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CLIENT: MD. ABUL KASHEM S/O. MD. ABDUL BATEN PROJECT TYPE: RESIDENTIAL BUILDING REPORT ON: SUB-SOIL INVESTIGATION REPORT ON CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED 07 (SEVEN) STORIED RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AT DAG NO. - CS. & S.A. - 2706, R.S. - 6591, M.S. - 19306, KHATIAN NO. - 39009, NAMZARI - 24368, AGATA - 385, JOTH NO. - 44/107, J.L. NO. - 16, MOUZA - DAKSHIN KHAN, P.S. - CANTONMENT, DIST. - DHAKA, BANGLADESH. SUBMISSION TIME JANUARY 2022 SUB — SOIL INVESTIGATION & REPORTED BY: IGITAL SURVEY, SAND PILING, PRE-CAST PILE, CAST-IN-SITU PILE. Office: - House#14&16 (1st Floor), Road #03, Block-H, Meradia, Banasree, Rampura, Dhaka -1219. ~ 01830980806, 01707980806 CONTENTS SL | Tile PAGENO, NO. Ts Introduction 04 2. Methodology 04 2.1 | Scope of work 04 2.2 | Field works 04 2.2.a_| Exploratory boring drilling 04 2.2.6 | Standard penetration test 05 2.2.6 | Extraction of disturbed soil samples 06 2.2.4 | Extraction of undisturbed soil samples 06 22. | Recording of ground water level 06 2.3 | Laboratory tests 06 23.a__| Natural Moisture Content 06 2.3.6 _| Particle Size Distribution 06 23.0 | Aterberg Limits 07 2.3.d_| Specific Gravity Test 07 2.3.e_| Direct Shear Test 07 2.3.6 | Unconfined Compression Test (ASTM D 2166), 08 2.3.g | Consolidation Test 08 2.4 | Physical properties 08 3.0 | Correction of the SPT values 09 4.0 | Determination of Settlement of soil 09 5.0__| Evaluation of bearing capacity of foundation 10 S.a__| Shallow foundation u 5b__| Deep foundation i 6.0 | Earthquake & Seismicity 13 7.0 | Conclusion & Recommendation 4 INDEX FOR APPENDICES Al Borehole Location Plan A2 Bore Log AB Direct Shear Test graph Ad Grain Size Analysis graph AS Laboratory Test Result ABBREVIATIONS API American Petroleum Institute ASTM ‘American Society for Testing & Materials BH Bore Hole Cc Cohesion Ce ‘Compression index D Disturb Sample EGL Existing Ground Level & Initial void ratio FM Fineness Modulus FS Factor of Safety | \g Gravitational acceleration | Gs Specific gravity HF.L High Flood Level LL Liquid Limit N.M.C Normal Moisture Content Pl Plasticity Index P.L Plastic Limit [qu Unconfined Compressive Strength RL Reduce Level TBM ‘Temporary Bench Mark uC Unconfined Compression UD Undisturbed Sample W.L Water Level 1. INTRODUCTION: A gco-technical investigation was performed for the construction of proposed 07 (Seven) Storied Residential Building at Dag No. - C.S. & S.A. - 2706, R.S. - 6591, M.S. - 19306, Khatian No. - 39009, Namzari - 24368, Agata - 385, Joth No. - 44/107, J.L. No. - 16, Mouza - Dakshin Khan, P.S. - Cantonment, Dist. - Dhaka, Bangladesh. This report consists of various relevant data, drawings, bore logs, graphs ete. for entire satisfaction of the design Engineer. Discussion and recommendation of probable type of foundations have also been included; however, design engineer will select the suitable type of foundation. Subsequent sections of this report contain descriptions of the field exploration and laboratory testing results and general sub-surface conditions. 2. METHODOLOGY: TALUKDER SOIL ENGINEERS & SURVEY TECHNOLOGY has sent experienced team to collect the field test at the site. Team leader of SPT team contracted with representative of client for recognizing the selected land and locations for field test. 2.1 Scope of work: The main scopes of this investigation work are: Execution of exploratory borings, recording of sub-soil stratification and position of ground water table. * Execution of standard penetration test (SPT) at an interval of 5 ft intervals from 0 ft to final depth of boring. * Preparation of the final report with all works including detailed description of soil stratification sub-soil. * From the field tests and laboratory tests, scope of calculation for bearing capacity value for design shallow foundation. ¢ From the field tests and laboratory tests, scope calculation for the skin friction and rearing values for design deep foundation. 