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INDEX SUBJECT CODE/NAME: CS3251 - PROGRAMMING IN C SI.No. TOPIC PAGE NUMBER oO Syllabus z 2 UNIT I: BASICS OF C PROGRAMMING 1 03 UNIT I: ARRAYS AND STRINGS: 04 UNIT III: FUNCTIONS AND POINTERS 7 05 UNIT IV: STRUCTURES AND UNION. = 06 UNIT V : FILE PROCESSING. - = OF | ANNA UNIVERSITY QUESTION PAPERS RETRY Ms STUCOR APP SYLLABUS CS3251 PROGRAMMING IN C LTPC ‘ 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES: O To understand the constructs of C Language. O To develop C Programs using basic programming constructs 0 To develop C programs using arrays and strings 0 To develop modular applications in C using functions O To develop applications in C using pointers and structures 0 To do input/output and file handling in C UNITI BASICS OF C PROGRAMMING 9 Introduction to programming paradigms — Applications of C Language - Structure of C program - C programming: Data Types - Constants — Enumeration Constants - Keywords = Operators: Precedence and Associativity - Expressions - Input/Output statements, Assignment statements — Decision making ‘statements - Switch statement - Looping statements — Preprocessor directives - Compilation process. UNITIL — ARRAYS AND STRINGS. 9 Introduction to Arrays: Declaration, Initialization - One dimensional array - Two dimensional arrays - String operations: length, compare, concatenate, copy — Selection sort, linear and binary search, UNITIIT — FUNCTIONS AND POINTERS 9 Modular programming - Funetion prototype,.function definition, function call, Built-in functions (string functions, math functicns) — Recursion, Binary Search using recursive functions — Pointers — Pointer operators — Pointer arithmetic — Arrays and pointers — Array of pointers — Parameter passing: Pass by value, Pass by reference. UNITIV STRUCTURES AND UNION 9 Structure - Nested structures — Pointer and Structures — Array of structures ~ Self referential structures — Dynamic memory allocation - Singly linked list ~ typedef ~ Union - Storage classes and Visibility. UNITV _ FILE PROCESSING 9 Files — Types of file processing: Sequential access, Random access ~ Sequential access file - Random access file - Command line arguments. 5 a oe STUCOR APP COURSE OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to CO1: Demonstrate knowledge on C Programming constructs C02; Develop simple applications in C using basic constructs CO3; Design and implement applications using arrays and strings CO4: Develop and implement modular applications in C using functions. COS: Develop applications in C using structures and pointers... C06: Design applications using sequential and fandom access file Sepectaae TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS: 1, ReemaThareja, “Programming in C”, Oxford University Press, Second Edition, 2016. 2. Kernighan, B.W and Ritchie,D.M, “The C Programming language", Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2015. REFERENCES: 1, Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel, “C How to Program with aii Introduction to C++”, Eighth , Fi edition, Pearson Education, 2018. 2. Yashwant Kanetkar, Let us C, 17th Edition, BPB Publications, 2020. 3. Byron S. Gottfried, "Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Programming with c, McGraw-Hill Edueation, 1996, 4, Pradip Dey, Manas Ghosh, “Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C”, Second 5, Edition, Oxford University Press, 2013. 6. Anita Goel and Ajay Mittal, “Computer Fundamentals and Projramming in C”, 1st Edition, Pearson Education, 2013 STUCOR APP “Propane ng paradligins = Applicata Dato CS8251- ProGRamMrnG an C | wae r " Bastes oF a a “Dnkoduetion 1 _ progiammmng i c language - Shuctuc % @ Proguam - Combants — Enamrration Comtanks - key ly = Empremion ‘types eS wootds - precedenee and Assotcativi ibs, Assignmnt Steduments — unt — buitth Staterant - dlivechves— Compila ke ‘Opuators : Daput J output Statemin peciston making Stat. looping Statemat - preprowno® protes . Porta D what to TR porta oj kegoonad ant ? (Av. Apr Ima 2018) words ~ AL ALSOVE abr bean oo alto calle at d words whose dat enplained to te iCompila. the lay wos ¢ | Atsoved words. -- auto, else, lena, jor pleae, int, chaz, | @wntinue, goto , ole. 2) phat alo you alan by fol? Cam Mayle Th Amaltest individual units ¥ = ® STUCOR APP (Give the wre 9 pre prowmos. Cav Aprinayaes) Proaom an Kun oF ¢ tokim. or kayoontoh, identifier, Contonk , Shing operators, Spewal Charattn. what ade variable ? Give emampls. (Av Mayr -A variable ib an idan litre that ic sed to veprestni Som Speifiecl type % dnfosmation within a@ disignalid portion of ie: peg ia Oe tnt Sum; Nit a 1 Loop Atatiment “to print number to te}. (Av Jan-2014) # incluols 4 Stdio-hy void man lt) { ine F lis we h=rtTGi--) Printf("%d" ¢) ; 5 — Pre proctasos 6 a fomlatr that tonvat a pregram written wn one high. Level language into on equivalent progam voritten in onothu. high level