Inequality Geometric

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Instructor orientation: Assoc. Prof – PhD. Nguyen Huy Chieu

Implementation Team: Group 11 LT01

Name Student code Duty

1 Lê Thanh Vân 225714020930069 Leader
2 Dương Thị Xuân Tình 225714020930123 Member
3 Nguyễn Thị Huyền Trang 225714020930028 Member
4 Đào Thị Thanh Huyền 225714020930058 Member
5 Hoàng Anh Tuấn 225714020930051 Member
6 Biện Viết Thụy 225714020930132 Member

Nghe An, 2024

Inequality geometric


We study geometric inequalities and related problems (in plane geometry). Geomet-
ric inequality is one of the difficult problems that make high school students face a
lot of difficulties, even good students. We prove the necessary consequential theo-
rems, solve related problems from geometry in general and geometric inequalities in
particular. Make it easy for readers to grasp knowledge of geometric inequalities;
students improve their logical thinking ability, deepen their understanding of nature,
Methods of proof. The geometric inequality problems presented in this thesis can
be divided into three main contents: Triangular inequality (includes elementary al-
gebraic inequalities, fundamental equalities and inequalities in triangles, , geometric
inequalities and related problems, inequalities born from geometric formulations ) ;
quadrangular inequality ( including inequalities in quadrilaterals) ; Circle inequality

1 Introduction a place of their own. Geometric inequal-

ities appear in geometry plane and space,
They not only help us understand the re-
Inequality is one of the oldest and lationships between geometric measure-
most common problems in mathematics. ments but also have wide applications in
The first inequality that appears is the tri- the optimization and design of structures in
angular inequality, the triangular inequality space.
— articulated by Thales in the 6th century For geometric inequalities, we know
BC — states that in 1 triangle, the length some well-known inequalities such as tri-
of one side must be less than the sum, but angular inequality, Cauchy-Schwarz in-
greater than the difference of the other two equality, AM-GM inequality,... In Viet-
[1]. The emergence of inequalities is not nam, many geometric inequalities have
only to prove the difference between val- been included in the education curriculum,
ues, but also to contribute to problem solv- especially the general education program
ing and the development of mathematical 2018. However, problems of geometric
theory. We can name some well-known inequalities are often difficult problems.
inequalities such as triangular inequality, Solving problems of geometric inequalities
Cauchy inequality, Bunhiacopxki inequal- is not easy for students, even for good stu-
ity,... dents to solve a problem of geometric in-
In the midst of these countless in- equality, it is necessary to know how to ap-
equalities, geometric inequalities still have

ply geometric knowledge and algebra ap- Median line with edges: ma , mb , mc .
propriately and sensitively. That’s why we Trigonal line with edges: la , lb , lc .
did a new study on this topic in order to Radius of outer circle and inline cir-
find a way to solve problems of geometric cle: R and r.
inequalities more quickly and easily... Radius of the circle equal to the
The project "Some geometric in- edges: ra , rb , rc .
equalities" consists of a prologue, three Triangular area ABC: S, SABC and
sections, conclusions and references. [ABC].
1. Inequalities in triangles: This
section presents some of the equalities and
Theorem 2.1. Let triangle ABC, if AC ≥
inequalities in the triangle as well as re- d ≥ ACB
d and vice versa .
AB then ABC
lated theorems, consequences and exam-
ples. The content is mainly formed from
documents [2], [3].
2. Inequalities in quadrangles:
This section presents some inequalities in
the quadrangle from fundamental to ad-
vanced and presents some related prob-
lems. The content is mainly formed from
documents [2], [4] .
3. Inequalitites in circle: This sec-
tion presents some inqualities in circle as
well as related theorems, consequences and
examples. The content is mainly formed
Proof. Let AD be the distributive ray of
from documents [5], [3]. d = CAD.
d so we have: BAD
Consider △ABD and △AED, we have:

