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INSTRUCTION: Each item in this section consists of statements or passages followed by several possible
assumptions/conclusion. Assume that all true, then, determine the best assumption/conclusion that can
be logically made from the given statements or passages.

1. Mitch is probably a pianist. She can really stretch her hand and fingers.

a. Only people with big hands and long fingers can be pianist.
b. Playing the piano helps Mitch stretch her hands and fingers
c. Stretched fingers is an edge of a pianist
d. Stretching helps pianist perform
e. A long stretch enables to read more, keep in the piano

2. Chris is a responsible man, he takes good care of his family.

a. Taking good care of the family is the responsibility of men

b. Responsible men take good care of their families
c. The family is responsible for taking care of men
d. A good family produces responsible men
e. A responsible person has a good family

3. All flowers are fragrant. Some flowers are brightly colored. The gumamela is a kind of flower, the
sabila is not a kind of flower.

a. Some brightly colored flowers are fragrant

b. The sabila is not brightly colored
c. The sabila is not fragrant
d. The gumamela is brightly colored
e. The gumamela is fragrant

4. If fishes cannot breed, they will die. Coral reefs are the only breeding places of fishes. All coral reefs
will be destroyed by 20 years from now.

a. Now species of fishes will appear

b. A coral reefs will form in the deepest sea
c. Seas and oceans will have higher contact
d. Fishes will be very expensive
e. Fishes will cease to exist

5. "If you're smart, then why aren't you rich?"

a. To become rich requires intelligence

b. To become rich is difficult
c. Only the rich are smart
d. Only smart are rich
e. All rich people are smart
6. Classical opera is not for me. I am not the old fashion type.

a. I have never listened to classical opera

b. Old-fashioned types are too limited in their tastes
c. Classical opera appeals to old-fashioned type
d. Classical opera is old-fashioned
e. Classical opera is not stimulating enough

7. In order to improve our administration process and get better students, we have decided to include
an interview of the applicants as an admission criterion.

a. An interview of the applicants will ensure the student's success in school

b. An interview of the applicants will draw better students
c. An interview of the applicants will be too time consuming
d. Current admission procedures are greatly inadequate
e. Current admission updated criteria need to be

8. Four competing basketball teams play at the town plaza every Saturday from 2 pm to 8pm. The games
are scheduled in such a way that only the winning teams continue to play until the champion is
proclaimed after the final game. Many avid basketball fans stay throughout the four games.

a. The winning team could have not continued playing throughout the four games
b. The four games are not played one after the other
c. The total number of games is not four
d. Basketball does not have avid fans
e. The champion is not proclaimed right away

9. Narcotics are dangerous since their effects include extensive brain damage.

a. Brain damage is a cause of narcotics

b. All substance abuse lead to brain damage
c. Extensive brain damage is a sign of drug abuse
d. Anything that causes extensive brain damage is dangerous
e. Narcotics should be banned

10. Going beyond the speed limit is foolhardy since it puts people's lives at risk

a. Foolhardy people should not be allowed to drive

b. Only the foolhardy put the lives of people at risk
c. The lives of people are precious
d. Putting the lives of people at risk is necessary at times
e. Putting the lives of people at risk is foolhardy

11. John is not qualified to run for public office. He is an honest person.
a. Running for public office is an easy task
b. Only dishonest people are qualified to run for public office
c. The qualifications for running for public office are unreasonable
d. Unqualified honest persons run for public office
e. Not enough honest persons run for public office

12. Nuclear power must be forbidden because wastes from nuclear reactors are highly fatal to life and
unfriendly to the environment.

a. Nuclear scientist have not exerted enough effort to control and safely dispose of wastes from nuclear
b. Wastes from nuclear reactors can be disposed of safely and efficiently
c. Measures taken to control and dispose of wastes from nuclear reactors have been fruitless
d. Today's technology cannot effectively reduce the harmful effects of nuclear waste disposal
e. Anything that has ill-effects on the ecosystem must be prohibited

13. If Mark seems stronger than Luis, then Luis must really be very weak.

a. Mark is weak
b. Mark is strong
c. Both Mark and Luis competed in a contest of strength
d. Luis is pretending to be weak
e. Luis considers himself strong

14. "Wise men learn by other men's mistakes; fools by their own." What does this quotation imply?

a. Mistakes can never be avoided

b. Experience is a dear teacher
c. Fools commit more mistakes than the wise
d. We learn to do by doing
e. All men make mistakes

