Key To Success in Agriulture

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Key to Success in Agriculture (MCQs for JRF, SRF, NET and Other Competitive Exams) Dr. B.N. Kalsariya Dr. P.R. Kanani WY ee Department of Agricultural Extension College of Agriculture Junagadh Agricultural University Junagadh-362 001 Key to Success in Agriculture (MCQs for JRE, SRF, NET and Other Competitive Exams) First Edition : March, 2015 Copy : 1000 Price : Rs. 180/- Publisher : ‘The Principal & Dean College of Agriculture Junagadh Agricultural University Junagadh-362 001 Printer : Kamnath Mudranalaya Pvt. Ltd. 13, Vijay Plot, Gondal Road, Rajkot-360 002. Phone : 0281-2462522 MESSAGE Dr. ALR. Pathak Vice chancellor Junagadh Agricultural University Sumagadh-362 001 Website: Email: Phone: (Office) #91-285-2671784 ‘The agriculture sector of India has occupied almost 43 percent of India's ‘geographical area. Agriculture is still only the largest contributor to India's GDP even after a decline in the same in the agriculture share of India. Agriculture also plays a significant role in growth of socio-economic sector in India, In the earlier times, India was Targely dependent upon Tood imports but the successive stories ofthe agriculture sector of Indian economy have made it self-sufficient in grain production. The country also has substantial reserves for the same, India depends heavily on the agriculture sector, especially on the food production unit after the 1960 crisis in food sector. Since then, India has puta lot of effort tobe self-sufficient in the food production and this endeavour of India has led to the Green Revolution. The Green Revolution came into existence with the aim to uplift the agriculture in India Today agriculture has become a profession of high repute. It is being taught in universities as well as education, research and extension fields. tis taught atunder graduate levelas well. Besides, master and doctorate degree are also being awarded in the various disciplines ofthis field. We are fortunate ‘enough that our country has a huge agriculture network devoted to agricultural scientists and rural development work. The era of competition in which, we are living has brought our attention more towards our goals and made our psychology target oriented. It was Arjun of Mahabharata to whom only eye of fish was visible. Our present day students need to be specific and target focused to pave their way for greater understanding and march owards success. ‘The present book entitled "Key to Success in Agriculture" is a sincere ‘endeavor to address the above said issues and is designed in particular for the students enrolled in B.Sc(Agri), MSc.(Agri), JRF, SRF and NET ‘examination, Itis hoped tha this book will be helpfulto those students/scholars {in competitive examination which is expected to help them in future while ‘working in education and teaching, Itis expected thatthe present book will meet the requirement ofall the Aisciplines of agricultural students. This book will also serve as handy tool for ‘the grass root level as well as higher level of PG courses running as per Fourth, Deans' Committee, Theartily congratulate to Dr. A. V. Barad, Principal & Dean, College of ‘Agriculture, JAU, Junagadh for encouraging Dr. P. R. Kanani, Professor & Head, and Dr. B. N, Kalsariya, Asstt. Professor, Deptt of Agri. Extension for preparing such comprehensive publication in the interest of the agricultural students, Talso congratulate to all the concerned teachers who gave theiruseful and knowledgeable chapter/sinthis book. eee (A.R. Pathak) | 1 | MESSAGE, Dr. A.V. Barad Principal and Dean College of Agriculture Junagadh Agricultural University Junagadh-362 001 E-Mail : Phone No, +91-285-267028 Acriculture is lifeblood of Indian economy and erucial to our economic development inthe long term. Since independence, there is dramatic transformation of Indian agriculture from shortages to surpluses. The nation has achieved food grain self-sufficiency by ‘enhancing production from eround 50 million tonnes in 1950 to over 250 million tonnes today. ‘This was achieved through the Green Revolution that brought about through strong political wii und environment of favourable infrastructure, new technolouy induction, policy support and energized agricultural extension system, ‘The competition exeminations have become a routine procedure of recruitment and administrations for higher position and education, Now a day, a large number of shortabjective type questions appear in the examination-These questions call for quick. ‘answering for success within a specified shor period of ime. A sincere effort has been made by the college of agriculture topresent them in most easy, short and understandable language ‘or the benefit of students those who are interested in competitive examination "Key to Success in Agricultire” for competitive examination in agricultural discipline contains 13 chapters covering all related disciplines. This book has given due Jmportance and whole syllabus was covered as per ICAR and SAU's prograznmes in relation toagriculture, Fach chapter contdining the semester wise multiple choice questions and total ‘more than 7000 objective questions with multiple choices have been framed and arranged sequentially for the easy understanding of the students. Recent information and developmentin the field of B.Sc. Agriculture have been incorporated inthe text. This books, primarily intended to serve as a appearing in competitive examinations of undergraduate, post graduate and doctorate programmes in agriculture of various universities. Thus, this ‘book is based on the syllabus of student of agriculture stream; it may be useful not only to students butalso teachers and researchers, Finally, Ihave belief and hope that this book will fulfil the requirement of students of agriculture for appearing indifferent competitive examination. 1 thankful to Dr, P.R, Kanani, Professor & Head; and Dr. B. N. Kalsariya, Asstt Professor, Deptt. of Agril. Extension for preparing this objective type book and concerned teachers whe have been send their chapters in timely. This made possible to give this book to the hand of students and scholars. 