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PRIMAVERA ENTERPRISE FOR ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION sti, O. RESOURCES, ROLES AND COSTS () RESOURCI 5 “Completing a project requires resources: people, materials, equipment, and so on. By assigning resources t0 activities, you can determine the number of people you will need and when they will be needed. the materials you will require and when they should be delivered, and the amount of money the resources will cost. Resources are different from expenses. While some resource are time-based and generally extend across multiple activities and projects. Expenses are one time expenditure for non reusable items required by activities. ‘One can develop a resource plan that integrates resources, costs and the schedule so one can effectively control projects, enue e | eee EET KOA (er aod GEORGE ah Bow NES MATHEW eter ecawa SKMISHRA Lew aoe VAS BANSAL Later ava DESHPANDE late 8a CRANE [ie aces [oes [ites Coton i STROARDS DAY Ca tat i Te 1 Tae | FF AdoCeecte acts = Clue costs roms Proprietary and Confidential a % Knowledge Company LEAL E GS Res S wr Ce Gi) ADDING RESOURCES ~ }) To create resource dictionary click on Enterprise/Resources, 2) Create a resource poo! for NEOTECH LIMLTED by elicking ADD menu, 3) Add the following resources under NEOTECH LIMITED resource pool. 4) To add the resource click on ADD option. 9°). Give Resource ID and in the detail tab select the resource classilication, Pie supports 3 type of source classifications, namely Labor, Non-Labor and Material resource 9) Click on Units & Prices tab and give the resource availability and the Price 1 ime Class Exercis “i Max Resource ID | Resource Name Resource Type | Units/Time ¢ ease Vineet Kumar Labor 8 MG [M. George Labor 8 IM James Mathew Labor 8 SKM) S.K Mishra Labor 8 ve Vikas Bansal Labor é a Deshpande Labor 8 cR Crane Non-iabour i ce Cement [Material - Default Units/Time = sia Unit of Measure for ‘Cemeaet™ resource is Bags” Roles are project personnel job titles or skills, for example project planner, quality assurance tester, and e' wer ete. They represent a type of resource witha certain level of proficieney ‘ather than a specific individual. Roles can also be assigned to specific resources to further identify that resource’s skills {iv) ASSIGN RATES TO ROLES ‘The ability to assign rates on roles isa way to store a price with a role to make planning a project ‘asier. This allows rates tobe assigned to specific roles. ‘These rates will then be used for Calculating costs when roles are assigned to activities, These rates are used instead of the project {evel setting or ‘prices for assignments without resources? ‘When the plan is finalized, roles can be replaced with resources, based on each activity’s role and skill requirement. To create resource dictionary click on Enterprise/Roles. Proprietary and Confides Wr ‘A Knowledge Company ie : | : ' PRIMAVERA ENTERPRISE FOR ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION Class Exercise to assign roles to resources: [RotetD | Rote Name [ Resource Name [CIVENG | Civil Engineer neet Kumar [arc Fanaa PROENG _ | Process Engineer [James Mathew PIPENG _| Piping Engineer S.K Mishra ELEENG | Electrical Engineer ‘Vikas Bansal Instrumentation Engineer | ENSENG Deshpande Project Controls AdninOlerinal Engineers Inspectors Comporste Rees t Accouting LH 8? Tredes Trades Resources: Proprictary and Confidential @ A Knowledge Company PRIMAVERA ENTERPRISE FOR ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION si, 6) ASSIGNING ROLES & RESOURCES TO ACTIVITIES 1) Select the activity to which resource is to be assigned, 2) Activate the activity details and click on Resources tab and assign the resource by clicking on “Add by resource “option 3) Allocate the number of resource units required to complete the activity as Budgeted Units, 2) By default P3e will assume Budgeted units for a resource as the product of unit/day and OD. 3) Budgeted Quantity (BQ)= Units/Time period * Original Duration (OD) §) View the resource profile by activating View/Show On Bottom/Resource Usage Profile menu or same can be activated from the toolbars shown in the layout. 