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Topic - Structural organisation in Animals
1. Fill in the blanks:
The entire body is covered by a hard chitinous exoskeleton. In each segment, exoskeleton has
hardened plates called ……. a……. (……b… dorsally and …….c…… ventrally) that are joined to each
other by a thin fexible ……d……
(1) a–sternites, b–sclerites, c–tergites, d–arthrodial membrane
(2) a–sclerites, b–tergites, c–sternites, d–articular membrane
(3) a–tergites, b–sternites, c–sclerites, d–articular membrane
(4) a–sclerites, b–sternites, c–tergites, d–articular membrane

2. Head of cockroach is formed by the fusion of

(1) Six segments and triangular in shape (2) Ten segments and trigonal in shape
(3) Eleven segments and rectangular in shape (4) Three segments and tetragonal in shape

3. The mouth parts of cockroach are

(1) Piercing and sucking type (2) Biting and cutting type
(3) Chewing and biting type (4) Siphoning and sponging type

4. In cockroach, walking legs arises from

(1) Prothorax and mesothorax and are two pairs
(2) Mesothorax and metathorax and are two pairs
(3) All the throracic segments and are three pair
(4) First three abdominal segments and are three pairs

5. In cockroach, wings arises from

(1) Prothorax and mesothorax and are two pairs
(2) Mesothorax and metathorax and are two pairs
(3) All the throracic segments and are three pairs
(4) First three abdominal segments and are three pairs

6. In female cockroach, brood or genital pouch is formed by

(1) 7th, 8th and 9th sterna (2) 7th sternum and, 8th and 9th terga
(3) 9th and 10th terga, and 9th sternum (4) 9th and 10th sterna, and 9th tergum

7. The 10th segment bears a pair of jointed filamentous structure called

(1) Anal cerci, in both sexes (2) Anal style, in both sexes
(3) Anal cerci, in male cockroach only (4) Anal style, in male cockroach only

8. Sexual dimorphism in cockroach is shown by

(1) Anal cerci which are present in males only
(2) Anal styles which are present in males only
(3) Anal cerci which are present in females only
(4) Anal styles which are present in females only

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9. Recognise the figure and find out the correct matching.

(1) c–maxilla, d–mandible, a–labium, b–labrum

(2) d–maxilla, c–mandible, b–labium, a–labrum
(3) b–maxilla, a–mandible, c–labium, d–labrum
(4) c–maxilla, b–mandible, d–labium, c–labrum

10. In Peripleneta Americana, the wings extends beyond the tip of the abdomen in
(1) Males (2) Females
(3) Both male and females (4) None of the above

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