2.2 Field works: All the field works and field tests were conducted as per standard procedure as laid down in ASTM specification are as follows. @ Exploratory Boring Drilling: Drilling was executed by wash boring method (Figure 1). A hole was started by driving vertically a 4” diameter steel casing into the ground to some depth and then the formation ground casing was broken up by repeated drops of a chopping bit attached to the lower and of drilling pipe. The upper end of the same was forced at high pressure through pores of the chopping bit, and returns to the surface through the annular space between drilling pipe and the side of the casing or hole, carrying with it the broken-up soils. In this way drilling is advance up to a level of 6” above the depth, where SPT-N value has to be executed. Figure 1: Wash Boring (Murthy, Figure 2: Operation of SPT with Donut 2002pp.320) Hammer (Coduto, 2001pp117) b) Standard Penetration Test (ASTM D 1586): Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) have been executed in all the bore holes at different intervals up to final depth of boring. In this test, a split spoon sampler of 2” out diameter and 1-3/8" inner diameter is made to penetrate 18 inches, into the soil by drops of a hammer weighting 140 Ibs (63.5 kgs) falling freely for a height of 30 inches (Figure 2 & 3). Numbers of blows of hammer required for penetration of each 6” Iength of the sampler are recorded. The number of blows for the last 12 inches penetration of the total 18” is known as the Standard Penetration Value (N-values) as specified by ASTM and the SPT-N value is plotted with particular depth. igure 3: Split Sampler (Coduto, 2001 pp.117) It is important to point that several factors contribute to the variation of the Standard Penetration Number ,N at a given depth for similar soil profile. These factors are the SPT hammer efficiency, borehole diameter, sampling method, rod length, water table and overburden pressure. The most two common types of SPT hammers used in the field are the safety hammer and donut hammer. They are usually dropped using a rope with two wraps around a pulley. The configurations of the hammers are shown in figure - 4. ©) Extraction of disturbed soil sample: Disturbed soil samples were collected at different interval but most of them were 5 ft. Cohesionless soils were sampled with the split spoon sampler in accordance with ASTM D1586 standard procedure. Each sample was removed from the sampler in the field, carefully examined and then classified by geotechnical technician. These soil samples were duly classified in situ in order to construct a depth wise stratification’s chart of borehole and to evaluate the overall sub-soil picture of the investigated site. @ Extraction of undisturbed soil sample: Undisturbed soil sampling is very important in soil investigation for determination of some important soil properties; Such as shear strength, unit weight, void ratio, compression index Ce, unconfined compression strength, angle of internal friction etc. Samples of cohesive soils were not obtained with a three-inch thin-walled (Shelby) tube sampler in general accordance with ASTM D 1587. ©) Recording of ground water level: Ground water levels along the project alignment were measured during drilling operation and 24 hours afterward. Specific ground water readings are indicated on the boring logs. It is noted, however, that ground water levels may fluctuate seasonally, climatically and due to other factors not evident at the time of field exploration. 2.3 Laboratory tests: All laboratory tests were conducted on soil samples collected either in the disturbed or in the undisturbed state. All tests were done as per ASTM procedures, are as follow: a. Natural Moisture Content: The Water content of a soil sample is the ratio of the weight of the water in the sample to its dry weight. It is usually expressed as a percentage. The soil sample is weighted both in natural state and in oven dry state and the moisture content is calculated by dividing the loss of weight of the sample by its dry weight. 