\ticlt considers frequency.
- -,.e and voltage is to be prefered.
551.7.4 Means ofautomatic switching shall be provided to disconnect the generating set from the system for
distribution ofelectdcity to the public in the event ofloss ofthat supply or deviation ofthe voltage or frequency at
the supply terminals from declared values.

For a genenting set with an output exceeding 16 A, the type of protection and the sensitivity and operating times
depend upon the protection ofthe system for distribution of electricity to the public and the number of generating
sets connected and sha1l be agreed by the distributor. For a generating set with an output not exceeding 16 A, the
settings shall conply with BS EN 50438.

In the case ol the presence of a static convefor, the meani of switching shall be provided on the load side of the
static convertor

551.7.5 Means shall be provided to prevent the connection ofa generating set to the system for distribution
of electricity to the public in the event of loss ofthat supply or deviation ofthe voltage or frequency at the supply
teminals from values required by Regulation 551.7.4.
NOTE: For a generating set with ail output not exceeding 16 A intended to opemte in parallel with a system for distributiorl of
electlicity to the public the requirements are given in BS EN 50438.

551.7.6 Means shall be provided to enable the generating set to be isolated from the system for distribution
of eleitricity to the public. For a generatingset with an output exceeding 16 A, the accessibility of this means of
isolation shall colnpty with national rules and distribution system operator requirements. For a generating set with
ar output not exceeding 16 A, the accessibility of this means of isolation shall comply with BS EN 50438.
551.7.7 Where a generating set may operate as a switched altemative to the system for distribution of
electricity to the public, the installation shall also comply with Regulation 551.6.

551.8 Requirements for installations incorporating stationary batteries

551.8.1 Stationary batteries shall be installed so that they are accessible only to skilled or instructed persons.
NOTE: This generally requires the batteiy to be installed in a secure location or, for smaller batteries, a secure enclosure.

The location or enclogure shall be adequately ventilated.

551-8.2 Batteryionnections shal) have basic protection by insulation or enclosutes or shall be arranged so that
two bare conductive pafis having between them a potentiat difference exceeding 120 volts cannot be inadvefiently
touched simultaneously.


NOTE: See also Regulation ,163.3 Motor control.

552.1 Rotating machines

552.1.1 A1l equipment, including cable, ofevery circuit carrying the stafiing, accelerating and load curents
of a motor shall be suitable for a curent at least equal to the full-load current rating of the motor when rated in
accordance with the appropriate British or Harmonized Standard. Where the motor is intended for intermittent duty
and for {iequent stafiing and stopping, account shall be taken of any cun.tulative effects of the starting or bruking
cufients upon the ten'iperature se ofthe equipment ofthe circuit.

552.1.2 Every elect c motor having a rating exceeding 0.37 kW shall be provided with control equipment
incorporating means of protection against overload of the motor This requirement does not apply to a motor
ircorpomted in an item ofcunent-using equipment complying as a whole with an appropdate British or Harmonized

552.1.3 Except where failule to startafterab ef intemrption would be likely to cause greater danger, eYery
motor shall be provided with means to prevent automatic rcstarting after a stoppage due to a drop in voltage or
failure of supply, where unexpected restafting ofthe motor might cause danger This requirement does not preclude
arangenents for starting a motor at intervals by an automatic control device, where other adequate precautions are
taken against danger from unexpected restarting.


553.1 Plugs and socket-outlets

553.1.1 Evely plug and socket-outlet shall comply with all the requirements of items (i) and (ii) betow and.
in addition, with the appropriate requirements ofRegulations 553.1.2 to 553.2.2:
(i) Except fbr SELV circuits, it shall not be possible for any pin of a plug to make contact with any live conract
ofits associated socket-outlet while any other pin ofthe plug is completely exposed
(ii) It shall not be possible for any piu of a plug to make contact with any live contact ofany socket-outlet within
the same installation other than the type of sockeGoutlet for which the plug is designed.

553.1.2 Except for SELV or a special circuit frorr Regulation 553.1 .5, every plug and socket-outlet shall be
ofthe non-reversible type, with prcvision for the connection of a protective conductor

553.1.3 Except where Regulation 553.1.5 applies, in a low voltage circuit every plug and socket-outlet shall
rrl confomr with the applicable British Standard listed in Table 55.1.

TABLE 55.1 -
Plugs and socket-outlets for low voltage circuits
nh Type of plug and socket-outlet Applicable British Standard
Fused plugs and shuttcred socket-outlets, BS I363 (tuses to BS 1362)
of 2-po1e and earth, fol AC
Plugs, fused or non-fused, and 2, 5, 15,30 BS 546 (fuses, ifany, to BS 646)
socket-outlets, 2-pole and ealth
and socket-outlets industrial t6,32, 63, 12s BS EN 60309-2
553.1.201 Every socket-outlet for household and similar use shall be of the shuttered type and, for an AC
installation, shall preferably be ofa tlpe complying with BS 1363.

553.1.5 A plug and socket-outlet not complying with BS 1363, BS 546 or BS EN 60309-2, may be used in
single-phase AC or two-wire DC circuits operating at a nominal voltage not exceeding 250 volts for:
r that
.3nti-v (i) the connection of an electric clock, provided that the plug and socket-outlet are designed specifically for that
purpose, and that each plug incorporates a fuse of rating not exceeding 3 amperes complying with BS 646
or BS 1362 as appropriate
(ii) the connection of an electric shaver, provided that the socket-outlet is either incorporated in a shaver supply
unit complying with BS EN 61558-2-5 or is a type complying with BS 4573
(iii) a circuit having special characteristics such that danger would otherwise arise or it is necessary to distinguish
the function ofthe circuit.
ared in 553,1.6 A socket-outlet on a wall or similar strxcture shall be mounted at a height above the floor or any
rvorking surface to miniurize the risk of mechanical damage to the socket-outlet or to an associated plug and its
nt duty
flexible cable which might be caused during inserlion, use or with&awal ofthe plug.