15. All games of chance are prohibited. Lotto is a game of chance. Poker is not a game of 93 chance.

a. Game cards are prohibited

b. Game cards are not game of chance
c. Lotto is prohibited
d. Jueteng is a game of chance
e. Jueteng is not prohibited

16. All flowers are fragant. Some flowers are brightly colored. Gumamela is a kind of flower. Sabila is not
a kind of flower.

a. Some brightly-colored flowers are fragrant

b. Sabila is not brightly-colored
c. Sabila is not fragrant
d. Gumamela is brightly-colored
e. Gumamela is fragrant

17. Artists are never ham-handed. All artists are inquisitive. Joey is not ham-handed. Judith is not
a. Joey is an artist
b. Joey is not an artist
c. Judith is an artist
d. Judith is not an artist
e. Inquisitive people are not ham-handed

18. Cross-country marathon is a popular event. Popular sports events are not televised. Triathlon is a
popular sports event. Some are not properly cross-country supervised

a. Some cross-country marathons are televised

b. Triathlon is televised
c. Triathlon is not televised
d. Triathlon is properly supervised
e. Triathlon is not properly supervised

19. There are fewer juvenile delinquents in communities where the youth participate actively in
different socio-civic and religious clubs. Barangay Trece has a number of youth clubs.

a. Barangay Trece has fewer juvenile delinquents than other barangays out
b. Parents in Barangay Trece exert great efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency
c. Municipal officials encourage organization of youth clubs
d. All young people in Barangay Trece are members of at least two youth clubs
e. Community development workers in Barangay Trece give training in organizing youth clubs

20. Styrofoam releases a chemical that destroys the ozone layer. The container that Alou uses is not
harmful to the ozone layer.

a. Alou has found a way to prevent Styrofoam from releasing chemicals into the air
b. Alou uses containers that are not made of Styrofoam
c. Alou uses a high-quality Styrofoam as a container
d. Styrofoam, when used as a container, does not release harmful chemicals into the air
e. Styrofoam can be used in making durable container

21. Foods rich in fat are rich in cholesterol. Some types of cholesterol are bad for the heart. Chicken skin
in rich in fat.

a. Foods rich in cholesterol are rich in fat

b. Foods rich in fat are bad for the heart
c. Chicken skin is not bad for the heart
d. Chicken skin is bad for the heart
e. Chicken skin is rich in cholesterol

22. People who love the Philippines believe that their children must be taught everything by the Filipino
language. School administrators mandate that English be the language of instruction for Science and

a. School administrators believe we can learn Science and Math better in English
b. School administrators do not love the Philippines
c. School administrators are pressured by the parent to teach in English
d. Children understand Science and Math better in English
e. Children do not love the Philippines

23. People need guns for security. Students in the police while on campus. Alex is a student of university
are protected by the university

a. Alex wants to carry a gun on campus but it is prohibited

b. Alex does not need to carry a gun on campus
c. Alex need a gun to protect him
d. Alex had a gun but discarded it when he entered the university
e. Guns cause violence on campus

24. All of my friends believe in marriage. Brenda is a new friend. She lives with an officemate in an
apartment downtown.

a. Her housemates are most likely a good friend

b. Brenda believes in marriage
c. Brenda is not married yet
d. She is living-in with her boyfriend
e. She need a companion in the city

25. All illusions and deceptions are believable. This news report is not believable. This annual report is
believable. Some illusions and deceptions are amusing.

a. This annual report is amusing

b. This annual report is an illusion and deception
c. This news report is not true
d. This news report is amusing
e. This news report is not an illusion or a deception

26. All diamonds are elegant. Some pearls are not elegant. The Black Heart is a pearl. The heart of the
Deep is not elegant.

a. The Black Heart is elegant

b. The Black Heart is not elegant
c. The Heart of the Deep is a pearl
d. The Heart of the Deep is not a diamond
e. Diamonds are more expensive than pearls

27. Some computer programmers are people are nearsighted. All nearsighted people are inefficient
worker. workers. Veronica is an Lourdes is a computer programmer.

a. Veronica is nearsighted
b. Lourdes is an inefficient worker
c. Some computer programmers are inefficient workers
d. All computer programmers are inefficient workers
e. All inefficient workers are nearsighted

28. Some managers are not analytical. All managers are ruthless. David is ruthless.

a. All ruthless people are analytical

b. Not all analytical managers are ruthless
c. Some ruthless managers are not analytical
d. David is analytical but is not a manager
e. David is a manager but is not analytical

