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Discovery Lessons Level 4

Senior Pastor |Author
Metropolitan Bible Baptist Ekklesia and International Ministries

-All Rights Reserved 2020-


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1st Edition August 2020

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I. Preface

II. Lesson 1: The Just Shall Live By Faith

III. Lesson 2: The Faith That Convinces

IV. Lesson 3: The Attitude of Faith

V. Lesson 4: The Faith That Gives

VI. Lesson 5: The Challenge to a Life of Faith

VII. Lesson 6: Striving Together for the Faith of the Gospel

VIII. Lesson 7: The Better Things of Hebrews

IX. Faith is the Victory by John H. Yates

X. Acknowledgment

With all that is going on in the world right now, it is easy to lose sight of what is right and
important. The harshest circumstances will eventually weaken the resolve, and break the spirit of
the average man. Fear is the anti-thesis of faith, as they say, and so we get scared of things that
we cannot control and understand. We are easily tempted to give up and withdraw from the race
that is set before us, cowering in the face of this invisible enemy that brought the world down to
its knees.

But we have a God that is greater than all. So, if we do not stand on solid ground in these
difficult times, we will surely fall for anything. Men of faith, quite a few of the noteworthy kind,
measured up to God’s standards. We know that He gives FAITH to man as an unconditional gift.
If a true believer got saved through faith, he should therefore live his life until he draws his last
breath on earth by faith.

FAITH as defined by Hebrews 11:1 is not simply believing His name as some talisman or
magic wand that we use to get what we want. It is something that is intangible yet so strong that
even if it were the size of a mustard seed, it can move mountains! Is faith in the very core of our
lives? Can we say that we fully trust God for Who He is, and that He is able to do everything that
He has promised? Truly, He is able and will perform each and every one of the more than 7,000
promises He made to men, recorded in the very pages of His eternal Word.

It is, therefore, how man exercises his faith and lives it the way Abel did; as Moses, Noah,
Abraham, Job and all those men of faith were put up against trials and testing that they overcame
because of a common denominator: they trusted God for everything. They were not in the gallery
of faith for nothing!

Ask yourself: “Do I have the faith that moves God to work in ways that I could not even
imagine?” If your faith has not been tested in such a manner that you have not yet experienced
His reality in your life, I pray that God, in His perfect time, would make you “GROW through what
you will GO through.”

May your journey of faith be one that draws you closer to God as we eagerly await His
return that no matter how tough the going will be, you will never waver and continue to serve God
– “Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet BELIEVING, ye
rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation
of your souls” (1 Peter 1:8-9).

Your Pastor and father in the faith,


Lesson 1 |Romans 1:17-32 KJV

Scripture Text

Romans 1:17-32 King James Version (KJV)

17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written,
The just shall live by faith.
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness
of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them;
for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being
understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead;
so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God,
neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations,
and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible
man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to
dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than
the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the
natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one
toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves
that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a
reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness;
full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things,
disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection,
implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of
death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Apostle Paul championed the doctrines of faith and grace that in all his epistles he would
emphasize them and compel believers to understand that their new life in Christ begins and ends
in faith as revealed through the Word of God. He taught that believers of all generations possess
in them faith that justifies them, moves them to progress in their new life in Christ and makes
them persevere until the Lord Jesus comes again. And he proved in his own life that he lived by
the faith of the Son of God, who loved him and died for him (Gal. 2:20).

A. Hebrews 11:1 gives us the definition of faith and what it constitutes:

1. Confidence – “substance of things hoped for,” a belief that is real and true based on the
Word of God. Confidence is being solidly certain about God and His Word. It is resting our lives
upon Christ, what He has done for us and what He would still accomplish for and through us.

2. Conviction – “evidence of things not seen.” A proof by which a thing is proven and tested;
not proven by the things we just see but proven by the truthfulness of God’s Word. Our faith is
neither a religious conviction nor a political conviction. It is Biblical faith that cannot be fully
expressed in words but can be proven and seen by good works that are glorifying to the Lord
(James 2:18). It is God who can only give us this heavenly conviction that determines and guides
all our thoughts and actions, producing in us the character of the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:29).
And for all the believers who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and committed to live for the
Gospel, the Lord had this to say, “Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed” (John

B. While the just [believers] live by faith, the unjust [unbelievers] reject and
renounce faith in God:

1. The believers’ walk is a continuing life of faith. Four (4) times the Word of God has
underscored that all those who believed in Christ and turned away from their wicked and sinful
ways should live by faith (Rom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:38; Habakkuk 2:4). Armed with the right
faith, they can live in fear of God and worship and serve Him in truth and in spirit. They are
constantly moved, guided, saturated, inspired and directed by their continuing, persevering and
increasing faith in God.

