Robinson Cybenko 2012 A Cyber Based Behavioral Model

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Original article

Journal of Defense Modeling and

Simulation: Applications,
A Cyber-based Behavioral Model Methodology, Technology
9(3) 195–203
Ó 2012 The Society for Modeling
and Simulation International
DOI: 10.1177/1548512911425808

David Robinson1 and George Cybenko2

While long considered an important aspect of strategic and theater planning, situational awareness (SA) is the linchpin to
both cyber planning and execution. As stated in Joint doctrine, before military activities in the information environment
can be accurately and effectively planned, the ‘‘state’’ of the environment must be understood. At its core, cyber situa-
tional awareness requires understanding the environment in terms of how information, events, and actions will impact
goals and objectives, both now and in the near future. Joint Information Operations (IO) doctrine defines three layers of
information inherent to this; physical, informational, and cognitive. While a fair amount of time and effort has been
focused on the physical and informational aspects of cyber situational awareness, very little emphasis has been placed on
the cognitive layer as it relates to cyber space and how best to model and analyze it. This research examines aspects of
the cognitive level by defining a cyber-based behavioral model contingent on the activities a user performs while on the
Internet. We believe this is foundational to completely defining a cyber situational awareness model, thus providing com-
manders and decision makers a more comprehensive and real time view of the environment in which they are operating.

cognition, Department of Defense, Internet, World Wide Web

1. Introduction
While long considered an important aspect of strategic and commanders and staff with information for a given popula-
theater planning, situational awareness (SA) is the linchpin tion determined from observations and analysis by social
to both cyber planning and execution. As stated in Joint scientists in the field. This information is used by com-
doctrine, before military activities in the information envi- manders to aid in the interpretation of cultural and regional
ronment can be accurately and effectively planned, the behaviors and to determine the effect of military actions
‘‘state’’ of the environment must be understood. Joint on them. While fairly successful for the Army, little to no
Information Operations (IO) doctrine defines three layers effort has been made to extend this approach into the cyber
of information inherent to this; physical, informational, arena.
and cognitive.24 While a fair amount of time and effort has At its core, cyber situational awareness requires under-
been focused on the physical and informational aspects of standing the environment in terms of how information,
cyber situational awareness, very little emphasis has been events, and actions will impact goals and objectives, both
placed on the cognitive layer as it relates to cyber space now and in the near future. E-commerce companies rea-
and how best to model and analyze it.* The Army recog- lized the importance of this type of understanding and
nized this shortfall and in 2006 stood up the Army’s
Human Terrain System (HTS).1 The HTS provides
Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, USA
Thayer School of Engineering, Hanover, NH, USA
We use the Joint Information Operations [24] definition of ‘‘cognitive’’
which is ‘‘Where human decision making takes place; Dimension of intan- Corresponding author:
gibles such as morale, unit cohesion, public opinion, situational aware- David Robinson, Air Force Institute of Technology, 2950 Hobson Way,
ness; Key characteristics: perceptions, emotions, awareness, and Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433, USA.
understanding.’’ Email:
196 Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology 9(3)

have invested a significant amount of time and effort into 2. Cyber Behaviors
modeling behaviors based on users’ cyber observables.
Online retail and marketing firms have done a great deal Leveraging previous work in this area,6 we define cyber
of research2,3,4,5 based on profiling user’s cyber behaviors. behavior as a set of activities together with a statistical
While the focus of their research lies in better targeted characterization of those activities. While this may seem
advertising campaigns, personalization, and recommender fairly straight forward and concise, trying to instantiate
systems, many of the techniques developed are extremely and model an individual’s cyber behavior based on this
effective in modeling users shopping behaviors and pre- concept is a non trivial matter.
dicting interests from collected historical data. Although Activities in a cyber context can range from the broad
this analysis seems to work well in the e-commerce (i.e., surfing the web) to fairly specific (i.e., querying
domain, a significant limitation is its inability to scale as ‘‘human behavior’’). A user may take part in a number of
additional (non-shopping) behaviors are introduced. fairly complex activities, which when combined under cer-
While aspects of behavioral models have been tain conditions, describe one or more distinct behaviors.
researched and implemented in various domains, little to For example, a user browsing web sites on cars, financing,
no work has been done to create a model capable of captur- and car dealerships could be characterized by the activity
ing the depth and breadth of human behavior in the cyber ‘‘web browsing’’. This ‘‘top level’’ activity however, does
realm. This research presents a mechanism to address this nothing to capture the underlying cyber behavior associ-
shortfall by translating users’ cyber observables into beha- ated with buying a car.
viors using the concept of topic modeling. While tradition- From our definition, activities are obviously a key com-
ally applied to document collections, we show how this ponent in the characterization of one’s behavior, but as just
same approach may be used to extract and represent beha- demonstrated, activities themselves can often be expressed
vioral information in a quantitative manner. The remainder in varying levels of abstraction. In order to describe activi-
of this paper describes what cyber behaviors are, how they ties in this manner, we make use of a hierarchical activity
may be modeled, extracted, and analyzed in a methodical tree. The root node represents the most basic instantiation
and repeatable manner, and provides an example of how of the activity, while the leaf nodes provide further detail
this approach may be utilized on actual data. and delineation into the specific act. Figure 1 is a graphical

