SME Research by Prof Muyungi

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Dear, / Mpendwa,
I, Octavius Muyungi, invite you to contribute to my research by providing your valuable insights
through this questionnaire. I assure you that the information you provide will be used exclusively for
research purposes ONLY. Your privacy is of utmost importance to me. All responses will be treated
with the highest degree of privacy, confidentiality and will not be disclosed to any irresponsible third
parties. / Mimi Octavius Muyungi, Nakualika kushiriki katika utafiti wangu kwa kutoa maoni
yako ya thamani kupitia hii dodoso. Ninakuahidi kwamba taarifa utakazotoa zitatumika kwa
madhumuni ya utafiti PEKEE. Faragha yako ni muhimu sana kwangu. Majibu yote
yatashughulikiwa kwa kiwango cha juu cha faragha, usiri na hayatafichuliwa kwa watu
Please note that this survey is ANONYMOUS, I do not require any of your personal identifiers such
as names, phone numbers, specific locations, or business names. Your answers will be processed in a
way that ensures complete secrecy. Feel free to express your thoughts and experiences candidly,
knowing that there is no mechanism for me to trace you. / Tafadhali kumbuka kuwa utafiti huu ni
wa SIRI, sihitaji vitambulishi vyako binafsi kama majina, namba za simu, eneo mahususi au
majina ya biashara. Majibu yako yatashughulikiwa kwa njia inayohakikisha usiri kamili. Jisikie
huru kueleza mawazo yako na uzoefu wako kwa uwazi, ukijua kwamba hakuna utaratibu wowote
kwangu kukuweza kufuatilia.
Your participation is crucial and I appreciate your time and honesty in helping me in this
comprehensive research. After completion, please help me to share the link of this questionnaire to
fellow business runners. / Ushiriki wako ni muhimu na ninathamini muda wako na uaminifu
katika kunisaidia katika utafiti wangu adhimu. Ukimaliza kujibu, naomba unisaidie kuwatumia
linki ya dodoso hii wafanyabiashara unaowajua.
Thank you for your cooperation. / Asante kwa ushirikiano wako.
Best regards, / Kwa heshima,
Octavius Muyungi

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RESEARCH TITLE: A comprehensive evaluation on influential factors driving growth of tanzanian
enterprises transversing small to large scale / KICHWA CHA UTAFITI: Tathmini ya kina kuhusu
mambo yanayochochea ukuaji wa biashara za kitanzania kutoka kiwango kidogo hadi kikubwa.


1. To examine the impact of business management skills: With a specific focus on the acquisition
of funds, effectiveness of financial management and Customer feedback or complaints management. /
Kuchunguza athari za ujuzi wa usimamizi wa biashara: Kwa kuzingatia hasa upatikanaji wa fedha,
ufanisi wa usimamizi wa fedha na usimamizi wa maoni au malalamiko ya wateja.

2. To analyse how technology is adopted and Applied: Analyzing the role of digital tools in
innovative operations, marketing strategies. / Kuchambua upatikanaji na matumizi ya teknolojia:
Kuchambua nafasi ya zana za kidijitali katika operesheni za ubunifu, mikakati ya masoko.

3. To assess the influence of government policies and regulations: Assessing to see in what extent
regulatory frameworks impact business operations, compliance, and overall sustainability. / Kupima
athari za sera na kanuni za serikali: Kupima ili kuona ni kwa kiasi gani mifumo ya utii wa kisheria
inavyoathiri operesheni za biashara na uendelevu kwa ujumla.


1. How old are you? / Una umri gani?
a) Less than 18 Years / Chini ya miaka 18
b) 18 – 25 Years / Miaka 18 – 25
c) 26 – 35 Years / Miaka 26 – 35
d) 36 – 45 Years / Miaka 36 – 45
e) 46 – 55 Years / Miaka 46 – 55
f) 56 – 65 Years / Miaka 56 – 65
g) Beyond 66 / Zaidi ya 66

2. What’s the gender? / Jinsia yako ni ipi?

a) Male / Mwanaume
b) Female / Mwanamke

3. Marital status / Hali ya ndoa

a) Single / Sijaoa, Sijaolewa
b) Married / Nimeoa, Nimeolewa
c) Divorced / Tuliachana