553.1.7 Where mobile equipment is likely to be used, provision shall be made so that the equipment can
dpment be fed fiom an adjacent and conveniently accessible socket-outlet, taking account of the length of flexible cable
a motor nonnally fitted to poftable appliances and luminaires.
monized 553.2 Cable couplers
553-2.1 Except for a SELV or a Class II circuit, a cable coupler shall comply where appropriate with
Fr. every BS 6991 , BS EN 61535, BS EN 60309-2 or BS EN 60320- l, shall be non-reversible and shall have provision for the
oltage or . orlnection of a prolecli\e conductor.
rions are 553.2.2 A cable coupler shall be ananged so that the connector ofthe coupler is fitted at the end ofthe cable
remote from the supply.


554.1 Electrode water heaters and boilers

554.1.1 Every electrode water heater and electrode boilel shall be connected to an AC.systen.r only, and shall
be selected and erected in accordance with the applopriate lequiretnents ofthis section.

554,'|,.2 The supplr te the clcctrodc watcr hcatcr or electrodc boiler shall bc controllcd by a linkcd
breaker ananged to disconnect the supply from all electrodes simultaneously and provided with an overcurrent
protective device in each conductor feeding an elecrode.

554.1.3 The earthing ofthe electrode water heater or electrode boiler shall comply with the requirements of
Chapter 54 and, in addition, the shell ofthe electrode water l'reater or electrode boiler shall be bonded to the metallic
sheath and armour, if any, ofthe incoming supply cable. The protective conductor shall be connected to the shell of
the electrode water heater or electrode boiler and shall comply with Regulation 543.1.1.

554.1.4 Where an electrode water heatel ot electrode boiler is iirectly connected to a supply at a voltage
exceeding low voltage, the installation shall include an RCD aranged to disconnect the supply tl'om the electodes
on the occurrence of a sustained earth leakage cuffent in excess of 10 % ofthe rated current ofthe electode water
heater or electrode boiler under normal conditions of operation. except that if in any instance a lrigher value is
essential for stability of operation of the electrode water heater or electrode boiler, the value may be increased to a
maximum of 15 %. A tirre delay may be incorporated in the device to prevent ulnecessary operation in the event of
imbalance of short duration.

554.1.5 Where an electrode water heater or electrode boiler is connected to a three-phase low voltage supply,
the shell ofthe electrode water heater or electrode boiler shall be connected to the neutral olthe supply as well as
to the earthing conductor. The current-carrying capacity of the neutral conductor shall be not less than that of the
largest line conductor connected to the equipment.

554.1 .6 Except as provided by Regulation 554. t.7. where the supply to an elechode water heater or electrode
boiler is single-phase and one electrode is connected to a neutral conductor earthed by the distributor, the shell of
the electrode water heater or elecffode boiler shall be connected to the neutral ofthe supply as well as 10 the earthing

554/1.7 Where the electrode water heater or electrode boiler is not piped to a water supply or in physical
contact with ar.ty earthed metal. and where the electrodes and the water in contact with the electrodes are so shielded
in insulating material that they cannot bc touched while the electrodes are live, a fuse in the Iine conductor may be
substituted for the circuit-breaker required under Regulation 554.1.2 and the shell of the electrode water heater or
electrode boiler need not be connected to the neutral olthe supply.

554.2 Heaters for liquids or other substances having immersed heating elements
554.2.1 Every heater for liquid or other substance shall incorporate or be provided with an aulomatic device
to prevent a dangerous se in temperature.

554.3 Water heaters having immersed and uninsulated heating elements

554.3.1 Every single-phase water heatcr or boiler having an uninsulated heating element immersed in the
water shall comply rvith the requirernents ofRegulations 554.3.2 and 554.3.3. This type ofwater heater or boiler is
deemed not to be an electrode water heater or electrode boiler.

554.3.2 All metal parts ofthe heater or boiler which are in contact with the water (other than cunenlcarying
pats) shall be solidly and rnetallically connected to a metal water pipe through which the water supply to the heater
or boiler is provided, and that water pipe shall be connected to the main eafihing teminal by means independent of
the circuit protective conductor.

554.3.3 The heater or boiler shall be pennanertly connected to the electdcity supply thr-ough a double-pole
Iinked switch which is either separate from and r,"ithin easy reach ofthe heater or boilel or is incorporated therein,
and the wiring from the heater or boiler shall be connected directly to that switch without the use of a plug and

554.3.4 Before a heater or boiler ofthe type relered to in Regulation 554.3.1 is connected, the installer shall
confinn that no single-pole switch, non-linked circuitbreaker or fuse is fitted in the neufal conductor in any patl of
the circuit between the heater or boiler and the origin ofthe irstallation.

554.4 Heating conductors and cables

NOTE: For electric floor and cejling heating systc[rs in buildings the require,nents of Section 753 must also be met.

554.4.1 Where a )reatirrg cablc is required to pass through, or be il close proximity to. tr.raterial which
prescnts a fire hazard, the cable shallbe enclosed in material having the ignitability charactedstic 'P'as specified in
BS,176-12 and shall be adequately protected from any rnechanical damage reasonably foreseeable during installation
and use.

554.4.2 Aheating cable intended for laying directly in soil. concrete. cemenl screed or other material used for
road and buildirg construction shall be:
(i) capable olwithstanding mechanical damage under the conditions that can reasonably be expected to prevail
during its installation, and
ri (ii) constructed of mate al that will be resistant to damage from dampness and/or corosion under normal
conditions of service.

554.4.3 A heating cable laid directly in soil, a road or the structure ofa building shall be installed so that it:
(i) is co[ipletely embedded in the substance it is intended to heat, and
CS (ii) does not suffer damage in the event ofmovement nomally to be expected in it or the substance in whiclt it
:.7 is embedded. and
is (iii) complies in all respects with the manufacturer's instructions and recornmendations.
)a I

..f 554.4.4 The load of every floor-warming cable under operation shall be limited to a value such that the
tnanufacturer's stated colductor temperature is not exceeded. Other factors can limit the maximurn temperature at
rvhich the cable can be run, such as the tempemture rating ofany terminations or accessories, and any material with
\\.hich it is in co[tact.


555.1 Autotransformers and step-up transformers

555.1.1 Where an autotansfonner is connected to a circuit having a neutal conductor, the common ten'ninal
-.ithe winding shall be connected to thc neutral conductor.
555.1.2 A step-up autotransfonner shall not be connected to an IT system.
r,:lll 555.1.3 Where a step-up transforner is used, a linked switch shall be provided for disconnecting the
-;cel :ansformer from all live conductors ofthe supply.
:, he
l: L)L 556 /Vot used


557.1 Scope
:' lce
-ltis scction applies to auxiliary circuits, except thosc covcred by specific product or systern staldards. c.g. thc
,.'nstruction ofassemblics ofclcctrical equipment to the approp ate pafl olthc BS EN 61439 series.

