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My LMS Subjects / 2022-MGT3001-BU-S1 / Assessment / Assignment 2 Submission Link

Assignment 2 Submission Link

Assignment 2: HR Analytics Plan

You have just left a hastily called meeting with Dr. Wing. The Board of Management responded very positively to your narrated
PowerPoint presentation! You are thrilled with this outcome and Dr. Wing is keen to get to work transforming the company’s
people management approach.

In a recent meeting with franchisees, Dr. Wing received some troubling feedback. Absenteeism and turnover are increasing
amongst crew members at an alarming rate, and anecdotally, franchisees report that employee attitudes are very poor. You think
back to your human resource management studies at La Trobe Business School, and you recall that positive employee attitudes
and strong HR systems result in improved performance and lower turnover and absenteeism. You remember those lectures on
‘high-performance work systems’ and you wish you had paid more attention!

You ask Dr. Wing if you can implement a staff satisfaction survey. You want to survey all managers and crew members across all
Hazel Hen’s restaurants to gauge their level of satisfaction with the job, their level of commitment and engagement in the
organisation, their feelings of empowerment and whether they intend to leave the organisation soon. The survey will provide you
with some important insights into the attitudes of managers and crew members, and the analysis of this data will form the basis
of your recommendations to the Board.

Dr. Wing is receptive to the idea but has asked you to submit a proposal to the Board. In this proposal, you will:

1. DeUne the business problem

2. Formulate clear hypotheses
3. Outline a data collection strategy. Include:

A description of the sample (who you will survey). Give some consideration to how you will encourage staff to complete
the survey. Dr. Wing has indicated there will be a budget of $50,000 for staff incentives to complete the survey
A draft design of the questionnaire, including the speciUc scales you will use to collect data about:

job satisfaction
organisational commitment
employee engagement
employee empowerment
their intention to leave the organisation
You also will need to collect demographic data from respondents and data from each restaurant regarding
turnover and absenteeism rates.

4. Consider the sorts of analysis techniques that you might use to analyse the data. This section should be very
brief – no more than 150 words.

Prepare a written project proposal for the Board. You can use the four headings above as subheadings in your report. The
proposal should contain a very brief introduction and conclusion. The draft questionnaire will not be included in the word count.
Support your hypotheses with academic literature and ensure that the scales you select for inclusion in the questionnaire are
sourced from academic studies.

The proposal should be approximately 1250 words, not including the draft questionnaire.
Submission status

Submission No attempt

Grading Not graded


Due date Sunday, 1 May 2022, 11:59 PM

Time 10 days 11 hours


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