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Grade 1

Blackline Masters

English Language Learners

Blackline Masters
English Language Learners

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ISBN: 978-1-26-631110-9
MHID: 1-26-631110-6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ONL 26 25 24 23 22 21 A
Table of Contents
Unit 1 • Independent Writing
Week 1 • My Writing Outline 1...............................................................................1
Week 2 • My Writing Outline 2............................................................................2
Week 3 • My Writing Outline 3............................................................................3
Week 4 • My Writing Outline 4........................................................................... 4
Week 5 • My Writing Outline 5............................................................................5

Unit 2 • Independent Writing

Copyright © McGraw Hill. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Week 1 • My Writing Outline 6.............................................................................6

Week 2 • My Writing Outline 7............................................................................7
Week 3 • My Writing Outline 8........................................................................... 8
Week 4 • My Writing Outline 9............................................................................9
Week 5 • My Writing Outline 10........................................................................10

Unit 3 • Independent Writing

Week 1 • My Writing Outline 11...........................................................................11
Week 2 • My Writing Outline 12........................................................................12
Week 3 • My Writing Outline 13........................................................................ 13
Week 4 • My Writing Outline 14........................................................................14
Week 5 • My Writing Outline 15........................................................................ 15

iii Grade 1 • Table of Contents

Unit 4 • Independent Writing
Week 1 • My Writing Outline 16......................................................................... 16
Week 2 • My Writing Outline 17........................................................................17
Week 3 • My Writing Outline 18........................................................................18
Week 4 • My Writing Outline 19........................................................................ 19
Week 5 • My Writing Outline 20......................................................................20

Unit 5 • Independent Writing

Copyright © McGraw Hill. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Week 1 • My Writing Outline 21.........................................................................21
Week 2 • My Writing Outline 22......................................................................22
Week 3 • My Writing Outline 23...................................................................... 23
Week 4 • My Writing Outline 24......................................................................24
Week 5 • My Writing Outline 25...................................................................... 25

Unit 6 • Independent Writing

Week 1 • My Writing Outline 26....................................................................... 26
Week 2 • My Writing Outline 27......................................................................27
Week 3 • My Writing Outline 28......................................................................28
Week 4 • My Writing Outline 29...................................................................... 29
Week 5 • My Writing Outline 30...................................................................... 30

iv Grade 1 • Table of Contents

Independent Writing Resources Grade 1 Unit 1 Week 1
My Writing Outline 1


A. Read the prompt: Why did Nat’s feelings about school


book likes nervous

1. How does Nat feel at first?

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At first, Nat feels .

2. What does Pam give Sam?

Then, Pam gives Sam a .

3. Does Nat like school at the end?

At the end, Nat school.

B. Underline one complete sentence. Circle an event.

1 Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 1

My Writing Outline 2


A. Read the prompt: How does Pip feel about his neighborhood?

umbrella  excited  waves

1. What does Pip see?

Pip sees an .

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2. What does Pip do?

Pip at people .

3. How does Pip feel about his neighborhood?

Pip is about his neighborhood!

B. Draw a box around each capital letter. Circle one

descriptive detail.

2 Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 2

My Writing Outline 3


A. Read the prompt: Think about Flip. Write what might

happen the next day when Flip goes to school.

red   play   catches

1. What does Flip want to do the next day?

Flip wants to ball.

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2. What does Flip do?

Flip hits a ball.

3. What happens next?

A girl the ball.

B. Underline one statement and one question. Circle a

descriptive detail.

3 Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 3

My Writing Outline 4


A. Read the prompt: Why is Pam a good friend to Jill?

helps   like   game   tag

1. What game do the girls play?

The girls play .

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2. What is the problem?

Jill does not tag.

3. What is Pam’s plan?

The friends make up a .

4. How is Pam a good friend?

Pam her friend!

B. Circle an exclamation mark. Underline one supporting

4 Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 4
My Writing Outline 5


A. Read the prompt: What’s your favorite thing to do

outside? Add a new page to the text.

hands   climb   catch   down

1. What do you like to do outside?

I like to go the slide.

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2. What can you do with your feet?

I can with my feet.

3. What can you do with your hands?

I with my !

B. Underline a supporting detail. Circle the capital letter

in the first word in each sentence.

5 Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 5

ndependent Writing Resources Grade 1 Unit 2 Week 1

My Writing Outline 6


A. Read the prompt: Would you like to have Jen’s job?

Tell why or why not.

cat  fire  important  tree

1. What does Jen do first?

She puts out a .