Language. ® STUCOR APP 6 ) Diffem betwon whi and alo... while (Av-s018? | thie _ | i while, | in th. top tstid Loop | “This ig bottom tistil bed Lop | Thais The londition in 4irst Tt Omcub th body on, pated, if Te ition I after it checks the stim, | | im lee tun Hae block is if itis be th bo ts enon until the Condition emeculed until te dition | | Leop "Weill ak he weeaba | lose Ie Lpukd oteat | if the Conditim is i ee. | Oni even the Condifim if | |i ge. | d What 16 te we ‘break’ Stahmunt? (Jan s004) | The break Statmunt) 16 wed to brminak (tha Loop. whan He leayeooad break re med “insice ony “loop, Cenkro| automaticat trans porved, it He firat Yotaterent abr the Loop. % “While ( Cenditim) if tend m) break; 9) Begin dultimetys an C. (Jan 2010) H Hash — Pre-Prowuaor divettve > bomma. ~ Separate ist 4 Variable. ® STUCOR APP @lon —- Labi dulimten. Semitolon — Statmunt dilimter. used In enpreniom. 143 Carly bras — Used blecking ¢ Structure. aol aleng with asnayt. 2 0 pasanthuis - C3 Sanat. broutes — us tie mae % “gdefina procisos (40-201) | what 6 wwcd diratve iA The Hdafine repre sect to difin. a Global Constant Macro wh a Compilu it veplacs th macro nome b | whin it yeads th. lomtant lab, it | veplaces th label by its value. | to) List out | Vanidwe Topi @ output Stabimunb ain | | CAD 2018) The “input @ output Statirunt aw | | clamifiel into gormat ted 2 wngormatted lo i Plo: Us Con abl. tr desi gn | gprmat the output. Scant, sci A pte Dio dotsn't allowo the werd to | 4 | j | | Hdefine PL 31h tedafing 619 (ab) Mad the macro name, | ite enprenion, queho, yeep pulchO, puto ® STUCOR APP | PART. B D Enplasin the dacesen making Stamnt In C wilh lemampl. — progarn’ (au 2012 / au 2018) | Degisien making > | — Degision making mais about duciduing the oda of erutulion 9% Statemunts bared oF | Urtain Conditim- | o ft lange handles ducision - makeing by | Suppor ting the gottawing stab mute. | Simple -IF Atodimunt - -Th if Atatimunt if Simplest yorm 4 “Aclctim dtatiment, that 10 jeqeetly mod xn | duccain ma.kwing. x Ay nian f if | ift condi tin) Pr | | Atatonnnt | } | Da arindluds stdio: ky anit votd maul) { int hy Print (" enlar the yuan ee”) 5 Seanf ("4-4" bn); if (nye printf [No is positive"); J STUCOR APP Ife else ATAGIUAE ~ if else Atatirunt evaluat the Condition , if itis pe, te fre block will | be Cmoutid, othuwite, th palee block | lwitl be entorted. * 7 ie - (conditim) # Atatmunt 1s elae | ‘Matumant 2+ oy tinduole< stdio. hy | at includes tormo. hs | vor moun t) { int n> printf" Enter run bow!) 5 Sean Ya" An) > if (nde) | printt |" No is positive’); | else | ; PRAHA Ne ie magatve’; Nesta if > | Df one oh move if Staturmun ae | embeddid within th if Staknunt is | Called mesh if Stolvrvunt. | | Syntan Pe Cenol Hm) t if (Concli ime) STUCOR APP 1 if Ceonclitim 3) 1 Sstmin 35 alse Shm-2 5 2 Sim gl Jd else a 5 3 {= ttineluck< stelio.h> Void maun t) 1 tnt Arb, b5 printt [" entoe Phaser bers’) ; Scant" 7oltal ral”, ha, bb, £¢) s tf Casb) Lepraro i printt ("A ie big"); else prioff |" ¢ is big") elsesif [ by ©) printt(’ is bug Ms else h bg) yin "CS bra") ; 3 priate 1 Q STUCOR APP Ith ? if Atatimunt becomes “ Gomplin — hur thu Cae move than thee tonditim. elscif C cond 2) 7 | Atm-2& > | 7 - 9 ial | alse fi gh EE ymeludec sHio-b) Void matnt) | | | | | | 4 int avg; | Peay Enter The omg mars”) > | Ft avg > 40) printf 0 Grade")? alse If [ vg y Bo) printtt” at Gods"); olsery (019 > Ho) Prine" p Grad") 3 ele (avg y be) printf \Y B+ Grade”); STUCOR APP | CASe IF [ ow y = $0) printf [YB Grade") > | panty (° Peal”) printf (Y Pail") > a | Sutteh come — Atadurnunh> | The Awiteh cane Strtimunt 14 a roti pl | branching ( ralHpl. oleec im makung) Stohmunt. -Th Awitth Stobrmunt Seut a partiolar oup 4 Atabmunt pom Several available group tan switch ( enp) t care Cemti: ghmt: Care Cost 23 Simts break 5 dle dus tt : Shmt3 | Ar Hinckidi 2 stdio.h> Voiol maunt) int arbeed Ops printf ("Add \n — Sub \n a mal ("3 Prine Y enbr the Case valuc")> Acang ("40", op): PYOHE” Enlar the Valu”) » STUCOR APP Acont (% pal ad", &4) Lb) 3 switch Cop) i tore + 3 Caates braak 5 | Core" 3 Cab; | break s | Cone SR’ 3 Cr ath; | break 3 | J priott ( Result = pal", 05 Emplain the leopin “Statmunhwpe with enample progam. ( Av doin / Av- 2011 [AU-s00% Looping Atabrrunts | tlayattive stalenant = — Looping is The pron 4 Yepeating the Aame Aut 4 Atobmunts again ond | | th Apurfied Condit Ly, _ Lagain wohl | hold fue, loop | far ‘ Counter Conbelu Sentinal Controlled loops Loep Counter lenho led loop = | —Dn owner Combrolled loop , the | ram bur ibvodioms to be pegormed is know um ddvanu. THis alto catkd as STUCOR APP afirite kepetition Loop. Antal Con re |lacl Loop -- ~Pn Sentinal boop , The numba 4 Finus | te ihvaton 16 +o be pugermd is not Known tn Odvann. Tt is also Catkd ag | Indefinite Apetition Loop. — Three typer % Hooping Stet men}c. ¥ whe Loop # do..whilt loop ¥ for Loop. fee Loop :- | —Th while oop is Shy