2. The natural man deliberately turned away from the biblical and true faith
(vv.18-20, 25; 1 Cor. 2:14). Men without Christ put their faith in themselves and trust in their
own knowledge and ability. Their finite minds dictate the kind of life they want to live and the
kind of faith they want to believe. The Bible speaks of them as men who turned the truth of God
into a lie, unrighteousness and ungodliness.

3. God is not slack in revealing Himself to men but men resorted and relied upon
their own vain imagination and wrong belief in God (vv.21-22). God revealed Himself
to be the creator, holy, just, merciful and forgiving God through His creation, the Bible and our
Lord Jesus Christ. But still, men rejected Him. They have crafted their own gods out of their vain
imaginations and erroneous belief and teachings. They rule themselves and run their lives based
on their own sense of morality and ethical standards. But the Bible says, “… they became fools”
and “…come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23).

4. By rejecting the reality of God’s existence, men turned to the gods of their own
making, having their belief based on the kind of god they can see, handle, touch and
predict (vv.23-25). This is totally different from the Biblical faith that we have. Men would
rather believe in a god they can define and see; a god who would adjust to their idiosyncrasies;
and a god who would not require justice and punishment for all their evil thoughts and deeds.

5. Human belief or believing in one’s self or material god has caused men to do
abominable wickedness against God (vv.26-27). It is with this self-deification that led
mortal men not to hold themselves responsible and accountable to God who is Holy and Just for
their wicked and sinful lives. They have defiled God to the highest degree, filled this world with
sin and wickedness and destroyed themselves and this material world to an astonishing extent.

6. Man’s deification has led to rejecting any knowledge of God and doing all
forms of unrighteousness (vv. 28-31). When self is enthroned, God is dethroned. And many
people continue in this way, dismissing God in their minds and lives, making themselves their
own gods- fulfilling their own fleshly desires and pursuing worldliness and wickedness.

7. Man’s rejection of true faith does not mean he has no knowledge of God’s
judgment (v.32; Ezekiel 18:20; Luke 12:19-20). Man is created by God and so inherently,
he is conscious that there is a holy God and that he is sinning against Him. He cannot deny this
truth. Down deep in the core of his being, he knows that he is living his own lies. He constantly
rejects and renounces God and His offer of forgiveness of sins and reconciliation through Christ.
And for this, he has himself only to blame when God’s judgment strikes him.


The knowledge of God does not automatically mean true faith. Man can know God and
retain his belief in God and yet, come short of knowing Him in the right way - the biblical and
personal way. He chose to believe the gods of this world which are the creations and products of
his vain imaginations and depraved knowledge. He crafted them by his own hands to be
worshipped by sight and not by faith. The real knowledge of God can only come through personal
experience by faith in the person of Jesus Christ through the revelation of His Word. This is the
Bible way and God’s way! By faith, we have become believers of the invisible God who manifested
Himself in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed to us through His Word (Col. 1:15; Heb.
11:27; 1 Tim. 1:17). And as we live for and by faith, we look forward to the blessed hope and the
glorious appearing of Christ our Saviour (Titus 2:13).

Your Personal Reflection



Lesson 2 | Hebrews 11:1-6 KJV

Scripture Text

Hebrews 11:1-6 King James Version (KJV)

11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
2 For by it the elders obtained a good report.
3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things
which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
4 By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained
witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.
5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God
had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that
he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Biblical faith has allowed us to experience the reality of God and His presence
in our lives that changed our eternal destiny, whole being, and perspective of
ourselves and the world we live in. It is involved in every aspect of our new life in Christ –
from our character to the conduct of our worship, praise, prayer, giving, and service toward the
true and faithful God.

1. Faith convinces that God exists (vv.1-3). Our faith that comes from God causes us to
believe God as He is and that He truly exists and lives in us. He is at work in our lives, daily
conforming us into the image of Christ His Son (Rom. 8:29).

2. Faith convinces that God justifies sinners who come to Him in repentance and
faith (v.4; Rom. 5:1). By faith, we learned that God completely justified and made us righteous
by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. And being justified, we are set free to live for God,
worthy of His forgiveness, kindness, mercy, generosity and everlasting love.

Justified (justification) in Hebrew is “sadaq”; in Greek, “dikaios.” In legal sense, it

means to declare someone just or righteous. This term was used by the Apostle Paul, being a
lawyer. He said that all men are not only born in sin but they have committed actual
transgressions which render them liable to divine condemnation (Ephesians 2:3); but Christ died
in due season for the ungodly (Romans 5:6); and that we are justified in and through His blood
(Romans 5:9).

3. Faith convinces that God is blessing (v.6). Blessed and a blessing! This is what God
has purposed and made us all to be! We are way beyond blessed in all things. We are loved,
forgiven, saved and changed to become absolutely better believers for His glory and praise. God
has blessed and will continually bless all His faithful and obedient children. And all that they do
for the sake of the Gospel will reap eternal rewards.

