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School Of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, NUST

ME-115 Engineering Mechanics (Fall 2023)

Name: Muhammad Abdullah Zafar Ghauri CMS: 405642
Section:ME-14 (C) Group: 02

Experiment 2:Calculation of Coefficient of Friction about Inclined Plane

Objectives: The purpose of the very experiment is to determine the value of coefficient of friction
(both static and kinetic) for various materials. It is well pertained that the value of coefficient of
friction is actually between the material and the surface of contact. For the very purpose, HFN1
Friction on an Inclined Steel Plane has been employed. The main goal of the experiment is to
successfully determine the values of coefficient of friction (both for static and kinetic)for following
materials:- Nylon Aluminum, Stainless Steel and Brass.


HFN1 Friction on an Inclined Steel Plane

1. Blocks of different materials (Nylon, Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Brass)

2. Cord (For attaching with block and for successful smooth movement over the pulley attached to

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• Friction:
The force that resists motion when the surface of one object comes in contact with the surface
of another is called friction.
The force that tends to restrict the motion of a body when it comes in contact with the surface is called
▪ It is well-pertained that frictional force acts on a body in the direction opposite to that of

Broader image of frictional force and the other forces co-existing with it
Generally, the frictional force is given by the following formula: -
Where F is the Frictional force, N is the Normal force which acts opposite to the weight of body and μ
is the coefficient of friction (which can be both static as well as kinetic).

• Types of Friction:
There are two types of frictions: -
1. Static Friction
2. Kinetic Friction

• Static Friction:
The friction experienced when a stationary object on a surface is compelled to move,
without actually causing any relative motion between the body and the surface on which it is placed is called
static friction.
The formula for Static Friction may be written as follows: -

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Here, μS is called the Coefficient of Static Friction and it bears no unit, for it is the ratio of two similar

If the angle of inclination is given, the coefficient of friction (both for static and kinetic friction) can be
calculated by taking the tangent of value of the angle θ and vice versa.


• Kinetic Friction:
Kinetic friction is defined as a force that acts between moving surfaces is
called Kinetic Friction.
The formula for Kinetic Friction may be written as follows: -
Here, μk is called the Coefficient of Kinetic Friction and it bears no unit, for it is the ratio of two similar

The values of μS and μk are independent of the area of contact of surfaces, while their values are only
dependent to the type of material.
• Merits and Demerits of Friction:
o Merits of Friction:

1. Friction is responsible for the movement of different bodies and surfaces.

2. Responsible for interconversion of energy into different forms
3. Friction helps to produce breaking effect in surfaces, as it basically tends to restrict the motion.
o Demerits of Friction:
1. Friction produces heat which damages the moving parts of a machine.
2. Friction produces wear and tear on the contacting surfaces. This reduces the life of machines,
tires and shoe soles.
3. A lot of energy is wasted due to friction to overcome it before the movement.

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1. First of all, let the apparatus be successfully set up. It should be ensured that the surface is
smooth, as the presence of any impurity shall disturb the accuracy of reading.
2. Adjust the apparatus at 0ͦ angle such that the plane is perfectly parallel.
3. Take a block of material, for whom the coefficients of static and kinetic friction are to be
determined. Tie a cord to a hole drilled in block and make it move over the frictionless pulley.
The angle can be adjusted by the knob attached.
4. When the block begins to move slightly, it shall yield the angle whose tangent inverse shall
give the value of coefficient of static friction.
5. In order to determine the value of coefficient of kinetic friction, let the knob further be rotated.
When the block completely slides of the frictionless pulley, the given angle, upon application
of inverse tangent function shall give the value of coefficient of kinetic friction.
6. Let the procedure be repeated at least four times for each material and hence the values be

Readings and Calculations:

Angle when the block Coefficient of Static Angle when the block Coefficient of Kinetic
slightly moves (θs) Friction (μs) completely slides off Friction (μk)
μs=tan(θs) (θk) μk=tan(θk)
15ͦ 0.267 26ͦ 0.487
16ͦ 0.286 27ͦ 0.509
17ͦ 0.305 26ͦ 0.487
15ͦ 0.267 28ͦ 0.531
Mean Value of coefficient of Static Friction= μs=0.281
Mean Value of Coefficient of Kinetic Friction = μk=0.503
Angle when the block Coefficient of Static Angle when the block Coefficient of Kinetic
slightly moves (θs) Friction (μs) completely slides off Friction (μk)
μs=tan(θs) (θk) μk=tan(θk)
12ͦ 0.212 16ͦ 0.286
13ͦ 0.230 17ͦ 0.305
13ͦ 0.230 16ͦ 0.286
14ͦ 0.249 18ͦ 0.324

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Mean Value of coefficient of Static Friction= μs=0.230
Mean Value of Coefficient of Kinetic Friction = μk=0.300
Angle when the block Coefficient of Static Angle when the block Coefficient of Kinetic
slightly moves (θs) Friction (μs) completely slides off Friction (μk)
μs=tan(θs) (θk) μk=tan(θk)
11ͦ 0.194 20ͦ 0.363
12ͦ 0.212 21ͦ 0.383
12ͦ 0.212 22ͦ 0.404
13ͦ 0.230 21ͦ 0.383

Mean Value of coefficient of Static Friction= μs=0.212

Mean Value of Coefficient of Kinetic Friction = μk=0.383
Angle when the block Coefficient of Static Angle when the block Coefficient of Kinetic
slightly moves (θs) Friction (μs) completely slides off Friction (μk)
μs=tan(θs) (θk) μk=tan(θk)
11ͦ 0.194 15ͦ 0.267
12ͦ 0.212 16ͦ 0.286
12ͦ 0.212 17ͦ 0.305
10ͦ 0.176 15ͦ 0.267

Mean Value of coefficient of Static Friction= μs=0.198

Mean Value of Coefficient of Kinetic Friction = μk=0.276

Results and Discussion:

• It is being kept in place that different materials have their own specific value of
coefficient of friction. What we did in our experiment was that we took some sample
materials (like Nylon, Aluminum, Brass and Stainless Steel) and we had them slid over
the inclined plane to yield values of coefficient of friction (both static and kinetic)
• As per the theory discussion, normal force acts on a body in direction opposite to the
weight of body, so we reached to a conclusion that the normal force acting on a body is
equivalent to the weight of body.
• We performed several tests using different materials (as per the calculation tables shown
above) and we observed minute variations in the values (which may seem quite

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• However, the inclined steel plane was subject to corrosion and wear and tear, hence the
values obtained were observed to be crude at some extent. However, it is an
instrumental error and has nothing to do with personal behest.


• By the following experiment, it was successfully concluded that the frictional force that
acts on a body being in contact with surface is directly proportional to the normal force
acting upon it. (Where the normal force is opposite in direction to weight of body).
• The value of μ is independent of the normal force acting on the body. Rather it is
specific for a particular body being in contact with some surface.
• The coefficient of friction is actually a unitless quantity, as a matter of fact it is the ratio
of two similar quantities. One may calculate its value by taking inverse tangent of angle
upon which the force of friction acts and vice versa.

• Fk < Fs because μk < μs. This is due to static friction acts when the body is at rest. and
there is much more intermolecular attraction between the object and the surface for a
long time which is required to be overcome first. Whereas in kinetic friction one object
is in a moving condition.
• · The object remains at rest until the weight component mg sin(θ) exceeds the limiting
friction force (Fs max). After that, the object starts its motion overcoming Fk, which is
smaller than the limiting friction force (Fs max).

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