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OO Se bas SSsE0 Fe in Iron Supplements (External Calibration) Fe,ppm Absorbance 2.00 0.0776 4.00 0.1502 6.00 0.2228 8.00 0.2954 10.00 0.3680 12.00 0.4406 16.00 0.5858 Sample 0.2587 ‘ferrous sulfate tablet (100 mg elemental Fe) was ground ‘and mie with 20 mL 7.9 M HNO,. The mixture was ‘quantitatively transferred and fitered into a 100-m. volumetric flask. The extraction was repeated two times With 0.16M HNO, The fiter was rinsed and the solution was diluted to 100 mi with 0.16M HNO,, 'A5.00 mi aliquot ofthe solution was then transferred into a 25.0 mi volumetric flask and diluted to mark with (0.16 MHNO,. Then 2.00 mL ofthis solution was then ‘measured, placed into & 50.0 mL volumetric flask, and diluted to mark. Fe in Iron lemen Fe, ppm Absorbance 2.00 0.0776 4.00 0.1502 6.00 0.2228 8.00 0.2954 10.00 0.3680 12.00 0.4406 16.00 0.5858 Sample 0.2587 ‘Aferrous suifat tablet (100 mg elemental Fe) was ground and mised with 20 ml. 7.9 M HNO,, The mixture was ‘quantitatively transferred and fitered into a 100-mL volumetric flask. The extraction was repeated two times ‘with 0.16M HNO,. The fter was rinsed andthe solution was luted to 100 mL with 0.16M HNO, External Calibration. Fein tuted sample = 92587 = 0008 ppm Fein diluted sample = 9 0363 pm-T mb mg Fe =699 “2, x0.100 TZ *2.00mL.* 5.00mi a7.4mg Low Fe calculated compared to label + Iron forms strong complex with sulfate (not readily atomized) + Lessen sulfate interference by: + Adding a releasing agent to form complexes with sulfate + Ad protective agent (ex. EDTA) to foxm-biahl stable but volatile complex with Fe + Use higher temperature flame (oxygendacetylene or nitrous oxide d—I Fe in Multivitamins (Standard Addition) A muithitamin tablet (Sm Fe) wes Fe, ppm Absorbance —,* {ground and mixed with 20 mi 7.9 M HNO, Themsturewas quanttatvely Sample 0.4990 a transferred and filtered intoa 100-mL 2.00, 0.5721 a foe ‘volumetric flask, The extraction was ese” ‘The filter was rinsed and the solution 6.00 0.6886 03 ‘y= 0.0236x + 0.5293 ‘was diluted to 100.0 mL with0.16M 99 0.7408 a Re0s7s as aL} ore "ot ee A5.00-ml aliquot of the solution was 12.00 0.8151 e.p0m then ranserredintoeight2500mL 46.00 (0.8773 volumetric flasks, Standard Fe solution a..rosnvinsane ‘was then added to each flask to prepare solutions with various Fe concentrations. All flasks were diluted ‘to mark with 0.16 M HNO;. Fe in Multivitamins (Standard Addition) Slanderd Atomic Absorption Conditions fo .0236x + 0.5293 a i co i ten te feat) tmets .0236x + 0.5293 x= 22.4 ppm = -22.472 Ey Solve for original concentration oe oe yp at) 28mm, yypme Etec a mg Higher Fe calculated compared to label img Fe = 112" x 0.1000 L = 11.2 mg _* Concentrations are beyond working range L + Cobalt, copper, nickel reduce sensitivity + Silicon depresses signal Caffeine (ppm) 20.0 40.0 60.0 80. 