4. Faith convinces that God is faithful [promises] (v.11). By faith, we can boldly
declare and prove that our God is a faithful God and He makes good of all His promises and
commitments to us! We can get through each day because of His faithfulness, loving kindness,
tender mercies and generosity. We see Him faithfully working in our lives so we can reach the
maximum of our potentials and move toward spiritual maturity and stability and fruitfulness.

5. Faith convinces that God is able [power, strength] (v.19). It is our faith that
convinces and teaches us that the God we believe in, the God we trust with all our heart, mind and
soul is more than ABLE to make us complete, joyful, grateful, confident, and fulfilled in this life.
By faith, we can fully trust and depend on His power and strength to lead our lives in a godly
fashion, run the race with patience and finish our course and ministry with joy (Heb. 12:1; Acts

6. Faith convinces that God is with His people (v.27). Our faith in action proves the
world that God lives in us and dwells among His people. We stand as emphatic and courageous
witnesses of Christ’s redeeming love and power to forgive and change lives. And so, it is my prayer
that we, as God’s ekklesia will always be united, true and faithful – always persevering in our
witness and service until Jesus comes again.

7. Faith convinces that God has prepared a heavenly city (v.16) and that He is
coming again (John 14:1-3). Through faith, we have come to know that this world is not and
will never be our permanent dwelling place. God has prepared a heavenly city for us and that
Christ is coming soon to take us and be with Him for all eternity. And we look forward to that day
with much confidence and hope in our hearts.


Because of this faith that convinces, the first-century believers gave and sacrificed their
lives and all for the sake of the Lord and His Gospel. They had endured every indescribable
suffering and pain out of their great gratitude and appreciation of the Lord Jesus’ sufferings on
the cross and His blessed and victorious resurrection (Heb. 11:32-40; 12:2). They have provided
the world an undeniable evidence of their inner strength that only faith in Christ can bring. They
lived and died for their faith. Given this indelible impression of enduring faith and in these days
of hardships and uncertainties, what else can convince you to openly and courageously live by the
faith of the Lord that is in you?

Your Personal Reflection



Lesson 3 |Habakkuk 1:12; 2:1-4 KJV

Scripture Text

Habakkuk 1:12 King James Version (KJV)

12 Art thou not from everlasting, O Lord my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die.
O Lord, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God,
thou hast established them for correction.

Habakkuk 2:1-4 King James Version (KJV)

2 I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see
what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.
2 And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision,
and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie:
though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
4 Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.

Our faith works and develops in us a unique set of attitudes that leads us to be Christ-like
in our walk. It equips us with the right attitude and mindset when dealing with our everyday life
and most especially when we are pressed by problems and troubling circumstances. As we go
through each day, we realize how important it is to really have a persevering faith, strong prayer
life and an intimate and growing relationship with God. Habakkuk is one outstanding example
of a faithful, prayerful and humble believer who knew what and how it was like to live by faith and
prayer and how it was like to be expectant, open and honest with God. By faith, he learned and
understood that difficulties, hardships and seeming delays are designed by God to develop in him
the beautiful attitudes of godly patience, humility and openness; to draw him closer to Him; and
to grow him to be more faithful and strong.

A. When Habakkuk was confronted with a great trouble, he remembered Who

God is and drew his strength from Him (Hab. 1:12). When problems and difficulties arise,
it is always best to seek God first and remember Who He is and what He can do to turn things
around. With this in mind, we can find courage and strength to face head on our problems and

1. Eternal: “Art thou not from everlasting?” Our God is not to be compared with any
other gods (Hab.1:12; Rev. 1:8). He is God from eternity to eternity, the everlasting God. He is
above the world and never time-bound. He powerfully reigns in eternity and He created history.

2. Self-existent: “O Lord” or Jehovah, the name that tells us that God is the self-
existing One, the eternal “I AM.” God told Moses, “I am he that sent me unto you”
(Exodus 3:14). The name that “I AM THAT I AM” means, “I am the absolute, the self-existent
one.” God is not and never would be dependent on anyone else and upon the world nor what is
happening in our world. He is a self-existent God. With or without us, He exists.

3. Holy: “Holy One.” God is the Holy One Who cannot do unrighteousness nor plot them.
He is pure and cannot even look on iniquity (Hab. 1:13).

4. Almighty: “He holds us in His hands” (John 10:28-29; Isa. 43:13; Matt.19:26).
He is not a brutal nor a cruel God. He is all-powerful and yet loving and merciful. He always gives
men all the opportunity to get saved and be reconciled to Him. He made a covenant with men and
chose to remain faithful to them. There is nothing impossible with God. That said, there is no
reason for us to lack faith or slide back to unbelief and waywardness.

