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PCPRod Hollow Sucker Rods Manual

Rev. Date Total Pages 02 12/08/2010 20

Tenaris (Draft) Rev. Date 02 09/04/2008

PCPRod Hollow Rods Manual

Objective This report establishes requirements for a secure and reliable installation and running for PCPRod Hollow Sucker Rods (HSR) and also presents the possible configurations of Hollow Rod Strings. Background The listed tools and recommended operations listed in this report are based in past operations with Hollow Sucker Rods all over the world. Probably, there could be available some other tools that can also be used to work with Tenaris HSR. HSR can be installed in well with three main configurations depending on the desired application in the well:
Replacement of Conventional Sucker Rods: This provides a more reliable and secure operation. It is more reliable since HSR are the only rod specially designed for torque applications as well as the make-up operation. They provide security since they reduce the backspin effect and therefore the accumulative energy in the rod string making it safer for wellhead workers during well stops and WorkOver operations. Production through the HSR and the annular space between the rods and the tubing: This provides a higher flowing area with a consequent reduction in the working torque. This configuration should not be used with viscous oil. Injection of diluents through the HSR and production through the annular space between them and the tubing: The main objective for this is to provide a more efficient action of the diluents since they get directly in contact to the flowing fluid (oil). Also, this provides the advantages of injection diluents without getting in touch with the pump elastomer.

(See Annex 2 for Installation Schemes) Tools

Hydraulic Power Tong

Any type, make or model of hydraulic power tong can be used provided its dies adapt to the HSR OD. Dimensional characteristics of the HSR are detailed in Table 1 Annex 1. The power tong must have a hydraulic or manual backup with the same die size as the tong (HSR OD). The required dies are the standard dies used for pipe running. They can have two different configurations depending on the contact part shape:

Diamond type: They have a better contact area per pipe (HSR) due to its higher contact area. Lineal type: They only have two contact lines.



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Diamond type dies

Lineal type dies

For PCPRod HSR make-up torque must be checked according to the values detailed in Table 2 Annex 1. The torque value check for the connections can be done according to several methods:
Computerized torque control (also know as JAM): This system measures the applied load and the power tong turns with several sensors that send the information to an electronic devise that opens a dump valve when the required torque is reached. Torque/pressure tables: Power tongs can be calibrated in order to get a relationship between the system hydraulic pressure and the applied torque. The main problem with this method is that calibration is highly variable with several factors (temperature, oil purity, gears, roller pins and bearings status) so mistaken lectures can be done. Also, conventional small rigs usually dont have precise pressure gauges to control pressure. Manual torque control: Load is measured with a dynamometer installed to the tong backup. A direct torque value can be seen in a separate table value (made from correlation between the backup length and the applied load seen in the dynamometer gauge).

The computerized torque control (JAM) is the recommended system, since it provides an exact torque value for each connection and stores a digital copy of each make-up operation. An example of a PCPRod HSR make-up diagram can be seen in Fig. I Annex 3. Power tong dies should be replaced when they are damaged or when they generate marks on the HSR body. (See Fig II to IV Annex 3) The most common power tong used for the PCPRod HSR running are Eckel Mod. HydraShift with hydraulic backup for 5.5 with dies for the HSR OD (Fig. V & VI Annex 3) or Weatherford 5.5 also with hydraulic backup also with the correct OD dies. Oil Country 4500 has also been used to run these rods (Fig. VII Annex 3).
Hanging Slips (spider)

To hang the PCPRod HSR any type of spider can be used with the correct slips for the required rod OD.

Conventional pipe spider



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Tenaris has particularly used the pneumatic spider type Guiberson with FADAC 395 adapted slips with very good results.

Guiberson type Spider

Similar to the power tong dies, the spider/slips should be replaced when inserts are damaged or generate deep marks on the rod body.
Elevators To hang the PCPRod HSR to the wellhead, an accessory created with the following

elements is used:

Cross-over (from API to PCPRod HSR PIN-PIN threads): This element allows connecting the HSR to the conventional API rods. Fig. 3

PCPRod to API Cross-Over 1 x 2 ft API Pony Rod: This is used to allow the use of Standard API elevators to hand the HSR to the wellhead. 1 API Coupling (conventional API product): It is used to connect the pony rod to the API connection of the Cross Over.