557.2 Nof used

:. rhe
r:ris 5 57.3 Requirements for auxiliary circuits
5 57.3.1 General

:., ing Tbe power supply, AC ot'DC, for an auxiliary circuit may be either dependent or independent ofthe main circuit
:..':ltef .rccording to its required flrnction. Ifthe status ofthe main circuit has to be signalled, then the signalling circuit shall
.::rt of be able to operate independently ofthat main circuit.

557.3.201 Control circuits

-.:ie ilt. A control circuit shalt be designed, aranged and protected to limit dangers resulting lrom a fault between the
-: ud .ontrol circuit and other conductive pafts liable to cause malfunction (e.g. inadvertent operation) ofthe controlled

557.3.2 Power supply for auxiliary circuits dependent on the main circuit
557.3.2.'l General
-\uxiliaty circuits with a power supply dependent on the main AC circuit sha11 be connected to the main circuit:
ti) directll tsee Figure 55.11. or
(ii) via a rectilier (see Figure 55.2), or
ir hiclt (iii) via a transformer (see Figure 55.3).
on It is recommended that auxilialy circuits supplying primarily electronic equipment or systems should not be supplied
directly but at least via simple separation from the main circuit.

Fig 55.1 - Auxiliary circuit supplied directly from the main circuit


Terminals for the

auxrlrary ctrcuri

Fig 55.2 - Auxiliary circuit supplied from the main circuit via a rectifier


Terminals for the

auxiliary circuit

Fig 55.3 -Auxiliary circuit supplied from the main circuit via a transformer


Terminals for the

auxiliary circuit

NOTE: For an auxiliary circuit supplied from the main circuit. either directly or via a rectifier, the auxiliary circuit begins at
the connection point to the main circuit, see Figures 55.1 and 55.2. In the case ofa transformer supply, the auxiliary
circuit begins on the secondary side ofthe transfomer, see Figure 55.3.

557.3.2.2 Auxiliary circuit supplied from the main circuit via transformer
Where an auxiliary circuit is supplied by more than one transformel they shall be connected in pamllel both on the
pdmary and secondary sides.
557.3.3 Auxiliary circuit supplied by an independent source
Where an indcpendent source is used a loss of supply or undervoltage ofthe main circuit source shall be detected.
An independent auxilialy circuit shall not create a hazardous situation.
NOTE: Batteries and a power supply system independent ofthe mains are examples ofindependent sources.

557.3.4 Auxiliary circuits with or without connection to earth
557.3.4.1 General
An auxiliary circuit shall cornpll \\ith the .'arthing requirements ofBS 7671 except as modified by Regulation
55' or 551.3.4.3.
NOTE 1: lt depends on the requirements tbr an au:iilian circuit as to whether it is operated eathed or unearthed. For example,
in an earthed auxiliary circuit an eanh t'ault in a non-earthed conductor leads to disconnection ofthe power supply of
the auxiliary circuit; in an unearthed auxilian circuit. an canh fault in a conductor leads only to a signal from the IMD
(see Rcgr ation 557.3.4.3).

NOTE 2: The use of unearthed auxiliary circlrits should be considered \!here high reliability is required.

557.3.4.2 Earthed auxiliary circuit

An earthed auxiliary circuit supplied via a transfomrer shall be connected to earth only at one point on the secondary
side of the tmnsformer. The connection to eafih shall be situated close to the ffansfomer The connection shall be
easily accessible atrd capable ofbeing isolated for insulation [leasurement.

557.3.4.3 Unearthedauxiliarycircuit
Except in the case of a SELV or PELV circuit, if an auxiliary circuit is operated unearthed via a tmnsformcr,
an insulation monitoring device (IMD) according to BS EN 61557-8 shall be installed on the secondary side.
Consideration shall be given to the use ofdsk assessment to detennine whether the signal from the IMD is to initiate
an acoustic and/or a flash alam, or be transmitted to a monitodng system.

557.3,5 Power supplies for auxiliary circuits

557.3.5.1 General
The mted voltage ofan auxiliary circuit, and the components used in the circuit, shall be compatible with the supply
to that circuit.
NOTE 1: If the supply voltage is too low lbr the design of the circuit then the opemtion will not be reliable for the proper
fliirction ofrelays.

Account shall be taken of the effects ofvoltage drop on the electrical equipment ofthe auxiliary circuit, including
inrush and starting currents.
NOTE 2: Motors starting direct-on-1ire can draw a stafiing curent from the rnain circuit that will reduce the supply voltage to
an auxiliary cilcuit dependent on the main circuit, below the minimum operating yoltage ofthe associated switchgeaf.

557.3.5.2 Standby power supply or power supply for safety services

\\rhere a standby power supply or a power supply from a generating set is used to supply auxiliary circuits. the
fiequency variation shall be taken into account.

557.3.5.3 AC supply
The nominal voltage ofcontrol circuits shall preferably not exceed:
(i) 230 V for circuits with 50 Hz nominal frequency
(ii) 277 V for circuits with 60 Hz nominal frequency

respectively, taking into account voltage tolerances according to BS EN 60038.

NOTE: The dimelNio[ing of cable lcngth with rcspect to the conductor capacitances, e.g. connection to a limit switch,
necds to be coordilatcd with the selccted relays or solcnoid valves. The standing voltage caused by high conductor
capacitances may impair the switching offofrelays or solcnoid valves.

557.3.5.4 supply
557.3"5.4.1 Supply by a power system
The nominal voltage of control circuits shall prefembly not exceed 220 V
557. Supply by batteries
Where batteries are used as a power supply for auxiliary circuits, the voltage fluctuation due to charging or
discharging shall not exceed voltage tolerances specified in BS EN 60038, untess the auxiliary circuit is specifically
designed to compensate for such voltage fluctuation.
557.3.6 Protectivemeasures
557.3.6.1 Protection of wiring systems
NOTE 1: In the case ofcxtencled auxiliary circuits it is necessary to check that the requircd operating currenl ol the protective
device will bc achier ed also al thc far end ofthe respective cables or conductors' Regulation '1ll' l '

Single-phase eathedAC auxiliary circuits supplied on the secondary side ofthe trauFfonner for an auxiliary supply I

and earthed DC auxiliary circuits are pennitted to be protected by single-pole devices. The protcctile devices shall I

only be inserted in conductors whicl] are not connected directly to earth.