B. Realizing and believing who God is, the attitude of our faith should:

1. Commit everything to God even our problems and troubles (Hab. 2:1). To
commit everything to God including all our problems and troubles is both our privilege and duty
that we should not neglect nor take for granted. Habakkuk turned to God and consulted Him for
his problems and concerns. He asked God for vision and direction. He firmly believed that God in
His time will provide him the answer to his prayers as well as the understanding, peace and
strength that he needs.

2. Expect an answer from God (Hab. 2:1). “I will watch to see.” This is an ancient
way of saying that it is never wrong to expect from God. But our expectations should not be based
on our own desires and will. We know that God answers prayers according to His will and in
different ways:

2.1. Through the reading of His Word. Many times and most of the time, the answer to
our prayers is the very Word of God! His Word is “a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”
(Psalm 119:105).

2.2. Through the Holy Spirit. He dwells and lives in us. He witnesses with our spirit (Rom.
8:9-16). He guides and directs us to the will of the Lord and He strengthens and assures us that
we will always overcome, “because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John

2.3. Through the ordering of our circumstances and the day-to-day happenings of
our lives (Col. 1:17; Psalm 37:23; Daniel 4:17, 25). God rules and He is in control. He guides
and directs the affairs of men and most especially the lives of His children. He will make use of
instrumentalities whether human, place or event to deliver His answers to our prayers. Trust that
God knows what is best for us.

3. Watch and wait for the answer (Hab. 2:3). To watch and wait means not going
ahead of God. It is not doing things our way less we open up ourselves to more troubles. Many
believers today suffer terribly as a consequence of their lack of faith, humility and patience. But it
is not so with Habakkuk, the prophet who by faith has learned to develop godly patience and
humility while waiting for the vision from God. He waited patiently for God. He knew that God
listened to his prayers and it was already a real comfort to him. He reminded himself of who God
is in his life– the Almighty God, holy, sovereign, eternal, and powerful. He believed that with God
answering his prayers, he will never go wrong. God’s ways are always the best and the safest! In
like manner, God will surely bless and make you overcome when He knows where you are in your

If we believe that God is our Almighty God, then waiting patiently for Him should never
be looked upon as an insurmountable task. Our faith teaches us to wait for God without doubting
His timing, goodness and kindness. Unlike Peter who wavered in his faith (Matt. 14:29-31),
Habakkuk remained strong and sturdy. Remember this, whatever happens, let us never doubt
God, never fear, never be proud and never grow tired less we hear the Lord’s rebuke, “O thou of
little faith…”

Your Personal Reflection


Lesson 4 |Hebrews 11:17; Genesis 22:1-14 KJV

Scripture Texts

Hebrews 11:17 King James Version

17 By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the
promises offered up his only begotten son,

Genesis 22:1-14 King James Version (KJV)

22 And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham,
and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am.
2 And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest,
and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering
upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.
3 And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young
men with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt offering, and rose up,
and went unto the place of which God had told him.
4 Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off.
5 And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass;
and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you.
6 And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son;
and he took the fire in his hand, and a knife; and they went both of them together.
7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my
son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering:
so they went both of them together.
9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there,
and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
11 And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham:
and he said, Here am I.
12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him:
for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son,
thine only son from me.

13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a
thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up
for a burnt offering in the stead of his son.
14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh:
as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.

Charles Spurgeon once wrote, “If I desire to flourish in soul, I must not hoard up my stores
but must distribute to the poor. To be close and niggardly is the world’s way to prosperity, but
it is not God’s way, for He saith, ‘There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that
withholdeth more than is meet, and tendeth to poverty.’ Faith’s way of gaining is giving. I must
try this again and again, and I may expect that as much of prosperity as will be good for me
will come to me as a gracious reward for a liberal course of action… But there is a mental and
spiritual fatness which I would greatly covet, and this comes as the result of generous thoughts
toward my God, His church, and my fellow men. Let me not stint, lest I starve my heart. Let me
be bountiful and liberal, for so shall I be like my Lord. He gave Himself for me; shall I grudge
Him anything?”

We have a faith that gives and through it, we can always prove God the sincerity of our
love and zeal toward the Gospel of Christ. By faith, we are enabled to give liberally and sacrificially
to the cause of Christ (2 Cor. 8-9).

1. Genuine faith shall be tested (1 Peter 1:7). Just like any gold that goes through fire
to be tested and tried and so is our faith in the Lord. There will be scores of trials and testing as
long as we live by faith. They are sent to broaden our view on God, strengthen our relationship
with Him and deepen and increase our faith in Him. Difficult times and prosperity can both reveal
to us what kind of faith we have and how strong our life of faith is.