4. Your region / Mkoa wako

5. Your district/ Wilaya

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6. Highest education Level / Kiwango cha juu cha elimu
a) No formal education / Hakuna elimu rasmi
b) Primary education / Elimu ya msingi
c) Secondary education (Ordinary level) / Elimu ya sekondari (Kidato cha nne)
d) Advanced level / Kidato cha sita
e) Short course (1 – 12 months plus Ordinary level) / Kozi fupi (mwezi 1 – 12 pamoja na Kidato cha nne)
f) Certificate / Cheti
g) Diploma / Stashahada
h) Bachelor / Shahada
i) Masters / Shahada ya uzamili
j) PhD / Shahada ya uzamivu
k) PhD (Doctor) / Shahada ya uzamivu (Daktari)
l) Professor / Profesa

7. Role in the Business / Nafasi yako katika biashara

a) Owner / Mmiliki
b) Employee / Mfanyakazi
c) I own my business and employed in another business / Nina biashara yangu na nimeajiriwa katika
biashara nyingine

8. Type of business engaged / Aina ya biashara unayojihusisha

a) Business sector (shop, bank, restaurants, hotel, bar, stationery, monetary trans-agent etc.) / Sekta ya
biashara (duka, bank, mgahawa, hoteli, baa, wakala, steshenari, kibanda n.k.)
b) Agriculture (Cultivation of Business crops and animal rearing) / Kilimo (Ulimaji wa mazao ya
biashara na ufugaji wa wanyama)
c) Manufacturing industry / Viwanda vya utengenezaji
d) Services (School, Hospital, Consultation, etc) / Huduma (Shule, Hospitali, Ushauri, n.k.)
e) Other / Nyingine

9. How many years have you been involved in operating a business? / Umekuwa katika
uendeshaji wa biashara kwa miaka mingapi?
a) Less than 1 year / Chini ya mwaka 1
b) 1 – 3 years / Miaka 1 – 3
c) 4 – 6 years / Miaka 4 – 6
d) 7 – 10 years / Miaka 7 – 10
e) More than 10 years / Zaidi ya miaka 10

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10. Business capital / Mtaji wa biashara
a) Less than 20,000 Tsh
b) 20,000 - 500,000 Tsh
c) 500,000 - 4,000,000 Tsh
d) 4,000,000 - 20,000,000 Tsh
e) 20,000,000 - 50,000,000 Tsh
f) 50,000,000 - 200,000,000 Tsh
g) 200,000,000 - 500,000,000 Tsh
h) 500,000,000 - 5,000,000,000 Tsh
i) Above 5,000,000,000 Tsh
j) I don’t care on this and unaware/ Huwa sijali hilo na sijui

11. Category of your business / Kategoria ya biashara

a) Small business / biashara ndogo
b) Medium enterprises / biashara ya kati
c) Large entity / Kampuni au taasisi kubwa

12. Average overall annual busines profit / Wastani wa faida kwa mwaka katika biashara
a) Less than 20,000 Tsh
b) 20,00 - 500,000 Tsh
c) 500,000 - 4,000,000 Tsh
d) 4,000,000 - 20,000,000 Tsh
e) 20,000,000 - 50,000,000 Tsh
f) 50,000,000 - 200,000,000 Tsh
g) 200,000,000 - 500,000,000 Tsh
h) 500,000,000 - 5,000,000,000 Tsh
i) Above 5,000,000,000 Tsh
k) I don’t care on this and unaware/ Huwa sijali hilo na sijui

13. How many permanent employees in business? / Kuna wafanyakazi wangapi wa kudumu
katika biashara?
a) 1–5
b) 6 – 10
c) 11 – 20
d) 21 – 50
e) 51 - 500
f) 500 - 2000
g) Over 2000 / Zaidi ya 2000

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14. How many branches does the business have/ Biashara ina matawi mangapi
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
f) More than 5 branches / Zaidi ya matawi 5

15. Where is the business located? / Biashara yako iko wapi?

a) Urban area / Eneo la mjini
b) Rural area / Eneo la vijijini
c) Both urban and rural area / Eneo la mjini na vijijini
d) Online only / Mtandaoni tu

16. What are the primary business goals for the next year / 2025? / Malengo yako makuu ya
biashara kwa mwaka ujao / 2025 ni yapi?
a) Expansion / Upanuzi wa hii biashara
b) Stability / Utulivu (kubaki hali hii)
c) Diversification / Kufungua biashara tofauti
d) Profit maximization / Uongezaji wa faida
e) I don’t have now may be later/ Sina kwa sasa labda siku za baadae

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These questions are designed to explore the impact of business management skills on the growth of
small, medium enterprises and large entities in Tanzania, particularly in the areas of financial
management, funds acquisition, market strategies and customer feedback or complaints management.
/ Maswali haya yanalenga kuchunguza athari za ujuzi wa usimamizi wa biashara kwenye ukuaji
wa biashara ndogo, za kati na makampuni au taasisi kubwa nchini Tanzania, hasa katika maeneo
ya usimamizi wa fedha, upatikanaji wa fedha, mikakati ya soko na usimamizi wa kuridhika au
malalamiko ya wateja.