In uneafihed AC or DC auxiliary circuits, shof-circuit protection shall be provided for all line conductors.
NOTE 2: Thc use ofprotecti!e devjces which disconnect all lines ofan unearthed auxiliary circuit will aid lault dlagnosis and
maintenance activities.

If the short-circuit protective device on the primary side ofthe transformer for an auxiliary circuit is selected so that
it also protects against short-circuit current on the secondary side, a protective device on the secondary side ofthe
tmnsfonner nlay be omitted.
NOTE 3: For a fault or the transfonner secondary side. thc magnitude ofthc short-circuit curaent on the pimary side depends
also o11 the impedarce ofthe transformer.

557.3.6.2 Protection againstshort-circuit

Switching contacts of electrical switching devices ofthe auriliary circuit shall be protected against damage caused
by shorl-circuit cunents, according to the manufacturer's instmctions.

557 .4 Characteristics of cables and conductors

557.4.1 Minimum cross-sectional areas

I11order to provide adequatc mecharrical strength. thc lollowing minimum cross-sectional areas indicated in Tahle
55.2 shall be mct. Ifthere are special nrcchanical strength requirencnts for cables or contluctors, then a Iarger ctoss-
sectional area ofconductor, sclccted ilr accordance with Chaptet 52, may be rcquired.

TABLE 55.2 - Minimum cross-sectional area of copper conductors in mm'?

Type of cable
Application Single-core Two-core Multicore
Single-wire Strardcd Screened Unscreened Screenccl oI unscreeneal

ControlcircLrits" 0.s 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1

Data transl'cr 0.1

" Othcr auxiliary circuits may teed a larget cross_sectional arcA ofcopper condr.tctor, e.g. for

NOTE; The cross-sectiotlal area ofcopper conductors is derived from Section 52'1'

557.5 Requirements for auxiliary circuits used for measurement

557.5.1 General
Measuring circuits are auxiliary cilcuits with dedicated requirements which are given in the following subclauses.
557.5.2 Auxiliary circuits for direct measurement of electrical quantities
An auxiliary circuit for direct measurement of elect cal quantities shall be protected against the effects of a fault by
one olthe following means:
(i) Provision ofa device for protection against fault current in accordance with Section 434. Where operation of
the device could cause danger, or lead to a hazardous situation, such operation shall also cause discomection
of the main circuit
(ii) Siurultaneous fulfilment ofconditions (a) and (b) ofRegulation 434.3.
557.5.3 Auxiliary circuits for measurement of electrical quantities via a transformer
557.5.3.1 Currenttransformer
Where a measuement device is connected to the mair circuit via a curent transfomer, the following requirements
shall be taken into account:
(i) The secondarl, side of thc transfbmrer in a low voltage installation shall not be earthed, except where the
measurement can onh be carried out wilh a connection to earth

(ii) Protective de\.ices interrupling the circuit shall not be used on the secoudary side ofthe rransibrmer
(iii) Conducton on the secondary side of the transfonner shall be insulated for the highest r oltage ol anl lir e
parts or shall be installed such that their insulation cannot come into contact n ith other li\e pafis. e.g.
contact with busbars
(iv) Teruinals for temporary measurements shall be provided.
)l The above requirements do not apply to summation cunent tmnsfomers where'hazardous voltages do not occur,
l1 I
e.g. equipment for insulation fault location accordirg to BS EN 61557-9.

557.5.3.2 Voltagetransformer

The secondary side ola voltage transformer shall be protected by a shofl-circuit protective device.

557.6 Functional considerations

557.6"1 Voltage supply
Where loss olvoltage, i.e. voltage fluctuation, overvoltage or undervoltage, could cause the auxiliary circuit to be
unable to perfonn its intended function, means to secure the continued opelation of the auxiliary circuit shall be

557.6.2 Quality of signals depending on the cable characteristics

The opemtion ofan auxiliary circuit shall not be adversely affected by the characteristics, including impedance and
length, ofthe cable between operational components.

The capacitance ofthe cable shall not impair the proper opemtion of an actuator in the auxiliary cilcuit. The cable
characteristics and length shall be taken into account for the selection of switchgear and controlgear or electronic
NOTE: For an extensive auxiliary circuit. the use ofa DC power supply or bus-system is recommended.
rOSS- 557.6.3 Measures to avoid the loss of functionality
An auxiliary circuit serving a special function where reliability is a concern will require additional design
considerations to lninimize the likelihood of wiring laults. These wiring faults could result in loss offunction and/
or loss of signal. Among the design considerations are:
(i) selection of appropriate installation methods for cables
(ii) selection of equipment where a fault from line to exposed-conductive-pafts is not possible, e.g. Class II
(iii) use of installation methods and equipment that are inherently short-circuit and earth fault proof.

For the design of installations and equipment that are inhelently short-circuit and earlh fault proof, the following
shall be considered:
(a) Arangemeflts ofsingle conductors with basic insulation, together with measures to prevent mutual contact
and contact with exposed-conductive-parts. This may be achieved by:
installation in (insulated) cable nunking systems, or
installation in (insulated) conduit
(b) Arrangements of:
siugle-core cables, or

-.ru1t bY - single-core, non-metallic-sheathed cables, or

rubber-insulated fl exible cables
, :rionof (c) Provision of prctection against mechanical damage and ol safe distance lrom flarnmable material for non-
,:lection metallic sheathed cables
(d) Arrangements ofron-metallic-sheathed cables with nominal voltage Uoru at least 0.6/1 kV (U0 = conductor
to Earth voltage, U: conductor to conductor voltage)
(e) Use ofcables with an insulation which is self-extinguishing ard flame-retardant
(0 Use of cables that are afforded physical protection by being buried, e.g. installation of cables in soil or

.. here tlle
557.6.4 Current-limitingsignaloutputs
In eafihed or uneallhed auxiliary circuits with current-limiting signal outputs or electronically controlled protection
against short-circuit conditions. respectively, the signal circuit shall be disconnected within 5 s if the respective
measure operates. In special cases. a shorter disconnection time may be required.