6. Particle Size Distribution: The object of grain size analysis is to determine the size of the soil grains, and the percentage by weight of soil particles of different particles size, comprising a soil sample, The process consists of either sieve analysis or hydrometer analysis or both. The hydrometer analysis is adopted for sample passing sieve No. 200. For hydrometer analysis, 50 gm of the oven dry sample is thoroughly mixed with required quantity of water in a calibrated glass cylinder. In order to avoid flocculation, a little dispersing agent is adding. The density of the suspension is measured at specified time intervals, by means of a hydrometer or special design. At any particular time the size of largest particle remounting in suspension at the level of the hydrometer can be computed by means of Stocks law, whereas the weight of the particles finer then size, can be computed from the density of the suspension at the sample level. The mixture is washed through U.S standard sieve No. 200 and the fraction retained is dried. The friction retained of each sieve is weighted for calculation of the percentage of different friction, The results are represented by cumulative curves plotted on semi logarithmic graph paper. . Atterberg Limits: Physical properties of clay are greatly influenced by water content. A given soil behaves as a fluid or a soil or, as plastic materials, depending on how much water it contains. The water contents that correspond to the boundaries between the states of consistency are called as the Atterberg limits. Liquid limit is the minimum water content at Which a clay soil just starts behaving like a fluid. It is determined with the help of a standard liquid limit device. The plastic limit is the minimum water content at which a soil is just plastic and is determined by rolling out a soil sample at a slowly decreasing water content until, the desired water content is reached, at which a thread of 1/8 inch diameter just begging to crumble. The thread is rolled on glass plate with hand. d. Specific Gravity Test: The specific Gravity of a solid defined as the rate of the unit weight of the solid in air to the unit weight of water. To determine the specific gravity of soil sample, 25 grams of oven dried soil sample is thoroughly pulverized and is placed in a calibrated pycnometer. Water is poured inside the pycnometer until its top is slightly bellows the calibrated mark. The mixture is then belled thoroughly in order to eliminate the air baubles. More water is then added to mixture till overnight, the temperature is then recorded and the bottle is weighted. The specific gravity G, is given by: G = GxW)+s-W 4M) Where, G specific gravity of water at T°C. W. 1e weight of oven dry soil (25 gms) w, of flask + soil + water W, = Weight of flask + water e. Direct Shear Test: Direct Shear test can be Performed for both cohesion less & cohesive soil to determine shear strength, angle of internal friction, cohesion c, volume change etc. The test is done in a direct shear machine which consists of a normal loading device, shearing device having diameter 6.35 cm and height 2.54 cm, circular box, etc. The rate on shearing displacement of sample approximately 10 mm per minute is determined. The results of a direct shear test on a cohesion less & cohesive soil can be presented in a summary table & by stress-strain curve. A stress-strain curve normally consists of shear stress; various shear displacement for both the undisturbed and the remolded tests under a specified normal load. The normal load usually varies from 1/3 kg/¢”” to 1 kg/@””, Another curve of normal stress verses shearing stress will give angle of internal friction and cohesion for cohesive soil. £ Unconfined Compression Test (ASTM D 2166) The primary purpose of this test is to determine the unconfined compressive strength, which is then used to calculate the unconsolidated undrained shear strength of the clay under unconfined conditions. According to the ASTM standard, the unconfined compressive strength (qu) is defined as the