FinalExam Querubin

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Final Examination



Submitted By:

QUERUBIN, Rhenadel Rose B.

Submitted To:
Engr. Lizel Rose Q. Natividad

Date of Submission
March 8, 2024
The student will create a reaction paper based on their learnings in the
attended webinar entitled "Introduction to MS Learn".

The webinar is entitled Introduction to MS Learn and the guest speaker is Mr. Emmanuel
Malaay. As a tourism student, I am continually astounded by the world's interconnection,
which has been propelled by technological improvements. In an era when technology
appears to control every part of our lives, it is critical to recognize its critical role in
influencing not just our daily routines but also our career trajectories.
The quote, "The only way to keep up with technology is to embrace it," resonates deep
with me when I consider how technology has transformed the travel business and offered
up a world of possibilities. Before, the idea of going to foreign countries seemed like a
faraway dream. However, with the advancement of technology, the globe has become
more accessible than ever. Technology has changed the way we experience and interact
with the world around us, from booking flights and hotels to discovering new locations
through virtual reality. Furthermore, the effect of technology extends well beyond tourism,
affecting every aspect of work and expertise. Whether in healthcare, banking, or
education, technology has become a driving force for innovation and advancement. As a
result, prospective professionals in any business must adapt and embrace technology
innovations to remain relevant in an ever-changing market.
This is when the tool Microsoft Learn come in handy. Microsoft Learn provides
comprehensive training and materials, allowing students to lay a firm foundation of skills
that are not only necessary for success in the tourist business but also transferable across
several industries. From mastering digital marketing techniques as a Digital Marketing
Manager to analyzing customer experiences as a Customer Experience Analyst, from
delving into travel data as a Travel Data Analyst to optimizing revenue streams as a
Revenue Management Analyst, Microsoft Learn provides students with the tools they
need to thrive in a technology-driven world.
The presentation made me feel excited and optimistic. Hearing about the numerous
options that technology provides for students in the tourism and hospitality industries
made me excited for the future. I was encouraged to go deeper into the realm of
technology and see how it may improve my abilities and employment opportunities.
In terms of shifting my perspective, the presentation helped me grasp the significance
that technology plays in developing the tourist sector. Previously, I saw technology solely
as a tool for booking hotels or arranging vacations. However, learning about employment
responsibilities such as digital marketing managers, customer experience analysts, and
travel data analysts demonstrated the numerous ways in which technology is intertwined
into every area of the company. This insight has inspired me to completely embrace
technology and see its potential to transform how we approach tourism and hospitality.
As a tourism student, I understand the value of adopting technology as a method of paving
the way for a brighter future. I am convinced that by adopting platforms such as Microsoft
Learn and remaining current with the newest technology developments, I will be able to
establish a successful career in the dynamic and ever-changing world of tourism. After
all, in a world dominated by technology, the only way to keep up is to embrace it.


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