2. Living faith will produce good works (James 2:17-18). Living faith in God will
always produce good works. James urged the early believers to prove their faith through good
works that the world may know and see Christ in them. It is the only way believers can provide
this world tangible evidences of God changing and conforming them into the image of His Son.
Through good works, God is honored and glorified by men.

3. Our faith is a faith in action (James 2:14-26). Faith in action is like love in action.
Believers can only express their genuine faith without a word of a lie or pretense by their action!
It is working faith that turns believers to become faithful and diligent disciples, preachers and
teachers of the Word, soul-winners, prayer warriors and cheerful givers. It causes them to
persevere and face relentless opposition that the kingdom of God may expand, the Gospel of
Christ to prosper and the Word of God to grow and prevail vigorously (Acts 19:20).

4. Our faith is not just to see the promises fulfilled but it is believing the
promises and thereby becoming fully obedient to God (Gen. 22:7-8; 13-18). I would
never question or even doubt your faith if you are zealous to God and obedient to His will and
commandments. Abraham proved his faith through his wholehearted obedience to God. He did
not hesitate to obey God’s command to offer up Isaac. He completely believed that God knows
what He is doing and that He fulfills His promises. For Abraham, God will always be a covenant-
fulfilling and prayer-answering God!

5. Our faith is not only exercised in:

5.1. Waiting upon the Lord (Psalm 27:14).

5.2. Prayer (Matt. 21:22; Mark 11:24).
5.3. Involvement [serving God faithfully in the ministry] (John 12:26; 1 Thess. 1:8-10).

But also in our GIVING! Faithful believers are cheerful givers! They are always ready
to give liberally and sacrificially for the sake of the Gospel. They will never ever withhold anything
and even their lives from God (2 Cor. 8:1-15; 9:7-8).

6. Abraham’s faith experienced the greatest testing and his obedience proved
the world his faith in God (Gen. 22:1-18; Heb. 11:17). The command to sacrifice Isaac as
a burnt offering may come as a surprise to Abraham. Who would be willing to kill a son for God?
And who would understand that the God of justice and kindness would give a command such as
this? But we find Abraham obeyed God without asking Him why. He prepared his son to be with
him at the place God has appointed them. When Isaac inquired of his father of the lamb to be
sacrificed, he answered, “My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering:” (Gen.
22:8). Abraham’s faith was manifested through his complete trust and obedience to God. His faith
prevailed over his emotions and even transcended the limits of human reason and judgment!

7. Our faith teaches us not to withhold our most treasured possessions from
God (Genesis 22:2). What is your most prized possession in life that you can give up for the
sake of the Lord? And to what extent are you willing to sacrifice for Him? Abraham when tested
by God to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering did not withhold his son from God. Christ gave up
heaven to die for you and me; to save us and rescue us; and to give us life that we may live it
abundantly. Only the kind of faith that you have now can give answers to these questions.

8. Our faith teaches us to always believe that God has something better for us
(Gen. 22:8). By faith, we submit to God and to His divine will. We believe that life here and
everything that we see and hold dear to us will all come to pass. We believe God has provided
better things for us that will last for all eternity. And on this account, we could always rise to the
call of faithfulness, obedience and service.

9. Our faith teaches us not to question God’s will, His promises and ability to
bless (Gen. 22:3). We may never clearly or completely understand the will and ways of God but
by faith, we can always choose to depend on Him, obey His commandments, do His will and
thank Him for all His blessings and enabling. We can always choose to be like the Lord Jesus
Christ and Abraham who did not question God, neither reminded God of His promises. We know
for sure that God is for us and He will never forsake and abandon us (Heb. 13:5).

10. Our faith teaches us that the result of obedience is divine providence (Gen.
22:13-14). There is nothing in this world that we can covet more than God’s divine providence
upon our lives. It speaks of His sovereign rule, control and guidance upon us. Oh what a
wonderful blessing and joy to live this life that is ruled by God and by His kindness and sovereign

1. Giving is always an Act of Faith as in the case of Abel (Heb. 11:4). Likewise,
obedience is always an act of faith as in the case of Abraham (Heb. 11:8).

2. Faith believes the past and trusts the future with confidence in the present.
Pleasing God (Heb. 11:5) and the fear of the Lord (Heb. 11:7) are also acts of faith.

3. Faith makes a promise and fulfills it as in the case of Hannah (1 Sam. 1:17-28).
Faith is also giving in advance as in the case of Abraham.

Your Personal Reflection



Lesson 5 |Hebrews 12:1-2 KJV

Scripture Text

Hebrews 12:1-2 King James Version (KJV)

12 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us,
and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before
him endured the cross, despising the shame,
and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Our text here starts with the word, “wherefore” [kaya’t yamang]. This is a word for
challenge and motivation. If we want to do and achieve better in our walk and work, then we must
be challenged and properly motivated. Progress, success and victories depend on how much they
become challenges to us and how we are motivated by them.

