IA Portion

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1. What is cursor?

With general form explain how cursor is used to retrieve tuple with
Embedded SQL. Write the drawbacks of embedded SQL with C.
2. With neat diagram, explain JDBC architecture. Give classifications of JDBC drivers.
3. With suitable example, explain informal guidelines as a measure for designing quality
database schema.
4. Define 1NF, 2NF and 3NF.
5. Explain the three different techniques to normalize the relation to 1NF.
6. Consider the universal relation R = {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J} and the set of
functional dependencies F = {{A, B}→{C}, {B, D}→{E, F}, {A, D}→{G, H},
{A}→{I}, {H}→{J}}. Normalize the relation R into 2NF and 3NF.
7. What do you mean by closure attributes? Write an algorithm to find closure attributes.
Consider the relation R = {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J} and the set of functional
dependencies F = {{A, B}→{C}, {B, D}→{E, F}, {A, D}→{G, H}, {A}→{I},
{H}→{J}}. Find the closure attributes set X+ on F.
8. Sate definitions for covering FDs and equivalent FDs. Consider two sets of functional
dependencies F = {AC, ACD, EAD, EH} and G = {ACD, EAH}. Are F
and G equivalent? P = { X → Y, XY → Z, Y → W}and Q = { X →YW, W → XZ }.
Are P and Q equivalent?
9. Describe the properties of transaction. With neat schematic, explain state transition
diagram illustrating the states for transaction execution.
10. What is schedule? Write an algorithm for Testing conflict Serializability of a schedule
11. What are the four different problems may occur if concurrent transactions are not
controlled? Explain with suitable example.
12. Discuss Two-Phase locking technique for concurrency control.

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