Tenaris calls this as a Substitute Element for the HSR hanging. Two of these elements

should be used to make the operation faster (one is used to hand the HSR over the wellhead while the other is used to connect the rods laying on the racks before they are hung)



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PCPRod x 1 API Cross-Over 1 API Coupling

1 x 2 ft Pony Rod

Hanging Substitute Element Connections of the Substitute must be made-up with conventional rod wrenches as hard

as possible to avoid any kind of loosening of the connection during the operation.

Conventional Rod Wrench The safety issues regarding this Substitute are detailed in the Hanging section of this

document. Running Operation The first thing to be defined before the running operation is if any kind of diluents are planned to be injected through the HSR or if production through them is expected, during this installation or in the foreseeable future. If any of these options (injection or production through the interior of the HSR) are planned it is necessary to have the following accessories:
PCPRod Swivel or rotating joint PCPRod Hollow Polished Rod PCPRod Slotted Pup Joint PCPRod Check-Valve



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Swivel (Rotating Joint)

This is only necessary for cases where diluents injection through the HSR are desired. This can be done to reduce viscosity, heavy oil density or emulsions, to increase corrosion inhibitor efficiency, etc. This is used to have a standing universal connection at the top of the Hollow Polished Rod to connect the injection surface line and allow normal rotation of the rods. If the swivel hasnt a PCPRod1000 pin connection, an adaptor is needed.

PCPRod1000 Swivel

Admissible working pressure and speed could vary depending on the model and brand , the following values are for Johnson Fluitten Swivels F5508 AP series:



Tenaris (Draft) Rev. Date 02 09/04/2008

Hollow Polished Rod

This element is needed to enable the diluents injected to get from the surface to the interior of the HSR. It is only used when any kind of fluid injection is desired. Standard OD is 1,9, Tenaris has as a new development the Hollow Polished Rod in 1,5. Available length goes from 6 ft to 30 ft.
Hollow Rod Slotted Pup Joint

They are used for fluid injections as well as for fluid production through the HSR; making it possible for the fluids to get into and out from the HSR interior. Depending on the HSR model (PCPRod1000, PCPRod1500 or PCPRod2500) is the available length. They are made from Standard HSR where slots (holes) are made to the walls. In order to have auxiliary slots, two Slotted Pup Joints are used at the bottom of the rod string to assure flowing of the injected diluents. For production through the interior (and also through the annular space between the HSR and the tubing) two Slotted Pup Joints are used at the bottom of the rod string and two at the top of it.

PCPRod1000 Slotted Pup Joint x 2

PCPRod1500 or PCPRod2500 Slotted Pup Joint



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This element is used in order to assure flowing in only one direction, avoiding flow coming up from the well and through the Hollow Polished Rod. They are produced in PCPRod1000 and PCPRod1500 models. Check-valves can be installed at the bottom of the well, next to the Slotted Pup Joint or at the top, next to the Hollow Polished Rod. This last option allows a quick change in case of any failure or as an auxiliary element to the first one. The check valve was tested up to 10.000 PSI if internal pressure and no liking effect was detected.

PCPRod1000 Check-Valve

In Annex 2, there is a detail of the necessary elements for the installation of any of the three available configurations of HSR installations (Check-List).



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Running procedures
Length measurement

As a PCPRod HSR doesnt have a fixed length each of them should be measured in order to get the string length, due to its dispersion this procedure is similar to the one followed for running the tubing string. For each rod the 5 cm of the niple connector should be added. Refer to Annex 1, Table 1, for length tolerances.
Connection Cleaning

Once the PCPRod HSR is lying on the racks next to the wellhead, plastic protectors should be removed and the threaded area should be cleaned with solvent and dried (mainly with pressured air). No stocking grease/oil should be left between the threads. The same cleaning operations should be done with the PCPRod Nipples (male-male connectors). Note: the cleaning solvent should NEVER be diesel.

