Test For Quiz Tuesday 13

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Test I. Multiple-choice

Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the best answer from the
options provided. Write your answer before the number. Do not leave any
questions unanswered. Even if you are unsure, make your best guess.

1. Which method of teaching grammar utilizes games to engage students and cater
to different learning styles?
A) Deductive Method
B) Inductive Method
C) Interactive Method
D) Informal Method

2. Which of the following best describes a multiple-choice task?

A) A task that requires writing a short essay
B) A task that involves solving mathematical equations
C) A task that presents options for selecting the correct response

3. What is the most common format of a multiple-choice task?

A) Fill in the blank
B) True or false
C) Matching
D) Selecting the correct option from a list

4. In discrimination tasks, what type of input do test-takers need to attend to?

A) Language only
B) Non-language only
C) Both language and non-language
D) None of the above

5. What is the purpose of discrimination tasks?

A) To test listening comprehension skills
B) To assess visual perception abilities
C) To evaluate the ability to differentiate between contrasts or opposites
D) To measure memory and recall capabilities
6. Which of the following best describes discrimination tasks?
A) Tasks that require writing a short essay
B) Tasks that involve solving mathematical equations
C) Tasks that ask test-takers to choose between or among contrasts or opposites
D) Tasks that require memorizing a set of facts

7. What is the most common format of discrimination tasks?

A) Fill in the blank
B) True or false
C) Matching
D) Selecting the correct option from a list

8. Which of the following best describes test taker?

A) Tasks that require writing a short essay
B) Tasks that involve solving mathematical equations
C) Tasks that ask test-takers to identify specific features in a language sample
D) Tasks that require memorizing a set of facts

9. It is a type of Limited Production where the language is presented in the form of

sentence, dialogue, or passage in which a number of words are deleted.
A) Gap-filling tasks
B) Short answer tasks
C) Dialogue-completion tasks
D) Discrimination tasks

10. This words includes preposition articles, conjunctions, and other "little words are
seen as belonging more to the grammar of the language than vocabulary.
A) Role-play or Simulation
B) Function words
C) Compound words
D) Content words

11. Which argument in linguistics challenges the idea of language being a fixed set of
rules and structures?
A) The sentence-machine argument
B) The fine-tuning argument
C) The fossilization argument
D) The advance-organizer argument

12. Which argument in education emphasizes the importance of considering and

meeting the expectations and needs of learners in the teaching and learning
A) The sentence-machine argument
B) The fine-tuning argument
C) The fossilization argument
D) The learner expectations argument

13. What does the fine-tuning argument in education refer to?

A) Tailoring instruction to meet the specific needs and abilities of each learner
B) Breaking down language learning into smaller, discrete items or components
C) Providing learners with an overview or framework of new information before
D) Challenging the idea of language being a fixed set of rules and structures

14. What does the learner expectations argument emphasize in education?

A) The importance of considering and meeting the expectations and needs of
learners in the teaching and learning process
B) Breaking down language learning into smaller, discrete items or components
C) Providing learners with an overview or framework of new information before
D) Challenging the idea of language being a fixed set of rules and structures

15. What does the fossilization argument in language learning refer to?
A) Tailoring instruction to meet the specific needs and abilities of each learner
B) Breaking down language learning into smaller, discrete items or components
C) Reaching a point where language learners stop making progress in certain
aspects of the language
D) Providing learners with an overview or framework of new information before

16. Which argument proposes that breaking down language learning into smaller,
discrete items or components can be an effective way to learn and practice language
A) The sentence-machine argument
B) The fine-tuning argument
C) The discrete item argument
D) The advance-organizer argument

17. Which argument suggests that grammar is a system of learnable rules and
supports a teaching and learning approach known as transmission?
A) The rule-of-law argument
B) The fine-tuning argument
C) The fossilization argument
D) The learner expectations argument

18. Which argument suggests that language learners reach a point where they stop
making progress in certain aspects of the language, and errors or non-native features
become permanent in their language use?
A) The sentence-machine argument
B) The fine-tuning argument
C) The fossilization argument
D) The advance-organizer argument

19. Which argument proposes that providing learners with an overview or framework
of new information before learning can enhance their understanding and retention of
that information?
A) The sentence-machine argument
B) The fine-tuning argument
C) The fossilization argument
D) The advance-organizer argument

20. Which method in language teaching is also known as the traditional method?
A) Deductive Method
B) Inductive Method
C) Interactive Method
D) Informal Method
Test II. Enumeration

Directions: List down or enumerate what are being asked on each of the
following item.

1-3. What are the three methods of teaching of grammar?

4-6. What are the three elements of grammatical knowledge?
7-9. What are the three types of Designing Assessment Tasks?
10-15 What are the Different Types of Arguments?
Answer key
1: C) Interactive Method
2: C) A task that presents options for selecting the correct response
3: D) Selecting the correct option from a list
4: C) Both language and non-language
5: C) To evaluate the ability to differentiate between contrasts or opposites
6: C) Tasks that ask test-takers to choose between or among contrasts or opposites
7: B) True or false
8: C) Tasks that ask test-takers to identify specific features in a language sample
9. A) Gap-filling tasks
10: B. Function words
11.A). Sentence-machine argument
12: D) The learner expectations argument
13: A) Tailoring instruction to meet the specific needs and abilities of each learner
14: A) The importance of considering and meeting the expectations and needs of
learners in the teaching and learning process
15: C) Reaching a point where language learners stop making progress in certain
aspects of the language
16: C) The discrete item argument
17: A) The rule-of-law argument
18: C) The fossilization argument
19: D) The advance-organizer argument
20: A) Deductive Method


1.Deductive Method
2. Inductive Method
3. Interactive Method
4. Grammatical forms or the structures of a language.
5. The grammatical meaning of those forms.
6. Their pragmatic meaning or use in a given context.
7. Selected Response
8. Limited Production
9. Extended Production
10-15. The sentence-machine argument
The fine-tuning argument
The fossilization argument
The advance - organizer argument
The discrete item argument
The rule-of-law argument
The learner expectations argument

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