2m (A.V. Barad) PREFACE Generation of new technology and its effective transfer to those who need them is highly important in order to satisfy the changing needs all over world, Agricultural Education in its broadest sense coversall man's endcavours inthe acquisition, transmission and absorption of Knowledge of the better means and understanding of the processes which lead to the scientific and better farming and cover all the basic needs of the human beings, i.e. food, clothing and shelter. Accepting the scarcity of available literature on the competitive examinations, to satisfy the need of the students. Department of Agricultural Extension, college of Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh took initiative to publish this objective book for wider use. It is anticipated that this book will be helpful to the students, teachers ofthe agricultural universities and professional workers in the field. This book provides all most all different aspects of agriculture discipline included in the various Agricultural Universities syllabi. If it becomes useful even to a few students, who will pass JRE, SRF and PG entrance examinations, our effort will be ‘fruitful We express our sincere thanks to our honorable Vice Chancellor, Dr A. R. Pathak for his unvarying encouragement and guidance to publish this book. We also appreciate and encouragement for birth ofthis book to Dr. A. V. Barad, Prineipal and Dean, College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh for his keen interest and financial supporto publish this book. We are also extremely obliged to Dr. A. Y. Desai, Dean, PG Studies and Director of Research, JAU, Junagadh and Professor and Head ofall the department of Agriculture, JAU, Junagadh those who provide the objective material to publish this bookin timely. ‘March 19, 2015 Dr. B.N. Kalsariya Junagadh Dr. PR. Kanani Sr No. u 2 1B 14 15 16 "7 18 19 20 a 2 2 4 25 26 21 28 29 30 Course Code UNDER GRADUATE COURSES OF AGRICULTURE & HORTICULTURE FACULTY ‘Agron.t.1 Introductory Agriculture and Principles of Agronomy Agron.1.2 Field Crops-I AgMet2.1 Agricultural Meteorology ‘Agon3.5 Weed Management ‘Agron5,7 Water Management including Micro Irrigation ‘Agron.69 Farming Systems and Sustainable Agriculture ‘Agion.6.8 Organic Farming ‘AgMet8.2 Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS) ‘and Land Use Planning (LUP) Agron.8.11 Seed Production Technology ‘Agron.8.12 Cultivation of commercially Important Medicinal and ‘Aromatic Plants Agron.8.13 Commercial spices production ‘Ag. Chem, 1.1 Introduction to Soil Science ‘AgChem.2.2 Soil Chemisty, Sol Fetlty and Nutrient Management ‘Ag. Chem, 6:3 Manutes, Fertilizers and Agrochemicals Pl,Path, 1.1 Introductory Plant Pathology AgMicro.2.1 Agricultural Microbiology PLPath32 Principles of Plant Pathology PIPathS.3 Diseases of field crop and their management PLPath, 64 Introductory Nematology PLPath.6.5 Diseases of Horticultural Crops and Their Management ‘Ag. Ento. 5.3. Pests of field crops and stored grain and their management |Ag.Ent. 64 Pests of Horticultural crops and their management Biochem-4.1, Biochemistry PBG 11 Economic Botany PEG 22 Principles of Genetics PBG33 Principles of Plant Breeding PLPhy 3.1. Crop Physiology-1 PBG44 Breeding Field/Horticultre Crops PLPay 4.2 Crop Physiofogy Tl PBGSS Principles of Seed Technology Page 37 4 7 39 a 6s 68 n n 2 87 93 ” 103 108 13 us 12 27 133 139 144 148 31 32 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 2 4B 45 46 4a 49 31 32 33 S46 35 56 37 38 PBG 66 ENVS6.1 BSe12 BSC 16 BSC2.8 NRMH23 FRT36 FRT44 VEG. 5.1 Ag Engg.2.1 AgEngg-32 ‘Ag. Engg. 6.4 AgEngg 5.3 LPM41 &1PM52 Ag.Bcon. 2.1 AGB von 2 AgEcon. 43 Agcon. 5.4 Ag. Econ. 65 BSo.11 Agstet22 Ag. Bnto 3.1 Ag. Ento 4.2 Ag. Extn3.1 Ag Extn.53 Ag. Extn. 64 Ag. Extn. 86 AgExtn, 88 Principles of Plant Biotechnology Environmental Science Introductory Crop Physiology Introductory Botany Growth and Development of Horticultural crops Environmental Sciences Principles of Geneties & Cytogenetics Principles of Plant Breeding Brocding of Vegetables, Tuber and Spice crops ‘Fundamentals of Soil Water Conservation Engineering Farm Power and Machinery Renewable Energy Protected Cultivation &Post-Harvest Technology Principles of Livestock production and management, Dairy Cattle & Buffalo Production & Management Principles of Agricul ‘Agril. Marketing Trade and Price ‘Agril, Finance & Co-operation Fundamentals of Agri-Business Management Production Eonomics and Farm Management Introduction to Computer Agriculturl Sttistios Insect Morphology and systematics Insect ecology and integrated pest management including beneficial insects Dimension of Agricultural Extension [Extension Methodologies for Transfer of Agricultural Tecknology Entrepreneurship Development Agricultural Journalism Behavioral Skills al Bconomics POST GRADUATE COURSES OF AGRICULTURE FACULTY Beonomic Agill Extension Agronomy Biochemistry 153 159 164 169 15 180 184 189 198 201 207 212 217 226 233 29 245 254 258 262 268 mm 216 286 313 316 321 304 345 367 390 1 coe i Agron.LL Introductory Agriulture and Principles of Agronomy [ited by Auther + Prot.N.N. Galant » » 9 Ij plans caedy iting upward oft pst along wiho om is ema pasa inenperte regan ered es (4) Sutton) esta {© Sal eacion Oy zieneng Jue Angst ste semnd and wath season of ‘pe ya use the topic ding which ets a flrs known ; (9 Syrng \ (Aso) Wier \ Indian Agicunral Recah testi is popula) tow a {A ICAR GRoystConsision {Q)Poeatostie D) DARE racic of ion in eat i emed as (A) Acroponic (By Geaponic (A) Asropnic (8) Gexponic {© poponicD) Monoponic “Te pectic of eulivain in th is termed as {)Aioponic) Geoponic (© Hydroponic (D) Monopenic “Tie response of plans othe relive length ofthe day end ight is knowns. (A) Ligh ines by Phtoperosm (© Day neal D) Leg of day ‘Tie result ft of lag a wich si a, sol water and soil aggregates ain parfet hanno is termed a. (A) Tage ) Fibily (©) Malowness _Atactonof vo sina kins of mec iskoown (A) Adbesion (8) Retation AGFCobesion (D) Conservation ‘ration of two csr kinds of molecules is non as Gr eson (8) Retetion {© Cohesion (D) Conseration ‘Newer loviun so aed as (9) Bangs) Also © aio Oiler ati oi ical as ‘Br Banger B) Alot {© Aviisol () Khar A scince hich ghesisof sever dps ike ‘el since, erp physiology, plat eclog, bi {(©)Beowones(D) Bony Abraschof egal dels wt te production of flowers vegetable. amement-plat, spies, ‘odineas and beverg is ted as (4) Agron (8) Bony {OMiorialnve ©) Foesey “Tecafiesman cere acd ns hal ion ‘yeas ag was known as (4) Hom spins(@) ovo xr {© Howe expe) Haro spies spins ns rue pt is pow nd develops ‘ean 10 hour uration acl ws (8) Lang dy GA cay (© Day neta (D) Length of sy Ps requ fe pow nd evelopment smoo an 12 heurillmination a called at 9) Kauilya'stine agricul catiebrestingandtade (AF Long day (B) Shox day ‘were grouped into a science called as (© Day neutral (D} Length of ay (A) Hecage Bara Precipitation inthe for of spherical or imegular (© Arius (D) Siadhakashye lets ofcelrger han 5 milmeres in ames 10) Jethro Tull suggested tet thorough ploughing terme as necessary Soa o make the sil into fine pales (A) Snow and published a book know as. OFoe Offa (A) Maltusin