Native American Culture Thesis Statement

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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Native American Culture Thesis Statement

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis on Native American culture can be a daunting task,
requiring extensive research, cultural sensitivity, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. The
complexities involved in exploring the diverse and rich tapestry of Native American cultures,
histories, and traditions demand a meticulous approach that can often be overwhelming for students.

One of the primary challenges faced by thesis writers is the vastness and diversity of Native
American cultures. Attempting to encapsulate the essence of these diverse traditions within a concise
and focused thesis statement is a formidable task. The need to navigate through the intricate layers of
history, languages, art, spirituality, and social structures requires a comprehensive understanding and
appreciation of the cultural nuances.

Furthermore, the scarcity of readily available and easily accessible academic resources on Native
American culture adds an additional layer of complexity. Scholars often find themselves grappling
with limited source materials, forcing them to delve deep into archives, conduct interviews, and
engage in extensive fieldwork to gather the necessary information to support their thesis statements.

Cultural sensitivity is paramount when writing about Native American cultures. Addressing the
subject with the respect and reverence it deserves is crucial to avoid perpetuating stereotypes or
misrepresenting the intricacies of these diverse societies. Striking a balance between academic rigor
and cultural respect poses a significant challenge for thesis writers, requiring them to navigate the
fine line between scholarly analysis and cultural appreciation.

To alleviate the challenges associated with crafting a thesis on Native American culture, individuals
may consider seeking assistance from professional writing services. Among the many options
available, ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a reliable platform that offers expert guidance and
support for thesis writing. With a team of experienced writers well-versed in Native American
studies, the platform provides customized assistance to help students overcome the hurdles
associated with this complex topic.

In conclusion, writing a thesis on Native American culture is undoubtedly a formidable undertaking,