For cunent-li[riting signal outputs or electronically controlled protection olthe signal output, respectively, automatic
disconnection of supply may be omitted if a hazardous situatior is not likely to occur.

557.6.5 Connection to the main circuit

557.6.5.1 Auxiliary circuits without direct connection to the main circuit
Electrical actuators. e.g. actuating relays, contacto$, signalling lights, electromagnetic locking devices, shall be
connccted to the common conductor (see Figure 55.4):
(i) in earthed auxiliary circuits, at the earthed (common) conductor
(ii) in unearthed auxiliary circuits, at the comDlon conductor

Fig 55.4 - Configuration of an auxiliary circuit

Overcu rrent protective

device Switched conductor

Exception: Switching elements ofprotective relays, e.g. overcurent relays, may be installed between the eafihed or
the non-eaithed conductor and a coil, provided that:
(a) this co[rection is contained inside a comn]on enclosure, or
(b) it leads to
a simplification olextemal control devices, e.g. conductor bars, cable drums, multiple connectors,
and takes into account the requirements ofRegulation 557.3.6.2.

557.6.5.2 Auxiliary circuits with direct connection to the main circuit

Ifthe auxiliary circuit is:
(i) supplied between two lire conductors (e.g. Ll and L2 ofan IT system), two-pole switching contacts shall
be used
(ii) connected to the earthed reutral ofthe main circuit, the requirements ofChapter 43 apply.

557.6.6 Plug-inconnections
Interchangeability between multiple plug-in connections is permitted only where it will not result in mechanical
damage or introduce a fisk of fir'e, electric shock or injury to pe$ons.
NOTE 1: These plug-in connections fonn a palt ofthe auxiliary circuit(s) and nray conduct different signals.
NOTE 2: Plotection against interchangeability may be achieved by marking. polarization, design or electronic interlocking.

The connecto$ shall be secured by a means to prevent unintended disconnection.

558 A/ot used


559.1 Scope
This section applics to the selection and erection of luminaires and lighting installations intended to be pafi of the
fixed installation.

NOTE ,l: For outdoor lightilg insrallarions. exrra-lo\\ \ oltage lighting installalions and lighting inslalleiiLrn. i:r
j:F-.:.:- -N-:llLrns.

refer to Pat 7.

The requiements ofthis section do not apply to:

(i) high voltage signs supplied at low voltage (such as neon tubes)
(ii) signs and luminous discharge nrbe installations operating from a no-load rat;d output voltage exceeding
1 kV but not exceeding l0 kV (BS EN 50107)

(iii) temporary festoon lighting.

NOTE 2: The rcquirenlerts tbr high voltage signs are given in BS 559 and the BS EN 50107 serics'

559.2 Not used

559.3 General requirements for installations

NOTE: See Table 55.3 for ar explanatioll ofthe symbols used in luminailes, in controlgear for lLuninaires and in tle installation

559.3.1 Every luminaire shall comply with the relevant standard for manufacture and test of that luminaire
and shall be selected and erected to take account ofthe manufacturer's instructions'

559.3.2 For the pulposes of this section, luminaires without transfomels or convello$ but which are

iitted with extfa-low voltage lamps connected in series to a low voltage suppty shall be consideled as low voltage
iquipment not exha-low voltage equipment. These luminaires shall be either class I oI class II equipment.

559.3.3 Where a luminaire is installed in a pelmet, there shall be no adverse effects due to the presence or
operation ofcurtains or blinds.

559.3.4 Atrack system for luminaires shall comply with the requirements ofBS EN 60570'

559.4 Protection of the surroundings against thermal effect3

559.4.1 General
In rhe selection and erection ofa luminaire the therrnal effects ofradiant and convected energy on the suroundings
.hall be taken inlo account, including:
(i) the maximum permissible power dissipated by the lanps
iii) the fire-resistance of adjacent material
at the point ofinstallation, and

in tle thermallv affected areas

tiii) the rniniurun distance to combustible materials, including material in the path of a spotlight beam
(iv) the relevant markings on the luminaire.

559.5 Wiring systems

559.5.1 Connection to the fixed wiring

.1l each fixed lighting point one ofthe following shall be used for the tennination ofthe wiring system:
(i) A ceiling rose complying with BS 67
1ii) A lunrinaile supporting coupler (LSC) complying with BS 6972 or BS 7001
iii) A batten lampholder or a pendant set complying with BS EN 60598

ir ) A luminaire complying with BS EN 60598


r\ ) A sujtable socket-outlet complying with BS 1363-2, BS 546 or BS EN 60309-2

rr i) A plug-in tighting distdbution unit complying with BS 5733
\ ii) A connection unit complying with BS 1363-4
lii) Appropriate temrinals eucloscd in a box complying with the relevant part ofBS EN 60670 series or-BS 4662

,ir) A device for counecting a luminaire (DCL) outlet complying with BS IEC 61995-1
r\) An installation coupler couplying with BS EN 61535.
{oTE: In suspe[ded ceilings one plug-ir lighiing distribution unit rnay be used for a number ofluminaires.
559.5.1.201 A ceiling rose or lampholder shall not be installed in any circuit opemting at a voltage normally
..;;eeding 250 volts.
559.5.1.202 Aceilin-srose shall rlotbeused for the attachrnent ofmore than one outgoing flexible cable unless it
is specially designed for multiple pendants.

559.5.1.203 Luminaire supporting couplers and devices for the connection ofluminaires are designed specilically
for the elect cal connection of lulr]inaires and shall not be used for the connection of any other equipment.

559.5.1.204 Lighting circuits incolporating Bl5,822, E14, E27 or E40 lampholders shall be protected by an
overcurrent protective olrlaximum rating l6 A.

559.5.1.205 Bayonet lampholders 815 and 822 shall comply withBs EN 61184 and shall have the temperature
rating T2 desffibed in that standard.

559.5.1.206 In circuits ofa TN or TT system, except for E l4 and 827 lampholders complying with BS EN 60238,
the outer contact of every Edison screw or single centre bayonet cap type lampholder shall be comected to the
neutral conductor This regulation also applies to track mounted systems.