1. How do you primarily manage the business finances? / Unasimamiaje fedha za biashara kwa
a) With manual records (pen and note book) / Kwa kumbukumbu za mkono (kalamu na daftari)
b) Through an department of finance, accountant or financial advisor (consultant)/ Kupitia idara ya fedha,
mhasibu au mshauri (mtaalamu wa fedha)
c) Using financial management software e.g QuickBooks, Tally prime, etc. / Kwa kutumia programu za
usimamizi wa fedha k.m QuickBooks, Tally prime, n.k.
d) Using computer: Excel, word, etc. / Kwa kutumia kompyuta: Excel, word, n.k.
e) I normally manage cash in pocket / Kwa kawaida nasimamia fedha mfukoni
f) Have no means to manage finance / Sina njia ya kusimamia fedha

2. How often do you review the business's financial performance? / Kwa muda gani nahakiki
ufanisi wa kifedha wa biashara?
a) Daily / Kila siku
b) Weekly / Kila wiki
c) Monthly / Kila mwezi
d) Annually / Kila mwaka
e) Have never / Sijawahi
3. What is the main source of funds for business operations? / Chanzo kikuu cha fedha kwa
shughuli za biashara ni nini?
a) Savings (family and relatives support) / Akiba (msaada wa familia na ndugu)
b) Bank (financial institutions loans) / Mikopo ya benki (taasisi za fedha)
c) Investor’s capital / Mtaji wa mwekezaji
d) Government grants (Church & mosque support) / Ruzuku za serikali (Msaada wa kanisani & msikitini)

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4. How do you measure customer satisfaction or complaints with the products or services? /
Unapimaje kuridhika au malalamiko ya wateja kwa bidhaa au huduma?
a) Formal methods: Through online feedback forms e.g. surveys, feedback forms / Njia rasmi: Kupitia
fomu za maoni mtandaoni k.m. tafiti, fomu za maoni
b) Via customer service team (department) / Kupitia timu ya huduma kwa wateja (idara)
c) Suggestions box only / Sanduku la maoni tu
d) I use informal methods: Directly through personal communication e.g. word – of – mouth,
observation / Natumia njia zisizo rasmi: Moja kwa moja kupitia mawasiliano binafsi k.m. kwa kinywa,
e) I do not measure customer satisfaction / Sipimi kuridhika kwa wateja

5. How frequently do you conduct financial training for the staff or how frequently do you
attend business management seminars? / Unafanyaje mafunzo ya fedha kwa wafanyakazi au
unahudhuriaje semina za usimamizi wa biashara?
a) Regularly, at least once a quarter year/ Mara kwa mara, angalau mara moja kwa robo mwaka
b) Occasionally, once or twice a year / Mara chache, mara moja au mbili kwa mwaka
c) Rarely / Nadra
d) Never do/ Kamwe sifanyi

6. What strategies do you use to improve customer satisfaction? / Mikakati gani unatumia
kuboresha kuridhika kwa wateja?
a) Regular discounts and promotions / Punguzo na promosheni za kawaida
b) Personalized services or products / Huduma au bidhaa zilizobinafsishwa
c) Loyalty programs like get together events for drinking and eating together / Programu za umoja kama
matukio ya kukutana kwa kunywa na kula pamoja na wateja
d) I do not focus on customer satisfaction / Sijali kuridhika kwa wateja