100.0 Sample External Peak Area 172,223, 397,375 41,201,404.8 1,462,004.8 1,976,608 1,888,577.7 Instant coffee (0.3998 g) was placed into a small Erlenmeyer flask with 25.0 ml methanol. The © © © m w rmisture was sonicated for 5 min. to extract caffeine. = ‘The solution was fitered into a smal tes tube. A eoeioon) volume of25 mothe filtrate was transferred into a (4.888,577.7 + 360097) 465 oy 250 ml volumetric flask and lted to mark with 25367 ppm? 07 FP | the mobile phase. mg caffeine _ 4, mg , 250m gir = 9628 Som 60.2mg/a Sample Data (Internal Standard) Be ye0ansse + 00195 eos - 100 79245 04a2e 920 . 200 seats 500,147 = : | 400 grasa 577,354 bso 609 1,041,804 504,19 Fico : 800 s2672 se0,065 ow 1000 4701.400 59.712 ‘Unknown = 1,114,544 ‘589,987 e100 Instant coffee sample (04002 vee (10091 mgcaffeine gg gmg, 250mL, 250mL 1 4 asample 1 Z5m0 Na,S,O, Standardization Results Final volume of Na,S,0, (mL) 15.56 fo ene Initial volume of NaS,0, (mt) (0.00 Mya, sean “Trt Tal rna5.0, emer eel nee omc ee = shasg, = Bent, va pease r ee Myas,0, = 0.09910 M Co DO and BOD Calculations D0 =Ppm 0, as ~ Lneto Fnalvokme of 287 NaS.0, (nt) 565 __ Mva.0,% Yv 08 Frat Nae, * PW 02 1000 Taal volme of 000 NaS.05 (mL) 52 vol sample (in L) okane ot NaS, sed nt) BOD, = ppm 0; (1 day) - ppm 0, (5" day) MoartyNa,S,0, | OOBBION 308010 Vol ofwatereamgie | 800 (rt) Vol of Nn, = io Vol of Baie = (nk) aos Vol of HO, 10 (rk) aod Disohed Ong (oom DO and BOD Calculations ray ror Amoto, Muus0.*¥9a 9.02 FR FW 0, 1000 Ei PO ppm, = SD, esteem os = Nei 20, iil oane o 2 ae 80910 Manso. Toit” Tota, AL Nas. mt - = ‘volume of Na,S,0, 0.30 012 00900 mT in Y weary a5, | —eomsTo | —o00sTom ‘Vol. of water sample 30.0 0.0 20, = 793 [= 793 ppm way wo reo 5 5 , cizm, ,_tmeto soto ‘Vol. of Basic lodide: 5 6 30.0 75ne Im asies rane Yet oa 0, 2 2 raya po,=317 a7 99m Desched Ope | a ‘om DO and BOD Calculations Fal voume of| 295 535 Nei, (el) BOD, = 7.93 ppm 0, ~ 3.17 ppm 0; Inia vole ot 288 aa el Ma ae No.0, (1) ‘vou ot NaS, 030 0 BOD, = 4.76 ppm0,, ed nt) Moly NsS,0, | 009010 coo Vel ofwatrsampe| 300 wo (rt) Vol of 3 Hs 3 3 aos (0) ade Vel of 3M #50, 0 10 (rk) aes ‘Disotved Oxyeen 738 a7 ‘oom Data Table ro roe co 0.1000 3.38 0.4000 793 0.7500 1375 Unknown 9.38 ‘APAP Concentration (Unknown Solution) 9.38 WA ~ 1.6981 pA) m ‘eae Cacao nn tT = 0401 2h 15972 Ame apap (22) Determination of Acetaminophen via CV APAP Concentration (Unknown Solution) mo L ‘Sample Preparation ‘A.0,02800 g of crushed antipyretic tablet was weighed. “*APAP (Antipyretic Tablet) ‘The ground sample was dissolved in Mcllvaine buffer 9 of APAP x 100% (pH 242) and qanttatvelyanstered ino 280.0mL 9 () apa Volumetric ak. The soliton was dtd o mark os Using the blr and mixed vigorously to dissolve the 0.4812 x 500 mb x zy sample. 0.02600 9 = 85.9% APAP of ground rable x 100% Determine the %(w/w) of acetaminophen in the antipyretic tablet. Determination of Acetaminophen via CV cyclic Voltammograms 13.0 900 00 4.00 ‘pa wa) Potent ve Ainge) Data Table roo Ca Concentration cnn (0.1000 0.686 338 0.4000 o7t6 7198 (07500 0.706 1375 Unknown o710 9.38

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