theory ‘Thenegaive ogi of Hien concentration nthe oeing hsbandy sail soon steed is. (©) Law ofhereditary (4) Soll moisture (B) Sol temperature (Dy Tory of mss (Ail ction D) Sol air 232 [SE] A] HY] SC] OB] OBL NC | PALO] Teal TB [ Ise [ieB | eB | AL WD | Ore | ‘Te ditanee ofsovingbetween worowsistemmed 34) os spacing A piineror acon Insow (D)Nartow 2) ‘Thedistanceofsowingbetweentwoplan istered 35) “The technique of rising the wo nea the base of tam ofthe plant is known. (A) Inercatring (B) Hanowing (6) Farting up (D) Winowing 4 “Theuppsiniofavaibie soil moist plant i 2) ss ___secing termed es a (Aitaerow Bserow(C)nsow D)Narow BFE @) FT Tygon ese a row {Tenge wilting pi uy "Re proces of pring fit rsa fom te 36) Theowertntofariendrsiectoptsé gy plats termed os termed Aasiteesting @ Harvesting @rceytwr (© Winowing ©) Coating (© Byteopi onicient si 125) he tlage option cae outbetween he ins (D) Tempo witing oi, ina sanding cop is called ot 37) Rocommendaisowing ne frtnmatofte kart fs (4) Pasking ) Powhing crops 7 {Ofaterctng P) Ping ne ly () Jase Febreaty 5 26) Taj eased tthe plans doe oho espe © ApoleMay (D) October November z istered as 48) Resammendedsoving tine forte mos oft Rabi Q)Chlng ajay B) Freeing nevi Veatiivy eons {© Satooion (8) be ly B) farary-Fedray a 27) The aoa eoeiving annual rainfall more than 1150 {C) April-May @ October-November sm expos 39) Resommended sowing tie for the most of he 55) (Dy arsine Doane ering samme i {C)Ranot fring D) Dean acre (8) foul Bf Janu Febry i 2g) resrnreciving anal ral stan 750mm (6) Ap-ay(D) October November 4 iscatepoied 5 a) “Tw tllage operation tht is dove i a Bld wi 56) 4h Dry farming (B) Dryland farming sanding water is called 3 3 (© Rained uring (©) Dian arc (4) Parking )Pousing © Hocing DYPucing as) (bSteaterfomtlesolarhecerdopm weer 41) The method of sowing fstintes interes as tent a ee sp Go Bvepoaio () Tanpition G)Daiing GY DBDINg i Bvapotranspirstion (D) Photosynthesis (©) Planting (D) Transplanting I so) {uotwtertan je platy steeds. $2) Bioagents sed to contol weds is known a5 (AEN method | 8) {© Beaporanspiration D) Photosytess Gail @) Cheat ' 31) ews ofwater fom soil sure and theplantbody — {2F'Bio-contol (0) Mechanieal i ‘seemed es 48) CO, coneatinte sl sri. percent! {ofan rin Epes ans. 000 B30 6 eperanayeaton (D)Photoyibeds 44) CO, content inthe atmoepene as, 52) Rang ne crop fom bro-gowchcomingoutof porn « SE oe ev emalta (a) 30 (703 (60.005 (D)300 ) Raton ew (8) Sle cop 45) Nitrogen content in the atmospheric {©)Main crop (D) Sub ep ‘percent 433) Watecvapourpresentin tain cootnghisknonn BIB 9461959199 as * 46) Nitrogen conteat in the soi at is, pert \ ie) Saw ©) FeO) Mi ext QH2G) 4 G}VEO) BI mae TES RC [HE BAL BAT OS [OR | BATHE] PG eof) 47) 0, ontetin te atest cs 62) Gaunt Apel Uaivaniy was exabsein 0) escent Gant sing ae yor ew (a) 2060 8) 2067 m0 oF 1772 (©2030 Qy2097 (©)2004 0) 2012 sis | 4g) 0, content te wi sis percent 63) ‘she mathod of pressed ington (X) 20.6 (8) 2067 (€) 2080 0) 2087 sao «| as) Yatow reoaion maz he pron of (4) parow B) Check basin (A) Cereal (B) Forage (C) Puise (RYOilseeds (D) Surface sosis | 50) Whterevoion repens prdutonof 64) “Sus insite preseny own as Acoma BA @) (© Fish 0) Oists (NRCG) IFGR 41) Bhverevoaion ens he roduson of 65) The plato ofl faiizerinsding emp s (4) Ceal B) Mile GFF () Oisede calles surf} 57) Greenrevalon repens be production of| 18) Bes essing 5) Forge (C) Puke (0) Olseds “AY op cesieg 9) iedsved Gor two words ——"(©) For apliaon are ss anda AD) Loos pacaent ‘eRabil (A) LaingGfGreck(C) American (D) Indian 66)" The nto ical ection maybe dublearever "say. ‘Apicce sdeved om wo. words moreover 10C ness intempente called } ‘age ager and cultura, as. [Gain Gk © American tain (o7amiea ()Faitty softe) 39) “Themimen sexpon of aig oie (TN) Melons _phccpmenli-baventenitenpenktesof. -67)~-Mastotteplntgowbesat___°C t (A) 10 to 20°C Gye20 to 30°C (A)0 0 10, BP15 1030 1 GwwawcOwsre {45:0550)0%-10 ild with, 56 ised ine salar by pln for) Most of pase at into el ioorgmisns {A)01010(6) 15030 ‘uiing]—400,81N, Qeesmoe wauinal —(©)C0, 0), @) ~Reperenotcon sss total goes sy OO ge a mn fable fi pnt angling a aaa NBy288 (B) TERS) 1288 0) 4288 | Below afte 70) Asperie nd sition sss engi rwownas} ©) Da ane of Gj mba 8) Tot dept of swing fr met of be fd 196(0) 186 PP copes tte = {iss@y7s Fle 2@x3es “y) Tremmberof pans peru ea in copped felt percent (©)6108(D) 10012 istemoi ss... 59) Daictrom da ofthe so ido 455 Pst population i (A) Alfisol (B) Gravels(C) Sands (B) Plant geometry * ea) Maiucemsevatgsstenestgtneiskos —_(©)Pant sd i % (DyNenwof hex eric air if W118 6.20 ©) 20-22(0) 23.24 72) Covering he sol surface by any organic material is 61) Gan Agia! Unversty waste into termed ts. four Agia Usbensoin yer (4) Gren ang Pe (A) 2003 (B) 1972 ‘By Mach Non (0) 202. (O)Narse crop i D)Noneoftiese aTHE} [ao] a [es BAL BB] HA] SB] SA [TB | HETRO | x | [wa acten [ae Sa] Ga] aS] BC] GA [TOA j am piece ofan ata time thot any opt. 73) The optimum range of soil meistwe for efective $$) The frie mata conining only oe piary ig is termed as eB) 40% (0 60%) 80% rit oe) Complete 74) Toots operator ae deae hn esndngenp (jemi ein i ttasowig neo hse (4) Peay lag: Yer ene 85) Theft nics alte ire prey (©)Secony tage) Allott tate een, 75) Gepgomfcwlewnd ing enryimmediely (A) Sei ie iserandee Coupes compe tine (beac oop fash cop ‘enapicepesies (Otap emp DYAlof tee (None oft 369, Treg of roving se cop onthe same 86) Th Se mil cng ay 0 pinay of and every year teins ed Meno coping (8) Sing pi (9) Sigh eee (© Solecompne D) At hese {Bxeanpie copies er { 7) Thepmcicec goving oly cos copantiesne — U@hneanpee comple ins pies oflnd wa tine band as (D)Noosof here G) Meno comping 7) Thetage cand ont soving to zm he romping son bu eng eed 10 sole coping, (A) Afr lage i Oyallorbexs (Seconda ngs D)Noneoiee 78) Tepaite of govng vo armare cop cathe 68) Theta cariel tar oving of be cp 0 simepiceafndatstnowihdeiniornepaten provide vue ovens ovis pst iemedes tpedas i (A) Mono coping ne oping Dirt nge Ppa age © Mixed coping D)Aloftese (C)Seronday lags D) Nowe ofise 79) The practice of growing two or more cops on the 89) Gujarati vided int ....agro-limtic zones. intros as (90) India is vied int ....agro-limatic zones. (A) Mono cropping (A) 4 B/INC) 160) 17 (B) Inter cropping 91) sci is aways acid in mature. ed cropping, (A) Black gay Red (C)Peaty (D) Latte (0) Allofthese 92) Thedesrable depth o ploughing for shallow rooted 81) Theseedsaresown either through bullack or tractor C10 gm 2 ray geod dil termed as = (A) 68g 11-20 (€)21-25 (0) 31-35 93) The desiree depth of ploughing for deep rooted {(©)Planing (D) None of hese crop ie 2) Theseedsaresommanallyatpredetemineépoint (A) 68) 1-2066F15-30(0) 31.35 inthe feds med 98) Ope centers of sutce oi ver ene hectare of Se Dibhing B) Ding In Weigh abot tons. (©) Planting (D) None of these (A) 100 (B50(C) 200 (D) 250 8) The fezer mata consining more than one 95) ‘Samir fate of moder tage, pinyin sed os Beastie Gen a {@) Seni fete Gree Mena (D)Ven Helmont ope ha 96) Arangerent of ol pass eter o (Qconplee ize (@) sol exe @ySoi sears (D)Nooe of tise (C01 orgie D)Al of hese AL HBL EB A | 7H] BB] RC] OD] WAL MATER] ASD BC/ WH] ea [oR | ws | BL BBL BCL MEL SSA foe (A) 6 (F8(C).10.