2) Configure the time scale and check the resources for over allocation, 8) Resource over-allocation will be shown for each of he resource assigned to the activity. 9) Resource usage can also be seen in a spreadsheet format by activating Resource c isage Sprea EGARC2) ARCH DWG FOR RAW i ATF STE i EGARCHD ARCH OWS FOR | FINISHED. 1) STNAF Ha] este [ett Wess [Eee | Fiikeore| AdiRue | GBAssintytoe, FH Reno Proprietary and Confidential 5 ‘A Kaowledge Company t @ © oS, @ vuvuvve wa GG @ @ & Ge v a yo wo oe vwvoa’? ‘2 4 ww 2 » 2 3 > 9 > > 2 3 3 3 4 3 2 2 ? 2 3 2 9 a a ae vwe Co Lu “ PRIMAVERA ENTERERISE FOR ENGINEE ND CONSTRUCTION Class Exercise: Activity ID |Aetivity Description pate eee ee . [EGGEN20 [Basie engineering package 4 ye 7] ay EGGEN30 [Soil investigation & contour survey i See EGGENAC |Design basis 2 VK 176 EGGENS0 [Plot plan 3 VK 40 EGGENGO [Architectural schem 2 VK 176 EGGEN70 [Civil tender 2 VK 176 EGGENSO [Float tender & finalize contractor 44 VK 352 EGARC10 [Main production hall 44 MG 352 \ EGARC20 [Raw material store 33 MG 264 1 EGARC30 [Finished good store 2 MG 176 | i MG 528 1 EGARC4O [Utility buildings fe cR 528 cE 25 ee VK 352 EGCIV10 |Main production hall cR 352, | ies cE 25 | 4a Me EGCIV20 |Raw material store cR 352 | az 30 | EGCIV30 [Finished good store 2 VK 176 i EGCIV40 [Utility building, 66 VK | 528 EGPROIO [Utility P&ID's ( Air, water. oil ete) 66 IM 328 { EGPRO20 [Line list / valve list 66 IM 528 j EGPRO3O [Process data sheets 7 iM 616 EGPIPO10 [Process equipment layout a4 SKM | 352 EGPIPO20 |Eqpt. layout - compressors 2 SKM | 176 EGPIPO30 [Eqpt. fayout - Pumps/cooling towers 2 skm_ | 176 EGPIPOsO |Egpt. layout - Boilers 2 SKM | EGPIPOSO |Eqpt. layout - process/lube/fuel oil 2 SKM | 176 EGPIPO60 [Piping layout - Compressor house 2 SKM | 176 EGPIPO70 [Piping layout - Pump house/cooling tower 2 skm_| 176 EGPIP080 [Piping layout - Boiter house 2 SKM | _176 EGPIP090 [Piping layout - Oil tank farm 2 skm | 176 | | EGPIP100 [Piping layout - Yard piping 2 SKM. HO) | at ean eure aers including a Seenmnentg5>| | Proprietary and Confident a T Knowledge Company pRIMAVERA ENTERPRISE FOR ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION EGPIP120 [Finalize erection contractor SKM | EGELELO [Sinsle line dingrams vB jectrical equipment specs ve iElcctvieal installation - Tender jectrical installation - Finalize contractor INS10_ jinstrument specs/schedule for indigenaw GINS20 insirwmentation installation - Tender EGINS30_ [Instrumentation installation = 1) After defining and as od Resoaree Units per day = In the resource usage profile, depending upon the time scale unit chosen. 3) To view Resource Usage profile, activate View/Show On Bottom/Resource Usage the relevant tool bar from the activities layout ilar resource 10 view the resource histogram e Profile menu or click on 4 In the Resource Profile, click on a particu t of resource against availability, lability limit, then such resource is termed as over- loaded resource and ¢ is shown with red color on the resource histogram. In order to get rid of the over-all availability or level the resource. $) Inthe example all the resources except 4 Resource profile displays the requirement Ifrequirement of resource exceeds its aval the over allocation of resotre Finalize contractor jing resources 19 activities, Quantity of resource required to complete the activity ‘ccifying the Budgeted Quantity (BQ). P3 resources based on the following formula Budgeted Quantity / Original Duration P3e will show the req location in a resource, users should users need to specify the Budgeted e will calculate the per day requires wuirement of resources against availabil either inerease the Instrumentation Engineer” are overloaded, dat FTSL STS Leese SS bebo do aaded Proprietary and Confidential Knowledge Company Sen 06 ® Knowledge Company hig Aug 22 7% ‘AglS ser fat P PRIMAVERA ENTERPRISE FOR ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION Propriciary and Confidential es st A Ronis Comper PRIMAVERA ENTERPRISE FOR ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION g sl 5 3 c g Proprietary and Confidential Bn anwege CR Ferree er

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