2 Inequalities in triangles
d = CAD

The symbol △ABC is the triangle AD is the common edge

ABC with vertices A,B,C. We denote the
⇔ △ABD = △AED ⇒ ABD d = AED [
magnitude of the corresponding angles of
We have is the outer angle at vertex E of the
vertices A,B,C as A,B,C respectively.
△ECD so AED[ = ECD [ + EDC [ > ECD. [
The length of the sides of the trian-
d > ECD.[
gle: BC=a,CA=b,AB=c. d > ACB.
Therefore, ABC d
Half circumference of the triangle:
p= 2 . Problem 2.1. Let △ABC have AB<AC. Let
High line with edges: ha , hb , hc . [>
M is the midpoint BC. Prove that: MAB

MAC. c, b + c > a, c + a > b, then we can choose
Solve two points A and B on the plane separated
Consider △MAB and △MDC have : by some c. Take A and B as the center, the
corresponding radius is A and B. From the
MA = MD unconscious a + b > c, b + c > a, c + a > b
[ = DMC
AMB [ we have |a − b| < c < a + b. According to
MB = MC theorem 4.33, two circles of the center A
and B must intersect at a point C. So a,b,c is
⇒ △MAB = △MDC ⇒ AB = DC and MAB [= the length of the sides of the triangle ABC
MDC. in the above way.
We have AB = DC and AB < AC then DC <
Theorem 2.3. (Inequalities in triangles) In
triangle ABC we have
Let △ADC have AC > DC, according to Theorem 2.6 we have ADCd >
DAC [ > MAC.
d deduces BAM [
|b−c| < a < b+c, |c−a| < b < c+a, |a−b| < c < a+b

Corollary 2.1. Let n points A1 , A2 , A3 , ..., An . Then we a

A2 A3 + ... + An−1 An ≥ A1 An .

Proof. We have AB + AC > BC (Theorem

of the triangular inequality)
⇔ AB > BC − AC
Similarly, we have: AC > AB −
BC and BC > AB − AC.

Theorem 2.4. For triangle ABC and the

ponit M is in triangle. Then we have MB +
MC < AB + AC.

Theorem 2.2. The positive numbers a,b,c

are the lengths of the three sides of a trian-
gle if and only if a+b > c, b+c > a, c+a >

Proof. If a,b,c is the length of the 3 sides of

the triangle, then according to the inequal-
ity of the 3 sides of the triangle we have
a + b > c, b + c > a, c + a > b.
Conversely, if there are a,b and c are
3 positive real numbers satisfied a + b >

Proof. Extending BM towards M cuts AC
at point N. According to the theorem 2.2,
we have
MB + MC < MB + MN + NC
= BN + NC < AB + AN + NC
= AB + AC.
b. On the ray MA take the point D such that
MC = BC 2 is between M and A. We have:
Problem 2.2. Let M be a point in the trian-
gle ABC. Prove that: 
[ < BDM
 BAM [
 [ < CDM
p < MA + MB + MC < 2p

[ + CAM
[ < BDM
[ + CDM
with p is the half-circumference of the tri- d = 90◦ .
d < BDC
angle ABC.

Solve.Apply theorem 2.2 to triangles

MAB,MAC and MCA we have AB < MA +
MB, BC < MB+MC,CA < MC +MA. Add
the three inequalities above and divide both
sides by 2 we have p < MA + MB + MC.
Conversely, according to Theorem
2.44 we have MA + MB < CA +CB, MB +
MC < AB+AC, MC +MA < BC +BA. Add
the three inequalities above and divide both
sides by 2 we have AM + BM +CM < 2p.
c. Similar.
Theorem 2.5. Let △ABC and M is the mid-
point BC. Prove that:

If AM = then Ab = 90◦
If AM > then Ab < 90◦
If AM < then Ab > 90◦

Proof. a. B = BAM, C = CAM ⇒ B + C = BAM + CAM

b [ b [ b b [ [
Because Ab + Bb + Cb = 180◦ then Ab = 90◦ .