¢0) 12 « wy 98) Diameter of clay prices. than 0002(B) 005.0.5 (os-L0(Dp-7-09 [Niogen i ot ken by plant inthe fom of. 9) Green gam vast fo sume ivan is Coo (B)K-851 (©) GG-7(D) All above “The indian Pulse Research ntti cated at. Be Kanpus B) Nagpur (O)SK. Negar (D) Bharatpur 10) \Bptivae 1 ary wd for seri etaton (ONitite I (8) Gia Drazen (©) G0 (D) None of above ”) phospho i 12) Vegeable purpose vary of pigeonpes is. (4) Phos slits (A) BON2 (8) Vasa ‘AB Phosphoric acid Ocrin@ysrt (OPhoephor nite 13) Impound of came ie ©) Phospteric tate WyFinlody @ Wit 100) nin, fst gc! Unveriy was (© Yalow mexaic(D) Noe of above sabe ding the yer 14) Bate species uss seal weatmenstsoybom, (ayaa (2 1862 ® (©) 1972) 2004 AS Rizbienjaponicum fe | 101) Inia esives most of inf m,n (@) Rozsa meio (©)Raizbiam pst SE GSW © Rizo (ONE (NW 15) Sorghum vsioty resistance agsast san is © GyGrs a cr35 (OSL FRCS tis geome aa Crops. 16) Sexgium young plant cots aed by Auther = Dr. RM. Solanki 'sposonos to anima 1) Sate fevelmainesarchaionforeasoris ested (@) Rca Dhan ©) Gospel () Al above « 17) Fain dergence cop. * (A) isa (Ad agi (B) Bat (C) Ba (D) Kaa SK, Nagar (D) Raho, 18) “High ysine contin compact vay of aie 2) “Woo tgniy of unde i (@) Peaiceae ‘Binet (© Tiaseae D) Mateste (© Maize (8) Maizes 3) Semi-spreadin voy of groundnuts 19) Photoand temo insenstve vay of is te wed coz (8) Rama (@) GR 66-11) 66% FIR-28 ) Altabove 4) Groundaat keel onan 20) “prolonged cloudy weather wit igh enperture at ed (4) 40% BHF50% (C) 30% () 55% the ime of Bowesng ested in poor sex stig in 5) Gpstor seed hs poisonous alkalaid castors known a. icin (8) NO, (©) Oxalate (0) None (A) Polen busing sof 6)” Recommended set rtf) forkynid castor (B) Mae stile is (© Sexrevesion 162025 (8)506 (©) Sex inversion ® (©) 20.25 D) 10-18 21) Fit being branches in cotons known as. 1) Gente of erin fr cots. (8) Monopedial (8) Aftea (B) USA (©) China yoda \@rSympodial 8) The king of gros mane cop is (© Monoecious : (2) Conpes )aliabove (© Diaincin (D) Goat SA] BB[ HE [wa] WAL TCP SA] 3A] aS] SA] OA | DOA Sa] wal TA [RD] GA] wal ED] S| ira] eB |S | OC [TS 22) Flower buds, ike small pyramidal shaped green sree iallod 23) Tae process ike seeping, esting and extraction are the pra pres yTe (C) Sugarcane (D) Rice 24) Srmpone oP aes we cates ‘epesng Reig Bxrsedon (D) None ofthese 1 Soamsa yea gow (A) Japan (B) India (C) sia (D) All these 15 re Poe eral poms Japan (B) India (C) Indonesia (D) All hese 129 ~Receatcmennesdupty romero (4 Coes nih Borne cepa oni (D) Corchorus olitorius a Regret taki ney ein (a) Pat osc ne Sune oy ponsbenate slot {GFrassel (8) Silk (©) Cob (D) Disc ay Meaercseraei ebm ane fae ciee(OKelt yon sy. Reema protect ptt {hoy mater yt) Benoit Biological yield (D) Crop yield 12) Mobango fo 3 38) 39) 40) 4p 42) 4) (©Groundmat (D) Jute “The inflorescence of suger is calle. (4) Spike (B) Tase (©) Panicle ‘Which species of supareane is snc? (A) Stocharum arbes (@) Saccharum sins LeySrecarn ofan (D) Stecharumspontanenn cybean ibe arown or he fis tine ina field ‘he seed should be treated with @ (B) Azotobacter um (D) Acospiilsm ‘Whats czop roation? (A) Growing more da one op at time ey ec ese ain {© Growing ofan associat crop in baw the rowscfmn cop (©) Growing of crops together in strips ‘Tedesco ing protons (#9 Toetbighe cop roon (ByTogpthipher cums poreni aa of est msn he atily oth a "Torco th wood nde conta Incr ra yan o ping mk the ‘oman (0 Solr ene (B) Water resures (© Sit eres OA tie Fl “The cops which ace gr daring sme ae mown ss (@) Rat 5) Khari /aidD) Nowe of tse ‘noble sicin 44) “Trap crops refer to (UP exp Gf Cera exp 632 pom wane ain op wish xe (© Fier crop (B) None of these cep lew inst pest and sass than 133) Palbe crop which doesnot x tmospbeicnizogen themain crop s.. (©) Crop which are resistant to pst and diseases (A) Pigsonpen (8) Pea (© Cops ecient in trapping solr corey (soy smh (D)aops etic in repping afl 34) The pemporalyYoo's in maize root system are... 45) Asbo durtion crop in beoreen wo min eopsis bt (B) Ai 0% (C) Crown os temed as 5) Coronal ons {a)Cash op (9fCachexop(C) Companioncrop 35) Whichof te flowing is cash cop? (©) Bp (A) Potato (B) Tobacco 46 Tae dapog method of raising rice nursery was iokeomm fat ttc inroduod in nin fom 39) is He vary of. (AJUSA @) Burma (@ypuntlower Saower Latiriaes () Japan none Tai] BB[ MA [BC] MA] UC] BB] BA] WAL TIC [RB [DLA HDL wal [we [ac] wel ac] a] Bc] HA | Se | HE 47) The tea need to raise ce seoings by dapog 59) The most imprtant crop grown on conserved sil retod,sufiientfrtrnsplaningonchecareari mast nur coum is A (8) Wheat (9p Gram . we | 25.30 sem (B) 50-60 sgn {©)Mosurt(D) Baly | (©)230-300 sqm (0) 1015 50 60) “The most optimum stage of rice svding for | 48) Secdings tough dapog method wil ready for ——_anlantng during Kh season {°° nngpating winds (A) Zea stage (B) 8 ka stage | (ay21-25 (8) 1820/G711-14 @) B10 eat sagxD) 10 leaf tage 49) Tranpleing feeding i commonly pacicalin 61) ‘Weculiatonof wich op res water logging? sa (4) Mai (B) Coton | Gy) when © Sogn 0) ae Opsugncae 50) Scaghum scone ab camel erp dooms of 62) among te fllowing is shor dy plan? 7 (2) Mae (A) Resistance o drought (©) Sorghum (D) All ofthe (©) Deep rot system 63) The fof epost and mustard is known a... bee | (©) Shallow root system, s(27Sitiqna (B) Pod (C) Capsule (D) Dise (©) Watecloving cop 4) Which of the elowngs cop is poplars ray the 51) Catorbelongso fami. opin gout? {adipose (B) Legimincie (C) Crue (8) Castor) Coton (©) Tiaceae geonpea (D) Sesame 52) Which ofthe following contin highest protein 65) ap operation isms gins lodging in he content? exp a (a) Pigeonpea. ©.Gx gD) (A) Paddy (Eaton Blak gram 1 (Cowpea D) Sesame 59) Among te oilseed open Ida pound aks 65) The gtr cake conan iogen te 45% @) 55% (2) Tie B) Seoond (OYA D) Fourth (©) 65% 0) 73% Soll 54). The gynophow of godt is comely refoned 67) The sales rice variety o NATSERSI214 8) GR = (A) Monedelph(B) Pod (©) Ovate (©) R28 (0) 66 55) exp plughng of ina round eld shoulé 68) Nasional Forge Resch Insite oat at. = ‘benomally avoided becase (8) Anand PFs eras oy ET aso tare sernination ational Research