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2. What does Jen do next?

She climbs a .

She helps a .

3. What do you think about Jen’s job?

Jen has a(n) job!

B. Underline one idea. Circle two nouns.

6 Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 1

My Writing Outline 7


A. Read the prompt: Should the pigs be worried that the

wolf will come back to bother them? Why or why not?

bothers  like  build  hut

1. Does the wolf bother the pigs?

Yes, the wolf the pigs.

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2. Why does the wolf kick down the pigs’ hut?

The wolf does not mud.

3. What do the pigs do?

They a new .

B. Underline one detail. Circle one singular noun and one

plural noun.

7 Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 2

My Writing Outline 8


A. Read the prompt: Write two more pages about one of

the animals in At a Pond. Use the photos to help you.

legs    swim    help

1. How do turtles use their bodies?

Turtles use their bodies to them.

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2. What body parts help turtles?

Turtles have strong .

3. How do a turtle’s legs help the turtle?

They help them fast.

B. Underline the topic. Circle a possessive noun.

8 Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 3

My Writing Outline 9


A. Read the prompt: Extend the story to tell what Nell

might do next.

colorful crayons hangs paper town

1. Tell what Nell does at the beginning.

First, Nell gathers and .

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2. Tell what Nell does next.

Then, Nell makes signs.

3. Tell what Nell does last.

Last, Nell the signs all around !

B. Draw a box around the beginning of the story. Circle a

proper noun. Underline a common noun.

9 Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 4

My Writing Outline 10


A. Read the prompt: Think about the different kinds of

maps in the text. How can maps help us?

find imaginary places rooms towns

1. What are the different kinds of maps?

Some maps show in a house.

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Other maps show , like Chatwell.

Maps can show places!

2. How do these maps help us?

Maps help us
different places.

B. Underline one supporting detail. Circle a proper noun.

10 Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 5

Independent Writing Resources Grade 1 Unit 3 Week 1

My Writing Outline 11


A. Read the prompt: Write four more pages of the story.

Tell the excuses the boy might give his mom for getting
home late.

1. What happened to the boy after school?

After school today, I met a .

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2. What did the animal want?

He wanted me to help him .

3. What did the animal and the boy do?

We in the .

4. What did the boy tell his mom?

That’s why I’m !

B. Underline two verbs. Circle two strong verbs.

11 Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 1

My Writing Outline 12


A. Read the prompt: Think of a different animal that

might have been able to help get the yuca plant out.
Write a scene where he/she helps out.

1. What does Lola say about the yuca plant?

Lola: The yuca plant cannot !

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2. What does Blue Bird do?

Narrator: Blue Bird down and squawks.

3. What does Blue Bird say to Lola and Rat?

Blue Bird: Let me ! I will Rat.

4. How does the scene end?

Narrator: Lola her hands.

B. Underline two present-tense verbs. Circle two sensory

12 Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 2
My Writing Outline 13


A. Read the prompt: Imagine the Gingerbread Man had

chosen to go around the lake. Then write a new ending
to the story.

1. What did the Gingerbread Man do differently?

The Gingerbread Man went around the .

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2. How did the fox feel? What did he do?

The fox was .


the !

3. What did the Gingerbread Man do at the end?

The Gingerbread Man ran !

B. Circle the past-tense verbs.
13 Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 3
My Writing Outline 14


A. Read the prompt: Based on Long Ago and Now, do you think
being a kid is better now, or was it better in the past? Why?

1. What is your opinion?

I think being a kid is .

2. How is travel different now?

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We instead of .

3. How is life easier at home now?

We have refrigerators, ,

and to clean clothes.

B. Underline your opinion. Circle is.

14 Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 4

My Writing Outline 15


A. Read the prompt: Based on From Cows to You, which

job in the milk process would you rather have? Why?

1. What job do you think is the best?

I think the job is farmer.

2. What do farmers do?

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They give the cows a .

3. What is the most interesting part of this job?

They the .

4. Is this job important or not important?

It’s !

B. Circle one contraction. Underline the opinion.

15 Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 5

ndependent Writing Resources Grade 1 Unit 4 Week 1

My Writing Outline 16


A. Read the prompt: Based on the story, what is something

Rabbit might be thinking about at the end? Use evidence
from the text in your answer.

1. How does Little Rabbit look at the end?

Little Rabbit .

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2. Why was Little Rabbit worried earlier in the story?