compressive stress at which an unconfined cylindrical specimen of soil will fail in a simple compression test. In addition, in this test method, the unconfined compressive strength is taken as the maximum load attained per unit area, or the load per unit area at 15% axial strain, whichever occurs first during the performance of a test. g. Consolidation Test: Consolidation Test is used to determine the rate and magnitude of settlement in soils. The settlement values obtained by this test are due to primary consolidation only which is 90% of the total consolidation. The results of consolidation test are very much helpful in the design of foundations. Selected soil samples were tested in the laboratory to determined applicable physical and engineering properties. The laboratory program included; 1) Grain size analysis (Sieve Analysis) -—~ 2) Moisture content Test -- 3) Direct Shear Test -- 4) Specific Gravity Test 2 2.4 Physical properties: The overall physical properties of the sub soil formation of the project area have been evaluated which has been shown in bore log. The physical properties of the investigation site may be discussed as follows: @) —Subsoil stratification: The layers of the investigated site are extending roughly to the final depth and which has been shown in Bore log . Soil layers are homogenies. 4) Ground Water Table (GWT): The ground water table has been identified for boreholes at this time. Correlation table of soils based on of SPT values: Two tables for Nom-Cohesive and Cohesive Soils Based on N-Values as below: Values of approximate unconfined compressive strength based on N-values for Cohesive soil (After K. Terzaghi and R.B. Peck): Table No:- 1 Soil Type Soil state of “N” Values | Undrained | Frictional compactness/ | (Blows/300mm) | Cohesion | Angle(Deg.) Consistency Very Soft Less than 2 10 - Cohesive Soft 24 10-20 - Materials ‘Medium Stiff 48 20-35 - (Clays & Stiff 8-15 35-75 : | Silts) Very Stiff 15-30 75-125, 5 Hard >30 125-150 - Granular Very loose 0-4 = 28 Materials Loose 4-10 = 28-30 (Sands & ‘Medium Dense 10-30 = 30-36 Gravels) Dense 30-50 = 33-38 ‘Very Dense 530 - 36-41 3. Correction of SPT Values Field SPT values have been corrected for Dilatancy. In very fine or silty, saturated sand Terzaghi & Peck (First Edition, P-426) recommended that the penetration number be adjusted in N is greater than 15 as N? = 15+0.5*(Ne15) 4. Determination of Settlement of soil: The magnitude and rate of settlement due to consolidation of normally consolidated soils can be calculated by the following equations (Terzaghi, 1943) S = Co H/(1+ ¢,) logo (Py + AP)/Pp where, S = Settlement due to consolidation. Cc= Compression index to be determined from the results of consolidation tests. H= Thickness of the layer. If the soil is drained on top and bottom as in the consolidation test, half- thickness should be used. €o= natural void ratio of the soil in place. eight of soil above mid-height of the consolidating layer. AP=consolidation pressure = net additional pressure 5. EVALUATION OF BEARING CAPACITY OF FOUNDATION a) Shallow foundation For cohesive soil, the criteria for finding Bearing Capacity is based on the undrained shear strength and there the soil is assumed as purely cohesive soil or may be estimated from the corrected SPT values. For granular soil it can be calculated from & c values obtained from direct shear tests or from based on corrected SPT values. On the basis of above criteria, the Bearing Capacities of the foundation have been evaluated according to Terzaghi, (Appendix Ad: (TABLE-1)). According to Tarzaghi’s formula: (For cohesive soil) 1, Square footing: Qu = 1.3¢’Ne + yDNq + 0.4yBNy 2. Circular footing: Qu = 1.3c’Ne + yDNq + 0.3yBNy 3. Strip or Continuous footing: Qu = ¢’Ne + YDNq + 0.5yBNy For purely cohesive soil, Tarzaghi assumed, @ = 0, c’=c and the bearing capacity factor are as follows: (for general shear failure), Ne = 5.7, Nq= 1, Ny=0 Tarzaghi (1943) proposed a bearing capacity formula: Quit = C Ne Sc + y DfNq + 0.5 y B Ny Sy Where Sc & Sy are shape factor. Tarzaghi