Contre for Grovndaut ian | Yates avenge (iresorat of Groundnut Rescech seated () None oftese a ‘925 56) Sosmetilones tthe fly fnagach (8) Hyderabed {@)fecne Lepnce {(© Bomzay (D) Deli Q (Oy Tine 70) The sweccom vay of maize is 2si8 57) Delning of coo cel in. (A) Baby com Madhur (A) Quek germination {©)son8 ) Ganges 0p; (B)Gradag the set TN) Cowon ssh poisonous aalid | Kiln Fines pest nd escases paogea (A) Ricin @)Oralc "Tso “Mate ny 2) Mapntilaoy | 59) “Tue belongs e098. i isceae (8) Malecene ‘eS Soybean (8) Sesame (© Liiaese (D) Leguminosie (©) Sunflower (D) Also x Tc] Ba [He BBP SE| SD] SC] A [HD | HAT DE aelac) en [ea GB| GA] Tal @B] al wE | WoL RA 73) Venstilecop i 87) Toefl fm of CRISATis. (8) Raa (Ream (Owe (D) Raja rcrational Cops Rescarc Ist for the 74) Padding opr quid by ‘Sem Aid Tops, Paar, AP ; (8) Groxndaut BY Pay (C) Coton (D) Wheat {@) nan Crops Research Instn forthe Seni 175) The Intemational Maize and Wheat Research Ard Tropics, Det Sion is oct in (© tear Crops Research Inst forte | (a) Pakan india CMexico Dy Aca Sorduan snd Taber oon, HP 116) Tae abet pt consume @)Nove ottese og let av) 88) The fl Rem of IRE YW) Rice (C) Chee (D) Vas (A Inentonal Rice Reseach sia, Mena ‘77 Padyissoskedin ict, edinsunligshecp Tada moire 14% an mill cled ofan Rise Research ett, Ota (i) Rating ataling process {sir Hee a Mn (© Milling proces (©) Nowe of ese 78) Semaquati op is aaa {@) Maize (©) Pe millet 0) Sagacane $9) Theil orm of CICR. 19) Rice egies roe ter dring ie period 90 ts (8) Cane for ldin Caton Resenrch, Kang spe known es @) Central Institte for Castor Research, i) Wats loving at (8) Water deficient plant (€) Desert plat (D) Hum iat (© Cpa insite for Coffee Reser, Assam 80) Raj sepia. Trt for Coton Reset, Negpur ype), type (©), tpe(D)CAM 90) Bota name of pion is 81) Wate tie il ir of CRRL pean ya am (A) Contes for Rice Reseach Instn, Cac Giyinamax (None of these E {@) Gata Reseach Inte for Rie Kamal 91) Emergence emp f ey Centra Rice Reseach Instiute, Cuttack (A) Peat millet (B) Bavato f A&B opin Savas) (D) Va ‘ $2) Selec mame of groundnuts 92) eee cp i, hypogaea (8) Aracishygsaen ils oda) Var ie {© Alttypoznes (D) None ofthese (©) Peat mit () Wheat | 188) Botinia nso sweet com s 93) Sate lee Main Reseach Staton fo Hil Mis | {A)zeamays lena Su (B)Zeamaysindunta ood t. i, aye acer Stat (A) Wegha @) Godtra 5) zea may eat lsh (© Bharuch DS Saat : 8) Sorghim sa inown as 98) Scene vey oftee < Mine () Kod wilt (A)IROS @) GRU Ambla(D) Shai Fg {© Great let (D) None ofthese 95) Dapog method of rising seedings of rice was 85) Gear lel vig of developed in : (8) Bava) Penile (iia 8) China (Cy tipines (D) pan eer sorghum (0) Al hese 96) Skt mens : 7 86) “Theil omof CIMMYT is. ERs nesiaion : (A) Intentional Cet fr Maize and Whest {@) System of Rice enseation | {Warman Center fr the Improvement of (©) Synptons of Rive ntesifeion f Maio and Wie, Mexico (©) Sequence of Rice Intsifeation | (© oan Cente for te Improvement of Maize 97) One coton ele waht | sed Wheat, Dei aD igGHTEKs i Opaliies (©1381) 170k ‘ seme : ED] WB BC [TA] TB] WA] DAL WA] MCT HA THC | MET SC f HeE| HAL ME [SD | HE | TC] DAL TD | WE | HE [HA | 1B fe ‘The Ril em of TRL is (A) Je Technical Research Laboratory, Cua (Orisa) (B) Japan Technological Research Laboratory \UPrute Technological Research Labortory, 8) (B) Cental Technological Research Laboratory, Deki (©) Center fr Technological Research Laboratory, Mumbai @)None of ese 100) ThebiosingsdeTchodemas wedinpige pea tbe disease wit () Lea spot {(©)Downey nile (D) gt | -Aginfet2.1 Ageleultursl Meteorology | alted by Auther” = Prof.M.C. Chopada 14) Theshapeoftie cach is | (A\cieularypbotc 2) lpia O)Panbotc The ozo fomision i cocing in {AYTiopoiphere GpSinnspiare (CMesosphere@DVThemespere The thick eos nan sumaning he each is Hela (A)Weathen@Atnosphee (©)Climate(D)Environment ‘Seca ees ee (Ayton 23 np iy 8 kn ‘The aumosphsic ens Which esas shied for UV “fore Bowe a a 9 10) » 2) 2) 14) 15) 1) to) 18) 19) 2 Days an igs ares de to earth's (ANRevo sn (Kami (Dovel free Seasons ae ested on eth de oi elevation Raton (Cyorin(B}Coval force Fauinoer mes Ge ual night (B)Day is longer thae night (C) Night is longer than day: (DWNone oftese “Te ies ong te plcesheving ol npc presgue ae bur Sistemn(Cisahyet(Dyataine Tings joining the places aving equal a temper a @ them (Css Dybohaine The sii of emngatereis called... (nid ley (Ciolmauioay(DyAcrney ‘The sudy of upper pat of atmosphere above 35 ken io a (A)Hydrology(B) Meteorology {oct “The sod pat ofan snow at AT Lithosphere (B)Hydrosphere (AimorpheeD)Bisphere “he living par feats Known at (A) LioshereBygrosnhee (OisinospheetAesphe “The earths vearet tothe sin is known as hasteiontyrioe (Chapin) Ver Ecos ‘Nests tua Geom thomas erie ean (ChEquinoxesD)Vemal Equnones "The mean distance betyen earth andthe sn i. (A147 milion kg 50 milion ka (© tse nnn Sy pm ts ccam en venir 21") (C)Nitrogen(D)CO, 7) Sitlwe athe ae Sasa genie ane Beane 2 ee ee (C)Mesosphere(D)Themosphere hte December 22°48) January22"4 5 ibimarete suche sin “(Gemma ncaa 5 » Soeee toe ctmaegpnctinie ‘Sine | Gaenpaes (Sai Se | [8C] BAIA TTS | 2B] 3B] 40] SD] ea] vA] ED 9B | 10a 2) The dominant gs inthe smasptereis (9.35 19 #550 \4aerSitrogen (B) Oxygen By-40 10 450°C (©1C0,(0)Metiane 510 460 25) Nizoge conten te atnoephee is {)-2510 +50 % BAI % 37) The temperature increase wih sltimde inthe % 0) 5% troposphere is know as 26) content in the etosphere is (A) Laer rate @yfversion FB) 41% (ODay iavesiendD) Wet iverson (OVD) 55% 38) ow ofa 27) CO,coneatin the atmospheres. Wink Curent ‘yh c3)203% {CiComvecorsD)Adveton (©)0.1 40) 0.08% 38) Vers ow of rs called 28) This ic asap lin lb warming Wa to Senet (Cees Atesion geo, 40) Th equatorial region i an area of... 29) the gs infloensng mosphere temper i (A) Low pressre (Bh rere (A)Nizogen (2)Oaone (CNeatalpressreD)None ofthese :0,(D)Methane 41) Thofbre generates duet rtaton of he eh, 30) “Te layin which the gases found inionic form (A) Cio (B)Presoue rent is (OicensipeakD Cents ‘jTroposphereB)Seatesphere 42) Which farce zo at og? te Mesoephere OyTemospbee (A) Corts Bese gradicat 431) The movement ofearh on f& own axisisioown ———(C)Cenripett>) Oxo = 43) The most mpertanrdion for pant eight. (A)Rereluion NAD hie Byte tion (©) Uraavilt (Rao wave Ovetciy 4) Theclffeence beeen SVP and AVP is known @yAccdiention = 32) Themoverent ofcath around the sin is known (A) Staton deft (B) Dew pat 8 (© Reaivehumiy (D)Weter vapor -€e Revolution (B)Rotation 48) Thghigh precipitation clus, (ONelociy(D)Aceleration Cualenimbus (8) Cis seas 33) Therate of decease of tmpeue wi eights (C)AKO(D) Cems ooynas 46) Taebeight ofthe low cloud extends upto Gg Lapse rate (B) Inversion (Aje2im B)2-7 kn (C)Dy nversin(D) Wet inversion (O13 kaxDP 3 kn 34) Caneatairtemperti is messed by 41) Thobeigt fe me cloud extends up to (@) Max. Themomeer (A km) 2-7 (Mis, Thermometer (B13 mx )13 km SMO) DB Themoneter 448) The Gis clo flute. (D)WB Themoometer (A) High @Mie 39) Therange of maximum termomete i. (CowDyvexy low 50 455°C 49) Rajpisa feof. ) 4010 +50 Precipitation (©5510 +60 (@yCondeasation ©) 25t0-150C (Osis 36) Thetangeof minimum mometer is @\Seni sid HA] BO [A [HB [HC] BC] SOC] BY] PAT SALMO | ISA [EB sip] ASE [DA | aA] BA] GAL A] GA) Ga [a | WAT OA me $0) Sein toe 6) sea ene ince a inn Cotman ‘peers ng Qenitssa a (cnt eer sy Sta tema, (Soares ou wed eter (use 65) Teton gto Seed (C) Solid (Q)Aolid and tquact by. $2) holo dene qo (Win pt ofan Bhanges {CW deen (ani oe ‘nities 66, West aitee's sete dag govng $5) Tht er ea ad ‘cao eda @htonstont tb) 10 Cioran s0) Thelen tober orig tal ogg sewed niet 7) rene ett toy (ttt cs : Ose on (sng Goitoorain Cheeses | Dxermianon 68)" pian eget oa tn cos { $5) Tepe ya tte cop itn by s |? Gite) we diiste-cms1a7 ¢@2ss1-c@)4e | Sssipyva wre (50) Newt debs 6) Thepath eseronett te ran | ° pts wins (eso wis a ei Si op . (C)Prineary winds(DySecondary winds | ‘1C) Temperate (DyPotar 5 ‘Semper oat Gon... 70) Tiemivanpt ses ode own GN nna a (sree (C)NE ‘monsoon (C)Sleet(D)Siog sms) Sheet tyr 1) Teer wi kept ee i) spe (cmt @Diaen (ent ees Nach {act amos $5) Theat py si of tame is 72) ‘Three ns pr bat. Com (coe en Goeth Cline Goren) icin (Oovinmstre 17) Whew pn sie ny |) Tot wt he ptf GDD at ise bp al A ope cen ] (A)Max. Temp.(B) Actual BSS ‘known as, (On B58 siti Can Une 62) ‘Kebastenprtac efits {QrewtDen at theca ne 1) Ide aoe a swe ny Owe wins tial ape ees cen 2 “Reason tym scope mt Sens : bas pene ae (aS te (oumuy ere new Doe | Goovexou 15) Weenies pei i dy |e) Meats oferp ats state ae ines on } NAF40-25 % (B) 26-35% nown as, Giesosemy ois (oud Uae (©) Neutral (D)Anti eyclonic Aare 2) [Soe aS as eee ae Oe eee ©) [Saleatex [wr] oe] acl on p we baa) me laa | eae 76) densify vertical and hear ain making cloud (4) Camorims (B) Cas cumuta (A) Isobar (lsotherm (©) oobyee Dytsoach (©)Alto-samas (b) Cams 90) The lines on & map joining points having eal 11) The rt of detent of temperature of stated temperate is allt siriscaled (isobar) lotr (A)DALR @) WALR, (© hotyet Dylcach (©)lsoshermal Diinversion 91) Thetnesona mapping pons ving eq vind 78) _Insuaocphere tempers ineease with height due speed is aed. to presence of. (Also) ste (a)C0,08) 0, (© lsoiyes (Detach (0,0, 92) The lines on a map joining points having equal 79) Formed by he pros of siblimatio. sunshine dren called (4) Frost @) Fog (soberB) Isobel (ODizdDDeW (OlsobyetsDIsoinch 80) Tihoramil aster ofhext mass andmomentim 93) The secondary atmosphccclation is iscaled.. (ApEsseied Wests (AyCondaction(B)Conveton (© Cyclone (D)Sea breeze (© Asivestion (P)Rason 94) The radiation absorbed by earth surface is 81) The vera afer ofhen, mass end momestum about ‘scaled (A925 HB) 50 % (C75 (D100 % (A) Conduction (8) Convection 95) The mos vaisble amoepherc contents (Ovection(D)Radiation (A) Caton dani (6) Wate vapor 82) ‘Theta by mass tion iselled {©)DaskD Nitrogen (A}Conductin(B) Convention 96) Tho ingoument usd for continuous recording of (©AdvetionD)Radiation pressure ical. 83) The heatmater witout medium aed (A) Barogrsph (B)Thermograph (AXConductontB Convection (OyeowapHD}Eveporieaph (©évectin(D) dition 97) Atmospheres th nit of. 84) The heat transfer though a materiel medium is (ayTemperatue(B) Pressure called (CRadinson(D)Wind speed (A) Conduction (B}Convetion 98) Thoregion ofthe slr spsctum providing thermal (OAdvectionD)Radiation cacy to plats. 85) Thecoralisiceistheighestattbe_region (UV) ifered (A) Topical) Por (OVaBIe(D Mier wave (Oui topicalDyTerpercte 99) Thereyonof the solr pctum proving PAR to 86) The ulvavolt dition is strongly absibed by. plants 160,000, uvenintered (0,08, (© Visible (D)Mieo wave 87) Thesurece ofthe lowest ato is 100) Theregionoftrsorspertumavingkiling eect = (8) Sil B)Wete toplntis : (OVegraionD)ice (UV @Bjinfaed 88) Telines onarap sing pins having equ anal (OVRID) Ae wave fiscal. 101) The spc range fr vise portion ofthe solar (jsobarsthom spectra ChsotyeeDysotch (A) 01-04 jm (B) 04-09 pm 89) ‘The lines ona map joining points having equal (©0715 pm ©) 16-104m prestre ial TERE [BA ME] WS] BB] BD] MA] SE HE | TAT RC 5H | SD [HEH | OS | SEB] Ow | SEA | TH | RE [ORC | TOOA| Le u u a 14 Ei a j 102) Thespostal age forulta volt potion ofthe sol 115) Over dey fd the drinant component of eneray specu tatince is (401-04 um 04-07. () Serb het fx (2) ten at (©)07-1.5 um (D) 16-104 (©'Sol ese Maxed) Nowe 103) Toe spect rage fo infrared porion ofthe solar 116) Nona amount rafal nds -pecrim is (4) 1090 mm (2)850 mm (9901-0 4um8)94.0.F4m (©1800 mun(D) 225 ma (©)07-40 um ©) 50-100, 117) The normal date of onset of SW monsoon at 104) ‘The weather pheaorenan takes place inthis par Kenta is ofthe emosphee (8) 20 May (B) 1 June (C)L5 une(D)30 June (A) Troposphere (B)Satosphxe 118) Theequinax occas on (C)Mesosphere(D)Themosphere (A022 lune (8) 21 Match (C)23 Dee.(D)21 May 105) The foree that reduces wind speed near eat 119) Thewind blowing from seat andi known surface (A) Land breeze (B) Seabreeze (A) Corns (B) Fiona free (©)Mountsinbeeze(D) Valley bree (©) CenripeakDCetitigal 120) Thereflected radiation is measured by .. 106) _Protonged meteorological drought esis into (A) Pytheliometer(B) Albedometer (A)Metoroogical(B)Hyologcal (OygromeerD)Barometee (C)AgrcutwalD)Contnget 121) The drought resus doe to inegue snl a say 107) The shelter belts are used to protect crops season agtiost.. (APerenent(B)Seasonal (A) Heat @)Moitre (©icontingen(D) invisible (© Wind DVRs 108) ‘The iype of weather orccast weil for agrcutal -Agron.3.5 Weed Management operations. Ealted by Auther Dr. R.K. Mathulia (A) Shot range (B) Meaium range 1) The author of the book “Modem Weed (©) Leng ange(D) Local fereast Managemen 108) ‘The short ge forecasts valid for ABVOR. Gapla (B) VS. Rao (8) 1-3 days 8)S8 days (CUNC. Joshi (0) LL. Somani (©) 612 hous (0)1-6 ours 2) The author of the book “Principles of Weed 10) The medium range frees ivf. Scionce" is (A) 13 days (B) 58 days (OP. Gupa B'S. Reo (©) 6-12 days (D)1-S hours (ONC. Joshi D) LL. Soman 111) The long range forecasts given fo. 3) Awed competes seed to seed eye within two (A) 10-15 days (8) 1 month to four weeks is called (€) 30-60 days (D) Season ‘fetal (B) Bini 112) Tae long range frcast is given by (©) Peranial mera (A1SRO @) IMD 4) Which of he followings ephemeral weed? (ONCARDYIARL (4) Amaranth viii(B) Lanian camera 113) ‘The parofvisbletight induce gemination of sed