Figure 1. Hierarchical activity tree for Shopping. Sibling nodes in the diagram are not in and of themselves independent activities, but
rather a more detailed description of the root activity (i.e. Automobilesis not an activity, but Shopping/Vehicles/Automobiles is).
Robinson and Cybenko 197

depiction of a portion of the shopping activity tree for models.9,10,11,12 Topic models are generative models
a user. allowing sets of observations to be explained by unob-
Each sibling leaf node is not in and of itself an indepen- served groups which describe why some parts of the data
dent activity, but rather a more detailed description of its are similar. Typically applied to document collections
root activity (i.e. Automobiles is not an activity, but (abstracts, e-mails, etc.), topic models are based on the
Shopping/Vehicles/Automobiles is). In this figure, Shopping idea that documents are mixtures of a small number of
may be an adequate description of the activity given the topics and each word is attributable to one of the docu-
context of the analysis. However, for other research (i.e., ment’s topics.
e-commerce), a more detailed differentiation as to the spe- In contrast to generative models, statistical inference is
cifics of what the user is shopping for is of critical impor- a technique used to invert the process just described by
tance. Using this hierarchical activity tree approach, we inferring the set of topics responsible for generating a col-
allow for varying levels of activity representation. lection of documents. We use the same approach in our
We use the methodology outlined in our previous work7 domain, but map documents, words, and topics to sessions,
to identify and extract activities from browser-based data. activities, and behaviors. We define a session as a time
This work provides a methodology to transform individual ordered sequence of page views by a single user occurring
URLs into hierarchical labels in a standardized and repea- during a period of activity by the user as defined in.13 The
table manner. We currently utilize the Open Directory table in Figure 2 summarizes this correspondence.
Project (ODP)8 category structure as the basis for these Using this terminology, behavioral models are based on
labels. the idea that sessions are mixtures of a small number of
behaviors and each activity is attributable to one of the ses-
sion’s behaviors, where a cyber behavior is a probability
3. Behavioral Model
distribution over activities.
From a purely representational standpoint, we see cyber- Borrowing from the example presented in,12 Figure 3 is
based behavioral models most similar to that of topic a graphical comparison of a generative process (left)

Figure 2. Mapping of the topics model concept of documents being a mixture of topics to our behavioral model of behaviors being
a mixture of sessions.

Figure 3. Graphical depiction of the generative process (left) and that of statistical inference (right) as it relates to the generation
and extraction of cyber behaviors.
198 Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology 9(3)