assumed, c=0 kg/cm* Also these are as following: Table: 3 (Coefficient for the footing) For Square Circular Strip Se 13 13 1.0 Sy 08 06 1.0 According to Meyerhof (1951), the ultimate bearing capacity of strip footing: (Also for footing on slopes) Qu =c’Ne + yD,Nq + 0.5yBNy Values of Ne, Nq & Ny are depend on ©. Reference: 1) Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering by Dr. K. R. Arora 2) Foundation analysis and Design by Joseph E. Bowles, 5" edition. Ad: (TABLE-4) ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITIES OF THE SHALLOW FOUNDATION FROM THE FIELD AND LABORATORY TEST (F.S=2.5) Depth | Depth Corrected | con | Square Or Strip from | from | FIELD | vain tiy. | type | Cireular | (Continuous) EGL | EGL(m) | SP. | “AY oo footing (tsf) | Footing (tsf) Boring No.- 01 5.00 1.52 1 1 FS 0.29 0.25 10,00—| 3.05 | v6 10 c 2.00 159 15.00 4.57 14 14 c 2.82 2.24 20.00 6.10 | 15 15 c 3.10 2.49 Boring No- 02 5.00 152 7 i FS 0.29 025 10.00 3.05 3 9 c 1.82 145 15.00) 4.57 3 13 c 2.64 2.11 20.00 6.10 16 16 Cc 3.19 256 1) Structural/ foundation engineer is free from any obligation to use these values. He/she can refine/calculate, taking the soil parameters obtained from field & lab tests. 2) Inclination factor, ground factor & base factors have been considered as 1 in calculation of bearing capacity equation. 3) The above values are net ones. 4) Skempton’s relation was used in case of cohesive soil and Design graphs were used for sandy soil 5) Depth has been measured from EGL of Boreholes. b) Deep foundation: Whenever necessary Deep Foundation, preferably Pile may be used. To evaluate skin friction and end bearing capacities following formulae may be used for driven pile- According to Meryerhof for sandy soil (for bored pile) feu = qe / 200 = 44N"/200 ts qpu 4*N” sf However, when soil is not purely sand rather presence of some silt materials is found, above relations may be modified as per observation of Schmertmann (1970): for bored pile fsu = 34N"/200 tsf qpu=3*N" tsf According to M. J. Tomlinson for cohesive soil (for bored pile) fsu = 3*N"/100 tsf qpu = 3*N"%6 tsf (Table No — 5) The unit allowable skin friction and the unit allowable tip resistance capacities for the bored cast-in-situ pile in ton per square feet (tsf) (F.S = 3.00) Cum. Allowable: Allowable ser _ | Depth | Depth Corrected |e unit end INTERVAL | from | from | s.pit.| s.e.t. Value | AXGa8* | SOM | unitskiO | pearing (ft) EGL | EGL(m) =nuiga | SPT | Type) fe my oy Boring No.- 01 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 500 | 152 | 4 1.00 050 0.00 0.00 3 10.00 3.05 10 10.00 5.50 c 0.06 LAL Cum. Allowable SPT Depth | Depth Corrected | average | Soll Sea? unit end INTERVAL | from | from | S.P-T.| S.P.T.Value |“SD7E°| 1, | friction, | Bearing ) EGL | EGL(m) = N-(N-15)/2 facts | “APacity, (ft) gpa (tsf) 5 1500 [457 | 14 14.00 1200 [ c | 012 1.56 5 20.00 6.10 1s 15.00 14.50 c 0.15 1.67 5 25.00 | 7.62 | 12 12.00 1350 | ¢ | 014 133 5 30.00 [9.15 | 13 13.00 1250 | C | 0.13 144 5 35.00 10.67 16 15.50 14.25 c 0.14 1.72 5 40.00 12.20 18 16.50 16.00 Cc 0.16 1,83 5 45.00 13.72 20 17.50 17.00 c 0.17 1.94 5 50.00 15.24 17 16.00 16.75 s 0.08 10.67 5 ‘55.00 16.77 19 17.00 16.50 Ss 0.08 11,33 5 60.00 18.29 27 21.00 19.00 s 0.10 14.00 5 65.00 19.82 32 23.50 22.25 s O11 15.67 5 70.00 21.34 35 25.00 24.25 s 0.12 16.67 5 75.00 22.87 14 14.00 19.50 s 0.10 9.33 5 80.00 | 2439 | 18 16.50 1525 | S | 008 11.00 5 85.00 25.91 24 19.50 18.00 s 0.09 13.00 5 90.00 27.44 27 21.00 20.25 s 0.10 14.00 5 95.00 28.96 33 24,00 22.50 s O11 16.00 5 100.00 30.49 38 26.50 25.25 s 0.13 17.67 Boring No.