Little Rabbit was worried because he thought

3. Why do you think he is worried now?

He might think .

B. Underline was or were. Circle a descriptive word.

16 Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 1

My Writing Outline 17


A. Read the prompt: Which animal team do you think is

most interesting? Why?

1. Which animal team is the most interesting?

I like .

2. How does the one animal help?

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The big animal bugs on its skin.

The bird off the big animal.

3. How does the other animal help?

The big animal keeps .

B. Put a box around the opinion and underline the

reasons. Circle has or have.

17 Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 2

My Writing Outline 18


A. Read the prompt: How do vultures use their body parts

to help them find food?

1. How do vultures use their body parts?

Vultures use their body parts .

2. What do they use to fly?

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They use their .

3. How do they look for food?

They go .

4. Which body part do they use to eat food?

They use their .

B. Circle the main idea. Underline the supporting details.

Circle the word go.

18 Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 3

My Writing Outline 19


A. Read the prompt: Why do Buzz’s parents and the

judges change their minds about Fly Guy?

1. What do Buzz’s parents and the judges think at first?

At first, Buzz’s parents and the judges think

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2. What do they hear?

Fly Guy says, “ .”

3. What do they see?

They see him .

4. What do Buzz’s parents and the judges think at the end?

At the end, they think !

B. Underline the concluding statement. Circle the word see.

19 Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 4

My Writing Outline 20


A. Read the prompt: How did learning sign language

affect Koko’s relationship with Penny?

1. How did learning sign language help Koko and Penny?

Sign language helped

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2. How did Koko use sign language?

Koko could .

3. What is another way Koko used sign language?

Koko could .

B. Underline the topic sentence. Circle one specific word.

20 Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 5

Independent Writing Resources Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 1

My Writing Outline 21

Read the prompt: In A Lost Button, do you think Frog or
Toad was the better friend? Why?

1. Who was the better friend?

I think .

2. How did Frog help Toad?

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Toad and Frog .

3. Why is Frog a good friend?

He worked .

21 Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1

My Writing Outline 22

Read the prompt: How does the author show that Kitten
is curious?

1. What does Kitten want to do?

2. How does she try to do it?

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3. What else does she do?

, but !

4. What does this tell you about Kitten?

22 Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2

My Writing Outline 23

Read the prompt: What made Thomas Edison a good

1. What did Tom do as a young child?

2. What else did he do?

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3. What happened when he was twelve years old?

4. What do these actions show?

5. How did that help him?

23 Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3
My Writing Outline 24

Read the prompt: Use what you know about Peter to
write a new story about a time he learned to play a
musical instrument or sing a special song.
1. What did Peter wish he could do?

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2. What did Peter try to do? What did it sound like?

, but .

3. How did Peter finally learn to play?

4. What happened then?

24 Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4

My Writing Outline 25

Read the prompt: Which bridge do you think is most
interesting? Why?

1. In your opinion, which bridge is the most interesting?

2. Where is the bridge?

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3. What can this bridge do?

4. Why is it interesting?

25 Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5

Independent Writing Resources Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 1

My Writing Outline 26

A. Read the prompt: Imagine the farmer wouldn’t give
the ducks a diving board. Write a letter that he might
receive from the animals after he says no.

1. What is the greeting of the letter?

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2. What do the ducks want?

3. What will they do if they don’t get a diving board?

4. What is the closing of the letter?

26 Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 1

My Writing Outline 27

Read the prompt: Rosina has a special community that
works together. How do the people in your community
work together to help you?

1. What do people in your community do?

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2. What is one way someone helps you?

My .

3. Who else helps you?


4. What is your conclusion?

27 Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 2

My Writing Outline 28

Read the prompt: What do the children in Rain School
learn from their first lesson?

1. In “Rain School,” what happens on the first day

of school?

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2. What do the children learn?

3. How do they do it?

4. What do they do next?

28 Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 3

My Writing Outline 29

Read the prompt: Write a letter from Lissy to her paper
friends telling them how things are going now.

1. What is the greeting of the letter?

2. What is Lissy doing now?

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3. How does Lissy feel about her paper friends?

4. What is the closing of the letter?

29 Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 4

My Writing Outline 30

Read the prompt: Which part of the Fourth of July
celebration is most important to you? Use text evidence.

1. Which part of the Fourth of July celebration is most

important to you?

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2. Why is it important?

3. How do you celebrate this holiday with your family?

4. How do you feel about it?

30 Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 5

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