versus statistical inference (right) of a topic model in a

behavioral context.
On the left, the generative process depicts two beha-
viors (Behavior 1 and Behavior 2) and the sessions (S1,
S2, and S3) generated by each. Both behaviors have a
common relationship to News but are focused on
Computers (Behavior 1) and Sports (Behavior 2) related
activities. These behaviors are represented as ‘‘bags-of-
activities’’ containing different distributions over activi- Figure 5. The matrix factorization of a session/activity matrix
ties from which sessions can be generated. In this case, into a behaviors/activity matrix and a sessions/behavior matrix.
Session 1 (S1) is generated by Behavior 1, Session 3
(S3) by Behavior 2, and Session 2 (S2) is generated by Here the Si are sessions, Aj the individual activities, aij
an equal mixture of both behaviors (edge labels in the the activity counts per session, n the number of sessions,
diagram indicate which behavior was used to sample and k the number of activities we are looking to model.
each activity). Our goal of storing information in this matrix is to then
Although implied by our common News activity, we perform a factorization of the sessions/activity matrix into
emphasize there is no notion of mutual exclusivity restrict- a sessions/behavior matrix and a behaviors/activity matrix
ing activities to a single behavior. This is an important and (see Figure 5).
aspect of the model allowing for a single activity to be Our bag-of-activities representation tracks activity
represented in multiple behavioral contexts. For example, counts only, not the order of activities within a session. We
in Behavior 1, News is related to computer related news understand activity-order may provide additional beha-
and events whereas in Behavior 2, it is restricted to sport- vioral insights. Griffiths et al14 present an extension of the
ing news. topic model which takes into account word order. We
The right portion of Figure 3 illustrates statistical infer- believe this to be a viable approach to further define beha-
ence. Given the observed activities in a collection of ses- viors, but leave it as an area for future research.
sions, we wish to know the behavioral model responsible While various instantiations of probabilistic topic models
for generating the data. This involves inferring the prob- exist,9,12,15,16 our model remains fundamentally the same no
ability distribution over activities associated with each matter which we use; sessions are a mixture of behaviors
behavior, the distribution over behaviors for each session,
and behaviors are a probability distribution over activities.
and the behavior responsible for generating each activity.
Each activity in a session is seen as a sample from a mixture
Figure 4 is a generic session/activity matrix used to store
model where mixture components are multinomial P(ai |
our bag-of-activities data.
z=Zj) and the mixing proportions are P(z=Zj | ss) (where z is
a latent behavior and Zj is one of 1,.,Z behavioral values).
Before going any further, we formalize our definitions of
activity, session, user, and behavior as follows:

• Activity – basic unit of discrete data, a, defined to

be an item from a vocabulary V where the vth activ-
ity in the vocabulary is represented as av
• Session – a sequence of Ns activities denoted by
s = a1 , a2 , . . . , aNS where an is the nth activity in
the session
PN – the total number of activity tokens (N =
Nd );
• User – collection of S sessions denoted by U = s1,
s2,., sS
• Behavior – each behavior z (where Z is the total
number of behaviors) is represented as a multino-
mial distribution over activities

Figure 4. Session/activity matrix representation of an Borrowing notation from,12 P(z) is the distribution over
individual’s cyber activities. behaviors z in a session and P(a | z) is the probability
Robinson and Cybenko 199

Figure 6. Plate notation depicting our cyber-based behavioral model.

distribution over activities a given behavior z. P(zi = j) is behavior-based version of the plate notation originally pre-
the probability the jth behavior was sampled for the ith sented in.12
activity token and P(ai | zi = j) is probability of activity ai The arrows in the model indicate conditional dependen-
under behavior j. The distribution over activities within a cies between variables while plates (boxes) represent repe-
session can now be represented as follows, where Z is the titions of sampling steps (variables in the lower right
total number of behaviors: corner refer to the number of samples). The activities a
(shaded), are the only observable variables in this model
while all others (non-shaded), are latent variables. Using
P(ai ) = P(ai j zi = j)P(zi = j) this notation, the inner plate over z and a illustrates the
repeated sampling of behaviors and activities until Ns
To simplify notation, we let ’(j) = P(a j z = j) refer to activities have been generated for session s. The plate sur-
the multinomial distribution over activities for behavior j rounding θ(s) shows the sampling of a distribution over
and θ(s)=P(z) refer to the multinomial distribution over behaviors for each session s for a total of S sessions, while
behaviors for session s. Parameter ’ indicates which activ- the plate surrounding ’(z) illustrates the repeated sampling
ities are ‘‘important’’ for which behavior and parameter θ of activity distributions for each behavior z until Z beha-
represents the mixture weights to identify ‘‘important’’ viors have been generated.
behaviors for a session.
Typically a Dirichlet17 prior on θ is used in order to
estimate the mixture weights. The parameters of the distri- 4. Behavioral Extraction
bution are specified as α1.αZ where each hyperparameter
αj is interpreted as a prior observation count for the num- Given a session/activity matrix such as in Figure 4, the
ber of times behavior j is sampled in a session before hav- goal of behavioral extraction is to use the concepts just
ing observed any actual activities in the session. Normally described to factor the matrix as shown in Figure 5 to iden-
a symmetric Dirichlet distribution with single α parameter tify the behaviors represented and the distribution of activ-
is used to create a smoothed behavioral distribution (the ities which created them. While a number of algorithm
amount of smoothing is determined by α). A symmetric exist to achieve this,9,12 we make use of a sampling based
Dirichlet(β) prior is also used on ’ and represents the prior version of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) described
observation count on the number of times activities are in12 and implemented in the Java package Mallet.18
sampled from a behavior before any activity is observed. LDA9 is a probabilistic generative model used to
Depending on the implementation used, various techniques estimate the multinomial observations by unsupervised
exist to estimate each parameter just described. learning. Estimating parameters for LDA by directly and
In order to capture the dependencies among the para- exactly maximizing the likelihood of the whole data
meters, we represent our model in Figure 6 using a collection is intractable and therefore requires approximate
200 Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology 9(3)

