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We can specifyapoint(apositionina plane) withan orderedpairofnumbers(x,y), whichxis

the horizontaldistancefromthe originalandyis the verticaldistance. Two points willspecifya line.
If the two pointsusedtospecifya line are (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) then the equations for the line is
given by

thattheslopebetween anypointonthelineand(x,y,)isthesameasthe slope between (x2,y2) and

There are many equivalent form for this equation. Multiplying the denominators gives the
A little more algebra solving for y gives
( y 2  y1)
y ( x  x1)  y1
( x 2  x1)
( y 2  y1)
( x 2  x1)
This is called slope intercept form of the line.
A different form of line equation is called the general form, may be found by multiplying the
equation 2 and collecting them on one side of the equal sign
Where possible values for r,s and t are
Suppose we give the equation for the two lines in the slope-intercept form:
Line1: y=m1x+b1
Line2: y=m2x+b2
If there are some point (xi,yi) shared by both lines
yi=m1xi+b1 and yi=m2xi+b2
Line segments
forlinesspecifyallpointsinagivendirection.Thelinesextendforeverbothforwardandbackward.lets consider
onlythosepointsonalinewhichliebetweentwo endpointspandp2.
This iscalled a line segment. A linesegmentmay bespecified by its two end
points.Fromtheseendpointswecandeterminetheequationoftheline.If the end points are p1=(x1,y1)
and p2=(x2,y2) and these yield equations y=mx+b, then another point p3=(x3,y3) lies on the
segment if
1. y3=mx3+b
2. min(x1,x2)≤x3≤max(x1,x2)
3. min(y1,y2)≤y3≤max(y1,y2)
Here the notation min(x1,x2) means smallest of x1 and x2 and max(x1,x2) means the largest of the
two numbers.
There is one more useful form of the line equation called the parametric form because the x
and y value on the lines are given in the terms of a parameter u. This may be expressed by the
When u is 0, x is x1. As u increases to 1, x moves uniformly to x2. the y coordinate moving from
y1to y2 at the same time as x changes
The two equations together describe a straight line.
If we are given two end point of a line segment p1 and p2 we can determine its length L.Construct
right triangle of p1p2A by attaching a vertical line to p2 and horizontal line to p1. using pythagorian
theorem to determine length

Midpoint of a line segment

the point halfway between the endpoints of a segment will have an x coordinate halfway
between the x coordinate of the end points, and a y coordinate halfway between the y coordinates
of the end points.
( x 1+x 2) ( y 1+ y 2 )
( xm , ym )=[ , ]
The midpoint is 2 2
Perpendicular lines
We can determine if two lines are perpendicular by examining their slopes.suppose we
have two lines
y=m1x+b1 and
If the first line is perpendicular to the second, then a line parallel to the first will also
perpendicular to the second.
For example y=m1+x should be perpendicular to y=m2x+b2. The same argument applies
to the second line : y=m2x will perpendicular to y=m1x.

Distance between a point and a line

We have a point (x0,y0) and a line rx+sy+t=0, where r,s and t were chosen to satisfy
equation. We can find a line which is perpendicular to the given line and contains the given
point. It is
We can determine the intersection point of the original line and this perpendicular.
The distance between the point and the line

A vector has a single direction and length.A vector may be denoted [Dx,Dy], Dx
indicates how far to move along the x axis direction and Dy indicates how far to move along the
y axis direction.

Vector have no fixed position in space. They tell us how far and what direction to move, but they
do not tell us where to start.
The idea of a vector is useful because it closely parallels the manner in which a pen
draws lines on paper or an electron beam draws lines on a cathode ray tube.
Two vectors may be added by adding their respective components
Suppose we start some point A. The first vector moves the pen point A to B, Second point B to
C. The right hand side of the above equation produces a single vector which will move the pen
directly from the point A to point C.
The vector’s length
If we multiply a vector by the reciprocal of its length, the result is a vector with length equal to 1.
Such vectors are called unit vectors.

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