7. How do you mostly determine the pricing for the products/ services? / Unawezaje hasa
kuamua bei ya bidhaa/ huduma?
a) Cost – based pricing / Upangaji wa bei kulingana na gharama
b) Competitor analysis / Uchambuzi wa washindani
c) Customer willingness to pay / Utayari wa wateja kulipa
d) I don’t know / Sijui mimi
8. What measures do you take to prevent financial fraud in the business? / Hatua gani
unachukua kuzuia udanganyifu wa kifedha katika biashara?
a) Frequent audits / Ukaguzi wa mara kwa mara
b) Employee training and strict protocols (installation of secret security camera) / Mafunzo ya
wafanyakazi na itifaki kali (ufungaji wa kamera za siri za usalama)
c) Use of secure financial software / Matumizi ya programu salama za fedha
d) No specific measures in place / Hakuna hatua maalum zilizowekwa

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9. How do you plan for business growth and expansion / Unapangaje ukuaji na upanuzi wa
a) Detailed business plans with financial projection / Mipango ya biashara yenye maelezo na utabiri wa
b) Incremental adjustments based on profits / Marekebisho ya hatua kwa hatua kulingana na faida
c) Seeking advice from business consultants / Kutafuta ushauri kutoka kwa washauri wa biashara
d) I do not have a plan for growth / Sina mpango wa ukuaji

10. How do you know your business makes profit or loss? / Unajuaje biashara yako
inatengeneza faida au hasara?
a) Increase in sales and profit / Kuongezeka kwa mauzo na faida
b) More business publicity / Jamii kuiongelea biashara zaidi
c) More tax payment / Kulipa kodi kubwa
d) I don’t know / Sijui

11. How do you examine the financial growth of the business / Unawezaje kupima ukuaji wa
kifedha ya biashara
a) By tracking cash flow / Kwa kufuatilia mtiririko wa fedha
b) By analyzing profit and loss statements / Kwa kuchambua taarifa za faida na hasara
c) By evaluating customers per day / Kwa kutathmini wateja kwa siku
d) I do not examine financial health / Sipimi afya ya fedha

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These questions are designed to help you to analyze the extent to which small, medium enterprises
and large entities in Tanzania adopt and apply technology, and how it contributes to their growth. /
Maswali haya yameundwa kusaidia kuchambua kiasi ambacho biashara ndogo, za kati na
makampuni au taasisi kubwa nchini Tanzania zinachukua na kutumia teknolojia, na jinsi
inavyochangia ukuaji wao.

1. How do you primarily use technology in the business operations? / Unatumiaje teknolojia
hasa katika operesheni za biashara?
a) For accounting and finance, tracing transactions and reports / Kwa uhasibu na fedha, kufuatilia
miamala na ripoti
b) For inventory management, Managing goods and services / Kwa usimamizi wa hesabu, Kusimamia
bidhaa na huduma
c) For customer engagement, advertisements and sales / Kwa kujihusisha na wateja, matangazo na
d) All options above / Chaguo zote zilizo juu
e) I do not use technology in my operations / Sijatumia teknolojia katika operesheni zangu

2. What challenges have you faced when adopting new technologies? / Ni changamoto gani
umekumbana nazo wakati wa kuchukua teknolojia mpya?
a) High costs / Gharama kubwa
b) Lack of technical skills / Ukosefu wa ujuzi wa kiufundi
c) Resistance to change / Upinzani wa mabadiliko
d) No challenges faced / Hakuna changamoto zilizokutana
e) I don’t know / Sijui

3. How has technology impacted the business's operational efficiency? / Teknolojia imeathirije
ufanisi wa operesheni za biashara?
a) Significantly improved / Imeboreshwa kwa kiasi kikubwa
b) Moderately improved / Imeboreshwa kwa kiasi
c) No impact / Hakuna athari
d) Negatively impacted / Imeathiriwa vibaya

4. How do you analyze the success of technology in the business? / Uchambua vipi mafanikio ya
teknolojia katika biashara?
a) Increase in sales / Ongezeko la mauzo
b) Customer satisfaction / Kuridhika kwa mteja
c) Employee productivity / Utendaji kazi wa wafanyakazi
d) I do not measure it / Sipimi

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5. What role does technology play in the customer service? / Teknolojia ina nafasi gani katika
huduma kwa wateja?
a) Essential for all customer interactions / Muhimu kwa mwingiliano wote na wateja
b) Used for some services / Inatumika kwa baadhi ya huduma
c) Rarely used / Inatumika mara chache
d) Not used at all / Haitumiki kabisa