requiring a blend of research skills, cultural sensitivity, and a deep appreciation for the subject matter.
For those seeking support and guidance, considering the services of ⇒ ⇔ can be a
valuable resource to navigate the complexities of this challenging academic endeavor.
Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. Flute bag Source: Native
Languages of the Americans website. The death of elders meant the death of tribal leaders, and the
death of traditions and valuable information only practiced and known by them. Following the Civil
War, after deadly European diseases and hundreds of wars with the white man had already wiped
out untold numbers of Native Americans, the pressures of Manifest Destiny deemed those actions as
not enough. Euro-Canadian understandings of the totem pole thus disembodied the objects from
enlivening ceremonies and set them in a hermetically-sealed temporal zone. Unfortunately for
natives, white settlers would acquire Indian land, through any means necessary. The sun dance would
show a warriors bravery, he would have ropes tied to him and pulled very hard and could not stop the
ritual until the ropes had ripped out of his skin. If a warrior was to fall off their horse they would
probably be trampled to death. Slavery led to warfare among tribes and much hardship.
Furthermore, Europeans introduced pigs, which they allowed to forage in forests and other
wildlands. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. Even those well-
intentioned reformers would ultimately hurt the Indian, perhaps not physically, but damage would be
done through the destruction of their rich heritage. The Europeans managed to convert a great
section of the Indian community to Christianity. While Europeans forced natives into one
compromise after another, the growing sentiment among the invading Europeans was that Indians
should be treated as wards of the government rather than as independent nations. (Galloway, p. 271)
Today Indian tribes enjoy the unique political status as sovereign nations within the United States, a
status they already enjoyed before the arrival of Europeans. The last commandment was violated by
the incoming Europeans as they took away their freedom and way of life. This study identifies the
set of components that make up successful education programs for native american children. Other
dances include scarf dance which is performed in a bird like manner. In summary, a large part of
Indian cultural identity was lost due to their adoption of the European lifestyle and civilization. This
practice is known as shamanism and it is a certain kind of ritual. While Europeans claimed a kinship
to the land, that kinship was very different from that of many natives. Our jewelry and our clothing
represent where we come from. The old people would give advice to the council and pass down the
history of their people. I find that by tracking artworks, ceremonial, commercial, and personal
contexts can be investigated in ways that illuminate both the details and the broad strokes of cultural
and social exchanges. Lastly it’s worthy noting that the representation of native people held by social
scientists, early anthropologists, the U. The Native Indian Americans who still continues to observe
their traditional way of worship are guided by the Ten Commandments of their ancestral religion.
The different types of flutes were made from different materials such as cedar, sweet grass and river
cane. Carvings paintings, effigies, or realistic portraits were not merely pictures of people or objects;
they embodied the essence of that particular subjects as well. In contrast, I argue that the poles have
never been set in a secure “inner world” by their producers, but rather provide a nexus between
worlds through which competition can be negotiated and harmony maintained. Lastly, one is
expected to uphold honesty at all times, while on the other hand, taking absolute responsibility of his
or her actions. 14. Cultures do change with time and so along time study could be used in solving
As settlers arrived to the new world, and moved westward, they would soon come in contact with
the natives that had long been there, conflict would be inevitable. Those who existed in the 19th
century were quickly killed, imprisoned or ignored as were the few whites who stood up to champion
the cause of the Natives, among them former President Herbert Hoover. This paper will make a
critical analysis of how political, economic, and social factors have continued to shape the history of
Native Americans. Weatherford uses a broad holistic perspective where he gathered information
from archaeological data. To live a full live at home, only to be forced to relocate into a completely
new place, and to throw away your identity, is as much a battle as any physical one. The
unwelcoming behavior among the settlers led to the development of a negative attitude among the
natives. However, this character made them gullible and they were easily tricked by the newcomer.
Our experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements from
scratch. These boarding schools would be prevalent throughout the country in the nineteenth century,
but none as the infamous Carlisle Indian School. He also notes that the practice of scalping that took
place in North America was made by the Europeans for their own political purposes. The woman of
the tribe would do all the work at home: clean clothes, cook food, skin the buffalo and look after the
children. The scenario involved concerns the discovery of oil in the Native American Indian
reservation of California, mildly extending to the State of Arizona, called South Mojave Reserve,
comprising of a select tribe called Hakama. If they did and proved themselves a worthy warriors they
might be accepted into a warrior society and give themselves more respect in the tribes. Soon,
beavers were extinct in New England, New York, and other areas. The event was more than I
expected, however, as I realized that, the Native American Culture in Phoenix is more diverse than I
thought. Rebecca later died in 1616 at an early age of 22. 13 This story is significant as it provides
us with an insight to the racial integration between native Indians and the white settlers. These are
only half the things that buffalo’s are used for in the native tribes. They have a variety of musical
instruments and dancing styles. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and
requirements. The warriors, who were all men, went off to kill buffalo; raid other tribes for horses
and protect the tribe from raiders. As with any group in history, when one is completely different
from yours, they are often deemed as backwards, and in this case savages. Any new person who may
claim to be an Indian must have a proof of relationship with the already settled Indians in this land
allocated to people of Indian backgrounds. These sites are considered sacred and items should not be
disturbed. He knew very well that unity of his community was a key to the success of his goal. In a
short period, the United States abandoned the policy (Native Americans). Contrary to some modern
misconceptions, the Removal Act did not order the forced removal of any Native Americans, nor did
President Jackson ever publicly advocate forced removal. And when conflict did arise, it would be
nothing short of brutal, thanks in part to the settlers’ militias and then later the federal government. It
is especially vital now, because as stated prior Native Americans to this day are being taken
advantage of. The legacy of that mistreatment natives received at the hands of white settlers still
lives on today, with many Native Americans now being forced to live in trailer park homes due to
being economically, and socially disadvantaged. Competition over resources and the Euro-Canadian
interest in appropriating and commoditizing Northwest Coast art encouraged Native peoples to
expand their audience to yet another ranked kingdom: Canada.
There is also the recognition of the social aspect of a person where each one is required to join efforts