- 02 0 0.00 [0.00 0 0.00 0.00 5 5.00 152, 1 1.00 0.50 asd 0.00 0.00 5 10.00 3.05 9 9.00 5.00 Cc 0.05 1.00 5 15.00 457 13, 13.00 11,00 Cc O11 144 5 20.00 6.10 16 15.50 14.25 c 0.14 1,72 5 25.00 7.62 14 14.00 14.75 c 0.15 1.56 5 30.00 91S 12 12.00 13.00 c 0.13 1,33 5 35.00 | 1067 | 14 14.00 13.00 | ¢ | 013 1:56 5 40.00 12.20 16 15.50 14.75 c 0.15 172 5 45.00 13.72 4 14.00 14.75 c 0.15 156 5 50.00 15.24 17 16.00 15.00 s 0.08 10.67 5 55.00 16.77 24 19.50 17.75 s 0.09 13.00 5 60.00 18.29 30 22.50 21.00 s O11 15.00 5 65.00 19.82 14 14.00 18.25 s 0.09 933 5 70.00 21.34 16 15.50 14.75 s 0.07 10.33 5 75.00 22.87 19 17.00 16.25 s 0.08 1133 3 80.00 | 2439 | 23 19.00 18.00 | S| 009 12.67 Ss 85.00 25.91 30 22.50 20.75 s 0.10 15.00 5 90.00 2744 32 23.50 23.00 s 0.12 15.67 s 95.00 28.96 36 25.50 24.50 s 0.12 17.00 12 5 100.00 | 30.49 ED 27.00 26.25 0.13 18.00 Note: a, —_Structural/foundation engineer is free from any obligation to use these values. He/she can refine/ recalculate, taking the soil parameters obtained from field & lab tests. b. Hence, experience and judgment are always necessary in adopting proper soil parameters to use the calculation of ultimate bearing capacity. SPT (N) values are corrected Gs ithin calculation. d. _Self-weight of pile and negative skin frictions are not considered in this report. 6. Earthquake & Seismicity (BNBC-2015): In BNBC 2015 (yet to be gadget), Bangladesh has been divided into four Seismic Zones namely Zone-1, Zone-2, Zone-3, and Zone-4 with values of Seismic Zoning coefficient, z of 0.12, 0.20, 0.28 and 0.36 respectively. In BNBC 2006 (gadget), Bangladesh has been divided into three Seismic Zones namely Zone-1, Zone-2 and Zone-3 with values of Seismic Zoning coefficient, z of 0.075, 0.15 and 0.25 respectively. = = = T FIG. 6.2.10 : SEISMIC ZONING MAP OF BANGLADESH = ; ca Fig: Seismic zoning map of Bangladesh. Source: BNBC-2006, Part-6, Ch-2 According to this Zoning Map, the Project site falls in the Zone-2 (both BNBC-2006 > & BNBC-2015 (proposed)), ic. in the severe seismic intensity zone. 7. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION: CONCLUSION: ‘The overall investigation results of the site defines that Shallow foundation or cast- in-situ pile is recommended here to transfer the structural load to a firm soil stratum. RECOMMENDATION: The following suggestions are recommended to construction of proposed 07 (Seven) Storied Residential Building at Dag No. - C.S. & S.A. - 2706, RS. - 6591, M.S. - 19306, Khatian No. - 39009, Namzari - 24368, Agata - 385, Joth No. - 44/107, J.L. No. - 16, Mouza - Dakshin Khan, P.S. - Cantonment, Dist. - Dhaka, Bangladesh. For doing Isolated column footing, design engineer may follow the table: Depth of foundation [Factor of Safety = 2.50 een ee (Below from E.G.L) Bearing capacity Shallow 10°-0” 1.80 tsf Alternatively, the bearing capacity of different diameter of cast-in-situ pile under and around the BH-1 to BH-2 might have following tons of bearing capacity at the recommended foundation depth. Cut-off length is depending on compressive strength of pile head concrete. Factor of Safety = 3.00 pee ree ee 20” diameter 24” diameter 0 | 39m 59.37 tons per pile 72.81 tons per pile 907-07 27.44 m, 60.66 tons per pile 74.26 tons per pile PRECAUTIONARY MEASURE * Incase of any excavation, it should be designed properly taking care of existing building, utility lines & available techniques. Note. a) 1Tsf=2ksf= 1.09 Kg/em’, 1Ton = 1000kg = 2000 Ibs, E.G.L. = Existing Ground Level. b) Negative skin friction and weight of pile are not considered in calculation. c) Foundation base should be kept dry during construction period. 4) In nature, soils are neither homogeneous nor isotropic. ©) The initiated engineer is responsible only for making this report. f) Experience and judgment are always necessary in adopting proper soil parameters to use the calculation of ultimate bearing capacity. However, the design Engineer may select any other alternative type, depth as well as the bearing capacity of the foundation in the light of information provided in this report. Recommended by ©Talukder Soil Engineers & Survey Technology”” ver Deze ENGR. MD. SAIFUL ISLAM mse n Socal Egieg ors) (MiEB-31983 TALUKDER SOIL |CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED 07 (SEVEN) STORIED RESIDENTIAL ENGINEERS & SURVEY) BORE HOLE ee {GS 88A-- 2708 RS. 8591, moro TECHNOLOGY LOCATION 44.73m——— | nN T 1 € | &B) | *| BH2 57m g| | | € q ey | 7 na = | AAS BHA | = 5 i $< ps ® FIG: BOREHOLE LAYOUT PLAN (NOTTOSCALE) LEGEND @=BORE HOLE TYPE OF DRILLING : MANUAL DRIVE (HAND WASH) | HOLES AT SFT. INTERVAL OF DEPTH UP TO THE FINAL DEPTH OF BORING, STANDARD PENETRATION TEST STANDARD PENETRATION TESTS HAVE BEEN EXECUTED IN ALL THE BORE IN THIS TEST, A SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER OF 2" OUT DIAMETER AND 1-3/8" INNER WEIGHING 140LBS/63.5KG. FAILING FREELY FOR A HEIGHT OF 30" LENGTH OF THE SAMPLER IS RECORDED. THE NUMBER OF BLOWS FOR THE LAST 12" PENETRATION OF THE TOTAL 18" IS KNOWN AS THE STANDARD PENETRATION VALUE (N - VALUES) AS SPECIFIED BY ASTM AND IS PLOTTED SPT VALUE OF THE PARTICULAR DEPTH. SPT Auto Hammer CROWN SHEAVE (8) OR PULLEYS (S) INCH DIA STAN ‘TYPICALLY 4 INCH DIA MANILA ROPE DOUGHNUT HAMMER 30 INCH FALL TALUKDER SOIL ENGINEERS & SURVEY TECHNOLOGY |CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED 07 (SEVEN) STORIED RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AT DAG NO. - C.S. & S.A. - 2706, R.S. - 6591, M.S. - 19306, KHATIAN NO. - 39009, NAMZARI - 24368, AGATA - 385, JOTH NO. 144/107, J.L. NO. - 16, MOUZA - DAKSHIN KHAN, P.S. - CANTONMENT, DIST. - DHAKA, BANGLADESH. [Date of Start [Type of Drilling : Manual drive (Hand Wash) Date of Completion :- [TBM taken on top of Carpeting road, TBM = 100.00 [Weather :- Sunny RL (-) = -0" GWL = (-) 13-0" from E.G.L [Bore Hole No. : 01 Total Depth = 100" - 0” Grain size S.P.TGraph | analysis Discription of Classification (Visual) ‘Sample Type © 10 20 0 0 0 Existing Filling Sand Brownish stiff, plastic clay with trace fine sand and some silt irownish stiff to very stiff, plastic clq with trace fine sand and some silt Whitish medium dense to dense fine sand with few fines ‘Whitish medium dense fine sand with few fines \Whitish medium dense to dense fine sand with few fines End of BH = - 100 ft [SILTY SAND SAMPLES... CLAY SAMPLES BSS9)_UNDISTURBED SAWPLES TALUKDER SOIL ENGINEERS & SURVEY TECHNOLOGY [Type of Drilling : Manual drive (Hand Wash) CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED 07 (SEVEN) STORIED RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AT DAG NO. - C.S. & S. 12706, R.S. - 6591, M.S. - 19306, KHATIAN NO. - 39009, NAMZARI - 24368, AGATA - 385, JOTH NO. }44/107, J.L. NO. - 16, MOUZA - DAKSHIN KHAN, P.S. - CANTONMENT, DIST. - DHAKA, BANGLADESH, Date of Start = Date of Completion :- [TBM taken on top of Carpeting road, TBM = 100.00 |Weather :- Sunny RL (= "0" GWL = () 13-0" from E.G.L [Bore Hole No. : 02 Total Depth = 100" - 0” 75 brea 0] ‘Whitish medium dense to dense fine sand with few fines \Whitish medium dense fine sand with few fines ‘Whitish medium dense to dense fine sand with few fines End of BH =- 100 ft Plastic Limit (PL) ‘Sample Type 3 Grain size i S.P.T Graph analysis_| 5 i Discription of Classification (Visual) gle g g sles) See EH 5 =] | “tesa” Ao 0 and some silt \g Ea whe N * . We m z Brownish stf, plastic clay Ng ctisad with trace fine sand N : i a © ond ease i NN N« 1 100-908 ]0-7]>«[os]o4]o3p-2 [o+ SSSS)_UNDISTURBED SAMPLES... ADO TONHDAL ASZAUNS 8 SUSANIONA OS YAGMNTWL ‘V1 ONILSAL OS. [ooo STNOISSHOD 000 STNOWSSHOD 62 (38930) SIONY ONIBVSHS] oz (234930) STONY ONRIVEHS} 08 _= Wr udog] BO] ov ong] BEE) a _= WWE] Sal cv oauEy] Toran ara| “HS3QVTONVE ‘VIVHA ~“1SIG ‘INAWNOLNV9 -’S'd ‘NVH} NIHSMIVA - ZNOW ‘91 -“ON “TT “LOLIPY -“ON HLOF‘S8e - VLVOV ‘B9EVz -SVZAVN “"6006e - ‘ON NVLLVHM ‘9086L -'S'W ‘1659 -’S'H ‘9012 - V'S B'S'D - ‘ON OVO LV ONICTING TVLLNZGISIY G3IMOIS (NAASS) £0 G3SOdOUd 40 NOLLONYLSNOD ISSLUVSHS 193uIG TALUKDER SOIL ENGINEERS & SURVEY TECHNOLOGY Particle Size Analyle Report ‘Specification Standard: As per USCS / ASTM D 2487 PROJECT: CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED 07 (SEVEN) STORIED RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AT DAG NO. - CS. & S.A, -2706, R.S. - 6591, M.S. - 19306, KHATIAN NO. - 39009, NAMZAR! - 24368, AGATA - 385, JOTH NO. - 44/407, J.L. NO. - 16, MOUZA - DAKSHIN KHAN, P.S. - CANTONMENT, DIST. - DHAKA, BANGLADESH, Bore Hole No: zt [Sample 1D: D5 | Depth (ft): 25 Weight of Container: 400.0 gm Weight