Controlled Loop, because te lonive! Condition id plaud at te frat done % te Cool. | = 2 the (onitel —tenditiom evaluate je folie, then The “Statrmunte enclosed in ‘tee boop ae niver, encewtodl. Sy ntaw- Intialkga fen > vohile (tenclition) 4 gy, th Loe : rane Ps A= windludee sidvo.h> Votd matnt> i Int noo whk( ng = 5) { printf td", ns 3 g n4+ 3 STUCOR APP _ Th do. vohile Loop If an omer | | controlled loop became th. tat londiten | lis evaluakd at the end % The loop . — The body oy the Loop aets emthd athast one Hm. the test tonditon rst be brminakd by (3) semi colow on clo. while Loop. ey nai | | Chhalkkxalm ; do { body a loop ; inc/olee 5 5 coils ( tend) 5 includ ¢ Stdito. b> Void mount) | \ Ink ha05 olo 4 pantf yd")n); n+t 5 J wha tng 28); | 3 Por_loop == | Dt 1s defini, loop. THis med to | emu a set % imtruchon repeabidly, wont the londition be tomes juve: STUCOR APP Ayetan > ort inkalixatim 5 tondtim > tnerement /decremunt) $ 1 body oy the loops 5 > aindlude < S+die. h> Void man t) ¢ 1 inti > foe iets Te 28 5149) Dnhaliza tim 1 printf ("yd th: ithin th Losp te Catud Thrahow Usa um tRe numba . . | Nesta pee Loop : | — Th Loop | busted loop. The rwmbu thin type % Ataca oa equal to |% irate Nin the out Loop rmltiplad hy |The rum bow % Heroin =n inner. loop. | Hinduol Z 3¢dio-h> void maint) tink tgs Poutia lj id= 8; 144) 1 pnt vn") 5 AUPE dhe B54 3 Print} ta", pe STUCOR APP S&S Enplain de} ferent type» 4 opuators wm ¢ with mam pl — pregra (Av 201 | Av 20lb [Av2m) |ept.a toy > — An oplratr iA o Siyrobol that Apecifies dw opuation to be pupormud cn te opeand. An operand is oltind ow oa Voriabl ( data itms), Types _epualor >- a» Avithm he Opuatoy. ¥ Relahenal Opualor ¥ Logical opuator. 3» Assign runt opeator. # Tnercmunt|eleremunt operator, ¥ Condetimal opuator. ¥ Bitwise operater | x Special operator, Arithmetic opasttor:- | a © allows ws to casnyout basic | | onith mete opuahins Like addyten, | subtraction, raaalti plication and divisien. | | Oo) cr) Ye arinolade 4 sideo b> void main) { int a5, b=3; printf (" Sum= sed", ate) 5 Prinkt ("Dus =7d", ab); STUCOR APP print (Mud std", a#b)5 pint} [dive Fa", a/b); printf [" Modular Dive ol", ab) s Relational Opuater> (<,<2,4, >2,==,)=) Rulalienal opuatry am vied to Compare two ol yore opuands. Opuands may be var, | tontont, Eaprnin. The vesult o Atlatienal | Cayprtvsim 18 eit Ors CO) Aho. ea a inclad < stdio. hd void moun t) t nt @25, b=003 print} (Nayb sta”, ayb) 3 printf [alebotd", aleb)> print} la 4b: 7d" a<=b)> | Olp - aye: og” alabe! ak=b:] Logical opuatoy>- (ae, hh} 5 | ; = boreal opuators an wsed to Compare t too ed more candi.tivm. + % OF pindude< stalio-h> “opuator [nucmng | €y a mm void main t> BE | oR (S| © font acd, ben, e253 MN togeaton | 29 | © Printf 4d", (ay Dae (ese | | a0 Prant{ (4, Cee>9) 1 th>O)5 | real | [iver pics} Printy (Nya, tare) 3 ene tt 4 ele i 1.2 STUCOR APP Assignment pid for Ast opuators are ned to amign a Value an enrtrim @» a value Oo Vabiable bd anothtr vamiabl. | Ayrton Var = 2Np ; 1) Compound —emignmentt > Ayont pom A514 pment operator, ¢ Provides Com pound aunign mint opeator to amign a Value to the Vvasabl in ord, ty anion oo mewvalue to Variable oc by performing a Spuitied opuahim. spuation | Enample [Meanning | (i lpeluds pide. | N+ =4 Ha why m= ede inka=$0, b=s3 = We =Y Laney btza; /= Klay |yR= IY Pripty ("pol b); To Kiey San 7. y | a) westal Multiple Assignment > —Wwertan oign oO "Single Value cox) an enpre ssion to waltiph variabl. Syntan:- Varl= VAAL = Varg = 2m (04) VAR ey A=bec=10; Dacre runt and Decrement Opeator ( ncay oprh) -- ~The tnevemint opeator +4 add, on to the Vahiabl ound obeere ment Opeator __ Sublroct one trom the vatiable- STUCOR APP Void main t) olp ‘opuater | [Manning | i yea [Pre Drevemsat t ee Abt = & | att | post tneremuat, Printt ("1-d" ats da ae 7 == pre-dueremnt Priotd ("y.d" 444); aes oo dae depo) io _-a)3 “tondatienal opuator tos) Ternary epeator,. ~~ Cond: # mal opua tor Itself Chek te Condi tin, and emt the Atabmunt dpan ding on the Conditim _ Ayntaa>- Conditim ? emp) :erp2 5 eye Hinoluole < Stadio. hs Thee? art aa ternary Void meauint> Opuator , Tt check the intazs, b=3, bigs anditimn , 5} 14 if tru , enpy tA evaluated. 14 it1¢ false Priath( Yara rd J, : big - een ‘8 274 js evaluated, Printf Pad tal" big) 5 2B Bitwiae Opera tor = Bifwite epeator ie used +o mani pulaty he date at bit tvel. rt Opuntia om inbager only, [opecador | Maou Muang | V5 inclucks Hulein de Sigie 3 — ete & spucty addon poinlor opeator- a vasuabl. g Sperty valur % He Varidble punter (+, 3) — pred to Atco 4)| Enplain about Plo Statuments +o € with ancmpl. pregiam (av- 2008) The Input loutput — ‘punetinn pemt the bran ye » Inpermatim bebo the Gompulin and the Standard input / outpuk duster _ nt alamifred nto to types. x» Formatted To Stotimunks x Ongormatted Plo Stetomuts. Pormatted Tle Statinunts:- _spormattel_trypue = pormatted output Acanf Os printf 0 > pacaaty ppm gos Acant 02 | — pp is wed to Aral pormatted | data {rom kupboard. Tt take famt Shem | geete Kuyboard eatrout ena jormat data STUCOR APP | from th Atream acerding ba nei: Gone) String and thn Atore tne data in | Apent fied progcae vasmwable- | Ayrton Scans (" lon tre) Shring a Fatg|, Lar4r,.. targn); Contre} Shing begin tor th percent sign C-) | followed a Conversim Character. 