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Name ______________________________________________ Class _________ No.

วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ 5 (อ31101)
Subject-Verb agreement exercise 3
1. Either my mother or my father __________ (is / are) coming to the meeting.
2. The man with all the birds __________ (lives / live) on my street.
3. Mathematics __________ (is / are) John's favorite subject, while Civics __________ (is / are) Andy's favorite subject.
4. Somebody __________ (is / are) making a statement and someone else __________ (is / are) not taking it too well.
5. Everyone involved in the accident __________ (have / has) been questioned by the police.
6. The weather in some African countries __________ (is / are) boiling hot in August.
7. The deaf __________ (is / are) not hear at all.
8. A number of Covid-19 cases __________ (have / has) been reported.
9. The number of crimes in New York city __________ (have / has) increased recently.
10. The police _________ (is / are) investigating the matter.
11. The Portuguese _________ (have / has) long been renowned as great mariners.
12. Neither the actors nor the director __________ (is / are) following the lines closely.
13. Almost all of the flour __________ (was / were) used to make a cake.
14. Eight dollars __________ (is / are) the price of a movie these days.
15. There __________ (were / was) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there __________ (is / are) only one left!
16. __________ (Is / Are) the tweezers in this drawer?
17. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, __________ (is / are) in this case.
18. Arabic __________ (is / are) also becoming a popular language to learn in the Western world.
19. In Africa, measles __________ (is / are) still killing children.
20. Some of the people waiting in line __________ (is / are) getting impatient.
21. No one __________ (have / has) finished reading the book yet.
22. Twelve miles __________ (is / are) a long distance to run.
23. Each of the cars in the street __________ (is / are) new.
24. Ted and Lydia __________ (visit / visits) their uncle every weekend.
25. My brothers or my sister __________ (have / has) the key.
26. Romeo and Juliet __________ (is / are) a famous love story.
27. A red and yellow car __________ (is / are) waiting outside.
28. One of the cities she would like to __________ (live / lives) is Toscana.
29. Some of the countries they may have visited __________ (seem / seems) to be Nigeria and Egypt.
30. The mascot, as well as the hockey players, ______________ (volunteer / volunteers) at the school.

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