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Program: Regular-undergraduate
Course Name & Code: Introduction to organization & management in education (EdPM 4022)
Credit Points: 2; ECTs: 3
Academic Year 2023/2024
Course Instructor: Aman W. (PhD) (Office NCR 3rd floor R=316)

I. Course Description

This course is designed to acquaint students the concept and nature of organization and

management in education. The course deals with functions of organizing, theories of

management, and key managerial functions. The course tries to familiarize the students with

basic nature of the sector of education and the features of organizing and managing educational

organizations and school settings. More importantly, the course addresses current practices and

challenges of educational organization and management in Ethiopian education system.

II. Learning Outcomes/Competences

After going through this course, you will be able to:

 Explain what organizing is and how it relates to the management process.

 Grasp main lessons from management theories
 Understand effective communication ways to carry out educational activities
 Explain how to apply theories of organization and management in education setting
 Elaborate different decision making strategies
 Identify steps in decision making process in educational institutions
 Value the importance of leadership for organizational effectiveness
 Explain how to apply motivation theories in educational organizations

III. Major topics/themes

UNIT ONE: Fundamentals of organization and management in education

1.1. Organization & organizational environment
1.2. The process of organizing
1.3. Basic concepts & theories of management
1.3.1. Definitions
1.3.2. Theories of management
1.3.3. Management levels
1.3.4. Managerial skills
1.3.5. Managerial functions
UNIT TWO: Leadership

2.1. Definitions
2.2. Leadership vs. management
2.3. Importance of leadership
2.4. Elements of leadership
2.5. Styles of leadership
2.6. Essential skills of effective leadership
UNIT THREE: Decision making
3.1. Meanings
3.2. Types of decision making
3.3. Steps in decision making
3.4. Factors affecting decision making
UNIT FOUR: Communication
4.1. The concept of communication
4.2. Levels and types of communication
4.3. The process of communication
4.4. The process of communication & communication barriers

UNIT FIVE: Motivation
5.1. The concept and nature of motivation
5.2. Importance of motivation
5.3. Theories of motivation
IV. Learning Strategies: lecture method, long discussions, individual and group presentations,
questioning and answering, group discussion, brain storming, story-
telling and other pertinent strategies
V. Course Policy
 Class attendance and participation is required

 Academic Integrity; Beware of academic fraud, an act of distorting the marking of

assignments, test, exams, and other forms of academic evaluation. Engaging in
any form of plagiarism or cheating; submitting copied works are not tolerated.
VI. Modes of Assessment

Class activity------------------------ ----------------------.10%

Quiz ----------------------------------------------------------15%
Individual presentation ------------------------------------10%
Group assignment ------------------------------------------15%
Final Examination------------------------------------------50%
VII. References
Atchson, T.J. & Hill W.W. (1978) Management Today, New York Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich inc.
Ayalew Shibeshi (1991). Approaches to Educational Organization and Management. Addis
Ababa University Faculty of Education
Bertalanffy.L.Von (1968) General systems Theory Foundations. Development Application. New
York: Georg Braziller.
Brown. B.W. & Moberg. D.J. (1980) Organization Theory and Management, New York:
John Wiley and Sons. (1986) Approaches to School Management., London: Harper and Raw Publishers.
Campbell. R.F. and Gregg. R.T. (1957) Administrative Behavior in Education. New York:
Harper and Brother.
Certo C.Samuel. (2003). Modern management. (9thEd). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India PLC.
Dror. Y. (1968) Public Policy Making Re-examined. Chandler Publishing.
Granger. R.L.(1971) Educational Leadership: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Scranton.
Greenfield T.B. (1980) " Theory About organization a New perspective and its Implication
for Schools in Bush et. al. (ed) Approaches to School Management
London: Harper & Raw Publishers.
Griffiffith. Francis(1979) Administrative Theory in Education: Text and Readings. Michingana,
Pendel Publishing Company.
Hanson. E.Mark(1985) Educational Administration and Organizational Behavior. Boston Allan
and Bacon. Inc.
Hersey. P. Blanchard K.H. (1982) Management of Organizational Behavior Utilizing Human
Resource Prentice-Hall.
Herzberg. F. (1966) Work and the Nature of Man. Work Publishing.
Hughes. H.( (1985) Managing Education. The System and the Institution London: Holt.
Rinehart and Winston.
Katz. D & Kahn. R.I.(1976) The Social Psychology of Organizations. New York John
Wiley & Sons.
Knezevich. (1976) Administration of Public Education. New York: Harper & Row
Kumer P. (2005). Principles of Management New Delhi: Cyber Tech Publication.
Litterer. J.K. (1969) Organization Structure and Behavior Vol. I & II New York John Wiley
& Sons inc.
Morphet. E. Johns and Reller. T. (1967) Education Organization and Administration. Concepts,
Practices and Issues. Engleswood Chiffs N.J Prenntise-Hall.
Sax. R.W. (1980) Educational Administration today: an Introduction Berkley MeCutehan
Publishing Corporation.

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