7-t- Rony ke chatathr 1d— oleermal integer pfe float Value 79 8 binge | Printf 0 > | THis med to displ tn form atim | Atguiud by tm wer and also print the value | 4 th Vatiabl.. as “print [* Camry H ang, ange, argn) 5 | Os Hindudud staio ks | AF incl < Convo: hs | void main) { int yoltno 3 ploat ang s Char ham Cio); Prine ("ent ram, Pl-no, oe "; Seoury (» Lb + #12 ram.,2 vel IL : Pont ( wan ¢ Tete Ange weep td" rar eolhe wg) STUCOR APP | Ungormatied lo siamo: | ~—Tnpuk stabrums ouput Stalorunly getac pute 0 pare putchoro vO utsO | qelchao P et ce — Bris Simplest porm 4 aul roput | output opuatns ar reading a Charatter prem — the Standard input wt and writing it to tu Standard output writ. | qeehen 0 wads a single Character from a Stand asd input duit | kuyboad), | (dil the we pros (The hey ante. | | Syotar >- Var name =Gerehart> ; \ _getehno | = 2 1s ~ also vead a Singk | Character jiem a kuy board | Agta Var-name = quiche; | — Whn this ‘ the ontond 2G enced j the output darter without wanting jor | te press bhi enter ku. | Putehascy > — Sing Chesatter Con be displayed 66) STUCOR APP an The dnbiay qurchm putchar. Ayntan— putchor (var-hrant) > Lnput |outpub Shing data: quse s — TF 18 aceept The name o% fhe Shing | ee Be porometer , HI a necolsne Character ts | Onvountored.- Agotan * getat sh); [pate Or E T r — Pt ta’ med to display the String to ‘the Standard output dluries | Agatan : puts( Shr); A> tineludec Stdlte. hy tt Include < Convo. hy Void main () i Chex Sty (30F ; Pets" Enter name") 5 qetst sh); pets (* Progeammwing ine") Puts (Shr) > 4 {thos | a Abi Progkouning aL Abi STUCOR APP 5) write Short nek On pollowing shvrunk | | 2 gote i) break iW Continue ( AU 2.610) / lain about undondi Hmal Stok. mts An | é « (Av aod | Av 2012) | | — The wdonditenal Statement dramger | th ton}re| rem One potot to anothn | aitrowt Checking ary condiHon. [ae se aes oto Atatununt iswmed te ps ‘ancleds tena prom one poink ito onother, point In the progcam- | = The qob Statement, require lable | Lnokduty tdintity tRecplan whe the | Control to be Wamgerred tan )~ at gots label > CY> thinclude | label | | void maint) | fiat A=h,b=20; | i4 Cayb) goto biqs \ else | print} ("Bis big"): g biq “ printf l'p ts big’: STUCOR APP | Break Statomut )- _T+ is wed to tminaty The loop , woke | the Kuywooad ‘break’ 6 Med wnside any | loop. ey tin duds < Stdio. hy | Syatan > - void main to break 3 { int 7 5 porlisio lé= 55344) t if ear Printt (“Fal", t) 5 Sipe a I. Con-tinae Statement » * | ~ Continue Statment “is med to | Continued nent ibratiom &% loop staterunt | tohun tottus in the Loop. -2t downet torminai but it Skip ith. Stobmunt after this Stakmunt. eee C C4" tinclud< Sidio.hs | Continued 5 void man) | { tnt F 3 | qoatians X=53 i+4) 1 iftie=9 Continue 5 Printt(ndl", iD: 2, Op 12h S | _ STUCOR APP 4) Emploin The Atrnctine % c preyam: nisi, Appleeations oc. ( av- 2014 [Av 2008) | ace | Pre prowmer sechon | | if defimbon Seehon | | | Gitekal declowadion Seti ___ main 0 pponction ~ Sec | FE duelesalinn pout ; | | Courmboble pout 3 | | | | Subprogam Sectim waovdlipnd | { body 4 the secfim Se | ieee ayy | | Dotumuntahm Satims | | — Thr clotimustahen Aetim Comiat | a su 4 Commint lin qeing Th name | i Progam “oun ak oth tail. —-Communt link 16 a non- antuctable| | | Atahomunt Tt is plated betwen /y and x/ i | Pre } procesox _ Seetion : s he 3 Prounee Actton Which Compile wy Link chen prom | the Arpt Jib we b eg: dinelade Laide. h> Astin pp 3-14 @ STUCOR APP | — Than axe Aome votiable that am wed lim wove than One junction. Such Variables jou Called global variable and abe artlarscd tn The global dulacalam Sethon. ~ THis drelated outsrde % aut the functor. Funct main) ee every progam voritten xin ¢ language must Contain moun b qunctin Thin Sethm Contaims two pauts. x Aecloncdatn part % Lor cuctable pout. — Decloxalim, part contaxns te Stabmuk gollowing mdin © étatumunk. Tt oluelaan all d un the 2ortutabl part. | the variable se | ~Zurtutable part Contain th shalmunte following duclatatim past. Here logie Oy te ae Can be implemented. | provide & Imstuchm to the | Compu tor to pagorm Oo Spertic took, — Thane too pests Oppear betwen be Opening ond dlose braun ( ao a) STUCOR APP Sub progr — Seotion [ee pian “aan te pn pp — Tt lontains | that aw Colid in th main junction. — var defintal gunchim Ne gully plated imoudias ly after te main | | fonction, although they may appear th any order. | | /% Sum % tus ruambors | Seusust Hin clude < Stdoo-hs Pro prodibv Sethion. | Hdsfine AS Rofiriliat Peli m. tnt C3 Global vari Boble drtlaralim. int