559.5"1.207 A lighting installation shall be appropriately controlled.

NOTE: See Table 537.4 fol guidance on the selection ofsuitable prctective, isolation and switching devices.

559.5.1.208 Considemtion shall be given to the provision of the neutral conductor, at each switch position, to
facilitate the installation of elechonic switching devices.

559.5.2 Fixing of luminaires

Adequate means to flx luminaires shall be provided.

The fixing means may be mecharical accessories (e.g. hooks or screws), boxes or enclosures which are able to
support luminaires or supporling devices for connecting a luminairc.

Irt places u,here the fixing means is intended to supporl a luminaire, the fixing means shall be capable of carrying a
nass ofnot less than 5 kg. Ifthe mass ofthe lurninaire is greater than 5 kg, a fixing means capable ofsupporting the
mass ofthe luminaire shall be installed.

The installation ofthe fixing neans shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

The weight of luminaires and their eventual accesso es, e.g. shades, shall be compatible with the mechanical
capability ofthe ceiling or suspended ceiling or suppoting structure where installed.

Any flexible cable between the fixing means and the luminaire shall be installed so that any expected stresses in
the conductors, terminals and teminations will not impair the safety of the installation. (See also Table 4F3A of
Appendir( 4.)

559,5.3 Through wiring

559.5.3.1 The installation of through wiring in a luminaire is only pemitted if the luminaire is designed for
such wiring.

559.5.3.2 A cable for through wiring shall be selected in accordance with the temperature infonnation on the
luminaire or on the manufacturer's instruction sheet, ifany, as follows:
(i) For a luminaire complying with BS EN 60598 but with temperature marking, cables suitable for the marked
temperature shall be used
(ii) Unless specified in the manufacturer's inshxctions, for a luminaire complying with BS EN 60598 but with
no tempemture marking. heat-resistant cables are not required
(iii) In the absence of information, heat-resistant cables and/or insulated conductors of type H05S-U, H05S-K,
H05SJ-K, H05SS-K (BS EN 50525 series) or equivalent shall be used.

559-5.4 Devices for connection of luminaires to the supply

Ifthe lurninaire does not provide a connecting device for connection to the supply, the connecting device shall be:
(i) terminals according to BS EN 60998, or
(ii) a device for connecting a lurninaire (DCL) plug accordirg to BS EN 61995, or
(iii) an installation coupler according to BS EN 61535, or
(iv) supporting coupler (LSC) plug accolding to BS 6972 or BS 7001, or
(v) a male comector (plug) of a plug-in lighting distribution unit accolding to BS 5713, or
(vi) another suitable a:rd appropriate connecting device.

NOTE: For the installation of supply cables. see also Regulation 522.2.201.

559.5.5 Groups of luminaires

Groups of luminaires divided between the line conductors of a polyphase ci.cuit u,ith only otle common neutral
conductor shall be provided with at least one device disconnecting simultaneousl)- all line conductors.
NOTE: See also Section 537.

559.5.6 Protection against heat and UV radiation effects within luminaires

Extemal cables and cores ofcables comrected within a lurninaire or passing through shall be so selected and erected
that they will not suffer damage or deterioration due to heat and IJV radiation generated by the lurninaire or its lamps
(e.g. shielding ofthe cable fi'om heat andior UV by means of hearuv-resistant sleeving).

559.6 lndependent lamp controlgear, e.g. ballasts

Only independent lamp controlgear marked as suitable for independent use, according to the relevant standard, shall
be used extemal to a luninaire.

Only the following are pemitted to be mounted on a flammable surface:

(i) A 'class P' thermally protected ballast/transformer
(ii) A tempemture declared thermally protected ballast/transformer
NOTE: For an explanation ofsymbols used see Table 55.3.

559.7 Compensation capacitors

Cornpensation capacitors having a total capacitance exceeding 0.5 pF shall only be used in conjunction with
discharge resistors. Capacitols and their marking shall be in accordance with BS EN 61048.
This requirement does not apply to capacitors foming paft ofthe equipment.
r tlle

559.8 Protection against electric shock for display stands for luminaires
Protection against electric shock lor circuits supplying display stands for luminaires shall be provided by either:
rIical (i) a SELV or PELV supply, or
(ii) a residual current deyice having a rated residual operating curent not exceeding 30 mA which provides
..'. in both automatic disconnection of supply according to Section 411 and additional protection according to
Regulatiolr 415.1.
559.9 Stroboscopic effect
In the case of lighting for premises where machines with moving pafis are in operation, consideration shall be
given to sfoboscopic effects which can give a misleading impression ofmoving parts being stationary. Such effects
..r l'ot
may be avoided by selecting lLuninaires with suitable lamp controlgear, such as high frequency controlgear, or by
distributing lighting loads across all the phases ofa polyphase supply.
:r ille
559.10 Ground-recessedluminaires
::.:'k.-,'l For grould-recessed luminaires, the selection and erection shall take account ofthe guidance given in Table A.1 of
BS EN 60598-2- 13.
ri ith

TABLE 55.3 - Explanation of symbols used in luminaires, in controlgear for luminaires and in
the installation of luminaires
BS EN 60s98-l:2008
Recessed lurninaire not suitabie for direct mouflting
on normally flarrmable surfaces

Surface mounted luminaire not suiiable for direct

mounting on normally flammable surfaces

Luminaire not suitable for covering with thermally

jnsulating material

Use ofheat resistant supply cables, Luminaire for use with

interconDecting cables, or extemal high plessure sodium

/---...?,4 widng (number of conductors ofcable
is optional)
lamps that require an
extemal ignitor

(BS EN 60598 series) (BS EN 60598 series)

Luminaire designed for use with bowl Luminaire lor use with
mirror lamps high pressure sodium
Iamps having an intemal
(BS EN 60598 series) stalting device

(BS EN 60598 series)

l{ated nraximum anlbient temperature Luminairc \!ith limitcd
oC surface tcmpemturc
ta.... (BS LN 60598 se es)
(BS EN 60s9lt-2-24)

Waming against the use of cool-beam Short-circuit proof

lan'rps (inherently or
non-inherently) safety
AM (BS EN 60598 ser ies) isolating transformer

(BS EN 61558-2-6)