of Container & Soil: 600.0 gm Weight of Dry Sample; 100.0 gm Specific Gravity of Soil type: 2.6736 |Grain Size Distribution Curve Results: Jit. [Sand= 12.63 % (sie= 33% PL= 386] ILL= 23.8 [Moisture Content= 282% [Cy= 55.84% —] IPr= i138 Grain Size Analysis Gra | cos | medium | Fine wat eee ee Met sit clay z tH Tl ‘ il = {it 50 TLL tl | oe mil MI OE x | ll = Percent Finer 6 1.0000 0.1000 0.0100 0.0010 0.0001, Particle size in mm Tested By: Checked B Md. Ibrahim Engr. Rubel Islam TALUKDER SOIL ENGINEERS & SURVEY TECHNOLOGY Particle Size Analyls Report ‘Specification Standard: As per USCS / ASTM D 2487 PROJECT: CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED 07 (SEVEN) STORIED RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AT DAG NO. - C.S, & S.A. - 2706, R.S. - 6591, M.S. - 19306, KHATIAN NO. - 39009, NAMZARI - 24368, AGATA - 385, JOTH INO, - 44/107, J.L. NO. - 46, MOUZA - DAKSHIN KHAN, P.S. - CANTONMENT, DIST. - DHAKA, BANGLADESH,| [Bore Hole No: 4 iD D-18 | Depth (fi): 90 Weight of Container: 400.0 gm Weight of Container & Soil: $00.0 gm. Weight of Dry Sample: 100.0 gm —_—Specific Gravity of Soil type: 2.6838 Grain Size Distribution Curve Results: [Sand = BI % [Fines = 141% [Moisture Content = 23.6% Grain Size Analysis Gra | cos | medium | Fine vel | 8. | sand Sand “1h = 90 dt a ALT TTT 10 Hi su clay Percent Finer és == 30 wil ne HITT 10 1.0000 0.1000 0.0100 0.0010 0.0001, Particle size in mm, Tested By: Checked By: Md. Ibrahim Engr. Rubel Islam TALUKDER SOIL ENGINEERS & SURVEY TECHNOLOGY Particle Size Analyis Report ‘Specification Standard: As per USCS / ASTM D 2487 PROJECT: CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED 07 (SEVEN) STORIED RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AT DAG NO. - .S, & S.A, - 2706, R.S. - 6591, M.S. - 19306, KHATIAN NO. - 39009, NAMZARI - 24368, AGATA - 385, JOTH INO, - 44/107, J.L. NO. - 16, MOUZA - DAKSHIN KHAN, P.S. - CANTONMENT, DIST. - DHAKA, BANGLADESH, Bore Hole No: 2 Sample: _D-6_| Depth(f: 30 Weight of Container: 400.0 Weight of Dry Sample: 100.0 (Grain Size Distribution Curve Results: gm — Weight of Container & Soi: 500.0 gm gm Specific Gravity of Soil type: 2.6734 Atterberg Limit Results: ‘Sand = 139% Sit 2453 % _] [Moisture Content= 29.3 % [cay= as % Percent Finer Grain Size Analysis 50 30 20 10 orl eee eee lees sur cay I I if NTT fete: {TT itl 1.0000 0.1000 0.0100 0.0010 0.0001 Particle size in mm Tested By: Checked By: Md. Ibrahim Engr. Rubel Islam TALUKDER SOIL ENGINEERS & SURVEY TECHNOLOGY INO. - 44/107, J.L. NO. =4 Particle Size Analyis Report ‘Specification Standard: As per USCS / ASTM D 2487 MOUZA - DAKSHIN KHAN, P. eee PROJECT: CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED 07 (SEVEN) STORIED RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AT DAG NO. - C.S, & S.A, - 2706, R.S. - 6581, M.S, - 19306, KHATIAN NO. - 39009, NAMZARI - 24368, AGATA - 385, JOTH ‘CANTONMENT, DIST. - DHAKA, BANGLADESH. [Bore Hole No: 2 [Sample 1D: DA7 | Depth (ft): 85 Grain Size Distribution Curve Results: Weight of Container: 400.0 gm ~— Weight of Container & Soll: 800.0 gm Weight of Dry Sample: 100.0 gm ‘Specific Gravity of Soil ype: 2.6838 ‘Sand — TIS [Fines= RI% [Moisture Content = 23.4 % 100 20 70 60 50 Percent Finer 30 20 10 ee a a sur cuy IT {AT — Fi Tested By: Checked By: Md. Ibrahim Engr. Rubel Islam 0.0001 ewer uisyoy 6u3 hq pexoe49 Vy Gs) vaseyeg (eae) (94) aunge vy ues} (sy nb gBvens ee osaxiuny peuycoun Ta ang (04S _ sshewy sas ue) (24) pues Gosoug | (ean) (a) pues ‘ssheuy amg Ue ‘(conu6) Aysue Aig eee (cojus6) Aysuec anh Uiabrepor hpeseig Cadman ease | wun Soweny (Co) wn pnb, Ayweig syed (94) (eangeN) yueWuon aaTySIORY (u) deg ON oes ON 310K 8108 (SLINSFY 1831 ANOLVHORY 40 ANVNNNS) ASOIONHOAL ASAYNS 8 SHSINIONS TOS HSMN TL V7 ONILSAL TOS “sNamwoLitro ‘6a WDI NEE VENOW OF ONT ILIY ON HO ‘E> VEVOY “B9EVz ~AVZWVN ‘60066 ~ ON NVLLVHM ‘90E6) -'S'W'L859~"S'4 ‘9012 -"V'S B'S'9- ON OV Ly ONIGTING TVLLNOISTY G3I4O1S (NIAIS) 40 0FS0dOud 4O NOLLONYLSNOD :1937OUd

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