29. Submitting a good term paper is a necessary condition for passing the course.

a. Mariel did not pass the course, hence, she had not submitted a good term paper
b. Mariel had submitted a good term paper, hence, she passed the course
c. Mariel passed the course, hence, she had submitted a good term paper
d. Either Mariel does not submit a good term paper or she passed the course
e. Either Mariel submits a good term paper or she does not pass the course

30. If fishes cannot breed, they will die. Coral reefs are the only breeding places of fishes. All coral reefs
will be destroyed by humans twenty years from now.

a. New species of fishes will appear

b. Coral reefs will form in the deepest sea
c. Seas and oceans will have higher content
d. Fishes will be very expensive
e. Fishes will cease to exist

31. From the extensive data gathered in the Philippines for the period 1990-1995, there are indications
that some rivers are still relatively clean, particularly in Mindanao.

a. Not all rivers in the Philippines are polluted

b. The overall deteriorated
c. Rivers in the Philippines are polluted
d. Rivers in Luzon and Visayas are unsafe for fishery and recreational purposes
e. Philippine rivers could no longer sustain life

32. All detectives are scientific persons. All inventors are creative persons. Farrel is a scientific person.
Christopher is not a creative person.

a. Farrel is not a detective

b. Farrel is a detective
c. Christopher is not an inventor
d. Christian is an inventor
e. Christian is also a scientific person
33. Claudia will go to the party if her mother will permit her. Tony will go to the party if Claudia will go to
the party. Claudia is permitted by her mother to go to the party.

a. Tony will go to the party if Claudia's mother will not permit him to accompany Claudia to the party
b. Tony will go to the party
c. Claudia will not go to the party
d. Claudia will go to the party if Tony will go to the party
e. All of the above

34.If all fruit-bearing plants are flowering plants, and all flowering plants attract insects.
a. Some fruit-bearing plants do not attract insects
b. All flowering plants are fruit-bearing
c. Some flowering plants are fruit-bearing
d. If a plant attracts insects, then it is fruit bearing
e. All fruit-bearing plants attract insects

35. If you pay your taxes, then more roads are built. If more roads are built, then all farmers will be self-

a. Roads are built for the farmers

b. If you pay your taxes, then more farmers will be self-reliant
c. If Mang Nardo is a farmer, then he is self-reliant
d. If more farmers are self-reliant, then you pay your taxes
e. If taxes collected are below target, then infrastructure projects will be lesser.

36. Subscribing to Cable TV is luxury. All luxuries are needles expenditures. Having a cellular phone is not
a luxury. Dining in a five-star hotel is a needless expenditure.

a. Having a cellular phone is not a needles expenditure

b. Subscribing a Cable TV is not a needles expenditure
c. Subscribing a Cable TV is a needles expenditure
d. Dining in a five-star hotel is not a luxury
e. Dining in a five-star hotel is a luxury

37. Viron is taller than Xaphron but shorter than Yael and Zach. Walter is shorter than Yael but taller
than Zach. Arrange all five in a row according to height with the shortest at the left and tallest at the
right. What is the correct order of their arrangement from left to right?

a. Yael, Zach, Viron, Walter, Xaphron

b. Walter, Yael, Zach, Xaphron, Viron
c. Xaphron, Zach, Viron, Walter, Yael
d. Xaphron, Viron, Zach, Walter, Yael
e. Walter, Yael, Zach, Viron, Xaphrony
38. Aldrine has more experience in personnel work than Erik, Oscar less than Ivan but more than
Aldrine, and Erik more than Ulysses but less than Oscar. Among the five, who has the most experience in
personnel work?

a. Aldrine
b. Erik
c. Ivan
d. Oscar
e. Ulysses

39. A to H are persons compared according to their age and speed at which they finished a certain job. A
is older than B and faster than C. D is younger than E, older than C, and slower than F. G is older than H,
younger than C, slower than H, and faster than F. H is older than A, slower than C. Based on the
preceding statements, which of the following is true?

a. H is older than B and faster than A

b. G is older than E and slower than A
c. D is the eldest and slowest
d. C is younger than D and faster than H is the second oldest and the third
e. A is the second oldest and the third fastest

40. Anthony is older than Bernie. younger than Bernie. Chan's age is between that of Dolores and
Bernie. Anthony is younger than Eric. Who is the youngest among the five?

a. Bernie
b. Anthony
c. Eric
d. Dolores
e. Chan

41. Mark, Ben, Alex, and Alex, and Carlo have surnames Frias, Moreno, Pacis, and Reyes but not
respectively. Mark is taller than Alex and Carlo. Mr. Moreno is the tallest of the four. Mr. Frias is taller
than Mr. Reyes but shorter than Mr. Pacis. Also, Carlo is taller than Alex and Ben. What is the full name
of the second tallest man?