add ( int) mand main aa | | | | t | | | { int bs : ) | printplténtir te value % b")5} | Acaay |» 1-01", kb); [post | tcadd (b) | | | prints (“Sumavd% C)3 J | | a add lint 6) | j : i } f= Atb; | | Attubin € 5 Sub p i indi ] | | [Ailcntns a > | | # Used Am opeahing Systm X Used am ee STUCOR APP | # Used in New Preqeam ming platform | x Used in Embedded suptirm x Used in Uompilu dlasign x vaed in Qasming and Antmako- D Enplain He def yeront aes 4 data aWablole a ¢?) (Av- 2002) | ~Dedalypes am the type % data. , that lan going to attess within The progeam | — ¢ Suppor differnt data types, | each data bype mouy have “preditineal memory | eequxement and Stotage- represtatation. C alata Primary Userdefined cDerivtd Cry p i typed “der Void, | int Poin (_o heen | UOniew |Primany olodad | as dlataty pe OL firdamunral olectecape | ¥ int g pleat dob -# chau. Drtegue: js Indigors ake the number with Supported ) O STUCOR APP yange- Antiqers oseupied Ohne Wed \ Sbrage- Sims % Inbigers valy from obit | [on 82 bits. eq2- ink & 3 “pleat ‘- point Number We Stored in { | — ftoalin | 32 bit, with 6 digits precision. Tt te | ed Store numuric Values with duimal _— eye teat > | | Doub ~ “Double dataly pe runbor wes bly bit giving precision OY dsgits, Thre ane known O% double pyeersion numba. of double Yo hanes’ y single chararter can be dypinudl an chay~ date by pe character an visually Stowd me bit. 24. Char as | ‘Type uali fin > i | ae we we lb bit word bang | Ste % dato type 1g limo to Spurge | | vange . Lnordu Bb provicl. th Some Conbro} | sao the range % number and Storage Spat. q th alatatype , we we ty pequalifie. STUCOR APP % Soat * long + signa % Unsigned — Th drelara tim inbeges peunits sus to Increase The van ge % vals: Usu Arfinedl Aleclouty pe = — Aw detind dataty pe ig, Wed bt | cAuaty nw data type, ‘ type Aiclerahim’ | altos wmerto detine an Gdunifie that would | Yeproent an emnistn dlataty pe. _Syptans- typed type tdunk fie pe Aepers to” The eoucsting datatype, idinti fer vegers to Aww nome — the dadaty pe. C4: typedsy int monks — Anothu mu defintol dlactol pe hg enumerated) data. type- ins Syria enum Idintifie fvear, vara, «Varn f 24> enum day { mondoy , Tuasda, wed ntrdlay 3 Oru tolor § blurs? blatk=0, grein =1 9 Derived dale pe x | —Data.ty pe that am dived fem & STUCOR APP anal wonnigned | Yundamental datatype AM Called atriven | datatype. Derived datatype add Some functionally to th bole datatypes. | — Array ig a boluctim variables a | = _pointin [hot a memory adds % anots Vosicrble: variouble That | | | ~stauchar ts a raltiph valu 9 | ig a Speial Aame a — dif tevent datatypes tnd a Single naume- — Union is aleo Same As) Sbrachur ‘put an mumory, wim vofiakle Stored in | Common mud: lowahon® | Void dlatatyper t& wed te repre | sid ernp ly on ShutAolue. Lt wad as | raat ype if junctm downot etwrn aay Valus- yf — Avmsteong, Num be | “bp Find Fd tadehs | C progant_ amy ile void maint quo vook % valu Tint apbyed,es antluds ¢ Stdio-h> Print’ Ontar number") 3 | veid «maint Seonp | yal", £a') s asa} JL ptoat a 3 Hina aye) | prnbpl" Gator av vake!)> | thaaihed | Seanp LY", £03 cee | Print [" Squam vook is +f", d=erd 5 | | HR if (e==d I 7 Pils rats is alse, i es | g PEC Not Armntrng "| STUCOR APP Unit Arrays = AND S791 Tnbeduttin te Arrays ; Declaritio - trittalz ction — One Derneriteral array ~ Taso climenstonal annoy - Sti Opembime,’ | deneth Compare, Concatanale , Copy ~ Sel, zhi Sort, Aimar ard bivary Search Part—A ; 1) What 2% an array? Write a fia ee claritin [a Ise, wa chblectern ae ar i VB Nios We stored an [ee a a Continuss ts ie # L Share’ a AQ oruron pare. The elemerls are. Oeaertees a Sychee : data tpe a Example ant alse 4 Wilk a © ferdken t compare, Baa Strigs Cav. pir] My 201%), STUCOR APP | ‘Sener “Lwo aorgs- The two Asbiogs ace Compared returs Oo Valin Preors thot both the Soe are Bare - otharustse ge \hen- motching Charackes. Syrtox > Stremp Carry Lf ySeving Z)s swab te Spor pr tee dirs) array 9 CAV. apr | Max, 2210). Two dimension at onrey bon wey with to subsope Valurs - Ficse Subsctipt | iva row & second. Apetps Speck xe the tho. Cole | Syprtoe * datatfe array rome rood balers ranple nk Mobrinh [elle]; - ee hed | for Bbr?g Branelbing ? (au. Nov/Dec: 2210. | Strln O : Finds te th a a Shrg. te rebyns &~ atger Vale. Dt Cte Fo STUCOR APP rumber B charadixs. exapt null chaetlir and rebum te Court. | reas 2 Ya, = Abrdan L String) ; Srepyc) : Copies Ho. Cortirt 3 One Sting | i grotto ane oF aliveSt fpoks Like. Shing assigunek operciter. are Strepyl Stig, Bbring ay ble a thamak aonsy WOR land? Cav. Ar| Mag 2014). Laps DeParation : Char nome Ths arroy 0a” chre) “P-! Charaslars . t ood Trrttod: retin . Char name )ig]= okie namefide Ja.'s, ae ae Vike 3 Aearching 2(Bu. APr/May 206) é me le Pre Roding Me oe 7 Fie Bétim 3 & Ae : he wachiy eo a STUCOR APP | | element a& fGund - There. ore two \Agped gy Beoctlo - 4. linear Search ee Beoary Search. h bot te Pollewing clam Useag ‘elechm Sort mithod . 