3 Inequalities in quadrangles

The symbol ABCD is a convex quadrangle . We convention that the magnitude of

the angle corresponding to the vertices A,B,C,D is also denoted A,B,C,D.

The length of the sides of the quadrangle: AB = a, BC = b,CD = c, DA = d.

Half-circumference of the quadrangle: p = a+b+c+d
2 .
Length of diagonals: AC = m, BD = n.
The area of the quadrangle: S = SABCD or [ABCD].

Theorem 3.1. For every quadrangle ABCD we always have SABCD = 12 AC.BD the equal
sign occurs if and only if AC is perpendicular to BD.

Theorem 3.2. For every quadrangle ABCD we always have SABCD = 12 (AB.BC +AD.DC),
the equal sign occurs if and only if B = D = 90◦ .

Theorem 3.3. Let quandrangle ABCD have AB + BD ≤ AC + DC. We have AB<AC.

Proof. Let O be the intersection of AC and BD. Consider the OAB and OCD triangles
we have
AB < OA + OB, DC < OC + OD.


AB +CD < (OA + OC) + (OB + OD) = AC + BD (1)

Hypothetical, we have

AB + BD ≥ AC + DC. (2)

Add side (1) and (2) we have 2AB+DC +BD < 2AC +BD+DC. Inferred, AB < AC.
Theorem 3.4. The sum of the two diagonals of a convex quadrangle ABCD is less than
the circumference of the quadrangle and greater than half its circumference.

Proof. LetO be the intersection of AC and BD, we have

AC + BD = (OA + OB) + (OC + OD) > AB +CD.

AC + BD = (OA + OD) + (OB + OC) > AD + BC.

Add up the two sides of the inequality we have
AB + BC +CD + DA
AC + BD >
Hypothetical,AC < AB + BC and AC < DA +CD. Add up the two sides of the inequality
we have
AB + BC +CD + DA
AC < (3)
AB + BC +CD + DA
BD < (4)
Add side (3) and (4) we have

AC + BD < AB + BC +CD + DA.

Problem 3.1. ABCD square with sides equal to a. there are two points M, N in that

square. Prove that MN ≤ a 2.

Since ABCD is a square next to a, AC =
√ √
AB 2 = a 2. Draw the circle centered O,
externally square ABCD. We have the diameter

of (O) as a 2, M and N are two points lo-
cated in O. Let M’N’ be the bowstring pass-
ing through M and N. We have MN ≤ M ′ N ′

which M ′ N ′ ≤ a 2 (diameter is the largest
bowstring in the circle) . therefore MN ≤

a 2.

Problem 3.2. For trapezoids ABCD with a small bot-
b ≤ 90◦ . Let M be the midpoint of AB, N be the midpoint of CD .
tom of AB and Cb + D
Prove that MN ≤ CD−AB
2 .

Through point M draw a line parallel to AD cut Dc at E and through M draw a line
parallel to BC cut DC at F. Inferred D c1 , Cb = Fb1 . Inferred E b + Cb ≤ 90◦ ⇒
c1 + Fb1 = D
[ ≥ 90◦ . Triangle ABC have EMF
EMF [ ≥ 90◦ and MN is the median line so MN ≤ EF .
On the other hand, there is AB// DC and AD // ME so ADEM is a parallelogram. Inferred
DE = AM = 21 AB, similarly FC = MB = 12 . Therefore EF = CD − AB.
So MN ≤ CD−AB 2 .

Theorem 3.5. (Parallelogram formula) Let ABCD be a quadrilateral, let x be the dis-
tance between two diagonals AC and BD. We have

AB2 + BC2 +CD2 + DA2 = AC2 + BD2 + 4x2 .

Proof. Let M,N be the midpoints of AC and BD. Apply the median line formula we have
AB2 +DA2 2 2 +CD2 2
2 NA2 + NC2 AC2 2 − BD
4 +
2 − BD
4 AC2
x = − = −
2 4 2 4
AB2 + BC2 +CD2 + DA2 ≥ AC2 + BD2 .