“Wherefore,” what is this challenge to us?

A. Be challenged by the “great cloud of witnesses” (v.1).

1. Spoken of in Hebrews 11, these witnesses lived, hoped and died in their faith.
They were able to perform things beyond their ability because of the faith they had in Jesus. It
greatly motivated them to suffer and lose everything for the sake of the Gospel. They chose to obey
and follow Christ than enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season (Heb. 11:25-26). And they believed
that only by faith they can please and glorify God (Heb. 11:6).

2. Before us today are:

2.1. The believers who should live good testimonies; and

2.2. The unbelievers who are watching us daily.

B. Be challenged to put away these two things that hinder God’s favor and
blessings to come:

1. “Lay aside every weight” (v.1b). This means that we should not let problems and
pressures in life and in the ministry hinder our spiritual growth and the effectiveness of our
testimony. It is the Lord Himself who said that we can come to Him and give Him all our burdens
and cares. His grace is sufficient for you and His strength is made perfect in weakness (1 Peter
5:7; Matt. 6:25; 11:28-29; 2 Cor. 12:9).

2. “…and the sin that easily besets us” (v.1c). Sin will constantly remain our opposing
enemy alongside with our flesh and the devil. All these three desire nothing but to render us
useless in the work of the Lord and destroyed in this life. But Christ has overcome every sin in our
life. Because of Him and His finished work of redemption, sin has been judged that it should no
longer rule us and triumph over us (Romans 6). He gave us the Holy Spirit so we can cleave and
submit to Him and that through Him we can deny ourselves and subdue the works of our flesh
(Romans 8:13; Col. 3:5-11).

C. Be challenged to run the race with patience (v.1d; 1 Cor. 9:24-27). Yes, before us
is a race that we need to run - a race of faith and service. We are admonished by the Word of God
to endure the race with patience so we could be victorious in this life and in the Gospel ministry
God has entrusted to our care.

D. “Looking unto Jesus” – this is our solid motivation (v.2). Christ is our perfect
example who had endured the race and triumphed in the end! By looking unto Him, we can never
go wrong and get discouraged and weary in the race. He prays for us and He works in us to live
our lives abundantly and victoriously through faith and by His grace (Heb. 7:25).

1. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith.

2. He endured the cross.

3. He despised the shame.

4. And today, He is set at the right hand of God’s throne.


Living in faith and by faith entails a lot of challenges that will either make believers strong
or faint along the way. But for those believers who made Christ the center and focus of their lives
and the Gospel their reason to live, they do perform well in leading people to faith in Christ and
building faithful lives for the expansion of the kingdom of God. They do not trust their flesh and
allow the affairs of the world to control and govern them. By faith, they understand that there
would be times of testing and trials and there would be also seasons of ease and convenience. And
the need to balance all these things require them to be strong in their faith and to be thankful,
prayerful and hopeful. And being strong in the faith, they can face all challenges and hardships
without cowering down in fear.

Your Personal Reflection



Lesson 6|Philippians 1:27 KJV

Scripture Text
Philippians 1:27 King James Version (KJV)
27 Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and
see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one
mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;

The Bible says that believers of the Lord ought to lead their lives as becoming the Gospel
of Christ. Do you understand this? Well, let us look first at what the Gospel of Christ is all about.

1. The Gospel of Christ talks about the manner of life Christ has lived (Luke 4:18;
7:22). He lived and taught about SERVING, CARING and GIVING. It only follows that as
believers, we should conform to the likeness of Christ – His conversation and character. We
should walk in His will and follow His lead.

2. The Gospel of Christ is the power of God that will save sinners from death and
hell (Rom. 1:16; Rev. 20:14). Our message is to preach Christ to the lost and the perishing
souls of men. His Gospel is their only hope and the only power that can save them from God’s
wrath and divine judgment.

3. The Gospel of Christ is about bringing the good and beautiful news to every
sinner in all parts of the world (Romans 10:15)! Many people die without Christ every
single minute and enter a Christ-less eternity to serve their eternal punishment. And this is one
very important reality that should compel each one of us to reach everyone with the Gospel of
Christ – they may be our relatives, friends, neighbors and even strangers. Their only hope is
Christ. Let us not waste our time anymore on the things that have no eternal value. Let us
endeavor each day to bring the good tidings of hope to everyone and see lives transformed through
the Gospel of Christ.

4. The Gospel of Christ is what every believer should live for (1 Cor. 9:16). Every
believer should live, suffer and die for the Gospel. The Gospel is the only reason why we are still
here alive. Apostle Paul said that it would be to our greatest misery if we do not preach the Gospel
and let people die in their sin.