6. In what way has technology influenced the business's market reach? / Teknolojia imeathirije
uwezo wa biashara kufikia soko?
a) Expanded to international markets / Imepanuliwa kufikia masoko ya kimataifa
b) Increased online presence / Ongezeko la uwepo mtandaoni
c) No significant change / Hakuna mabadiliko makubwa
d) Reduced physical storefronts due to online shift / Punguzo la maduka ya kimwili kutokana na
mabadiliko ya mtandaoni
e) I don’t know / Sijui

7. What types of technology do you use MOST in the business? / Unatumia zaidi aina gani za
teknolojia katika biashara?
a) I use basic technology e.g. phone, radio, TV / Natumia teknolojia ya msingi k.m. simu, redio, TV
b) Social media advertising, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram etc. / Matangazo ya mitandao ya kijamii,
WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram n.k.
c) I use intermediate technology / e.g. computer, internet, mobile apps, website / Natumia teknolojia ya
wastani, k.m. kompyuta, intaneti, programu za simu
d) I use advanced technology / e.g. e – commerce, cloud computing, artificial intelligence / Natumia
teknolojia ya juu, k.m. biashara mtandaoni, kompyuta wingu, akili bandia
e) I do not use any technology / Sijatumia teknolojia yoyote

8. How do you use technology to market the products or services? / Unatumiaje teknolojia
kuuza bidhaa au huduma?
a) I use online platforms, e.g. social media, websites, blogs / Natumia majukwaa mtandaoni, k.m.
mitandao ya kijamii, tovuti, blogu
b) I use offline platforms / e.g. flyers, posters, radio, TV / Natumia majukwaa ya nje ya mtandao / k.m.
vipeperushi, mabango, redio, TV
c) I use both online and offline platforms / Natumia majukwaa ya mtandaoni na ya nje ya mtandao
d) I do not use any platforms / Sijatumia majukwaa yoyote

9. How do you learn about new technology and innovation in the business sector? / Unajifunzaje
kuhusu teknolojia mpya na uvumbuzi katika sekta ya biashara?
a) I attend training or workshops / Nahudhuria mafunzo au warsha
b) I read online or offline sources / Ninasoma vyanzo vya mtandaoni au vya nje ya mtandao
c) I network with other entrepreneurs or experts / Ninaunganisha na wajasiriamali wengine au wataalam
d) I do not learn about new technology or innovation / Sijifunzi kuhusu teknolojia mpya au uvumbuzi

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These questions are designed to evaluate the influence of government policies and regulations on the
growth of small, medium enterprises and large entities in Tanzania. / Maswali haya yameundwa
kupima ushawishi wa sera na kanuni za serikali katika ukuaji wa biashara ndogo, za kati na
makampuni au taasisi kubwa nchini Tanzania.

They cover various aspects such as familiarity with regulations, impact on operations, and challenges
faced due to compliance. / Yanahusu maeneo mbalimbali kama vile ufahamu wa kanuni, athari
katika operesheni, na changamoto zinazokabiliwa kutokana na kutii wa kanuni.

1. How familiar are you with the tax, city or municipal council regulations and laws that affect
the business? / Unafahamu kiasi gani kuhusu sheria na kanuni za kodi, halmashauri ya mji au
manispaa zinazoathiri biashara?
a) Very familiar / Nafahamu sana
b) Somewhat familiar / Nafahamu kidogo
c) Not very familiar / Sifahamu sana
d) Not familiar at all / Sifahamu kabisa

2. How often do you consult with a professional about regulatory compliance? / Je,
unashauriana mara ngapi na mtaalamu kuhusu utii wa kanuni?
a) Monthly / Kila mwezi
b) Not in a planned order / Si kwa mpangilio uliopangwa
c) Annually / Kila mwaka
d) Never / Kamwe

3. Have government policies ever forced you to change the business model? / Je, sera za serikali
zimewahi kulazimisha kubadilisha mfumo wa biashara?
a) Yes, frequently / Ndiyo, mara kwa mara
b) Yes, but only a few times / Ndiyo, lakini mara chache tu
c) No, but I've considered it / Hapana, lakini nimefikiria
d) No, never / Hapana, kamwe

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4. How would you rate the impact of government regulations on the day – to – day operations? /
Ungekadiriaje athari za kanuni za serikali katika operesheni za kila siku?
a) Highly restrictive / Zinazuia sana
b) Moderately restrictive / Zinazuia kiasi
c) Slightly restrictive / Zinazuia kidogo
d) Not restrictive at all / Hazizuia kabisa