Minirnum distance Aom lighted objects Temperature declared

(mctres) thermally protected lamp

c---, i (BS EN 60598 series)

controlgear (... replaced
by temperatue)

(BS EN 61347- 1)
Rough serr'ice luminaire Electoric convefior for
an extra-low voltage
(BS EN 60598 series) lighting installation

W-ru Replace any cracked plotective screen

(BS EN 60598 series)

Themally protected lamp
contolgear (class P)

(BS EN 61347-r)

Lrrrrrira:re desicned lor use with sel{ Independent ballast

.lriclded rung:ren halotsen lamp. or sell
shiclded metal halidc lamps only BS EN 60417 sheet No.
513 8
(BS EN 60598 series)



560.1 SCOPE
560.6.8 Special requirements for safety services having sources not capable of operation in
560.6.9 Special requirements for safety services having sources capable of operation in parallel
560.6.10 Central power supply sources
560.6.11 Low power supply sources
560.6.12 Uninterruptible power supply sources (UPS)
560.6.1 3 Generator sets for safety services
560.6.14 Monitoring of safety sources

:6 0.1 SCOPE

:. chaptcr covers gereral requirements for safety services, selection and erection ofelect cal supply systenrs for
-:::r sen,ices and electrical safety soulces. Standby electrical supply systems are outside the scope.

r: .haptel does l]ot apply to installations in hazardous areas (BE3), for which requirements are given in BS EN
. -9_ l.l.
\tTE: Examples ofsafety scryices include (this list is not exhaustive):
- Errergency lighting
- Fire purnps
Fire rescue service litts
Fire detection and alann systems
CO detection and alann systcms
Fire evacuation systems
Srnoke ventilation systems
Fire services communication systelns
Essential medical systems
Industrial safety systcms.

:.:.:2 /Vot used

i:-'3 Not used


560.4.1 An electrical safety service supply is either:

(i) a non-autornatic supply. thc stafting ofwhich is initiated by an operatol or
(ii) an automatic supply. the starting of which is independent ofan operator
An automatic supply is classified as follows, according to the maximum changeover time:
(a) No-break: ar automatic supply which produces a continuous supply within specifled conditions during the
period oftransition, for example as regards variations in voltage and frequency
(b) Very short break: ar automatic supply available within 0.15 s
(c) Short break: an automatic supply available within 0.5 s
(d) Normal break: an automatic supply available within 5 s
(e) Medium break: an aLrtomatic supply available within l5 s
(f) Long break: an automatic supply available in lrore than l5 s.
560.4.2 The esseltial equipment for safety services shall be compatible with the changeover time in order to
maintain the specified operation.

560.5.1 Safety services u.ny be reqr"rired to operate at all relevant times including during mains and local
supply failure and through fire conditions. To meet this rcquirement specilic sources, equipment, circuits and wiring
are necessary Some applications also have particular requirements, as in Regulations 560.5.2 and 560.5.3.

560.5.2 For safety services required to operate in fire conditions, the following two conditions shall be
(i) An etectrical source for safety supply shall be so selected as to maintain a supply ofadequate dluation, and
(ii) all equipment ofsafety services shall be so provided, either by construction or by erection, with fire-resisting
proteclion ol adeqttate duration.
NOTE: The safety source is gencrally additional to the noflnal source. The normal source is, for example, the public supply

560,5.3 Where automatic disconnection of supply is used as a protective measure against electdc shock,
non-disconnection on the first lault is preferred. ln lT systems, continuous insulation monitoring devices shall be
provided which give an audible and visual indication in the event ofa fint fault.

560.5.4 A failure in the control or bus system of a normal installation shall not adversely affect the function
of safety serices.


560.6.1 The following electrical sources for safety seruices are recognized:
(i) Stomge battedes
(ii) Primary cells
(iii) Generator sets independent ofthe normal supply
(iv) A separate feeder of the supply network that is effectively independent of the notmal feeder '
560.6.2 Safety sources for safety sen,ices shall be installed as fixed equipment and in such a nlanner that they
cannot be adversely affected by failure ofthe normal source.

560.6.3 Safety sources shall be installed in a suitable location and be accessible only to skilled or instructed
pelsons (BA5 or BA4).

560.6,4 The location ofthe safety source shall be properly and adequately ventilated so that exhaust gases.
smoke or fumes from the safety sout'ce cannot penetrate areas occupied by one or more pemons.

560.6.5 Separated independent feeders from a dist butor's network shall not serve as electrical sources for
safety services unless assurance can be obtained that the two supplies are unlikely to fail concurrently.

560.6.6 The safety source shall have sulicient capability to supply its related safety service.

560.6.7 A safety source [ray, in addition, be used for purposes other than safety services, provided that the
availability for safety services is not thereby iurpaired. A fault occurring in a circuit for pruposes other than safet)
services shall not cause the iflten'uption olany circuit for saf'ety sen'ices.


560.6.8 Special requirements for safety services having sources not capable of operation in

560.6.8.1 Adequate precautions shall be taken to avoid the paralleling of sources.

NOTE: This may be achieved by mechanical inter'locking.

560"6.8.2 Shoft-circuit protection and fault protection shall be pror ided for each source.

E 560.6.9 Special requirements for safety services having sources capable of operation in

Shofi-circuit protection and fault protectior shall be effective inespective of uhether the installation is supplied
separately by either olthe two sources or by both in parallel.
NOTE 1 : The Damllcl operatio[ofa pri\'alc source with the public supply network is subject to authorization by the distribution
nctwork opelator (DNO). This oray lequire special devices, for example to prevent reverse power. Refer also to Section
551. rhe DCode (Distributioo Code oflicensed distribution operators) and ENA Engjneering Recomtrendations G83/2
and G59/3.

Precautions may be necessary to limit curent circulation in the connection between the neutral points ofthe sources,
rn panlcul.rr thc cfl'cct ol I11plen lrarnronrcs.

560.6.10 Gentral power supply sources

Batteries shall be of vented or valve-regu)ated maintenance-free t)pe and shall be of hear,y duty indr.rstrial design.
for example cells complying with BS EN 60623 or the approp atepafiof the BS EN 60896 serics.
NOTE: The rnininurr design life ofthe batte es at 20 should be l0 yeals.