estimation methods such as variational inference, These values correspond to the predictive distributions
Expectation Propagation, and Gibbs Sampling. We make of sampling a new token of activity i from behavior j, and
use of the Gibbs Sampling approach in this work. a new (unobserved) token in session l from behavior j.
Gibbs sampling is a specific form of Markov Chain These values also represent the posterior means of these
Monte Carlo (MCMC) and simulates a high-dimensional quantities conditioned on a particular sample z.
distribution by sampling on lower-dimensional subsets of The choice of the number of behaviors is an important
variables where each subset is conditioned on the value of factor in our approach as too small a choice will result in
all others. Sampling is done sequentially and proceeds until very broad behaviors and too large a choice will lead to
the sampled values approximate the target distribution. un-interpretable results. A large corpus of research19,20,10
Using this approach, activities are first randomly assigned exists on methods to select the most appropriate number
to behaviors. Repeated iteration over every activity is then of behaviors, and is beyond the scope of this research. We
performed, choosing a new behavior for the activity based currently use a combination of Hierarchical Latent
on the current assignments of every other activity within a Dirichlet Allocation4 based on nonparametric Bayesian
session and the activities assigned to each behavior. The statistics and manual inspection to best determine the
probability of assigning an activity a in session s to beha- appropriate behavior count.
vior z is given by

αz + Nst βa + Nza 5. Experimental Results

p(z j s, a) /
0 In order to test the effectiveness of our model, we col-
(α0z + NSz ) (β0a + Nza )
z a
lected twelve browser history files from consenting users
ranging in duration from one to four months. These history
where Nsz is the number of times behavior z appears in ses- files contain the majority (users would sometimes use
sion s and Nza is the number of times activities of type a other computers or browsers during the period in question)
have been assigned to behavior z. Using LDA, the hyper- of the user’s web browsing activity for those periods of
parameters αz and βa are generally constants, reflecting time. Because the information was collected from known
symmetric, uninformative priors. and consenting users, ‘‘ground truth’’ information is avail-
During the initial stage of the sampling process (also able for verification of all analysis and testing with this
known as the burn-in period), the Gibbs samples are dis- data set. Due to the diversity of behaviors within our sam-
carded because they are poor estimates of the posterior. ple, we present initial findings on a single user from the
After the burn-in period, the successive Gibbs samples begin group. Our user (whom we will refer to as ‘‘User 1’’ for
to approximate the target distribution, which in our case, is the remainder of this section) is a graduate student con-
the posterior distribution over behavior assignments. ducting research in the areas of finance and computer engi-
Estimates for ’0 (activity-behavior distribution) and θ0 neering. Browsing history data for this individual was
(behavior-session distribution) can now be directly collected from 28 October 2009 to 7 January 2010 and
extracted as follows: consists of 10,907 click links, 623 sessions, and sixteen
top level categories.
Nzaj i + β Nzsjl + α Using behavioral extraction (see Section 4), we are able
i = θ0(l)
j = to identify and label seven dominant behaviors for this
Nzaj k + Aβ NZslk + Zα user. Figure 7 is a breakout of the distribution of activities
k=1 k=1 associated with each identified behavior.

Figure 7. User 1 personal (top) and work (bottom) behaviors extracted using LDA.
Robinson and Cybenko 201

Figure 8. Frequency of URL accesses by a user during a particularly stressful period in the workplace for work related (top) and
leisure related (bottom) activities.