5. To what extent do you believe government authority and agents have supported the business?
/ Je, unaamini kwa kiasi gani mamlaka na wakala wa serikali wameunga mkono biashara yako?
a) Greatly / Sana
b) Moderately / Kiasi
c) Slightly / Kidogo
d) Not at all / Hakuna kabisa

6. How often do changes in government policies affect the business planning? / Mabadiliko ya
sera za serikali yanaathiri mara ngapi mipango ya biashara?
a) Very often / Mara nyingi sana
b) Occasionally / Mara kwa mara
c) Rarely / Mara chache
d) Never / Kamwe

7. What is the main challenge in complying with government regulations? / Changamoto kuu
katika kufuata kanuni za serikali ni ipi?
a) Understanding the regulations / Kuelewa kanuni
b) The cost of compliance / Gharama ya utii
c) Officer inhumanity and intimidations / Ukatili na vitisho vya maafisa
d) Time required for compliance / Muda unaohitajika kwa utii
e) Lack of proper guidance / Ukosefu wa mwongozo sahihi

8. How do government regulations affect the ability to hire and retain employees? / Kanuni za
serikali zinaathiri vipi uwezo wa kuajiri na kubakiza wafanyakazi?
a) Significantly affects / Inaathiri sana
b) Somewhat affects / Inaathiri kiasi
c) Barely affects / Inaathiri kidogo
d) Does not affect / Haiathiri
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9. How do you stay informed about changes in government policies relevant to the business? /
Unabaki kuwa na taarifa kuhusu mabadiliko ya sera za serikali yanayohusiana na biashara?
a) Government publications / websites / Machapisho ya serikali / tovuti
b) Business associations / Vyama vya biashara
c) Legal advisors / Washauri wa kisheria
d) I do not stay informed / Sina taarifa

10. How do the neighbours resolve or overcome the problems or challenges with the government
policies and regulations? / Majirani wanatatua au wanakabili vipi matatizo au changamoto na
sera na kanuni za serikali?
a) They seek legal or professional advice / Wanatafuta ushauri wa kisheria au kitaalamu
b) Negotiation or compromise with the authorities / Mazungumzo au makubaliano na mamlaka
c) Paying bribes or fines / Kulipa rushwa au faini
d) I don’t know / Sijui

11. How do the government policies and regulations affect the sustainability of the business? /
Sera na kanuni za serikali zinaathiri vipi uendelevu wa biashara?
a) They support or enhance it / Zinaunga mkono au kuboresha
b) They have no effect on it / Haina athari yoyote
c) They hinder or harm it / Zinazuia au kudhuru
Not sure / Sina uhakika

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The questions are open – ended, intended to provide qualitative insights into the factors influencing
the growth of small business enterprises and large entities in Tanzania. They allow you to share
experiences and perspectives in more detail. / Maswali haya ni ya wazi, yanalenga kutoa ufahamu
wa kina kuhusu mambo yanayoathiri ukuaji wa biashara ndogo, za kati na makampuni na taasisi
kubwa nchini Tanzania. Yanakupa nafasi ya kushiriki uzoefu na mitazamo yako kwa undani zaidi.
Respond shortly with clarity / Jibu kwa ufupi kwa kueleweka.

1. #Objective 1: Business Management Skills / Lengo 1: Ujuzi wa Usimamizi wa Biashara

i. How creating and maintaining sales, income and expenses reports have affected the growth of the
business / Namna gani kuandaa na kutunza ripoti za mauzo, mapato na matumizi kumeathiri ukuaji
wa biashara yako.

2. #Objective 2: Technology Adoption and Application / Lengo 2: Uchukuzi na Matumizi ya

i. Explain how technology has influenced the marketing entry and operational strategies /
Eleza jinsi teknolojia ilivyoathiri mikakati ya kuingia sokoni na operesheni za kimkakati

3. #Objective 3: Government Policies and Regulations / Lengo 3: Sera na Kanuni za Serikali

i. Explain how government policies give significant impact on the business operations / Eleza jinsi sera
za serikali zilivyotoa athari kwenye operesheni za biashara

4. Mention only three (3) factors, you think that influence the growth of businesses (smaal or big) in
Tanzania / Taja vitu vitatu (3), ambavyo unadhani vinachochea ukuaji wa biashara (ndogo au kubwa)
katika Tanzania.

Masters Degree Research Project: Questionnaire Page 109 of 114

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