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The Proficiency of Chat GPT in

Facilitating Essay Writing for

Student Academic Growth


The goal of the Proficiency of Chat GPT in Facilitating Essay Writing for Student

Academic Growth project is to improve grade 11 students' essay writing abilities by

utilizing language AI technologies, particularly Chat GPT. Through the use of this

cutting-edge technology, students will have access to individualized advice, helpful

criticism, and insightful recommendations, which will ultimately support their

academic development in the area of essay writing. This concept paper will include an

overview of the project's goals and execution, along with its mission and vision.

The Proficiency of Chat GPT project aims to empower eleventh grade students

by providing them with the writing skills they need to become critical thinkers and

effective communicators. Through the utilization of Chat GPT, this projects’ goal is to

offer customized assistance and direction to students during the essay writing

process, enabling them to improve their writing skills and raise their overall academic


The project's goal is to establish an engaging and encouraging learning

environment where 11th graders can hone their writing skills. We see a future in
which Chat GPT transforms essay writing and helps students become proficient in

written communication by utilizing the power of language artificial intelligence

technologies partnerships will be forged with academic institutions and instructors

who will facilitate the adoption of Chat GPT by eleventh-grade pupils. To maximize the

platform's utilization, training sessions and seminars will be arranged to acquaint

educators and students with its features and functionalities.

Assessment and evaluation of students' development will also be given top

priority in this initiative. A rubric designed to meet the academic requirements and

standards of grade 11 will be used to evaluate each student's essay. Essay writing

skills will be addressed for growth through the use of teacher input and Chat GPT

feedback to create thorough evaluations.


The goal of the Proficiency of Chat GPT in Facilitating Essay Writing for Student

Academic Growth project is to give 11th graders a life-changing educational

opportunity that will improve their ability to write essays. The research intends to

address the difficulties students encounter in developing cohesive arguments,

efficiently expressing ideas, and enhancing overall essay quality by leveraging Chat

GPT, an advanced language AI technology. This project is worth the time, money, and

effort invested for a number of reasons.

First of all, writing essays is a fundamental ability that is essential to

succeeding academically. Students who want to succeed in a variety of subjects, such

as the social sciences, humanities, and even STEM fields, must possess this ability.

Students who contribute to this project will have the chance to get individualized
instruction and helpful criticism that goes above and beyond what is usually possible

in a standard classroom.

Secondly, the project also acknowledges the value of customized learning

opportunities. Every kid has different learning preferences, areas of strength and

weakness. Students will be able to participate in dynamic discussions using Chat GPT

and receive real-time support that can be tailored to meet their individual

requirements. Students' time and effort during their essay-writing process are

eventually saved by this personalization, which promotes a more successful and

efficient learning experience.

Thirdly, because it provides opportunities for students who might not otherwise

have access to private tutors or writing centers, the idea is financially worthwhile. For

all grade 11 students, Chat GPT removes obstacles and offers an accessible and

reasonably priced substitute. Students from different backgrounds, regardless of their

socioeconomic level, can have equal possibilities to enhance their essay writing skills

thanks to this inclusivity.


An artificial intelligence technology called Chat GPT is being utilized more and

more in academics to help students write essays and develop their writing abilities. It

can extract important themes, offer citations, and offer criticism on style, coherence,

and grammar. Its effectiveness in supporting essay writing for students' academic

development does, however, come with drawbacks.

1.Enhanced writing abilities: By offering comments on style, coherence, and grammar,

Chat GPT can assist students in enhancing their writing abilities.

2. Key point extraction and citation provision: Students can save time and effort by

using the tool to extract important points and produce citations from a given topic.

3. Judgment-free support: Chat GPT is a reliable companion for student writers at

many phases of growth, providing judgment-free support to students who are faced

with a blank page.

4. Improved cooperation: Chat GPT can assist students with autonomous online study

by answering their questions and enhancing teamwork by providing ideas for a

discussion structure and prompt answers.


1. Over-reliance on the tool: According to several research, students found that

utilizing Chat GPT made it more difficult to write than it would have been if they had

done it alone.

2. Lack of deep comprehension of the issue: When students are ignorant of the

subject, Chat GPT's shortcoming of not having a deep comprehension of the topic

could produce questionable results.

3. Plagiarism: It's possible that Chat GPT will produce work that isn't entirely original,

which could result in plagiarism concerns.

4. Ignoring the learning process: Students who rely too much on Chat GPT run the

risk of omitting the process, which is crucial to their academic development.

To sum up, Chat GPT can help students write essays by providing them with

useful writing tools.


The budget needed for using ChatGPT will depend on the specific use case and

the volume of usage. OpenAI, the organization behind ChatGPT, offers various pricing

options based on factors such as the response times, and support levels.

For individuals looking to use ChatGPT, there are options for pay-as-you-go

pricing or monthly subscription plans. The costs can range from a few dollars to

several hundred dollars per month, depending on the level of usage. For larger

enterprises or organizations with higher usage needs, OpenAI offers custom pricing

and support options tailored to specific requirements. It's important to consult with

OpenAI directly or visit their website to get the most current information on pricing

and budgeting for using ChatGPT.


Lhea Aquira Reyes


James Brian Teodor


Zairus Encarnacion


Alexa Dela Luna


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