PCPRod1000 HSR cleaning PCPRod HSR handling

For the handling operation, the Substitute Element described above should be used. This must be threaded to the HSR end that will be raised with the hook. This element must be threaded to the HSR by hand (or with hand wrenches) as tight as possible to avoid any possible disconnection when the rod turns while making-up the connection. Conventional rods elevators are used to hang the Substitute when rods are raised by the hook.



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HSR hanging with conventional rod elevator

It is important to check at all time the PCPRod HSR end and the Substitute connections in order to prevent any kind of disconnection when the rods are hanging from the hook.

The spider is used to hang the rod string during the running operation. Its correct operation protects the personnel working at the wellhead as well as the equipment. It is important to verify that slips will not allow any movement of the HSR once it has been closed. As the PCPRod HSR is not very heavy, it is recommended to use an extra Safety Clamp above the spider for the first 10-15 rods until the rod string gets heavy enough to assure a correct hanging operation with the spider. Otherwise there is a risk of lose the string if it falls into the well. A polished rod clamp adapted to the HSR OD can also be used for safety.

Safety Clamp



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PCPRod HSR connection making-up

As PCPRod HSRs have Premium Connections machined with a trapezoidal tooth and diametrical interference; thread compound must be used to avoid galling. Conventional Thread Compound, as described in 5A3 API Specs. should be used. Thread compound must be used on the PCPRod nipple connectors trying to cover only the threads, as shown in the following pictures/diagram..
Thread Compound

Thread profile

Thread compound application

The niple connector is threaded by hand to the rod hanging from the spider. This rod can now be connected by hand to the one hanging from the hook in order to assure a correct alignment of the threads. Once both rods have been hand-threaded, the hydraulic power tong should be used to make-up the connection. (See Fig. V & VI Annex 3) The speed in the power tong should be slow at the beginning of the spin up process to avoid galling risk and also should be slow at the end of the process to assure the right torque and avoid the over torque risk.

Related Issues for a proper operation and conservation of the rods

Inspection of used PCPRod Hollow Sucker Rod

An inspection of the PCPRod HSR should be done after pulling out them from the well, in order to do that properly some visual cares can be done: Threads condition, they should looks as brand new. Scratches and corrosion pits. Overtorqued connection (deformed shoulders) Wall thickness, this is related to the Rod-Tbg wear. Refer to Tenaris Hollow Sucker Rods Inspection Procedure for further details.
PCPRod Hollow Sucker Rod Storage

In case that storage is needed, some cares should be considered to preserve the maximum live and performance of the PCPRod HSR: Check that all rod have its thread protector, threads should remain clean and with storage dope. Avoid exposing the rods to environmental threats such as high humidity. To preserve the integrity storage the HSR in its original bundles. Do not walk or support tools over the HSR. Refer to Tenaris Sucker Rods Handling Procedure for further details.
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Frequently asked questions

1- Are PCPRod HSR comparable with conventional rods?

No, PCPRod HSR cant be directly compared to conventional rods since they are only produced in one steel grade that is not comparable with any conventional steel grade. They are also not comparable because they were designed for PCP applications while conventional rods were thought for Beam Pumping so the genesis is different.
2- Can PCPRod HSR be centralized?

They can be centralized but it is not worth it. Their flush or near flush connection avoids located wear in the tubing and if we inject any rod guide, wear will locate in the guide. Guided PCPRod HSR have been used above the pump in order to reduce vibrations with good results.
3- Where can dies and slips for the appropriate OD be purchased?

PCPRod HSR are produced in standard pipe OD (macaroni sizes) so dies and slips should be find in any petroleum supply store. It mainly depends on the power tong and spider make and model you are planning to use.
4- Do PCPRod HSR have to be drifted?

Its not necessary to drift them since the minimum ID is in the nipple connector.
5- Is there any speed limit for the make-up?

As all premium connections, make-up speed should be low for the first and last 2 turns. This will reduce galling and over torque.
6- Is there any special consideration to be taken for re-running HSR?

To re-run a string of PCPRod HSR, the same procedure as in the initial running should be followed.
7- Can PCPRod HSR be lifted in double shot from the racks to the rig tower?

No, HSR should be lifted from the racks to the rig tower one by one in order to reduce flexion in the connection.
8- Can PCPRod HSR be re-threaded?