560.6.1'l Low power supply sources

.:xd The porver output ofa low power supply system is lirnited to 500 W for'3-hour duration and 1500 W for a 1-hour
:.lllg duration. Batteries shall be ofheavy duty industrial design, for example cells complying with tsS EN 60623 or the
appropriate pafl ofthe BS EN 60896 series are suitable.
NOTE: The minirrum design life ofthe batteries at 20 should be 5 years.

560.6.12 Uninterruptible power supply sources (UPS)

t -,; k.
Where an uninterruptiblc power supply is used, it shall:
. Lr.
(i) be able to operate distribution circuit protective devices. and
(ii) be able to start the safety devices when it is operating in the emergency condition from the invcfter supplied
by the battery, and
(jii) comply with the rcquircments oiRegulation 560.6. t0, and
(iv) cornply with BS EN 62040-1 and BS EN 62040-3, as applicable.

560.6.13 Generator sets for safety services

Where a genemting set is used as a safety source, it shall comply with BS 7698-12.

560.6.14 Monitoring of safety sources

The condition ofthe source for safety services (ready for operation, under fault conditions, feeding from the source
r.,: lre\ for saf'ety services) shall be monitored.


560.7.1 Except where the recomnendations of other safety standards apply. circuits of safety seryices shall
be indeperdent of other circuits.
gases- NOTE: This rneans that any electrical l'ault or any inteNention or modification in one systelr must Dot affect the correct
functioning olthe other This may neccssitate separatiol by fire lesistant materials or different ]outes or enclosures.

560.7.2 Cilcuits of safety services shall rot pass through locations exposed to fire dsk (BE2) unless they are
iire-resista[t. The circuits shall not, in any case, pass through zones exposed to explosion risk (BE3).
NOTE: Whele placticablc. the passage ofcircuits through locations presenting a fire risk should be avoidcd-

- : r.rl d'. 560.7.3 In accordance with Regulation 433.3.3, protection against ovelload tnay be omitted where the loss
_ : :.1lal\ ofsupply may cause a greater hazard. Where protection against overload is omitted. the occulrence ofan overload
:hall be rnonitoled.

560,7,4 Overcurrent prorective devices shall be selected and erected so as to avoid an overcurrent in one
circuit impai ng the correct operation ofcircuits of safety services.

560.7.5 Switchgear and controlgear shall be clearly identified and grouped in locations accessible only to
skilled or instructed persons (B-\5 or BA4).

560.7.6 In equipmenr supplied by two different circuits, a fault occuring in one circuit shall not impair the
protection against elec!ic shock or the conect operation olthe other circuit. Such equipment shall be connected to
the protective conducto$ ofboth circuits, ifnecessary

560.7.7 Safety circuir cables, other than metallic screened, fire-resistant cables, shall be adequately and
reliably separated by distance or by barriers from other circuit cables, including other safety circuit cables.
NOTE: For battery cables. special lequirements may apply.

560,7.8 Circuits for safety services, with the exception ofwiring for fire and rescue selice lift supply cables
and wiring for Iifts with special requirements, shall not be installed in lift wells or other fluelike openings.
NOTE: while fre resistant cables rvill suwive most fires, if they are located in an unstopped vertical well the upward air
draught in a fire can generate cxcessive tempemtures above the capabilities ofthe cable so they should be avoided as
a route for safety systems.

560.7.9 In addition to a general schematic diagram, full details ofall electrical safety sources shall be given.
The inlbmation shall be adjacent to the distribution board. A single-line diagram is sufficient.

560.7.10 A drawing or drawings of the electrical salety installations shall be available showing the exact
location of:
(i) all electrical equipment and distribution boards, with equipment designations
(ii) safety equiprnent with final circuit designation and particulars and pur?ose ofthe equipment
(iii) special switching and monitoring equipment for the safety power supply (e.g. area switches, visual or
acoustic w atr ing equipment).

560.7.11 A list ofall the cunent-using equipment permanently connected to the safety power supply, indicating
the nominal electrical power, rated nominal voltage, curent and starting cuffent, together with its duration, shall be
NOTE: This information lnay be included in the circuit diagrams.

560.7.12 Operating instructions for safety equipment and electrical safety services shall be available. They
shall take into all the particulars ofthe installation.


560.8.1 One or more olthe following wiring systems shall be utilised for safety services required to operate
in fire conditions:
(i) Mineral insulated cable systems complying with BS EN 60702-1 andBS EN 60702-2andBSEN 60332-1-2
(ii) Fire-resistant cables complying with IEC 60331- l, IEC 60331-2 or IEC 60331-3 and with BS EN 60332-l-2
(iii) Fire-resistant cables complying with test requirements ofBS EN 50200, BS 8434 or BS 8491, appropriate
for the cable size and with BS EN 60332-1-2
(iv) A wiring system maintaining the necessary fire and mechanical protection.

The wiring system selected shall tneet the requirements ofthe relevant code ofpractice appropdate to the application
aud shall be mounted and installed in such a way that the circuit integdty will not be impaired during a flre.

NOTE 1: BS 5266, BS 5839 and BS 8519 specify cables to BS EN 60702-1, BS 7629-1 and BS 7846 as being suitable
when appropridrel) sclccted tol the rpplication.

NOTE 2: Examples of a systern maintaining the necessary fire and mechanical protection could be:
(i) constructional enclosures to maintainflte and mechanical protection. or
(ii) wirirg systems in sepamte fire compatments.

560.8.2 Wiring lor cortrol and bus systems of safety services shall be in acaordance with the same
requirements as the wiring which is to be used for the safety services. This does not apply to circuits that do not
adversely aflect the operation ofthe safety equipment.

560.8.3 Reserved .for./itture use

560.8.4 Circuits for safety services which can be supplied by direct current shall be provided with two-pole
overcurent protection mechanistls.

560.8.5 Srvitchgear and controlgeax used for both AC and DC supply- sources shall be suitable for both AC
and DC operation.


Emergency lighting systems shall comply with the relevant pafis ofBS 5266 series and BS EN 1838.


Fire detection and fire alam systems shall comply with the relevant parts ofBS 5839 series.


The selection and installation ol power and control cable systems which are required to maintain their circuit
integrity for life safety and firefighting applications shall comply with the relevant parts of BS 8519.


j - :.!

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