iur(D) Avena fe (A) Ble (B)Green 5) “Which of oe flowings is surumer annual wood? (CWellowD) Red . \B)Trisatheca spp (B) Lantana camera 114) Over inigate field the dominat component of (© Cypenes rotuad(D) Chenopodium eam balance is 6) Which oft follwing swine sera weed? (A) Sensible heat fx @) Lett eat x (A) Tranter spp. (B) Lantana cemera (Cait hq) None (©)Cypens rordus(E).Crfopodium abn TRA] WE] OFA | SB] OSB] TOTS] WRB] THA] OB] TD [Mes | ISDS TSA, eal Tew [Ties] Tse | Tae] aD] Ta | eB] sD [ec | sa [oD 1) Which ofthe allowing weeds i owing round the ee? iit) Tenens {GPO Aves 1) Siihofthe towings tic wea? (8) Aor se) Ensen (© Phyllanthus ninai(D) Avena fists 9) Wal fat ore pow wn hy ae oe 12 Ube pound level aga (0 Seige BS sams {© Sint nis (D) Peres toy. Seve anual woués poses —_ whlch Sporn nv shots son ath ir lt Bitopst (Souls @) Stems {(OFlowes 1) Ua prem wends lowe forte fi tine in Be year tr pth ad heer floweracyes any (a) Fis Secon (C) Tid) For 3, Te cont of rede smock mee fiat {Annet (Bega (© Ephemeral 15) Whore loving sb etd psi yee? 1) Sogiaum alpenct8}Codon datyon (© Capers rotndis(D) Lana camera 14) Which the followings is shallow rooted peresrial {© Cyperus ronndus ©) Lantana camer 15) Which of the flowings is deep roc pees ‘weed? (A) Agropyron repens (B) Cynodon dactylon 15 eypersrtan(D) Lanna came 16) Wich of the folowings is dep rooted pete sweet? (A) Agropyton repens(B) Cynodon éaciylon eC) Sorghum halepense(D) Lantana camers ”» weeds ae also Known As DOW” ices weeds ORF Monact(B) Dio '(C) Legume (D) Oilseed 18) Whichof th followings i sy weed? (A) Anas vit “eet {© capers rotund (Chenopodium album 1») 20) 2 2) 28) 26) ™ 28) » 30) 2) 32) Wich ofthe doings isonet weal? (a) Amon Vids (8) Digsm arvensis Eo} ees rotnistD) Chenopodium aan "wees a also known as broad ined wood. (A) Monooot (BHTGot (© Seige ©) Oiteed ii of flavins ist weed? (2) Sorghum nepns(B) Cynon don {© cypens rundusiD). De ast Wacko he allowing at weed? (4) Sorhum inlepexs(8) Cynon dyn vids) Cypriots (4) Ammar viriis (B) Cynodon dctyon rotusdis(D) Chenopeium album ‘Which fe followings is dpe weed? (A) Amaranth viii BY Toba op. (©) Cymodon datylan(D) Chenopodium album Which of te fllowings is hesbaceous weed? te Mavs vridi(B) Larne carers (© Zeit rondo) Prosopis julilor. ‘Wich ofthe followings herbaccous weed? alpun(@) Laniana carers (©) Zips rtudsin(D) Prosopis julio ‘Which of tie followings is bs weed? (A) Ghencpodium album (B) Amant vies hs roeilsgD) Diger aves ‘Which of the flowings ssh weed? (4) Gaenopodia album(B) Aman viii {AG Lanne earvera(D) Dig arvensis ‘Which of te flowing is bh weed? (A) Cheompodium albus (8) Anvarantns Vis {O Prosopis jlidor(D) Diger arvensis ‘Which of th flowing sus weed? (A) Chenopodium am (©) Digwr anersis {Which ote folowingsisa summer perenial weed? (a) Gis; alepense (©) Lantana carer(D) Sig sp. Ta) eB] 3B [OD [TB] aD] ow WS] BC] eC [TA | BLOC wel ao| Be ae | me] BB] eA Ha [wee | we [we [He [AE “ rium even) Sogn pense {Lana eamera(D) Sega sp. 54) Cop bound werd ar sully (a)Anmal Biwi D)Miasicry (A) Chenopoun albur (Scrum halepense GBTiger arvensis 36) Wi of te fowings i cop bound wend? (8) Chenopodium sbum(8) Soran alpense 37) Which of te folowings is cop bound wees? 38) Which of the fllowings is crop bound weed? EP 39) Wihottie aainy inne £6) Digea aces) Cpr. 40) Which ofthe followings is mimicry Wed in wheat? (A) Stign sp | ©)Digeraarversis(D) Cypers spp. 3) 41) Which ofthe folowing is crop asoiated weed? » 2) Which ofthe followings is crop asociated wood? 54) (A) Stiga ppm pp. (© Digers arvensis) Cypers spp 49) ‘Acorn ooy, emai cid os (A) Annual @) Bias county? | (4 Lantana camera (B) Communist weed (© Tiger rss (D) Bera grass 2) yagi site eel) 38) Which ofthe followings iscrop bound wee? 48) is. 49) (©) DigerarvensifQycascspp, 30) ) Sorghum hseperse $1) (A) Sign pp: sy ‘-Kcntngomery anetpiedeila. 59) (Cel 0) Nene ofthese i en ”» xg contin ais 58) Which ofthe followings isnot crop husbandry smehod of weed contol? (8) Crop sand {Phang method {© Crop sation ‘Which ofthe followings i not physi met of ‘weed contol? (4) Tigo By See soda (Mowing nif cting of wosd growths known as. (A) Pronng (8) To © exing ‘The proces of repeated ight eppiations of fame toplant shoot todesty evenroos of prema weeds is noun as (A) Heating (@) Burning 5D) Flaming “The bo-agent used conto carers is \ Ar Zyaaramma spp. (B) Fypsma spp. spp (D) Flebeetle The meoherbicide use © oul jit vech in opis Devine GoPets > ©) Biolohos ‘myccherbiide wed contol srangevne in cis orcas. Mi Desi Bipolar (C)Calego(D) Bicloptos “The mycoerbcide ted o contol Jobnsongass (A) Deve PF Bipot (© Colego (D) Biolopas ‘The myeahetbicide used to contol veveteatis (A) Devine (8 Bipolars (C)Cobego 5 Velz0 “The myeoberbicide used contol dade. 5 Smolder (8 Bpolais (©)Cobego ©) Velzo “he presence of whom eaves ine impaived he aly? (8) Dodd 3) Loranthus (© Dara (D) Sam (ti Hofinan i considered a th ihe of. 2 (4) Counarin YE Sfene (B) Insecticide (© Prosi sci (D) Nii cid (© Frngicide D) Pesticide sare SeA| HESSD [36D | HD] HD] BB] GE] TA] aE [ GC] AC GA 3] aD) we [wD | wc] HAL RC] GA] wa] SD [sea | STB SRA Which fritize is we to Snrease the sbsorption 59) _Accuringtteliecyce of wed, Digsmarvensis iscalledas ‘of gypsy used? (pf dwt) Bie (A) DAP BH Ammen supe © Perea D) Ephemera {C)CAN (D Sil sper phosphate (60) The weed sed as goofy vegetable i 173) Which sol stv herbicide effectively contrls (A) Wild onion) Mexien poppy eds in peril? “ - (Gf sarin) Berm ns (GA Atacine (B) isoprotaron 61) Which dormaoey in wend seds occured dueto is (© Pendinetiin (©) Fetloin ec placement in he sil? 18) ADs biehlyslecve eid fo. (Gortnired (8) Inder {crea Corn 424 Wheat Sesame gy {©) ate (D) None ofthese 15) Thebebicide wed in gout as pre-emexgence ey eit al rs kinds of armances. sppiain is W Chenopodium urn 25 Peninetnln (B).24-D « (©) Pjlanhusserus (© Giyphssae(D) Atarine Oallansep. 176) Toe heb wed m wheat as re-emergence phaveraia scan is , 65) Cope oval ofall tv plant pars and seeds 4) Peimeain () 2.4-D ofa weed fom an area's known weed (© Gipteeue (D) Atene {A)Managerest(B) Control ‘7 Theprste weed inary atwckngsorgm end 90) radiation (2) Prevention pennies. 66 long 10 which ely? A Sin 99-8) Orobache spp. Asteraceae (8) Zygohylacee (© Cusouaspp-(D) Loans spp. 9» Malvacoae (D) Euphorianese 78) Tncerneithomainfostofparesowesd... 