28. 55, 16, F& 2- 7 "bel Bmallate ebmert in Be lat Dre elemok ath, frst Lié . 2p 5B, Ze 23. Slop 3: Cortina te yoters Unb all the ah ao Ordar. 2, 16,23,8 _ Te. by diver orn avmng ot aide Bl 1 ‘104, Jos, 106, (OF. Joe, 109 Menrary eserbatine and caleutlete Lory b> CAv Abov | Dee: 2019) extetion ? Pray elemorhs are | Merory repres ap Ai Hennary localizn, @ STUCOR APP pay Bama Af] =/10) | oe) 405 10 os 106 | loF | lee toa] no | Lb e+ & bo & arrfo] Orrfz] AarthJ rhe] arly | bower bound eng 2h % an erray: upper bound Upper bound - dower bard A -O+1 = Jett dy Writs a any = Cectiras 3 auras. (Av. Jan 20/3) | ig dreay to Geted. htt here, ted | to represent @ Collactinay clemet n Some data iype + Slomnirls Car (be cxcuec! ur th dodex and. Bubsor3pt dare He pestico . * Elemerhh. Sbored do Cortbnuan Herrers fecstioe «ST ads povnet ns St MI ii 2) one Sorting ? Cav. oe a proces g arrengiog Order He ctanualt ther = cule On Or teeoallet Orelar. | sensor APP | Fart-B | | 1 Whet cs an arrcy ? Explain abouk Vartous, . : 5 ype 8 arrags Jo dotort-Cau . ppr/Mey 2222 Pray “tn Colle Bios 3 Aimer data cdtns , that are. Stored Under a Comer rame. Value tn an ae eda gea by nolan, enclosed a Aqpore brackets with Oe nams- Saycton. + dake pe Aieray, Bag Lsize]; ; suk ab; T, an axre4y * ape? 2 them OF Ao tapes 8 an anay| 4. Ont Sebmrensionad array . | a Tyo * dinansioal array ( Mutle - Stove. Uneler a Cre Voxtable rn Only One. Bub soiipt, Zach a Vaiabh bs Called Bro Deeenstrel Te. @ STUCOR APP Prray Beecharotbon _ | caclared in ha Same manny Ari are ee Odovary Varcables excapt Lhot Cath, arras rust Powe. ta Be 3g Ka. Gren, rtam 2 deca _Vortable 1sz¢]> Sy age — [size] dota type —> What Kind 3 Veluss ib Can Store Lat, char, fleet, dewb) Mariah cee cdank fy dhol crray a o Maxirur number 2 Voluss y Ha. \Arrey Can Bold Example ink ale]; andl ends ime me Arh a indians 52, fe] tty, | wih n-49 int aL’ ITLIL a Coleulaling Ha adelros 9 array eluneits- Ae array stores all ot clata olanaits ain Con we memnary Localioos. Stortag (just the base adelrass Addrers 3 frst thot @ Buggies Le 6). Buse aAdces-/000, (7) cs STUCOR APP ine markL I = $84 &#. 9, bb, 86, 80 75 Bose address = 1000. Calcubett Fre caldress = jooot+ 2l5-D 3 marks [e] Y = j000 +0 | = jel. Skating 20 a al Vorless regpires 2 bet. Colewlling tha Jangth 32° 2 Loogis g he avrey KONO number of elements stred ~ th = Upper bourd ewer bound +). Stating Values tp. tha) Corey based O° a Tidalize Ha arrey chant ab Ba rm 3 daclarédior: ip: tape eragpare Beg} = Elin 3 Wee Le: ab marks £9] =f 50, 85-70. 1% 724, | mk mare ey = $90, 955- |e 2 Go i= 4 io, @2 © © Indealize tts, Vile ee poe Fragramn es meg @ 3 % STUCOR APP le . fil. or dbo hile / for laze w eneaSe/ Be uae, ede y (for Cerojtee 5 try) Seang ("¥dh', aleD} | Bo Marks [3] = 74- | We Cannot bea One. ance to arottar, | Ss “5 apeagad (by bo Subsoiph oho. Ore Aubseipt donslcs row ard te size 2 Sep > data porns Jrasize] Oe a7, Coabimn size]: | lée > ALBERT: STUCOR APP tok A Pars =F fy 283, 45, | | fae 933: | fltcomiy He. elemor 2 2D ° a | | Using two Bubsezota » The fest for | (ar a ecan tach re anol Seed | a | 4: Hirclude £-stelio-h> ark mail) 2 ink apy fay = > 75,60/85.983 3 are o,f 5 for (202 jeep ott) t Prakg-ON0); pegrenS Rake Ord", IG: J | 2 el —agrom te pid He ay ee [ 7 Or reas (00. Tit oH) y Mebrios OO FE Amporbart STUCOR APP aIL iy [bed to wick ne ae | Opplecabios Ade Compactar | eee a Proasey ote. ¥ tu alloo Jor Eyiciine Meniprbattn data. | and srrage 3 rege Ad Y a othe chaos 3B a rele Cao be aceved Using Har pew Ord Column, Program FE tp clude < stdio-h> Vord. main CD x Unt ofs][st, bislis) , [Jla; Ant Ep Mens , Prints Exrtir Ho tow anal, Calumn gize_): Seang (“Fad tel " Ym Zn); frets (" Ender Mabix A Elmont) ; forCizo; tem; itt) i : for (jo; Jen Pte jt seang ("Ld" gal LD: iJ © STUCOR APP | Frinte(* fxter the 8 Mobrex. for (izo; L2m) tet) (2 Ge (jee fend) sounp Crt, RbLIGD? J P 4 © Prake (Mabe addibioo ); fr léaes tems c+) | pe (jas J=psiPy lf pgp Aeldud + prealjl : J ‘patg Co Revultort Mabrix D7 for Ce205 fame FD : Prate-L”\n") ; STUCOR APP | fprljres JP jr? é Frnep(" fdr” 2D i) I 3 j i Oudpat : Endir te Tao and Column Size Pa ie Ladee — Madrin A larnerila oF Ft eae? STUCOR APP | | 2 Wik ac cule, z pe He Franspose 3 a moabax .CAav. Nov / vec 2019). | i «Fe Frans pose fo eke | pottsin Heck a chitin by oor” | jhe tue ned Columns armen mabon | + Intychangeg rows al a lad bolunns “uke remain BS s Sot ke 4 be be PP onan Hinclude “ink maint? 