5. The Gospel of Christ is all about the life of Christ (1 Cor. 15:1-4). We have a story
to tell the world and that is the perfect life of Christ, the Savior and their only hope, his death on
the Cross, his victorious resurrection from the dead, His ascension to heaven and His visible and
imminent return (Acts 1:6-12; Luke 24:50-53; Rev. 1:7; 22:12-13; 1 Thess. 4:16-17).

Having laid down all of these, what should we do as believers of Christ and
bearers of His Gospel?

1. “LET US STRIVE” (v.27; Eph.4:1). Yes, we have an awesome Gospel to preach! To

strive means to sacrifice more than working hard or laboring hard. The Gospel of Christ requires
the greatest amount of labor and sacrifice that we all should be partakers of. There is a spiritual
battle out there and let me remind you that you ought to be there.

2. “TOGETHER” (v.27; Acts 2:44-47). The preaching of the Gospel of Christ is not the
work of your Pastor or the full time workers alone. It is every believer’s work. It is all our work. It
is all ours to share. It is all ours to bear. That is why I always tell you, “We are all in this thing
together!” We need each other to get the GOSPEL OUT in the world. And together, we can impact
this nation and the whole world with the Gospel of Christ. Together, we can lead and guide new
converts to faithfulness and service.

3. “WITH ONE MIND” (v.27; Rom. 12:16). We only have one message to proclaim and
that is Jesus saves! Hence, we should be striving and working together with one mind to get things
done for the ministry of the Gospel. Let us lay aside everything sinful, divisive and destructive less
they overtake, confuse and destroy us. With one mind, let us keep on preaching Christ crucified,
the power and wisdom of God for those who are called! (1 Cor. 1:23-24).


GOSPEL! Review and recite this over and over again until this message sinks in your mind and
until you see yourself serving, caring and giving. That together with the brethren, you will sacrifice
more than labor to WITNESS and DISCIPLE until the Gospel of Christ prosper in this country
and in the whole world. You can do this because OUR FAITH IN CHRIST IS WORTH STRIVING
We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations
H. Ernest Nichol |1896

We’ve a story to tell to the nations,

That shall turn their hearts to the right,
A story of truth and mercy,
A story of peace and light,
A story of peace and light.

For the darkness shall turn to dawning,
And the dawning to noonday bright;
And Christ’s great kingdom shall come on earth,
The kingdom of love and light.

We’ve a song to be sung to the nations,

That shall lift their hearts to the Lord,
A song that shall conquer evil
And shatter the spear and sword,
And shatter the spear and sword.
We’ve a message to give to the nations,
That the Lord who reigns up above
Has sent us His Son to save us
And show us that God is love,
And show us that God is love.
We’ve a Savior to show to the nations,
Who the path of sorrow has trod,
That all of the world’s great peoples
Might come to the truth of God, might come to the truth of God.

Your Personal Reflection


Lesson 7 |Hebrews 6:9; 11:40 KJV

Scripture Texts

Hebrews 6:9 King James Version (KJV)

9 But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you,
and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak.

Hebrews 11:40 King James Version (KJV)

40 God having provided some better thing for us,
that they without us should not be made perfect.

The Bible is full of better things. In fact, it has all the ingredients for a better life
particularly, the believer’s life which is the best life indeed! I will not even exchange it for anything
in this world. It is so precious that when we think about the Lord Jesus Christ walking side by side
with us and guiding us each day, I tell you, we have the absolute protection coming from a great

The word better in Greek means blessed, great, wonderful, nobler, more useful,
and more excellent. In today’s passage, we will get to understand and appreciate all the better
things that we have in the Lord.

1. The Lord Jesus, our Savior is better than:

1.1. Angels (Heb. 1:4). He is better than any savior for there is no other Savior beside Him.

1.2. Other mediator for there is no other mediator between God and man but Him alone.

1.3. The gods of other religion for there is no other God beside Him (Acts 17). He has the power

to save to the uttermost (Heb. 7:25); He was powerful over death and grave because He rose again

(1 Cor. 15:55-57); and One day, all the world will bow down to Him to exclaim and proclaim Him

to be the Lord of all (Phil. 2:10-11; Rom. 14:11).

Be warned that in the last days, other “Christs” will come (Matthew 24:5).

2. The believer’s work is a better work (1 Cor. 15:58; Heb. 6:9-12).

2.1. The Bible calls it the reasonable service.

2.2. It is the only work in this life that reaps eternal rewards.

2.3. It is the work energized by the Holy Spirit.

2.4. It is the work that makes believers truly happy and fulfilled.

2.5. It is the only work that pleases God.

3. The believers’ hope is a better hope (Heb. 7:19). The wicked has no hope both in
this life and to the life to come (Eph. 2:12) and those who put their hope in the law are all under
the curse.