Corollary 3.1. (Parallelogram inquality) Let ABCD be a quadrilateral. We have

AB2 + BC2 +CD2 + DA2 ≥ AC2 + BD2 .

Equality occurs if and only if ABCD is a parallelogram.

Proof. Let M,N be the midpoints of AC,BD respectively.
Applying the median line formula to the △ABD we have:

AB2 + DA2 BD2

NA2 = − (5)
2 4
Applying the median line formula to the △CBDwe have:

BC2 +CD2 BD2

NC2 = − (6)
2 4
Applying the median line formula to the △NAC we have:

NA2 + NC2 AC2

NM 2 = −
2 4 !
1 AB + DA 2 BD2 BC2 +CD2 BD2
= − + − (due to (5) and (6) )
2 2 4 2 4
AB2 + DA2 + BC2 +CD2 BD2 AC2
⇔ NM 2 = − −
4 4 4
Where MN is the distance between the midpoint of AC and BD, so MN ≤ 0

AB2 + DA2 + BC2 +CD2 BD2 AC2

or − − ≤0
4 4 4
AB2 + DA2 + BC2 +CD2 BD2 AC2
⇔ ≤ + .
4 4 4
the equal sign occurs if and only if MN=0 or the midpoint of AC and BD coincide or
ABCD is a parallelogram.

4 Inequalities in circle

Theorem 4.1. Of the wires of a circle, the largest wire is diameter.

Proof. Suppose we have a circle of diameter AB=2R and a CD wire.

In △COD, according to the triangle inequality we have:

⇒ CD ≤ 2R
⇒ CD ≤ AB.

Theorem 4.2. For circles (O,R) and any point M outside the circle. Then we have
d − R ≤ MN ≤ d + R. Where N is any point on the circle and d is the distance from M to
the center of the circle.

Proof. According to the triangular inequality, we have

MN ≤ MO + OM ⇔ MN ≤ d + R

Similarly we have: MO ≤ MN + ON
⇔ MN ≥ MO − ON
⇔ MN ≥ d − R or d − R ≤ MN
⇒ d − R ≤ MN ≤ d + R.

Theorem 4.3. For two circles whose radius are R and R’ (R ≥ R′ ) , respectively, the
distance between their centers is equal to d . The necessary and sufficient condition for
two circles to intersect is R − R′ ≤ d ≤ R + R′ .

Proof. We notice that the two circles are outside each other (Fig. A) so we have R +
R′ < d. Tf two circles contain each other (Fig. B) then we have d < R − R′ . If two
circles intersect at a point M, then unconsciously the three sides of the triangle OO’M,
with O and O’ being the centers of the circle of radius R and R’ respectively, we have
R − R′ ≤ d ≤ R + R′ .
Conversely, if R − R′ ≤ d ≤ R + R′ . then the two given circles cannot be apart or
contain each other. Therefore, they can only intersect.

Theorem 4.4. (Euler’s formula) Let R and r be the radius of the circumcircle and the
incircle of triangle ABC, respectively, d is the distance between the centers of those two
circles. We have
d 2 = R2 − 2Rr.

Proof. Let O and I be the centers of the circumcircle and incircle circles of triangle ABC,
respectively. Know that the circumcircle of triangle BCI has center D as the midpoint of
arc BC. Let M be the midpoint of BC and Q be the projection of I on OD. Then

OB2 − OI 2 = OB2 − DB2 + DI 2 − OI 2

= OM 2 − MD2 + DQ2 − QO2
= (MO + DM)(MO − DM) + (DQ + QO)(DQQ O)
= DO(MO − DM + DQ + OQ) = R(2MQ) = 2Rr

So OI 2 = R2 − 2Rr, mean d 2 = R2 − 2Rr.

Corollary 4.1. (Euler’s inequality) Symbols R,r are the radius of the circumcircle and
the radius of the inscribed circle of triangle ABC, respectively. Then

R ≥ 2r.