2 oo ated Lely transpose Lele, Bit Nept, Q3 el Pag SsSe ress arel talents Seanp Ona th Br XD: Rete (* Ercir Mebrix elemarhs:\n') ; | fr Cézo; ter ete. | ee pee 3 d arth enamya. | (Av. nov! Dec 2012) . | A Abring In C. programy =| Seqere 3 berminaed eh STUCOR APP Ja mall. ghemtheWi. & Atring Toa Collectin 3 chareelar - * Group 3 Aaracler , high: Ard s de lees diasesh with bo palin” marks are Called. os Atring . Mal charece el “wore Used ts mark the end a Zhe. Bong | UW strleoes | This Punttirs ts Used t Crab and refer, He number % Charackrs Gest in a ‘Siig oan Var = 6 bby (Sbing 2; = 0", whic Visieble Description: Var ae Shig—> Shing boostart | Varcabla. Example: Hb dade Dédio- dS # thelude < Conto-h> main C) : Char NamelJ =’ Python” : ant tent, dane; den = Atrln (rama) - & STUCOR APP | dona, =. Gtrland'" Pragram “22 | Fabel, Seng daegin 3 7s ya name, dent): : fink t (*\n String Jangtn q% *s ts ded, j : Program", dana): Ouspuc = Sbrtq forge 3 pater Sbring Lengttn 2 Fapn isa 0 Sérepye> |< Copy “Fe Cote, ore Stay let and ck Aliest work» bike shin Syrtow : Sbrepy ( $5rig 4 » Sbring aoe | chien Boris Dercarption * Strings = destin a Shing 2 => Source Shoring romp lo. it indlude 2 stdio-hsS | Main © 2 i " Char four = Mont 5 or Lie}: Char ge 7 STUCOR APP | Skrepy Sasi, wal Aosre.) 5 | Fak EC" \n Souren abving & 70", Sours); | Fae pC \n Tox get StrAy Fut, Hagt); J Ovctpuk : Sora Sen te Mont “Tage Sines & Mond. Gi) Streak cp The Abreatt © thm a sed Concetineta or Comba , tw03 Soings Seaptine land feos oO new _&eetinay Strong, | Syston : Stread (string! , String 2), Ddscigion : Skirt, Srnge ore chor | *4pe ene or Constorike . ttindude < Stdio-hs main 0D if : = I Char fourcalJ= Ramesh ; Char Earget Lid = “ Babu” - Streak C Soscee, bar geh oF a STUCOR APP Rake (Syn Source Sbrg hd", Source). | Rake U\n Taxgt Shing we es", me id Outs Source Sting “w alta Target Sbring is Rennes oe: jh Sere a Tea tas Used te preverse & | [Sorig Thin Parclico Faken OnDOr org rd akan ODE ieee Suypon » Strrev (sting) 5 2 axe} SoZ - Chorodlir Desciiption oT. ae wo ; le: | Ena y 2 Ae Letdio: Ms | mais C> it car YLsJ7 _. Fede” ie Se AST” =~ neg ' bing reverse aie, | 3 Ton ( the 4 ae ae catrrel sp} , Exar He Abang > book Onrped Ne stig reserse. “it koob. @ STUCOR APP | & Ire ae pra Rand eeedinant & | baw modxtcon (2D arroy) odich oh be exkared by a. User- CAu- Nov} doc 2018). a mabax 3 ordar jee © Deir einarts a Icon be evolusted ae OTe ee g Abwanbtory LAL We hove & fe . cays ows readdinphe other 3 Cdarranka : Peo Tnduds< Stdie-hs ‘Void mainhd ke arrLid fof tg. | ak dat =k Prate (SW@\n Cala He ddirmioadt Q 3x3 mabix in") Prabe[® Snput elamach En the first | a 7 de forlesos (<3; Ce) for Li=0 5 3<39 J+) 61) STUCOR APP E | | | Print FU" lamar —-[ 7d], }+4]+ Lp» | Scang (“/-4", Sarr (MN | § P guateg(* The mobrn HE 0"); | ie feewyste Fy be? | ; Pr (j=05 S35 13D pons ¢ ("hor oxy SOLD: | Prk 5° Wy? 2 | for (esos h 0a C+D | dok 2 0dak +(orrtf[d ge] & @rtl) fier); -h 3] * ores [4 142983) — arrs [a[Ci+2 43] * arr 4 [oJ [cr +1 422; | Peedi. (*\n te dabieninants He mdi 3 ds fA" \O\0", de) 3 | © | STUCOR APP 10, Dodpat | Coloubede tre ddivminonk R 2x2 bth Inpat ehamards Bo tu first Mobax. |clomect ad Lol Se] it elemack - fe] [4] 70 clement = Copal = aan lClarant - £4),[oJ +9 Fiona io ae elma - £4) Lz) 24 Cloment — Faq, fot 5 7 elornant - £2} [4] +-4 Che muah - fe3,L2I The mdtrix ko: oe a «a ) -} -§ & Thy duticmtant gq de mobaa « 4 b) Explain binary Seasch pretadure- Wale Cae eg ater woo lseardn ond emploin - Cav. Apr] May 205). (53) (33) a STUCOR APP a scary Search > Pb eeach a Sorted Orray by repeat Avvidirg He search intervol > Fal wt) tHe Value 9 the seach a * | Pl eanee arn | “tte Uitervel., narras He ater vi @) | STUCOR APP | aged afi aby ' afe) | lI s[e fi lels beep > Kad Hea. riddle elamont mad a ho Orrey oo Regn) leJab [sJale le #Jel9] o+b- 3 Tal * ars) | 4p FESEEET] shan rebar rad ee, Compose. Pra ebirant f be )Sterchedm, & 23 [esr] Cornpare xX wth md etocrant rege Ava Th dow. by, lao Seed! b- She Compare * vide riddle ela dane at ere aide. Ths B dorely fog = wad 1 an +. Repeat Sep 3 t b VA low Dent. s & x=h DB fund. ey STUCOR APP ( Re 7 |. encluds ¢ Stdio-hS | Lt cnclucde & Conio- h> | Vaid main ©) | 2 ae aftedl, £1. Lows , Bagr madl, | ay ans | drserl>! | | Peake § (> Ender the Size H te dreeuyys)- | Scon, (r4A" Zn): | Pankg( Sener HR ebembnds % \ anctonding syday 2 | Brlt=o; Leng ttt) | Seong ( vAdes KoSeD),- | | Pike GN Be chs & Searched"): | Seong xd", & OE | dow 207 | De an-ly | | oa 2 = Migr) | | t mid= [Saas + Seg) fe 3 bee | hege = mid ~45 ®) STUCOR APP dna 2 ned ai: ehe £ 1 Chek Chow aa fmedy) | | Frat e(” \n Entaved jd B® | | Re Boo cd, | a made), | fees | break 3 | 6 3 | Cpert | Fe take (" \o Ete chemant das nek | | | _o | ae | Siec He Bize 2 The Orray = 7 | ‘Ect te elemort in ascenthing Order | Bx es 61 e 4 | Fate 3 aaa be Sercad Peach 4A is do po scien Zi, : oo | 67) | STUCOR APP \ \ blk a 4 pre b fort Be | s din sce % numbers Ww acter ‘| o Using geliditen Sort (a u- Nov bec | (sac. Ft = Used fpr si \* vee xo number “we the | [Pe Be oe oe | ak orth aw | dea ok SNE pmellak Phan | | “4 4 ib aro : (chamant + | | Furst ehament - | pew, re ot te Secand a pra \oe val all chemarts axe Sorted ba al. “areas 86; We vephace £0 al at es = [ars ate | STUCOR APP : I (>The pron & repeotis and for