with others for the benefit of the total society. But soon natives would begin to use the goods in the
same manner that Europeans did. Different combinations of these factors have resulted in each
culture of the world being distinctly identifiable from one another. Whites on the Plains sometimes
killed Indians just because they were Indian somewhat like the extermination of the aborigines in
Tasmania who were actually, literally hunted down to extinction. You can use essay samples to find
ideas and inspiration for your paper. Blood quantum is one of these criteria’s and it applies the idea
of determining how much of American blood a person has in their body. With a bias against natives,
and them inhabiting the lands the settlers so deeply desired, the natives would become nothing more
than an obstacle that would be easy to overcome. The last commandment was violated by the
incoming Europeans as they took away their freedom and way of life. Each family would live in a
tipi this would include the mother, father, children, uncles, aunts and grandparents. Competition over
resources and the Euro-Canadian interest in appropriating and commoditizing Northwest Coast art
encouraged Native peoples to expand their audience to yet another ranked kingdom: Canada.
University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA, 2002, pp. 1-12. Other traditions include cleansing rituals
and the use of animals as guides. As they moved across the continents searching for better hunting
and gathering grounds, they settled in different areas where the land had plenty of resources. 2 Here,
they mastered and adapted to the environment surrounding these lands. Additional materials, such as
the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered
here. However, utilize these materials anyway you'd like. The shop also features a collection of books
on Native American history. Student who reside on campus as well as those who stay off campus
will be surveyed along with online students. Due to this, the government passed policies that bound
the immigrants to conform to the prevailing political, economic and social systems. The answers on
the paper test on Literature primarily concern different writing tactics to sway different people used
by Angelina Grimke, Fuller's Women in the Nineteenth Century and “Self-Reliance”. The natives
since the beginning caused a huge unforeseen problem for the settlers, referring to it as “the Indian
problem”. All socialcultural anthropologies ideas have not offered any solution to solve this problem.
Sometimes, U.S. government officials ignored tribal leaders who resisted signing removal treaties
and dealt with those who favored removal (Indian Removal). This meant that the other races were
inferior and they were reduced to a subordinate status failure to which they were faced with a
possibility of racial extinction. This would be the case for the Iroquois who would who would be
defeated by the Algonquian, who famously traded with the settlers. What Was the Relationship
Between the European Settlers and Natives, Were There Any Tensions. This task has not been easy
since it has been surrounded by a lot of controversies. The main goal of the Indian Removal policy
was to relocate Native American Indian tribes living east of the Mississippi River to lands west of
the river (Indian Removal). These four values acted as a bond among the members of the Indian
society. Short essay 1 The long term study preferred by social cultural anthropologist can be the most
effective in deciding someone’s culture. They also cut off their enemies scalps and ripped out their
eyes in believe that when they enter the happy hunting ground, known to us as heaven, they will not
be able to find them and kill them because they believed that the state you died in would be the state
you would enter the happy hunting ground.
Violent acts would of course follow, on both sides, but the greatest atrocities would be caused by the
whites. According to Native Americans, emphasis is put on non-verbal communication and
observation while the Americans emphasis is placed on communication, which is considered as very
important since a patient is able to open up. Emphasis is placed on expressing what a person feels
among the Americans therefore the ailing person will communicate with the nurses and doctors.
Natives seek the direction of medicine men and healers for spiritual purposes, and to be reassured
about something, the place to go is to the traditional healers. Short essay 1 The long term study
preferred by social cultural anthropologist can be the most effective in deciding someone’s culture.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. War was brought to
their doorstep by people that wanted their lands, and ultimately winning. Additionally, social
interaction with other cultures from African, Asian, European and other continents have with time
continued to dilute the observance of cultural values of Native American Indians. 1 Three major
factors among them political, economic, and social interactions have had a significant effect on the
cultural identity of Native American Indians. They saw it as an opportunity to get rich quick and
benefit immensely. In exchange for goods, natives would bring other natives captured in tribal wars.
Puritans carved tight, pious, and relatively democratic communities of small family farms A
homogeneous world compared. Students will use their knowledge of A Social Studies Life's Native
Americans unit as well as their research skills to write a thematic essay. This meant that the other
races were inferior and they were reduced to a subordinate status failure to which they were faced
with a possibility of racial extinction. As seen earlier, the early life of Native Americans involved
hunting, gathering and trading among their neighboring tribes. 8 Their trading routes provided the
paths followed by the present day railroads and roads. While Europeans forced natives into one
compromise after another, the growing sentiment among the invading Europeans was that Indians
should be treated as wards of the government rather than as independent nations. (Galloway, p. 271)
Today Indian tribes enjoy the unique political status as sovereign nations within the United States, a
status they already enjoyed before the arrival of Europeans. With a bias against natives, and them
inhabiting the lands the settlers so deeply desired, the natives would become nothing more than an
obstacle that would be easy to overcome. In fact, they are influential towards every key identifiable
of a particular culture. To live a full live at home, only to be forced to relocate into a completely new
place, and to throw away your identity, is as much a battle as any physical one. Slavery led to
warfare among tribes and much hardship. The influx of European materials would change authority
among tribes. Many tribes had to move to escape the slave trade, which destroyed some tribes
completely. This required someone to be aware of all cultural believes and behaviors of the Indian
people. In order to acquire these, the natives commercialized many of their practices, taking a cue
from Europeans, like harvesting of beaver, and would later trade with the settlers. These include
emotion, style, figurative language, and description. Just as there were numerous hundred native
languages, dialects, and speech forms, so were there an equal number of tribal styles, motifs, and
design forms. Aesthetics, or perceptions of beauty are among the most difficult concepts to identity
in any Native American musical culture. Previously, both American and Europeans took some races
to be superior to others for different reasons. Early practices like hunting and others were argued to
be very effective criteria for identifying who real Indians were. This new policy was commonly
known as the Indian Removal policy. In addition to being herbalists, these elders were also
designated the duty of connecting the people with the spirits. All socialcultural anthropologies ideas
have not offered any solution to solve this problem.

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