a. Mark Pacis
b. Alex Moreno
c. Ben Reyes
d. Carlo Frias
e. Carlo Pacis

42. Points A, B, C, and D are arranged in a line in such a way that B is between C and D, and A is between
B and D. If A precedes C, in what order are they?

a. A-D-C-B
b. B-D-C-A
c. D-B-C-A
d. D-A-B-C
e. A-B-C-D

43. Points E, F, G, and I are arranged in a line in such a way that F is between G and I, and E is between F
and I. If E precedes G, in what order are they?

a. E-F-G-I
b. I-G-F-E
C. F-I-G-E.
d. I-E-F-G
e. E-I-G-F

44. If all the odd numbered letters in the English alphabet were to be crossed out, what is the 10th letter
NOT crossed out?
a. U
b. S
c. R
d. Q
e. T

45. If the first and fourteenth letters of the English alphabet were interchanged, also, the second and
fifteenth, the third and sixteenth, and so on until all letters have been interchanged once. What letter
would be the eighteenth letter of the series?

a. F
b. S
c. D
d. E
e. H

46. An employment agency has 50 prospective employees to hire for various jobs. Of these 50, seven are
considered to be poor employment risks, since, among the seven, five are lazy while four have poor
health. At least how many are both lazy and have poor health?

a. Two
b. Four
c. Five,
d. Six
e. Seven

47. In an election, three candidates A, B, and C vied for the same office. The final counting showed that
A garnered 1/3 of the votes while B received more votes than C. Everyone voted for exactly one
candidate. What is their branking from first to last?

a. A-B-C
b. B-A-C
C. B-C-A
d. A-C-B
e. C-B-A

48. Lita, Joy, and Hermes are standing in a line. Lita and Joy are 8 ft. away from each other while Lita and
Hermes are 12 ft. away. If Joy and Hermes are 20 ft. away from each other. Which of the following
statement is true?

a. Hermes is 5 ft. away from Lita and Joy

b. Hermes is between Joy and Lita
c. Lita is between Joy and Hermes
d. Joy is between Lita and Hermes
e. The information is insufficient to describe their arrangement

49. Of the three brother; Emil, Bobby and Ed, one is a lawyer, an engineer, and a doctor, not necessarily
in that order. Emil does not know the meaning of the word "litigant". Bobby has not seen a "drawing
board" while Ed does not know how to use a "stethoscope". Their neighbor, Mr. Santos, is a patient of
Bobby. Who is the engineer?

a. Bobby
b. Either Bobby or Ed
c. Either Emil or Ed
d. Emil
e. Ed

50. A, B, C, D, and E are kinds of insects that destroy the crops of crops of a particular region. Insect A
destroys C, D, and E. Insect B destroys C, D, and E. Insect C destroys A and B. Insects D and E destroy
each other. Of the five kinds of insects, which one is the most useful in exterminating the other insects?

a. B
b. E
C. A
d. C
e. D

51. Three neighborhood dogs A, B, and C barked consistently last night. They all began barking at 11:00
p.m. Then A barked every 4 minutes, B every 2 minutes, and C every 5 minutes. Mr. Santos was suddenly
awakened at 11:30 p.m. Which dogs were barking?

a. A, B, and C
b. A and B
c. A and C
d. B and C
e. None
52. There are ten students in a room. In how many ways can they shake hands each other once?

a. 100
b. 9
c. 10
d. 90
e. 45

53. A farmer planted four rows of citrus according to height. The middle row averaged 2 feet in height.
The second statement is wrong because

a. Citrus plants are less than 2 feet

b. There is no middle row
c. The plants are not of the same height
d. The average height of any row cannot be determined
e. The number of plants in each row is not given

54. A young man replanted a dozen of grape seedlings in seven by twenty feet plot under a newly
constructed trellis. Not knowing that his seedlings were of the high-breed high yielding variety, he was
surprised to see the trees teeming with grapes ready for harvesting year after he replanted them. The
final statement is invalid because

a. Trees bear fruits every year

b. Seedlings of trees do not bear fruits
c. Grapes do not grow on trees
d. Grapes do not have high yielding varieties
e. There are no high-breed varieties of grapes

55. In a survey of 20 laundry women, 18 of them used Brand X detergent soap while 12of them used
Brand Y soap. Which of the following is true?

a. Eight laundry women used both brands

b. A laundry woman uses one and only brand of detergent soap
c. Ten laundry women used both brands
d. Brand X is better than Brand Y
e. The data given is erroneous since 18 and 12 is not equal to 20

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