ally) [we ge the Rovtid Currey Ob $2 Grd] | Alagrithur - , site 4 5 Seb rin te the Rest lecahhan Step a. Search ty Minimum cheenand a | Shp Bi goap kh First \edattoo Ustls the trinirmum Value in Pre Orray Step 4 » Onrgres He Secord elemact ar min, ako 5: eat fhe proces Vrtil we get o Progeom: re Void mein l) * ek; mR S) Me) «Tene? Rak yts Bhar Se rye 3 elements!) Scan (w 4d", 2d; dee tree, Camp ites ganglty.a*, Seat): Sor (tan 3p txnet; C++) a mnt + a & STUCOR APP lpeety = t 4 5 qi fo") | le fa Teotad oe Lg) | ~ aM | mp =) J r a Jat? i. OY mp = 9580: | ass en | AfSrry = Sienp € | 3 13 Xe A | Prick ‘Si Sorid Eorrants a y for fiamy PAHOA Ny) Prag U4 at oh: 0 : & 34 44 4 Sorted Slemtt 4 8 a) i STUCOR APP Unit = Iii Fuwetions AnD fenteRs eee oo. Riunclinr Potetype_ feindkion cyinition, funttion Call, Bullet ~ fanctame (String fancliont. math foncond). Recursion, Biracy Search Using recursive cferction ~ Peirtars ~ foenter Operalirs — Bentar arithmetic - Arrays orcl paler is Pray 9 potrtns ~ Faramailr Pas e9: fs by Vale » Pon by referee Fart A tL Depna bee term recusioe in Longeape Cav. Pei may 2022 pole, 19, 18). Recursiin fa Hee — 7, a = Same functio iksel again and agae | Und mae yi £ zehgeed.” | Exanngla : Void retursin (I z recurstso C2 7 2 ant main 0) 2 Vetupsim el? 2 Pee eee STUCOR APP | Wha ro the reed for fonchin s 7 Cav. Nov/Dec oll). Se To reduce than Complenly 3, devge j Re, : i | vie bonne Be reoalability & To adhinve reusablit, , | # To awsoid redundancy 3 ~ | fo Seve mronmy ae 4 ———— a vata cal 3 piqqeetale Call ty Volo | Nov /Dee Ngo tt). Be Variables ganckon & the by repeanca.. ( AN Coll. by Yalan: The Value~2 Cre pamed by th Calg one me athe addres 9 the Varad ny : zm dhe ae cad She Calliag find CaMlel fuschen » Cath Vedue. | Coll boy — docetions SOME ‘i Tr Ce ° Ce, ne ott oo the as , location 4 do a Re Very sku. Qddrevs % Very fast STUCOR APP by] what ta joctater? WRot ty Hhe aes 6 | Pan brs 2 C au. Nov[ mec 2oly, oll + 20/7) | | Pith t: a Variable , Cartan Ho memary address 2 anette Varoble . Ib x» oleno lia by 'x qperaler . x Saver Mernory Spree - & Used Pr cynamic mammary a 4 Fosky eneceton . + Used b& pous Orray g Vyhorh ba functions A&B & = vail 5) Stot. Be. aalvantages User den ed —— Over Peel prcion - Cau. Nov. dee 2005 =A User ok fonction aUews The Prepramase, to out the exact Ee | 3 He Frode as per | Thes may not be He. Case cach Ss Rede a= duved | Complataly « vA User dagtned yoo folly te Fregrammar te Use opines aes rane hiaias net —— fredyired terthon as | wy STUCOR APP 4 mpare acdival arorrelir and frat eee ars D C0. apr day 20) lobe ol. ee Specrfied “ ie ply Cull stedhtirah . Used Seely A aS ‘Values Ao Be. ferction te 2 — Cr | coal : ad Sati Abolpmrert 1: Fakes Bhar “RS on addres 3 ocinal any tt Wak is pte relaten ren Operdar ‘yy and ‘x! c parkas : wo. (ou. APR MOY 2022). 2005-20 The * 5 Ge Urory operatiar esha Ireliiens the Value 2 object | lo poate Vorcobla . I fepanay CA | erokor . oo Used 30° declaring pctor Variable | @) STUCOR APP 2 Devinn *ypedey t CAv. Nev) Dee 2015) The ee Keyword enabis Ha treat a haw aka tye Name by Berg an existing data type. ho new data t Ceoksd rather an ollirnat name Je Geen te a kneum data ype. opton * eppecey entiling datatype ru. gy ak eck any fur moth fundtins. Ral y) Used & find pete 3 Value 3 we Retest hele Value. Leg 0 (x dog b> 2 Used b | fird nekiral deg Vole 9% Syren) : Used t& fod alas = Nolu 4°77 Swlx) * Feburns Sin Value a* ) When ral potntir ta Used ¢ Coy, fr. Ao hrull perky Can never Bint & a Valid dota, § yp ia awigacl & 2 fer ack ey ey Prostar, Jen tu rok pe eo Cael | STUCOR APP Part-8 |. Vin mic bets prictteds with ex? (AU. PPREMAY, pe" Hae Vel © thee Sen PY Onn a dapars — om on by STUCOR APP ink 4&6; | “Dentel rilar te Values 3 a and bin) fo dave #2 29h); ; papas Kd, b=7-A\n', | eb | ap (a,b); 4 : | Void sovop lin o, = © 2 Ank Eermp; | temp =o ; ach, bo = Samp / ahd, bard Frank Cr Agee 3 . udp Enkr tha’ Vous 9 lege Sor — lager Awop D Sump 4 z a, BL a and & Q =42, be 2% STUCOR APP i) clin Can be cedared wrth | ave Called by éalling Prog nt the addres ace Variable 7% oo (por “. Bo. 7 oe bhae eC to talerchange er a. ‘ZL etelie-h> iesvel mas e5 tok abr ap Vota soap COE Som Proutp (* Gitar han Nokans 3 a and by; Seang(" ted WH, BO oo . Prtatss (“Begore soap a= 4 Swop ( Ka, Kb); hee swap ( ink x2, int +b) jz ant temp; Lemp = #a/ 2A = wb; b= rd ge — STUCOR APP Print. (."" Aptir Avwap Qekd, bexkd’” 4 *a, #b): Qukpak: \Evter the Volume 3, Aand £ | 75 3h Before. Susp @a=ts, bez Pf ter Awop a= Bb, s=75~ BD What is oe alan (2 program to fire He tun 3 cigs ond fod the fadsial g a number Cescrag Tecursio P Cau. 3 ojo fon The protess(t auth a furctice Goll thse deredly or trdirettly The furcLinn ca ae Pa 1S ome Teoutaie and curerpcy 3 fer * IC fod as Aeoursive. foodie Eacharial Frog feat | te fn clucle. 2.stdio- As Void mais ld ‘ STUCOR APP |

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