The labels are defined in a qualitative manner by sim- analysis21 of the deviation in frequency of URL accesses
ply choosing a central theme based on manual browsing of by a user during a particularly stressful period in the
the activities for each behavior. Once labeled, it became workplace.
apparent two distinct types of behaviors were exhibited; These plots clearly demonstrate the utility of a beha-
work and personal. Although this distinction is again qua- vioral analysis based on cyber-observables in inferring the
litative in nature, given the context of the analysis per- psychological state of the user. In these figures, the verti-
formed combined with the background information we cal bar at day 35 indicates the deadline for submitting writ-
have on the individual, this division seems sound. We note ten materials for a milestone review and the vertical bar at
that, while not impossible, attempting to conduct beha- day 50 corresponds to the user’s defense of the findings.
vioral modeling and analysis with no contextual informa- The broader region spanning days 27-29 corresponds to a
tion what so ever is a very difficult task. holiday period. Analysis of the profiles reveals a sequence
We make the assumption that some background infor- of behavioral modalities that map to the following meta-
mation either on the individual or the point of collection process:
(i.e. collected from a university, bank, military installation,
etc.) will be made available. Behaviors related to personal
activities are represented on the top half of Figure 7 while
those having to do with work are depicted on the bottom. Days 22-26: Start of intense preparation.
27-29: Holiday (work moves out of band).
Other than behavior B4 (e-mail and general interests),
30-35: Peak collection of research material.
manual inspection of the activities within each behavior 35: Submission of written material.
reveals a high correlation to individual areas of focus. 36-50: Shift to consolidation of materials for
Although the average accuracy reported back by individu- presentation.
als modeled was 92%, additional research is needed to 50: Defense of findings.
51-end: Shift to relaxation period. Personal
determine a more quantitative method to measure accu- (non-work related) browsing patterns.
racy. Figure 8 illustrates a cumulative sum (CUMSUM)
202 Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology 9(3)

Within a military context, this same type of analysis major challenge in applying a topic model based approach
may be employed from an intelligence standpoint in identi- to any text mining problem is to automatically label topics
fying certain ‘‘types’’ of individuals of interest (i.e. system both accurately and intuitively allowing a user to interpret
administrators, chemists, biologists, etc.) within a network. the discovered topic, or in our case, behavior. We consider
Adding in temporal aspects (as in Figure 8) also provides a some recent work (see for example22,23 and others) as
mechanism to determine increases or decreases in cyber offering viable approaches to resolve this problem, but
activities of individuals or groups and the context of those believe further research beneficial in discovering how this
changes (i.e. increase in programming activities may be an would relate to the behavioral domain. While the initial
indicator of a new project starting). results provide examples demonstrating the effectiveness
of our behavioral model, additional data sources are
needed in which behaviors and activities can be verified
6. Contribution of Work and validated in a scientific manner. Because our research
extends far beyond the engineering domain, work with
We have implemented a novel approach to the modeling
behavioral scientists and psychologists is vital to ascertain
and analysis of behaviors given a user’s cyber characteris-
the most beneficial methods and means to capture speci-
tics. By formalizing and instantiating our behavioral model
fied behavioral characteristics.
as defined in Section 4 on user data, we have in place a
mechanism to characterize and profile both individuals
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14. Griffiths TL, Steyvers M, Blei DM and Tenenbaum JB. 23. Treeratpituk P and Callan J. Automatically labeling hierarch-
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20. Teh YW, Jordan MI, Beal MJ and Blei DM. Sharing clusters George Cybenko is the Dorothy and Walter Gramm
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21. Robinson D. Cyber-based behavioral modeling. PhD Thesis, signal processing, neural computing, parallel processing
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, 2010. and computational behavioral analysis and was the
22. Mei Q, Shen X and Zhai C. Automatic labeling of multino- Founding Editor-in-Chief of IEEE/AIP Computing in
mial topic models. In: Proceedings of the 13th ACM Science and Engineering and IEEE Security & Privacy.
SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery
Cybenko is a Fellow of the IEEE and received his BS
and Data Mining (KDD ’07), ACM, New York, 2007,
(Toronto) and PhD (Princeton) degrees in Mathematics.

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