Equality occurs if and only if triangle ABC is equilateral.

Problem 4.1. Let the triangle ABC where R is the radius of the circumcircle, r is the
radius of the inscribed circle and p is the half- circumference of the triangle ABC. Prove
p R
that r ≤ √ ≤ .
3 3 2

abc √ √
Solve. We have [ABC] = = pr, inferred 2p = a + b + c ≥ 3 3 abc = 3 3 4Rrp.
4R √
Therefore 8p ≥ 27(4Rrp) ≥ 27(8r2 p), because R ≥ 2r. So p ≥ 3 3r.
p R √
Second inequality, √ ≥ is equivalent to a + b + c ≤ 3 3R. Using the law of
3 3 2 √
3 3
sine, this inequality is equivalent to sin A + sin B + sinC ≤ . This inequality is true
sin A + sin B + sinC
because funtion f (x) = sin x is a convex function above (0, π), therefore ≤
√ 3
A + B +C
sin = sin 60 = .
3 2

Theorem 4.5. (Leibniz’s inequality) Let the triangle ABC with the lengths of sides a,b,c.
(O,R) is the circumcircle of the triangle. Suppose G is the focus and (O,R) is the trian-
gular extrinsic circle. Then

2 1 2
2 2 2

OG = R − a + b + c .
Corollary 4.2. (Leibniz’s inequality) Let the triangle ABC with the lengths of sides a,b,c.
(O,R) is the circumcircle of the triangle. We have the following inequality

9R2 ≥ a2 + b2 + c2 .

Equality occuss if and only if O is the centroid of triangle ABC.

Proof. Let G be the triangular center of △ABC. Applying Stewart’s theorem to △OAA′ ,
where A’ is the midpoint of BC,

We get AA′ (OG2 + .GA′ ) = A′ O2 .AG + AO2 .GA′ .
2 1 2 2 1
Because AO = R, AG = AA′ , GA′ = AA′ , OG2 + A′ A2 = A′ O2 + R2 .
3 3 9 3 3
2(b2 + c2 ) − a2 2
On the other hand, since A′ A2 = and A′ O2 = R2 − a4 , we get
2 2 a2 2 R2 2 2(b2 + c2 ) − a2
OG = R − . + −
4 3 3 9 4
a2 2(b2 + c2 ) − a2
= R2 − −
6 18
a 2 2(b + c2 ) − a2
= R2 − −
6 9
a2 + b2 + c2
Where OG ≥ 0 or OG2 ≥ 0 or R2 − ≤ 0 or 9R2 ≥ a2 + b2 + c2 . The equal
sign occurs if and only if OG = 0 or point O coincides with the point G or the center of
the circle outside the triangle ABC coincides with the center of gravity of the △ABC or
the regular △ABC

Problem 4.2. Let ABC be a triangle with the length of the sides in turn is a,b,c. Prove
√ 9abc
that 4 3 ≤ .


Using the Leibniz with 4R.[ABC] = abc

a2 b2 c2 a2 + b2 + c2
We have 9R2 ≥ a2 + b2 + c2 ⇔ ≥
16[ABC]2 9
⇔ 4[ABC] ≤ √ .
a2 + b2 + c2
√ √
On the other hand, the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for a + b + c ≤ 3 a2 + b2 + c2 .
√ 9abc
Therefore, 4 3 ≤ .

5 Conclusions

In this section, we have reviewed and proved some important geometric inequali-
ties,including: triangular inequality, quadrangular inequality, circle inequality.These in-
equalities all have simple proofs but are important in solving geometric problems.
In the process of understanding and studying geometric inequalities in plane ge-
ometry, we see geometric inequalities not only as a theoretical concept but also as an
important practical tool in many different fields. The properties and theorems of in-
equalities such as flexibility, variety and applicability in many contexts have made them
an important tool, in the field of research as well as in education and practical application
.These inequalities not only broaden our view of properties and theorems in geometry
but also help us realize that geometric inequalities have an important role to play in many
areas of science.The study and application of geometric inequalities is of great practical
significance, helps us slove many difficult problems in mathematics and other fields.