3.1. The believers’ hope is called a living hope (1 Peter 1:3).

3.2. Hope is one of the three great characteristics that abides and this hope is called Eternal

Life (Titus 1:2; 3:7); and called a blessed hope (Titus 2:13). We are saved by hope (Romans


3.3. It is a hope laid up in heaven (Col. 1:5).

3.4. Our hope in glory is Christ in our lives (Col. 1:27).

3.5. This hope is the anchor of our soul (Heb. 6:19).

3.6. Our hope goes beyond the grave (1 Cor. 15:19-20).

4. The believers have a better testament (Heb. 7:22) or a better covenant (Heb.
8:6). A testament or covenant is a contract between God and God’s people. The coming of the
Lord Jesus abolished all ceremonial laws of the Jewish religion.

4.1. It is not based upon the Law of Moses but upon the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ (Heb.


4.2. By which the Lord became the mediator, a go-between, a reconciler (Romans 5:10).

4.3. It is a covenant of mercy and grace, not judgment and punishment (Heb. 8:12). It is a

covenant to those who will accept His condition based on faith and repentance.

4.4. It is a covenant of Salvation (Heb. 7:22-25). He is able to save to the uttermost and

continue to save because He is our Intercessor.

5. We have better promises (Heb. 8:9).

5.1. They are based on the immutability of God (Heb.6:18). The Lord is able to perform what

He has promised (Rom. 4:21).

5.2. They are based on the truthfulness of God (Titus 1:2). God is faithful to His promises (Heb.

10:23; 11:11); He gave us great and precious promises (2 Peter 1:4); and these promises should

move us to live clean and godly lives (2 Cor. 7:1).

5.3. They are made available for us through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans


6. The Lord Jesus is a better sacrifice (Heb. 9:11-26).

6.1. It is not the sacrifice of the blood of the bulls and goats; nor the sacrifice of a sinful man

(Heb.9:12-13). Old Testament sacrifices and ceremonies are but a shadow of things to come (Col.


6.2. Religious sacrifices and ceremonies have no bearing as far as our salvation is concerned.

6.3. The Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is not only a better sacrifice but the ultimate

and perfect sacrifice for our salvation (Heb.9:26). It is only required for us to come to Him by

repentance and faith (Acts 20:21).

7. In heaven, we have a better and an enduring substance (Heb. 10:34; John

7.1. In heaven, we will possess a better body for we shall all be changed; a better countenance

and a better reward.

7.2. In heaven, we will have a better home.

7.3. In heaven, we will have a better place.

7.4. In heaven, we will have a better life.

8. The believers desire a better country which is heavenly (Heb. 11:16). Heaven is
a place prepared for all the redeemed in Christ and all of us who believed are longing to be there
(Rev. 21:1-4; 22-27; 22:1-7).

9. The believers will have a better resurrection because it will be a resurrection

unto life (Heb. 11:35).


We praise God for all these better things we find in His Word! And we rejoice in God our
Saviour! These better things should behoove us to become better believers of the Lord and for the
Lord – living better lives and manifesting better testimonies (Heb. 6:9-12).

Hebrews 6:9-12 King James Version (KJV)

9 But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you,
and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak.
10 For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love,
which ye have shewed toward his name,
in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.
11 And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence
to the full assurance of hope unto the end:
12 That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience
inherit the promises.

Your Personal Reflection



FAITH IS THE VICTORY | John H. Yates 1891

Encamped along the hills of light,

Ye Christian soldiers, rise,
And press the battle ere the night
Shall veil the glowing skies.
Against the foe in vales below
Let all our strength be hurled;
Faith is the victory, we know,
That overcomes the world.


Faith is the victory!

Faith is the victory!
Oh, glorious victory,
That overcomes the world.

His banner over us is love,

Our sword the Word of God;
We tread the road the saints above
With shouts of triumph trod.
By faith, they like a whirlwind’s breath,
Swept on o’er every field;
The faith by which they conquered death
Is still our shining shield.
On every hand the foe we find
Drawn up in dread array;
Let tents of ease be left behind,
And onward to the fray.
Salvation’s helmet on each head,
With truth all girt about,
The earth shall tremble ’neath our tread,
And echo with our shout.
To him that overcomes the foe,
White raiment shall be giv’n;
Before the angels he shall know
His name confessed in heav’n.
Then onward from the hills of light,
Our hearts with love aflame,
We’ll vanquish all the hosts of night,
In Jesus’ conqu’ring name!



Senior Editors
Rhoda H. Alegre
Emma D.A. Pilongo

Cover Design Artist

John Jason P. Damasco

Book Layout Artist

Pierce T. Bataller


-All Rights Reserved 2020-


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