PCPRod1000 can be re-threaded if their thread is damaged. PCPRod1500 and PCPRod2500 cant be re-threaded keeping their properties since they have upset but as the later has the 1,9 rod body, it can be re-threaded converting it to a PCPRod1000. The rod length wouldnt be a mayor limitation for re-threading since HSR should be measured before installing them in the well.
9- Which is the maximum internal pressure that PCPRod HSR can stand?

Tests have been done increasing internal liquid pressure up to 15000 psi with no leaks or outbreaks. Test done in static conditions. Leaks should happen first than outbreaks and would appear depending on the make-up torque as well as on the tensile loads applied to it.
10- Which is the maximum internal flow that these HSR can stand?

Maximum flows through the HSR depend mainly on the fluid properties (viscosity and density). Laminar flows through the nipple ID can go close to 300 bpd (50 m3/d) while laminar flows through the rod body ID can almost double this flows. As there are different HSR, maximum flows also depends on the selected model.
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Annex 1
PCPRod Hollow Rods Dimensional Characteristics
OD Model PCPRod1000 PCPRod 1500 PCPRod 2500

ID mm 35,4 32,2 35,4 inch 1,4 1,28 1,4

Upset OD mm N/A 50 60 inch N/A 1,96 2,36

Wall Thickness mm 6,7 5 6,7 inch 0,26 0,19 0,26

Lineal weight Kg/mts 7,1 4,7 7,2 Lbs/ft 4,76 3,15 4,83

Length m Ft 9,35 to 9,75 30,67 to 31,98 8,53 to 9,20 27,98 to 30,18 9,35 to 9,65 30,67 to 31,66

mm 48,8 42,2 48,8

inch 1,92 1,66 1,92

Table I Make-Up and Working Torque Capacity

Model PCPRod 1000 PCPRod 1500 PCPRod 2500

Maximum Working Torque lbs * ft N*m 1000 1355 1500 2034 2500 3390

Minimum lbs * ft N*m 1100 1491 1500 2334 2500 3390

Make-Up Torque Optimum lbs * ft N*m 1150 1559 1550 2102 2550 3457

Maximum lbs * ft N*m 1200 1627 1600 2169 2600 3525

Table II

Re-assembly of PCPRod Hollow Rods should be done to same values as First Assembly.
Chemical Composition

PCPRod HSR are made in a proprietary steel grade, Chromium-Molybdenum low-alloy steel.

PCPRod 1000

PCPRod 1500

PCPRod 2500



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Annex 2 - PCPRod Hollow Sucker Rods Installation Schemes

1- No injection or production through the HSR



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2- Production through the HSR and the annular space between them and the tubing



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3- Fluids injection through the HSR and production through the annular space between them and the tubing



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4- Fluids injection in batches through the HSR.

This system is a modification of the previous option that allow to inject diluents or any other fluid thru the HSR in batches. When the injection program is temporarily stopped, this system allow to produce the oil thru the HSR plus the annular space between the tubing and the HSR increasing the flow area following the sequence as shown bellow. It's a simple installation that can maximize the production performance ratio rather than the only-annular production one. An electric circuit could activate the valves system automatically. Injection and production Valve A open (injection) Valve B close Valve C close Production without injection Valve A close Valve B open Valve C open



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Annex 3 - Pictures
PCPRod1000 HSR JAM control example

Fig. I Damaged dies for HSR

Fig. II



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Dies marks on the rod body

Fig. III Eckel hydraulic power tong

Fig. IV

Fig. V Oil Country hydraulic power tong

Fig. VI

Fig. VII



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Substitute element for hanging the HSR

1 API Coupling PCPRod HSR

1 x 2 Pony Rod

1 x PCPRod Cross-Over

Other Comments No additional comments are needed for the standard PCPRod HSR application. All Tenaris Procedures should be observed for the correct product performance.

Other Applicable Procedures Tenaris - Handling and Storage Tenaris - Inspection Procedure for PCPRod HSR Tenaris - pulling force capacity

Contact Data In case of any doubt contact Tenaris Sucker Rods Technical Assistance Or visit the following link for further information



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