[1] T. H. Hà, “Các bất đẳng thức, đẳng thức trong tam giác và ứng dụng.” Ph.D. disser-
tation, ĐHKHTN, 2013.

[2] Đ. NGUYÊN, “MỘt sỐ bẤt ĐẲng thỨc hình hỌc.”

[3] Đ. Q. Đôn, “Một số bài toán cực trị trong hình học,” Ph.D. dissertation, TLU, 2016.

[4] T. G. Võ et al., “Một số bài toán cực trị trong hình học,” Ph.D. dissertation, Trường
Đại học Sư Phạm-Đại học Đà Nẵng, 2019.

[5] H. G. NGUYỄN, “Một số dạng bất đẳng thức hình học,” Ph.D. dissertation, 2010.

Bảng phân công nhiệm vụ

STT Họ tên Nhiệm vụ

1 Lê Thanh Vân - Phân công nhiệm vụ cho từng thành
- Làm powerpoint.
- Đóng góp ý kiến.
2 Dương Thị Xuân Tình - Ghi chép sổ tay hoạt động nhóm.
- Chứng minh các định lí.
- Tìm nội dung tham khảo.
3 Nguyễn Thị Huyền Trang - Tìm nội dung tham khảo.
- Hỗ trợ powepoint.
- Đóng góp ý kiến.
4 Hoàng Anh Tuấn - Viết nội dung đã tổng hợp được.
- Đóng góp ý kiến.
5 Biện Viết Thụy - Dịch nội dung đã tìm được.
- Tổng hợp nội dung.
- Đóng góp ý kiến.
6 Đào Thị Thanh Huyền - Chỉnh sửa video thuyết trình.
- Tìm nội dung tham khảo.

Bảng điểm tự đánh giá hoạt động nhóm

Họ và tên
Lê Dương Thị Nguyễn Hoàng Đào Thị Biện
Các tiêu chí
Thanh Xuân Tình Thị Huyền Anh Thành Viết
Vân Trang Tuấn Huyền Thụy
1. Nhận nhiệm vụ 2 2 2 2 2 2
2. Tham gia xây dựng 2 2 2 2 1.5 1.5
kế hoạch hoạt động của
3. Tôn trọng ý kiến tập 2 2 2 2 2 2
4. Kết quả làm việc 2 2 1.5 2 1.5 1.5
5. Trách nhiệm với kết 2 2 2 1.5 2 2
quả làm việc chung
Tổng điểm: 10 10 9.5 9.5 9 9

Bảng điểm đánh kĩ năng giao tiếp trong hoạt động nhóm

Họ và tên
Lê Dương Thị Nguyễn Hoàng Đào Thị Biện
Các tiêu chí
Thanh Xuân Tình Thị Huyền Anh Thành Viết
Vân Trang Tuấn Huyền Thụy
1. Kĩ năng giao tiếp, tương 5 5 5 5 5
tác SV với SV
1.1.Biết lắng nghe và đưa 1 1 1 1 1 1
ra lời phản hồi 1 cách phù
1.2. Biết lắng nghe và biết 1 1 1 1 1 1
thừa nhận ý kiến của người
1.3. Biết trình bày ý kiến 1 1 1 1 1 1
một cách rõ ràng
1.4. Biết phản hồi và phúc 1 1 1 1 1 1
đáp một cách lịch sự
1.5. Biết thuyết phục người 1 1 1 1 1 1
khác và đáp lại sự thuyết
2. Kĩ năng tạo môi trường 2 2 2 2 2 2
hợp tác
3. Kĩ năng giải quyết mâu 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
4. Kĩ năng xây dựng niềm 1 1 1 1 1 1
Tổng điểm 10 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5


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