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Usage of Information Technology for the Construction Industry

Topic: Usage of IT for Construction Industry


Construction information technology (IT) applications are the

applied use of information technology during the planning,
design and implementation of projects or work during
construction projects. It could also involve the use of information
technology during the bidding and tendering phases in the
construction industry. The rate of which technology is changing
at the moment has made it possible for information to be
deployed at massive scale in the construction industry. Thus the
benefit of application of information within construction industry
has benefited the industry beyond expectation.

In the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry,

the general held belief is that the construction sector has not be
willing to adapt to changes that comes with information
technology. Nevertheless, the AEC industry has several practical
applications that facilitate the technology, outsourcing and
exchange of information within the industry, the roles of
technology adopted are important to sustain the quality of life
(QOL) to mankind [1].

The construction process can be divided into two highly

integrated sub-processes which interact with each other at many
levels [2]. The information sub process activities always result in
information whereas the material sub-process activities produce
services of physical objects. This was well illustrated by the
figure 1. The diagram helps...

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