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The meanings and examples for each of the advanced phrases

1. At the end of the day:: Ultimately; when everything is considered; in the final analysis.
Example: "We can debate the details, but at the end of the day, we all want the project to succeed."

2. As a matter of fact:: In reality; used to introduce a statement that is true or correct.

Example: "As a matter of fact, I was there when the decision was made."

3. By and large:: Generally speaking; on the whole; mostly.

Example: "By and large, the conference was a success, but there were a few issues with the catering."

4. In the grand scheme of things:: In the larger context; considering everything that is important.
Example: "Missing a few days of work is minor in the grand scheme of things, especially if it helps you
recover from an illness."

5. In the nick of time:: Just in time; at the last possible moment.

Example: "The ambulance arrived in the nick of time to save the injured hiker."

6. Jump through hoops:: To complete difficult or unnecessary tasks or obstacles in order to

achieve something.
Example: "She had to jump through hoops to secure the necessary permits for her new business."

7. Throw in the towel:: To give up; to quit; to surrender.

Example: "After struggling for years, he finally threw in the towel and decided to pursue a different

8. Have a lot on your plate:: To have many tasks, responsibilities, or problems to deal with.
Example: "I can't take on any new projects right now, I already have a lot on my plate."

9. Let's play it by ear:: To decide or act spontaneously as a situation develops, without a

predetermined plan.
Example: "We're not sure when the guests will arrive, so let's just play it by ear and start setting up when
they show up."

10. It's not rocket science:: It's not difficult to understand or do; it's not overly complicated.
Example: "Cooking a basic meal is not rocket science; anyone can learn to do it."
11. Jump the gun:: To act too quickly or prematurely; to start before it's appropriate.
Example: "I think we jumped the gun by announcing the product before we had all the details worked

12. Bite the bullet:: To face a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage and determination.
Example: "I didn't want to have surgery, but I knew I had to bite the bullet and go through with it to
improve my health."

13. Get the ball rolling:To start an activity or process; to initiate something.
Example: "We need to get the ball rolling on this project if we want to meet the deadline."

14. Hit the nail on the head:To express exactly the right thing; to describe something accurately.
Example: "You hit the nail on the head with your analysis of the issue."

Advancrd phrases for speaking – Ms Nhi 0784848082
Exercises to help you practice using these phrases:

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrase from the list:
1. Despite the challenges, he decided to _ _______ and continue pursuing his dream of
becoming a professional dancer.
2. The team managed to finish the project __ ______, just hours before the deadline.
3. She's been feeling overwhelmed lately, with work, school, and family matters – she
really has __ _______.
4. "I'm not sure when the concert will start, so let's just __ ______ and arrive at the venue
5. "Can you explain how the engine works?" "Sure, it's complex, but __ _______; you'll get
the hang of it."
6. The CEO's decision to expand the company was a success ___ ______, leading to
increased profits and a larger market share.
7. "I think we should _________ and gather more information before making a decision
about the new software."
8. Despite the challenges of learning a new language, he believed that __________ and put
in the effort would lead to fluency.
9. The doctor recommended that she __________ and undergo the necessary surgery to
address her health issue.
10. Even though it seemed like a simple task, they __________ by overcomplicating the
process and adding unnecessary steps.

Advancrd phrases for speaking – Ms Nhi 0784848082

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