65) Bags belongs o which ely? (A) Stig pp.) Orato spp. I {i Antreste Ponca ‘Sopcast ap (D) Conable. i 2 (©) Malvaceae () Cyperscese 19) “Hosbicides used for the early post-emergence | 6) Notre blogs to wie fay? trtmentarumully_—__ Pes. (a) Asecacee(B)Poseese (A) Res @) Seosve (©) Malvacene 9) Cypencene (© Nosed 9 Nonslctve 67) Meshal paling of weeds with tir ots md 80) Difelsperemial weesate aso ale thizmes covered in mod is known 2s weed. (A) Fooding () Moving (A) Noxious (B) Objectionable png (D) Chaining (© Osmoxis GaPemicans 5) Whichmethod cen besdptedto clini datier” $1) Saeco] 95 ffom te ncen=? (4) Siig) Paaet (4) Sale sea bat (8) Soi slazation (© Titratn OY Anchor (C) Flooding (P} Crop rotation 82) The herbicide ‘may exhibis both contac? 96) 69) Wie metiod can eoumol aquatic weeds in ice sn santo pops. sain (240i Arecine (A) Praning(B) Buming (C) Footing (Pj Drainage (© Glyphosate (D) Pendimetbalin 70) weed grows in sis bving pH mae than 783) abides are very useful agin now ‘pec nrour wens 1A) Acdopile @) Newtropile () Conaee(@) Nowssetve {@) BasopleD) Saopie (qqNarow spectrum (D) Broad spectrum 171) Orobanche wes is obzerved in 84) Which ofthe lowing is auatic weed? (Aytusme Mae (©) Sorgn (PF'Tobexo emia sips (8) Tbs emesis (© Xanthium srumasam (0) Eophcbi sp. DAT OC aA SD [SC] GA] S| DY] ACT RD [wD | WC TAD | [ aE aL ee [EA | eA | TAL S| BD | wD] Te [ee | GCL HA | LE ») ‘Wil oat end caaryzrase in crops sevivebecase ofthis inmorpolagy win host erops Smal gin(B) Conse eral Sent ott ‘Many ofour weeds ni ratedin some cer pts of tho werd ral al (Nase en weeds (© Probiematc weeds (0) Eeoypes Wii ofthe falowins xp nd weed? (2) 2iahs etnias WCaDie= evens(D) Kasim seria ‘Which ofc fowings alien weed? (A) Zips oni camera {© Digesavenss(D) Aeris itis | 99) Wich eft flowing iacopie woot? { (ay Tribus tenes) Polygonum spp. {© Cynodon decyl Romex sce 90) Most ofour common Wests ae. (A) coils (8 Basopies GDNewopliexD) Antzophytes ‘Wich of the flowing is facaive weed? (8 Opuntia sp.) Sorghum halpease (©)Dipen avenss(D) Conavaieaeccs ‘Which ofthe flowing isan weed? «4) Opuntia spp) Sorghum alepense {© Parts spp 0B Convo arvensis Wii ofthe flowing is special probe weed? (8) Opuatia ronnie (©Diger aryensigD) Armaan pp ‘ih othe flows nex specal rem wend? ister arvensis) Sea sp. (© Pate spp.) Convo avensis Facalaive weeds ar also kao a. (4) Astrophys) Halopiytes {© Fecophyes (DYApophytes| eed places ssn ety inside the soi since irks both and ncn owe and seeds (A) Srgha haepense(S) Comolli arvensis » Sigs ep. ‘Weeds occur ony in eutvated or stherwise dist land i kro as (A Faetatve weed @FOblignt weed (©) Noxious weed D) Pome ood 8) 88) bon 98) Those weed speci tt grow primal in wil communtis bat of eae tn eavated el socninghanschesclesety wih mans fs lave wend () Og weed (© Noxious wea) Pericins weed ‘Growing within and ouside the flds weeds” fue eo 8 inset pss and disease organs ofa 5 (4) Protos) Pats \\ (0 -Atemate host(D) Bioagent 100) ‘wed is wd in eae dry for Taking ope nd tach boards (A) Cynon dyn) Sora baepense OCeborim inyraDytypiasn ” 11) Which ofthe folowing weeds dos sot exhibit ‘mati epee? (0) Gola sp (5) Pare spp. {©)Seecharamspp(0) Beton sp = de the ‘gound, nd umes md soon over te ground Safe to propagate iain new eke. (4) Cope onndusCyoon day {© Comvita erensigD) Sou males ‘ropegates by i underground, Frowibenier hich, swollen end of Iswiy Mizwnes > “7 Cypens roads (B) Cyan day {© Coola arent (D) Seg alpen is parachute Uke modiestion of Daset cay into has, a8 fund in sever “Ratorceae wens. (A) Comose (By Pappus{C) Balloon (D) Wings wich sa mode papery cal at cies te fit oot along wii entapped Sif in Phys mie. (4) Conse 8) Popes {E7Balon (0) Wings ‘weed edo cue sake bie Ai Laas esper(B) Calanopis prea (© Piylantusiuna(©) Cypens roads ved seo ere jade (@ Laas esper(B) Cacti proce ~O Plantes nigaO) Cope rounds 108) Aa objectionable weed is weed ‘whose sends ical» spartan el with crop sed (G4) Foutaive (B) Obigae {G}Noviows (©) Peisous 99) 10s) 109, 105) 108) 107) a BD | BB] SA [HD | OC [ora TOS | TORB | OFA) TOE THE [TOES TOA to) Which oft fwingsitasaite weed?’ 122) Root exudes of __ promoted the f 135 {8} Aman vids @) Aven scrmination of Orobanche minor and Stiga (© Fralrsmino(D) Ce pp Yemonbice 110) A weed associate wih snd sls (8) Coton) Weapon (D) Ont (}Cypers od) Convohusavens(C) 123) eisene whee to? fishes of weeds re destroyed “Typhas{P) Arpeone mexicana tefoe planting of ay cp. 189) 111) The es period of copsveed compaiton is __(A) Propane (Spike seedbod approximately ofthe duration ofthe op. {© Simmer aowing ©) Mowing AB NOTE, 124). It isa worlwide cop husbandry method of 137) 112) The observed maximim rooting depth of canting weal inf Convolrsarvensis (4) Dredging ® Chasing) Moding ()05m@B L2MO24m—)48m 15) we of herbicides isthe greatest 138) 113) Weal dasty i eneally in dtubed or fine ofthe discov sgl sol thn untitibai ss {jou (5) Haphezarl{Ciiar(D) Over Eetighes (©) LowetC) Equal D) Noneofthee 126) Whi oft flowing into ofbatide? 139) 114), “Awe may goin een tom Sam depths (8) Cropland we) Flow nd se (4) Dig arvenss @) Amare viis (Milian we D) Agate we te} Avena aa () Digi senguials 2 ‘math, was found prominent in f 140) 115) “The term opty was ioc by “aoying owe and see of ie. (@) Hoftinn (8) Jet Tat *(af Cress lantane {© Zinc @7 Matic (@) Caeoblasisactorun 4 116) Tho alloalelopiy erica co- {©pDecyopls ements sion {)Gytotmgosvinae Ae nies pei (B) ne specie 18) In Tai Nas at Malas, ifs wit 142) {© Diet) Indicct, Cpuniailens was ecoveed rom the weed by 117) The aap is cherie co losing . scion (a) Cocina ana (8) Cacobestscactonun 13) (A) Ine spect (8 fra speci c temetoss (© Dire (Onde 5) Crakagnsaiioe 118) The concurrent allelopathy i refer to 129) Thecasslergnim in nyecbabicde Vogo is. 48) fect often ontbeliving (A) Pasiniapp Fusarium pp. ‘ls anor rowing in vic (©) Atemaispp () Prytopihorspp. i (4) Inter spect) Inte speciic 130) Thvcauloganim nsmjeobatbide Devi. 45) ©) nist. (4) Pussy) Fosriumspp, 119) sinarwicwevaisiel (© Alena Dyan, ‘rotons from cton, 151) Them orgashin myecherbicid Calg iS #45) (A) Sorgleon (B)Aremsin (A) Posisiasp (8) Fossiamspp I (©) Lepospemnene (D) Sigal (Giealietcchum spp) Pryotehons, = 120) Theprestace of, DPhnsexenedadvese 152) Thecaual eran myeshabisde Bopha alliopati econ Pain spp. 0 (W) Puccsapp ) Sueptomyess spp 7) (A) Lat care B) Tages xo {© Possriun sp9(D) Paytoptoraspp. (© Cyperus spp. (D) Acacia spp. 123) Faming is momentary expsu of een weeds? 121) The weed show spprenivecftcton” —toasbighas Ee Parteniansgp v7 (4) 100° sn cx 10076) 200°C 0) : (8) Lantana canara @.OGa tora 154) Which ofthe oings i eletneesiie? 1 (© Cyporse spp. (D) Acacia spr (a) Paraquat BI24-D bos (© iyo (D) Sodium cloate _ aover os THAT TOD] MS [WAC] TSA] TAC] TED] TAT TB] TEC [SD | OBL TAH | OSE Tact a map [msc [cc] eral eC | Taew| eB] Bre [ew | HEC | Hes | MA] a 155) Whi ote lowing isecve abcde? 149) Which of the fol lowings is broad spectrum (8) Parga heii?

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